#(( i had no idea what to put boris' but when hooked on a feeling came up in the playlist i was like okay sure
just-bendy · 2 years
To all the toons: What is your favorite song?
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BENDY: "He's a Demon, He's a Devil, He's a Doll!" I mean come on, a demon, a devil, and a doll? Sounds just like me, heheh. It's pretty catchy too!
ALICE: Oh, I love "Moon River~!" I sing it all the time!
BORIS: "Hooked On A Feeling!" It never fails to make me dance!
BARRY: ... *He enjoys "Hungry Like The Wolf."*
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hildred-rex · 4 months
Hello, I love Hildred Castaigne! He’s such a fucked up unreliable narrator and he also reminds me so much of myself in middle school and I love him for it. What do you like about him?
First off, apologies for taking absolutely ages to answer this! Life happened and I promptly forgot tumblr existed for almost a month. Yay.
Anyhow, I think my love of Hildred is a combination of the factors you mentioned and the absolute state I got into shortly after I found The King in Yellow -- aaand here comes an essay. The last version of this got deleted, and apparently I've taken it upon myself to make its replacement even lengthier.
Hildred is a fascinating character to read and to write, and his opinions on things are (or would be) so different from mine that it's fun to try to puzzle them out. I keep a bevy of fictional characters that I can simulate reasonably well as a way to make myself consider how people get to opinions that differ from mine, and naturally he's among them.
Beyond that, I'm an absolute sucker for hints at a greater world, but only narrow viewpoints from which to try to figure out what's going on in that world.
The weird bits of The King in Yellow as a whole are superb at tantalizing you with smug allusions and tiny scraps of information about what, exactly, it is that the book is named for.
Is it a play? Is it an entity? What happened to the author? ...was the author Boris? (I don't think the author was Boris, but I won't lie that I've considered writing a fic where he was.)
I got hooked on Lovecraft for the same reason, and it's actually what put me on to Arthur Machen (favorite author) and The King in Yellow (favorite book).
Even with all that, I think my King in Yellow interest would have been a passing thing that returned occasionally, if it hadn't been the last thing I got into before my first set of high school final exams kicked my ass.
The tl;dr of freshman year is that I picked the wrong math class and it spent the semester wrecking my self-confidence (and my sleep schedule) before I finally managed to transfer to a better one. (Then I spent second semester picking myself back up.)
Hildred, notably, is self-confident to the point of it backfiring catastrophically on him. He absolutely should not have gloated to Louis, tactically speaking; in this essay I will-
Anyway. Stress is weird, so during finals season and its leadup I had quite a lot of unmarshalled energy that refused to work on what I actually needed it to do and that instead directed itself at my idle pokings at Hildred and his world.
Probably better than worrying about how my abysmal math grade was going to ruin my life.
It didn't, and I came out of the crucible with rather extensive additional worldbuilding. Since I essentially speedran getting invested in the project, I came away wanting to do more of it and... it just kind of stuck?
I mean, here we are several years later and my first impulse is still to name my tumblr blog for him. I've got a rough idea of his extended family back three generations. I have a design for that spring suit Hawberk had that was mentioned exactly once. I am the embodiment of
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when it comes to this lol
I couldn't find a good place to fit this in above, but Hildred was also the first time I encountered a story with an obviously intentional unreliable narrator after I'd encountered the term. Not sure how I missed it that long, lol. I spent probably half a decade looking askance at various authors and going "...do you know what you're writing there???"
I also couldn't integrate it anywhere, but I absolutely adore "The Mask." I have Thoughts on Chambers's ability to write romance more generally, the short version being that he writes Lovers™ and not characters and they're thus so wooden they're hard to read, but that he must have been in a position like the beginning of "The Mask" because holy god that is exactly how it feels.
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creepyalienghost · 3 years
Deep down in the studio the ink creatures know only pain and struggle. The dreaded Alice Angel sacrifices all who she could get her hands on to fix her scars and her former beauty. The poor prophet sacrificed anyone he could find to please his lord. The projectionist struggled to remember anything other then his loop. Many lost souls struggle to even remember who they were anymore. All they could do is hear the voices swirling in there heads. With others not in the hive mind they either fight to keep themselves alive or hide in their spots, hoping to never run into the ink demon or the Angel.
The prophet was wondering the halls looking for my soup cans when suddenly it dawn on him that creatures were few and far between. Unlike before when you can’t turn the corner without running into one of the Butcher Gangs or seeing a Boris hiding. He found that strange and decided to take a look around though the walls.
He looked through holes, peaked in rooms and even going deep down below and sure enough so maybe we’re missing. All the butcher gang seen to have disappeared. The projectionist was no where to be found and even that new comer Sammy almost sacrificed wasn’t seen. Something was going on. Could this have been his lords doing? Or worst, that wicked angel’s? Sammy wanted to find out but he was also wondering of angering his lord. If it was his doing then maybe his lord would do the same to him...
He was caught up in his thoughts while walking that he didn’t notice the footsteps rushing up behind him until it was to late. The prophet was bagged over the head and tripped. He struggled and yelled for his lord for help as several creatures held him down or sat on top of him. They managed to tie his hands behind his back right before he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He screamed and cursed them out until the drug they infected him with started to work. His body went heavy. His hearing muffled. His sight started to fade. The prophet feared he was dying and had failed his lord. Hell, maybe this was his lords doing. Maybe this was what happened to the rest of them. He thought of this until his mind was even talking from him and soon after that the darkness of ink took over everything.
It all felt like a dream. The sacrifices. The ink. Bendy and Alice. Everything for the pass so many years felt like a long band dream. But Sammy new it wasn’t a dream when his eyes flickered open and vision cleared. The first thing he noticed was that he was laying in hospital bed, hooked up to many Wires going to many different machines. There was one for his heartbeat. Another for monitoring his brain waves. A Machine pumping in blood inside him and the casual iv needle.
Sammy slowly sat up on the bed with Extreme exhaustion to looked around the room he was in. The walls were painted a pale blue and the floors were your typical white polished floor. It looked like any hospital but one from a sci fi movie. There was Technology Sammy has never seen before and has no idea what it is or how it’s use. Ones with big screens and buttons.
Just then a knock came from the door, making Sammy jump a bit and a nurse opened the door with a small smile, walking in. “Hello Mr. Lawrence. I’m glad to see your awake.” She held out hand as she introduced herself. “I’m nurse Beth. I’ll be taking care of you in here.”
Sammy took hold of her hand and shook it. “Thank you.” He replied. “I uh...I’m confused...what happened? How did we get out?...what ...what year is it” he asked as more and more questions start to form.
The nurse sat beside him and sat her clipboard next to her. “We’re not supposed to tell you guys everything right when you come to. It’s going to be broken in parts but I promise you. All your questions will be answered.” She relieved him. “But I am allowed to say you and your friends our at a government base and you guys are all free. Your old coworker Henry Stein came to us and told what Joey drew was doing. You are all safe now.”
Henry stein? Joey drew? His friends. Sammy hadn’t thought about them in so long and now his heart acted. He remembers Norman and the amazing guy he was. But he also remembered Joey. Joey was also a great guy before he lost his mind to the darkness. He missed both of them and badly wants to see them. “Can I see m-my friends?” He asked the nurse.
Nurse Beth nodded her head. “Yes. You may in a bit. I need to give you your daily check up first.”
Through out his check up, nurse Ann explained they would be here for a few weeks to watch and see how they would respond after being ink creatures for so long
and will be helped getting back into civilization with a new job and a home. She told him there be daily health checks in the morning and classes to understand the would now days.
After the check up, nurse Beth lead Sammy down the hallway to the wing where he and his friends would be staying at. “There’s access to a cafeteria for y’all and a tv room with games and books so y’all don’t get bored.” She informed him as she punches the code in for the wing.” Your room is Numble 20.”
“Thank you.” Sammy replied as he walked in. She nodded and closed it behind him. Sammy was on his own know.
There was chatter from down the hall. Some of the voices he recognized. Like Susie’s Jack’s and Norman’s he couldn’t wait to meet them again. He hoped they didn’t have no hard feelings from his role he unwillingly played in all this. However when he rounded the corner they all went silent pretty fast when they one by one noticed him. Sammy could see ether hatred or disappointment in each of their eyes. Norman’s hurt the worst. Sammy quickly got the hint we wasn’t welcome and left to find his room.
He sat in his bed staring at the green wall for some hours before a few security guards came to checked their wing. Sammy overheard one of them talking about Joey to his partner as they passed his room. “The psycho was placed in wing E.” Sammy Heard.
It got Sammy thinking again of their good times before. Joey was such a funny and sweet guy back then, handsome too. He spoiled Sammy with fancy dinners and parties as well as taught Sammy the wonders of magic and occult. It was fun and safe at first, but once Joey got the taste of the darkness is when everything changed. The abuse started, madness and control took over his mind and by then it was far to late to leave everything.
He wondered if Joey was still like that or like the way he use to be. He wanted to take the chance and see him. He stopped the security guard before they left the wing. “Can I see Joey Drew. Just once.” The guard didn’t laugh but looked at him like he was insane. “I know it’s crazy. But please just one time.”
The guard signed in hopelessness for the lost man. “I’ll ask and see if you two can meet.” With that the guard left though the wing doors.
After receiving his check up the next morning, the same guard as before meet him out in the hallway. “Come with me.” He said right as Sammy stepped out. Sammy did so. They walked out the doors to the wing and down hallways, went further down an elevator and came to a new wing. The E wing.
This one was more Secure. The door here was metal and had an automatic lock that would lock it self if an alarm went off.
There was two guards station at the door to in case something went wrong. His guard had his ID checked and a minute later they both were though and heading down that hallway. The guard stopped at one of the meetings rooms and unlocked it. “You two have an hour.” Sammy nodded stepping though. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Joey sitting at one of the tables. One where their breakfast sat waiting.
He was much older unlike them. Of course he was he had been out in the real world growing older. Sammy could see the exhaustion in his face when he looked up at him. He was old and tired. Hair turned gray and wrinkly skin. Sammy realizes he doesn’t have much time left on this earth and this was likely the last time he would see him.
“It’s uh..nice to see you again.” Joey said to fill the silence between them. “ please...have a seat.” He offered and Sammy took it.
“Why?” Sammy ask, ignoring joeys attempt at welcoming. “Why did you ever let yourself get this mad? To start abusing me? To force me to hurt the others and putting us all in that hell?” He ask.
Joeys face turned to guilt and shame then. “I...I had a dream.” He answered Sammy’s question and continued. “That dream lead to magic so I could bring that dream to life which that lead to dark magic which corrupted me.” He sighed, disappointing in himself. “I shouldn’t had let it took me to a dark path, Sammy I am so sorry. If I could go back and changed everything I would.” He buried his head in his hands. “None of y’all deserved that. And you didn’t deserve the abuse I did. I’m really an sorry and I hope you can forgive me enough to enjoy one meal together?”
Sammy thought of this for a moment. He does seem genuine sorry and Is in his last days. He also missed these things they did together as well. Sammy nodded and smiled at Joey. “Let’s share one last meal together.” He replied and switched seats next to Joey. “And. It’s good to see you to”
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Lockdown Punishments 5 | Eric Dier
Finally, some of the lockdown guidelines have been lifted. You and Eric could finally see each other outdoors. But you still couldn’t touch each other and had to keep 2-meter distance. Eric was coming over to yours as it was a sunny day, so you were planning to have a BBQ with him. You were waiting for him in the garden on the sunbed. You were trying to top up your tan so was in just your underwear. As you were sunbathing you must have fallen asleep because next thing you remember is Eric waking you up. The look on his face said it all. He went and pulled up a chair and sat facing you at the end of the bed. You could see he was aroused, and this turned you on. You had missed his presence and it felt more intense with him watching your every move. You decided to take this as an opportunity to start teasing him. But Eric had control of your body and next thing you know. You’re naked and flustered waiting for instructions for your punishment.
Word Count: 1,485
Warnings: caning, teasing, topless sunbathing
- - -
Lockdown: Day Fifty.
You woke up that morning filled with hope. The day before, Boris had made an announcement that lockdown restrictions would be lightened the following day - today - and if everything went according to plan, at the two-month mark, everything would be going back to ‘normal’. The moment Boris’s press conference had ended, Eric was FaceTiming you and the two of you were making plans for today, your body humming with excitement as you remembered today was the day.
Your phone pinged with an incoming text from Eric as if he knew you were awake and thinking about him.
Eric: Good morning, Babygirl. Sleep well?
You: Yes xx
Eric: Ready for our date this afternoon?
You: Can’t wait!
As excited as you were to see Eric, you were also a little scared. Because not all of the restrictions had been lifted, the two of you couldn’t touch and you had to keep a two-metre distance from each other at all times even though you were going to be outdoors the whole time. It was especially crucial for you to keep the guidelines in check because of your job, and the fact that Eric had started training with the team again and was going to be tested regularly.
You went about your day getting everything ready for Eric’s arrival. He’d said he would pick up the food on his way over to you so all you had to do was clean and make yourself look presentable. Because of lockdown you had kept your place in pretty decent shape, only needing to pick up a few things and wipe down some counters before running the hoover across the floors. Pleased with your work, you decided to relax by the pool while waiting for your man to arrive, smiling to yourself as you shimmied out of your bikini top and laid back on the lounge chair wearing nothing but your bikini bottoms and sunglasses.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Eric’s voice cut through your serenity, his shadow looming over you and blocking out your light.
“I was just sunbathing,” you replied, sitting up so you could take him in.
“I see that.” His gaze roamed over your body salaciously and you lost all train of thought for a moment.
“I must’ve fallen asleep,” you confessed. “It was warm and the sun felt so nice and-”
“I know. You looked so sexy just lying here like that for me to find.”
Your eyes traveled from his face down to his chest and settled at the bulge in his swim shorts. “Seems like you enjoyed finding me like this.”
Eric smirked. “Oh, you have no idea, Babygirl.”
Your pulse skipped at hearing the nickname in person, Eric’s voice going straight to your pussy. Your fingers itched to reach out and touch him now that he was finally here, but you stopped yourself. Eric walked away and you watched the expanse of his back as he moved and pulled up your other lounger exactly two metres away. Even from that length apart, his presence was still intense; there was something about having him here in person in front of you that just made your body come alive in ways it hadn't when viewing him through a screen.
“I wish you could touch me,” you said, your voice taking on a breathy quality as you watched him through your sunglasses.
