#(( I got punched in the feels by Borderlands Pre Sequel
border-spam · 3 years
I've been replaying the first Borderlands, and taking notes on what changes in the sequels, as well as noting lil stuff people might have forgotten about. I'm gonna make a post about it later, but I feel the need to share this tidbit first: Tannis had a dog at some point, and it was punched by Baron Flynt. I can imagine her mentioning that offhand to a somewhat perplexed Zane, lol. Kinda wish it was mentioned again at some point
That would require Bl3 Tannis be the same character as pre Bl1/Bl2 Tannis haha oof
Fr tho I love HCing that she got on relatively well with all the Bl3 vault hunters in different manners, and is perfectly happy to chat with them after solidifying such a friendship with Lilith/Moxx/Ellie over the last few years and working on her ingrained isolation issues. I wonder how much the older Crimson Raider crew put Flynt + Flynt together when it comes to Zane. Is it a "Haha I knew a Flynt once. He punched my puppy and then my friend blew his head off " banter levels, or "I knew a Flynt once..🤨" suspicion. Does Zane mention to any of the main chars at any point in dialogue that he's one of THOSE Flynts? I've not played him! I kinda like the idea of Flynt being a really common surname and him innocently downing a pint as Tannis runs through the awful shite they had to deal with when it came to his family.
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eeveecryptid · 4 years
a thrilling saga of shit i’ve heard while listening to my friend play borderlands: the pre-sequel, with the occasional moment of my own commentary. may include nsfw material. feel free to change names/pronouns/etc.!
“ maybe i wanna look around and start some shit. ”
“ you dumb bastard! ”
“ i'm a healer, but-- [ reloads shotgun ] ”
“ look bitch, i'm not afraid to die-- ”
“ hi, i'm jericho, a model of the claptrap android, i'm too stupid to die and i'm not afraid to die anyway. ”
“ hi, i’m (name), i’m too stupid to die and i’m not afraid to die anyway. ”
“ i've played enough resident evil in my lifetime to go 'whatchu gonna do, kill me? okay'. ”
“ sorry, buddies, but i like to break into shit too. ”
“ just lower your shields, i just wanna talk! ”
“ after all this time, claptrap has a grenade! ”
“ after all this time, (name) has a grenade! ”
[ excessive high-pitched swearing in the distance ]
“ i didn't die like a warrior, i died like a bitch. ”
“ you got knocked the fuck out! ”
“ please just die faster and i will see that you're well treated. ”
“ i have a feeling i'm gonna have a boot up my ass because of you talking shit, and i don't even have an ass! ”
“ if you don't die, i may have to kill you. ”
“ a platypus loaderbot? PERRY the platypus loaderbot?? ”
“ this is my emotional support dumbass. ”
“ and i thought /i/ was supposed to be an idiot! ”
“you bring me into this spaceship with a shitty loader and now i gotta kill this fuckin-- i don't know who he is, but i gotta kill this fuckin clown! ”
“ i don't need ammo, but what i do need--- dad, if you're reading this, please come home-- ”
“ i'm a robot, i'm incapable of feeling many strong emotions. ”
“ ’aim straighter’-- hate to break i to you, but i ain't that straight. ”
“ why are you talking shit, i am small, i am mildly homosexual-- ”
“ hi, i have adhd, i can't focus. ”
“ (name), stop being mean, i have what the kids call-- ”
“ (name), i'ma punch you in the balls.”
