#((let the garbage man have a birb
lxcuuna · 6 years
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((so this is what i wasted the past few hours on
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 4...
...and I actually liked it?
[Spoilers Ahead, Y'all Know The Drill]
I mean, from what I've heard the Volume gets a lot of flack but honestly? I don't think it deserves it.
Yes, this is the first volume without Monty, and yes, the fights lost a bit of their momentum compared to earlier volumes, but aside from that... it's actually pretty good?
Alright, let me give you the play by play character style.
Ruby Rose
There goes my baby... off to destroy evil.
Ruby hasn't changed much, at least to a noticeable degree, compared to the rest of the cast. Actually, no, that isn't true, she just hasn't changed in a way that would force her overall character to noticeably shift. And I think that's fine. She's still a child at times, and is still really optimistic. But the thing is, she has matured. She doesn't immediately jump head first into danger like she used to, and it's clear she's still trying to process what happened at the Fall of Beacon. And yet, she's pressing on, and I'm glad that she and the rest of Team RNJR have each other's backs.
My only concern is what will go down in Mistral...
Weiss Schnee
Welp, Jacques Schnee, congrats! You've joined Cinder and Adam on the hit list I'm writing up!
The a-hole aside, I really like how Weiss played out this volume. According to what I've heard, volume 4 took place about 6-8 months after Beacon, so I'm kinda sad that Weiss was stuck home for all that time. On the bright side, we get a look at her progress on her summons, which looks to be coming along quite nicely. Then we see the concert, and ooh does that make my blood boil. I'll get to Jacques in a bit, but personally, I'd have no qualms watching him burn, figuratively, or literally.
Fly, Weiss, fly from the coup. Give your bastard of a father the metaphorical middle finger he deserves! (P.S. Klein is best dad.)
Blake Belladonna
Oof. I hurteth.
So Blake tends to stay away out of fear that she'll hurt her friends (i.e. some alternate version of survivor's guilt). In order to make amends from her point of view, she heads home to Menagerie. And once again, we're reminded on why humanity sucks sometimes!
Humans: Here, have this desert island for your large spanning species that covers just as much ground as we do.
Faunus: But... but it's so small!
Humans: Is it? Oh well, we can't have everything!
Me: Y'all LITERALLY have several freaKING CONTINENTS-!
*Ahem* That said, Sun came along! And we met Blake's parents! But first, Sun; I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about him being there at first, but that was mostly because Blake was being angsty and despite Sun's best intentions, virtually nothing he did help. Although, towards the end of the Volume, he managed to help Blake realize why her way of thinking was wrong, so props to him for that. Uh, Sun, could you maybe knock like a normal person? Wait, Blake, DON'T SLAP HIM FOR IT!!!
Ah, Kali, you're just as chaotic as Sun, oh dear... Ghira, never change, man. Never change.
Yang Xiao Long
Oof. I hurteth again. (ADAM!! LET ME DESTROY YOU, DANGIT!!!)
So Yang has been... adjusting to life after Beacon and without an arm. Oh, and Adam gave her PTSD! Isn't that just swell?
[When the find your corpse it'll have Wilt running through your spine and your skull severed with bullet shots from Blush I swear-]
Luckily, Yang gets a prosthetic from Atlas. I was afraid she'd reject it, but it's actually kinda nice to see that she takes to it rather well. And after seeing Oobleck (YAY!) and Port again, it's cool that she's just trying to find her footing. Though, Tai, you might wanna consider NOT flying to close to the Sun Dragon, capiche?
And all this culminates in Yang finally getting back out in the end of the Volume, hoping to find some answers. Hopefully she takes Tai's words to heart.
Jaune Arc
But seriously, it was... kinda off-putting to see Jaune act so... morose. Granted, we all know why (PYRRHA!!!), but still. I'm glad his team is looking out for him and that he's slowly starting to recover like everyone else. His conversation with Ruby in Kuroyuri was also really touching. Come to think of it, didn't Blake have a similar conversation with Sun? The PARALLELS!