Eric groaned, “Me, too. But I’m here in person which means you can’t hide from me behind your camera. I wanna see all of you. I wanna see you touch yourself and hear you beg - I want it all, Babygirl.”
Goosebumps broke out over your skin and it had nothing to do with the light breeze that just rustled the trees. Without his instruction, you took off your sunglasses and set them on the concrete. Your hands went to your hair next, taking it out of the bobble you’d put it up in to keep it off your shoulders. You watched Eric’s reaction as he watched the tresses fall down, the look on his face making you gain confidence as you ran your hands down your chest to cup your tits and run your thumbs over your nipples, a whimper escaping past your lips at the feeling.
Your hands drifted down, teasing the waistband of your bikini bottoms. You were sure the crotch was soaked and a preliminary brush of your fingers between your legs confirmed your theory.
“Not yet.” Eric’s strangled voice. “You have to ask to touch your pussy, Babygirl.”
Just this once you disobeyed, holding Eric’s gaze as you used your fingers to push your panties to the side and sink two fingers inside your sodden core. “Fuck, that feels good,” you whimpered, thrusting the digits in and out of yourself. It had been so long since you’d had anything inside you - Eric’s orders - and you almost came from a few measly thrusts.
“You’re going to pay for that.”
You moaned. “It’s worth it.”
“We’ll see about that.” Eric stood up and disappeared inside your place, coming back out with one of the more menacing looking canes. “Get up.”
Your fingers left your dripping pussy with an embarrassing squelching sound and you didn’t even have time to lick them clean as you scrambled to your feet. “I’m sorry, Sir,” you said, properly chastised with your gaze on the concrete.
“You will be. Jump in the pool and cool off - you look like you could use it after your little session.”
You didn’t stay in the water long, just enough to get your body wet, and you were walking out of the water unsure what to expect. “What now?” You sassed, already knowing you were in deep so you just committed.
“Hands on the lounge chair. I want you bent over for me.”
Your mind instantly went back to how painful it had been to spank your pussy with the riding crop, fear finally kicking in. “Sir, please,” you begged, backtracking. “I’m sorry, I swear.”
“Like I said before: you will be. Hands on the lounger.”
You did as he said, no longer argumentative. You were acutely aware of every cell in your body - the way your breasts swayed, the feel of the water dripping off your skin...everything - arching your back as you waited.
Eric’s fingers hooked in the waistband of your bikini bottoms, sliding them down over your ass until they were mid-thigh. There was something even more humiliating about keeping them on - you weren’t fully naked, moreso exposed than anything and your face burned hot with shame. “Normally, I’d give you fifty strokes of the cane for being so brazen, but I don’t think you can handle that just yet, so I figured I’d cut that in half. Twenty-five should make sure you learn your lesson all the same.” The cane slid up the backs of your thighs and you sucked in a breath as Eric tapped it against the skin of your ass, preparing you for what was about to come. “As always, you can safeword if you need to, okay?”
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded, swallowing hard. “Please punish me - I can take it.”
The cane whistled through the air, snapping against the sensitive flesh and making you involuntarily cry out. Your feet danced as you struggled to keep your hands where they were. If this is how he canes, I don’t know if my pussy will survive the riding crop, you thought to yourself right before the second stroke landed.
You could feel the welts starting to form around the tenth stroke, the tears gathering in your eyes. You howled when the fifteen stroke landed, finally giving in and reaching back to soothe your stinging flesh.
“Back in position or I’ll add more for disobedience,” Eric chastised, tapping the cane against your hands to get you to move.
“No, please, Sir! I’ll be good, I promise!”
“Ten more. Count them.”
You did as he said, focusing on forming the words to block out the pain.
“Good girl. You took those last ten well,” came Eric’s voice, soft and caring now. “Pull up your bikini bottoms and go cool off. That was intense and you deserve to relax.”
You floated lazily in the pool as you watched Eric grill up the meat and garden-fresh veg he’d brought over. When the two of you sat down to eat - still two metres apart - you sat gingerly on the seat, your ass still smarting from the caning you’d received.
“Don’t worry, Babygirl. Once this lockdown is officially over, I’ll make sure to properly take care of you.”
“I’m holding you to that, Eric,” you said, narrowing your gaze at him. “You’ve punished me twice and teased me more times than I can count. Your cock-replica dildo just isn’t doing it anymore - I need you inside me so badly.”
“Ten more days and I’m all yours.”
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adie-dee · 4 years
Your OC’s Backstory December Special
Yep, my entry is 5 days late, but I’m just happy I got it done. I’m also posting all four prompts in one post, as I wrote 2000 words total.
This is from before Bethany was cursed. For those who have read my previous backstory pieces, Bethany’s brother Harrison is no longer a baby. Instead, he’s now her adult older brother. She still finds him dead a few months before she’s cursed, though
My pink crayon was missing.
I searched through the drawing room, trying really hard to find it, as without it I couldn’t finish my picture.
“Are you meant to be in here?” Harrison asked just as I stuck my head under the sofa. 
“No,” I replied, sitting back up. “But I needed to do some drawings and this is the drawing room and I’ve lost my pink crayon!”
“It’s a different type of drawing in ‘drawing room’,” he said with a smile.
“Daddy said that too, but I don’t understand!” I whined. If it was really just a living room, why didn’t they call it that? 
Harrison kneeled down at the coffee table. “So what are you drawing?”
“It’s our house,” I said, joining him. “And that’s Mummy, and Daddy, and you, and me!” I pointed to each bit as I spoke. “But I need my pink crayon to finish Mummy’s garden and I can’t find it!”
“And what about this?” He pointed at a scratch on the table.
I covered it with my drawing, which he immediately removed.
“It was an accident,” I mumbled. “But I can fix it.”
I didn’t understand why Harrison laughed when I picked up my brown crayon.
“Allow me,” he said, taking it from me. He placed his hand on the scratch and whispered something magical, and when he lifted his hand the scratch was gone. 
“Wow!” I wished I could do magic, but Mummy said I didn’t have the spark. “Can you use it to find my crayon?”
“I don’t have that kind of magic,” he told me. “But why do you need the pink? The picture looks finished to me.”
I looked at the drawing again. It was obviously not finished, why did he think it was? “The flowers are missing,” I said slowly.
“Oh. Well, could you do orange flowers? Or red? Purple, maybe?”
“That is a good idea!” I picked up the purple crayon and added in the flowers, then handed the picture to Harrison. “This is for you. For when you leave so you don’t forget me.”
“What makes you think I’m leaving?”
“I heard you,” I mumbled. “When you were on the phone--”
“In my room,” he finished for me. “Which is eavesdropping. Hasn’t Dad told you that’s a bad thing to do?”
I thought for a moment. “Yes. Five times,” I said, holding up five fingers.
“Well you don’t need to worry: I’ll be back a lot. And I’m not going to forget you!” He hugged me. “How could I ever forget my baby sis? Especially with this amazing artwork.” He held it up again. 
“It’s upside down,” I giggled, turning it. “See?”
“Ah yes, I see now.” He stared at it a moment longer. “This needs to be our secret though, ok? I won’t be moving until next year, and I haven’t told anyone I’m going yet.”
I did a big nod. “I can keep a secret!”
“We both know that’s not true.”
“I can keep your secrets!” I corrected. “And when I’m grown up I can live with you too! And our home won’t have rules about eating vegetables. Or making my bed every day. And I can have a drawing room of my own!”
“Sounds good, kiddo,” Harrison said, cleaning up my crayons. “Now let's get out of here before Mum finds us and you get in trouble again.”
Dear Diary,
Last night was the shortest night of the year! 
We had a party to celebrate, and Mummy and Daddy didn’t even make me go to bed at seven. I got to stay up all night! 
There was lots of yummy foods that I got to eat that I don’t normally get to eat, like jelly babies and cake and ice cream, and Harrison even gave me something called cordial, which is like a lolly but it’s a drink! I wanted to taste what he was drinking too but he said it was grownup cordial and I wouldn’t like it. 
I got to play with other kids too which was really really fun! And I didn’t even get in trouble when I got dirt on my dress from when Brett threw it at me.
After everyone went home, me and Mummy and Daddy and Harrison took the stairs behind the gate up to the roof. Daddy called it a puppet, I think. It was a nice flat bit on the edge of the roof with a wall around it, and we were up there to wait for the sun to rise! I didn’t have to go to bed at all!
I fell asleep anyway, even though I tried real hard. But then Harrison woke me up and I got to see the sunrise, and WOW! The sky was orange and yellow and pink and it was so pretty.
I’m really really tired now. I even fell asleep at the breakfast table and had to clean milk off my face, which made Daddy laugh and Mummy frown. Harrison wasn’t there but he would have laughed too. 
Mummy has put me to bed and wants me to have a nap. And I will, diary, I will, but not before I tell you a secret. I found the bag of jelly babies and hid it in my dollhouse. I don’t get many lollies so they’re my secret and I’m going to eat them all.
Once I have my nap. Night, Diary!
I pulled the blanket over my head, hoping that was enough to make the monster go away. 
The monster started scratching on the floorboards too and I pressed my hands to my ears. “Go away!” I yelled, the way Mummy and Daddy had told me to. “Daddy says you have to!”
My mattress jumped under me, making me scream. I stood up on my bed and did my biggest jump, but I landed closer to the bed than I wanted to.
I’m going to get you!
I screamed again and ran for my bedroom door, pulling it open and running down the hallway until I reached Mummy and Daddy’s room. 
“Daddy daddy daddy!” I yelled, banging on the door. “The monster won’t go away!”
As soon as the door opened I ran into their room and threw myself on their bed. 
“Can I sleep here?” I asked Daddy, “Pleasssseeeee? I told the monster to go away and he didn’t listen and I’m scared!!” 
“The monster cannot hurt you,” Mummy said, joining Daddy at the door. “He will leave if you ignore him. Now please, Beth, go back to bed.”
I burst into tears. “But he’s scary!”
Daddy sighed and sat on the bad next to me. “What did you say to it?” He asked. 
“That… that… that you said he had to go away!”
“Oh Beth,” Daddy said with a small smile. “You have to tell him you don’t want him there. Then he will leave you alone.”
“But what if he doesn’t listen?!”
“He is trying to scare you, nothing more. As your mother says, he will not harm you. I promise. Do you believe me?”
Still crying, I nodded.
Daddy lifted me off the bed and carried me to the door. “Run along to bed, princess,” he said, putting me down. “We will talk more in the morning.”
I dawdled down the hallway, wanting to be anywhere but in my room.
Suddenly, a large monster appeared at the end of the hall and I screamed again.
“Bethany!” The monster yelled, stepping out of the shadows.
I started to giggle. That wasn’t a monster, it was Harrison. The monster never came out from under my bed, anyway.
“What are you doing up?” He asked me.
I told him about the monster.
“Wait here,” he said, then disappeared into his room. When he returned, he was holding a brown teddy bear. “I bought you this,” he said, handing it to me. “I was going to give him to you earlier, but you were already in bed when I came home.”
The teddy bear was soft and fluffy and cuddly, and I hugged him to my face. 
“This is a very special bear,” Harrison continued, crouching down next to me. “I gave him magic. So when the monsters make you scared, just hold him tight and he’ll make them go away.”
“Really really.”
I beamed at him. “Thank you!”
“But he needs a name.”
I looked at the bear again. Mummy had told me names were important, and I wanted to make sure I got it right. “Boris!” I announced. 
“Boris it is.” Harrison ruffled my hair then stood up. “Come on, kiddo, let’s get you back into bed.”
“Why aren’t you in bed?” I asked. He was still in his daytime clothes too, which was strange.
“Because I’m a grownup.”
“Mummy and Daddy are grownups too.”
He picked me up and smiled. “They’re old grownups,” he said, carrying me back to my room. “And grownups can go to bed whenever they want.”
“I can’t wait to be a grownup!”
“It’s a long way away.” He tucked me into bed. “Goodnight, Bethany.”
“Night, Harrison.”
He pulled the door closed behind him.
I hugged Boris tight, just like Harrison told me to. “Go away!”
The monster didn’t reply. 
A hand touched my shoulder. 
“Boris!” I cried, hugging him tight. The monster was back, he was going to grab me and eat me and—
“Bethany,” a voice hissed, clearly not that of the monster. 
“Shh!” He switched on my bedside light. “I want to show you something,” he whispered, “but you have to promise not to tell anyone.”
“I can do that,” I said, sitting up. “I haven’t told anyone you’re leaving. I nearly told Daddy but I didn’t.”
He held his pinky out to me. “Pinkie swear?”
“Pinky swear,” I repeated, hooking mine onto his. “Now can I see?”
“Yes. But get your slippers.”
Holding Boris tight I jumped out of bed and ran over to my wardrobe. My slippers were nowhere to be seen so I pulled on my gumboots instead. I liked my gumboots. They weren’t boring colours like all the clothes Mummy bought me; instead they were pink and purple and had flashing lights in the bottoms. Harrison always got me nice things, and wearing them with my nightie made me feel like a princess.
“Can you be quiet in those?” he asked once I came out of my wardrobe. “We don’t want anyone to hear.”
I replied with a big nod.
He led me out of my room and into the drawing room, pausing to pick up one of my crayons off the floor. “Cover your eyes,” he whispered.
I did as he asked, and heard something go click.
When I uncovered them, the back of the fireplace was missing, and there was a rickety staircase instead.
I almost squealed with excitement. A secret passage! 
Harrison ducked into the fireplace and I followed him, climbing the stairs, and suddenly we were on the roof. 
But not the nice flat part where I got to watch the sunrise. This bit was steep and covered in thick red tiles.
“Why are we--”
Harrison shushed me again. “Mum and Dad are on the parapet,” he whispered, pointing to where the nice bit was. “They wanted you to stay in bed but you’re five now, and a big girl, and I wanted you to see.”
“See what?” 
Just as I spoke there was a big explosion overhead, one made of purple and green sparkles. Then red, and blue, and silver. Some were big circles and others shot up like rockets, and even the bridge was covered in sparkles. It was so pretty. Not as pretty as the sunrise, but still really really pretty.
Harrison picked me up and I reached out, trying to catch the falling lights.
“Happy new year,” he whispered.
Suddenly I gasped. “Does this mean you’re leaving me now?” I don’t want you to go!” Tears formed in my eyes and I rubbed my face onto his shoulder to wipe them away.
“Not yet. I have a few more things to organise, so I’ll be here for the rest of summer. And when it’s time, you’ll be the first to know.”
