#((i gotta crack jokes or else i'm gonna DIE))
carefulfears · 1 year
Top 5 msr hand holds <3
below the cut because you know i'm gonna TALK.
1. closure
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the two of them sitting in that coffee shop, both cups in front of them untouched, filled to the brim, reading samantha’s journal. bearing witness to the suffering of this little girl. they are in this moment together. they have been in this moment together since he looked at her and told her “nothing else matters” to him, seven years ago in that motel room.
for the past seven years, scully’s job has been to play the skeptic, to argue against the paranormal theories that his grief leads him to. later that night, she stands outside the door of the last person to see samantha alive, and prays for aliens.
they’ve been in this together for the better part of a decade and they’re sitting in a coffee shop reading the truth they’ve been looking for, how devastatingly human the evil of it was, and she looks at him with tears in her eyes and squeezes his hand.
2. redux ii
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one of the few moments in the series where you see scully break…scully defines herself so completely in loyalty. in following him, in being ahab’s starbuck, in being her captain father’s first mate.
in this moment, mulder is heading off to a hearing where he will be testifying to details of the conspiracy and against members of the FBI. this is It. this is The Truth. this is The Quest that they’ve been working on for five years. the dutiful first mate would send him on his way.
scully clings to his hand. she doesn’t want to lose any more time (nine minutes in bellefleur was enough). she can’t believe either of them are going to go through the next few hours, the last few hours, without each other.
she might not be there when he returns, she’ll be the next on the list of people to have disappeared behind his back, and he’s kissing her cheek and casually cracking jokes, and she‘s desperate to hold on for just a moment longer.
3. tithonus thumb war
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one, two, three, four…we die next to each other or never at all. what’s immortality next to a mindless game with your best friend?
scully asked fellig, “how can you have too much life? what about love?”
he answered, “love lasts 75 years, if you’re lucky. you don’t want to be around when it’s gone.”
in a story about the grief of eternal life, waking up in that hospital, i don’t see scully taking on the quest to give it up.
4. dreamland
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the central question of this episode, becomes the central question of the rest of the series: don't you ever want to get out of the car?
while they may be years from stepping away from the car long enough for that house and "normal life" that scully laments driving past, for a moment they stand in front of it.
they gaze up at lights in the sky the way they did on their second case together, the way they did in antarctica, and he reaches wordlessly for her. half "scully, you gotta see this" and half "stay here on the ground," it's an instinct that doesn't disappear with their memories.
it's like that thing DD said once, "there is no such thing as that story ever ending. those characters are forever searching. that’s what they do. even if we’re not watching them, they’re out there."
they'll get back in the car and they'll "just keep driving," for years and for decades and for the rest of their lives, because they'll forever be searching. and when there's something to see, they'll reach for each other.
5. pusher
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"smile, scully."
kneeling down before her to surrender his weapons, he meets her worried eyes with a calm smile.
this episode is all about palpable tension and anxiety, about walking into a losing battle without control of the stakes, and it's most visceral in scully from the moment they decide to send mulder in alone.
but before she nervously watches a surveillance screen, before she jumps up the moment the feed cuts out, before she runs in after him, before she screams at a serial killer and cries out to him in fear...she quietly looks down at him, the way she has so many times before, and keeps his hand still. steadies them both, holds them both in this moment.
the emotional arc of this episode is bookended with touch, and more than the absolution in the way she reaches for his hand in the final scene, it's this moment that simplifies it to me. it's the calm before the storm, and the time that's taken in the midst of it all, to pause outside influence while they still can.
(BONUS: Fight The Future)
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reaching out to him as she recommits, parroting back his own words to him. she has memorized everything that he has ever said and it is the two of them in this work, in this fight.
if they quit on each other now, they lose.
