#(( ink demon bendy still has fangs but i like to make his top fangs and bottom fangs connected so it looks melty ))
just-bendy · 2 years
Can you show vicious ink boi? As in like the ink form being brutally hurt or hurting another being. Or basically him being scary
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( Bendy's first time turning into his new Ink Demon form did not go well. )
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brittle-bone-gabe · 4 years
Erase Me: Chapter Two- The Old Song
Introduction, Chapter One, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven
Summary: Welcome to the never ending, never changing loop. The loop can’t break, it’s always been the same. Henry never realized he was trapped, but coming back to the animation studio for the “first time” just to see a small, human-like child makes Henry realize that dreams really do come to life.
Read on other platforms: AO3, FFN, Wattpad
Slowly, Henry started to come to, the memory was hazy for a moment on what exactly just happened here. What could he remember? A note from Joey Drew… the studio… the ink machine… that ink demon, and that child. Henry’s eyes shot open, the kid. Somehow that… well, could Henry even call what he saw a child? From what he remembered he had horns, and fangs. That couldn’t have been possible, unless, of course, Henry imagined him from the fall he had beforehand.
               Henry groaned, a hand on his throbbing head as he slowly started to stand up as to not overwork himself. “My head… What the hell’s going on here?” He questioned out loud, hoping that some sort of force would be able to answer him. The ringing in his ears were starting to subside as he was able to focus on what was going on around him. Henry used the wall between the two coffins to steady himself so his head would stop its spinning, from there he could see his axe propped up against one of them. “Well, I guess there’s only one thing to do…” he took a step forward, picking up the axe, “press on. See if I can find a way out.”  
               Immediately Henry chopped the wooden planks that were blocking the door to what he had assumed was going to be not the way out, but at least out of his creepy, almost ritual looking room. Once he went through the door, it led down a small staircase, no problem, right? Halfway down, some wooden planks from overhead fell, breaking on the floor underneath. Jesus, this entire building was an OSHA violation… Just keep going, just keep going, Henry had to repeat to himself as he made it to the bottom of the stairs. From there, he came across what appeared to be a shrine to the dancing demon himself. Written in ink on the wall read “HE WILL SET US FREE” next to a Bendy sticker with candle flames dancing about, emulating the dim light Henry needed to see.
               “How did this place get so big?” Henry wondered. From what he remembered working here there was the main studio on the first level, directly below that was the music department. Anything that wasn’t directly into media making, such as offices or finances were handled outside the building, across New York if Henry remembered correctly.
               From the corner of his eye he saw a something reflecting off the candlelight. It was another cassette player. Curious in this find, Henry pressed play.
               “He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness, I see you, my Savior. I pray you hear me. Those old songs, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me, and I will be swept into your final loving embrace. But love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?”
               The voice that played over the cassette player sounded strangely familiar, but Henry couldn’t exactly put his finger on it. He knew that it had to have belonged to someone he once worked with all those years ago, but how would their tape end up all the way down here?
               “I said… ‘can I get an amen?’” The same voice called out, Henry spun around quickly, thinking that whoever made the tape somehow appeared behind him, but… nobody was there… The tape had stopped, Henry knew that for sure as he saw the play button pop back up with the tape clicking as it had nothing else to reel.
               “Great, now your mind’s playing tricks on you…” Henry said to himself, putting a hand on his head, “there’s gotta be a way out of here.”
               Gripping the axe tightly, Henry pressed on down the hallway, his eyes were trying to adjust to the poor lighting of the area. Mainly candles that sat in front of the Bendy cutouts were guiding his way through these unknown hallways. One Bendy cutout had a pentagram that was similar to the one the boy was sitting in not too long ago. Somebody else had to be down here making those, there was no way that a child knew how or what a pentagram was, right? The horns and fangs the kid had though… Henry knew that he couldn’t be human, if he didn’t know any better, he’d say that the kid looked like the dancing demon himself. A stupid thought… This entire studio and experience was much more than Henry could handle, how did this even happen in the first place? Did Joey lose his mind the moment Henry left? It sure appeared that way.
               As Henry pressed on, he came to a hallway that was completely flooded in ink. Great, how wonderful. From where he was standing there was no other way to get around it other than physically walking through the ink. Maybe someone should just tear down this building and start over, obviously it has too many issues to be kept standing.
               Just wanting to get through the hall, Henry didn’t hesitate to step through the ink. It came up to his ankles, feeling a bit cool which told him that it’s been sitting there awhile without anyone attempting to clean it up. Who would anyways? The studio was a disaster and supposed to have been abandoned.
               “Shh, shh, shh…” Henry heard someone hiss as he made it halfway across the flooded hallway. Almost immediately, a tall, dark figure was walking across the opposite hallway, holding the hand of the same child that Henry came across earlier.
               “Hello? Excuse me?” Henry called out.
               “It’s time for sleep… rest your head, it’s time for bed.” Henry knew that was the same voice as the one from the cassette player.
               “Can you help me?”
               The figure ignored Henry, walking straight across the opposing hall, there was no way that they couldn’t hear him asking for help, so what was that about? Once Henry got out of the ink floor, he rounded the corner to see where the figure could have went, but he was met with a dead end, a Bendy cutout and a pentagram on the wall. There was no doorway that they could have possibly went through to leave the area.
               “Where the hell did they go?” Henry asked out loud, pressing his hand on the pentagram to see if maybe it was a secret switch or something to open a false wall like the movies. Nothing. Okay, this had to be a fever dream, right?
               Shaking his head in disbelief, Henry turned around, going to the other side of the hall where he was met with a closed metal door and a switch next to it. Could this place be anymore complicated?
               “This shouldn’t be too difficult… hopefully…” Turning around, the first thing Henry noticed was a giant statue of a familiar cartoon character; Bendy himself. “Joey… what’ve you been doing while I was gone?”
               The switches couldn’t have been far from the main power source, right? So, all Henry had to do was retrace his steps from the moment he walked in just to the gate. Going through the ink flooded hallway for a second time was certainly unpleasant, in fact, Henry was either losing his mind or more ink was trickling its way down from the ceiling. That didn’t happen before, did the man that seemingly disappeared with that kid have something to do with it? Hell, were they even real to begin with? How was it remotely possible for them to pass through a wall?
               Looking back, Henry could recall three power boxes that were hanging up on the walls, each of them had a candle on top of them, as if they were guiding his way through. One in a corner by the tape, another one just before the ink hallway, and the last one was at that dead end he came across. At least they didn’t make it too difficult for him in that sense. Henry didn’t have much time to run around the studio all day trying to figure this out; more than anything he was ready to go home and put this whole studio behind him once more.
Why did I come here? Henry thought after flipping the last switch. This had to be a trap of some kind… Would Joey do that to me? The doubt of Joey’s intentions was starting to come a head when Henry opened the gate. Why else would he bring Henry here? Not once has he caught a glimpse of Joey, only… what? Ink monsters and a kid?
With his newfound frustration and burst of anger, Henry swung his axe as hard as he could into the wooden planks that were boarding up the doorway. None of this was fair to him; he had a loving wife, recently retired from a job he genuinely loved, and for what? Just to get sucked back at Joey Drew Studio’s again? Did this place not take enough of his time already?
Kicking in the last wooden plank, Henry couldn’t see the axe he was holding out in front of him. The only thing he could make out was the faint dim lights that were around the room. The only thing he could think of was to keep his free hand to the wall to his right, moving with it until found a doorway. The light above was flickering so much it was starting to give Henry a headache… or, well, this entire situation was causing him a tension headache for sure. Unfortunately for Henry this looked like the only way out, and the stairway was flooded with so much ink that there was no way that door was going to open. While that was unlucky, the was a hopeful lining; on the wall was a power switch, maybe now he could see where he was exactly. One by one he could hear some lights flickering on with thuds, the light that he could see light up the wall in the center of the room: Music Department, it read in big letters; underneath in a smaller font read: Director: Sammy Lawrence.