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
Seems like the FK has a chronic case of "I'd rather die than talk about my problems". The idea that; if you're not strong enough to take care of yourself then you're more of a burden to your friends than an actual friend. And if you can't get things together on your own then maybe they'd all be better off without you. While also being incredibly unaware of what a massive hypocrite they're being since they'd never think that way about anyone else and are still hell bent on helping others.
Final part of that little distressed FK prompt I have running! Thank you all again for reading and requesting!
Part. 1 Part. 2
The relief that filled his chest when he saw you across the street was immeasurable. You were out in the middle of town of all places, at least now he knew you were okay. Kamal and him were on their way to Jimothen's for a sort of impromptu meeting with a few of the other townsfolk. Everyone wanted to get together and plan you out a 'thank you' party or something to give you a bit of a break. A grand gesture to show you what you meant to everyone, you certainly deserved it.
Normally he'd be more excited about that kind of thing but he couldn't help but drag his feet a little. You needed something more than that. Not something bigger, just something different. Still, he was eager to contribute to anything that might help cheer you up.
The way you'd run away from him the other night, the way you'd acted was so full of fear. Despite how much you tried to sell it as anger, it was fear. You were so hurt and scared and even more scared to show it. There was so much he'd wanted to say but he couldn't find the words and opted to try and get you to stay until Kamal came back. In the end he'd only ended up scaring you more.
It probably wasn't a good idea to approach you out on the street. He still felt bad for upsetting you the other night but your pallid presence was tugging his heartstrings in your direction. You'd been on his mind nonstop. Even before you went completely silent you weren't eating properly or getting enough sleep and there was nothing he could do to help like he usually did because you stopped visiting. He could only imagine what you'd been doing to yourself (or rather not doing for yourself) cooped up in your house these last three days. Gaah, he was pulling his hair out just thinking about it!
In the end he couldn't help himself and ran to follow you. Stopping for a moment to look back at Kamal who had crossed the street pick up the bags you had dropped. When Kamal noticed him hesitating he put his hands on his hips and remarked in a half joking but encouraging tone.
"Well, what are you waiting on? You're not gonna let 'em get away again are you, doc?" No, no he wasn't, not this time. Nodding in determination, he rounded the corner after you.
It took him a minute to see you though the glass of Jimothen's. After doing a double take as he ran by he burst in more violently then he would have liked.
Maybe it was the adrenaline but he finally found the strength to speak up. He was scared that if he didn’t speak his mind now, he’d lose the chance and you'd go back into hiding. Unfortunately he wasn't expecting you to move away from him like you did and you ended up falling backwards.
Crap, were you hurt? That was his fault. You didn’t hit your head did you?
He gently reached forward to help you back up, watching your face closely for any signs of pain in case you actually did hurt something.
"Stay away from me!"
When you yelled he pulled back his hands like he’d just grabbed onto an electric fence, not to mention the fact that you'd just barely missed him with your swing.
You were still fighting to back away from him even though you were on the ground and you once again looked so scared. And once again he couldn't bring himself to do anything about it despite how much he was screaming at himself to find some way to help you.
When you eventually pulled yourself to your feet and began shuffling your way around him he couldn't bring himself to move, too scared of upsetting you further and just let out another apology.
Even he didn't expect your next move as you began insisting that you were going to be fine. Even you weren't denying it anymore. You were shaking and your eyes were turning red but it was your final words that sealed his conviction.
"I want to fix this, I-I just want things to go back to normal! So...don't worry too much, okay?"
You weren't just scared of sharing your problems, you were scared of losing your friends as a result of it. He wanted nothing more than to pull you into a bone crushing hug and never let go. He might have finally acted on the urge if Kamal hadn't appeared. Kamal's appearance seemed to have lifted all the tension in the air for just a moment and for second the distraught look on your face was replaced with one of uncertainty. Maybe this was it! Kamal was always so good with words, if he could talk to you maybe he could convince you to open up to them.
Then as quickly as that moment of peace began it was abruptly broken when you pushed pass Kamal and ran out the door.
Now you were finally sitting in his house. Curled up on the other side of the couch from him, staring at the wall. The way you sat there in defeat, having completely given up just made him feel worse. This wasn't what he'd wanted. Maybe they should have just let you go. Maybe you'd keep your promise and start talking to him again if he just let you do your thing. You were usually right about this sort of thing and you knew yourself better than he did right? That would make you happy right? No...no you shouldn't be alone right now. You needed someone to be there for you whether you knew it or not.
For the first time since leaving the Habitat, he felt scared to interact or even touch you.
Almost a year ago, when you'd approached him back at the Habitat, you showed him the tooth lily and hugged him. You had hugged him! The man that had just forcefully removed your teeth. You even held onto his hand and insisted he leave with you. 
After that you were always there to offer him a gentle hand on his shoulder or a hug when you saw him looking nervous. It took him forever to get the feeling of pulling your teeth out of his hands, like he was going to hurt you again just by touching you. But...you never flinched or even tried to stop him when he'd start doing small gestures like patting your head or placing a hand on your shoulder. Eventually those small gestures evolved into abnormally long bear hugs, riding around on his shoulders, tickle attacks and sleepovers. You'd even helped him through some of his worst breakdowns.
Maybe that's why this was so strange. Being friends with you was just second nature now and not comforting you felt more unusual than the alternative. You were his family and it hurt that he couldn't finally return your kindness. But he reminded himself of how you must have been seeing this situation, maybe...just maybe you'd never had anybody return the favor before. If that was the case then he wasn't going to let you off the hook as easily as you were used to.
You hadn’t spoken to either of them since you got to their house. It was a mixture of anger and not actually having anything to say. You even skipped out on eating anything. Kamal just sighed and let you go, assuring you that it would be in the fridge if you changed your mind. Boris on the other hand was visibly upset at your refusal to join them but kept quiet.
Looking back at Boris, he was practically hiding behind the corner as he watched you. You finally gave up, grabbing the bag and walking to the bathroom to change and brush your teeth. Boris was gone by the time you'd gotten back so your actions must have satisfied him.
Eventually night rolled around and they both began getting ready to turn in. After Boris had switched into his pajamas he stood nervously at the end of the hall watching you expectancy and seeming disappointment when you didn't move to do whatever he thought you were supposed to be doing. Was he waiting for you to get ready for bed? You were just going to sleep on the couch anyway so it didn't really matter... Before you could finish that thought you were hit in the side of the head by a soft duffle bag.
"Bedtime, kiddo, get ready!", Kamal yelled to you from upstairs, clearly satisfied with his aim. What even was this? Oh yeah, your over-night bag...you'd almost forgot you kept one here.
"Hey, look who's talking again", he mused and you shrugged. You didn't really care about keeping up the silent treatment, you just haven't had much to say.
A bit of time passed and you were starting to nod off from your spot on the couch when you felt someone sit beside you. The movement caused you to jump a bit but you settled back down when you saw who it was.
"Oh...hi, Kamal..." you offered half a wave then rested your head back on your knees.
"So, you wanna talk about what went down back at Jimothen's?"
"You said we weren't gonna talk about this until tomorrow." You replied flatly
"True, but if you look at the time it is technically tomorrow." He bargained and you looked at the clock. It was already half past midnight so he wasn't wrong. A long moment of silence passed then you finally spoke.
"I got angry..."
"Angry huh?"
"Yeah, and I yelled at Boris again."
"Heh, yeah, he told me about that"
"Then why are you asking me about it?", you snapped a bit but caught yourself and apologized, "I...I'm sorry."
"See, there it is!", he said in an inappropriately encouraging tone.
"There's what?", you questioned.
"There's our little flower shmoe!" He followed up but you still didn't understand what he was getting at.
"I'm not following..."
He finished his speech by leaning back onto his knees and chuckling slightly, "Hey, that last part rhymed, didn't it?"
He rolled his eyes jokingly, moving to sit on his knees and face you on the couch.
"You think you can scare us off, kid?" You just stared at him questioningly. "The way you've been acting, the hiding, the running away; it's gonna take a lot more than that to get rid of us now and you know why???" You were struck wordless by his sudden boldness and he took your silence as his cue to continue. "Because everybody loves you, Y/N! And they don't just like, love you love you, they love YOU." He pointed at your chest for emphasize. "I know who you are, kid, so does Boris. So do all those j-cats out in town. The way you ignored everyone and yelled, that isn't really you is it? And even if it was, we'd all love that too. Why? Because we love YOU."
"Don't worry about it, little buddy. Just think on it okay?" He looked around then stood up, "Well, I should probably get to bed. You too, don't stay up too late!" He smiled and ruffled your hair as he walked away, offering one last look in your direction before heading to bed, "G'night, Y/n".
You didn't know what to say.
"Kamal, I...." He raised a hand to stop you.
You sat alone for what felt like another few hours with Kamal's words buzzing around in your head and weighing on your heart. Was it really that simple? 
The sound of a door clicking sounded from down the hall. Normally you would have just ignored it but your talk with Kamal had you feeling restless so you got up to go see if he was still awake.
Unfortunately, Kamal's door was shut and the lights in his room were off which was a good sign that he really had gone to sleep. However, the hall was illuminated by a dim glow, which after closer inspection, seemed to be coming from Boris’s room as the door hung ajar.
You stepped around the door, standing in the ray of light that shown out into the hallway and found the room empty. That was strange, if he wasn't here then where was he? Your question was soon answered when you turned around to see the brightly colored :-) staring you down from the darkness. You jumped back, covering your mouth to stop yourself from screaming
• “I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be up!" He quickly apologized as he shifted back to normal. Boris was holding a glass of water, which made sense, he usually switched to his shadow form when he wanted to walk around at night without waking anyone up.
"No no, you're fine, you just startled me is all." You laughed at your own reaction, it had been a while since he'd startled you like that.
Boris sheepishly sipped his water in the doorway as if waiting for you to make the next move. Kamal’s words were still stuck in your mind. If you really were stuck with them worrying, you might as well start clearing the waters. That would make things easier down the line at least.
"I, uh, I'm sorry, Boris, for everything." You were feeling especially bold right now but he tilted his head questioningly. Did he really not know what you were talking about?, "For yelling at you before, I mean..."
"Oh, it's okay, I-I made you mad I know..."
"No, no you didn't, Boris! I...I was never mad at you, I don't think I could ever be mad at you." You put up a weak smile but it was sincere. "It's just that things have been kind of...I mean, I've been really..." As soon as the words started to form you reflexively cut them off. You looked up between your stutters to see that you had Boris’s full attention.
"Please don't stop keep going!" He begged but his insistence made a lump form in your throat.
"I...It's...it's nothing." What a weak cover up you thought, but old habits die hard and you were once again metaphorically running away. "I'll...see tomorrow, Boris, have a good night, okay?" You gave him another small smile and a wave and attempted to head back to your spot in the living room...only to be blocked...again.
You couldn't speak at first, your arms pinned to your sides as he kneeled down to adjust his hold on you.
Looking up you saw Boris giving you that same glare he had during his tussle with Petunia. Needles to say, it was more intimidating up close. You took a step back nervously, "Boris, I-I can’t I’m sorry I-
His stern expression didn't change but he reached a hand forward and slowly placed it on your shoulder. Your eyes followed his movement, almost flinching when he made contact. Your skittishness caught his attention and you noticed his expression soften sadly.
Without another word he moved forward, closing the space between you entirely as he wrapped both arms around you tightly.
"It's okay, flower...you do not have to be strong for me."
Your chest tightened and your breath began to hiccup. "Boris, I..." 
“I know...I’m just...I’m fine, Boris.” You didn't get a response but he refused to let go when you tried to pull away. His hold loosened as he unpinned your arms, rewrapping his arms around your torso under them and squeezing you a even tighter.
 “I mean it, Boris. I’m fine. Really, I promise...I-I’m...
“It is okay....
The next thing you knew you were lifted off the ground and carried over to sit with him on his bed. You were being held the way he would carry you or Kamal when you were asleep. Chest to chest with your arms around his neck.
All the hurt you'd been oppressing up until now finally hit you like a wave and it was all going to come pouring out. You could feel the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes but you couldn't run now. Boris must have noticed that you were trying to hide your face because he placed one of his large hands on the back of your head and pressed your face gently into his chest. That simple act was enough make you finally give in and the sharp intake of breath you took let the both of you know exactly what was about to happen. 
You weren't sure what he was saying, but he spoke with such softness it made your heart melt. "шшш, глубокие вдохи..." His hand continued to make quick work of the tensed muscles in you back as he cooed to you. His voice coming out naturally in Russian as if he was completely engrossed in comforting you.
You started to sob. It was shaky and restrained at first but Boris softly worked to rub your back and help you steady your breathing until it turned silent.
"I'll squeeze all the tears out of you if I have to..." His tone was oddly serious but full of warmth. And despite the tears running down your face you let out a small laugh. "У меня есть ты, маленький цветок, все в порядке..."
A few minutes passed and he released you for a moment. A second later something was thrown over you. He had put on his coat and was working to button you into it with him. As soon as he finished he went back to holding you securely, his voice coming out in what sounded like a joking tone, "Теперь ты не можешь убежать!"
Boris seemed to be using every method at his disposal to get you to relax and the warmth and softness that was surrounding you was near euphoric. You were so tired and upset but finally giving into your ‘weakness’, you leaned into him completely, hearing a content hum come from his chest as you began drifting off. "Спокойной ночи, маленький цветок, сладких снов."
Before you got the chance to turn the doorknob the door opened on it's own and Boris almost crashed into you holding a small tray table. It took him a second to regain his composure, almost dropping the contents and quickly fumbling to regain his balance, letting out a sigh of relief when he finally stabilized himself. It took him a second to focus on you but when he did he pouted, "Aww, you are awake already? :-("
You awoke slowly the next morning. Half because of your lingering tiredness and half because of the incredible weight surrounding you. Opening your eyes you were surrounded by darkness with only a small opening above your head to let light in. Scooting yourself up, your head poked through the collar of Boris's coat. You were lying in his bed, wrapped in his coat. under a mound of blankets. He must have brought more in because you were almost positive there weren't this many here last night. The only thing missing was Boris himself.
What time was it? Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you managed to focus on the clock hanging on his wall. Oh, 3:30, okay. Wait, 3:30? You quickly jumped out of bed almost falling out as you struggled to unearth yourself from the excess of blankets and neatly folded Boris's coat to set it at the foot of his bed.
"It's 3pm, Boris. If anything, I'm sorry for sleeping in so long. And I-I'm sorry about last night, you shouldn't have had to-"
A hand was placed on your head and Boris was looking at you with a soft smile.