Also, that upgrade, tho. CUT THAT NUCKELAVEE INTO DUST, MY DUDE!!!
Nora Valkyrie+Lie Ren
You can't talk about one without bringing up the other.
Guys, this was as much a Renora volume as it was a RWBY-Post Beacon volume. The Fall triggers some odd behavior in Ren, but we figure out why pretty quickly once we reach the Kuroyuri episode.
First, young Ren and Nora... adorable!
Second, I was NOT ready for when Nora had to talk Ren out of charging blindly at the Nuckelavee. The slap. The way Ren sees young Nora and then sees current Nora. Nothing could prepare me. Nothing.
They are so SOFT together, it's just... <3
New Characters (and Old ones, too)
Lightning round, baby!
Qrow Branwen. So Qrow serves as the inside man. He knows what's been going on, and he fills the rest of us in. We also know why he tends to keep his distance, because his semblance brings bad luck to allies and enemies alike. The poor birb. Glad he managed to survive Tyrian!
Jacques Schnee. Egotistical manipulative piece of garbage whom I will not feel sorry for once he's put in his place. 'Nuff said.
Whitley Schnee. Mixed feelings. Mixed feelings everywhere. 'Cause on one hand, I've seen plenty of the fandom's takes on his character putting him in a positive light, but on the other he starts getting kind of unbearable after Weiss loses her title as heiress. Then I have to remind myself that Whitley is the "Fawn" reaction to trauma. Weiss is "Fight," Winter is "Flight," their mother is "Freeze," and Whitley is "Fawn." Stuff like that helps me contextualize that when Whitley says things about their dad like "It's foolish to not do what father asks," or "It's barbaric. It's beneath me. Beneath father," Whitley's not just saying that 'cause he's a bit of a brat. That's his coping mechanism to the abuse Jacques put him and the rest of his family through, and it's probably been a long time that he's been telling himself stuff like this so he can keep in his father's good graces and not risk getting a slap to the face like Weiss, while also trying to deal with the fact that Weiss and Winter get a freedom that he never had a chance to get. And you have to remember that Winter and Weiss were abused to, and that trying to blame Whitley's current condition on the two of them doesn't make things any better. They're not obligated to care about Whitley just as much as Whitley isn't obligated to care about them. It would be nice if either one of them could get through to him, but they were all trying to combat Jacques in one way or another. Whitley was just the odd one out. And if you really think about it, the biggest brain play you can take from all this is to blame it solely on Jacques. I swear, when I get to Volume 4 in my NWBE AU, one of my top priorities will be getting Whitley the ever loving hell out of that accursed mansion alongside Weiss, mark my words.
Klein Sieben. Ladies and gentleman, the only valid man under the Schnee roof! And a Seven Dwarves reference no less. Thanks, I love him! Glad he helped Weiss escape his father's clutches.
James Ironwood. Oh boy, boss man is starting to lose his grip on things. Granted, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's clear his paranoia is getting to him. You know crap is getting bad if the most valid person in all of Atlas simultaneously needs to be told to get a grip from Jacques of all people (especially if he's making a point). Hope this doesn't trigger a downward spiral...
Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Ghira is done and Kali just wants to have fun. I love their dynamic and interactions with Blake and Sun! It was a nice wind down from everything else going on, though I don't think that'll last for long.
White Fang. So we got three more WF members: Fennec, Corsac, and Ilia. The Albain brothers are sleezeballs already, since they're working with Adam and all. Ilia's working with them too, but I'll have to withhold my judgement since she appears to have an as yet undisclosed connection to Blake, but I don't want to get my hopes up since she already stabbed Sun, so... Low expectations, but still expectations.
Salem's Group. Yup, Salem's a villain alright. I'll be keeping my eye on her, she just reeks of trouble. Cinder apparently lost her voice... eh, probably for the best. Emerald, Mercury, get the ever-loving FRICK outta there, you're clearly out of your element! Hazel, you're... fascinating. Neutral Evil, perhaps? Watts, you're on my radar, especially with the last episode of the Volume. And Tyrian... well, he's clearly beyond the point of no return, entirely devoted to Salem, and his psycho-sadistic tendencies are enough to freak Cinder of all people out. Needless to say, I hope something or someone takes care of him before the damage becomes irreversible.