Sammy Lawrence, Henry knew he recognized that voice on the tape from upstairs. The tape itself made no sense, it wasn’t like Sammy to be… religious, to say the least, it wasn’t something he seemed to care for. He couldn’t help but wonder how Sammy was doing nowadays.
The department was quiet now, Henry had been hoping more lights would turn on, in fact, he wasn’t quite sure what to do now. He had only been down to the music department maybe once or twice while working here as Sammy did not like it when anyone showed up unannounced, especially when he was writing songs. Once he was zeroed in on what direction he needed to take a song he wouldn’t pay much attention to anything else around him. Henry always said he worked too hard…
Silence was quickly replaced with a sort of groaning noise coming from overhead. The ceiling was low when Henry looked up, and he didn’t see anything but ink leaking through and down to the floor. Although, looking a bit closer this ink seemed a bit different, if that was even possible. Unless Henry had completely lost his mind he’d even go as far as to say that the ink looked like it was… bubbling? Ink couldn’t do that, right?
Just as Henry was about to poke the blobs with the handle of the axe, the ink quickly morphed into somewhat humanoid figures, minus their legs. They crawled around on the ground rather quickly going straight for Henry, as if he were an intruder in their home. Henry couldn’t phantom what was happening right now, as they crawled towards him, he backed up until his back pressed against a wall. Their shrieks triggered his fight-or-flight response, as if seeing the impending danger wasn’t enough already; closing his eyes, Henry swung the axe in all directions of what he would soon call Searchers. They let out pained grunts as the axe split them in half, turning into dissolved ink onto the wooden floor… all expect for one who was being incredibly stubborn about dying. It kept dodging every swing Henry threw at it with its somewhat abnormal speed, the other ones weren’t this fast, why was this one different? The Searcher lunged at Henry, he took a quick step back, bringing the axe down hard over its inky head, causing it to split in and half disappear into the floor with the rest of them.
As if killing the Searchers flipped another switch, the other lights in the music department lit up completely, even some soft music started playing. Letting out a shaky breath, Henry took a seat on the floor next to the Music Department sign, he just needed a moment to calm himself and understand what the hell just happened here. So, lets get this straight… There’s more living in this studio than a kid, a, what Henry could only assume to be, ghost, and whatever chased him upstairs? Definitely a fever dream, it had to be, there was no other explanation for this. Henry leaned his head back against the wall a little hard, causing a cassette player to fall from the wobbly shelf that was above him, landing in his lap.
How many of these did this place have? Henry thought as he pressed play.
“So first, Joey installs this Ink Machine over our heads, then it begins to leak. Three times last month we couldn’t even get out of our departments because the ink had flooded the stairwell. Joey’s solution? An ink pump to drain it periodically… Now I have this ugly pump switch right in my office. People in and out all day. Thanks, Joey, just what I needed… More distractions. These stupid cartoon songs don’t write themselves, you know.”
A thought occurred to Henry about all these cassette players that were laying around… What if they weren’t just there for looks, but for a reason? Maybe the team was locked away in the studio somewhere and by following the tapes Henry would find them? Was that possible? Or was Henry reading too many mystery novels again that he was overlooking their importance? That’s what Linda would always tell him anyways. Linda… What would she think happened to Henry if he never made it out of the studio? That he left to work with Joey again and he had a tight work schedule? No, that wasn’t going to happen. Thinking of his wife was all the strength that Henry needed to force himself to stand up, holding the axe tightly.
He was going to get out of here, one way or another.  
Henry rounded the corner to the right of the Music Department sign, walking up a set of stairs that led to a projection booth. Sitting unsafely on the edge of the balcony was the projector itself, it appeared to be old but in working condition as it started playing an old Bendy film on its own. Henry watched the cartoon for a moment, feeling highly nostalgic about his time working here with the original crew, the thought alone made him smile. Hopefully they were all doing well. He leaned against the desk, accidentally pressing the play button of yet another cassette player, causing him to jump.
“Every day the same strange thing happens, I’ll be up here in my booth, the band will be swingin’, and suddenly Sammy Lawrence just comes marchin’ in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells u all to wait in the hall. Then I hear him… He starts up my projector, and he dashes from the projector booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind. Few seconds later, the projector turns off, but Sammy, he doesn’t come out for a long time. This man is weird… Crazy weird! I have half a mind to talk to Mr. Drew about all this, but then again, I have to admit, Mr. Drew has his own peculiarities.”  
Henry recognized that voice in an instant: it belonged to Norman Polk, the projectionist at the time. While Norman did get in on some pranks with Wally, that didn’t stop the fact that he was still rather suspicious of everything going on around him. It could’ve been a nice trait to have, but sometimes Norman’s paranoia went a little too far.
Just as Henry walked back down the stairs to go to the other side of the music department that he could remember held Sammy’s office, he could hear the projector turn itself off. Did it have a timer? He couldn’t remember if the projectors did that one their own. Once Henry was at the end of the hall he could see the large ink flood in front of Sammy’s office that his tape talked about, there was no way of getting in until it the flood from the pipe above stopped. From behind, something dropped to the floor with a metallic cling. A set of keys? Henry picked them up, there were only three keys on the ring, one had to be for Sammy’s office, but where did they come from? Did the kid Henry met earlier drop them for him? Hopefully he was okay…
On the floor next to where they keys had fallen were the small ink covered footprints again. Were those there before? They led into a closet next to Sammy’s office, but when Henry tried to turn the handle it was locked. Whoever left the keys behind for him knew exactly what they were doing. Upon opening the door brought Henry into a small closet with nothing noticeable inside but yet another cassette player. These had to be clues, no doubt about that. They could be so cryptic that the first time you listen to them it’s hard to make them out as such until thinking back on it.
“Every artistic person needs a sanctuary; Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song:                The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation.                The violin shudders with a piercing voice.                The piano delicately calls.                The violin again screams.                Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you.”
Okay, that was easy enough, right? All Henry had to do was memorize the song order to get into this sanctuary. What Henry was going to find in there he had no idea, but he knew it would help figure out what’s going on here.
Henry kept repeating the order of what instruments he had to play over and over so he wouldn’t have to run back and forth to replay the tape. He had this, he had this, nothing was going to direct his attention away from this sort of puzzle.
Once he stepped into the band room, the projector turned itself on overhead. Startled, he looked up at the projection booth to see the same child from earlier leaning over the railway, looking down at Henry with a toothy grin as the projection played. Henry opened his mouth to say something, but the kid only motioned as if he were playing a violin, as if he were telling Henry to hurry up and play the instruments. There was so much Henry wanted to ask him, but he figured that the man who was dragging him along earlier wasn’t too far behind.
Henry located the instruments that Sammy mentioned in his tape, he strummed the bass that was in the corner of the stage a few times before looking back up at the projection booth. The kid gave him a thumbs up, so at least he was doing something right. He picked up the dusty violin, leaving fingerprints as he plucked the strings as he moved over to the piano, tapping a couple of keys before plucking the violin again. Instantly, the projector turned off. Did he do something wrong? Looking up again, the kid was no longer there, but the metal gate at the end of the room opened.
Moving cautiously, Henry went inside the room, peeking around the corner to make sure nobody was in there. Henry couldn’t decide if he was disappointed or relieved that it was empty, maybe a part of him was hoping to find Sammy again, even though he could be a jerk he was still an interesting person to be around.