+ ghouli
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
I see your request is open and I'm excited to make one ❤️😭 can I request how ateez would react on trying period cramp simulator?? Like their s/o brought them the device and forces them to have a taste of how it feels to be at the verge of dying every once a month 🤧
ateez reactions to a period cramp simulator
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genre: full crack, lmao
word count: 0.7k
warnings: mentions of a pain kink, cursing
authors notes: lowercase intentional. thank you so much for requesting, honestly you made my day this was such a good idea of yours! i really enjoyed writing this, the thought of it is so freaking funny to me idk why 😭 anyways i really hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
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i can just imagine his face dropping when you tell him what that device in your hand was for. you can see his fear building in his eyes. he would throw some excuse at you like "oh yeah for sure i will do that but uhh maybe another time? i'm too busy atm baby" or "nah i'm tired rn, but it sounds like a great idea don't get me wrong *eye twitch*" obviously you don't give his excuses the time of day, walking over and pulling his shirt up, telling him "well my period comes at inconvenient times too. when nature calls you'll just have to deal with it-" "YEAH BUT IT ISN'T NATURAL FOR ME??"
he thinks you're joking at first ngl. he lets out a soft little chuckle at your idea, but when he sees you're actually serious all laughing stops. will hold your hand and squeeze it extremely hard like its a birth simulator instead of a period one because he is ✨STRUGGLING.✨ afterwards he will probably be like "babe, i had no idea this was so painful 🥺🥺🥺" and proceed to buy you mountains of chocolates, flowers, sanitary products, everything. he's so supportive <3
baby asks what he has done wrong 😭😭 like, what has he done to deserve this?? but you have to reassure him like "noooo, you didn't do anything wrong i was just curious and wanted to try it." he's giving you the biggest, most adorable puppy eyes he could ever muster but he eventually lets you have your little experiment. and regretfully so. i feel like yunho has pretty good pain tolerance but still, he has never had this amount of pain in that specific area so he's amazed
"no" "yes" "no" "yes" "i'm not doing that" "yes you are". it will take a lot of bickering before yeosang gives into you, rolling his eyes when you sort out the device on him. you start on the lowest setting but because he was arguing with you before you turn the pain level up, and up, and up. "yeah its not that ba- ah!" he winces as it gets worse and worse. "there is no way you go through this every month??"
gets all pouty and starts whining when you put the device on him. "y/nnnn ahh have a not been a sweet boyfriend to you? treated you right? why must i suffer????" when you finally turn on the simulator, at first he's like "...oh... yk what i think i can do this actuall- LORD HELP ME" you'd think those rock hard abs of his could withstand the pain but man is trying to fight back tears over here-
mingi thinks he is going to die. his pain tolerance is not that best so this simulator thing is pretty unbearable for him. at some point you gotta take pity on the guy and low the pain because you can see in his eyes that he's hurting so much <///3 after this littel experiment is over, he is panting and glaring at you. "right, no cuddles for you for the rest of the week!" this little protests literally lasts an hour, tops
"so what you're saying is that you have a pain kink" "wha- wooyoung!" "why else do you want me to do this?" he laughs his obnoxious hyena laugh ily wooyoung and he's obviously teasing you and turning it into a joke but there's no deny the trace of hesitance in his eyes. anyways long story short, you have to tackle and restrain him to put the device on. you don't know if he's being his super dramatic self or if he is in actual pain but he is not having a good time, nope. he's definitely gonna get you back for this one.
would probably laugh and shrug. he likes a good challenge and i feel like he has good pain tolerance too?? so he's like "sure, why not ig?" but as the cramps start to increase in frequency and pain, in his mind he starts to regret his decision. his face is blank for most of the time because you're just staring at him waiting to see his reaction. he sorta purses his lips and mutters "are we done yet?" and you smile and shrug "nah we still got the highest setting to go." oh shit.
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tklyhcs · 6 months
alright uhhh i saw some people requesting this on other blogs so i'm stealing those actually, taking those thanks (using this an excuse)!! this isn't the fandom i necessarily wanted to start with but the other ones i wanna write have insane amounts of characters so boy band men first i guess
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heartsteel hcs here we gooo
kayn 💜
ok fr he's so fun to write for, didn't expect this one to be so cute. easy ler and lee! he likes to be a little bully and use his dirty little grabbers, mostly at ez let's be real. he isn't confident he's gonna win any other matchup so ez is easy picking. and thanks to the blooper reel k'sante is another target because kayn is a scrapper and crawls all over him like a monkey. mostly spiders his fingers all over and laughs evilly like he's won a hard fought battle. he's slinky and quick so he mostly has his target begging for someone else's help, and when they do get said assistance he cries and whines that it's not fair. don't be fooled he enjoys the extra attention!
