#((anyway. he's just a baby in this. ignore the whole Semi-Leader Of a Bully Group thing LMAO))
ladyseidr · 5 months
@mute-call ( plotted starter! )
A bulb in the sign above the diner flickered in the dulling light of early evening. Michael was sitting on the curb across from the restaurant, heels scraping against the pavement and forearms rested over knees. He was was supposed to be inside watching his younger siblings, what with his father's inability to focus on them or maintain a marriage.
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Steven's presence was a good excuse to escape. ( Not that he had been particularly present for either sibling prior to Steven showing up. )
"We should get out of here before someone notices I'm missing." Either out of Henry's actual concern for Elizabeth and Evan or because his father had some new, exciting design to show him. "Come on." He pushed himself to his feet, dusting off his jeans. He offered a hand to help Steven up, sullen expression finally lightening into something that held a smile. "Come up with something for us to do, I'm out of ideas." His time with his other friends was often reckless and fast-paced, but he could admit ( if only to himself ) that he enjoyed slowing down and enjoying his time spent with Steven.
"Not the arcade, though. I'm sick of arcade games." His choice of distraction during long days at Fredbear's Family Diner. "Think fast—" and here he flashed Steven a grin, "—or I'll come up with something." Something stupidly risky, most likely.
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skippysartq · 5 years
Jon Still Freak - Shortstory
I open my eyes tiredly, getting woken up but my annoying alarm clock. Getting up sluggishly, getting ready for school.
So not many know of our escape from New South Wales for the past 3 months, really only our parents, teachers who took us on the trip, (y/n)'s YouTube idol his 3 friends the police and us of course. (Y/n), (your crush), Skyo, James McGrave and Taylor ConVoy and a few others we met along the trip home. No doubt it will be on the news sooner or later. Then everyone will learn to respect us lower lives as we made it with nothing but our street smarts, getting from one state to another. Yeah it took almost 2 months, but come on people where letting us a stray leading us farther away from where we asked we basically kept in a circle thanks to some people but heck we freaking did it and plus the fact we got out of a heavily surveillances police station being chased for almost a week with out stopping until we came across Linkx Bound or Link on is his real name, (y/n) says he is an Icon on Youtube who is friends with another Youtuber Icon K9DP and that they met them at the snow on the trip before the whole mess went down.
"I wonder what everyone is up to this weekend?" I spoke aloud to myself as I grabbed out the 6 movie tickets I brought for my family, which they all pushed me away for coming back home anyways. "*Huff* I should have just stayed with (y/n)." I sighed as I took off my school bag from my back k to retrieve, my Android phone and Blue and Black headset, taping my feet to the music as I walked down the street, it played the melody in my ears and it was the best sound I have ever heard in months and I was so calming making me feel super excited to finally have friends and not be alone all the time, before school, in classes, at lunches and after school! The feeling of being with people who like me for me and have similar interests. It just made my heart flutter with joy and cry tears of happiness. "I am so luck to have friends like them." I grin super wide as I approached the school gates and saw James and Taylor...Holding hands....
'Aww cute little gay boys!'
I giggled in my head, but when we made I eye contact they quickly let go of each other red fused to their cheeks and they ran away as I then went to chase after to say hi. "Hey, James Taylor!" I chased them now into the school and to the oval were they stopped behind a building out of site. "Hey!....what's up?" I asked breathlessly holding the walls corner for support. But that prove to be no help for, when I looked up at the two I was Immediately struck with a fist to the face, so hard I heard something crack and like slow motion everything around me was blurry and fading to black from the last site being a red liquid on the grey spotted ground and then I felt its cool rough surface against my own pink cheeks. The last words I heard then "What the fuck! Stay away from us you freak!"