On the floor near the desk was a pentagram, the same pentagram that Henry had passed out on upstairs. These had to mean something. Why else would there be so many of them, right? The lines were too perfect and specific for the kid to draw… On the wall written in thick ink read: “SING A HAPPY SONG. WHISTLE A MERRY TUNE. WAIT FOR HIS ARRIVAL. HE’S COMING VERY SOON.” Great. Another cryptic message. Henry stepped over the pentagram, turning the valve of the flow pump. That should cover one side of the pipe, now he just needed to find another.
This room gave Henry more of a bad vibe than the rest of the studio put together, so he turned around to leave, as he was nearing the end of the small hallway, a Bendy cutout poked out from around the corner, causing Henry to jump. God, he was never going to get used to that. For a kid trapped in an animation studio he sure did have a lot of pranks up his sleeve.
The band room seemed darker than what it was before Henry left, the door was closed, and the projector was still off. The uneasy feeling was back again, and rightfully so. From the ceiling dropped more thick ink blobs, similar to the ones when Henry first entered the music department. This time he was ready. The Searchers scared the hell out of Henry, but he knew they weren’t an awful threat, the noises they made sent a chill down his spine.
Taking a step back to gain some distance between himself and the Searchers, Henry held his axe tight as they started crawling over towards him, shrieking as they did. Were they ordered to attack him, or were they just this hostile to everybody? Well, it wasn’t like they saw many other people to begin with, they most likely saw Henry as a threat even though he would never purposely go out of his way to hurt anybody. That just was not in Henry’s nature.  
Henry cut through the Searchers as they were only tall pieces of grass, thankfully they didn’t put up much of a fight. What could they do anyways? They were just ink. Could they really have done too much damage to him? It wouldn’t have been as if a human were to attack him, right? Nothing made sense down here, Henry had to remind himself not to think too much into it since there was no chance he’d get answers anyways. The only thing on his mind right now was to drain the ink and find the exit. He had to think of his wellbeing and getting back to Linda.
The studio was still rather dark, but that didn’t stop Henry from noticing the fresh ink footprints that were trailing down the hallway back towards Sammy’s office. Or that’s what Henry had assumed they were going. As he followed them, they took a sharp left into an area that Henry never new existed. It led to a staircase with a sign over the doorway that read: Infirmary. Since when did the studio have an infirmary? Why would the studio need one of those?
As he made his way down the stairs, Henry noticed from where he was on the stairs that there may have recently been an ink flood. As long as he didn’t have to walk in waist high ink again he’d be fine. There was a single bed in the room with some illness related Bendy posters scattered around the walls. As Henry walked further in, he noticed the kid was standing on his toes in front of the valve that he needed.
“What are you doing?” Henry asked gently, as not to scare the kid into running away.
He looked back at Henry with wide eyes, as if he didn’t expect the adult to follow him down here. His confused look quickly turned into another toothy grin as he spun the valve into place, the way it turned told Henry that it must’ve been missing before.
“Did you find the valve?” Henry asked him. The kid nodded, turning the valve all the way until they could hear the flow from the pipes being cut off. “Thanks. So-“ Before he could finish his sentence, the kid phased through the wall again, as if he wasn’t allowed to be around Henry. “Well, that should do it…” Henry said to himself before heading back upstairs.
Sammy said the pump control to get out of the department was locked in his office, so once Henry flipped that and go back to the stairs by the entrance, he should be able to get out of here. Thank god, something about the music department made him uneasy, maybe the lack of music and how grim it appeared to be.  
Sammy’s office, as like the animation department above, was a wreck. Sammy would never allow his working space to become that messy. Papers and books on the floor, writing on the wall… No, that would never fly with him. Henry couldn’t help but notice the blueprints for the ink machine were on his desk. Why would he have this? That was way beyond his department… Again, Henry stopped himself from overthinking, as that would do nothing to get him out of here. Instead, he pulled the switch, leaving the office to its mess.
From above, Henry could hear thumping. Probably just the pipes, he would tell himself as he made it to the main area of the music department. He could hear the ink draining from the stairwell. Finally, he was-
Something hard smacked Henry on the back of the head, causing him to grunt in pain as his vision started to blur. He wasn’t sure what it was but judging by the metallic echo in the silent room that it was going to leave a bump. Henry fell to his knees, his vision starting to blur even more as he looked behind him to see what the hell just happened.
“Rest your head… it’s time for bed…” He heard Sammy say, but the creature in standing before him didn’t look like Sammy at all. In fact, it was the man from earlier who was dragging the kid around the hallways.
“There we go now, nice and tight,” Sammy said out loud as he finished tying Henry to the wooden post.
Hearing his voice snapped Henry back into the situation that he was, forcing himself to open his eyes to see what the hell was going on. He couldn’t move, that much was obvious, but he was wide eyed at the creature that was standing in front of him. Sammy was completely made of ink, wearing overalls and had a Bendy cutout head over his face. What the hell happened to him?
“We wouldn’t our sheep roaming away now, would we?” Sammy continued, holding Henry’s axe tight in his hands, shaking his head, looking over at the kid who Henry didn’t notice was standing on the other side of the room, “no… we wouldn’t…” He loosened his grip, turning back to Henry as he started to lightly swing the weapon around. “I must admit… I am honored you call all the way down here to visit us. It almost makes what I’m about to do seem cruel,” he admired the axe once more before turning around, walking over to a wooden post to prop up the weapon out of Henry’s grasp. “But the believers must honor their savior.” He walked over towards Henry again. “I must have him notice me.” He looked at his prisoner for a moment, something inside his mind was trying to connect wires, as if he knew who this was, but… nothing was coming to mind. “Wait… you look familiar to me… that face… Not now, for our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand, and then I will finally be freed from this… prison. This inky… dark… abyss I call a body.”
The kid behind Sammy let out a whimpering sound, as if he was scared of what was to come. The noise instantly made Sammy react, turning around to face him before kneeling down to his level. He gently grabbed the boy’s shoulders before putting a finger up to mouth of his mask.
“Shhh… quiet. Listen! I can hear him.” Sammy let go of the kid, standing up and moving back over to Henry who had no idea what to say about all of this. “Crawling above. Crawling!” Instantly Sammy’s mood switched, turning to Henry just as the thumps in the ceiling were growing louder, “Let us begin, the ritual must be completed! Soon he will hear me… he will set us free.” Sammy looked over at the kid who still looked scared, but he trusted Sammy. “Stay here, for there must be an outside witness to the ritual.”
As soon as Sammy turned his back on them to go into the other room, the kid stuck his tongue out at him, as if this was just another boring chore he had to do. The speakers let out interference just before Sammy spoke through them.
“Sheep, sheep, sheep, it’s time for sleep. Rest your head, it’s time for bed. In the morning you may wake, or in the morning, you’ll be dead.”
Searchers fell from the ceiling, but they didn’t even acknowledge that the child was there, or they knew to never mess with him. The kid knew something Henry didn’t know, but he looked too scared to let Henry in on it. The room shaking and the thudding in the walls and ceiling didn’t make it any easier on him either.
“Hear me, Bendy! Aris from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering!”
“Can you help me?” Henry asked the kid who looked at him with wide eyes, “I can try to get us out of-“ Before he could finish what he was saying, the kid slowly shook his head, holding up an ink stained finger to his lips but no sound came out. As he dropped his hand, the metal gate from across the room opened to reveal a hallway that was covered with wooden planks.
“Free us, I beg of you! I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!” A loud growl and banging sounds came from the room that Sammy was locked in. That wasn’t apart of the plan. “No, my Lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your-“ Sammy let out a scream as the Ink Demon let out around growl.
Henry was so focused on the door, that he didn’t even notice that the kid had moved from his spot and grabbed Henry’s axe. The ropes loosened around Henry’s wrists before they dropped to the floor. The kid held the axe up to Henry, who took it in a heartbeat. He half expected the kid to phase off through the walls again, but this time he was standing in the doorway where the gate had lifted, waiting for Henry to follow him. Henry had to cut down the Searchers who screeched at him before attacking.