“i have adhd, (name), i can't focus like that! ”
“ i know what i must do, but i don't know if i have the strength to do it. ”
“ i'm like 5'3, maybe 20 pounds, no brain cells up in here. ”
“ please, (name), don't leave me, i'm small and gay-- dad! it's like he never left! ”
“ i am a tiny homosexual, we gonna die-- ”
“ . . .i called you an asshole because i thought i hung up? ”
“ hey buddy boy, is that where we're going next, ‘cause i choose life. ”
“ i thought you were bae, turns out you're just a bitch. ”
“ yeehaw, except more incoherent screaming. ”
“ (name), why do i feel you're gonna be the death of me and not in a cute way? ”
“ when i die, i want (name) to be the one to put my casket in the ground so s/he can let me down one last time. ”
“ i dedicate my life to our lord and savior snoop dogg and this is the thanks i get? ”
“ i am small and dumb, but you make me feel like a genius right now, i won't lie. ”
“yEET-- ”
“ i'm not badass enough, i'm just kinda dumb. ”
“ (name), please, i'm putting a lot of faith in you. ”
“ bohemian rhapsody, but every mama just gets more and more distressed. ”
“ s/he's more flaming than i am. ”
“ (name), i've always considered you a friend, but-but-but my m-m-mom says we can't play together anymore you're too-- too violent and you get me hurt and into a lot of legal trouble that i should not disclose in front of children. ”
“ (name), please stop talking shit, do you see how well we're doing-- which is to say, not well at all-- ”
“ does my rooty tooty point and shooty have ammo? finally! ”
“ heehee-- we're in danger, i can feel it. ”
“ i have a bad feeling about this, a /really/ bad feeling about this. ”
“ you have a real bad definition of badass, i’m just queer and scared and angry. ”
“ it make me feel good that s/he think about me, i'm stupid but--”
“ useless, just like me! ”
“ am i more than you bargained for yet? ”
“ my mama always said i was a dumbass. i never wanted to listen, but she may have been onto something. ”
“ you didn't really save my life, love, you just kinda putting me in extra danger. ”
“ finally, i'm doing something right for once! ”
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tomiyeee · 4 years
For the character thing: Rhys
(was gonna do tales rhys since i don’t count him and bl3 rhys as the same person, but i already did him a while ago so i figured it’d be more boring to do it again) *rubs hands together* oh boy do i got some opinions
Fav thing about them: he’s cute, his dialogue is funny, his plotline with jack was interesting, his design is *chef hand kiss* (LOVIN’ those bright colors + distinct shapes/features), just overall extrEMELY good. oh also his sass.
Least fav thing: borderlands 3 rhys is not the same character as tales rhys. i was willing to forgive the mustache (which is honestly in character imo) and the horrible outfit design (which is completely OUT of character but moving on), until they had him voiced by someone that wasn’t troy baker. i was willing to forgive them for not addressing the vault of the traveler (bc honestly how do u address that in a way that wouldn’t be disappointing), until they seemingly disregarded everything that happened in tales and pre-sequel. i was willing to forgive the cringey ooc dialogue and chalk it up to the fact that gearbox just can’t hold up to telltale in terms of humor/writing, until they completely fucked up all my other faves for no reason. i honestly wanted to like bl3 but the more i thought about it the more it pissed me off, so i think i’m just gonna ignore it + it’s characterization of my faves for the most part. also like what the fuck is up with him looking like 50 in bl3? lilith, maya, and all the other girls still look exactly the same as they did in previous games, why the hell are they not allowed to age but rhys ages so much that he doesn’t even feel like the same character? why does gearbox just hate twinks so much??
Fav Line: ??? (the skin pizza scene was pretty great but that was mostly cuz of jack)
brOTP: vaughn
OTP: rhack!!!! him/fiona
nOTP: sasha, katagawa, timothy, zero..actually anything besides rhack/rhyiona. maybe romantic vaughn but i’ll make exceptions if the art is cute
Random headcanon: ???
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really like when people..i guess “woobify” him too much? like for sure he can’t fight, he’s literally just an office worker. he constantly forgets that he has a metal frickin arm and instead tries to punch with his normal hand and ends up hurting himself. but he’s not innocent, especially if he started out working at hyperion with handsome jack as a role model. he may not have experience with actual real life combat, but he has/had no problem hurting others (albeit indirectly) to get ahead (see: vaughn’s “we had to do a lot of awful stuff to get you to this point...every night it haunts my dreams” line). he’s no handsome jack sure, but he’s also not far above most other borderlands characters either in terms of morals, ruthlessness, or dickishness. imo.
Song I associate: “paper love” by allie x (for spicy kismesis rhack), “close your eyes” by silver trees (for cute fluffy rhack), “dancing with your ghost” by sasha sloan (for sad, angsty rhack)
Fav Pic: ahh i found it!! this one!! it got taken off tumblr (it is n/s////f//w) but there’s a deviantart link. it’s by one of my favorite borderlands artists and!!! the colors!!! and the lighting!!!! and the poses and expressions!!! the textures and details!!! the atmosphere!!!!! it’s all so good!!!!!!!
