#((Thank you for sending these!! I'm sorry I'm getting to them so late oTL))
in--somnium · 2 years
“Do you know how to fix a hole in the ceiling?” (@ any peter??)
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"Uh..." Did he know how to fix a hole in the ceiling? Well, not really, "I could give it a shot." He offered, "How hard can it be?" He could just... watch a tutorial on youtube or something. But he supposed that wasn't the entire point of this conversation, because: "But, um, why is there a hole in the ceiling?"
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dredshirtroberts · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to tell you that the end of the latest chapter of Spearwort, Iris and Ash hurt! That comment from Jaskiers brother, I mean. I really liked the chapter, so I hope I can convey that I like the story! I just have Feels and want to slap the characters over the head now and then or roll my eyes at Eskel and Ashwood dancing around (Also will we find out which witcher gets bitten by a giant something or why Lambert and Mieczyk both have a mark at their eye?)
*incoherent screeching*
I got onto desktop to compose a vent post about my chronic pain (it's bad today) and i saw the notification for this and I don't know when you sent it, nonny, but this is... this helped. A lot. So first things first, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sending this. I hope you haven't been waiting long for a reply <3 *hugs you*
Jaskier's family is Very Good and I love them very much and that line was absolutely meant to hurt and I'm so glad the punch landed XD
We all want Eskel and Ashwood to get their shit together. By "we" I mean my partner who made Ashwood (@concertconfetti) and I. Considering I'm the one writing it, I think that says a lot about how slowburn this is all gonna be lol.
I am slightly confused about your question regarding the Giant Something bite, because I don't remember when I mentioned it or where and I went to go look to see what I said about whomst and I... think it's probably the brain being bad because of the pain but I cannot find it and I'm a little lost but I 100% want to address your question! If you see this feel free to message me again or dm me or whatever so I can clear it up for you <3
But for the other part of that question, yes we will be finding out why Mieczyk and Lambert both have one of the more rare types of marks. >:3c
Have i mentioned this is the slowest burn on relationship fronts that I've ever written ever? Cause...yeah. None of these ninnies want to use their words or get their freak on quickly and I swear we're not even at the actual plot yet. This is just buildup and I am so sorry. xD
Please come talk to me about my babies. Please. I am begging you. I will let you into plot secrets for future chapters, please dear god let me talk about my dear darling buttheads <3333 I will tell you anything you wanna know xD I need new ears, as my brain is already working on Iris now and I still need to start the Spearwort plot...
OTL i'm doin my best y'all ^^;
(sorry again if this is incoherent. The small handful of ibuprofen is not doing it's damn job and might have even unionized with the pain to take down The Man (me) so we're... strugglin with the words today lol)
(also also wik: sorry about the late response because I swear I have no idea when you sent this and I'm hoping it was today but lord knows the hellsite (affectionate) is...inconvenient at the best of times)
(more also: hi yes i love you thank you for reading my story and enjoying it i am very bashful about this but i love you thank you)
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disarmingly · 6 years
Hello again, love!! it's been so long and I'm sorry. Im terrible at keeping up with things and I never seemed to be able to have the chance to reach you. I'm so sorry I disappeared I never meant to but I've been so tired. I hope you've been doing alright. The new year is here and this one is the most crucial academic wise. It's another real big challenging and unbelievably terrifying national exams. I can't help but feel like the last one I took was too soon and too long ago at the same time (1)
Its so ridiculously stressful and draining here in a country where academics are so packed and important and I feel so tired. So the new year began and I hope it's been doing you well. Doing you better. You deserve it. I've been aching so much lately in ways and I couldn't help but reread your stories and when I got to This Time Around I cried (2)
It's a beautiful story it really is. And all that about love and life and even more love gets me everytime. I want to believe. I don't know if all this terrible feelings on my end will end up reaching you somehow with these asks. I don't want it to. Weariness and aches and emptiness are terrible things and I never wish you to have them. I just want you to know that it's hard here and I'm so tired. But despite everything I want to believe and there's nothing more comforting than your stories (3)
Someone real great and awesome wrote you a thing!!! Im so happy and it was such a swell read too. I wish to do something like it for you too one day. I don't have a lot to give but just know that you're real sweet haku and your stories are my comfort stories. There's always more room for love in the world and im glad I got to find you. I'll probably disappear again but I'll come back. I'll always come back I think. (4)
Oh jesus all my thoughts are such messes i hope they went across proper. Have a good day love. And a happy new year. The worlds your oyster and time is just a malleable illusion. I hope you're doing good, doing better. No rush to reply, I understand too much what it's like to fall out of communication. You don't even have to if you wish so. All I want is for it to reach you. You give me strength and I can only hope I return the favour. Stay healthy! 💕splendid-anon