“Wait, where are we going?” Henry asked the kid, who only responded by motioning for him to follow. What choice did Henry have at this point?
While the kid was small enough to squeeze through the wooden planks that were blocking their way, Henry had to cut them down so he could move on. He was trying to be fast, not knowing how far that Ink Demon thing was behind them. There was more screeching from behind, but there was no way Henry was turning around to look. The kid grabbed Henry’s arm as he led him into a room that was completely flooded with ink, just as they were about to take a step into the dark pool, the Ink Demon sprung out, scaring them both with it’s loud growl.
Thankfully the kid was there thinking on his toes, Henry was almost frozen to the spot until he drugged on his arm to keep him going. They turned around, taking a right down the hall that was quickly getting stained in ink as the Ink Demon drew closer. There were so many twists and turns that this place would have been a maze for Henry if it weren’t for the kid leading him to safety. Hopefully. Henry’s heart was slamming against his chest the entire way, almost tripping over himself but he refused to fall. He needed to get out of here.
The kid turned right again, in front of them was an open door that led to a room. The Ink Demon seemed to have gotten a bit lost in the maze himself, thank god. When they entered the room, Henry slammed the door and used the plank drop lock and propped the axe up underneath the handle for extra measures. He had no idea if that would actually do anything considering the fact the kid could just phase through walls anytime he wanted to.
Henry looked down at the kid who was still by his side, this was the first time he noticed that he was clutching a Bendy plush toy so close to his chest. It appeared to be the same ink stained one from their first encounter.
“Is it safe to keep going?” Henry asked the kid, who only nodded in response. Henry opened the opposite door that led into a large hallway. A few steps in and a soup can rolled across the floor, Henry held an arm out in front of the kid so he’d stop walking in case they were in danger. “Hello?” Henry called out in the dimly lit area, “Someone there? I know you’re in here… Come out and show yourself.”
Heavy footsteps echoed through as a tall figure rounded the corner. As they got closer into the light they could recognize that tall anthropomorphic wolf anywhere.
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Nightmarish Horrors [Angst]
fuckkkk ittt im doing angst!! and did i say was gonna sleep?.... i lied >:) based off of @ask-soul-bendy​‘s otherworldy terror angst fanfic corr belongs to @core4lost please note i am gonna try to make this as long as possible sooooo enjoy the angst!!~~~  also do note this takes place an couple months after the events of the story soo alpha’s not like floating around just yet in this time of the story if you all wanna know how he was able to be seen by everyone ask me and i’ll tell ya all... maybe...ish... OOF also this is before they all discovered there was mutiple universes XD
It was An Beautiful Night afternoon as the street lights were blinking and shops were just about to close up, the night was young and beautiful and peaceful, in a alleyway an demon was walking, the demon had causal almost modern like clothing, this was the infamous bendy devil once an star of the famous joey drew studios but as far as everyone knows all of them were gone and he liked it that way he never really did missed being at the studios but he does miss enteraining the kids, he whistled as he had his hands in his hoodie’s pockets as he walked on his tail flickering in a joyful manner, bendy wasn’t really bendy only an certain few of the studio knows this, joey on purpose lured in an hellhound soul when bendy was still being created, it resulted in what he is now without the cartoon soul he is not able to feel empathy or compassion but either way bendy doesn’t know that he’s not really an toon at leash not fully he knows he was way more different. as he walked on he began to think about all that’s happened to him and Henry, their adventures in the studio, their encounters with the infamous ink demon who he has not seen ever since they finally escaped from the studio. The Demon’s horns waddled when he stopped he hummed as he looks around noticing the air got heavier, he turned around seeing nothing there no cars, no people nothing. curiously got the better of him as he went out of the allyway he would have to make a detour on his way home. he blinked as he looked around “...hello?” he called out as he noticed the lights blinking and flashing he tilted his head confused when he heard another buzzing sound the lights in the shops began glowing and turning on and off in a almost purplish red like color the same with the streetlights as bendy backed up confused and an bit worried now “h-hey! if this is some kind of sick joke it’s not funny!” he called out bearing his fangs as he looked around before looking up at the sky and he froze. the sky wasn’t an blackish color anymore it was almost like an votrex nightmarish color. the demon’s jaws dropped as he backed up seeing something started to appear from the vortrex and sucking up everything. bendy stepped back and ran off screeching an bit as he came by to the park area. he noticed the plants and trees to dead as gulped before seeing something terriflying. an large pair of glowing eyes stared at him and it was big, only creatures that had those kinds of eyes were “ink stalkers....” but it seemed far too big to even be one none the less bendy growled and pulled out his revolver “take one more step mister and i’ll pow ya! i-i mean it!” he said as the creature walked towards him. bendy shot at it but the bullet did nothing. he looked confused and shot again and again until all his bullets ran out. he was shocked to see that the gun faded away “w-what?!” he looked up inky tears slowly started to drip as he saw the creature was advancing. in a flash he ran and ran as the creature roared and gave chase. bendy screeched when he was grabbed he pulled out his sword and slashed the creature’s gigantic arm as he hissed and tried getting out. he was thrown to the ground as he screeched the sword was stuck to his side as he tries pulling it out. he transformed into his inked state and then into his berserker state as he growled and yank the sword out ignoring his pained cries as he throw it straight at the creature’s face hard. The creature gave out an cry of surprise but the sword was absorbed into the creature as if it was nothing. scared now the demon stumbled before transforming into his frankenstein like form as his glowing yellow eye glared at the creature as he snarled and created ink spikes and trendils as he used these to attack the creature or to rather stall him as he turns around and runs away creating more and more as the creature advanced on him. The Creature roared and slammed it’s giant hands down onto the the demon slamming him onto the ground as it clicked and came closer to the demon as an burning sound was heard as the demon now in his unstable form burst out of the hand and out of the creature’s body as the true ink demon snarled and ran off first running in a almost human like manner but then running similar to an allosaurus. he saw the creature getting closer as he then ran on all fours trying his hardest to get away while summoning more ink like barriers all which did not work as he then sprouted his wings and  flew off before turning around and inhaling and emitting an powerful roar as he fired an purplish fire like breathe as he flaps his wings making the fire more bigger as it was shot at the creature as it seemed to be in flames now as the demon quickly wasted no time and flew off. he looked up at the vortrex it seemed to be getting bigger as the demon snarled ‘what is happening?!’ he thought to himself as he failed to noticed an bright beam hitting him on the back as he was rammed to the hard ground leaving an huge hole as the demon couldn’t move his body. he hurt all over himself as he struggled to weakly stand up only whimpering as he had enough strength to only look up to see the glaring sinister eyes of the creature as the demon screamed. “bendy! bendy wake up bud!” Henry said shaking the giant demon as the unstable demon quickly stirred away snarling as he stumbled as he panted “H.....HENRY...?” he said as the older man nodded “y-yes it’s me bud you were having an nightmare and i did’int want the others waking up so i brought you to the backyard” he said as the demon looked around “H...HENRY.... W-WHAT TIME IS IT?” he asks as the retired animator looked at his watch “About close to dawn, why?” the demon turned around as he climbed onto the roof ignoring the older man’s pleads as the unstable demon froze again, no one was out and no lights were on just like before. he whimpered when he felt something dark. he quickly got down “HENRY.... WE CAN’T STAY HER-” he was cut off by the sky suddenly turning into the same color as before Henry looked up “what the-” an loud snarl was emitted as bendy held Henry close him as he ran he wasn’t gonna let this creature kill him or his creator as he sprouted his wings and flew with Henry. he looked around making sure the creature wasn’t around but he took no chances as he flew faster ignoring