#(💬) ➶ 。˚ °┊ answered !
wandagcre · 5 months
then it's not only my blood that the scarlet witch can suck...
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uravichii · 9 months
no thoughts just forcefully sitting bf!shinsou down and teaching him chemistry for 3 hours bc you swear it's the most effective method of studying. he's extremely reluctant at first but later finds himself smirking at you.
"y/n, i really didn't sign up for this, but if you're looking this hot teaching me, then i fck with it. teach me the whole thing?"
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toniiswrld · 13 days
taking a semi break from writing for riize 😁 i just haven’t been feeling inspired writing for them and once again seunghan not being apart of the new cb is throwing me off and i cant really be excited about anything they do. ik i took a break before but im really standing on it this time ^_^
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shxtodxroki · 1 month
hi bee <3
i hope you're doing well babe and happy (early i think) birthday!
i am so excited to participate in another one of your events you have no idea
and this is such a great conccept ??? genius i love it and now i'm craving ice cream at 4.30 am
i'm all for surprises so i'm thinking
haikyu (shocking ik)
cookie dough and M&Ms
i feel like it's a great combination and i can't wait to see who and what it corresponds to
𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝-𝙲𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙱𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘 <𝟹
Cookie Dough Ice Cream: What their meet-cute would be
Haikyuu - M&Ms: Koutaro Bokuto
Summary: Two different scenarios of what a meet-cute would be like featuring you and the one and only Koutaro Bokuto <3
Warnings: Possibly inaccurate descriptions of the gym but I did my best lol
Pairing: Koutaro Bokuto x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Check out this birthday event here for request rules if you’d like to participate!
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- Bokuto is absolutely the kind of guy you’d see in a meet-cute romcom omg he’s so perfect for this prompt <3
- Okay so I’m thinking of two adorable meet-cute scenarios with him so I’ll include both for both my gym lovers and those like me who aren't very frequent gym attendees
- So option one would be meeting him at the gym - you have a day off, so you decide to head over to get a bit of a work-out in, and as you make your way over to your machine of choice you catch sight of the absolute cutest man you have ever laid eyes on
- He’s bench-pressing and he’s sweaty and a bit red and yet he’s absolutely gorgeous to the point where you can’t seem to keep your eyes off him
- You literally stop in the middle of your walk without realizing it, only snapping back into reality when some rude passerby shoulder-checks you as you feel heat rush to your face at the realization that you had been blatantly staring at the gorgeous stranger
- Thankfully he seems very immersed in his work-out and doesn’t seem to notice, so you make your way over to your machine of choice while trying to let go of the embarrassment of acting like a lovestruck schoolkid and stopping to gawk at a stranger
- Your work-out goes on as planned after that, giving you the solitude and energy you need to get through the remainder of your tasks for the day as you wipe down your machine and prepare to leave and move on to the next item on your mental checklist
- But then as you’re leaving the super cute guy from before walks up to you and starts rambling a mile a minute, leaving you struggling to even process the flurry of words that are leaving his mouth
- “Hi I saw you earlier and thought you were gorgeous so I wanted to ask for your number but I was with my friend and he said that would be creepy and you might feel cornered or something so I figured I’d ask while you were leaving so you can walk away if you’re uncomfortable but you really are super hot and I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me?”