     dear splendid anon, i’ve been pretty scarce in continued efforts to not burden people unnecessarily. i think it’s a harder thing ebcause i have TIME here even if only a moment and the danger of over sharing is that much greater for me, whereas w twitter i just type out something and then delete it before i even send it ^^;; ahh i’m sorry though. i wish i had a story for you now. i’ve been on the fading side. it’s very strange i still feel like i have so much i want to say. but maybe no way to say it. anyway. i wanted to at least convey my gratitude. it still is mind boggling to me that anyone reads my stories or even rereads them or gets anything out of them. especially This Time Around / Time and Again which is so close to my heart but doesn’t seem to have reached as many as i would like though that’s likely my fault for unpolished skill ^^;;; trying to encapsulate big ideas OTL......it means a lot to me that you reread it, that it made you feel things.....i mean,  it’s the truest gift and for that i am lucky, and i tell myself this every day even though nothing has been mostly okay for a long time now. i appreciate these outreaches, these sharings of strengths you send even though you yourself are tired and worried and stressed. i only feel bad that i can’t do something proper to thank you. i really do only wish you the best always. and if any part of any string of words i ever put together might be useful to you, that’s a form of love to me, and i’m grateful for that too. thank you for always being so kind and so generous with that kindness. it’s more than i deserve. i’ll try to keep working to deserve it. i;m sorry im so scattered.   take care always
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taesthetes · 6 years
JUST HOW MAD YOU HAVE DRIVEN ME! OTL I’m guessing you only planned for this to be a one shot and only want the rest or other possibilities to be left up to our imaginations, correct? I totally respect that~ But I was just wondering, out of curiosity, would it be possible to ask you some questions about the fic regarding either things that actually happened, or if you have any thoughts of how things could have progressed? Either on anon or off?Or would you rather not further discuss the fic?[…]
I will totally respect any decision you make, but wanted to ask incase there was hope of somehow giving my heart some much needed closure… Ahhh I need to go and read your other fics! I WAS in a Tae mood… Gosh darnit, now I wanna read Kookie!!! This wasn’t supposed to happen! Lmao! Anyway, as I await your reply, I will most likely read more of your glorious writing and hopefully it will distract me from the pain in my heart hahaha xD Anyway, have a wonderful day~~~
ahhh i came back here after a little more than a month and can’t believe that i was graced with such a lovely message as this one! i’m really really sorry about this late reply and i hope you get to see it someday ): i promise i wasn’t ignoring your asks or anything– uni life is just a hassle, so i don’t check up on here alksdfas i’m so so sorry for the late response, but hello, sweetpea! i’m putting this under the cut because i got all rambly ahh sorry–
akljdhflkajsdhflkas thank you so much for loving the universe of us!!! 💗💗💗  i’m so sorry for making you cry ): if i could, i’d send you a cute care package and a dozen hugs as consolation!!! omg i got so  excited when i saw you say you were rooting for tae (because tae!!! i love him so much!!!!), but then you changed to jungkook ): ah, well, i completely understand though because the heart wants what the heart wants, hmm? but i was aiming for a bittersweet ending with a hint of incompleteness yet still complete in a way, so i’m glad that you felt that way in the end!
ahhhh and you’re welcome to ask me any questions you have about the fic! i’m more than happy to answer any of your inquiries so they don’t remain [in buzzfeed ryan’s voice] unsolved. asldkjhflasd i absolutely love your passion for this fic omg i’m always over the moon to hear about one of my past fics, and i can’t believe you’re still reading it, so thank you so much!! but yes!!! throw all your emotions at me!! I’m ready to catch them all!! (gotta catch ‘em all)
and yes, i had written this as a oneshot! although, someone had asked for an alternate ending in one of my ask games, so there’s that floating around my blog somewhere. and yes, it’s totally possible to ask me questions about the fic!  i like to leave some of it to your imagination, but i’m more than happy to explain or give my own thoughts about how it would go after the ending! and it doesn’t matter to me whether you use anon or not, asks or instant messaging; please feel free to use whichever one you feel most comfortable with
and if you did read my other fics as well, thank you for doing so and i hope you liked them! and oh nooooo, please go back to being in a tae mood!!! tae deserves all your love ): i regret making tae lovers change to jungkook lovers now with this fic askjhdflkasjhflda ahhhhh i’m really am so sorry about such a delayed response, and i hope the pain has gone away by now D: thank you for sending me such a darling message and making my day today. i hope you have a fantastic day or night as well wherever you are, sweetpea!! 💘💘💘
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todokori-kun · 7 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I’m ugly crying on the inside right now. I’m really so glad you liked the art, seriously this means a lot to me TYSM <3
I like how Hisoka turned out too :D I have a hard time looking at him though because WOW that’s way too much trash for once piece of paper
Be glad that I sent you the sassy Saiko, because I also drew a crying Saiko calling for Maman. I decided not to be a troll for once though ^^
I couldn’t do justice to OG Musical Maria though. She’s gorgeous…
That picture of Roy will be my legacy.