he just plays to win all the time so when someone else tags in he's sure make everyone know that HE WOULD HAVE WON!!!! HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR EVERYONE ELSE CHEATING!!!! and man that stupid leash why does he even wear it if someones gonna tie his wrists in a knot. and like a true lee he wears that crop top so when he's all tangled go for the abs! he laughs so much it becomes obvious how he got so cut, by laughing his lungs out apparently. when he laughs his fangs show too it's cute.
he's also painfully obvious about not minding since he neeeever calls mercy, never surrenders. he just deals with it! not something someone who DOESN'T enjoy it would do. he could easily call mercy and call it quits but hmmmm he doesn't seem to want to, odd.
for spots i wanna say the waist is really really bad. top of the ribs under the armpits, his abs, his sides, all have him kicking his legs with a shout. he also scream laughs, explodes into laughter at first touch. but his voice also cracks at the first yelp, sounds like a cute lil boy shriek. partial to being "attacked", as he calls it, on the couch. he likes getting to be able to flop down and pass out after, sorta like a little kid it's so fucking cute bro he tuckers himself out laughing and wriggling on his back. dude is exhausted n happy (he swears he is NOT happy abt this) he's just tired for no reason okay. now it's his post giggle episode nap!
k'sante 💛
hear me out ok when i saw his shirt being a turtleneck i was IMMEDIATELY LIKE 🫵 his spot is the neck. it's so the neck. suddenly for him there's more than a few perks of being like.. 6'7" and it's not just being able to get things from high shelves. kayn and ez are menaces to this man it's gotta be 2 on 1. and in the official art pieces, ez getting carried on his back? oof k'sante y'all shouldn't have done that. cause now there's legs locked around his chest and ez is like SURRENDER OR DIEEE and getting all up into that shirt collar. he SCREECHES and spins around trying to shake him off he's stuck on him now. hopping around doing a lil giggly dance with ez on his back. kayn jokes and teases about how instead of focusing on singing, he should work on his dancing instead!
thanks to the blooper reel i can die on the hill that k'sante is a whiny boy and calls yone for help all the time. yoneee helpppp they're bullying me m gonna tell yoneee aaaa. kayn saying OH YOU BIG BABY stop complaining!! no one to help you now! ez is this guy's worst nightmare his cold little fingers are like knives on his neck. k'sante tends to run hot so they're just so nicely sticking a cold can of soda to his nape to help obviously. yone will help sometimes but mainly just because he's trying to keep the team on track (he will also torture k'sante with cold soda cans).
necks are a good tickle bite's worst enemy. chomp. and when someone is up in there biting, he just has to laugh and wait til it's over ☺ and with both of his elbows bent up so he can use his hands to cover his neck. gasp.. who's to protect his armpits! 🤭 noooo one! his neck is his worst spot so he'll make sure to keep it covered! but that does mean he'll get some armpit tickles instead! pick your poison k'sante. they team up on him like this often and ngl he likes it when they're close on em! sweethearts. but he doesn't wanna LOSE so he brings his puppy eyes to yone he's like 👉👈 yone.. help.. what a cop out! but it's not that great of a cute beg it's more like k'sante scream laughing and attempting puppy eyes but yelling HELP AAAA YONE HELP awkwardly waggling his arms. i love making big men be tickly and look foolish. sorry i love embarrassing them uwu
ezreal 💚
wow what a lee he's textbook lee i bet he has a secret tumblr account for all his private tk blogging activities. there's a lot to say about him: MOST IMPORTANTLY though his cute smile alright look at his teeth they're so fucking cute i'm obsessed. probably his only weapon as a ler are his sharp teeth. pointed and dull at the very bottom makes for very ticklish bites, so beware if you're too confident in winning! he will wiggle his head between your head and shoulder and bite! exaggerated fake growls and all. he'll be a little too proud of winning, so don't let him.
he has a reaaaally cute snort laugh too. i think his fans would document it thoroughly and embarrass him by posting clips of it nonstop. he has a more controlled laugh for outings because he's serious about his fandom image, but sometimes he laughs at something and chokes on his breath a bit there. i think it would be a shame of someone (kayn) decided to squeeze his side and make him giggle and snort while he's doing some filmed social media trend. that would soooo bad amiright 🫶 lol he would scream, cover his mouth, and tell his followers that he's BUSY and MUST LEAVE immediately. he basically RUNS to his room to scream into his pillow. like how dare u embarrass him in front of his online friends.