Then all was silent black, empty and scary. I felt so alone just like I did for the years I was at my old school. After the camebra trip Skyo and I agreed to transfer schools to be with Taylor, James, (y/n) and (your crush). "That word is familiar.....isn't it?" I heard a echoing voice in the dark void of my mind. "What word?" I replied in confusion to the quest I was asked by no one in particular. "Freak!" It screamed at me which quickly turned into a high pitched tone like a heart monitor that read a flat line, I try to cover my ears from the annoyance of the tone and as it gave me a pounding headache as it rings in my ears. "Death." The voice whispers, from far away yet it sounded right in my ears. "What?" I turn looking around calling out, but my voice went silent. I tried to yell and scream but nothing came out. "Death is your reward J-" Its says after what felt like an eternity ago. Suddenly my eyes shot open coughing as I sat myself up weakly leaning against the walls out of the red liquid on the ground, to stop myself from drowning in it. I took a shaky breath in when the sudden pain of my head and nose flowed in and I started to feel nauseous. I realised the red liquid on the grey concrete was blood as I felt the semi dry blood running out of my nose. The strangth of the smell of iron so close to me made my stomach churn. But the big things on my mind were, What is up with my friends? And. Whose voice was that?
I got u slowly and carefully got myself up, looking around for my bag I couldn't find it.
'They must have taken it.'
I sigh sadly to myself, but after a bit of a head spin, I made my way to the closest door, with out being spotted by other students and teacher. I limped down the hallway of classes in session. I duck my head so I'm not spotted by anyone in the classrooms and cover my mouth to quiet my groans of uncomfortable pain and feeling of sickness in my stomach. Slowly and eventually I made it to the boys bathrooms with out being seen, I open the doors to the bathrooms, heading to the sink. As I turn the corner I see that all the taps are running at a full. I ignored it, going over to one of them to splash water on my face and washing off the blood, hoping that was the cure.
I looked up in the mirror in front of me and realised that the water didn't help at all. If anything it made my situation feel even worse, then...
"Oh oh....Yes...James...Daddy..F-faster....ah..." I heard a few grunts and moans form one of the stalls. My throat went dry and I sorta stood there awkwardly listening to, "Ahaha.... Taylor Baby...Shh...someone might hear us."
'Oh, James and Taylor.... Someone is hearing you alright.'
"Uhhuh...B-bhuh...but......garh...you just......uh uh....feel so good...mmm...good in me huh huh." Taylor pretty much yelled, It was like really awkward now "Arhh! Yes...yeah.....right...arhh.... RIGHT....THERE....AHAH... AHAHAH....FUCK ME...AHAHAH...H-HARDER....DADDY...ARRH!"
"GOOD....BABY...ARH...ARH....." James groans, and I could just hear the skin slap together.
'Gross what a thought to have. After they beat the shit out of me.'
"Cum....Daddy....ah....Cum in me!" Taylor says to James as they finish with a loud grunt as if they had just dropped a heavy objects.
And I knew it was time to get out. I opened the door and quickly got out of there before they caught me and beat me up again. I was about to head outside when I was suddenly picked up by something and look up. "What at you doing out of class Mr Denis?" "Uh, I was feeling sick after waking up in the back of the school with a blood nose from James McGrave and Taylor ConVoy Sir." I say to the teacher standing towering over me. "Don't lie Mr Denis, you have been enough trouble this year as it was." "But Sir I'm te-" I tried to explain but he inturups "CUT YOUR CRAP AND GO TO CLASS, MR DENIS!" He roared down at me. I could feel the fear start again the same as my old school. "But Mr Gonana, they beat me up!" I yelled back, defending myself from the ignorance of the teachers at any school. "I don't care Jonathan to class!" "TEACHERS ARE SUPOSED TO HELP KEEP THE STUDENTS SAFE FROM HARM OF ALL KIND WHILE IN SCHOOL HOURS!" I screamed back at him, which only infuriated him more.
"NO ONE HERE CARES ABOUT YOU, YOUR ALONE FOREVER JONATHAN DENIS!" I jumped buck in shock at what Mr Gonana was saying. "No that can't be true!" I fell to the ground as every class door opened an the other students all flood into the hall starting at me. In unison everyone in the school were surrounding me pionting some laughing others yelling out the phase. "Go to the Zoo to See and Beat the Freak!" Over and over, pretty soon every one was chanting the phrase as the moved in closer I scream at the top of my lungs and cried my heart from. "Please no! Go away!" Then they all start to throw stuff as I curled up on my side shaking. "Please, I don't want to be here anymore!" I sobbed out tears a rushing waterfall the pain of pencils paper small rocks and other things that could leave bruises if thrown hard enough.