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omoghouls · 5 years
Idk anything about any of the Bord/erlands but you reblogged that hc ask thing SO here is your excuse to blab about whatever omo hcs you have for it? Go nuts, hyperfixate, tell me about any of the chars and I will read with enthusiasm and maybe get dragged down with you lol
*cracks knuckles* oh boi you have set yourself up for a speel of text😂💖
So like, in general the land of Borderlands, or at least where most of the games are set (Pandora or Elpis) are barren post-capitalist/totalitarianism greed of wastelands; inhabited by raiders, cannibals and whatever lovecraftian horrors roam freely. So, there really aren't many "safe" towns that aren't going to stab you the moment you come within 50 feet of their door- which, could make finding a respectable place to go a biiit difficult 
And there is this character from the pre-sequel, Timothy Lawrence (big ol nerd, riddle with student debt so he underwent a contract to become the tyrannical narcissistic leader that is Handsome Jack- you know, as you do yo pay loans off) anyways, he comes from a base that floats above the moon called 'Hyperion', a cushie life as compared to the moon below.
Meaning that maaybe Tim would have a hard time adjusting to the idea of there not being legitimate washrooms really present. So, the first couple of times he's down on Elpis he tries to hold it until he's able to find a toilet, or wait until he's back on base. But, evidently, that ain't how to goes down. He's instead warping back into his boss's office, doubling over as he just soaks himself and the floor beneath him (which, Handsome Jack cannot be having his doppelganger wetting himself, someone might think its him!) 
Also- Zer0, they're like, a non-binary robot/alien sniper. Not much is really known about their,well everything😂 But, surely they have to pee sometimes?? They probably have had moments where they're fighting and they were nursing a full bladder and just, get punched right in the stomach, taking the wind out of them- but, also causes them to wet themselves where they sit (but, they dont really have to feel embarrassed over it, they've got raiders to inhilate pfff-) 
Hec- that's all I've got rn that isnt like, fics aaaaa thank you so much😭💖💖💖💖
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review-duck · 7 years
Life is Strange : Before the Storm Episode 1 : Awake
Repost from previous blog. Warning, Life is Strange and Life is Strange Before the Storm spoilers (not huuuuge spoilers but still, so you do you.)
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Last night I was fixating on my ps4, watching the countdown, waiting for midnight croissant-time (Paris GMT) to be able to play Life is Strange : Before the Storm that I pre-ordered (Deluxe version that allows you to have bonus outfits, mixtape mode and a bonus episode at the end with Max). So the clock stroke midnight and I played until 3.30am.
You have to know that when I play, I go everywhere, I talk to everybody, so if you don’t, I guess you can finish it in 2h30.
I was really nervous as I hit « New Game » as I was really expecting it, to learn more about Chloe and Rachel, but knowing it was from a totally different studio and that the Chloe I fell in love with in Life is Strange wouldn’t be the same as her voice actress, Ashly Burch (a.k.a the best voice actress ever, sorry not sorry but a 71hrs platinum of Horizon Zero Dawn and a platinum in the first Life is Strange will do that to you. And Borderlands. And I mean I saved her grandpa and fought Baba Yaga for her in Rise of the Tomb Raider so…) wasn’t able to come back as Chloe. I didn't know that when I pre-ordered it, and knowing the reasons why I kind of regretted giving them money. Link if you want to know more.
So in a mix of fear and excitement I started to play and didn’t stop for almost 4hrs (except for some screenshots and pitiful tweets)
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No mosh pit for you shaka brah.
The story begins with Chloe wanting to go to a concert, kind of a playground intro as it shows you the ropes. You make your first graffiti (Chloe’s version of Max’s pictures), you talk to some people, you ponder in front of the fire to think about your shitty teenager life and when you try to enter, you have your first « Backtalk Challenge » which is a list of insults/arguments to help you talk your way into what you want.
So you enter the concert and then you meet your angel, Rachel Amber. And it goes really fast from there.
Basically it’s love at first sight for Chloe, and the next day you ditch school to spend it with Rachel, flirting with her like crazy (if that’s your choice -even if I feel that no matter your choice you end up making a fool of yourself) and that’s basically it. The core of the episode -minus some weird dreams about your dead father and some family drama- was Chloe trying to please Rachel Amber and Chloe falling in love with her and Rachel kind of returning those feelings but when you’re 16, nothing is simple.