- And once you’ve had a moment to process all the words he just rapid-fired at you, you feel your face heating up even more than when you had been staring at him, and you just barely catch sight of a man with spiked black hair covering one of his eyes shaking his head in embarrassment to the side of your new gym crush as you attempt to find words for a response that wouldn’t make you seem like an absolute fool
- Eventually, you manage to spit out a somewhat casual-sounding “That sounds really nice” in response, your heart fluttering rapidly at the way his mouth spreads into a sunshine-esque grin as he scrambles to give you his number
- Sweet Bokuto was blissfully unaware that you had been borderline ogling him earlier, too, since he hadn’t been looking around in that moment and had been focused entirely on his workout, but when you two have been on a few dates you finally decide to mention it and the thought that you found him cute too just makes him so giddy it’s absolutely adorable <3
- Now if you’re not particularly interested in the gym, Bokuto would be one of those airport boys instead (I hope y’all know what I’m talking about and understand the unique spark of seeing someone cute at the airport lol) except the two of you actually connect and don’t just glance wistfully at one another before never interacting again
- You’re both waiting in an airport terminal for a criminally early flight, Bokuto for one of his team’s matches while you’re going to visit some of your loved ones
- And you’re both dressed in pajamas/comfy clothes and struggling to keep your eyes open at this hour - Bokuto in particular is all cranky because he hates being up so early and he’s not even traveling with anyone so he has no one to talk to to help him stay awake :<
- But as the two of you sit there in the terminal with half-lidded eyes in direct opposite seats, you catch sight of one another and accidentally make eye contact and it’s pretty much love at first sight oml you both think the other looks so adorable with their tired eyes and cozy clothes
- And usually Bokuto’s easily the kinda guy who would approach someone he’s interested in, but it’s so early and he’s so tired that his brain isn’t really working properly and he can’t even think of what to say to you, you’re just so gorgeous
- And you’re sitting across from him, sneaking glances but thinking that there’s no way anything could happen since you don’t even know if he lives here or is currently traveling back home somewhere else, so you don’t see the point of making a move
- But eventually Bokuto finds his opportunity, when he sleepily makes his way over to the bathroom and stops at a vending machine on his way back only for the machine to dispense two packets of his favorite chips by mistake - causing the gears to finally begin working inside his brain until a tired but distinctly and brightly Bokuto grin makes its way across his face
- And he makes his way back to where he had been sitting in the terminal while sporting that same grin, outstretching his hand towards you once he’s close enough to reach you as he offers you the spare bag of chips
- “Hey, that machine over there accidentally gave me an extra bag of chips, do you want it? I’d love to share my good fortune with the cutest person in this airport.” He offers with a silly grin on his face, one that makes your heart pound even as you try to tell yourself to be rational
- His flirting is a bit clumsy due to the early hour, and you’ve already reasoned with yourself why asking out a stranger in the airport who may not even live in the same country as you is a bad idea, but the look on his face as he offers the snack to you is just so endearing that you can’t help but take the bait, gently grabbing the bag from his hands with a soft, sleepy smile and a thank-you
- Of course, Bokuto sees this as his “in”, and as he sit back down in his spot across from you he manages to strike up a conversation - asking about why you’re traveling to your destination and going from there as he somehow manages to brush away your tiredness and ignite an incredibly pleasant interaction with you
- With him the time seems to fly by and before you know it, you’re finally preparing to board your flight, a surprisingly heavy disappointment settling in both of your chests at the thought of not seeing one another again despite only meeting an hour or so prior after having such a lovely conversation together
- But in your conversation you had learned that he did in fact live in your home country and was only traveling for work, so though the idea still has you a bit hesitant, you decide to push past your nerves and ask for his number, which he happily types into your phone while including a stereotypical and incredibly flirty heart beside his contact name 
- From there the rest is history, falling for Bokuto is so incredibly easy since he’s the kind of person who can draw anyone in and keep eyes and heart effortlessly captivated, but he knows from that first day in the airport that you’re the one he wants to dedicate his own heart to in return as his feelings morph from puppy love for you into something much, much greater <3
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A/N: Aaaa first of all thank you for the well wishes and the happy birthday, today was actually my birthday and I’m really happy with how it went :> And I hope you’re doing well too! I’m so glad you liked the event hehe I had so much fun putting it together, and I was STOKED that Bokuto was the first request since he’s one of my all-time favs :> I hope you guys enjoyed this, I decided to extend my birthday event a few days since it took me so long to start on it so requests are now open until the end of May 20th, so get in your event requests if you have any, as well as any regular requests you may have! :D
Taglist: @ace-lavender
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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jeanette-luminia · 1 year
Hey can you do a Larissa x femreader where reader insecurities get the best of her (age gap and how she looks maybe) and Larissa being stressed with work just push her more down to that hole and theres no happy ending...... sorry i just want to have a good cry
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || 𝑳𝑨𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑺𝑨 𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑴𝑺
a/n: I didn't expect requests to be quite overwhelming but I love it! I had fun writing this cuz I love angst, thank you anon. &lt;3
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“Doesn’t it feel weird?” your friend, Aera, said out of nowhere. Confused, you stopped drinking your coffee and tilted your head, pushing her to continue.
“I mean, Larissa’s older than you,” she said. You gripped your cup a little too hard as you kept still in your seat.
Don’t start this again.”
“I’m only stating my opinion.”
“Well, some opinions should be kept inside.” your anger was seeping, feeling your head boiling. “Y/N, she’s 43, you’re 24. Shouldn’t you be with someone who’s… I don’t know, a closer to your age?” she tried to reason.
“So what? I love her, and we’re both adults.”
“Jesus Christ, when was the last time she actually paid attention to you?” you stopped. People around you always talk about that feeling when they realize something big. When they froze. When they felt like time suddenly stopped. The feeling of your heart sinking. You were sure yourself you wouldn’t have to feel that. Everything was okay. You and Larissa are okay.