After another 30 minutes Laughter, Chanting and throwing this at me, the bell rings for home time. I just didn't move and wait for everyone to leave so I could stagger home in peace.
I look up carefully to see a completely empty hallway with the remains of all that was thrown at me, once again seeing a bit of blood on some rocks down the hall. I taking in a few deep breaths in and out, I almost couldn't breath because as the everyone left they got in line to kick or punch me as they went out the doors to go home.
I with weak knees, stood up in the middle of the hallway I became a Zombie in the hallway as I made my way to the front doors hoping no one was still hanging around and waiting for a chance to jump me. Especially him. I pushed the door open and I was immediately blinded by the sun still beaming as it started to become covered by the dark grey clouds and then a loud *bang* Sounded. That was thunder. I was a little scared of it so as I tried not to make any noise, I squeaked abit. But oh gosh was that just enough to be pretty much a scream that 'Yo here and still Alive bitches come get me!' Because in the distance I could see Him and His gang running straight towards me. I started to panic and ran away down the street and got away.
'Oh uh Jon, he his gaining on you running right behind you.'
I say to myself as I was getting tired, I was slowing down but my legs have out, first hands scrap the rough surface and smash my head as I hit the ground puffing out of breath. As I struggled to stand once more, I heard a group of people yelling then the leader. "Get him! We need to talk!" I glace back over my shoulder, I was now face to face....With the bullies.
Brock (Moo Snuckle), Tyler Goldman, Jone Dawn, Brise Anygale, Blake Cuttson, James Mcgrave, Ky Smith, Ben Baumann, Kevan Convoy, Taylor Convoy, Sophie Banks and Carlee Samar.
"Ah ha ha ha, look who we shave here." Brock chulked deviously as I was grabbed by the color of my shirt, so tight I was practically being strangled, before the kid who caught me threw me to the ground. I held my hand to my neck still feeling like I was suffercating. "Please why do you still hurt me, I never did anything to you!" I pled "Come on, Skyo, James, Taylor we-we all become friends, you, I (y/n) and (your crush) all 6 of us!" I starred up at them all surrounding me some of them giggle and laugh with wicked grins. "Just like Mr Gonana said..." Blake starts and kicks me in the stomach, I groan clutching my stomach in pain as tears threatened. Glancing around at everyone, with Brock in front of me and everyone else. "Please, what did I do to deserve this." I was crying now struggling to stand I pleaded. Brock pick me up by the shirt collar, took one good look into my eyes and chucks me, then starts beating me and screaming.
After I was beat to a pulp and Brock was finally tired and could do anything more to me with bruises cuts and blood from a Broken nose. "I...am done.....here...take time to the closet at school and lock him there he isnt coming out till his body stops and he dies." He spat at me still barely conscious. Then a minute later I woke up to darkness.
That’s when I heard it again. That voice in the back of my head.
"Death is your Reward."
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memorpoetryandprose · 6 years
               Through my education, I have experienced a few interesting things. The main one has been prejudice. I also learned life lessons and how to tough it out through the hard times in which life decides it’s okay to throw you under not only a bus, but a whole 10 ton semi-truck as well. My education even showed that sometimes the most unexpected and life-changing experiences can happen when I went to the Governor’s Scholar Program. A lot of what I learned was not in the criteria or the curriculum that we always tried to rush through. In fact, thinking back to grade school, the only things I can remember are basic social rules and the feelings that accompanied them. Perhaps it is best to understand these experiences by starting with a background story, at the beginning of my education.
