#( sun and moon makes an eclipse for the earth-- )
hazard-c-horror · 2 days
Why are the astrals afraid of Hazard? XD
(I know that they are a "parasite", but they are so scrunkly at times!)
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Don’t know, maybe they just don’t like silly boi :)
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Something about you are fated to be the monster. And something about it is so easy to break a Moon
I just realised something... The main reason why Moon didn't fuck himself over that bad just like Nexus is simply because back then, he had Sun as his hatred burning passion.
He was so focused on tortured Sun while letting his Killcode activated. He had his murder as his outlet, he had Sun as his outlet. His emotions for highest and lowest still in his control because someone helped him to release it.
Because when we look at it, Nexus lost Solar just like how Moon killed these kids, killed Jonathan by accident. They both hold a lot of guilt leading them to their breakdown.
Like how Moon wanted to die to get rid of these guilts, Nexus worked himself in despair with a little sparkling of realised no matter what him do, he couldn't protect and save anyone and then end up pushing everyone away
(He killed Eclipse, Eclipse comes back. Earth lost her body when he wasn't there, Sun got kidnapped multiple times, and died in his dream. Losing Solar just a final hit in his nail.)
Because Nexus, Nexus has no one. Dude just freshed-out woke up and had to face Eclipse right after that, and then a lot of craps too. He didn't have his outlet, always has to be better than the old one. And remember, Creator builds Moon to be a monster, a beast.
And we can unclip the wing of that beast, but couldn't change his nature. We had seeb the Moon who killed his Sun, he got so bottom in his hatred. Also, Moon has left half of his issue for eclipse and kc. He has scraped one piece by piece the thing that makes him insane.
But Nexus. He is a fresh new Moon. All his problems and issues are still inside his code.
And this revives Moon, he still has his Killcode, which means, the potential of him gone bad, once again happened. Which means, if Moon doesn't go Cray Cray, he will do something worse .
So.... Murder good for your health, I guess.
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peachyfnaf · 3 days
What are your favourite TSAMS ships?
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i have a lot of ships i like! it comes with the curse/blessing of being a multishipper. but if i had to list my personal favorites... (from most obsessed to least obsessed, but rest assured, i am obsessed with them all. also sticking to just two-character ships because if i don't i will just make them all poly KSJDFHSDHF)
Solarmoon/Solarnexus (Solar x New Moon/Nexus)
Mooneclipse/Moonchips (Eclipse x Moon. I prefer V4 Eclipse x New Moon/Nexus, but am not at all opposed to V4 or any prior versions of Eclipse x Old Moon either kdfjhsfd)
Shadowplanet/Glowflower (Earth x Eclipse. Specifically V4 Eclipse x Earth, but am not opposed to V2 x Earth)
Eclipse²/Total Eclipse (Solar x Eclipse. Specifically V4 Eclipse)
Suneclipse/Sunchips (Sun x Eclipse. Prefer Sun x V2 Eclipse or Sun x V4 Eclipse)
Solarsun/Sunsolar (Solar x Sun)
Dark Sun x New Moon/Nexus (I don't know their ship name either lol. My friends have dragged me into shipping them, the bastards /aff fdkjhsdf)
and i think thats all!!! all of them that come to mind, at least. there's prolly a few that i'm missing that i just can't remember rn, but if i remember them down the line and feel like they're important enough to add, i'll edit or reblog this post w/ them .D. now. no one bully me for my opinions or i'll cry /silly
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soaked-doors · 6 months
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solar totality
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llamaisllama777 · 1 month
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... I didn't know who MUCH I needed this piece of art in my life till now! Kiwi THANK YOU FOR DRAWING THIS! This is gonna be my banner for a bit. Okay, onto the actual review. We finally got some Sun and Solar bonding moments, and I'm happy about that. I noticed a lot of people mentioned that Sun and Solar didn't really hang out a lot, and I thought "No they have to have hanged out like this before?" Well, color me surprised they didn't really hang out a lot. So, I'm glad we got an episode with just them bonding. Jack has become a stinkin' criminal. He stole a bugatti! Do you know how expensive that car is?! (Seriously, do you cause I don't.) Solar, you might want to do some reprogramming or teach Jack morals cause at this rate he'll steal the declaration of Independence! Move over, Nick Cage!
Solar is still wrapping his head around the new moon/Nexus situation, and I don't blame him. Imagine waking up from being dead only to discover your best friend/brother/cousin has become dangerously unstable and tried to kill one of your family members. Ya, you'd need a few days to process all that, too. But I'm glad Solar has Sun and the others to lean on. I am still very worried about what will happen when Solar and Nexus meet again. Pray for him y'all.