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Although I liked it, it felt really fast for me. I do believe in love at first sight but this story happening 3 years before the OG Life is Strange, I’m wondering how long the girls are going to spend together before Rachel goes missing. The short life expectancy of the game, being a 3 episodes game, is probably the reason why it’s all happening so fast. I’m kind of wondering if it’s not just a « let’s give the gays what they want right away » as we already know Chloe had a special bond with Rachel. Maybe I would have preferred a slower burn. Even William is on it.
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The ending of this episode was kind of predictable, with a question that I read a few times « Did Rachel have powers? »
I stayed away as much as possible from trailers, theories and all but I think it was a legit question to have about DeckNine implementing a supernatural element into Before the Storm or not.
Ugh. Okay.
First of all, the writing.
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I know we are playing a 16yo who lost her dad, but some of Chloe’s lines were so cringy it made my heart ache. In the first Life is Strange Max had some « loser-Max » lines that I thought were really funny but in Before the Storm, it looks like they are trying too hard for her to be emo. We know, Chloe is a rebel. But shit.
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And in another hand, some lines made me burst into laughter. The scene with Rachel where they invent people’s life was really funny, Chloe’s « flirting » skills felt real and spoke to the 16yo me, and that tabletop game session was one of the best thing I’ve seen in a while (I suspect someone with A.B initials helped write that but I obviously don’t have any proof of that.) written by Christopher Means.
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Some prime Chloe Price as « People can eat a dick », her love of booty and of course her first mention of « hella » were mandatory but the delivery of those lines. Man.
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I’m not going to compare the actors with the previous ones (not only Chloe’s voice actor changed but basically all of them -although I have doubts about Chloe’s mom but she doesn’t have the same Southern accent so…) because it wouldn’t be fair. But in my opinion Chloe’s voice actress, even though I’m sure she did the best she could, was flat. Her delivery was pretty monotone and even if sometimes I was hearing the old Chloe in the musicality of her voice, it wasn’t it a lot of the time. Rachel’s voice was a lot better than I expected for the few images I saw before, but in the end it was really a shame that seeing the characters you once knew and loved/hated meant you wouldn’t be able to hear the characters you once knew and loved/hated.
There was also another problem in the rhythm of the dialogs that were in « cutscenes » (meaning you don’t have a say in them) as there was some latence at some points, like a silence before the second part of a sentence or when someone answers to someone else. I guess it could be fixed to make it a bit snappier and more real.
Chloe Price
As I said before we meet a younger natural haired colored Chloe, and the roles are kind of reversed with the OG Lis. In Before the Storm, Chloe is the one trying to follow Rachel’s idea, trying to please Rachel, to be cool with the most popular girl in Blackwell. She’s not the alpha to Max’s beta anymore. She lacks confidence, she doesn’t have friends and it pains her.
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Rachel Amber
Aaaah Rachel. Rachel Rachel Rachel. We heard so much about you. Blackwell’s most popular girl. You didn’t disappoint. Witty and sassy and sexy. Just like Chloe. It’s kind of difficult to trust her, knowing what we know from the OG Life is Strange, so I’m not giving her my heart just yet (you know, the pics in Frank’s trailer and stuff). Even though the choices were pretty easy to do as we know Chloe loves her (asshole).
Old Faces
Funny to see Nathan being bullied, Victoria being Rachel’s kiss ass, the science teacher and the skater we knew Chloe was familiar with in Lis. And Frank I hope you’ll have some beans.
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New Faces
I decided that Eliot is the new Warren. Except he may be Chloe’s bf ? Ex-bf ? He left a note about a two month anniversary and Chloe said her v-card had been punched (that was hilarious btw).
I really liked Stephanie, she was really something. Can I please date her instead? Even if she crushes on Rachel.
We got a new bully, a guy named Drew who bullied Nathan (whom we learned bought his way into the team) and we have a new security guy who makes really good music.
Before the Storm works on the same mechanics as Life is Strange, meaning you have choices to make. The ones you faced in episode one seemed pretty inconsequential, but I guess the game being a prequel doesn’t give you much options to change the story. Unlike Max, it’s really nice that they don’t torture us after every choice, knowing you can’t undo them. (I’m thinking about the paint on Victoria’s face, whether you chose to take a pic or be nice to her, once you did what you did Max automatically say she should have chosen the other option.) Although you have a very easy way to go back with the « Load last save » option which is an easy way to explore other dialog options or other choices.