the clip hits all platforms in record time and he maaaay read a few comments because it's people saying it's cute of him and he secretly fawns over those. like "omg you think i'm cute heehee" he's ridiculous. but phel and kain playfully tease him sending pig emojis 🐖🐖🐖 ez is like "DON'T SEND THOSE TO ME DON'T- HEY DON'T POST THAT ON SOCIAL NOOO DON'T COMMENT MY FANS WILL SEE" and they all affectionately change his name in their phones to 🐖 just to tease him.
for spots, he'd be ticklish up sides to his ribs, spidering fingers have him slumped into the couch, laughing hard and snorting, of course. his feet and knees are quite ticklish! only known because he tends to put his feet up and yone continuously tells him to knock it off. but he found that suddenly tickling his socked foot does the trick.
aphelios 💙
he's a difficult one, since he's not much of a talker! but not like he's spared from anyone's wrath. his laugh is what you'd expect and it's fantastic; breathy, wheezy, and full of obvious mirth.
he's prone to pranking the others and while he can be nonchalant and aloof, sometimes the sight of one of the others falling or making utter fools of themselves has him in stitches (and being forced to laugh via tickling is no different). and when he wears his mask it's especially endearing to see his eyes screwed shut as well as him holding his stomach and hunching over, shoulders shaking.
he can't help acting like a little troublemaker and they always pounce on him after he gets someone good with those pranks he pulls. seems like he's more playful than he looks. if anyone stretches, he's the first to poke. if someone gets stuck doing something, phel is there making sure he doesn't waste the opportunity, what a jerk! so do everyone a favor and give him a taste of his own medicine. he's his own worst enemy though, because once he starts wheezing in laughter you pounce on him with tickles and it's downhill from there. he's already laughing so he has no chance of fending off an attack.
and a secret: he's very weak to teasing too! he doesn't talk back he just hides his face in shyness. they fall for a trap he's so deviously placed and now he's under them, mumbling out giggles when they poke him all over saying "what's so funny huh??" he waves his hands at them and pushes em by the shoulders trying to curl up the best he can. pokes drive him nuts and then when you speed up it's even worse, him trying to catch the offending hands. "no timeouts allowed because you started it!"
but it seems like he just doesn't stop pranking the others, so he must like it more than he lets on. he's surprisingly a goofy lil boy. he laughs himself silly, voice hitching and gasping all the way. he laughs himself DIZZY it's cute. he's like kayn he needs a break after. and usually even after whoever is done bullying him, he spends his time giggling quietly his skin still feels electric. he sure is brave for someone who takes so much time to recover.
yone ❤
he's a fun one, the stoic characters always are. most likely to screw his mouth shut and try to deal with pesky fingers at his ribs until he can't any longer. prone to overworking so breaking his concentration is absolutely a necessary activity. and also breaking his concentration playing video games is also crucial, because according to sett he plays too well so he must suffer and be prodded at during playtime too. -i mean what sett would never stoop so low he says.
anyways- yone's usually the mediator but he can get caught up in the mess when someone points out that he's been getting off the hook when it comes to roughhousing. he typically prefers 1 on 1, so he won't lose kayn says. and maybe that's true no one knows. he's really REALLY good at pretending he isn't at all sensitive and keeps it together for, i dunno, 5 seconds. it doesn't seem like a lot BUT it deters most. not these motherfuckers they're in it to win it.
yone will hold back then the giggles bubble up in his throat and you can hear him hum a moment, then they spill out from his lips. he mumbles and whispers out giggles for a moment then it becomes very apparent he won't win this fight and he covers his mouth. that's when it's over. he really starts to laugh and realizes the sensations just won't stop and he's lost. he's most likely to swear actually lol he's like i can handle this. i can handle this..... Fuck.
