#((ooc tags))
eye-related-pun · 8 months
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The Bosses are whipping me with a Belt and saying "Dance Jester Boy Dance!!" but I'm still thrivin' Lookin' Sexy, Yessirr <33
Feel free to hmu if you see me at work (I would literally rather do ANYTHING else, but don't tell my Boss that, he has a temper.)
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gill-in-gotham · 10 days
HEllo "Chat"! i Have Fallen Throufgh a Strange Vortex Abnd Ended up in an Unsettling City Named "Gotham" (Thank you Strange skunk haired Man!) and Was given This "Phone" by Aforementioned Skunk Hair Man! He Showed me How To use It in Return Fpr me To Stop asking if He Needed Holy Cleansing because Ofn His Strange Hiar COlouring 🙂
if Anyone Could Help Me that WOuld be Great!
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troylyougferd · 2 months
Guess I gotta do an intro post or something
SUP the name is Troy but you can call me the Troyster, big T, troyranasarus rex, anything works really !!
Just not little t. I hate being called little t.
I’m here to talk about my steam sledding experience and all that good stuff
Oh and I guess the trash pit city I’m currently in lol
Anyways here’s how I’ll tag stuff
#troy tells
I’m talking dudes, yapping even
#troy’s original post
Reposting but once I repost it the post becomes mine bc finders keepers
#Troy responses
I answer ur questions and accept ur heartfelt praise
Most likely I’m gonna add more but we’ll see
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eldersoonglore · 2 months
Continuation of this thread with @data-dominant
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The paralyzed android sat there for a moment, a wave of shock and sadness rippling through him as his eyes fell on his niece's immobile body. He had heard some whispers here and there about another Soong-type being here, but it was never clear to him who that may be. Now that he was laying eyes on her for the first time, a slight shifting of goals switched deep in his chest.
He had notoriously been eager to reunite with family, after all.
Lore cut the feed as soon as his brother instructed him to cover him. He wasn't sure what his brother meant by that or what his plan was. Perhaps he meant to keep the door locked. There wasn't much he could do, but even still, the elder android shifted his efforts to gain that access. If he could figure it out in time, maybe he could prevent his own deactivation and give his brother enough time to find him.
Meanwhile, Maddox stood outside of Lal's lab where Data had just shut the hydraulic doors in his face. Something was off about this whole situation, causing the cyberneticist to squint his eyes suspiciously.
"Go and check on our friend downstairs. If his neural activity levels have risen substantially since the Lt. Commander has arrived, shelf him," he instructs his assistant, Deveraux.
"Of course, sir, but wouldn't that have risks disconnecting his matrix so quickly? It would be like tearing a rooted tree out of the ground-" the meek underling replies, to which Maddox snaps at him.
"Just do as I say! I don't have a good feeling about this either..." Maddox's expression says it all, twisting in anxiety to match the feeling bubbling in his gut.
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youreallextras · 2 months
someones quiet now .-.
Shut up, you’re quiet now!
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monster-bestiary · 1 year
The Eep
HP: 6-8 hours
Location: Bed
Eep is known to distract people from what is happening, like what the fuck is going on with the other EPPFPRPGCU blogs.
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fishyfiles · 7 months
cant hurt if I PULL THEM OUT ha goodbyeeeee osteoooderms goodbyeeeee bones
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waw guys look at the cube
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magnus-land · 2 months
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hell yeah gang. tonights the night
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eye-related-pun · 8 months
Hey what the fuck is the Inside Joke with the Sniggles? Like the "Don't eat for a week" Bit? Do they not get paid if they cry or something because that's kinda seriously fucked up. Or is it like they get paid per show, and they're just being sarcastic about how much they make? Because if it is, and they make more than me, I'm sueing.
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shakesey-p · 3 months
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troylyougferd · 2 months
I’m the only Troy that’s ever existed ever
But I’d love to meet this other dude
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minty-ghost-lover · 9 months
As an update, I've found fucking NOTHING so far. I know there's weird shit in this damn town, and the fact none of it will show it's face is passing right the fuck off.
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No hello to u suckers-
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This Hexide school needs some chaos to shake things up. And who besides me, Philip Wittebane, is qualified enough in that kind of fun? Well, Terra, but that is not the point-
Creating an account to chat with my fellow terror gang members and possible allies. I am a busy middle schooler so send your asks only if you truly have something worthwhile to say out of your mouth. And dont bother hiding behind those "anon"-masks, I ALREADY GOT YOUR IP ADRESS.
And remember, have a horrible day, I h8 y'all!
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thought everything would be fixed after I died. But it’s kinda just cold and lonely
I do have the internet surprisingly but I mean that just kinda sounds like hell
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monster-bestiary · 1 year
A Little Fucking Prick
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HP: Lot
Location: City
I hate him sosososososososososososososososososososo much
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