But it’s kind of hard when you know what you know. I chose to help Nathan, but it won’t change what will happen in Life is Strange. And I was kind of nice to David even though you can’t betray LiS Chloe as it wouldn’t make sense to have her being super nice to him and then angry in the sequel.
But honestly, the best option of the game was probably being able to pet the dog.
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Life is Strange legacy
There were a lots of elements reminding me of Life is Strange (as it should) with a lot of mentions of Max that freaking broke my heart. You are able to see Chloe’s texts and Max not answering (freaking bitch) and you had some nods to the LiS plot as Rachel saying she could just leave at any given moment without telling anybody.
The soundtrack is in the line of the first one but a little bit more rock to fit Chloe’s taste, and the bonus outfit with the design we knew as Max’s was a sweet idea. Some line as a guy wanting Rachel to pose for his portfolio. (I’m obviously not going to list everything)
Chloe is also keeping a journal that she dedicated to Max because she doesn’t want to risk her not answering and damn, my heaaaart. There are a lot of little things screaming « Chloe is gaaaaay » and I honestly wish it was a little more subtle (but nice Blade Runner dream Chloe.)
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It’s also difficult as a Pricefield shipper to be totally into it, because in my heart Chloe belongs with Max, someone that truly appreciates her, never used her and because we were Max. So we wanted her to be happy. Even if we knew Chloe loved Rachel. But without Rachel there wouldn’t be a blue haired Chloe Price so I have to put her needs and her young love before my own agenda.
Next episodes From the pictures presenting the two next chapter, we can assume that the girls will go on a roadtrip, probably to try to leave Arcadia Bay. And in the last pic, Chloe is wearing a flannel we all know as the “ready for the mosh pit shaka-brah” shirt and her legendary tri-bullet necklace.
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So yeah, it’s a prequel to Life is Strange, from another studio, with new actors, but overall it was pretty decent and I’m looking forward to the next chapter (even though they lose points for using Comic Sans a few times.) I really got the feels at some point, I laughed, I got really emotional during the junkyard scene with the car, and even though it wasn’t perfect, I still want to protect Chloe Price at all costs. So that’s a win. Not a huge win. But it’s one. Quack - Monotony of Chloe’s voice Lots of loading points Things moving too fast between Rachel and Chloe Dialogs lacking rhythm Lines that make you want to stab yourself The graffiti are really easy to find You can’t skip forward in collector mode Too much gay (not subtle enough) Most of the small choices you make just change one line of the other choice Use of Comic Sans The time I had to pause the game because my cat was playing with the biggest spider I’ve ever seen.
Quack + Legacy of the first LiS respected (ost, graphics, nods in the storyline) Better graphics than first game but still in that same line Some hilarious lines The tabletop game You can pet the dog All the gay
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empyreanchimera · 7 years
"Layers" Character Meme
Name: Addison Stowe Elijah Fletcher  Eye Color: Blue Hair Style/Color: Dark auburn with heavy copper tones. He wears it long but doesn’t take very good care of it; it tangles easily and he’s prone to just scraping (most of) it out of his face and tying it back in a ponytail. He trims it on occasion but it’s something he has to save for when he’s not constantly on the move. It’s pretty uneven most of the time because it gets brittle and starts to break off past a certain point. Height: 5’3”  Clothing Style: Salvage. He pulls together what he can but he’s prone to latching on to certain things and wearing them until they fall off. His grandfather’s jacket is a staple to his wardrobe, even though it was half-destroyed by the kraggon that took his arm. Otherwise he just patches what he can and replaces anything that becomes unwearable.  Best Physical Feature: Probably his eyes? His... all of him... is pretty messed up lmao
Fears: Enclosed spaces. Hospitals and laboratories. Drowning. Small sharp things like scalpels and needles. Being crowded, cornered, or pinned down. Being touched without his consent.   Guilty Pleasure: A stiff drink. Bad action movies. Sleeping in. Staying up late into the night cycle to watch the stars.  Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are touchy, overly social, or otherwise too intense for him. He understands that sometimes people just want to be friendly and make conversation, but those who invade his personal space make him incredibly uncomfortable and put him on edge to the point that he’s far more likely to snap at them or even resort to bodily harm in extreme cases. Ambition for the Future: Elijah’s not sure what the future holds for him, so he’s existing day-to-day. He wants to find the Watcher and figure out what she was hoping to accomplish when she resurrected him, but beyond that, he has no idea. He hopes the Watcher can give him a purpose. 
