#(( if i need to change anything lmk!! ))
pyeonqie · 5 months
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the-king-of-lemons · 1 year
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Headcanon i've had for a while now about how minecraft hack clients could work, similar to the headcanons about how in game chat would work.
Just sort of an explanation with some examples, obviously some hacks are pretty hard to translate into a physical thing, but i tried my best. :)
Full text can also be found under read more.
"Hack Clients" are illegal modifications of a player's attire (i.e. player skin) in order to give them an unfair advantage. The visibility of a "Hack Client" modification depends on the server a player is on. On servers such as 2b2t, these modifications are obviously visible while on stricter servers, such as Hypixel, hackers will try to be more subtle, often hiding modifications underneath clothing.
Eyewear: Modified for use of visual hacks (i.e. x-ray. fullbright, esp, etc.), the easiest to hide from moderators.
Footwear: Modified for use of hacks such as Anti-Knockback, High-jump, and other similar hacks.
Mechanical Braces: Used to allow players to move with otherwise impossible reaction times, most often used for PVP. Completely illegal on most servers, players will attempt to hide them underneath clothing but often fail.
Leg brace: Used for b-hopping.
Arm brace: Used for kill-aura and aimbot.
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roboraindrop · 1 year
Hey plus size or underweight self shippers? Your f/os don't see your weight as a flaw. They love you for all that you are, and that includes everything. Yes, human beings are very flawed. Yes, your f/os do love your flaws as well! But, your weight is not a flaw. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. 💕
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legendling · 3 months
my partner got me into object shows in the year of our lord 2024
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hello osc community can we be frien d s,.
(its from s2, but just in case spoilers under the cut)
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full lineup bc i unintentionally drew them in ranibow order
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lemonofthevalley · 4 months
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alice dyer amiright
[ID: a digital drawing of the character alice dyer. she has a peachy skintone, with a ginger mullet and grey-green eyes. alice has side burns, as well as some arm hair and partial facial hair that are all a darker brownish red than the rest of her hair. she is wearing a white tshirt under a beige sweatervest that has white markings in a diagonal pattern, blue jeans, tall white socks, and beige sneakers. alice has a locket and a chain necklace on, and the jewellery is a dingy silver color. she has a small gauge piercing in her ear, as well as a very small skeleton earring. she is lounging backwards, one arm crossed over her stomach and one leg up as if propped up on something. on the hand that is visible in frame, alice has two rings on, and red nail polish. the other arm hangs down and out of the frame. in the background, there is a yellow circle behind her head, similar to a halo. the background is a grey-green similar to alice's eye color, with added blues and greens. the colors are arranged in a spiral around alice, and the centerpoint is alice herself. the colors of the background become more muddled the closer to the centerpoint, and more distinct the further from the centerpoint. /end ID]
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puppyeared · 1 year
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reduxable · 6 months
Posting these before i forgetttt
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boatdriinks · 8 months
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He hadn't been to a ripper in a while. Yeah, yeah. To his own detriment, he knew. With everything feeling like it was practically disintegrating around him, however, his health had definitely taken a backseat to everything else.
There enters V, who would one day end up mentioning his personal ripper. Dr. Vik Vektor. A pretty chill dude with a clinic all the way in Little China. Wasn't his usual scene anymore, but... well, it sure as fuck was better than pouring eddies into the pocket of some corp sellout. So, Kerry had taken the number offered to him and decided he'd think on it.
That would all culminate into calling the clinic using a voice changer and a private number one day. He hadn't gotten back to having his staff around him all the time anymore, so he just took the act upon himself. Placing the phone on speaker, Kerry would wait patiently, hoping for an answer, despite the lack visible number.
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⭐"Do you carry a dream, Manager Esquire? Verily, I do!"🐴
A stimboard requested by anon for Don Quixote, with fast and 'upbeat' stims, from the game Limbus Company.
Gif credits under the cut.
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sonorous-eisfyl · 1 month
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// starter for @bleedinghearth
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"A massive beast has been spotted residing within the Elder's Recess. We've received reports of both burns and frostbite by parties that were initially sent to check it out. Go in and investigate, but don't do anything reckless."