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First gaming video of the Eclipse and Puppet show! Yay! 👏 👏 👏 👏 @damien-candle did an amazing job on everyone. I love how they draw Foxy with his little scruff, and Earth just looks adorable as always. Okay, now, spoiler alert in 3..2..1
Foxy loses... as usual.
That's not much of a surprise, but what is a surprise is EARTH IS HERE! She popped by for a visit. I hope we get an episode where she explores this universe with Eclipse and Puppet. That would be fun. Eclipse is surprisingly good at Game of life. Maybe it's just luck, but my headcanon us he's just a master of all board games!
Amazing episodes today from everyone! 👏 👏
11/10 👏
I need more Marvel x TSBS art in my life.
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naffeclipse · 5 months
Okay hear me out.... Journey to west au. Sun being the monkey king from the book and Y/N a traveller. Y/N rescues him from under the mountain and he joins them in their travels. Moon is a demon that's terrorising a town until Y/N and Sun stop him. Moon then joins the two. Finally Eclipse is another demon that kidnaps Y/N in order to eat them but instead is so utterly charmed by them that he joins the party. Shenanigans ensue... Thoughts?
The great monkey king is indebted to a mortal but he has little qualms with escorting you on your travels as a way to give his thanks for rescuing him from underneath the mountain. His magic and strength are at your disposal. Strangely, you prefer traveling peacefully and quietly, avoiding trouble and helping those in need when the two of you come upon them. The monkey king thinks you are vulnerable and too trusting, and he decides to protect you at all costs.
The lunar demon does not take kindly to his mischievousness and destruction being wrought, but when you and the monkey king stop the mayhem he inflicts upon a small town, the lunar demon can't help but become amused and intrigued by a daring, bold mortal who is so calm in the face of dangerous, sharp teeth, red eye demon. He thinks you are naive and foolish, but he follows you and the monkey king because who else will watch over you at night? Who will keep you safe from the other toothy and red-eye demons?
It is not too long down the road of your seemingly endless travels that a problem arises. The monkey king and the lunar demon venture to the river to fetch you food and drink and while you toil, you feel the shadow of a great personage fall upon you before you are snatched away. You struggle and call for your dear, new friends, but the dark being smuggles you into his cave. He ties you up and leaves you on the floor of his home as he prepares to eat you. You, however, remain calm and speak with the great demon and learn he is the eclipse prince. The eclipse prince wants nothing more than to cook and devour you, but you convince him to allow you to serve him tea first. Pleased by the offer, the eclipse prince unties you. You serve him a tea you have used to comfort the monkey king and calm the lunar demon, and speak with the eclipse prince. The conversation continues until the pot of tea is gone and he tells you to prepare another, pot after pot until he is laughing and telling you that he has forgotten his hunger—your charm and allure have sated him. He will let you go and return you to your companions, but you invite him to join your company.
The eclipse prince is pleased to accept. He opens his cave and returns with you to the monkey king and the lunar demon. When you come upon them, they are furious and frantic. They act quickly to take you back and prepare to attack the one who carried you away before you calm them. The eclipse prince stands rather unapologetically as you explain that he is now joining the three of you. The lunar demon does not take kindly to this change and the monkey king hovers close to you, refusing to let you leave his sights while the eclipse prince seamlessly joins the camp and prepares a pot of tea for you to drink.
You continue your travels, glad to have such devoted company.
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possumsarenice · 11 months
It’s nice to that The Sun and Moon Show has some cis representation with Moon. I mean, he’s the only one in the entire cast, but it’s still nice
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jam-showtoonz · 3 months
Another AU? (Jack’o Moon!/Hallow!!)
⚠️TW⚠️- Abuse, Guilt Tripping, (there are possibly others- be warned!!)
(Not finished btw- but I wanted to show it before I forgot to-)
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This au is kinda dark-
Info on AU/ Story(?):-
In this au Ruin never showed up and the Bloodmoon Twins are never remade- (this also means Solars dimension doesn’t collapse and he doesn’t die)
The StitchWraith and Creator are still around-
The Creator is after Lunar because of them having Star Power. Moon decides to ask Solar to make a bodyguard for Lunar- aka Jack- to keep them and others safe. Half way through Jacks creation Earth goes missing and a virus starts going around- the effects unknown at the time.