once he's attempted to cover his mouth he has already lost. he has a very nice, boisterous laugh and his smile is also a 10/10. it's nice to not see his eyebrows furrowed so much. he's lucky he's good at catching people's offending wiggly fingers or else he'd fall apart way more often. so when they trail fingers up his back where he can't reach them or fend them off? it drives him nuts. index finger from the nape and down the spine has him arching and twisting away with a loud yelp.
and that leaves the stomach vulnerable and that's next. tickling at his stomach and he jumps back and grabs whoever's wrist and says to CUT THAT OUT. okay mr. grumpy, jeez. it works as a good attitude adjustment because if he's mad at one of em for fooling around, this can easily divert his attention. k'sante usually has the job of doing so but when he does, he doesn't get yone's support the next time he's on defense. in fact, yone might lead the charge.
sett 🧡
hahaaaa oh man last but not least. most ticklish easily what a mess. being 6 foot 10 is not gonna help him here. sure he can rough somebody up but this is way more difficult for him. the one to be on the floor first begging "pleeheheaasee-" and kicking his leg like a puppy.
he's OBVIOUSLY most sensitive in the midsection he's a tummy boy okay just trust me. and this man may lift, box, it doesn't matter because if you knead his midsection his strength goes right out the window. you can feel him paw at your prodding hands with the weakest grip you've ever seen. his worst enemy is when you do the claw hand on his belly he's in hysterics i'm telling you. wiggling on his back saying "i give! i give!" and flopping onto his side when he's released from their tickly clutches. now, make that two pairs of hands, or ten, he doesn't have a chaaaaance.
he's definitely a good tickle monster to the others but once they elect k'sante to hold him down (he can bench sett apparently so he's gotta be the bad guy on this one) he's like "NOO DON'T DO IT GUYS I'M SORRYEHHEEHE" he preemptivey starts laughing when he sees wiggling fingers creeping closer and closer to him, begging wildly for mercy before anything happens. he calls out to each one of them, praying that they'll help! he's not the one to take what he dishes out.
and also the ears! don't forget about those! they are oh so ticklish and they twitch when you touch them. roll the delicate ear between two of your fingers and it has him in a fit of giggles. any fighting techniques he might know mean nothing in the face of a laughing fit.
first to help someone relieve stress via giving attention and being a stress toy himself. though, he's prone to going after someone first even if he always loses. we appreciate his effort. he'll probably have someone fighting on his side simply because he's a lost cause. has a good relationship with physical affection! his favorite to give: ticklish kisses n raspberries, in combo with a hug of course. try not to get caught in his clutches. if those are his tactics.. maybe he does deserve to get got. he's not as embarrassed as his track record would suggest! takes his inevitable loss in stride.
haaa this long as fuck 👍 i don't think i've written anything at all since 2018 or smth really i tried to keep these diverse so lmk how i did! also like always i do not reread and check anything so. this is it
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avenging-fandoms · 2 years
Request for fluffy hurtcomfort Eddie Munson x reader. Eddie got some nasty demobats bites but is recovering at reader's apartment and reader is happy to take care of him for as long as he needs
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dustin's static voice came through the walkie and you jump up, fumbling it in your hands. "yn! heads up! i need your help! eddie is hurt bad, please help!" your eyes burned and you looked up at the gate, dustin dragging eddie's limp body.
you moved a chair next to the bed, putting half of your body in the gate as you reached for eddie. his eyes locked with yours, and he had a sudden boost of energy. "come on, baby, stay with me" you grunted as you reached for his hand, dustin giving him a shove and you both fell through into the normal world.
"eddie? eddie can you hear me?" you held his face, tears in your eyes. he turned his head to you, a smile on his face. you smile through your tears, his fingers tucking your hair behind your ears.
"hi, princess" he mumbled and you kissed him softly, dustin jumping through the gate. "i-i can't stay here"
"i know, babe. i'll take you to my place. they already looked there for you, so they won't again" you and dustin helped him up again and brought him into your car, driving as quickly as you could across town to your apartment.
you snuck eddie into your apartment and laid him on your coffee table, dustin staying with him as you grabbed your big first aid kit. after the first fight with the upside down last summer, you stocked up after patching up your brother.
"dustin, help me take his jacket off please" you slam the box next to the table and open it up, slowly peeling off eddie's jacket. his hellfire shirt was soaked with his blood, as well as his pants. "i'm gonna take your pants off too okay babe?"