Henry’s yelling “bendy come on put me down we gotta go back to the-” he was cut off by seeing something in the distance “LOOK OUT-” bendy noticed too late as an fast object almost like an plate rammed into the demon and older man as the two fell down. bendy landing in a shed as he couldn’t see where Henry fell. he snarled as he quickly got up and looked for his creator, an cackling growl was heard as the unstable demon turned around his eyes widening as he saw the same creature from before it looked almost like another creature from hell and almost similar to the searchers or lost ones only more monster like as it held an nearly dead Henry as it threw away the older man into an ditch as before the demon could react in anger he was met with an fist as he was swung towards several houses before crashing in a not finished mansion. the building crumbling on top of him as he felt darkness grabbed an hold of him. Henry tried getting his friend out of the rubble “bendy! come on wake up your trapped!” the retired animator said as he never saw his friend act this strange before as he saw him going on a rampant as he could see an dark like substance. bendy weakly groaned but it quickly turned to an snarl as he emerged from the rubble roaring in a surprise tone as he stumbled before almost falling to the ground “bendy?! are you okay?!” the older man saying as the demon snarled as if telling him not to come closer as he takes off the pieces of wood and such off of his body as he whimpered “.....HENRY.... WHERE IS EVERYONE..... WHY IS NO ONE OUT.... W-WHY?!” he asks as if pleading for a answer he hoped it wasn’t another nightmare and he did’int want to see his creator die again as Henry looked around “i... i don’t know bud i honesty don’t” he said as the demon growled as he looked up in the sky almost cursing as it was in the process of turning into that same color again “HENRY... I CAN’T STAY HERE.... I’M SORRY... IT WANTS ME” Henry looked confused “what wants you?! buddy what are you ta-” bendy did’int response as he sprouts his wings up and flies off again  he did’int want to see his creator die again as he flew farther and farther. The Demon landed in a secure location as he sighed and looked around still feeling his injures from the last nightmare “ALRIGHT! WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF FREAK!!!” the demon said snarling as he bared his walrus tusks as he shed his claws as they shined in the darkness as he heard an laughing like sound as he was met with something slashing his face as he stumbled. he felt his face.. burning? ‘w-what?!’ he thought to himself as he looked up almost frozing in his place it was something he never though to see again “N...NO.... NOT YOU!” he snarled as he saw the ink demon THE very ink demon that hunted down him and Henry as it looked nightmarish and like the same creature that attacked him as the ink demon chuckled as it limped forward. bendy now fully angered snarl and lurched knocking the demon down as he punches him repeatdly but the ink demon then turned into mist and reappeared before him as he stomps on the unstable demon’s back as he cried out in pain. he was clawed repeatdly on the back as he was kicked towards an tree. he struggled to get up as he was grabbed and thrown across the forest as he slams into an nearby cabin outside the woods and near the town as he struggled to get his barings. the demon weakly stood up but fell back down onto the cabin crashing into the rubble as he roared out in pain. he looked up to see the ink demon pressing his clawed like foot on his chest as he snarled and flexed his claws as he aimed for the demon’s heart. soon an gunshot ran out as the ink demon snarled and stumbled as he was shot an few more times by what seemed to be shotgun shells as the ink demon fell to the ground rolling down into a hole.  the unstable demon whimpered as he got back up before seeing henry reloading his gun “are you okay bud?” he said as the demon shook his head “N....NO... HOW DID HE EVEN COME BACK? I THOUGHT HE WAS DESTROYED IN THE STUDIOS...” henry looked off “actually.... there’s something i need to tell you... h-” he was cut off by something impaling him as bendy screeched in shock “HENRY!!!!!” he growled and looked over seeing the ink demon laughing. in a feat of rage bendy roared and ran at the ink demon to which it snarled back in laughter and ran too claws out and ready as he leaped in a tiger like jump and then silence filled the air as darkness covered the demon’s vision as the last thing he saw was the ink demon tearing his body apart. an loud scream rang out throughout the lodge as Henry woke up with a gasp. the screeching came down from the living room as it woke up everyone else too. he ran down as Boris and Alice and the butcher gang also came down. joey was too weak to stand up so he did’int show up and Norman was powered down for the night and Sammy was just  listening to music in his room. Jess was at a friend’s house so she wasn’t there. corr however was worried as he stood by the trembling demon as Henry ran down in shock seeing the room filled with an inky like aura as ink dripped everywhere. bendy was in his unstable form as he snarled and digged his claws into his own head whimpering. “w-what’s happening to him?!” corr said as Boris and Alice looked scared as Henry tried going over to bendy “b-buddy what’s-” the demon lets out an snarl as he tries swatting away at the older man. Corr yelped and hid behind Henry as Boris and Alice got out their weapons just in case “put down ye weapons!” Barley said as he came down with Edgar clinging on his shoulder as Charley was wearing his usual tan trenchcoat “what’s happening to our nephew?!” Edgar said as barley groaned “the boss will take care of it Edgar stop it’s not like he-” Charley shushed them as he went over “bendy” he said as the demon snarled and growled “bendy!” Charley said stomping his foot down s the demon took noticed “it’s alright.... it’s me bendy your uncle” he said as he gently pressed an hand on the demon’s cheek the unstable demon flinched as he slowly reverted to his monster form as the ink was still coming around. bendy looked bad as inky tears were in his eyes as the ink that was covering his face was gone leaving his glowing eyes “bendy.... are you okay?” Henry said as he reached out towards the broken demon as the demon sniffed as Charley backed up crossing his arms “he’s had a nightmare, an terrible one, ain’t the first time” he said as Henry nodded and pressed an hand against the demon “buddy... your okay... your safe.... your home” he said as bendy flinched “H....HOME....?” he said as he sniffled as Henry nodded “Yes bendy your home and your safe... no one’s going to get you” he said as he comforted the demon as corr looked worried as the demon changed back to his toon form. he stumbled as he almost fell but corr grabbed an hole of him “.....i....im fine corr...... j-just give me a moment” he said as the young demon nodded and backed off “um... bendy would you” he said referring to the ink as he nodded “r-right... s-sorry” he said as he focused as the ink suddenly started going back into him as the webbings curled up and went back inside him as the entire house was clean of ink. “sorry for ruining the couch...” he said as Henry shook his hand around “it ain’t no problem, i was gonna get an new one anyway.. mind telling me about this nightmare?” he shakes his head “n...no i rather would like some fresh air now...” he said as he walked outside and went onto the roof. he almost smiled as he saw people roaming about and cars were driving. he pinched himself just to make sure as he breathed in relief “not another nightmare.... thank god...” he said as he watched the sun rise he wondered what that dream was about though but he chose not to think about it as he never wanted to see that sight again he sighed as he looked at the sky it was almost sky blue as he smiled “no weird colors and no monster.... perfect” he said as he lie down on the roof as he fold his arms behind his head as he crossed his legs hoping that he won’t have another dream like that again.
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enigmas-artdeck · 7 years
Wrong: A 2D Bendy AU Fanfic Part 3
I finally FINISHED the FINAL PART! This one took me a while because I kept getting caught up with other things like family and shit. BUT NOW I’M DONE!
So anyway, thank you guys for enjoying my fanfic! I wasn’t really sure about posting it at first, but once you guys showed me that you like it, you gave me a huge boost in confidence. So without you all, it would’ve been just the one part. So thank you guys. *monitor hug*
part 1
part 2
The front door burst open from a powerful kick. A young boy, appearing no older that 12, nonchalantly walked into the cozy living room. He sat down on the plaid green couch, setting his backpack down on the floor next to him. Then he got up and walked to the door, realizing he left his key within the lock. As he removed the key, a large crick sounded, making look down at the key in confusion. Realizing that the key didn’t make the sound, he strode back to the couch. As he sat, a screech was heard throughout the house. His brow furrowed, then he removed his book from the backpack. Lo and behold, when the book was opened to the required chapter, an elder man was thrown up the stairs, and into the storage closet.