"Do you need another squeeze?"
"Wrong answer! It was a rhetorical question!", he was now balancing the tray table in one hand as he leaned down to wrap the other one around your waist, pull you up to his chest and do a little spin before setting you back down when your laughter seemed to satisfy him. "Oh yes! I almost forgot, I brought you breakfast for in bed! It's what they call a 'bed and breakfast'." He looked down at you and frowned a bit, "But you are not in bed anymore so it is just a 'breakfast'. He made air quotes with one hand when he said the work breakfast.
His entire spiel had you laughing, "I'm sorry, Boris, I still appreciate the surprise though. I'm sure it will be just as good if I eat it in the kitchen."
He perked right back up again, "So you'll still eat it, really?!" So that's what this was, he was just hoping to get you to eat something and this was his master plan.
You...you really were feeling so much better. In fact up until now, you'd almost forgotten why you were even here in the first place. There was still some stuff you had to work out but you knew for a fact Boris was dead set on helping you through it. There's no way you could shake him or Kamal off now and while the guilt was still present in your mind, you weren't entirely uncomfortable with that thought. "Of course, Boris, let's go."
"Okay, then we can all eat together! Kamal will be so happy!"
"Wait, Kamal's still here?"
"Yep, he's the one who made breakfast today! Him and I are taking the next couple days off for-" he cut himself off realizing he should think about his next words carefully "-family related matters!" He wasn't even being shy about it anymore and was a little too satisfied with how he had finished that sentence.
"Yeah, okay." You rolled you eyes, "Go ahead and tell him I'm coming. I'm gonna get dressed and I'll be out in a few."
"Okeee! Don't take to long!", he sing-songed, practically skipping out the door.
Kamal had promised that you were going to talk about everything today and you doubted the little chat you had last night would suffice. It was strange, things were already staring to return to normal. Despite your breakdown last night...Boris wasn't treating you any differently. Talking would still be hard, excepting their help would still be hard, but if last night and this morning were any examples of how the next few days were going to go then maybe you could find the courage to work through it.
Finally finished! Sorry, I got so caught up with this one specific prompt, looking forward to finishing up some normal requests! Thank you all again for your participation this was awfully fun to write!
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Breaking the Time Loop chapter 4: Sacrifice
Alice put the journal down. She looked the way Henry probably had after reading the first three pages. "Wow," she breathed. After taking a while to collect her thoughts, she finally came up with a response. "So, you want to save the souled creatures. And you came here because Tom and I are good companions? Is that it?"
"Well, no. You see, to save them, I've enlisted in some...unconventional help."
"I need to reconnect the souls to the bodies to bring them back to life. In other words, I need to perform necromancy. And the only creature that can do that is a demon."
"You're going to try and tame him!?"
"Actually, I already did." Alice stared at Tom in disbelief, but Henry carried on. "And he told me that only an angel could purify a soul. So, unless I want to lead out a group of crazies and check them right in to a madhouse... well, I thought it would be best to come to you. Can you help?"
"Well, I can try. Have you captured any souls yet?"
"We've captured one, and I could take Susie's whenever I want. Do you promise not to be alarmed if I call Bendy in here?"
"Go ahead."
Henry looked around the base. There were no posters. He excused himself into the hallway to call the demon, and came back with him. Tom's mouth fell open, as though he were thinking, I thought you were pulling our legs. Alice, on the other hand, seemed calm. Bendy brought his hand to his mouth, apparently pulled the soul out, and offered it to Alice. Alice observed the invisible object as though she were a mechanic staring at a broken engine, squinting at it and seeming to grow more and more dispirited. Finally, she put it on the table and looked down.
"Is this even a human soul?" Alice asked, almost in disbelief.
"It once belonged to a man named Norman Polk. He became creature you call the projectionist."
"Oh, that explains it. I can't fix this. I'm sorry."
"Why not?"
"It's just too damaged. It's not even sapient anymore."
"Well, can't you at least try?" Henry asked. From behind him, inky tendrils were spreading around Bendy.
"No. Imagine imagine a soul like a page in a book. Undoing damage is like taking a few scrambled words and putting them back to normal. You can mostly tell by context what the word is meant to be. But this-" Alice paused to look up at the alarming spreading tendrils.
"Bendy, can you stop?" Henry asked, keeping the annoyance out of his voice. Bendy shook his head. He was rapt, leaning forwards. Not knowing what else to do, Henry turned back to Alice. "Go on, Alice."
"This is like a page with almost every word scrambled. I wouldn't be bringing this person back. I'd be making a new one from whole cloth. And even then, it would take me days. This is a dead man, Henry." Alice's voice grew tenser as she continued, and it was not hard to see why.
The room was an inky abyss by now, its features barely visible. words were appearing on the walls, but Henry couldn't read them for how dark the walls had become. The ink demon was peering over Henry's shoulder like a predator looking through the brush. In a quick movement, he snatched the journal out of Tom's hands. Henry's breath grew ragged. His progress- his everything! It was in the hands of that monster.
"Bendy...I can't save you without that! Please-"
Bendy opened the book to its last page- a blank one, Henry knew, and pointed to it to put words on it. Henry could see that the beast was breathing heavily as well. He turned the book. It read, in letters big enough to fill the page and drip off the sides of it, GIVE ME THE SOUL.
"That is a good idea," Alice said. There was tension in her voice, but she seemed genuine.
Henry did not agree. But one loop for the safety of his journal was a small price to pay. "Yes. You can have the soul," he said. Immediately the inky tendrils contracted somewhat, leaving visible words spanning the walls in messages such as I MUST HAVE IT, THE SOUL IS MINE, THE JOURNAL IS LEVERAGE, and most frightening of all, IT WILL CHANGE ME. Bendy drew back the ink from the journal and the walls and handed the book back to Henry, who drew it into him like a child might a cling to a blanket.
"I should void the soul first," Alice suggested, "Erase the words, make it a blank slate. I can do it while we head down to the machine."
"Go down to the machine?"
"It's needed to transfer souls," she explained.
Henry knew then that it was the end of this loop. He'd speculated that Bendy was using souls to turn into his monstrous final form, but now, with that message on the wall, it was sure.
The five made their way down. Tom took up the rear, staying on the lookout for any dangers that might be following. Alice was next, too preoccupied with the soul to be alert to danger. Then Boris. Henry followed the ink demon, who was taking them along at a quick pace that forced Henry to run to keep up. Bendy's excitement was obvious. Words sprayed on the walls only to immediately drip off. Most of the words went by too quickly for Henry to read, but he could see what an elated, messy scrawl they were, and he could catch a few words: "transform," "anew," "finally," and for some Godforsaken reason, "love." In his rampage, butcher gang members and lost ones dissolved the moment they grew near his inky aura. Thankfully, Alice, Boris, and Tom stayed far enough away to be unaffected.
Finally making it to the pit before the administration office, Bendy immediately jumped down, leaving the others in the dust. Henry, exhausted from all the running, stopped to catch his breath. "Alice..." he said as soon as he had the air to, "you have rope, right? We need to keep up with him."
"Indeed I do," she answered. Henry used the rope to climb down the pit, and tied it on hook well into dry land so that none of the ink creatures would have to risk touching the corruptive substance. By the time all four were down, however, the ink demon was nowhere to be seen. Henry noticed a poster on the wall, with a few excited but already fading phrases written around it. "Oh, no. We're too late." With his luck, that creature had already swallowed the end tape by now.
"It's alright," Alice said, "It's not like he can actually do anything without the soul, anyhow."
"Yeah, the transforming part isn't what I'm afraid of," Henry replied.
"Well, we'll only be later if we waste time feeling sorry for ourselves. Let's go."
The group was able to make quick work of the audio vault, killing the butcher gang with their axes and machete and only needing one trip to collect the thick ink required to repair the drainage system. Henry took a deep breath as the group finally approached that impassable river of ink.
"I suppose that this is where you have to leave me?" Henry asked, though it wasn't really a question.
"Sorry, but yes. We'd dissolve in that ink in a second. Here, take this," Alice handed Henry the soul. Though he couldn't see it, he cupped his hands around it as though it was everything to him. "Give it to the demon. I have a feeling that this won't end as badly as you think it will."
"Very well," Henry said, "And thanks for everything." He knew then that he'd be facing the end of this time loop as he did all the others: alone. He stepped into the inky river, stopping to look back at the trio. Instead, he saw Boris dashing in behind him, wielding Tom's ax. He scampered to the other side as quickly as the viscous ink would allow, pulled himself onto the other side, and shook off. Black drips hung down into the white parts of his character design as a result of ink damage, and his form seemed a good bit less solid than usual,but he was otherwise unharmed. Henry smiled, touched at his friend's loyalty. He got up onto the other side of the river and helped his companion to his feet. "Thanks, buddy," Henry cooed. He didn't remember, but it seemed from the journal that he always loved loops where Boris stayed alive and with him.
Together, they entered the demon's throne room. Everything, from the projections on the walls to the chains on the throne, was intact. There weren't even any extra messages on the walls. For a moment, Henry got his hopes up. Holding onto that dash of optimism, he opened the film case.
It was empty. Henry's pace quickened. He fell to his knees.
"Boris, I'm trapped," Henry said in a hopeless monotone. "I can't get out of here without that. I'm going to rot. I'm going to be a lost one. I'm never going to see Linda again. Oh my-" At the beginning of Henry's breakdown, Boris had been attempting to comfort Henry. Then, something else caught his eye, and he'd drifted towards it. Now, he was trying to get Henry's attention. "Hmm?"
Boris pointed to a room adjacent the throne room. Within it, Bendy was sitting down cross-legged inside one of four glass tubes. The duo entered. Small, polite letters appeared on the glass tube: Please give me the soul. Not knowing what else to do, Henry pressed his palm against the glass, opening the hand that held the soul. Bendy reached out to grab it, as though he were grabbing a fly. Then, the tube flooded with high-pressure black ink. The transformation had begun.
Yeah, I wrote this story months ago, back when the audio log characters were afterthoughts at best for me. I’m sorry, Norman... sorry I threw you under a bus for plot convenience.
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pengiesama · 7 years
A Reasonable Amount of Trouble (Fic, Sorey/Mikleo, Detective AU, Chapter 2/?)
Title: A Reasonable Amount of Trouble, Chapter 2/? Series: Tales of Zestiria Pairing: Sorey/Mikleo Summary: Sorey is an experienced member of the supernatural detective division, the Shepherds, but is a fresh face to the city squad when an unexpected transfer lands him in Lastonbell. Things tend to get complicated when you realize that hot hookup from the bar last night is now your new partner on the force. (Detective AU)
Sorey fails to bond with his new team, fails to churn butter, and fails to get over Mikleo.
Read Chapter 1 here!
Link: AO3
This was a commission from @shamingcows, who requested fic from her fantastic Detective AU!
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Sorey was settling in to Lastonbell well, he thought. He had been spending the last two weeks admiring local historical sites, checking out museums and art galleries, and sampling local cuisine, and was getting to know his coworkers a little bit better both in the office and out. He missed his teammates from Ladylake, but Sorey was the friendly sort, and knew that it was only a matter of time before he was just as close with his new team as he was with his old.
That being said, there was a certain teammate he’d love to get closer to sooner rather than later. 
But the problem was, Sorey supposed, that he’d gotten close to him a bit too Sooner, making the Later a lot more complicated. Sorey snuck a sneaky peek at Mikleo, who was seated next to him, and tried to catch his eye. Mikleo continued to stare straight ahead at the whiteboard at the head of the room, though Sorey saw him jump a bit when Sorey poked him in the side. Small victories. Mikleo glowered at him, and smacked him away; Sorey grinned and gleefully escalated the tickle duel. Flirting with coworkers might be an awful idea, but it had its perks when it came to spicing up boring meetings.
“Excuse me! Detective Sorey! Detective Mikleo!”
Sorey winced and ceased all tickle activity, looking up a bit sheepishly at the source of the admonishment. Maybe he shouldn’t have been screwing around in a department meeting when he was still a fresh face in the building. Detective Eleanor had raised herself to her unimpressive stature, and was fully fluffed up and ready to unleash a lecture. 
“While it is wonderful to see that you are already bonding with your new partner--” 
Another one of his coworkers, Detective Zaveid, burst into giggles at the phrasing. Sorey didn’t know how Zaveid found out about his and Mikleo’s...pre-existing bonding encounter(s), but he did seem to have ears and eyes everywhere in the city. Or maybe Sorey had had a small slip of the tongue when Zaveid took him out for drinks. Or maybe Zaveid was crawling around in the office air ducts to spy on him and Mikleo while they worked. The latter scenario would be entirely unsurprising. Sorey had very quickly found out that, much like Sorey’s motorcycle needed fuel, or a flower needed sun, Zaveid needed to consume a constant stream of gossip or he would instantly fall completely dead to the pavement. Eleanor frowned at him and fluffed herself up further to increase her lecturing power level.
“--and while it is also wonderful to see senior members of the department taking an interest in helping you acclimate--”
“Who’s a senior?” Zaveid said, with hurt in his voice. “Eleanor, are you telling me that I’m not cut out for this job anymore?”
Eleanor looked like a deer in headlights; her cheeks red as her hair. To not confront misbehavior in an individual who should be a paragon of morals and virtue was intolerable; to contradict one’s professional senior was likewise intolerable. Eleanor was conflicted between these impossible extremes, and seemed ready to burst from strain.
“Detectives! Your captain has something to say.”
They all looked warily at the front of the room, where Captain Sergei Strelka stood: back straight, shoulders squared, and patiently waiting for his team to redirect their attention to him. Captain Strelka was something of a legend on the force – Sorey had heard about him even before he was assigned to Lastonbell. He was hyper-competent, and had spearheaded the initiative to clean up Lastonbell’s organized crime and drug trafficking activity. He was professional, an excellent leader, and a great public face for the department. His position was well-earned.
Sergei looked to the hand-puppet of himself that he wore on his right hand, and made it cross its arms firmly.
“I’m Cap’n Strelka, and I’m here to lead everyone in a fun-filled team-building activity at the behest of HR!”
Sorey had wondered why they’d been called into this meeting in the middle of the afternoon. He didn’t wonder so much about the puppet. Not anymore, anyway. Sorey briefly wondered what it was about the position of captain that seemed to make people…like this. Sorey thought back to some of his more disturbing encounters in Ladylake. He’d watched Captain Lailah confiscate the shed skin of a Medusa-class hellion (a Class V biohazard), determined to purify it enough to mount it on her wall, all because it had dried and coiled into a curl that had captured her heart. After three days the entire station needed to be evacuated and a team in full protective gear needed to be sent in to clean up the miasmatic haze. Lailah lost her trophy to the incident, and sank into an abiding despair that lasted months.
