#(+ gal. But even if I am writing her as bi explicitly I am not necessarily interested oc/self insert stuff for her at this point in time. +
piningpercussionist ยท 9 months
here's two songs about you, review them, don't, up to you. i personally think they're pretty nice and a fitting tribute to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ChY-lq88Gs 'Kim Pine' by The Barking Gugs. AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjy7LpqCirI 'Kim Pine' by Sitting In An Elevator. -signed, that guy who said he had a crush on you. *enclosed is a small, decently drawn hand-painted painting depicting two figures, one with red hair, presumably Kim. dancing under the stars, in the snow. and a pair of carved, emerald studded drumsticks, with a small pine tree engraved on each, and a small sleeve of Golden Oreos.*
*Kim appears uncomfortable, but again, she pockets the Oreos before setting the other items aside, grimacing.*
People write songs about me? Why? I'm not-
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*She takes a deep breath; deciding to listen to the songs before saying anything further, she types up the links into her PC. She listens to both, expression shifting between various stages of grief. Eventually the second song ends, and she spends a moment tapping her fingers against her desk, unsure if she should curb her response.*
... Not really my kind of music. Of the two, I guess I prefer the second? Not really sure I'm comfortable with the sentiments being expressed by men I don't think I've ever spoken to once in my life...
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*Her right eye twitches slightly, the corner of her mouth curling in displeasure.*
Look, guy, I appreciate that you like me, but this is... wildly uncomfortable to experience. I mean, you've been pretty nice, really, and thank you for the gifts and all, but... I don't know you. You know to expect nothing, right?
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If necessary, I will kick your ass, and I won't feel very badly about it. Hell, I'd use the drumsticks you just gave me to do it.
Just... keep that in mind, I guess. Tred lightly.
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