"oh wow so soon?" he cracked a joke and you shook your head, eyes widening as you saw all the bite marks. "is it bad, doc?"
"we might have to take you to a doctor" dustin said and you both look at him. "look at him!"
"he's a major person of interest, dustin! are you crazy? he'll be arrested!" you grab paper towels and look around. "dustin! a bowl of water, please!"
dustin frantically got a bowl, spilling a little and he sat it next to you. "what else can i do?"
"hold his hand. this may sting" eddie untied his bandana from his head and bit it. you hold a breath and clean him up, eddie widening his eyes and screaming in pain as you touched the wounds.
"ow, eddie! you're breaking my bones!" dustin squealed and you tapped the wounds, sealing them with stitches and bandages. you move to his legs and do the same thing, standing up with your forehead covered with sweat as your hair stuck to it.
"medical school came in handy. done, all done baby. good job" you breathe and eddie smiled, letting go of dustin’s hand and holding your face as he kissed you.
“oh, that’s so gross guys” dustin groaned and cleaned up the mess, making you both laugh. you pulled away with tears in your eyes, staring down at eddie.
“why are you crying?” he wiped your eyes and you smile, kissing his hand.
“i thought i lost you, baby. i thought you weren’t gonna make it and i just.. i just hate the fact of you not being here with me” you whisper and he holds your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“i’ll never leave you, my girl. i can promise you that” he whispered and kissed you again.
“as much as i love this reunion, cleaning this shit up myself is not fun” dustin huffed and you laughed, helping him out. “i.. i gotta get back to eddie’s trailer. the gate”
“yeah, go dustin. i still have my walkie if you need me” he nods and rushes out the door. eddie still laid on the coffee table, staring at the ceiling. you wash your hands quickly and dry them off, heading over to eddie and kneeling next to him. "eddie?" he answered with a soft hum. "were you afraid you were going to die?"
"i felt like i was dying, princess. their fangs just.. eating me alive. they didn't care who i was, they enjoyed my flesh and blood" a tear fell down eddie's face. "you know, it's true when they say life flashes before your eyes before you die"
"what did you see?" your head rested on his chest, moving with every jagged breath. eddie smiled, sitting up slowly and looked down at you with his hand holding your chin.
"i saw you. i saw.. you learning to play my guitar. us watching the stars on the roof of my van. in my bed. in my shirt. it was just.. you" he smiled and you kissed him, holding his elbow as he kissed you harder. "so.. you don't mind if i stay here for a while?"
"you can stay here for as long as you want, eddie" you smile, kissing his chin and helping him sit up. "you want to go take a shower?"
"watch about the stitches?"
"it'll be okay, you're very dirty and kinda smelly" you smile and he gives you a look, making you laugh. he wrapped an arm around your neck, your arm around his waist as you helped him to the bathroom.
"wow, thank you. it's not like i was in the scary under world and got eaten by bats. so i'm so sorry i'm dirty" he gave you a soft noogie and you laugh, sitting him on the toilet as you got the shower ready. "oh i did miss this view" eddie grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him, kissing your back.
"your shower is ready, dork" you turn around and help him up, taking his shirt off and taking a deep breath, wanting to cry at how beat up he was.
"hey," eddie's fingers touch under your chin, making you look at him. "i'm okay. we're okay. i've got you and you've got me, okay?" you nod and he kisses your forehead then your lips, pulling away and you finished helping him get undressed.
"do you need help? you know, lifting your arms and bending down and stuff?" you ask as he gets in and smiles, taking off your shirt and you beam at him.
"just join me, princess" you nod and get undressed quickly, closing the curtain and wrapping an arm around eddie's neck, pulling him down and kissing him passionately underneath the warm water.
you couldn't imagine a life without eddie, a life where he wasn't yours to share these intimate moments with. as you scrubbed shampoo deep into his wavy locks, you couldn't help but stare as he closed his eyes and relaxed, content. he was calm. for the first time in the wild manhunt for him, you saw him calm. and this is how you always wanted him, and you were going to make sure he always felt that way from now on.
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void-botanist · 1 year
7, 22 & 37 for Cady :3
Thanks Red, these were really fun to think about. I'm gonna do this out of order to put the cut lower in the post.