Upon Earths disappearance- Moon starts getting more violent and rude, Lunar starts being irrational and violent- often lashing out at anyone even close to him (this includes Castor and Pollux) and Sun goes completely mute and begins distancing himself from others (he still works normally around the kids- he just doesn’t talk). Solar acts relatively the same as normal- a bit more anxious due to Moon and Lunars sudden personality shift- he always tried to reassure them that Earth is- hopefully- fine and that they’ll find her.
Monty also starts acting irrational and even goes after StitchWraith believing they took Earth. This quickly proves to not be the case and turns out StitchWraith is also looking for their sister-
Puppet and Foxy end up watching over and trying to help Monty as best they can. Worried they may go the same way as Moon and Lunar if they don’t.
Once Jack was finished Moon immediately sent them to Lunar before Jack could even meet their creator. As a result Jack has no idea who Solar is other than Moons friend. Things quickly go south from there- Lunar lashes out at Jack for every mistake they make and even blames them for Earths disappearance at times. These lash outs often get physical and led to Jack getting damaged.
Moon also takes his anger out on Jack- especially if Jack messes up- the main ‘punishments’ being- powered off (without consent/suddenly), taking out or breaking Jacks eyes/eye, breaking off limbs, and hitting with a wrench or hammer- Lunar uses similar punishments, along with throwing Jack against walls, shocking, and locking him in dark closets. Jack has a fear of small and dark places because of this.
Castor and Pollux both try and talk to Lunar about what he’s doing but it ends up leading to a fight- Castor and Pollux leave after it very angry and Lunar blames Jack for it happening. Jack truly believes it’s his fault.
Moon and Lunars actions do not go unnoticed- Solar, Puppet, Foxy and Sun all acknowledge what they are doing and try to keep Jack away from them, with great struggle. Moon doesn’t let Solar anywhere near Jack because ‘Jack isn’t important- there are better things to worry about.’
Lunar and Moon also try to keep Puppet and Foxy away- they only succeed to do so with Foxy because they were still helping Monty- Puppet on they other hand often manages to get to Jack (if for a short period of time) and does their best to fix and take care of him.
Sun has the most success with getting Jack away from them as Moon and Lunar will leave Jack with him if he ‘asks’. He often lets Puppet take them after so Jack can get out of the PizzaPlex and explore (on the times Puppet doesn’t take them he and Jack play video games together) Moon and Lunar think Puppet is taking Jack from Sun when this happens-
With how often Jack gets damaged (broken) Moon resorts to fixing them with duck tape so ‘they aren’t wasting time fixing him’, Lunar also does this- to the point Jack believes duck tape is how you fix every injury. The duck tape does work- it’s mostly used to keep Jacks arms and/or legs from falling off. If they keep falling off despite the duck tape then that’s when Moon properly fixes the issue- whilst complaining to Jack how he’s wasting his time and that they are selfish for doing so- Jack feels extremely guilty when they get repaired.
Solar ends up leaving at some point- he wanted to take Jack and Sun with him because Moon and Lunar were getting worse, and despite their attempts to help them nothing is working. Unfortunately he can’t even get close to Jack which leaves only Sun-
Sun refused however because he wanted to try and protect Jack the best he could, as well as try and fix his brothers, he did promise that once he could get Jack out and away from his brothers he will find Solar.
About 3 weeks after Solar leaves an Eclipse appears outside Suns door from no where- Sun in a panic grabs Eclipse and pulls him inside his room before Moon or Lunar can see him- which confuses Eclipse beyond belief. After Sun rather quickly signs to Moon that nothing was wrong and that he was just startled by Moons sudden appearance Sun attempts to ‘explain’ what was going on to Eclipse- which doesn’t work well because Eclipse doesn’t know sign language.
Sun ends up calling Puppet who shows up immediately upon hearing Eclipse is back. Puppet explains everything to Eclipse who gets more confused when he hears what Lunar and Moon have been doing, so much so he literally doesn’t even believe it. Puppet ends up taking Eclipse back with him so Moon and Lunar don’t find him.
Eclipse- originally planning to screw with Sun and Moon upon his return (which he doesn’t even know how he’s alive)- decides that he’d rather just leave because clearly someone did his job for him, Puppet doesn’t allow him to though, so Eclipse gets stuck with Puppet, Foxy and Monty (who is doing better at this point).
Puppet- who now has a plan on how to get Jack out- makes a deal with Eclipse. They will let Eclipse leave so long as they take and look after Jack. Eclipse declines the deal- not wanting to look after some kid- until he meets Jack.