“Will you stop that? You’re making have a small existential crisis on whether my things made this happen,” the kid raised his voice for the sarcastic remark. The child slid off the couch, heading towards the man to help him up. After the elder made it to his feet, along with making his way downtown to the couch, the kid started up some small talk.
“Bendy’s that upset, Henry?” The elder rubbed his upper arm, the same one that he used to try and break down the door many times in the past 3 days. Henry’s gaze wandered over to the entrance to the basement.
“Unfortunately yes, Samson. He’s been like this Wednesday. Work actually let me stay home all week, with the promise of overtime, of course.”
“Didn’t you tell my mom that he locked himself in his room?”
“He moved to the basement after I took an axe to his bedroom door. Thank god there are a few in the shed. He took all the ink with him, lord knows how. There wasn’t a drop anywhere.”
“Why didn’t you axe the basement door?”
“He took the axe with him.”
“What the fuck Bendy I thought Henry told you to stop taking the bladed items with you to sleep.”
“Where did that come from?”
“I have no clue.” Without warning, Samson jumped off the couch and headed to the basement. The kid actually made it down the stairs before Henry realized that Samson theft the couch’s safety.
“Wait, Samson!” He followed the boy. Henry called to Samson from the top of the stairs. “Get back up here! We have to wait! We need to plan this!” Halfway down the stairs, inky black hands rose through the cracks in the floorboards, pushing him to the top. They wade a solid (how?) wall, preventing the elder from continuing.
“SAMSON!” He screeched the boy’s name one last time before heading off to find another way into the basement.
Meanwhile Samson nonchalantly walked through the musty cement rooms. He shone his flashlight into every corner in an attempt to see if Bendy was hiding anywhere else. While doing so, he called out to the ink demon.
“Bendy, cut the shit! You’re making Henry very worried. You can’t just mope down here for the rest of your life. You need to square up and face the music.”
Somehow, this got to Bendy.
The crooked, dripping, 8-foot humanoid figure just blinked into existence in front of the child. If Samson was shocked by this, he gave no hint of the emotion. He stood there, looking down (Was he really? It’s hard to tell with ink covering his face.) at the 12-year-old.
“Aye. Quit standing around and get back upstairs.” Bendy blinked again, this time, hunching over Samson, hands gripping an invisible ball around the child’s head.
“NO.” Ink dribbled out of the cracks in Bendy’s razored fangs.
“Yes, you are.” He walked away from the dripping frame. Bendy watched as Samson pulled up a old hickory chair that’s missing half the backrest. Samson ste if down in front of the twisted Bendy, plopping down in the chair as if it were a mass of pillows.
“Here’s the deal. Your ass will get back upstairs, you will get any help that’s needed, and you will be fine. No more moping, no more sitting in a room walled off by ink, no more shutting people out. It’s not going to help. If you keep bottling yourself up, then you’ll just explode, and it’ll be a horrendously grating mess to clean up. So get upstairs and talk.”
“But you’re not going to. Let’s just go get Henry-”
“BUT I WANTED TO KILL JEREMY! I WANTED TO BASH HIS SKULL IN! I WANTED TO PUT HIM IN THE HOSPITAL! IN THE MORGUE!” He inched closer to Samson during the crazed rambling. “I WANTED TO SLAUGHTER A KID FOR SOMETHING THAT COULD’VE BEEN FIXED IN CONTROLLED WAYS! I WANTED TO WATCH HIM DIE AND LAUGH AT HIM WHILE HE SUFFERED! I’M NOT A HERO, I’M A DEVIL!” Acting on impulse, he pushed the chair-and Samson- away. Samson flew a few feet back before landing on the concrete with a reverberating thwack, then slid for another foot.. Bendy store at Samson’s frame, heaving. The child slowly got up, placing his his palm on the left corner on his forehead. When he drew it back, there was a crimson color. Blood.
“My god Bendy.”
Both heads whipped to face Henry, who finished squeezing through one of the windows. He slowly approached the pair. Bendy started looking around.
“No… I-I didn’t… I couldn’t… Samson… Henry… hurt him…” Bendy kept speaking in broken sentences as he moved back. He mad a mad dash around the corner, but was stopped by the next sentence.
“I’ve had those thoughts too.”
Bendy’s head shakily turned around.Samson was standing there, Henry helping the child stay upright.
“Are you alright?” The elder’s concern for the child was overwhelming.
“Yeah, just a scrape. Had worse.” Once they were sure that Samson wouldn’t fall over, the child left Henry’s grasp and walked straight up to Bendy.
“Now, as I was saying, I’ve had those thoughts before. I’ve wanted to put Jeremy in a hospital so, so many times. I’ve constantly thought about pushing him in front of a moving car. Or picking up the heaviest rock I could find and watching him over the head a dozen times. But you know what? They’re just thoughts. You might think about them, but that technically mean that you will do the actual acts. And that shove? That was an accident. There’s an enormous difference between a willful act and an impulsive one. So Bendy, please FOR THE LOVE OF CARTOONS AND THE SAKE OF YOUR AND HENRY’S MENTAL HEALTH, GET UPSTAIRS AND SPILL YOUR GUTS!”
The trio just stood there, Samson in determination, Henry in awe, and Bendy in… something.After what seemed like an eternity, Bendy, started to break off into chunks. Henry and Samson watched, preparing for whatever might happen next.
Bendy slowly rose from the puddle, now in his regular toon form. Thick, black, inky tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked up to Henry. While doing so, the rest of the ink slid up to rejoin his shaking frame. He looked up at the two humans.
“That’s the Bendy we know and care for. You feel somewhat better now?”
The toon nodded. Bendy smiled at the two, tears still falling. Henry crouched down to the toons height.
“Want to talk civilly now?” Bendy shook his head lightly.
‘No, not yet. Maybe later.” Samson jabbed to the path he took earlier.
“We’ll let’s get outta here first. Do damn musty. Let’s play a game or something until you feel ready to talk. Sound good?” Both nodded to the suggestion. “Henry, lead the way, please.”
Samson and Bendy followed the elder through the damp basement and up the stairs. Bendy looked down into the basement one last time before shutting the door.
He was going to be alright.
So after all that angst, have some fluff. SOME.
Yeah, the bully’s named Jeremy. It was the best name i could think of.
This has been some ride we went on. Thanks for sticking around!
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pooka-dragon · 7 years
Broken Mind
.....this au is gonna be the death of me with all of these fluffs and angsts stuff that is happening. So this is based from @guacimolium fanfic Wrong (Good god my heart) which is also based on @shinyzango 2D Bendy AU. So umm....I got nothing else to say...so here you go.... 
Henry was now coming back from an exhausting day at work. The place seemed more busier than usual and his boss, well...seemed more aggravated than usual as well.
But he can forget about it since he now has a few days off from work and spend a little time with his friend Bendy, who has been living with him for months now ever since they’ve escaped together from the hell studio. 
He starts to unlock the door. “Bendy, I’m...” His voice trailed off at the scene before him when he entered. 
It was everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, even the ceiling. Some of the furniture was destroyed as well. ‘What the hell happened?’ He thought, slowly dropping his bag. 
That’s when he saw a clawed like hand print on the wall, making his heart stop and his skin pale. 
He went around his home, frantically searching for Bendy. “Bendy!? Bendy, answer me! Where are you!?” He called out, looking at each room before reaching the final door he did not look at. It was Bendy’s bedroom. When he first got this for Bendy, he thought that the little guy would want a room on his own and he was happy to see Bendy’s happy expression on it when he first saw it. 
He slowly opened the door, seeing the ink on the floor, walls and ceiling as well as it was in the living room. That’s when he heard the frantic breathing in the small corner. 