Yet you sit still, feeling your stomach drop, it almost made you sick. Everything around you was a blur. You felt your heartache, reaching your fingertips. Usually, you like the feeling of it while reading a sad book that made you sob. But at this moment, it hurts.
“S—she’s just busy.” You tremble.
“That’s bullshit. You’re forgetting that you’ve complained to me that your girlfriend hasn’t been giving you attention.”
You looked at Aera. “how much?”
“How much what?” she looked puzzled.
“How much have I been complaining?”
“...” she stared at you for a moment, before taking a deep breath. “At least every other day for weeks.” you bring your hand to your face, and you took a shaky breath as you feel an overwhelming emotion take over you. 
“Listen, I’m not saying this just because I want to ruin your relationship, because I know you love her so much and that you are happy with her. But for fuck sake know your worth.” She took your hand.
“You should be with someone who will be there when you need them. I understand that she’s busy but avoiding you isn’t the answer. You should be with someone who will make time for you and is younger than her. ”
You wipe the tear that has slipped, composing yourself. “I’ll talk to her.”
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You walked along the corridor, the sun was setting, and the students has retreated to their own dorm rooms. You were sure Larissa was still on her desk. Seemingly enough, you were right.
You walked in quietly, wanting to get this over with as your heart pound like someone is playing the drums. Larissa didn’t even look up to see who entered, her eyes is glued to her laptop screen.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me, love.”
“How many times will I tell you to knock before coming inside?” she briefly looked in your direction before going back to typing on her laptop. She was annoyed and her patient was running on thin ice.
You thought about backing away, letting this conversation be discussed at another time. But here you are, standing in front of her desk.
“We need to talk.”
She paused, looking up at you. You saw how annoyed she was, being disturbed by her work. It’s just like how your parents look at you.
“We can talk later, dear.” she pushed away.
You shook your head. “No. Let’s talk now.”
She sighed and massage the bridge of your nose. “What?”
You looked down, feeling an overwhelming anticipation rise up from your body. You took a deep breath before saying: “You haven’t paid attention to me.” you felt your anxiety rise, and words end up in a whisper at the end.
You heard her chuckle, and you heard your heart crack.
“Y/N, that's all you want to talk about?”
“Y–yes but-”
“I’ve been busy, my dear. Running an entire school with supernatural teenagers is harder than your job.” she gritted her teeth, holding her anger. She’d been stressed by the recent activities. Wednesday has been causing trouble all over town and Sheriff Galpin has been complaining none stop.
Her anger wasn’t towards you, she just has a lot going on right now.
You felt anger bubbling all over you. “Even so, you should take a break and maybe spend time with me.”
“Not everything is about you.”
“Oh really? Coming from the person who just said that running an entire school with supernatural teenagers is harder than my job.” You retorted. You had enough of her little act.
“You know what I mean.”
“No! I don’t get what you mean! Why is work more important to me? I understand that you are keeping the school working but you need a break as well and I—”
You jumped as she slammed her hand on her desk, flinching away as she rose from her seat. “You’re acting like a child Y/N! You need to grow up and realize that not everything is about you!”
You’re acting like a child Y/N. she thinks you’re just a child. Just like everyone thinks of you being in a relationship with her. 
You’re too young for her.
She’ll think you're a child.
She will have power over you.
She’s too old to be your partner.
Suddenly you feel tears in your eyes, your lips wobble in fear of her hurting you much more than she’s hurting you right now. You felt as if your heart was broken, broken into a million pieces. Maybe she wasn’t for you, you were just forcing it to work out.
Larissa paused, witnessing the damage she just caused. Your figure trembles as she towers over you. Your tears uncontrollably fall. You shield yourself against hers. She realized she became the monster she promised not to.
“Love, I–”
She walked towards you, but you backed away. “You have no idea how much I’ve endured just to keep our relationship,” you said. “You have no idea how much I’ve heard people say how I should date people around my age. People say that I’m way too younger for you or you’re way too old for me. How you’ll think of me as a child.” you let everything out. The anger, the pain, the insecurities.
“I felt insecure about our relationship and you weren’t there for me! For us!” you cried, not caring about how loud you were being. “You’re always at work. I’m busy with work too but I make time for you. I wished that if I make time for you, you’d do the same.” you bring up a hand to cover your face. Your voice became hoarse and trembling.
“I guess I’m just a child.”
Her heart stung from the word she said. “No no no, you’re not a child, I was just stressed and was caught up with work.” she tried to reason out.
“Please love, I’m sorry I– I’ll make time for you. I promise. I’ll clear my schedule—”
“Too late.” she paused.
“... what?”