It was complete random chance as Puppet had ended up bringing Jack to Foxy’s house because of just how badly Jack had been broken. Eclipse had been told to watch the kid because Puppet needed to grab some stuff and Foxy and Monty were out.
Jack, sat holding a plushie Puppet had given them to distract them, smiled like they weren’t missing a leg and their eye wasn’t broken and had oil leaking from it. Eclipse couldn’t help but stared at Jack- questioning what had happened and who could do something like this- his question was quickly answered the minute he asked Jack-
Who continued to smile whilst stating- ‘Moon was mad because I knocked over some board game boxes! I did not mean to!’
Puppet arrived back during this explanation and quickly got to work fixing what they could. Which was mostly just the leg. They’d have to got to parts & service to fix the faceplate and eye- which would be impossible due to Moon.
Eventually Puppet had to send Jack back- they turned to Eclipse afterwards. Eclipse immediately raised their hand to Puppet and simply said ‘deal’.
Puppet promptly got to work on their plan.
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notokbutthriving · 5 months
Lunar as the 'man in the suit'
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starheirxero · 6 months
Earth's VA clarified (very passionately and consistently) that Earth DID NOT DIE from Bloodmoon that was a MISTAKE from Sun or Moon's VA (I can't remember which 😭), technically the old body died because it was broken beyond repair but she herself was perfectly okay!! So both her and Sun are untouched by the family theme of dying. She was just badly injured!
She also said she wants it to be canon that Earth can do a backflip! :]
KC's VA touched on the question of "why didn't it fight back against Bloodmoon?" and it was simply because it didn't care to 💔
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
In lieu of KC's death, let's have some wholesome dadcode with the bean boys 💜
Head cannons or anything, we just need good KC content xD
Alrightygidn I like the idea of Bloodmoon using Killcode as some kinda teether (he doesnt need to, he just likes to bite and chew!!). Killcode can't exactly feel it so he just lets it happen. Sun and Moon hate it cause Bloodmoon try will biting everyone and everything. (He likes everyones reactions cause its usually just screaming and running or like....... Pain lol) Killcode and Lunar will get along in this au, Lunar likes to snitch on Eclipse (in a good way. Killcode knows he can't just hover over the boys all the time. He wants them to grow better as people. But also... sometimes he does need a word in about soemthing.) Lunar's probably the one to be like 'Alright now... ahve you two TALKED about the whole situation before' '....sort of' 'then maybe go do that if youre playing dad dude' '...I would... like to be a real father to them.' Earth and Killcode watching this chaos unfold really. Eclipse may REFUSE hugs but literally will sink into arms if he's tired and comfortable enough. Like mans so deprived of affection he's starving for it but too like... prideful of admitting it. (He absolutely will never tell Earth he enjoys being held by her. She's tall, soft and fluffy. He just wishes she stopped asking so many questions. Reasons why Killcode is preferred. Also because KC won't actually hand him over to anyone. Eclipse won't admit this either.) Bloodmoon being around means KC has his hands rather full (of children) at keeping them at bay. But they're willing to listen to him as of late. He just wishes Bloodmoon stopped trying to fight Eclipse (and winning). Can't hold both without them clawing at eachother. However holding One at a time (with or without Lunar actually) usually keeps them chill. Imagine ur a man who lives in an rv and u wake up to shining red eyes standing over u. Thats killcode and bloodmoon. Bloodmoon doesn't sleep much but KC has implimented a damn schedule for this guy. Makes sure he gets naps and CONSISTANT meals. KC also having new TALL body <333 Instead of Moon just giving him a back up lol. The man requested every detail.
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anxious-lee-ler · 3 months
I can't get the idea of Lee! Eclipse and Ler! Earth outta my head- they have such a good friendship, and she'd be so gentle with him. He's probably not used to tickling, knows what it is, but has never experienced it. So Earth is happy to teach him! She listens to him if he says stop, asks if he's okay, and and aaaa-! It's cute, and wholesome, and Eclipse trusts her completely- She might even teach him how to tickle as well, so we get some good ol Lee! Earth and Ler! Eclipse-!
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sen-sational · 4 months
Okay so I've been seeing a lot of art of earth and eclipse so I think they need a duo name.
Eclipse is sour, obviously because he's- sour
And earth's cream because she's sweet
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justdrawlynn11 · 2 months
So in the Sonic underground au how does being roboticized work with them already being robots? (Side note I love this au so much, Sonic underground was my favorite show growing up)
Okay, so here’s what I got for roboticization in the Celestial Underground Au. So the factor of being roboticized is in multiple levels to it.