And for now, I'll wrap this up with Oscar Pine. I'll admit, it was interesting how they set up Oscar's character as a slow burn this Volume. We learn he lives a quiet life with his aunt in a barn, and at first we're wondering "Who the heck is this kid?" But then Ozpin shows up and suddenly everything is like "Oh... wait, WHAT!?" So yeah, Ozpin just brought another child into thia conflict. At least they're both not happy about it, and hey, they met Qrow! Hopefully that keeps things from getting too crazy down the line. We still need answers, after all.
Well, those are my thoughts. Sorry they took so long. Hopefully Volume 5 won't be so hard to complete. Well... cheers!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (15 May 2020)
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
Can you guys believe it’s been 20 episodes already?? I can’t
LOL oh Sam we love you even if you are a nerdy loser
I hate him and his ads
I knew it wouldn’t take them long to get into mischief over Nott’s never-empty flask
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“I think four?”
“How many members of the Mighty Nein are there?”
“She’s fine.”
Good job changing the subject Caleb xD
F: “Are we not worried about the ambush thing?”
Everyone: “nah”
Yasha liking to snuggle Frumpkin gives me life
Molly just… using the Platinum Dragon tapestry as a blanket and Nott wanting to make it into coats smh
oh no the cart!
leave the cart get away from the army plz go go go
or ask for help that’s possibly a good idea maybe…
Oh yay Jester, magicing it up!
Aw not enough tho…
Hey @Matt why make them lose their cart that was rude
They are SO BAD at planning on the fly it’s amazing
Hello Captain Maximillian
Laura, grinning: “What do he look like?” Laura is me I wanna know what the NPCs look like always
omg Nott plz
omg did it work
lol its food xD
Female solider: looks at Yasha
Yasha: *most awkward grin ever*
I apologize Matt thanks for letting them keep the cart
Jester loves showing off her strength and it’s the best thing ever I love it so much
Beau asking Fjord about his dreams. Beau is gonna singlehandedly dig up everyone’s backstories.
Fjord being a shifty boy about the dreams…
So much rain…. I don’t like it, it’s going to take Ashley/Yasha away soon isn’t it I can tell
baby giiiiirl
matt I asked for a week without being sad for one of my children. just a week. that was all i asked for.
jesus matt why do you have to make me sad
Storm god??
stoRM GOD????
“You walk the right path. Be strong. Don’t forget who you were, and decided who you will become.” IT’S FINE IM FINE.
Ashley’s face is the same face I’m making right now
Yasha being an umbrella for Nott lol. For all of three seconds.
My life gets better every time Yasha speaks I’m not even kidding
Yasha and Nott bonding over collecting things is cute
I swear Sam just adds strange new things for Nott to collect every week
Seriously Nott and Yasha are just so precious
Caleb wants to poof in a house all the time
Molly and Nott are the Caleb cheerleading squad and totally believe he can magically poof in a mansion someday
LOL Caleb and his one push up
Please don’t melt the cart, Nott
YAY one vial of acid good for her
Idiots doing bird calls and Fjord and Caleb are jus like “oooookay really tho”
omg are they gonna find a pet crow in a trap i want them to
creepy moving thing in the swamp 0/10
goooo Jester!
B: “What are we saving??”
N: “I don’t know, we’re—right now we’re saving Jester!”
Haste on Nott, nice!
Oh wait except haste in a battle can be bad…
Matt with a sneaky second gator monster
Nat1, the bird lives!
“A 2, are you fucking serious!?” lol Matt! He’s so salty.
LOL then being like “wait the bird is restrained…” he really wanted to fuck up the bird xD
Fjord just like “why are we doing this”
Enthrall?? Have we seen that happen yet?