“Let’s end this Larissa,” you said, as you stared at her. “No please, Y/N. I’d do anything just don’t go—I’ll make time for you. Please love.” tears swell up in the corner of her eye. She wants you to stay. She needs you to stay. You were her home. The sole reason why she comes home.
“Goodbye Larissa.” You whispered, walking away from the distraught figure who is still trying to process everything.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m so sorry.” she cried out. Her knees gave in as she falls to the ground. As she heard the door close, she looked. You weren’t there anymore. You left her.
She cried that night, drinking a whole bottle of champagne. Burring her sorrow as she cried herself to sleep, hoping it was just a bad dream, and that you’d be there to comfort her when she wakes up.
You weren’t there anymore. She patted the empty side of her bed, realizing that you had left her. She cried that day, she couldn’t bring herself to go to work.
You were her last love. While she was just a love passing by, she was your second love. The love that hurts the most.
She watches you from afar. Dancing with your partner, in a beautiful white lacy dress and a veil on your hair. You were with the lover you deserve, the one who won’t be the reason she cries, the person who will make you happy, the person who will be there for you like she wished she was there.
Watches through the shadows. She brings her hand up to her neck, fidgeting with the necklace with a ring on.
It’s a bittersweet feeling, she still loves you. She never stopped loving you. She planned to propose to you after every workload she had. While trying to finish everything as early as possible, she ends up hurting you. Tears fell down her face, laughing at herself.
She would have been the one dancing with you right now.
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© 𝐋𝐔𝐕-𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐃 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate. please ask me first then credit me once you shared my work to other platforms.
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2-dsimp · 23 days
He wouldn't be into me (╥﹏╥)
Not trying to be rude or anything, but what would his opinion be on trans guys that don't plan on getting any surgeries?
Cause that's basically mee—
Nokka is a simple guy, so to state it bluntly he wouldn’t really have much of an opinion. If you mention that you’re a trans man or even a trans woman. He’ll take your word for it without no further questions asked. Regardless of whether or not there was a surgery included.
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𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦?
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𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.
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Hello everyone! My name is Pucca, I'm 27 years old and I go by she/her. I've had 7+ years of roleplay experience, and have already tried rping as Hamilton a few times before. I am from Turkey.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, from anons to threads to asks to NSFW. NSFW will be present on this blog, so though I can't keep minors away, do have the caution.
I will have two verses for hamilton. Before the war and after the war. So, young Alex and middle aged alex. They will both be tagged, which means his age will differ between RP to RP.
I will do my best to do him justice and be as historically accurate as possible, as far as my knowledge goes. I'm not so keep on history, but I do my researches, and I'm studying Alex's character to make sure I don't say anything out of pocket or something that doesn't fit him. If you see me post anything that you feel like doesn't fit his character, please tell me. I encourage it! I would love help on this, since again, I'm not even American nor do I love history all that much. So feel free to correct me!
Rest are basic roleplay rules, y'know, don't spam, respect, don't pester me, all that good stuff. I hope we have fun!
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Python with a Naga reader?
Maybe he gets lost in a jungle and finds a very long, sleepy(and muscular) Naga man
Python was lost and with no way to contact the 141, he knew that very clearly. They had all been separated when a mission went awry, all of them forced to run off in separate directions. His radio was useless, only thing he could hear when he tried it was static, his map was nowhere to be found.
All he had was his sidearm and his medical bag.
But at least he wasn't lost in a forest, because then he'd have to worry about bears and he was terrified of bears.
So he trudged on, knowing his situation definitely could be worse. As he was walking, he tripped over something long and large.
He fell onto the jungle floor, grunting loudly as he hit the ground. He managed to push himself up onto his hands and knees, turning around to see what he had tripped over.
"Holy shit," he murmured, his eyes widening underneath his black balaclava and mask. He was staring at a sleeping Naga, a real-life Naga.
He had heard countless of myths about the divine beings but to see one with his own eyes? Well, he surely must be fucked, considering he tripped on a Naga.
His panic increased when he saw you waking up and he scrambled to be out of reach. "Shit, I'm so sorry. I was walking, I didn't see you, and I tripped," he blurted out. "I'm so sorry, please don't kill me!"
You rubbed your head, blinking your bleary eyes open wide to chase away the sleepiness. You managed a small, warm smile. "It's okay, accidents happen."
"You... You're not mad?" He asked, his suspicions rising on instinct.
"I'm not mad, though you do seem lost," you said, unfurling and slithering upwards until you were fully upright.
Python nodded, his eyes on you. He couldn't believe you were real, and hot. "Yeah, I'm lost."
Your forked tongue flicked out, smelling for any predators nearby. When you were sure there were no predators, you said, "I'll take you to my cave, since the sun is setting. It's better than you roaming around all night, not knowing where to go. I also have some maps you can use."
