#(<- my cat hit my phone and the mike wheeler tag turned in this so i'll keep it)
aidyaiden · 1 year
day 3 yayayayay
i'm happy of what i did with the theories of mike's unset letter(s) and theyre signed "love, mike" yk 🙊
ik my mind it what related to birthday gate or whatever it is so yeah :')
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steveshcrringtons · 5 years
Holding Out For a Hero - Pt.1
pairing: Steve Harrington x OC (Kat Henderson) eventually
warning(s): uhhhh….none other than this being complete garbo
Word count: 2618
Author’s Note: Welp, I didn’t think I was going to ever write anything for my Stranger Things OC, but here I am being garbage all because I listened to Holding Out For a Hero and got some inspiration. Soooooo here’s part one of what was supposed to be a short Drabble and is now turning into a multipart “Drabble” series
tagging: @spider–bae
Summary: Kat Henderson gets sucked into the world of the interdimensional once again because of her little brother. However, this time she’s also got to deal with none other than Steve “The Hair” Harrington.     
Kat sighed as she pulled out the box of Meow-mix from the cabinet before handing it to her mom, knowing that it was time to feed Mews. Her mom started to call out for Mews while pouring out the cat food. Kat looked around the kitchen with a confused look on her face. Normally, the moment the box was shook, Mews came running to eat, but now she was nowhere to be found.
“Mews, come on it’s time to eat.” Kat called out as she looked down the hallway.
She heard the front door open and close before her mom greeted her brother. Kat soon came face to face with her younger brother, “Hey, Dus, have you seen Mews? It’s time for her to eat, and she’s not coming out.”
Kat barely got a look of recognition from her brother before he spoke as he opened his bedroom door, “Nope haven’t seen her.” He said quickly before practically shutting the door in her face.
She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the door now in front of her. Something seemed off with her brother and she didn’t know what it was, but she wasn’t going to press him about it. Instead, she headed back to her room to do her homework for the night, hoping that Mews came around soon or else her mom was going to go insane.
After about a half hour of doing her homework, she decided on a snack before heading out into the kitchen to see Dustin on the phone talking to someone while her mom watched,
“Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. All right this was great. Thank you. All right. Have a good one. Bye-bye now. All right. You too.” He paused as he turned to their mom, a small smile on his face as he spoke, “All right great news.”
“They found her?” Their mom asked, holding back tears.
“No, but they saw her wandering around Loch Nora.”
That was all it took for their mom to lose it and start crying, “How did the poor baby get all the way out there?”
“I don’t know. Lost I guess.” Dustin replied, holding onto her arms, “But they’re gonna look for her. And I’ll stay here just in case they call again. And you’re gonna go help look. Yeah? Yeah?” He questioned as he pulled their mom in for a hug, “All right, give me a hug. Go get her.” When they pulled away, he smiled, “You’re gonna find her alright?”
She nodded before giving a weak smile through her tears, “Okay.”
“We can find her.” Dustin stated, giving two thumbs up as their mom started to gather her things.
Kat raised her eyebrows at how soothing and calm Dustin was being. Normally, he was never like this. She knew that there was something up, but she wasn’t sure what it was.
“We can find her.” Their mom replied, putting her sunglasses on.
“I love you.” Dustin said, blowing her two kisses.
“She’ll be okay, Mom, I love you.” Kat stated, earning a quick look from her brother.
“I love you both.” She replied as she hesitantly walked out the door.
“Alright, go.” Dustin said with a smile.
She gave a nod before closing the door. Once she had, Dustin wasted no time walking away from the door and phone and searching around the house.
“Care to tell me what’s actually going on? Where’s Mews, Dustin?” Kat asked as she followed her little brother around the house as he gathered a bunch of random supplies.
“Can’t you go somewhere else? I’m a little busy right now, Kat.” Dustin grumbled.
Kat flinched at the harshness in his voice. Dustin was never like that with her ever. The two were thick as thieves, and they never fought.
“No, Dustin, I can’t go anywhere else. Something is wrong. I’m your sister, just tell me what’s going on.”
“Nothing is going on, Kat, just drop it.”
Kat glared before she grabbed her brother’s arm, stopping him from moving any further down the hallway,
“Dustin! Tell me what’s going on. Now! You and I don’t lie to each other. That’s our thing! Now, tell me what happened or I swear to God, I’ll figure it out myself.”
Dustin sighed before he nodded and began to speak. She stayed silent as he informed her all about Dart and what exactly he was, or becoming. Kat knew all about the crazy shit that happened last year with Will. She hadn’t been hugely involved, but Dustin needed someone to talk to about everything, so he told Kat everything. She had a hard time believing it at first, but she knew that Dustin wouldn’t lie to her, so she had no other choice than to believe him.
Once Dustin finished talking, Kat sighed before she rubbed her temples,
“Sometimes I wonder about you, child.” She stated before she clapped her hands together, “Alright, let’s wrangle this thing.”
Dustin nodded before continuing his search for everything that he needed. The two didn’t speak as Kat helped him with his search, tossing him a package of bolognue from the fridge.
After burying Mews’ body, and cleaning the blood, for the most part, out of Dustin’s room, Kat was beyond tired. She opted to stay behind at the house in case Dart tried to escape while Dustin rode his bike to Mike’s house to get his help. Apparently, Mike would know what to do, and nobody else was picking up on Dustin’s code red he kept sending out, so they didn’t have many choices left.
It had gotten dark by the time Kat had heard any resemblance of Dustin coming home. She looked out the front door when she heard a car pull up, fearing it was their mother. However, the BMW parked outside did not belong to the woman Kat grew up calling mom. Instead, Steve “The Hair” Harrington got out of the driver’s seat with Dustin following closely behind. Kat frowned in confusion as she walked outside,
“What the hell is, Steve Harrington doing here, Dustin?” Kat asked, crossing her arms.