And now here in Lastonbell he was regularly attending lectures on workplace safety and cultural sensitivity hosted by a hand-puppet.
(Early on, Captain Sergei had called Sorey into his office, and quietly asked him about how he’d been adjusting. He encouraged Sorey that he could always talk to him and the Cap’n about his feelings. Sorey thanked them both for the opportunity. Later, as he carefully turned the encounter over in his mind to come to terms with his new reality, he’d asked Mikleo why Captain Sergei seemed so familiar.
“His twin brother is the head bartender at Katz Pajamas. You probably saw me talking to him while you were there.”
“…is he…does he do the hand-puppets too?”
“No, thank god.”
“I bet that’s kind of weird, though? You’re in there cruising for hookups, and you’re getting poured drinks by someone who looks like your boss.”
“I’ve done body-shots off Boris’ nipples while he was dressed like a slutty cat at the bar’s Halloween party a couple years ago. We’re way beyond weird.”)
The team looked resigned to their fate. Zaveid forced a smile.
“Team-building! Great, let’s all meet up at the nearest bar and really get our team on--”
“It’s three in the afternoon!” Eleanor scolded him.
“I know a place that does all day mimosas,” Zaveid explained. “I bet if you wanted to make a lunch version you could find a half-empty plastic gallon jug of orange juice and fill the rest with vodka--”
“That’s just a screwdriver for people who’ve given up on life,” Mikleo shot back.
“Team! We can go out for drinks later,” Sergei assured. “But Miss Moo Cow is only booked with us for an hour before she has to go back to the park petting zoo.”
The door to the meeting room opened, and a full-size dairy cow led by a person in a cow suit entered. Mikleo sprang out of his seat and inched over to the windows, all the color draining from his face. As he slunk away, Sorey stood up from his own seat and carefully trailed after him with no little concern.
“No. Not after last time,” Mikleo said firmly. “No, no, no.”
“Detective, I assure you that Miss Moo Cow has gone through the required sensitivity training to prevent a repeat of last year’s events,” Sergei said reassuringly. He gestured at Mikleo with his Cap’n-bedecked hand. “Would you like to talk with Cap’n about your feelings before we start the process of churning some delicious homemade butter?”
Mikleo was clearly not convinced, and was in the process of climbing out the window and onto the fire escape. Despite his better judgement – though homemade butter did sound nice – Sorey put on his negotiations hat and tried to talk Mikleo down.
“Mikleo, why don’t I do the honors with Miss Moo Cow for you, and then we can both get churning --”
Mikleo was out and away, his footsteps clanging on the metal fire escape stairs as he headed towards the roof. Giving a sheepish smile to his teammates and a respectful nod to Miss Moo Cow and her associate, Sorey climbed out the window to follow him. As he pursued Mikleo to the rooftop, he heard the Cap’n asking who’d like to go first; and Eleanor’s small, despairing affirmation.
Sorey found Mikleo seated on one of the industrial fan boxes on the rooftop; smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves down from whatever cow-based horrors had rattled them. Sorey had seen him smoke before – he thankfully wasn’t a pack-a-day addict (Sorey surely would have tasted it on his tongue during their long weekend together), but he still lit up more often than Sorey liked while on the job. Sorey knew the stresses of this kind of work, and maybe smoking didn’t have as bad an effect on seraphim, and Mikleo of course never did it where anyone else had to breathe it in. But when it came to Mikleo’s health, Sorey couldn’t…
…what he really couldn’t do was anything about it, at all. Mikleo wasn’t his boyfriend. They weren’t in a relationship. They’d barely even established a professional connection. He was a guy he’d hooked up with over one wonderful, unforgettable weekend; he was a guy he was hopelessly hung up on. Sorey knew from the start that he was terrible at keeping things casual, at keeping feelings out of bed. And yet he dove in head-first regardless. This is what he got for ignoring his own good advice. Sorey shoved his hands into his pockets and flopped down next to Mikleo on his perch.
“So what’s your beef with Miss Moo Cow?” Sorey asked jovially.
Mikleo gave him a flat look. Back in Ladylake, that kind of pun would have gotten Sorey a promotion from Captain Lailah. The times, they were a-changin’.
“I know you’re not lactose intolerant, considering how many ice cream bars you can pack away.”
“I prefer to not remember the incident,” Mikleo said tersely. He took another drag of his cigarette, and exhaled a long, slow breath. “Suffice to say that I don’t have faith I wouldn’t see a repeat of it.”
“Well, whatever horrors you think she’s capable of, you’ve abandoned Eleanor and Zaveid to suffer them alone.” Sorey tsked his tongue teasingly. “Hope that’s not me someday.”
“If and when that cow ever goes hellion? It just might be,” Mikleo retorted. He stubbed out his cigarette. “That being said, rest assured that I have your back in other circumstances.”
Sorey grinned wide. “Is that a date?”
Mikleo snorted, but Sorey could see a smile on his lips regardless. “You wish.”
 Text messages (4), Mileena Weiss
Hi Sorey!! How’ve you been?
We’ve missed you here in Ladylake! (heart emoji) Ix has wanted to text you since the day you left to see how you’re doing, but, well, you know him. He thinks it would just be “bothering” you. (eyeroll emoji)
Captain Lailah is as elegant and graceful as ever, but I can tell she misses having you around. I bet she’d love a text or email from you sometime. If you make a beautiful lady like her cry, I’ll break into your apartment at night and break the bindings on ALL your books!! (knife emoji, knife emoji)
The precinct’s been pretty quiet lately, so maybe we can both take some time to visit you in Lastonbell. Ix has been daydreaming of going to all those museums and galleries you told him about before you left; if I don’t get him there soon, he’s liable to wilt away from nerd starvation. (skull emoji) Help him!!! Love you lots!
Sorey read through the texts with a small, sad smile on his face. Mileena and Ix were the resident rookies on Ladylake’s squad, and ever since they’d joined the team, Sorey had felt a certain kind of responsibility for them. Especially Ix, who – though showing deductive skills and proficiency with purification that rivalled many of the more seasoned squad members – was a complete and utter nervous wreck even in the best of times. Crippling indecision and heartbreakingly low self-esteem were not traits that meshed well with a career in criminal justice, no matter what skills were there to make up for it. On his especially bad days, Sorey would load him up on the back of his motorcycle and drive them both over to his favorite café and bookstore to chat about history until Ix’s tension passed.
When Sorey got the notification that he was being transferred to Lastonbell, he couldn’t help but be concerned at what would become of the rookie when he wasn’t around…he had Mileena, of course, but there were just some things that you couldn’t talk about freely with someone you had feelings for.
Sorey knew that pain. He dropped his phone to his chest and let out a sigh.
Hey guys! That sounds great, but I’m not sure if you really want to see my apartment right now…
 Mileena Weiss:
Have you seriously not unpacked yet???? It’s been two weeks!! What will you do if you want to bring a special someone home with you, make them sleep in a box like a cat??
Well, if it came to that…
 Mileena Weiss:
I swear I don’t understand men honestly
I’m gonna tattle on you to Captain Lailah
Nooo. Nooooooooooooo
I’ll unpack soon. Promise (halo emoji) And then the two of you can come tour the city with me!
 Mileena Weiss:
I’ll hold you to that! (heart emoji)
 The twinge of homesickness in his chest eased, if only a little. Sorey paused for a long moment, gazing at the gathering clouds outside the window, at the twinkling city lights in the late night air. He tapped over to his contacts and brought up Mikleo’s entry, and stared at the picture Mikleo had sent him to associate with it – before they’d found out they were coworkers, of course. Sorey was sure that Mikleo wouldn’t have ever sent him a photo like this otherwise.
His naked neck, marked with Sorey’s hickies, his shirt unbuttoned to show the lines of his chest, his unbound hair falling in waves down his shoulders, and just a hint of his full, soft lips. Sorey probably shouldn’t still have it associated with Mikleo’s contact, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to disassociate the Mikleo he’d fallen into bed with, with the Mikleo he was now working alongside every day in the office. Doing that felt like giving up, and reasonably, that was exactly what he should be doing – Mikleo had rebuffed all of his advances once they’d started working together, so he clearly wasn’t interested in dating a coworker. He’d have to ask Mikleo for another photo sometime. Maybe now?
It was perilously late. It is widely known that at a certain time of night, the urge to send maudlin/horny/needy texts to your crushes becomes an irresistible self-destructive directive. Sorey was caught up in this compulsion, and before he even realized what he was doing, he’d already texted Mikleo.
Hey. You still need a picture of me for your phone?
 Sorey then pulled his phone back to take a selfie; turtling his neck in an attempt to give himself as many chins as possible in the shot. He sent it over to Mikleo, and as five whole seconds ticked by without a reply, Sorey fought the urge to go curl up in the bathtub in a shame ball. Luckily or unluckily for Sorey, he didn’t have to wait more than another torturous minute or so for a response.
That wasn’t the kind of photo I was expecting when I saw your name, but if you insist. Have you been drinking?
 Sorey hadn’t been. He didn’t need to be drunk to make poor decisions in love.
drinking!! The very idea
What kind of man do you take me for
The drunk kind. Go dunk your head so you’re lucid for work tomorrow
Is this the kind of thanks I get for sharing my chins with you (crying face emoji)
 Sorey didn’t get a response for a minute or two, and briefly thought that Mikleo had abandoned him for the night to recover from his not-impairment. However, Sorey’s phone buzzed again, and Sorey’s heart skipped when he saw that it was a photo message. Swallowing hard, Sorey opened the notification.
He knew that Mikleo wore reading glasses – Sorey saw him wearing them at work, and he looked good enough in them there, but this. This was simply unfair. Mikleo had sent him a picture of himself in half-profile, leaning his chin on his hand, and giving the camera a half-lidded look over the tops of his spectacles. His hair fell over one shoulder in a loose braid that just begged to be loosened further by Sorey’s fingers. He looked like he had been reading in bed when Sorey texted, and apparently slept without a shirt on. (Well, he’d slept without a shirt on at Sorey’s place. But he didn’t have pants on then either. Asking if the latter still held true seemed to be an inappropriate question to ask.) The dim lighting of Mikleo’s room cast shadows on his features; perfectly outlining the beautiful lines of his jaw and cheekbones, and the tiny curl of those lips as they smirked at Sorey through the screen. It was no less lewd than the picture he already had of Mikleo, and Sorey felt awash in an exquisite despair.
He was getting the distinct feeling that he’d find something to fixate on no matter what picture Mikleo sent him, no matter how innocuous. He wondered if he could maybe sneak one of Mikleo while he was eating. That might work to get something that wouldn’t destroy him every time he looked at it.
too few chins. a B+ at best. See me after class
I’ll dispute that grade with the dean’s office tomorrow, I assure you.
Good night. I’m sure you know to drink water before going to bed
Of course. Partners always looking out for each other
Good night
 So now Sorey had two lewd pictures, a renewed ache in his chest, and one very empty bed.
Sorey covered his face in his hand and sighed. This city was feeling lonelier than ever.
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vitalpen · 7 years
Beady Little Eyes
(another lil thing for @squigglydigglydoo ‘s toon henry au, which has done wonders for bringing back my creative drive lately.  Wanted to try and feel out how Bendy would react to seeing himself when he’s off-model level’s of angry.)
“What did he mean?” Bendy stood on a stool in front of a mirror, stock still, looking at himself.  He bent in close over the sink and stretched his eyelid, intensely scanning for something, anything… nothing.
Which was exactly what he was finding.  The only thing looking back at him was that mug he’d come to know and love oh-so-much. His real money maker.  Not a flaw to be found.
“Boris doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about,” the devil dismissed, intending to put the issue to bed.
But he didn’t look away from that mirror.  Why?  Why was he even listening to Boris?  Henry’d already poisoned the guy’s mind.  That dunce was always gullible anyway, it was his whole shtick.
So why did this bother him so much?
Bendy knew.  Of course he knew.  He and Boris had known each other for years.  If there was one thing that came with being that simple, it was honesty.  Boris didn’t have a lying bone in his body.  So when the words “he was right” came out of his mouth, coupled with the terror in his eyes, it stung.
Boris didn’t like how mad he was getting.  Why not?  After everything they’d gone through, all the work they’d done, why did they deserve to get thrown away?  They were owed this.  How could he not see that?  Boris was a dunce, but he wasn’t blind.  Henry didn’t care about this, he didn’t care about them.  But all it had taken was one sob story and Boris was in, hook, line, and sinker.
“That’s the problem with having an idiot for a best friend,” he muttered to himself, “they got no idea when they’re bein played.”
But Alice believed him too. Alice wasn’t dumb.  She was as goody-two shoes, sure, but she had common sense.  And she was siding with Henry.  How was he supposed to take that?  Both of them were with Henry.  Henry. Henry, Henry, Henry.  Even hearing that name burned him up these days.  That louse left, tossed them all away, let them collect dust for thirty years.  And yet somehow, he turned everyone Bendy had against him.  What had he said to Alice?  She had to be smart enough to see through him.  Had he threatened her?  Had he threatened both of them?  Boris had looked nervous when they were arguing.  Did that no good, dead-beat, absentee animator threaten his pals?!
“If he lays a finger on either of them…“ Bendy clenched his hands in a vice grip and looked back up at the mirror…
It stared back at him with beady little eyes.
Bendy screamed in terror and fell back off his stool with a clatter.  He lied there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling.  His teeth were clenched, his fingers dug into the wood, and his heart jumped a foot up with every beat.  It was at least a minute of stunned silence when he finally sat up, rubbing his head, trying to process what he’d just seen.  That face, that… thing.  Was that… him?
The thought spurred him back to his feet, he scrambled up onto the stool as fast as he could and looked back at himself.
There were his pupils, big and adorable as they ever were.  Once again Bendy inspected his eyes.  Was it him? Was that freak really what he looked like? Why though? Why were his eyes so small? After a new stint of finding nothing, he shook his head.  
“No, no it was… it was a trick of the light.  Yeah, that was it, trick of the light.  Gotta get these things replaced.”  He put his hands on his hips and looked up at the dim bulb.  “They barely work anymore.”  A laugh to seal the excuse.  There, that sounded sane.