Python was wary of you, of course he was. But he also didn't like his chances if he decided to fight you or run. So he settled for following after you, watching you slither to the direction of your cave.
Yeah, the 141 definitely weren't going to believe this when he reunited with them.
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mondaymelon · 4 months
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there I’m actually studying for once I have a math test on monday..math is 2nd period for me
just taking a quick break and my rushed handwriting looks like shit
we absolutely love my math teacher eugh
- 🥦
your handwriting looks so tasty.
let me just take a bite outta that paper let me utilize my chompers to chew that slim sheet let fit my laughing gear around that portion
you go ceneid!! make sure to take lots of breaks and drink water, get some rest if you can. don't be an idiot and get sick again. like me. ahahsafds. dies.
( sfjasdkfj i have math fourth hour and i think my math teacher is actually insane cause he's talked about a medical history of insane people in his family he said that people who think they arent insane are insane then proceeded to tell us that he wasn't insane, we were the crazy ones here )
i actually love him though hes so silly !!!
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taruruchi · 2 months
What is this man's job. What does he do in the IPC. Please the wiki isn't telling me anything
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00127am · 6 months
first of all I’m loving your smaus. they’re so funny and I love the vibe you create between the characters that’s both real and entertaining ♡ I find it really difficult to find smaus with adult characters that feel like adult characters and not just high school students pretending to be in college so hats off to you ! I was curious if you had any recs for any other writers as well. hope you have the best day !!
omg this is so sweet (╥﹏╥) i have the same issue when it comes to smau and fics in general and tried to avoid it in my own works so it makes me so, so happy to hear that i was successful!
in terms of recs here are some of my favorite creators that i feel really capture the personalities of the members and whose writing overall just makes me giggle and kick my feet:
⟢ @nsheetee sadly they closed their blog :( but i love their work to this day! ⟢ @ohmygs-blog her texts make me feel so delusional it's so bad for me ⟢@haespoir SO FUNNY like i'm always cracking up when i read her stuff ⟢ @hugs2doie lore accurate dreamies fr also just so kind?? like i'm so gagged that they keep up with my doyoung fic ⟢ @suzayaaa another one who makes me feel like i'm in a parasocial relationship with ncity ⟢@xrenjunniesx just beautiful writing makes me feel like i'm in high school again (?) like very youthful! ⟢ @jammingjaem fake texts that give me literal butterflies like it's so serious for me, we're actually moots and when i saw that follow notif i almost shat myself fr ⟢ @misted-dream another moot whose work is SO UNDERRATED??? like i scratch at the walls and run around on all fours when i'm reading her stuff also just so sweet! ⟢ @marksmelodies my first fake text love! ceo of mark texts/works!
i hope you find their work enjoyable and i hope mine continues to be something you like! have a great day too and thank you for supporting me! ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
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Modern/human au where Charlie, Angel and Vaggie have a band together and they call it "Charlies Angels"
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cursingtoji · 6 months
“i deserve it” cause:
a- im going to be on my period soon
b- im on my period
c- i just ended my period
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lpsotd · 9 months
What are you?
i am just a little boy
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nervocat · 5 months
i’m so sorry for butting in but omg it’s really cool that you hunt,, though i don’t myself, i’d love to for food one day — i’ve wanted to for a long time but physical issues have held me back 😭 what kind of deer do you/have you typically hunted? i collect bones and i nearly got my hands on a roe deer skull once but i wasn’t able to 💔💔
It sucks tho that your physical issues have prevented you, it's so fun to hunt honestly you just have to have the patience for it (which I have surprisingly since I don't have patience for pretty much everything)
shortened AGAIN because of my long rambles 😭😭
But the deer that me and my family hunt are white-tail deer and my parents went to Nebraska a couple years a go and my dad almost got a HUGE buck but it wouldn't stop running so he couldn't get a good shot. It was after a doe tho so he probably couldn't have stopped it either way
This might sound cruel or weird but my dream hunt is to hunt a wolf. Idk I just think it'd be rlly cool to and it'd be a nice challenge and good experience, though idk if it'd be good for food.. hhghhhhhh
And I have the bone of part of a deer jaw I got from hiking with my family one year. I could probably find it and take a picture of it honestly if you wanna see it.
I had to look up what a row deer skull looked like.. but that would've been rlly cool if you did get that skull
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These are the deer skulls I have from my own deer I shot :33 my dad still has to clean my last velvet skull
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angrycloudcrown · 2 months
How many holes does a straw have?
1!!! It's a continuous hole throughout the straw!!! It just has more height than usual
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