#( u can tell i dont have drafts when i answer memes so fast )
entitaem · 5 years
@lighthouscd sent:  ‘it felt like sunlight.’ / maph @ famine
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She seems to relax suddenly, from a tension that is so apart of her that is imperceptible until it’s gone. “Isn’t it such a beautiful feeling?” Uri asks, getting a nostalgic look on her face. “I remember the first time I felt sunlight.” Eons ago, at the birth of the gods, when the universe was new and hot. “I remember the first time I felt sunlight on Earth too. It changes every few millennia.” She sighs. “When I feel that warmth on my face I can forget I’m hungry for a few minutes.”
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madeworth · 5 years
SPEED: i ... uhh well it depends. if im in the zone i can volley back and forth pretty fast. but i do get tired of it after a while and there is no real formula for figuring out what a while is lol. when it comes to not being in the zone... well i take my time and only reply when i feel i can. i work 40 hrs a week at a crazy job that leaves me going fdkljdlgfdjlgf all the time but i AM on new meds that might help me be faster. so the answer is SHRUGS
REPLIES: ehhh. sometimes the shorter the better bc i like a lot of dialogue. i’ve always been like.. more screenwriter-y in the sense that if the actions are short and sweet with good dialogue then it helps me visualize it like a movie in my head. however there are times i enjoy more descriptive prose but the tone varies per thread. in general you can expect most of the narrative captured is a reflection of how ridiculous it is that donald is thor is donald, you know? so anyway whatever you wanna reply with is fine. icons? sure. no icons? also sure. idc my dudes. formatted? whatever man. 
u reply i draft until i can find it in me to reply. if u drop a thread idc. u can just tell me if u want or never reply again and i tend not to bug abt it unless we talk a lot ooc then i might be like hey yooo or whatever but even then im just like meh.
STARTERS: i do not typically write opens unless im feeling it mr. krabs. i love when i get to either send a meme and it turns into a thread or u send me a meme and make my reply a thread. it feels easiest. i live for working off prompts.
INBOX: open to whatever. ic memes are for mutuals only. everything else is fair game for other blogs. i reserve the right to be like lol nah and delete an ask.
SELECTIVITY: so what i typically do is look at the blog and look for rules and good bio page of some sort. without those things, the bio page for OCs in particular, im like lol nah. if i think ur writing and mine won’t mesh well i might not follow back. if i think ur character and mine won’t work out well i won’t follow. like idec if ur my best bud, if u muse is mr. so and so and im not feelin it for thor im not gonna follow. i support u my dudes but from a healthy dash experience distance. anyway that said if we write and ur like “bro u should check out my writing partner” and give me suggestions i dont mind checking them out. 
WISHLIST: dang i wish i could come up with like... a running arc of a story i could play through out this blog with all characters... idk, it’s mostly on me to come up with something good. my other wish is for ppl who have read my bio and understand who my thor is to show that they know that thru what their character observes abt thor. like ppl who come in writing against me thinking this is regular thor make me :( 
HONEST NOTE: i am on new medication that has changed my mood/ability to stay up and do things like crazy. so far so good but i can’t predict how i’ll settle into it. it’s only been about two weeks. if it remains good then i might be around as much as possible but there are def. times when i’ll be absent as fuck for a week or something 
u can ask for my discord but tbh i dont chat a lot and i feel like a jerk sometimes bc its def been pointed out that i dont always like... ask if ppl are ok to talk abt a thing or see an image before i send them so i try REALLY hard to be cognizant of that and to respect boundaries. sometimes its just easier to chill and shut up idk. don’t take me being quiet as a sign of hating u, it just means im doin me and i dont got nothin much to say.
TAGGED BY: @nolaroots TAGGING: whoever
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