“I’m workin too hard,” he continued to assure himself, turning around and leaning back against the sink.  “All this thinkin bout Henry has my nerves shot.  I need to calm down before I lose my head.”
There was a tap on his shoulder.  A glance to the side brought him face to face with the beady-eyed monster, leaning out of the mirror.
“Might be a bit late for that, mac.”  It growled with a hollow grin.
Bendy screamed higher and louder than he’d ever screamed before.  His legs kicked into high gear. He rocketed out of the room, slammed the door shut, and began nailing two-by-fours over it as fast as he could.  After a finishing touch of police tape and a nuclear hazard symbol for good measure, he pressed his body up against it.  He heaved, chest rising and falling rapidly.
That wasn’t him.   He wasn’t like that.  He was a good guy.  It couldn’t have been him…
But that was his voice.
That was his face.
That was him.  That horrible, bloodthirsty-looking freak was him.
Bendy started to shiver. He wrapped his arms around himself and sank to the ground.  He missed Boris.  He missed Alice.  He…
A few drops of water hit the ground.  Rain. Instinctively, Bendy pulled an umbrella out and opened it.  Drops kept hitting the floor.  Confused, Bendy looked up… at the ceiling.  “Oh.”  He flicked the side of his head to berate himself.  “Then what… oh.”  He moved his knuckle up to just under his eye and rubbed, looking at the droplet that had settled on his finger.  “Oh,” his voice cracked, smiling at the tear like it was a joke.  Then he put his head back down and let himself cry softly.
His friends were gone, he has dropping ink like a leaky faucet, and now his eyes were going screwy.
Was he the bad guy?  You didn’t name the show after the bad guy, did you?
Half-finished thoughts came and went before he could grab them, the bulb over his head was flickering but it wouldn’t light.  He tried to think of something, anything… nothing.
Which was all he was gonna figure out on his own.
But he had no one to ask now.
Except Joey.
Bendy smacked his forehead, “That’s it!”  With that, he hopped back up, grabbed his umbrella and started down the hall.  Joey would know.  
He had to.
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mikeysnipes · 7 years
I Am Alive 🖊 (Bendy x reader)
Chapter 1 - "Go away!"
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Chapter 1 - "Go away!"
Your POV:
"Mm?" I opened my eyes, looking around at where I was. I found myself sitting by a desk with a drawing of a cute creature, smiling back up at me. To the left of the desk there was a cardboard cutout of a full-body character, with a smiling face and a bow tie to top off his friendly look. I snorted and stood up, searching for anything hinting as to where I was. Eventually I found a note, crinkled and ink fading. I curiously picked it up and read it.
Dear Henry,
It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. Thirty years really slips away, doesn't it?
If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you.
Your best pal,
Joey Drew.
I furrowed my brow and pocketed the note. Apparently I wasn't the only one here, or maybe I was? It doesn't matter, all that does is the fact that I don't know this Henry person whatsoever. More importantly, I don't know who this Joey Drew is either. Could they be good? Bad? I don't know.
I looked around the area, determining within the first five seconds that this place was too creepy for my liking. Very little light came into this supposed workshop, and ink stains were everywhere. Not only that, but the color scheme wasn't very enticing. The only colors were brown and black, and a little bit of white every now and then. There were more cardboard cutouts of the creature I had seen before, which didn't help give me a reassuring feeling.
Nope, that's it. I have to leave, and I have to leave now. This is no time for games. I started to wander the building, hoping to find some sort of exit by the walls. Eventually I found a room with a wolf-looking creature, chest cut open and ribs exposed. It had no organs or a heart, which I found to be surprising. However, I still cringed when I saw the body of whatever this was meant to be.
I looked closely and saw that this wolf was tied to an operation table, hinting that some sort of experiment was in progress. I looked to the right and saw a quote, scrawled with something black. Ink, I assumed. My hand immediately flew to my heart when I saw what phrase was listed.
"Who's laughing now?"
I backed up and ran out of there as fast as I could. At this rate, I didn't care where I ended up, as long as I got away from that creepy quote. I eventually bumped into one of those cardboard creatures, creating a red bruise on my cheek. I stared at the creature in front of me, wondering why the cardboard didn't fall like anything else would. My fears started to rise even more, and I glanced up.
I saw multiple posters, ads of certain shows. The first that caught my eye was a printed body with a tutu, with the advertisement where the head should be. It read "Bendy in The Dancing Demon", giving me the assumption that the creature in front of me was called Bendy. I could tell because this body sported gloves and a bow tie, which nothing else I had seen had.
The second poster I saw said "Bendy in Sheep Songs, with Boris the wolf!" From here I could guess that the half-dissected wolf was called Boris. Boris the wolf held a clarinet, so I also predicted that he could play an instrument.
The third poster featured Alice Angel, a smiling girl with both devil horns and a halo. Beside it, there was one last poster, showing Bendy's gloved hand. Each poster had their own show title.
I gaped for a moment, before continuing on my way. At least I had a general idea of who the characters were, but then what was Boris's supposed body doing here? Cartoons aren't alive, they're drawn and put together in a quick-paced movie. It doesn't make sense.
I walked into another room and saw some sort of machine, with a note on the top. I snatched it and saw that this was titled the Ink Machine, along with instructions on how to turn it on. First I had to go to the Power Room and turn on the machine. I followed what the note told me and eventually found the Power Room, with six pedestals and a sign that said 'Low Pressure'. There was a caution sign above a switch, and a big ink stain on the ground.
Wondering what to do now, I consulted the instructions. I was told to find six items. I shrugged, then looked at the items I needed to gather.
I needed to find a cogwheel, a Bendy doll, 'The Illusion of Living' book, an ink bottle, a record, and a wrench. After this, I had to put the items on the pedestals, then go to the Projector Room to restore the ink flow. After I was done doing that, I had to return to the Power Room and flip the switch.
I rolled my eyes. My work was sure cut out for me. Oh well, better get started.
After I found all the items, I set them on the pedestals, wiping my hands on my jeans. The ink flecks stained my clothing rather than my hands and I let out a puff of air. I then regarded the note once more and head to the Projector Room. The projector was on, and displayed on the wall was a continuously crouching Bendy character. I smiled and rolled my eyes, then felt around the walls for a lever of any sort. Instead I found a button, which had one bold word shown.
Flow, in all caps.
I pressed the button and heard a whirring sound, shuddering at the new noise. I then walked back to the Power Room, walking up to the lever. I took a deep breath before flipping the switch, resulting in all the items on the pedestals conveniently disappearing.
Eyes wide, I thought about what to do next, and eventually decided on going back to check on Boris. I passed the ink machine and heard water-like sounds, but ignored it. I just assumed the Ink Machine was working again, nothing to be worried about.
I reached Boris's room and saw a sight that made me start freaking out again. Ink was squirting from where Boris's heart should be, and splattering on the floor. It never seemed to stop. I stared for a moment, then shook my head and walked out. I continued to wander the workshop, forgetting the main task at hand.
Well, until I saw the solution.
The exit door was down a long hallway, as if it were taunting me. My jaw dropped and I started bolting towards it at full speed, focusing only on my way out of this creepy place. It was a mistake to eliminate any other features of the area around me, for I fell down a trapdoor and scraped my legs.
"Ow!" I hissed, rubbing my knees. I looked up and saw an axe hanging from hooks on the wall. I stood up and ignored the stinging pain in my knees, then snatched the weapon from its holder. I weighted it in my hands and focused on some wooden boards in front of me. They were blocking another exit, which could or could not be beneficial.
I decided the axe would be useful and started to chop through the area, finding planks after planks. I continued at my work, clearing a path, until I came to a strange room. It had a pentagram on the ground, with small candles surrounding it. The lights were dim, and there were three coffins around the area. There were a few chairs, as if this would be a place to rest.
I tried approaching the satanic drawing, but when I did, the ground started to shake. When a piece of wood fell from the ceiling, I backed up, staring at the floor with eyes wide. When I was at a safe distance from the devil's circle the building stopped shaking, and I released a breath I never even knew I was holding.
Suddenly, I heard the sounds of soft, distant chuckles. I tried turning around, but something stopped me from moving.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A voice asked, from the darkness. I turned my head so that I was looking over my right shoulder, face contorted with fear. I looked down and saw something black and sticky at my feet, looking fairly similar to...
I started to struggle, hopelessly thinking that I might be able to get out of these restraints. The snickers just got louder as a figure emerged from the darkness.
"Go away!" I snapped, launching my axe into the gloom. Laughs followed the clumsy aim, and I guessed that I missed. No surprise either, as I didn't have a good structure to throw and I couldn't see the target in front of me. Either way, it was a feeble attempt.
The creature appeared from the darkness again, advancing on me faster than before.
I saw horns, a tail, and a pointed smile.
When the person lifted his head I knew exactly who it was.
Bendy, the cartoon devil.
Hey guys, thanks for reading the first chapter of this book! The whole story is being edited on my Wattpad account, where my username is LovesitGirl. However, if you want to see more here, then I'll post sneak peeks and chapters as they come out!
Thank you all!
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socialattractionuk · 4 years
How my lover, my boyfriend and I made it through lockdown
One Saturday evening in early March, my partner, Tim, and I were sitting in a cocktail bar nervously waiting for our date, a woman called Andrea.
We’d met on Feeld, a dating app that has been called ‘Tinder for threesomes’. Like anyone who has dated online, we’ve had our share of awkward meet-ups; it’s tough enough finding someone you feel a spark with when it’s just one-on-one, let alone three.
But that evening wasn’t one of them. Our first date with Andrea went brilliantly. One glass of wine turned into two, which turned into three. When several dogs turned up in the bar, Andrea and I realised we shared an obsession. We all talked openly, and realised our outlook on life, and love, was extremely compatible.
We made plans to all hang out two weeks later. Andrea came to our place and we had an incredible weekend, laughing constantly and repeating how lucky we all felt to have met.
She left on Monday 23 March, the evening Boris Johnson announced lockdown. After he finished, Andrea texted saying ‘It was nice knowing you’ along with a sad face emoji.
I could see where she was coming from – at that point it seemed unlikely that something so new would survive months of being apart. But the thought of the relationship fizzling out so quickly really got to me.  
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Tim agreed – it felt like we shared a special connection, and we knew from our 18 months of Feeld that people like Andrea don’t come along very often. So we decided to keep our relationship going.
The three of us were constantly on WhatsApp and FaceTime. We sent naughty pictures and videos. Each week we watched Ru Paul’s Drag Race together on Zoom.  
Tim and I messaged Andrea separately but there was no secrecy, which meant no jealousy either. I’m a very unreliable texter, the kind of person who often misplaces their phone, while Tim is naturally more chatty. Through Andrea we got to understand our differing communication styles. 
By April, we had all started to really miss each other. It was easier for Tim and I; we have been together for eight years and live together, and being able to talk face to face, or just cuddle up on the sofa, helped us to handle the anxiety of lockdown. I worried about how Andrea was coping without that.   
The three of us made it through those weeks apart because we were excited enough by each other to put in the effort, and I know I speak for all three of us now when I say I’m very glad we did
Yet whilst it kept us physically apart, lockdown, ironically, brought us closer together. On that first weekend we’d pretty much jumped straight into bed together, which was very fun, but the distance forced us to talk a lot.  
We chatted about our jobs, our ambitions, our families. We’d even delved into our anxieties and hang ups about sex, and relationships. We had space and time to discuss what we wanted, and what we didn’t, our sexual boundaries as well as our fantasies, and we didn’t shy away from difficult topics like our future. We all agreed that we’d each be open to dating more people beyond our trio.
When the lockdown rules finally relaxed, Tim, Andrea and I met up in a local park. We were all secretly worried that it would be awkward (and all admitted it to each other later), but we felt as comfortable together as we did that first weekend. 
We said cheers with plastic cups of wine, congratulating ourselves for having made it through amid reports of soaring divorce rates and tales of lockdown induced break-ups. 
When Tim and I started dating other people as a couple, we were doing it for the sex, sure, but we also wanted something more meaningful – to make real connections with real people who would enrich our lives in new and exciting ways.  
One of the biggest misconceptions is that Tim and I must be ‘bored’ of one another, and that Andrea is there to liven things up for us. I find this really annoying. First of all, it’s disrespectful to Andrea – because who would want to be some kind of human sex toy in a couple’s dysfunctional relationship? 
Secondly, making this dynamic work involves a huge amount of honesty and openness. Sometimes there’s real emotional work needed too. Believe me, a couple who were tired of one another wouldn’t bother. No relationship, monogamous or otherwise, is fun all the time but hook up culture and dating apps encourage us to forget that. 
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The three of us made it through those weeks apart because we were excited enough by each other to put in the effort, and I know I speak for all three of us now when I say I’m very glad we did. 
We’ve had loads more great weekends together since lockdown eased and we’re planning some road trips around the UK. Right now, we’re looking forward to spending the summer together.
Back in March when Andrea approached our table in that cocktail bar and I thought ‘Wow, she’s hot’ I obviously had no idea of the situation we were about to find ourselves in. 
However, now I’ve been through a global pandemic as part of a couple with a lover, I realise that love is about being willing to try. 
All names have been changed.
Last week in Love Or Something Like It: I’m a Black woman who has only dated white men, but Black Lives Matter has changed everything
Love, Or Something Like It is a regular series for Metro.co.uk, covering everything from mating and dating to lust and loss, to find out what love is and how to find it in the present day. If you have a love story to share, email [email protected]
MORE: I thought marriage would be boring but it's the ultimate thrill
MORE: Falling for a polyamorous man changed what I thought love was
MORE: A decade of casual sex has shown me what true love really is
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genesiselijah-blog1 · 7 years
The Story Of  The ‘I Ain’t Even Charging Bruv 2′ EP. How Everything Went Wrong. . .
Ok. It's Friday night (Or it was when I originally posted this on facebook) and if you're reading this you're either home and bored out out and bored. I'm gonna tell you a story. A story of when I really realised that the music game is not about talent or quality of music. Ok so you ready? I'll take that as a yes. It all started in 2012. Early 2012. I was at a high point musically. Painkillers & Pilkington (https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/a…/painkillers-pilkington) had just dropped and had done really well. Radio 1 play. Psalms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQrYMQ0Cf98) was my highest viewed video at the time. Life was good. So now it was time to drop new music. This time I was gonna go all out. Heres what happed. . .