(as for the tiny dab, that is also Saiko in case the pic was too small for you to tell XD funny thing is that I wasn’t even intending to have that slip in when I took the picture. I drew a tiny, mouth-and-nose-less ‘I am not impressed’ Urie face next to it too but guess that didn’t make it in haha LOL
I'm actually sorta obsessed with drawing tiny, dabbing figures right now because I just discovered an easy way to draw dabs and…well. It’s fun?)
AWW tysm! Tbh though I get the struggle. I hated all paints for the longest time because I also had no idea how to use brushes and control the amount of water I used and ended up with shapeless blobs or super runny pics (also I’ve never actually learned how to paint or draw…a couple of short lessons when I was really little, a month(?) of lessons around last year or the year before, that’s pretty much it. So idk how to do things really lol). But I sorta-recently got obsessed with watercolor paintings (SO PRETTY) and that’s why I started ‘practicing’ (AKA watching/reading a bunch of tutorials and trying my best to remember the few things I actually learned XD). I still can’t draw stuff just with watercolors though, I need to do a light pencil sketch and then color with paint.
OK that sounds so cool but problem: My phone is a super old flip phone that I’ve had since I was eight(?), so mobile games are a no XD and my parents probably wouldn’t buy me anything that costs money (they let me play simple free RP games and dating games on the internet since those are usually fairly innocent (I mean, it’s plot/character-based stuff, almost like a manga) but not anything too 'big’ you know? If I was old enough to buy games like that with my own money I don’t think they’d care tho, as long as I didn’t get obsessed with games or anything.)
Also just realized that I’m stupid and apparently forgot that I don’t have Steam. I was going to install it but can I ask you exactly what it is/how it works, first? I’m just kinda worried about randomly installing this since I don’t quite get it yet ^^;; (sorry I can be really, really stupid when it comes to stuff like this)
THAT’S SO CUTE. Let me recommend you a game too- a free RPG/Dating game called Ascension by ImpQueen! No download, you just go to ImpQueen and play it. There are three(?) chapters. The first chapter might not be that interesting compared to other games, but the game and the story keep getting more complex as you go on :D you also get new dateable characters every chapter and the MC, Aida, is AWESOME. Also, in chapter two and three you can actually customize the main cast’s appearances, like you’d do in a dress-up game! Another cool thing is that you get different 'personality points' depending on the things you say/do, and the amount of points you have for a certain personality can change the outcomes of certain situations.
It’s also really fun because other than the romance, the plot and Aida’s journey is super interesting too.
Do you know I’ve been reading some Ishida tweets lately and look at this (yes these are all real)
Fan: Excuse me, is it ok if I ask what major you chose at university?
Ishida: I have studied worthless knowledge in University.
Fan: Please take good care of yourself and eat well! (I think that’s what they said? It was in Japanese so)
Ishida: I ate some tomatoes!
Fan: How do you draw Arima, sensei? It’s so hard to draw him ;-;
Ishida: Sadistic & Massive. I keep that in my mind.
Fan: I love you please marry me
Ishida: Sure! When is convenient for you?
Fan: Be sure to rest when you need to, sensei…
Ishida: I don’t wanna rest
Ishida: It’s natural, you know.
Fan with a picture of a cartoon skeleton for their profile pic: Will we ever learn what happened to Hide, sensei? Also, thank you for the sequel :) I love TG
Ishida: Well, I’m not sure…by the way, you are so skinny. Thank you!
Also, dude reads Shoujo manga. He tortures us with Touken, Kanae, Tsukiyama/Kaneki, Saiko/Urie…and then he goes and posts fanart he drew of a Shoujo manga he was reading and says that he’s sad it’s over omg
I’d probably never want to leave that flask HOW COULD A TINY INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN DEFEAT ME SO EASILY NOOO
*sigh* I didn’t raise you to be like this…
(I just got the funniest/weirdest idea though: So Evans is like Luna’s mom in this relationship, Riza is Roy’s mom. Imagine what would happen when Roy/Luna got to the 'meeting the parents’ stage in their relationship)
Mei’s version of subtle-
Mei: Mr. Scar, Evans thinks you have pretty eyes.