“He’s here to help, Kat.” Dustin replied as Steve opened up his trunk, tossing Dustin the keys to the car before he grabbed something out of it.
When the truck door closed, Kat could see he was holding a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.
“Hey, Kitty Kat.” Steve said with a smirk, causing Kat to roll her eyes.
She and Steve had never been ones to see eye-to-eye on anything. He was the King of Hawkins High, and he made sure that everyone knew it. He thought he was hot shit, and Kat didn’t take any of his crap, causing the two to butt heads quite frequently. Kat’s friends constantly said that her resentment toward him was that she was mad that he picked Nancy Wheeler over her. Her friends never let Kat live down the fact that she had a massive crush on him freshman and sophomore year.
Kat neared the two, a glare set on Steve as she walked to them, “You really think a baseball bat with nails is gonna take this thing down? It ate our cat.” She stated, eyeing Steve up and down.
“It took down a fully grown one, so I think I’ll be fine, but thanks for the concern, Kitty Kat.” Steve replied with another smirk.
“Hi, we don’t have time for your guy’s sexual tension. Can we please move on?” Dustin seethed as he pulled the two over to the storm cellar.
Kat and Steve both shared the same look of disgust at her brother’s words, but kept quiet as they followed him over. The three of them stood hesitantly in front of the doors, waiting to hear something before Steve spoke,
“I don’t hear shit.” He stated.
“He’s in there.” Kat replied, attitude lacing her voice, “I watched Dustin put him in there.”
Steve looked over at the siblings before he tapped his bat lightly on the storm doors. He waited for a moment before he brought the bat up and hit the doors harder, causing Kat to jump slightly at the noise. There was a moment of silence before Steve turned, sticking the flashlight in Dustin’s face.
“Alright, kid, listen, I swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you’re dead.” He threatened.
Kat glared at the brunette before taking a step closer, ready to come to her brother’s defense.
“It’s not.” Dustin stated, “It’s not a prank. Get it out of my face.” He squinted to keep himself from being blinded.
“You got a key for this thing?” Steve asked, nodding his head at the storm cellar.
Kat took another step forward, shoving the flashlight out of Dustin’s face before she handed Steve the key to the lock.
He didn’t say anything to her as he took the key from her hand, quickly unlocking the chains and pulling the storm doors open. Kat and Dustin were sure to stand back away from the doors. Dustin pointed the flashlight down the steps, noticing that there was no dart. Steve quickly took the flashlight from Dustin’s hand before he shined it around to see more of the stairs,
“He must be further down there.” Dustin stated softly, “I’ll stay up here in case he tries to escape and go after my sister.”
Steve looked up at Dustin with an annoyed look before he looked back down at the stairs. He stood up slowly before he hesitantly headed down the stairs, bat tightly in his hand as he walked down. After a few moments of silence, Dustin spoke up, inching toward the doors. Kat followed closely behind.
“Steve?” Dustin asked nervously, “Steve, what’s going on down there?”
“Harrington, you okay?” Kat followed up.
Suddenly, there is a light in Dustin and Kat’s face, causing both of them to jump, grabbing each other’s hands before they realized that it’s Steve.
“Get down here.” Steve said.
Dustin and Kat slowly walked down the stairs to join Steve. Dustin’s face dropped when he noticed what Steve was holding on the end of his bat,
“Oh shit.” Dustin stated.
“What the hell is that stuff?” Kat asked as she tried to inspect it more.
“It’s Dart’s skin.” Dustin replied quickly before he turned to Steve.
Steve moved the flashlight to the corner of the room where there was a hole in the wall. Kat’s eyes practically bugged out of her head at the sight before Dustin spoke again.
“Oh shit!” He yelled.
“Where do you think it leads?” Kat asked curiously.
“Who knows.” Dustin grumbled before turning back to the door.
“Well it’s too dark now to try and find him. We can try tomorrow. We need to get some sleep.” Kat stated, putting her arm around her brother. She paused before turning to Steve, “I can make you a bed on the couch.”
“There’s no need. I can just head home. It's no big deal.” Steve replied as the three walked out of the storm cellar.
Kat shook her head before she spoke, “Not up for debate. Come on, Harrington.”
He sighed before nodding, following the Henderson siblings inside their house. Kat told Dustin to sleep in her room, so he didn’t have to inhale the bleach from cleaning the floor the entire night. She brought some extra blankets out from the hall closet and her bedroom before she made up the each couch for her and Steve.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” Steve stated as he stared at the couch.
Kat shrugged before she finished setting up her bed, “It’s fine. If that thing comes back for seconds, at least you’re closer to the door.” She replied, a small teasing tone in her voice.
She didn’t give him any time to respond before heading into the bathroom to change into her pajamas. When she returned to the living room, she noticed that Steve had gotten into his makeshift bed already. She was quick to flip out the light before making her way over to the couch where she set up her bed. Kat tried to feel around as she maneuvered her way through the dark, her eyes not yet adjusted, before she tripped on a stray shoe, losing her balance and falling onto a couch.
However, the couch she hoped to fall on was not the one she needed. There was an “oof” mixed with a groan as Kat fell on top of Steve,
“I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” Kat asked instantly as she scrambled to get off of Steve.
“I’m fine. Are you okay?” He questioned.
“Yeah.” She replied as she stood, moving to her couch.
She was really glad the lights were off so he couldn’t see how red her face was from the situation. She got under the blankets and got comfortable as she took a breath,
“Night, Harrington.”
“Good night, Kitty Kat.”
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