                Growing up, I lived in a pre-dominantly black community. It was pretty much what people would call “the ghetto,” due to the abundance of government housing and welfare. Schools were the new baby sitters for parents, who were out working two jobs just to keep food on the table and a roof over their children’s heads. I never really had to think about these issues until my fourth grade or so. Until then I spent my time as most children did. I learned to share and count to 25 through rote memorization in kindergarten, and then learned to write in print and cursive. At some point, I remember trying to learn to read through giant flash cards, which I never caught onto, accompanied by sounds I did not understand. They reminded me of grunts and growls that a wild ape would make.
                  Around second grade, I remember my teacher pulling a couple of other students and me out of class. We had to meet with a woman who talked about logic problems with us. My mother later explained to me that I was placed into a program for students labeled as “advanced,” which, to me, meant I got away from flash cards and writing for a while, which was a relief. It was in third grade that I remember learning the basic subjects of math and science. I also realized what “advanced” meant because, in the third grade, I was one of only a handful of students that could do, as I remember the teacher calling it, “math in my head.”
                I remembered having a lot of close friends at my first elementary school, but because I was in the “Pre-International Baccalaureate Program,” or Pre-IB for short, I had to switch schools. This meant that everyone was bused to a better school, which required the students to wear school uniforms. It's funny though, everybody always argues that school uniforms keep everyone looking the same, but I know from experience this isn't true. There is a difference in the quality, and for children this is very visible. Stains can also be seen. This fueled the differences between me and other students in this program. Poorer students like me had clothes that were bought usually second- or third-hand at a thrift store, which led to being picked on and outcasted from the more wealthy and generally better off group.
                 This was also the start of my realization that I was not as socially aware as the rest of the students in my classes. Perhaps it was because my mother was so protective, or perhaps it was because I did not have access to all the resources they had, either way I did not know a lot of the slang they learned from rap songs. Terms like “phat” and “sweet” took me by surprise; I did not understand them in the way they were being used, which led to me being socially outcasted in later years. Other kids could look through a magazine and ask for presents for Christmas or their birthdays and actually expect to receive them, I was lucky if I even got a present. This led to them knowing brands like K*Swiss and Baby Phat. I had no idea about them until I was picked on for not wearing them. To me, these brands were a sign of wealth, a sign of respect. I did not have money, thus I did not deserve respect.
                One very distinct memory I have of my days riding the bus with the other kids is asking the bus driver if he would allow us to change the radio station to something we all wanted to listen to. One boy, the group leader of all the taunting I got growing up, looked at his friends and said, “Oh yeah, she will probably change the station to something country,” as he proceeded to yodel and carry on. I, being socially awkward and desperate for approval, asked for a rap station, Kiss FM. This was because I had observed them asking for it repeatedly in the past and knew it would shut them up and maybe, just maybe, make them realize that I liked what they liked. It cut me to be made fun of because of my country accent; the prejudice they had for me caused me to work on changing my accent entirely until I no longer had one at all. I refused to be belittled due to something so trivial. I refused to let something I could change take away anymore respect from me. I hated my accent because it caused me to be viewed as ignorant and uneducated.
                Despite the social conflicts of my fourth through seventh grade years, I gained some valuable information. My grandmother became very involved in my education at this point, partly because I was struggling in my classes and mostly because my mother did not have the spare time to help me. Looking back she probably also did it because she hates to see her family tarnished in anyway, especially with bad grades. Our family is suppose to be made of champions and successors, not of illiterate and dumb pee-ons. Regardless of her motivation, she helped me learn to read, and after trying to find several books, we stumbled across Harry Potter. I refused at first, but she read to me a chapter of the book. She even had me watch all three of the HP movies. Before I knew it, I wanted to know how to read as well. I needed to know how to so I could know more about this story and the characters.
                I gained other skills as well being in the Pre-IB program. I joined the fourth grade band and learned to play the flute, we had history, French, arts and humanities, and had a computer class that was focused on the Japanese Culture and Language. The world started to open up to me through my studies, and I then realized that I needed to gain knowledge to get out of the lifestyle I was living. I knew that I always loved school, regardless of the bullying from other students, and it was always better than going home to meet my sister's dad and all he had in store for me. I knew then, no matter how bad it got, I needed to keep my head in the books. I had to keep telling myself, just finish this reading or just finish this math homework it's worth it in the end. Of course, I never realized how far it would take me.