Henry’s heart sank and heaved when he saw Bendy curled up in the corner. Some of his figure was melting, due to how stressed and frantic he was, his gloved hands covering his eyes. As slowly as he could without spooking the little demon, Henry took small steps towards him before kneeling down gently. 
“...Bendy?” He tries to reach his hand out to him, then flinched his hand back when Bendy suddenly snapped, able to seeing his face. Henry was in shock when he saw half of his face covered with ink, one of the horns crooked and sharp while the other was Bendy’s normal face, but inky tears rolled down his cheek. 
“H-H-Henry...d-d-don’t come n-near me...” The demon stuttered that was mixed with sobs and hiccups. The old animator’s heart broke at the sight and the stuttering. “I-I’m too d-dangerous...j-j-just leave-leave me...a-alone...” The Demon choked. 
“....Bendy, you know that’s never gonna happen...I’m not leaving you--”
“I AM A MONSTER, HENRY!!” Bendy suddenly snapped, his teeth growing to fangs at the sudden anger he felt. Henry did flinched, but he dared not to leave his spot. “I-I am a m-m-monster...l-like the ones in the-the studio.....maybe...” Bendy curled up a bit, his shoulder shaking. “....maybe I need to go back to the studio...I-I won’t bother you again and...and you’ll be s-safe---” 
He was suddenly cut off when Henry placed his forehead against Bendy’s, his eyes clenched shut and Bendy seemed to tense up. 
“...Listen to me, Bendy.....you are not a monster...we’ve been through this conversation so many times....I thought you would get it by now...” He chuckled a bit sadly. He opened his eyes to look at Bendy, but kept his forehead in place with the little demon’s. 
“We are practically family, bud. I’m not going to abandon you anytime soon. Yes there are things that are hard to control, but that does not mean that you’re doing this alone. I’m with you all the way, even if I have to stay at home all the time to help you, I’m willing to do it. That’s what family does, bud; they help each other...you get where I’m getting at?” He asked, wiping some of the inky tears away from Bendy’s cheeks, which Bendy sniffed and nods. 
“...I know things are hard now...but in time...things will get better...you’ll see...” He smiled sadly. He could see some of bendy’s form starting to turn normal as he continued to wipe some of Bendy’s tears away, his other hand rubbing his shoulder gently, but he knew it wasn’t enough when he felt the ink demon starting to shake. Bendy starts to downright sob, covering his eyes with one of his arms as his shoulders shook rapidly. 
Henry slowly pulled Bendy into a tight hug, which Bendy clenched to the front of his shirt, sobbing into his chest. Henry could only hush him gently, rubbing his back in soothing circles while rocking him back and forth. 
This seem to make him sob louder. 
‘...poor fella...I wonder how long he was holding this in...’ Henry thought, holding Bendy through his sorrows. As Henry rubbed the back of Bendy’s head, the ink demon starts to calm down, hearing the tired sniffles and hiccups as he had his head resting against his shoulders. 
“....sorry ‘bout the mess....” Bendy sniffed, referring to the ink stains all over the house, but Henry could only smile sadly. “...eh, it’s okay...I needed to redecorate the house anyway...never liked the pale green color I chose for the walls...” He chuckled a bit. 
He smiled a bit when he heard the small demon giggle tiredly at that as well. “...here, tell you what...tomorrow...we can repaint the house, how about that? I’ll let you choose the color.” Henry offered.
“R-Really?”  He asked and Henry smiled, pulling away to look at him. Henry nods. “Of course. It’ll pass the time tomorrow.” He said. He didn’t have time to react when Bendy jumped up to hug him, nearly knocking him over with the great force he put into it, but smiled and pats his back. 
So the next day, Bendy chose a dark red color, which surprisingly Henry did like and agree to the color. He was unsure of how it’ll fit with the furniture color, but hey, it could never hurt to try. They did have to cover the carpet with covers so that the paint wouldn’t drip onto it. 
They painted half way through the house, the black ink now replaced with the dark red until Bendy got to a spot he could not reach. Bendy tried jumping up and down to reach the spot, but he was quite not tall enough to get to it. 
“Having trouble, bud?” Henry asked, putting down his paint brush to see his progress. His cheeks have a bit of paint on it, but he knows that he can wash it out later. 
“I-I got this!” He shouted, still hopping up and down to get to the spot, which he was making a ‘sproing’ sound every time he kept trying to hop up and down. It took Henry with all of his might not to laugh at the sound effect. 
“Y-You sure, bud?” He said, managing to hide his snort when the sound affect came more faster than usual when Bendy jumped faster. Eventually, after awhile, he did give up on hopping, sighing in defeat. 
“...I can’t reach...but I wanna paint it...” Bendy whined, looking at the spot that was way beyond his reach. He was going to ask Henry what to do, but then tensed when he felt Henry lifting him up, placing him on his shoulders. “Can ya reach it now?” He asked. 
It took Bendy a moment or so to keep balance, accidentally clenching to Henry’s hair, which he did wince at that, but hid it very well. But after a few mere minutes, Bendy got himself balanced. 
“Y-Yeah, I c-can...” Bendy stuttered, managing to lean over and carefully paint the one spot he kept trying to get his hands on. Henry smiled as he got the other paint brush, from arm’s reach of course, and helped Bendy paint the wall to help speed the progress.
As the hours went by, they look at their progress. It look like no ink was there at all and Henry smiled. “It looks great, Henry!” Bendy smiled, his hands resting on the top of Henry’s head, since he still on his shoulders. 
“Yeah, I think we did good, bud.” Henry smiled, then looks at the time. When he saw how late it was, he didn’t realize that so much time went by. 
“Well bud, I think we should call it a day and finish the rest tomorrow...” He said, slowly getting Bendy off of his shoulders. As he went upstairs to help Bendy to his room, he noticed how Bendy stopped at the hallway. 
“Hey, you okay, bud?” Henry asked, walking back over to him and knelt down to be at his height. Bendy seemed to eye his room fearfully, not wanting to go in there. As Henry looks, he realized why Bendy was scared. 
“Hey, hey...it’s okay...you can stay with me tonight, okay? Then we’ll paint your bedroom tomorrow, okay?” Henry asked. Bendy was taking deep breaths to calm himself down. So Henry did the only thing he could think of. He pulled the demon into a hug and Bendy clenched to his shirt. 
“...’m sorry...” Bendy said, Henry standing up with the ink demon in his arms, walking past Bendy’s room to his own bedroom. “It’s okay, buddy...things happen...like I said, we can deal with this tomorrow together, okay?” He said, placing Bendy down on the bed. 
Bendy nods and Henry smiled. “Alright. I’m gonna shower and then it’s bedtime, okay?” He said. Bendy nods as he got under the covers, looking at Henry as he was already almost covered with the blanket. Henry chuckled and went to the bathroom to shower. 
Now finally clean from the paint, Henry came back with some pajama pants and a white tank top on, he saw that Bendy was already becoming half asleep. He smiled sadly as he pulled the covers and crawled in. When he did, he was not surprised when Bendy turned to snuggle against him. 
Henry smiled as he laid his head down, one arm around Bendy, closing his eyes as he let slumber claim him. “....hey, Henry?” Bendy suddenly asked. 
“...what if it happens again...?” 
Henry cracked one eye to look at him and could only smile sadly. “...we’ll pull this through, bud...I promise...” He gives Bendy an affectionate squeeze, letting the small cartoon lay against his chest. It did not take long for Bendy to fall asleep, followed by Henry. 
He knows that they can battle this out together. Even after what they’ve been through in that hell studio, they know that they got each other. 
This AU is giving me too many ideas ad I have no idea how to stop it! XD Future ones are yet to come. 