Scar: What
(basically catastrophe. And I would never have actually said that…Luna probably told Mei to say that I said something nice about him and that’s what the kid came up with OTL)
Well, he became a criminal in Civil War so not a big surprise really ;-;
For a second I thought that pic was you
Wow, that’s great! Bet it looks amazing on the queen <3333
Funny thing is I thought I liked physical contact (like cuddling, hugging, hand-holding) but turns out that’s not the case XD I get super awkward when anyone who’s not my mom, dad, or my little sister/younger cousin touches me. Tbh the only person I feel comfortable with cuddling anytime, anywhere is my little sister because she’s still smol LOL
It’s definitely weird when people who aren’t that close with you try to hug you though. The only thing that can make it worse is if they gush about what a good, sweet child you are while doing it XD
(btw, I sent you a message about the TG Re Volume 12 omake; did it get eaten?)
((EDIT AFTER NEW CHAP OF TG: WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUU NO URIE NO N O)) Feel free to send more art anytime! I’ll always be glad to see it ^^
Is he really that bad? I mean, I’ve seen some memes, but didn’t think he was that trashy XD
Oh wow, thank you for that :P Who knows, maybe I would’ve broken my computer screen, because end the suffering already.
Dabbing Saiko, best Saiko. I assumed it was her because of the hair, but wasn’t 100% sure. Isn’t that Urie’s default face, tho. I mean, when is that man impressed? He does show emotion when he’s  trying to comfort someone, but that doesn’t happen very often.  *stares at that paragraph* *dabs aggressively* 
Ah, that’s what makes it even more impressive! I mean, we had art in elementary school, but it was mostly the ‘learn stuff yourself’ kind of art. Needles to say, I didn’t learn a lot. But watercolours really are a nice way of painting, since they can have really vibrant colours, yet be serene at the same time. Most people I know who draw, watercolour or not, use sketches and references, so I don’t see anything wrong with that ^^ Just take your time to learn what you want ^^
Oh, I see! So, free, computer games for you… Well, right now, CP is the only one I can think of, but I’ll discover more in the future and share them with you when I do ^^ The only paid games I play are on my phone, since I’m too shy to ask my parents to but me otome games… I have 0 problems playing them on my own, but not a lot of people know that I play them. 
Right, steam.  It’s a gaming platform. Technically, it’s an app for the computer on which you can download games that are available in the steam store. Some are free, some are paid. 
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This is how the page looks. The little green button in the upper left corner is to download the app itself, and you’ll also need to create an account.  You’ll need to give an email, but it’s only for account verification and to send you bills if you decide to buy anything. However, if you don’t buy anything, the email will mostly be useless after the verification. I mean, I don’t remember getting a spam email from them at all.  After that, just go to the search bar, type Cinderella Phenomenon. And press play the game! It should automatically download the game to the steam app and you’re good to play ^^  No worries about asking questions! It’s actually admirable how you’re so careful around the internet ^^
Oh, I’ve actually played that before! I could never finish chapter 3, though… For some reason, it keeps glitching at one scene making me unable to continue further =3= It was quite fun to play! I just don’t remember most of it anymore, since it’s been a while since i’ve played ^^;;;
Ishida summarised my high school experience so far in a single tweet, only it’s about University XD
Wow. That’s so mean of him XD Seriously Ishida, why you gotta torture us so much??? (I just noticed my computer stopped auto-correcting Ishida, I think it finally learned I wanted to type it) 
Muhahahahaha I’ve contained the legendary dwarf!!! Now she won’t be able to convince a whole nation to commit collective suicide because their leader is a naive idiot!!
The two of you just talk about how randomly childish the two of us can get at times XD I think you’d get along pretty well with Riza, though. I mean, she’s a nice person, who knows what it’s like to be scared, so she’d be fine with taking lead of the conversation. 
Scar isn’t sure if it’s Mei’s idea of a prank or not, but he’d be slightly disappointed if it was cause he kindawantedEvanstothinkhiseyesarenice but nope he’s in denial.
From that day on, Luna learns that if she wants to get the two awkward dorks together, she’ll have to take things into her own hands. Probably goes something like this:
Luna: Evans, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Evans: Yeah, why? Luna: Scar, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Scar: Aha Luna: Great, because I’m not! Have fun you two!
My sweet sunshine child cap T^T
Aah, no, my hair i shorter than that ^^;;; Also, I look younger than I am OTL
I think it’s more of the ‘I like physical contact if I know the person and am close enough to them’ thingy. I mean, I have a few acquaintances who love hugs and I always shrink away from them, but with close friends, U’m sometimes the one who starts hugs. But you might also dislike contact in general, which is also fine, everyone has their own preferences ^^
I did, but I only noticed after I answered your message OTL Well, that’s certainly an interesting ship… Now I slightly ship it… 
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