                During my last year of middle school, I moved to a school district which had a pre-dominantly white population. Funding cuts at my previous school district meant that I was stuck with no band, arts and humanities, or language classes. My grandmother, now my care-giver under the state's discretion, decided my education would be better in the Kenton Co. Schools, and so I switched. The social dynamic, however, was the complete opposite of what I had experienced in Covington. I often got picked on for being from a poor community. The education systems were on completely different tracks, going from the IB program to the AP program. Granted that my education in Covington was not of the highest quality, it was not nearly as bad as the people in Kenton Co. Schools believed it was. Even though I was in the International Baccalaureate program, I had to fight to be placed into the proper classes and into the “Gifted and Talented” program at my new school. The teachers, the adults that were suppose to be providing for a better future for all, believed that because I was from a poor community, I could not possibly be smarter than they believed I was. They did not believe I knew what I had told them, forced me to take a test to prove it, and after all that, they still did not give me the proper classes. Even though I tested into the geometry class in the high school, they forced me to take pre-algebra. This was something I had already taken, but the prejudice of the people in charge, the ones meant to protect and enforce the "No-Child-Left-Behind Act," limited my education because of where I was from.
                 I stayed with this school district through to my graduation from high school. This was against my wishes, but living with my grandmother forced me to endure these discomforts. It was apparent that the prejudice of the adults in the schools had trickled down into the student body, poisoning their perception of people such as myself before they really had a chance to learn for themselves. Once again, I became a social outcast because of my heritage, rather than being seen for whom I was and the ideals I held.
                  Regardless of these setbacks, I continued to seek an education of the highest standard. No, I needed to seek out the highest standard. I got back into French when I had the chance, but I was told I was taught the wrong dialect by my new teacher. She said it was Canadian French, and it would never do me any good. Though I remember Mademoiselle Campbell being known for all her great accomplishments with not only the IB testing, but the AP testing as well, I did not bother to argue with the new Madame, who I was to learn from. By this point, I had suffered from a very low self-esteem. I saw no point in arguing with the people in charge. I doubted my worth and the worth of my prior education. I wanted to be something more than the background I came from, but I kept feeling like a failure. I thought I would never make it through college, let alone high school. Even though I kept trying to remind myself that I needed to push through, I needed to get a higher education, the harsh course work, as well as drowning in papers and books of AP and Honors classes, did not help my inner-turmoil.
                 Then it happened, my application had been accepted. Everyone was surprised that I managed to make it into the Governor’s Scholar Program. I say everyone in the literal sense; even I was surprised I made it. To me, this was my ticket to college, and later became my way to a respectable level of self-esteem. I learned my self-worth and made a lot of great friends with varied backgrounds. Being on a college campus for 5 weeks made a world of difference to my confidence level and joy in life. I saw and met people who did not care about your heritage; they did not have prejudice from hearing the name of your hometown. They saw past that and saw you for who you are.
                    Once I went back to high school in Kenton County, senior year was just too long to handle. I knew that my life was going to get better, that through college I would find much more. I had to graduate to make that goal happen. I had to suffer through the bullying. I took the prejudice of my background with a bit more ease. I actually allowed other outcasts to see me for who I was, and gained a group of amazing friends at home. I became the Swim Captain of the Girls Swim Team because I felt unstoppable. I learned how to be a leader and to stand up for what I believed in. Though the system and the way it fostered prejudice and social dynamics had nearly broken me, I had found something to look forward to that my teachers failed to mention in classes.
                   Although I did learn the basics in school, I learned so much more. I experienced life while in high school. I learned human cruelty and what a prejudiced society is capable of. I also found out that beyond those prejudices, people can be truly wonderful. Life can be wonderful. People do not need to be broken by the school system because they are poor. Sometimes they are the ones that need the support of the schools the most. Education leads to liberation. Liberation leads to happy and successful citizens. Is that not what the school system was created for in the first place?
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