Until then, 
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zanzaflux · 7 years
Halloween Fright
I love the 2D Bendy AU that @shinyzango has created so I decided to take a stab at writing a little fan fic for it. It’s based on these drawings: http://shinyzango.tumblr.com/post/161005791240/if-monster-bendy-would-become-a-stable-form-out-of
Bendy has been living with Henry for a few month now and he is experiencing the joys of Halloween for the first time. 
                                          Halloween Fright.
It was a nice night considering it was the end of October.  The wind blew gently through the trees causing the branches to cast claw-like shadows in the pale full moon light.  On the streets below,  children can be seen dressed as their favorite super hero, scary creature, or fairy tale princess.  Their laughter could be heard echoing throughout the night.  They run from house to house filling their bags with all types of treats.  Just another typical Halloween night.
A small group approached a house that looks like any other house on the block.  It had paper black cats and ghosts taped in the windows.  There were fake spider webs wrapped around the bushes with little plastic spiders sprinkled throughout.  The only light coming from two Jack-o-Lanterns with a lit candle inside,  sitting on the steps near the front door.  They both had large eyes and jagged wide grins.  It was totally cheesy, just like every other house on the block.  It still didn’t deter the three younger members of the group, one boy and two girls, from running up the steps and ringing the doorbell.  The two older brothers hung back at the bottom of the steps.
“Man,  I don’t believe this!  We could be at Caroline’s party right now.” one teen whines.  He didn’t even bother to dress in a costume feeling that he was too old for this stuff.
“I know what you mean.  I can’t believe my mom made me take the brats trick or treating instead of doing it herself.”  He pointed to the two little girls dressed like some kind of princess he didn’t know or care about.  He huffed, crossed his arms over his black and white skull t-shirt and practically pouted.
“Shit,  I even tried to sneak out of the house,  but my little bro ratted me out!”  He sent a heated glare behind the boy dressed in a blue and grey Batman costume’s back.
Their younger siblings did their best to ignore them as they rang the bell for the third time.  There were no lights on at all through the house.  It was dark and very quiet.  
“C’mon squirts!  It’s obvious no one’s home.  Lets get outta here.  We’ll go to one more house,  then we’re taking… you… home?” The teen with the skull shirt let his arms fall to his side as he tilted his head a little.  There was someone moving towards the door.  The entire group could hear very heavy, muffled footsteps that got even louder as the person got closer to the front door.  The teens shot each other nervous glances.  
Everyone watched as the wooden door slowly creaked open and they were greeted by the pitch blackness of the home’s interior.  It was hard to see anything but they could hear something shuffling in the doorway.  There was a low, gurgling growl coming from the open doorway.  It sounded like a dog trying to growl underwater and it caused the teens’ hairs to stand up on the back of their neck.  If this was a trick,  it wasn’t funny.
All of a sudden a huge clawed hand emerged from the darkness and gripped the side of the door frame.  Something big was pulling itself through the open doorway.  It was then that the teens realized the reason they couldn’t see in the house.  The thing was blocking the doorway!
A large head ducked under and out of the doorway.  As more of it’s body emerged from the house,  the two teens took an involuntary step back.  Whatever it was, was tall,  really tall!  
It had two thick, curving horns sitting on top of it’s large head.  There was a wide, fanged grin plastered on it’s face.  They could see the pinprick light of one eye as it swiveled around to survey the entire group.  The other side of it’s face looked like it was melting before their eyes.  It was wearing what looked like a ragged,  white bow tie that drooped down his chest.  It had long arms that seemed to thicken as it ended in clawed hands.  One hand was flexing at its side while the other seemed to be holding… something.  Even though it was hunched over,  it still loomed over the group.
The younger children stood before him,  watching as his head tilted to the side.  He looked down at them with a mischievous glint in his eye.  He reached down and gently nudged the younger kids to either side of him.  When they cleared a path for him, he slowly made his way down the steps.  His footfalls made a loud, wet, clopping sound and by the time he made it down to the pavement,  the two teens were shaking like a leaf.
The large inky black creature was standing no more that two feet away from both boys.  It still towered over them.  Neither boy could speak.  Their minds seemed to have a hard time figuring out what exactly they were looking at.  It gurgled/growled something all of a sudden that made both teens jump.  The smile on it’s face seemed to stretch even wider,  if that were even possible.
He leaned down until his large head was looming a few inches away from the frightened boys.  He watched as beads of sweat began to form on their foreheads and their eyes darted to and fro.  He lifts one of his hands and playfully wiggled his claws near one of the boy’s head.  It was amusing to watch their eyes grow as big as saucers and they tried to cringe away from his hand.  He did this a few seconds more before uttering a single, garbled word:
That seemed to break whatever spell that was keeping their feet glued to the pavement.  They screamed and in their haste to run away,  bumped right into one another.  It took everything in the large ink monster not to break out in distorted laughter right then and their.  Watching the teens bumble around on the ground, crawling over one another, before getting up and running down the block,  reminded him of old comedy skits he used to watch at the studio years ago.
The sounds of laughter made him turn back towards the house.  He could see three little children running down the steps.  The smiles on their faces made that little prank worthwhile.
“Oh my gosh! I didn’t *snickers* think my brother could run that fast!” The boy dressed as Batman was pointing down the street.
“Did you see the way they ran into each other?  I wish I had my dad’s Polaroid  camera!  That was too funny!” The little princess was clutching her sides and had a hard time getting her laughter under control.  The smallest child was standing behind her, clutching a teddy bear in one hand and clinging to her sister’s dress with the other.  She had a small smile on her face as she watched the others doubled over with laughter.
“Hey Bendy.”  The ink demon lifted his head just enough to see Henry leaning against the doorway.  The corners of his mouth lifted into an amused smirk.
“Don’t forget the candy buddy.”  Henry watched as Bendy’s large head bobbed up and down before he crouched down before the little kids.
Bendy lowered his other hand just enough for the children to see the bowl full candy.  The super hero and princess both reached in,  took a few pieces, and dropped them into their bags.  The smallest child grabbed onto one of Bendy’s large fingers and stood on the tips of her toes to reach inside the bowl.  He just shook his head and lowered the bowl a little more to make it easier for her to reach.  She looked up at him with a big smile on her face and ran back to her sister’s side.  There was a chorus of “Thank yous” directed towards Bendy and Henry.
“Okay kiddos.  You better catch up to your brothers.  Let’s hope they didn’t run all the way home.” There was a snort and a bout of distorted laughter that came from Bendy.  The kids began to laugh as well.
“You’re right.  C’mon guys,  lets go!  Bye Bendy!”
“Bye Mr. Henry!”
The three children ran down his walkway.  As they turned onto the sidewalk, they waved one last time before disappearing down the block.  The large ink demon returned the gesture as Henry walked up next to him.  He felt the man tap his arm to get his attention.
“Hey buddy,  you enjoyed that huh?”  Henry’s smirk grew a little wider.   “Nice touch with the fangs and claws by the way.”
Bendy looked down at his friend, his own grin turning a little sheepish  before shrugging his shoulders.  He lifted his hand and showed an inch of space between his thumb and index finger.  The message was clear:  ‘Maybe just a little bit.’  Henry chuckled before tilting his head towards the house.
“Well,  lets head back into the house so we can wait for the next group of Trick or Treaters.”  Bendy’s head bobbed up and down and he followed the man back into the house.
When Henry explained what Halloween was to the little toon,  he thought he was pulling his leg.  One night out of the year where you got to scare people in good fun and give out candy!  It sounded too good to be true,  especially the giving away candy part.  It took a lot of convincing on Henry’s part and the promise of saving him a few pieces to get him on board with that.  At the end of the day,  he had to admit,  he hadn’t had that much fun in a long time.
                                                                                                               The End
I hope you enjoy this.  I had fun writing it.  I know Bendy would make Halloween a lot more interesting.
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