Roboticization in the CU Au is a bit different from the original source(Sonic Underground) due to multiple factors, such as the main cast and at least over half of the population of Superstar Kingdom (yes that’s the name of the kingdom for now)being animatronics.
Roboticization physically enhances an animatronic and ‘human’ person’s body and ability, it’s like an “upgrade” of sorts.
In depth explanation below.
For humans it works the same as it did physically for any organic (there’s plenty of different animal species)characters from Sonic Underground, with all of their flesh being converted into metal.
Animatronics on the other hand, when getting roboticized, are “upgraded” to be superior to their former selves physically and strength wise.
Any clothes the roboticized wore when roboticized will also fully fuse with the “person’s” body(like the original from what I can tell), no need to change clothes when roboticized or something.
Mentally on the other hand is a different can of worms. Overall from the outside the roboticized are not their former selves, being a husk meant to fulfill either the command of the Creator or his forces, or to be ‘improvements’ of their former selves to create the Creator’s desired superior world.
For most roboticized people their former consciousness is basically in a comatose state, unaware of anything happening and basically in mental storage asleep.
Then there’s rare cases, like with the chamber that Moon was roboticized in not comatosing the former self, but them being trapped inside their own heads and forced to watch their bodies move out of their own control(the Creator made this chamber like this because Sun’s magic wouldn’t work if he was permanently comatose, he also tested it on a few people before Moon).
De-Roboticization and a bit on Sun and Moon’s powers:
First off, a character’s innate magic is separate from their magic medallions. The medallions add onto the characters magic ability but they are separate(Like hair extensions or something). Sun’s VERY powerful magic for example isn’t related to his medallion, but his magic can boost the power of his or his siblings medallions.
So for de-roboticization I need to address Sun and Moon’s medallion powers. They are the vocalists of the family and if they were to sing the theme song they couldn’t be allowed to sing together or else they’d probably explode everything(I’ll explain the siblings powers fully later and how they collaborate with each other), but alone they’re not strong enough to do more than use it as defense/offense.
BUT when their medallions(individually) are boosted with an external power they have the power to basically mentally de-roboticize someone, or at least give someone who had no control over their own body via an evil force(like possession or something) control over their body once more.
They cannot do this to each other with their own respective medallions(Sun couldn’t de-roboticize Moon with his own medallion and had to use Moon’s, same would go vice versa) so that’s why Sun needed to use MOON’S medallion to help Moon stop being trapped in his own head(they can use each other’s medallions if needed via a spell).
The magic is only the first part, as the second part of de-roboticization is allowing someone to gain full control of their body back, for example while Moon could move his body and prevent himself from actively attacking, his body was still IN attack mode and was trying its best to do as much harm as possible.
Here’s where Solar and Sun’s collaboration comes into play. Sun asked Solar for help in seeing if they could get Moon back(before Moon’s de-roboticization), and Solar agreed. So he tried his best to semi-self teach himself how to override and get rid of any influence the Creator has on a hosts body(like the coding).
Sun tried his best to help where he could and neither of them really PLANNED for Moon’s de-roboticization to happen as soon as it did(the trigger for the reunion), so Solar was working the best he could(with Nexus’ help now that Sun wasn’t hiding from the triplets and he didn’t have to keep it a secret).
They found out how to override and get rid of the Creator’s influence on a roboticized persons code and body
For the hypothetical question of ‘Why didn’t Sun or Moon use their powers to de-roboticize people before this point?’:
They didn’t know that they could just give others their free will back with extra magic for a boost, and they were trying to not get caught as well as they could and the Creator could’ve tracked them if they used enough magic to give someone their mental freedom back, and they’re probably aware that using their medallions together would cause everything to explode(or something). Sun had gone off of a last ditch effort from Solar’s hypothesis in order to try to de-roboticize Moon. Sun had told Solar about Moon’s old nightmares for potential futures(I will write about this one tomorrow), Solar then created a hypothesis based off of reversing the nature of the future Moon was so scared of that he got nightmares. And it worked.
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My little goober trying to unpack all of that after spending multiple days contemplating this topic and staying up far to long to finish answering this ask(I also went to my state fair earlier and I’ve been up for about 20 hours when I need to be fixing my sleep schedule) (@derpymuffins33)
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 3 months
I'm working on Ruin/ jigsaw
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eggnogisyummy · 4 months
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Have a page of doodles from my redemption AU lol
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