First Thoughts Waking Up: “Didn’t get killed or eaten in my sleep last night... Ugh.” What They Think About the Most: Is he in any immediate danger? Is there a clear escape route for worst case scenarios? Does he have enough food and water to get him to his next stop? Is that a bandit, a Hyperion soldier, or just some dickhead with a gun? Where the fuck am I?  What They Think About Before Bed: "If somethin’ tries to eat me in my sleep I hope they make it quick.”  What They Think Their Best Quality Is: If someone asked Elijah this question he’d just stare at them for an uncomfortably long amount of time before just walking away 
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? Single or Group Dates: Single, if any at all. Elijah’s not romantic and his idea of a “date” would be something stupid like shooting rakk or watching the stars. Either way, he’d want privacy. Elijah hates PDA and gets incredibly uncomfortable if strangers are privy to his personal life.  To be Loved or Respected: Elijah wants to be loved, but love is a really weird and scary thing to him and it takes him a very, very long time to form any kind of romantic attachment to a partner. Because of this, if asked, he’d default to respect over love. He hates it if people don’t take him seriously and will beat the shit out of anyone who treats him like a child.  Dogs or Cats: Skags because I mean he’s dating one right I mean, uh, cats probably
Lie: If he can avoid it, he will. Elijah is pretty blunt to the point of outright callousness, but it doesn’t come from any desire to be tactless. Rather, he just sees telling the truth as being the most respectful thing to offer someone. That being said, he will lie through his teeth if he needs to in order to protect himself or those he cares about.  Believe in Yourself:  It’s a struggle. What Elijah lacks in confidence he makes up in sheer willpower and passion. He doesn’t try to question himself or what exactly he believes he’s capable of; he just throws himself into the line of fire and does it anyway. As it stands, however, he’s got a love-hate relationship with himself. He hates outside criticism but readily criticizes himself on the regular. He often sees himself as being broken or damaged, which is a very difficult feeling to overcome.    Believe in Love: Yes, even if it’s a scary thing he doesn’t really understand. He’s always kind of feared that he’s not capable of love - he’s too scared of other people getting under his skin and hurting him again, so he’s always just sort of assumed that he can’t or won’t fall in love with anyone else. He doesn’t really know what it feels like, so when he does finally fall in love with someone, it’s a bit of a punch in the face.  Want Someone: Not until they’re married Okay no Elijah generally has zero sexual attraction to anyone until he’s known them for a very long time and is completely comfortable with them. He needs to know he can trust them and has forged enough of a platonic (and eventually romantic) relationship with them to progress to the next level. Even then, there’s no guarantee that romance will lead to sex; it’s a gray area for him. 
LAYER SIX: EVER? Been on Stage: No. Done Drugs: Is slag a drug  Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Nope. Elijah won’t change himself for others; he’s too bullheaded to even consider it. 
LAYER SEVEN: AGE DOB: April 2nd How Old Will You Be: 18 in The Pre-Sequel, 22 in Borderlands 2 Age You Lost Your Virginity: 15 Does Age Matter: Abso-fucking-lutely it matters. Elijah obviously won’t go for anyone too much younger than he is but his hard no is older partners, if it ever progresses that far. By older, I mean more than like 5 years older than him or more. He’d rather date in his general age range.
LAYER EIGHT: IN A BOY OR GIRL Best Personality: Respectful of his limitations and above all else, patient. He likes people who can match him fire-for-fire but he also enjoys mellower company. Witty partners keep him guessing but there’s a fine line between someone giving him fulfilling banter and outright antagonizing him and making him feel stupid. He doesn’t do well with overly aggressive partners because of his own temper. He gravitates towards “safe” partners who are either meek or nonviolent. Best Eye Color: No preference. Best Hair Color: No preference. Best thing to do with a Partner: Hunting and target practice in a relatively safe area. Taking a well deserved nap in good shelter. Stargazing on the hood of a parked outrunner. 
LAYER NINE: FINISH THE SENTENCE I love: those who make me feel safe. I feel: broken. I hide: my weaknesses so they can’t be used against me. I miss: who I used to be. I wish: I could go back.
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