22. What does your character like in other people? He likes people who don't take themselves too seriously. They don't have to be jokesters, but they gotta be a little loose. He had trouble getting along with Rodney at first because he read Rodney as a self-serious asshole. He's incredibly weak to tattoos and piercings and will immediately try to make friends with anyone who crests his very low "cool" threshold with those (read: Tristan and Declan). He also likes people who are passionate about something so he can egg them on, and people who can make unexpected connections in their casual jokes that catch him by surprise.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? He cares a little bit about his status as Cool Guy and also Captain but honor matters way more to him. If he acts honorably and people perceive him that way then obviously he's a Cool Guy and someone people want to keep doing business with. He loves playful insults but won't tolerate people actually talking shit (well, maybe unless it's true). Occasionally he does run into trouble where defending his honor or someone else's costs him a customer or an opportunity or lands him in a "sir this is a Wendy's" moment but he mostly just shrugs it off. (But there has to be at least one "this is a Wendy's" moment that he looks back on with embarrassment even if he still thinks he was right.)
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? I'm pretty early in the planning stages for this story, but I have a tendency to forget about dreams and nightmares so this was interesting to dig into. Before his disappearance, Cady rarely had nightmares, and they were in response to weird experiences or spooky media. Now they're much more common and they do have a central recurring theme: that in the emptiness of space, no one can hear you scream.
There are two general forms of the nightmare. The first is a sort of abstract one, the kind you also have in normal dreams where you're on a boat but it's also your dad's Wal-Mart. Here, the store is meant to be the planet he's stuck on. There's some kind of monster somewhere in it, and he's been around the store a thousand times but there are no doors, and he's not even certain that there's anyone else inside, because they seem to disappear if he looks away too long. He ends up on the PA system, trying to page for someone, anyone, using his calm captain voice, while he can feel the unseen, perhaps unknowable monster getting closer. The dream ends shortly before it reaches him, as the absolute certainty he is going to die settles in.
This second one is a bit more graphic, so mild warning for claustrophobia, suffocation/difficulty breathing, and, uh, impending death.
The second builds on his real experience sitting in an ejected racer seat, which is its own little short-term life-support capsule. Sometimes he's on the surface of the planet, sometimes out in space, but its distress signal keeps droning out with no response. He knows that someone's supposed to save him, but they're just not coming. They're not picking up his signal. Maybe it's blocked by the landscape and there's not enough of an atmosphere for it to reflect off of. Maybe their equipment is just not listening. But the tone goes on and on and the capsule, which is literally only a bit larger than the seat itself, starts to seem smaller and smaller, like it might crush him before anyone arrives. It inevitably starts to crack at the seams. The smallest gap between the pieces is enough to let the air out. The low oxygen warning lights come on. He's breathing evil, thin atmosphere, an unrealistic but insidious green that feels like it's infecting his lungs with every breath, or trying and failing to breathe vacuum. Now his lungs feel smaller and smaller until there's no space for air—there's no air—and he knows with leaden certainty that this wasn't how things were supposed to go, but it's too late now.
Then he wakes up and wishes like hell he remembered in the dream how it was going to end so maybe it would be less horrifying.
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“... Whoops.”
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facewithoutheart · 3 years
Writer Tag Thing
Thanks @palimpsessed & @mostlymaudlin for the tags <3
Gonna tag @tea-brigade & @sillyunicorn & @martsonmars (even though you said you don't have enough fics to make one of your own, consider this my friendly internet hello)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
299,016, oh man I'm so close to 300,000! Gotta post something soon...