So my idea was to drop an EP so good people would really notice. First I'd have to have it hosted on a big platform. At the time SBTV were killing it and I'd just done a warm up session that summer so Jamal was cool with that idea. . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYN_JdsLwaM
Track 1: Underground King. My goal was to drop 7 of the best tracks I'd ever done with the biggest artist I could get at the time and really make some lasting music that would push me to that next level. So the first track was a track called 'Underground King'. This track was actually written in Brighton a few weeks before the first Boom Bap Festival. I was up there shooting a video for another artist and all though I was aware that the festival was happening I wasn't really aware who was on the line up. All I knew was I wasn't. As I was going around Brighton I saw one of the flyers and saw the names that were on it. I got pissed. How the fuck can you have a uk hip-hop event like that and not invite me?? I went off on twitter. You know how I do. I think either Dike or Gizmo inboxed and told me to chill but I was too far gone. Then I reached for pad (Yeah I was still writing bars at that time). I had to remind people who I was. So this happened. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-s2BHEeN3Y
Track 2: What I'm On. This was a track I did with Boris Berlin. We had previously done an EP (https://genesiselijah-beezwax.bandcamp.com/.../civil-unrest) together and as far as modern sounding beats in UK hip-hop he was way ahead of his time. I wanted something that would really bang and this beat had that feel. The flow is fire. The hook is big. I love it. We filmed the video at English Frank's Hip-Hop Ain't Dead night and had a bunch of cameos. I loved this vid cos it really gives you the vibe of the night. Unfortunately SBTV but a Mic Righteous Xmas advert before it which is just fucking annoying (Sorry Mic I still love you bro haha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g3W-zmjoJM
Track 3: Alive. Ok so now we're getting serious. So I had this beat from the amazing Anton Nutty P Flanders. First of all I have so much love for Nutty P. Not just because he's top 3 producers in the country but for some reason he's always been up for giving me beats that he could have sold for thousands to bigger artist. I'm so grateful to even be one that guys radar. Anyway so yeah I have this beat. It's fucking hard as fuck. Now a little while before I'd built up a really good relationship with an MC called Context. I'd jumped on a bunch of his tracks and then he'd got signed and whatever and was doing really well. I asked him to drop a verse and his brother Well Read to jump on the hook. I wrote the hook with his brother voice in mind. I really wanted a crossover record. Like a pop/dubstep/grime rap track. Once it was done I knew it was gonna be a smash. It just sounded so radio ready. Anyway all it needed was a video. I hollered at Context to do the vid but he wanted to rewrite his verse. . .WAIT WHAT??? Bro. . .the track is done. It's out. It's on the SBTV Bandcamp page! I have a camera NOT A FUCKING TIME MACHINE!!! FFS. . .I was gutted. I still love Context but I was so pissed off at the time. I felt like my chance to have a hit was dead before it even had a chance. . .But hey. Life goes on. https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../alive-feat-context...
Track 4: What We Do. Fuuuuuucking hell!!!! Ok this track is fire. First of all some how I managed to get a beat off Teeza Musič. That in itself had me so gassed! I asked Polly Yatesto jump on the hook and she came through and smashed it. The beat was just so next level and her voice on it just gave it a different feel. I loved it. Then it gets mad. So hollered at Loudmouth. he came through with fire. I mean some of the funniest punchlines. Man had me cracking up! But I also got a verse from Swiss. He is one of my idols. A So Solid legend. We all know he's nice but when e sent me the verse I was in shock. Yeah me and Loud did our thing but he killed us and every MC within a 10,000 mile radius. Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Listen to this. . .https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../what-we-do-feat...
Track 5: Coming Up. Damn. Even I forgot how sick this is. Hiram O'Connell is a PHENOMENAL producer. Like world class. He's one of the only producers I would ever do a full project. he's incredible. So hollered at 2 of my favourite MC's for this one. Pyro Rapper Barz to me is a flawless lyricist. Go check his music. Every verse. Flawless. He's one of the only rappers I would ever do a full joint project with even though he'd kill me on every verse hhahaa. But yeah he came through and killed it. So at the time Dream Mclean was about to go clear. He was signed to chase n status and as there's no way the label would have cleared the verse we had to keep it hush. That meant no video. No radio push. Again I was gutted. But this is the game. he killed that verse too. Pure flames all round. . . https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../coming-up-feat..
Track 6. Army. This was another mad one. Ok so this was produced by Sibling who is Little Donatella's (Love & Hip-Hop Hollywood) brother. For some reason they have always shown me love. He was another producer that has worked with some massive artist but chooses to work with me and always goes out of his way to tailor make beats for me. It's not like "yo I got these beats" it like "Yo I've made this track with you in mind and think you should come at it like this". I got so much love for him. Any way he hits me up with a concept. I love it. He then gives me a hook! He smashed it. I was blown away. I remember Emmy Williamson telling how much this song meant to her. It made this song mean so much more to me and one of the reasons I had to put her on my album 2 years later. But yeah I went hard on this one. . .https://genesiselijah.bandcamp.com/.../army-feat-sibling...
Track 7: Yuck. There was no way I was gonna put out an EP without a Dead Man Walkn beat. These might be two of my best verses. I went hard. I went over hard. I went so hard that one time I performed this in a club full of metal heads and they went so crazy we couldn't even finish the song. The beat is. . .Yuck. It's just nasty. The bars. . .Nasty. I don't even know what more I can say. As for the video. I was so much fun making it. It's very disturbing also. . .You'll love it. Well actually that's not true. No one really did love it. Today it has only 6652 views. And what makes that sadder is that the video dropped almost a year before the EP hahaa. Fucking brutal. Again. That's life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9y8AvyqbyA
So there you have it. A project that I put so much blood sweat and tears into that pretty much just got ignored but everyone apart from the SBTV staff and my core supporters. Someone tweeted me yesterday and said "Your bars have got so much harder" If we had been face to face I would have laughed straight in to his. My verses on this project and all the ones before it were so fucking hard. I dropped so much knowledge and insight and did it with so many patterns, multis and punchlines it would give your average baggy jean backpacker a chubby just in the first 2 bars. But it was never really appreciated. To date it has only been downloaded from my band came 344 times. I'm not sure what it did on the SBTV Bandcamp but I'm guessing way less. To put that in to perspective How To Loose Friends And Alienate Listeners is on 857 and has only been out for 3 months. I'm sure there's a moral to this story but for the life of me I can't find it. But yeah. Support the music you love and the person who makes it will make more of it. . .Have a great weekend. 5AM In Wakanda is out now. . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x16oAp8-WF4
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nathanielwharton · 7 years
My 2017 in Pop Culture
Same deal as usual. This is what meant most to me last year in pop culture.
Top Forty Things From 2017
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40. The Mummy I liked it. It's definitely got the worked-over vibe that people most object to in these shared-universe experiments, and it goes a little bigger and more action-heavy than I'd probably prefer for a Universal Monster movie. But, I liked the way it fused a modern Tom Cruise narrative with a traditional monster story. I liked the genuine horror movie flourishes throughout. I liked the winks at monster fans in the Prodigium headquarters. I loved Sofia Boutella's Ahmanet. And I loved Russell Crowe's silly/creepy thug Mr. Hyde. This one also got bonus points for The Mummy: Dark Universe Stories, the iPhone game that came out a month after the film. The story plays out a sequel to the movie, but the real nerdy thrill of it was the way it incorporated a bunch of original Universal Monsters characters and ideas, including Lisa Glendon from Werewolf of London and Kharis and Boris Karloff's Ardeth Bay from the original Mummy movies! 39. Baby Driver This was just a delight, a combination of classic crime movie and classic musical with that Edgar Wright energy giving it that extra nitrous burst of excitement. 38. "Every Country Has a Monster" on Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return I'm one of those fans who loved Mystery Science Theater 3000 when he stumbled across it on cable in the 90s but has a little trouble with the way it gave license to a certain sourness and superiority about older movies among some audiences. Still, I found myself looking forward to the revival with a little trepidation as to whether it would find the right tone (or recapture the lo-fi public access charm of the original). The first twenty minutes or so of the first episode back (focused on the Danish giant monster movie Reptilicus, so they were doing well by me right off the bat) were pretty promising, but this song about giant monsters of myth across the world was where I decided I was on board for this revival. 37. Happy Death Day What a fun time this was! It's got a really charming lead performance and a fun story hook, but it's really the energy and inventiveness that it applies to slasher movie/Groundhog Day story of self-improvement that put it over the top for me. 36. John Wick Chapter 2/Free Fire/Atomic Blonde Hard to pick from among the three of these in terms of which action movie I had the most fun with this year. They've all got something special to recommend them. 35. The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween This doesn't quite scale the heights of last year's Duck the Halls Christmas special, but it was still a funny, thoroughly delightful seasonal treat that I'll probably make a point of watching next October too. 34. My Favorite Thing is Monsters Vol. 1 I checked it out because I'd read it was a comic about a 10-year-old girl who was obsessed with monsters (picturing herself as a little wolfman) who tries to solve the murder of her neighbor. What I got was a moving story about historical injustice and personal revelation told with dazzling illustration. Really, this knocked me out. 33. Gemini/Murder on the Orient Express I think Gemini is actually going to be a 2018 release, but these two mystery films really scratched an itch for me this year. I was a big fan of director Aaron Katz's Cold Weather, a wonderful little mumblecore mystery story, but I wasn't prepared for how much I dug his twisty neo-noir, Gemini. And Murder on the Orient Express was kind of a similarly satisfying experience on the other end of the spectrum: a lavish, big-budget adaptation with a cast stocked with movie stars and exciting up-and-comers. I loved it, and now I'm all about seeing Branagh continue to work on his little proposed Agatha Christie universe. #thirtyBranaghPoirotmovies 32. Okja It's a new Bong Joon-ho film! That means it's got a bunch of thrilling filmmaking, wild performances, tricky tonal shifts, and a beautifully clear-eyed honest empathy. 31. The Get Down Season One, Part Two I was sorry to see this one cancelled after the still thrilling but also melancholy second half came out this year. I really fell in love with these characters, and it was always an exciting experience. And this was just one of the many Netflix shows I really loved this year (including Mindhunter, BoJack Horseman, Lady Dynamite, GLOW, Orange is the New Black, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt). 30. The ending of Split I loved the rest of Split, and I was already onboard the M. Night Shyamalan comeback train from The Visit (after riding like five movies on the “oh no, he’s lost it so bad!” train). But those surprising final moments of Split, while holding the potential for another dive into disastrous hubris, made me straight up gasp out loud in confusion & delight.
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29. The Samurai Jack Revival/Finale I enjoyed a lot of the original run of Samurai Jack, but I wasn’t exactly a devoted viewer & hadn’t particularly missed it in its absence. So I checked out the revival largely just to see what the great Genndy Tartakovsky would to with it after spending time on other projects. And wow! It turned out not only to be a truly gorgeous & riveting experience, but it also took the characters & elements of the original & gave them some interesting psychology & moral challenges. 28. Nathan for You’s "Finding Frances" I love Nathan For You, but this year’s season finale, “Finding Frances,” was probably the most interesting thing he’s done with the format. In some ways it’s basically Nathan For You: The Movie, finding a sprawling emotional journey, still filled with nutball comic cul de sacs, that also digs into the “Nathan” character & finds a new place to take him by the end. 27. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Season One I figured I’d check out the first season, despite the fact that it would mostly be covering the same material covered in the totally decent Jim Carrey movie, because I was interested to see Barry Sonnenfield finally get a shot at the material & because I wanted to see what they’d do with the later books. But from the first moments with Patrick Warburton’s Serling-esque take on Lemony Snicket (and that infectious theme song) I fell in love with the show. The cast is great, the adaptation work is clever and involving (including an ingenious side story with Will Arnett & Cobie Smulders that seems brilliantly designed to provide different-but-complementary experiences for fans and non-fans), and I stress again how much I loved Warburton. There’s also a wonderful flourish in the season finale that amped my love into adoration. 26. A Cure For Wellness If Gore Verbinski can keep getting people to give him huge budgets to make big, weird genre films about the rot at the center of capitalism and western civilization, I will keep seeing them and (presumably) loving them. 25. Opening sequence of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets The rest of the movie is a colorful bit of fun, but the opening sequence where we see, via montage, the establishment and development of the titular city of a thousand planets, is as sublime and moving a movie moment as any I saw this year. Thrillingly optimistic and hopeful, Besson briefly hits on something more than his usual enjoyably daffy nonsense. 24. Final seasons of The Leftovers & Vice Principals Two HBO shows I loved aired their final seasons this year. Both of them had set themselves up with particularly tricky tasks in providing satisfying resolutions without either ruining the mystique of what had come before or pulling their punches in a way that impacted the whole. And they both nailed it. 23. A Ghost Story I wrote about this one for SportsAlcohol.com. I found it bewitching and it stayed with me. 22. Star Trek: Discovery It was a long wait, but this new Star Trek show pretty immediately justified my subscription to yet another streaming service all on its own. I love the characters, I’m engrossed in the storytelling, and I’m challenged by the moral and intellectual ideas it’s exploring. Good Star Trek. (This also may as well be where I mention that I also watched, and pretty much enjoyed, the whole first season of Seth Macfarlane’s generic brand Trek cover, The Orville. Pretty well scratches whatever old school Trek itch Discovery could have left me with.) 21. Wormwood I love most everything of his that I’ve seen, but this is basically in competition with Tabloid for my favorite Errol Morris project.
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20. Gorogoa Feels almost silly that I found what basically amounts to a puzzle game for my phone so entrancing & even spiritual. But I LOVED this thing. My only complaint is that it wished it kept going and going. 19. DuckTales Wrote about this for SportsAlcohol.com. A testament to how delightful this show is can be found in the fact that I put it in this slot instead of the also hugely enjoyable Milo Murphy’s Law. 18. Marvel Cinematic Universe While this year I definitely cooled on the Marvel television offerings (I still watched and enjoyed the Netflix shows despite some underwhelmed feelings, and I'm still pretty high on Agents of SHIELD, but Inhumans was a total misfire), it was perhaps the best year yet for Marvel Studios's cinematic offerings. I totally loved Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor Ragnarok. They each offered something fairly distinct and emotionally engaging (even Ragnarok, despite it's hilariously cheeky tone) and they were all a complete blast. Best Guardians yet, best Spider-man yet, best Thor yet! 17. Lady Bird Between 2016’s Edge of Seventeen and this,  guess I’m gonna hope for a wonderful teen girl coming-of-age movie every other year. And thanks to Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, and the idiosyncratic empathy of Greta Gerwig, this one was a true highlight of 2017. 16. Get Out The terrific horror-themed sketches on Key & Peele suggested a genuine feel for the genre, so it wasn’t a huge reach to expect Jordan Peele’s directorial debut horror movie to turn out well. But this one still felt like a revelation at the beginning of the year (not to mention a huge event when seen with an audience). 15. Your Name Another wonderful surprise, this one makes some clever and twisty shifts as what starts out as a charming body-switching comedy reveals an emotional core that really swept me away. 14. War for the Planet of the Apes I wrote about this one for SportsAlcohol.com. 13. Blade Runner 2049 I also wrote about this one for SportsAlcohol.com. 12. The Post I wrote about this for SportsAlcohol.com too! 11. Coco Look, I’m generally less excited about Pixar’s sequels than I am about its originals (and I generally really like or love their sequels! but still...), and Coco is a perfect example of why. It’s a great story with a bunch of lovable new characters, beautiful new worlds, and the fun of seeing something new. And as is often the case, it also packs a real emotional wallop. 10. S-Town Speaking of emotional wallops, this podcast miniseries was already shaping up to be an involving look at a fascinating character, but a bombshell dropped in an early episode spins the thing into something deeper and more powerful than anything else I listened to this year.