I love their enthusiasm about their new spells/attacks
Travis gets so excited every time Yasha rages its my fave
And Liam gets excited every time Nott does something sneaky/rogueish
Not how do you always end up pinned by/inside something
fighting in a swamp is the worst they’re so slooooow
oh wait i blinked and Yasha is the one in the gator’s jaws now I’m confused
My girl Yasha with the first HDYWTDT of the night again I’m so proud.
oh man poor Not! grappled again. thank goodness for uncanny dodge tho.
Nat20 to beat it on the nose go Beau!
Curse of the Eyeless?? What are all these things??
Liam all like “no no no matt no hurting nott” is such a mood
Jester is the worst cleric/Laura is the best worst
poor Fjord has been so useless xD
I TAKE IT BACK showed up just in time to get the other HDYWTDT
“Nott today!” xD
“A slop-dolly of epic proportions!”
Oh the bird! Yay!
Adorable little bird person!
i can’t believe the mighty nein are gonna take care of a kid
she wrote thank you awwwwwwww
Four she’s four she’s such a babby
Kiri I’m gonna adopt you
Jester/Laura is in mom mode and I love it
I can’t believe she got stuck and her family just left her poor baby Kiri I’m cryyyying
“Nowhere to go, can I come with you?”
“Can you handle a weapon?” CALEB SHE’S FOUR SHE’S A BABBY
omg she put her little wings like she was gonna fight I cryyyyyyyyyy
LOL the way she mimicked Fjord’s voice
omg Nott got that pouch of oats and corn. How convenient!
Beau please don’t hit Kiri
LOL she rolled a Nat20 to hit Beau good for her
Caleb totally playing dad to keep Kiri away from the talk about her family possibly being dead I cryyyyyyy
she’s so tiny i love her
The mighty nein have 8 members now!
Nott and Jester losing their shit over how cute Kiri is is such a mood
Aw poor baby is scared of Frumpkin xD
Caleb sharing his comfort cat is the cutest sweetest thing ever
Ashley why are you insight checking my sweet bird child
Nott gives to Kiri, Jester gives to Nott, Caleb tries to give to Jester. What a bunch of nerds.
Jester and the cranky old lady
“What the FUCK is pocket bacon?!” xD
Caleb is NOT getting into this place lol. An eight foot climb up a rope? Skinny boy can’t handle that.
Beau, honey, please don’t antagonize the Crown’s Guard
“I don’t like you”
“I get that a lot” Poor Beau
LOL then the awkward face off I love Beau so much
“that was me at 16 with every cop” Taliesin Jaffe backstory
“We’ll get her a Tirly Shemple”
“Is it haunted?”
“….Do you like things that are haunted?”
“Then it’s haunted!”
Caleb making an intimidation check oh no
Oh wait it worked? holy cow
“It ain’t worth the coin!!”
“What if we gave you a hundred coin?”
“I’d come for that.”
lol Jester forcing the dude to sing
omg is Matt gonna sing??
do not trust the guy to take the cart that’s probably a horrible idea…
Nott darling sweetheart light of my life your problems are not a burden talk to Caleb if you need to
wow listen can we go like three weeks without making me sad about Caleb’s past and Nott’s issues
Matt’s face while Beau and Jester are talking about Captain Max
Molly like super locking up his room is smart, 10/10, that’s using your head
Fjord are you really just gonna sleep in two inches of swamp water
Yasha is having none of this gross guy’s shit good for her
This episode was sooooo good! I hate that I missed it live. It’s all good though. I’ll be back next week!
ending it on teasing Marisha about her notebook
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bunnyandbirb · 7 years
Birb’s B-Movies #2: Pass Thru
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Neil Breen is a truly visionary actor/producer/director/writer/editor, and the owner of Neil Breen Films, LLC. You may know him from his previous works, Double Down and I am Here….Now. My favorite masterpiece of his is undoubtedly Fateful Findings, the science fiction drama where Neil plays a magical hacker who exposes all “the most secret government and corporate secrets.”