---- That was the instructions given to him and the other hunters sent out this time. He had to be sent out with a party, of course- they wouldn't send the teens in alone despite their proven experience this time. Odessa was probably busy or on break, so he's going in without her for now. If it did end up being something that needed to be slain or something though, she'll be the first one to know. Glaive in hand, kinsect on his head, Frosting makes his way toward the location described within the recess by himself for now. He wanted to scout ahead within the cave, a quick dip in and back out if he spotted any form of danger.
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He'd wonder what the monster looked like, or if they had given it a name yet. Physical descriptions only went so far after all. The injury reports also imply some level of fire and ice control, like an Alatreon minus the other elements. Frosting was more interested in potentially figuring out what its whole deal was peacefully than having to put a glaive to its flesh though.
It'd... probably be fine- he trusted himself to get out of a bad situation. He's done it a few times now; barely escaping an angry Rajang, dodging a Raging Brachydios trying to pin him down... now he thinks about it, he wonders why so many of those monsters were so angry nowadays.
Coming up to the... briefly giant hole in the wall, dotted with clusters of bioenergy crystals- Frosting pauses, looking up at it with a small "huh." Standing outside, just to... admire it for a moment. He doesn't recall it being here back when he had to frequent the recess- at least, he thinks it wasn't here. It's been been a long time, and the higher ups probably also said it was new? Ah, well...
He peeks into the area, glancing around just to make sure there wasn't anything immediately before fully entering. It seemed pretty safe, for now. But as he walked deeper in, he'd get to see the creature that he was sent out to look into
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codgod-moved · 2 years
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here he is!! the beloved in all his porcelain, uncanny valley glory!! and also his cats :D had to include those
don’t mind the fact he has a hat and a gun when he has Nothing else on i just didn’t wanna redraw his hair/hand lol
the bigass eyes and general *waves hand* everything is based on custom ooak dolls i’ve seen because i watch far too much dollightful :D
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wiseheartedloki · 8 months
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Gravity Falls - The Axolotl
Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure! / arthoesunshine tumblr / Bell Hooks / tordenvejr tumblr / Gravity Falls - Journal 3 / Tourist Trapped - Gravity Falls / Virgil: The Aenid / Richard Siken: Snow and Dirty Rain / Virginia Woolf: Flush / Gravity Falls - Journal 3 / David Jones
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the-c0rinthian · 4 months
u know what, fuck it *cowboys ur vox*
(reposted from my tiktok acc @/chaoszgod)
(song: "Stayed Gone" Andrew Underburg - The Hazbin Hotel Official Playlist)
*audio starts*
*Vox groans frustratedly*
masc bg character (barely audible): Cameras Rolling in 3... 2...
*music starts, its upbeat and jazzy, like an old show tune. there is a chorus of fem backup singers singing "welcome to show" repeatedly in the background of the song*
Vox, sing speaking quickly: Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence. Did any-
*audio ends*]
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hello-universe-lovers · 4 months
*deep breath* sooo...I had to mentally hype myself for this one bc I have never done a reblog collab (none that gained any reblogs, anyway). My brain is whack af, these pass few months.
So, Here I give you...
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Lil Shammy is hanging out at the family library. They are privileged to a wide variety of books. Why don't you grab one and make a seat?
Bc @lordiedams and @lunity-moonity reblogged the announcement and asked for it, They get first dibs. After these 2, it's free game for everyone else to join and add their spooder. Just be sure it's one at a time. Hope you enjoy!
Hint: you can take a book off the shelf ;)
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blindspct · 5 months
closed starter for @mccntower ft. gretchen & utp!!
gretchen hadn't seen the other in years. they grew up together, always being that other person she could lean on whenever her brother wasn't around and she often thought about him and wondered how he was doing nowadays but she was always worried it would be a little weird since the two hadn't spoke in so long. regardless of that, she was looking forward to seeing him again in the midst of all the wedding planning. a smile appeared on her face when she noticed him walk in for the rehearsal dinner, "hey," she spoke, tucking some of her brunette hair behind her ear. "long time, no see right? how have you been?"
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klayfruit · 11 months
HI!!! i got a physical copy of goblet grotto + the manual + other stuff!!! i was going to post it to my fansite but the files ended up being too large, so now im just posting it here and then will link this post in the site. theres like 30 images so ill post the rest in the reblogs. okay here i go
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WOULD LIKE TO MENTION: this does NOT contain the plastic helicopter or other parts that come with the official grotto cd-rom, as this is the cracked bootleg version. thecatamites has allowed the illegal bootlef version to be uploaded though so dont worry!
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