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9. Colossal Wrote about this for SportsAlcohol.com. 8. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel While this show has many things that set it apart from the other Amy Sherman-Palladino shows I love (namely Gilmore Girls & Bunheads), it does share the qualities of being unstoppably effervescent and entertaining while offering hidden depths. We gulped the whole season down in two plane rides and can’t wait for the next batch. 7. Star Wars: The Last Jedi Wrote about the movie on SportsAlcohol.com. It was another good Star Wars year in general, with some excellent Star Wars Rebels episodes, the continuation of the fantastic Marvel comics, and some cool novels (generally I didn't read any bad Star Wars books this year, so that's good; personal highlights were Aftermath: Empire's End and Leia: Princess of Alderaan). But the real highlight was, of course, the movie. It was a joyful, powerful experience opening night (in a way that felt interestingly different from the experience of The Force Awakens), and it’s a movie that has lingered and deepened in my mind as I’ve thought about it. 6. The Shape of Water I run pretty hot and lukewarm on Guillermo del Toro (that is to say, I don’t particularly dislike any of his movies, but while I love some of them, others just don’t connect like I feel they should, despite how much the separate elements might appeal to me). But for every one that I just like okay, he connects with something like this, a gorgeous, perverse fairy tale retelling of the Creature From the Black Lagoon with tributes to Cold War paranoia, classic movie musicals, and a great Michael Shannon performance added to the mix. Just a lovely tribute to the way love can unite the disenfranchised and overlooked. 5. Kong: Skull Island An eye-popping fever dream of a monster mash, this movie assembled a stacked cast of actors I love and surrounded them with some of the most stunning monster movie images I’ve ever seen. A++++infinity 4. Stranger Things 2 What a wonderful surprise the first season of this show was, and what a relief and a joy to get this sequel that is, in most ways, even better. By the final scenes of the finale, I was more in love than ever. 3. The Florida Project I wrote a bit about this for SportsAlcohol.com, so I think it’s enough to say here that this is a very special movie. 2. American Vandal What a wonderful little surprise this was! Like Stranger Things last year, this was something that popped up on Netflix & gave me something I didn’t know I wanted. On one level, it’s just a silly, dirty joke really elaborately told. But on another level, it’s a sneakily moving portrait of the way that expectations and choices made when you’re young can really impact what you become in that transition from teenager to adult.
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1. Twin Peaks: The Return I was looking forward to this, and I had a pretty open mind as far as what it could be or what to expect from it. But I still had no idea how amazing and immersive and gripping it would all be. I wrote about it over at SportsAlcohol.com and talked about it on the podcast and I STILL only scratched the surface of how I felt about it.
Top Twenty Things I'm Excited About in 2018
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Arrested Development Returns! I adored both the original run of the show and the fourth season that hit Netflix five years ago. I cannot wait for this. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs It's the new Coen brothers project. And it's supposed to be something like six hours of new Coen brothers project. Holy smokes. The Last Best Story I really loved Maggie's last book, and the tidbits I've heard about this one make it sound terrific. Been anticipating this one for nearly three years and it's almost here! Isle of Dogs Wes Anderson movies pretty much automatically quality as "most anticipated" for me, and the trailer for this one looks thoroughly delightful. And it hopefully augurs an exciting year for stop motion animation. While I'm obviously into The Incredibles II and Ralph Wrecks the Internet, I'm even more intrigued with the untitled Laika film scheduled for this year. There's been so little news about it, it seems possible it won't actually hit this year, but even if it doesn't there's Early Man, a new Aardman film directed by Nick Park due out in February, and Jan Svankmajer's final film, Insects, that I hope makes its way to the US this year. Ready Player One I'm sure I'd see this one no matter what, but the fact that Steven Spielberg directed it means I'm actively excited to catch it on day one. Marvel Cinematic Universe After a stellar 2017 (and all the goodwill they built up over the last ten years in general) I'd be excited for their three pictures this year. So the fact that they've got Black Panther (a terrific cast in Ryan Coogler's follow-up to Creed!), Avengers: Infinity War (the beginning of this big two-year culmination event, written & directed by the folks who made my beloved Captain America movies), and Ant-Man and the Wasp (I had a great time with the first one, and Down With Love guarantees Peyton Reed my attention forever), gives me confidence that they'll have another great year in 2018. Star Wars I'm forever excited about Star Wars (or at least the current firehose volume of it still hasn't made me bored of it yet) so I'm pretty interested to see Solo: A Star Wars Story, and I'm also really on the hook to see the final batch of episodes of Star Wars Rebels. Roseanne Revival Maybe I'm just tempting fate because of how the Twin Peaks revival turned out, but I'm excited for this one. I love the original show (one of my favorite little things about getting cable has been that Roseanne is on one channel or another almost all the time) and I'm equally apprehensive about and intrigued by the news that's come out about the revival so far. But I'll definitely be watching the whole thing. Lethal White AND Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald A new Cormoran Strike book and a new Wizarding World movie with a screenplay by J.K. Rowling! I understand why neither of them are exactly the kind of cultural event that the Potter books and movies were, but I'm personally so excited for both. A Wrinkle in Time AND Mary Poppins Returns Two big Disney productions that are super up my alley, so I'm grouping them together. Wrinkle promises an adaptation of a wonderful book from an exciting director and a fantastic cast. And Poppins has the liability of a director I've been extremely mixed on in the past, but it also has a perfect cast and the original Mary Poppins is a movie a really love deeply. Really excited to have these bookending the year. A New Cloverfield The God Particle was on this list last year, and it's on there again this year. We're only a couple of weeks into the year and it's already been delayed again, so this is in hopes that it does really come out this April. But in any case, with God Particle and Overlord, another mysterious genre film from Bad Robot that fans have been speculating could be another Cloverfield movie, both scheduled for release this year, seems pretty likely we'll at least get one new Cloverfield picture. (UPDATE SINCE I WROTE THIS: the game is afoot again!) Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters It's got a killer premise and it's just hit Netflix! I'm excited for this one, and it seems possible that the second film in the announced trilogy could also hit Netflix before the end of the year. New Darin Morgan X-Files episode The new season of the X-Files revival already seems off to a stronger start than the last one, but no matter what it does hold the promise of another new episode by writer Darin Morgan. This is an event. Disenchantment Look, I still watch (and usually enjoy) The Simpsons. I adore Futurama. I am super excited for a new Matt Groening animated series, and tickled by the notion that it'll explore a new genre. My Favorite Thing is Monsters Vol. 2 The first half of the story was such a beautiful, engrossing, moving surprise this year, that I can't wait for the follow-up. Sense8 Finale Movie I'm glad they're getting a chance to wrap things up the way they want to here, and I'm looking forward to one more visit with this nutty, beautiful show. My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman AND Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee I don't keep up with all of Netflix's stand-up comedy offerings or the like, but I am super excited for these talk shows by a couple of my absolute favorite comedy curmudgeons. I actually watched (and really loved) the episode of Letterman's show with President Obama, and I'm looking forward to getting through all the rest of both of these throughout this year. Mute It looks like Duncan Jones's new film, some kind of spiritual follow-up to his great Moon, is finally going to show up on Netflix early this year! And they've also got the next films by Gareth Evans, Jeremy Saulnier, and David Mackenzie that could always drop sometime this year AND The Other Side of the Wind, a lost Orson Welles film! The Predator A new Shane Black movie is a cause for celebration, and while trying to revive the Predator seems like a dicey proposition, he's assembled an exciting cast and co-wrote the film with his Monster Squad collaborator Fred Dekker, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they've cooked up enough to put it here instead of the other genre sequels I'm intrigued by this year (like David Gordon Green's Halloween or J.A. Bayona's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom). The Happytime Murders A Roger Rabbit riff with puppets would be enough to get my attention, but get Brian Henson to direct it in his first theatrical feature since his Muppet films from the 90s and I'm fully excited.
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jammixes-blog · 7 years
Fresh Sole Rebel
I came to appreciate Bob Dylan with age, starting with Highway 61 on Vinyl and Desire on CD. As to Bob Marley, he never left me, since I was 14 years-old, a year after my Dad introduced me to The Beatles, with Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road. To me, Bob is an Enlightened or Inspired human being. He had the Mind of a Genius and the Soul of a Poet. To create songs, so simple, universal, and yet, so visual, he was a Master Artist. Simplicity has a beauty and perfection he captured in all his songs, from describing the sun in the morning, to three little birds, or Redemption Song, his finger was on the pulse of Humankind’s soul.
I could argue that Bob Marley is beyond reggae, like Gandhi is beyond religion, he became part of the fabric of the expression of Humankind’s soul.
A lot of human beings who made a mark on humankind were no different from everyone else. They just felt a motivation for goals no one was more passionate about.
Some human beings feel a calling for fucking over other human beings and bullying them. Other human beings try to help out, the best they can, other human beings. It’s always been like that, like a schoolyard, during recess. Someone has to start pulling the hair of everyone or gossip unfairly about someone to bully them. Adults don’t let kids get away with it. Yet, since adults are just grown-up kids with responsabilities, how can they let each other do it, in all impunity?
I am lazy to re-read myself, unless I write about my heroes, each one an archetype for a value I hold dear. I don’t have a lot of heroes, but they cover most disciplines of human knowledge, in my subjective opinion, put together. In Arts, there’s Picasso, Escher, Cocteau, Kubrick, Chaplin, Sellers, Lennon, Dylan, Bob Marley, and Fats Waller. In politics, Gandhi and Henri two to the power three. In sciences, Paracelsus, Francis Bacon, and Einstein. In Law, Sociology, and Psychology Michel Foucault. In litterature and Philosophy, Boris Vian, Le Petit Prince, especially when talking to the Rose, and all of Hesse. I’ve read all of Conan Doyle, and numerous other authors, I could read very quickly, under any light, when young, hence needing glasses at 13 to see far. I always lost them, never wore them, except to play tennis. For class, I was so disruptive in the back of the class that most teachers made me sit in front of them and the board, like all the other trouble-makers, now officially in the front line with the ennemy. That’s why parents only bought me the cheapest frames...
 In my long career of trouble-making in school, all I remember is an outstanding rate of success. I believe most teachers underestimate the professional trouble-makers. I got away between 85 to 94% of the time. Well worth the trouble and punishments for the exceptions.
Somehow, as far as I can recall, Life made me a trouble-maker. I remember pleading God to give me a trouble-free day, at 5. It never happened. The only days I was let off the hook were my birthdays, I couldn’t be punished that day, every July 14. And, inevitably, every July 15, I already regretted my immunity of the previous day. It was never trouble aiming at hurting anyone, but either trouble based on dares/challenges, or trouble based on clowning around and amusing my classmates... At home, it was pretty much a complete disdain for established rules. Not only my parents were strict, but, hey, who, at 15, doesn’t sneak out, even in November, in Montreal, to go clubbing or to La Nausee, to drink beer and kick some chins with steel-toed docs, while dancing to punk, in “the cage”. Those I kicked usually kicked me or my friend first, honestly, I dance to get my energy out, not to hurt people...some did.
My Grandfather, who was a Gentleman, in every way, and very wise, used to tell me, every day: “I want my home to be a haven of peace.”, in French: “Un Havre De Paix.”. That’s my goal, at home, every time I open the door, after wiping my feet three times...
As far as I’ve researched, lazily and superficially, Geniuses don’t abide to rules to become Geniuses. A lot of them were not “Masons” or belonging to any order. A lot of them were anarchists, rebels, anti conformists, revolutionaries. But, as far as I’ve gathered, no “Genius” likes to be called a “Genius”, it makes others...well, “Idiots”. And, most Geniuses don’t want to fit a category or have a tag put on them. The goal of all Good Geniuses is to have a positive impact on other human beings and leave a positive legacy to future generations. This is why a lot of “Geniuses” have no children...they consider Humankind the baby they have to protect and feed... Einstein could have spared time, energy, and funds, to put up his newspaper petition. He could have, for example, gone for 5 days to Hawaii, with a lady, on a romantic escapade. Bill Gates could have been the most rotten and arrogant bachelor in the planet, with as many girls and poker tournaments a day as he wanted. Yet, he marries out of love, gives 99% of his cash, and wears K-Mart shoes. That’s what I mean by “Good Genius”... as an exercise, compare Bill Gates to Ducky Zucky, the bookfaced kid. I might be wrong, but I think I remember the kid saying something about following Bill’s footstep. What happened to that? And, why is Bookface avoiding to pay close to a trillion of dollars in taxes in a decade? I resent the public stunts, promising like politicians, or faking being a Skulls or “Pyramid Dude”, exhibiting a vest with a pyramid and fake Skull insignias. The guy just showed himself to be a nerd getting a revenge on the brotherhoods that refused his candidacy. Although, he started by making money with their idea, free of charge, and made to be an innocent platform between real friends, from the College years. In my book, he is a “Bad Genius”. He stole the idea of two brothers, accomplished athletes, handsome, from the elite classes, popular, and belonging to all the prestigious “Houses”, he felt they treated him like shit. The truth is, they asked him to help, and, instead of being chilled and socialize, he was probably arrogant with his skills and explaining how he helped. Naturally, the brothers thought that he was a risk to introduce to their circles... And now, the kid is controlled by the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, White House, his wife, and probably his poodle. It’s been public for years that he gave all these agencies access to all of  Bookface datas... Necessary evil, yes. But, still...EVIL.
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