In preparation for his upcoming film, Twisted (set to release in 2018), I decided to sit down and watch the one film that I’ve never seen: Pass Thru (2016) and trust me, this is a work of pure Breenius. The website for the movie describes the movie as such:
“Artificial Intelligence from far into the future arrives to immediately CLEANSE the human species of millions of humans who are harmful to other humans. A VISIONARY, REVOLUTIONARY FILM which pushes the human species to the limits of controversial, thought-provoking actions.”
I have to admit, this is probably the most confusing Breen movie I’ve seen to date (and that’s really saying something.) I honestly don’t even remember the names of any of the characters, but that hardly matters. It has a very similar message to his other films, which he makes sure to hammer into your head so that even if you don’t understand the plot, at least you end up with something. We’ll get into that near the end, though.
The movie starts with overly long mountain/desert landscape shots that were probably taken an hour away from his house, since he lives near Las Vegas. Then something strange happens.
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There’s a rock with white paintings on it, and suddenly a giant ginseng root-looking “hand” comes out and delicately prods the paintings with a stick. It then cuts to a random tiger chilling on a cliff above, and then immediately cuts again to two pristine clocks by the rock with some shitty black smoke effect crawling across the screen.
I don’t even get a chance to try to comprehend what these things mean before another series of confusing imagery: walking legs, a girl in her room reading about space, some old man just sitting in the desert with magazines, and then Neil Breen himself, picking up what looks like trash from a party he threw the other night. A red dot appears in the sky, and finally we get our first real dialogue of the film.
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It is at this time that I have the horrible realization that everyone in this movie has received thorough direction from Neil Breen on how to read lines off a script. Each syllable is robotically intonated, each word spoken unnaturally slowly and with an awkward pause… nothing anyone says in this movie sounds real. Breen was debatably the worst actor in Fateful Findings, and it seems like he tried really hard to get everyone on his level this time.
Three kids (names unknown) sit around in a room, and the boy has somehow found the red sky dot (which is apparently some kind of signal.) The two girls try to sound excited but somehow manage to sound even more apathetic as they raise their voices. The boy goes from “I’m following the signal!” to “I lost the signal” in literally one second, so I guess he just sucks.
The next few minutes of this movie are just pure chaos. Each scene is somehow too short and at the same time way too long, and the sequence that they’re placed in just makes zero sense whatsoever. Let me just run through them (keep in mind, these are in chronological order):
Neil Breen lies in a pile of his own filth in his trailer.
Neil Breen lies outside in the dirt while some faceless man with a gun pays him to clean up the evidence of a ‘smuggling site’ (i.e. Gatorade bottles and soup cans.)
Some “immigrants” (who just look like tourists) are led through a ravine
Neil Breen wakes up in the dirt with the garbage still around him, finds a dirty syringe and injects it into his arm. He then dies and we get this great special effect: 
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The nameless boy calls one of the girls and then proceeds to have an entire conversation by himself. 
A random hand bleeds while it touches barbed wire.
I was confused enough at this point, but then I kept watching and realized that the entire movie is edited like this. Let it be known that I tried three times to write this post while reformatting the events of the story to make them more clear, but it was actually impossible. So instead of trying again, I’m just going to run through the four most hilarious parts of the movie. Honestly, you wouldn’t understand the plot even if I gave more information than this, so to hell with it.
1. The Great Immigration
One plotline involves a group of “immigrants” who are being herded along by human traffickers. The “immigrants” all act like a bunch of middle schoolers on a boring field trip (and are dressed similarly), and are constantly whining: “Where are we going?” “Why do we have to walk so far?” “Stop yelling at us.” The human smugglers in the movie are incredibly incompetent at both smuggling and acting, which makes every one of these scenes a pleasure to watch.
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The traffickers filter through the immigrants, stopping a few who happen to be hiding plastic baggies (of what looks like cocaine) under their shirts.) One of them is a woman who is pretending to be pregnant, and is clearly not an actor because she can’t stop smiling in what (I’m assuming) is supposed to be a serious situation. They line up these baggies and start handing them out, designating who they’re going to: lawyers, bankers, “the CEO”, etc. Basically all the people Breen talks shit about in every movie he makes.