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
2, Harry Potter & Carry On (we are not counting my brief fanfiction.net period back when I was in high school because its embarrassing and I will pretend it never happened beside mentioning it here)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Crack In The Wall (Harry Potter)
The Wrong Sider (Harry Potter)
Dancing With Molly (Carry On)
A Christmas Pitch (Carry On)
Two Weddings, No Vows (Harry Potter)
Although it's really not fair to compare CO/HP fics because the fandom size is so different.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Almost all of them, because comments make the sick self-obsessed validation monster inside me squeal and I must prolong the feeling.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
"What Am I Now?" poor baby Draco, and it's even worse because it's meant to tee up the sequel to "A Crack In The Wall" which I find myself increasingly less interested in over time. Maybe I've stuck Draco in the eternal angst of not feeling good enough for Harry? Am I a monster? Eh.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Kind of? On my two most popular fics lol. One because the fic got on the Jily AO3 radar and people aren't always pleased with Drarry over there; the other was an accurate but unwanted dig at a scene of dialogue I wrote. Like, yeah, I knew the dialogue was clunky but I sort of made that a joke? Also my content is free so maybe leave your editor pants at home?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I still consider my smut 'smut-lite' because I'm not super into graphic descriptions of body parts, and I'm still fairly new to the smut world. Mostly I like how two people experience pleasure through giving it. Also dirty talk.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not really.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, probably Drarry to write, SnowBaz to read. As much as I hate JK Rowling her world is so fun to write in. But I prefer SnowBaz because they're just so soft with one another, and of the two couples I really relate to Simon and Baz.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
An AU where Simon and Baz don't get together at Watford, and Baz leaves for America. Simon discovers he's fancied Baz for ages and makes Penny take him on a trip to find Baz. It's called "The Real Plot AKA Seducing A Vampire" and it's just got some choice lines (which I'm sharing here because this is my game and y'all can leave if you don't like it):
"Penny’s staring at her phone like she’s accidentally matched with a goblin on Tinder (it happened to her once and I’ve never let her live it down) (not that I blame her; goblins are fit, and that’s a hill I’ll die on).
“What is it?” I ask, and, because nothing good ever happens to me, I add, “He’s not dead, is he?”
She shakes her head. “Worse.” Then, looking straight in my eyes, she shudders. “He’s… in Texas.”"
I just honestly can't see where the fic goes besides a delightful scene when Baz runs into Simon at an HEB and saves him from getting the half-and-half tortillas (butter all the way, baby).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humor. Mining my life for content and dressing it up in the excitement of someone else's world. Making anything and everything a sexual innuendo.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot, self-doubt. Falling in love with a piece and then waking up one day hating it, rinse and repeat until I want to cry. Posting something and then reading it over and over while being embarrassingly impressed with myself. Too many commas.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
Meh. Unless it's poorly translated Latin masquerading as a spell.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
No comment.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Honestly I love everything I've ever written and posted because I'm full of myself with no apology in sight. But gun to my head probably The Wrong Sider, because it accidentally captured a piece of my soul. Although I could read Chapter 17 and 20 of A Christmas Pitch every day until I died and never tire of it.
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a-rat-and-a-blob · 3 years
Zaunite Ruination
Twitch: Goopy One! Unhand me this instant! Twitch needs to save his sewers from the black mist.. monster.. thingys!
ZAC: We can't go back! It's.. uh.. too dangerous.. and so much death.. and.... no one's ever coming back..
Twitch: Oh... Quit it!
(Twitch climbs up to his antenna and puts a pot over it)
Twitch: There! Now those wretched creatures can't hijack your brain with their... feelings?
ZAC: This isn't a joke! I don't want you to die.. Like everyone else... (ZAC adjusts the pot on his head)
ZAC: Just.. go eat that pile of canned food in the bunker or.. make those potions or whatever. I'm.. just gonna be.. in that crack. Over there.
(Begins to sulk with the emotions of the ruined king brewing inside him)
Twitch: (Looks at the spam) Bleagh! Tasteless filth.. (Looks at ZAC for a brief moment before walking over there. He sticks an arrow into the spam) Goopy One.. Do you want this... thing? I tried to make it ripe for you.
ZAC: Uh.. Thanks Twitchy. (Nibbles on it, swallowing it slowly)
Twitch: If we stay here in this wretched place, more will succumb to those things, like my sewers! Or.. those humans you care so much about. We can't just sit here. Your king won't allow it.
ZAC: I.. I think you're right. I'll try.. and I think I know the perfect way to learn what to do in a zombie apocalypse. (Pulls out a B-Movie zombie flick)
Twitch: That's the one thing you saved from my lair, wretched Goopy One!? WHAT ABOUT MY STASH!?
ZAC: If we need to learn, we gotta start with this. How do you think The Green Giant learned all his superhero moves?
Twitch: (Groans)
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