Their leader shoots some woman and a kid because she “has absolutely no VALUE for you two on the STREETS.” (Uh, lady, you’re in a desert.) Two of the women manage to escape, even as a man shoots at them at point blank range four times (and apparently misses each time.) Nobody bothers to go after them. The rest of the immigrants are “trapped” in a truck and they all freak out because they clearly cannot escape:
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2. Neil Breen cleaning up his house
The two women that escaped from the traffickers stumble into Neil Breen’s trailer, and he invites them to stay with him. For some reason, the women yell everything they say even when they’re standing right next to each other. Also, they vehemently don’t want to stay with him - can’t blame them, really.
In order to convince them to stay, Breen insists that he will “clean it” for them. No words can explain the beauty of this scene, so I have to just show you the clip:
3. Neil Breen “isn’t that corrupt”
Coming to the end of the movie, it’s revealed that Breen is actually an alien artificial intelligence (who has a name, but hell if I remember that much). His mission is to just kill all the humans that he doesn’t like. Okay, he actually said those who “cause harm to other humans,” but isn’t that technically every living human? Whatever, I will not question our lord and savior Neil Breen.
Breen teleports into mansions and inserts himself into conversations with the people that he shit talks all the time (i.e. lawyers, Big Pharma, government officials, bankers, etc. etc.) and just makes everything awkward.
Here’s a transcript of an actual conversation:
A: “I know senior, national elected government officials who I can force my political... *insert pause where she forgets her lines*... bias and influence on fellow politicians to vote my way, for a payoff of course.”
Everyone: …….
[Breen looks away as everyone else stares at him.]
B: “I know companies that can hack into any government national agency or corporate facility. For the right price, you can get any information that you want. And they don’t need to know why or your reason. These places are so vulnerable and unprotected, and there is no way they can keep up with the technology.”
Everyone: ……..
This same exact conversation repeats itself until Breen decides to leave, and then the people are like, “Who the fuck was that guy?”
Breen teleports in front of the mansion, fades out of his tuxedo and into his regular janitor clothes, and then waddles away as shitty explosion effects happen in the background.
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“If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth,” he says. I’m pretty sure those were not ‘truth explosions,’ but you do you, Neil.
4. The Newsroom and Neil Breen
After that shitshow, Neil decides to make his big move by appearing on some news channel to make his traditional monologue. Throughout the movie, the news anchors have been reporting some very interesting news. Serious criminals, lawyers, bank management, and even accountants have mysteriously vanished overnight.  According to one of the hosts, “It’s as if all the harmful people on Earth are disappearing.” Oh, he also mentioned that “Ignorant reality shows about families, housewives, groups, individuals… those casts are all gone.” So I guess Breen is now lumping the Kardashians with corrupt government officials on his ‘Evil People’ list.”
Neil shows up uninvited onto the news broadcast, and the hosts rightfully call out for security guards. Breen fires back with, “You won’t need security. You’re gone.”
And so they are:
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I won’t even try to recount all of the nonsense the Neil says in his speech, but here are the some select quotes:
“I am not of this Earth. I am artificial intelligence from FAR into the future.”
“Human evolution has ended, and there can be no further advancement.”
“I have eliminated 300 million humans from the planet today”
“Violate laws and regulations”
Breen also really loves listing things, as can be witnessed in this single speech.
Neil Breen lists the things he hates (in order within the speech):
Illegal wars
The abuse of the media systems
The Internet
Political correctness
Fear of the truth
Second chances
Third chances
Dishonest humans
Abusers of:
Other humans
The planet
The environment
Children & animals
Corporate corruption
Failed political systems
Failed judicial systems
Failed educational systems
Failed environmental systems
There are a lot of other hilarious things in this movie aside from these moments.
 Like seriously, what the hell is this:
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But I won’t get into any more of the gems from this film, because this has already gone on long enough. Watch it yourself to experience them all.
I’ll be looking forward to Twisted, Neil!
~Stay tuned for nonsense~
- birb
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