#((smol kit....good kitty....))
sundialhunter-a · 5 years
W. Would. Would Sundial like a very fluffy tabby kit to hold for the time being? Because the offer's here. Along with chocolate!! (@horizon--bounty, cowgirls look out for one another!!!!!!!)
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A hand sticks out of the tree to veeeery carefully take the small kit and chocolate.
In the QUIETEST of whispers, she says, “…th…thanks…”
And with that, she just. Holds the small tabby and sort of curls into herself with it. It’s safe up here, in the pines. It’s quiet up here, in the pines. Most don’t think to ever look up, in the pines.
Aurora’s shoulders sag, but only slightly.
M!A: 3/10
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fux - did i even - start - well - over ez  - strange daze doors sez and strange tides - birdsong murder both early - some smol birbs onna roof feeding - at least a couple know where i live - a kitty - i think u know she is a good one - always - incoherent love imma expressing inna comic - a slow sauce dinner shared - forward and back time stretch its - now - what else could it  - talking fates and bridges  - dogs and hens - a mind swirl by the numbers kit - bag - full - circle but lets skip the digress - ditch the philosophy - get on down onna good foot and get funky - at any rate get this poetry posted i guess 
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irakitminthy · 6 years
Young again
(( this long assed post is the interaction between  @caliginouslyantiquated @sanesspsuede and irakit when she was made into a bab. ))
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:04 PM
You are here to be harassed.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:05 PM
You have appeared to harass. You pull out a leather wrapped parcel, "heya, how ya been?"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:06 PM
You examine the parcel as it is given to you, blinking your eye. "Hey," you say, flipping it over before pulling a cord to open it. "How ha'e you been, Kit?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:09 PM
"Pretty decent. Kiwi’s drones finished my hive. Now I'm figuring out water treatment." Inside the parcel is the jerky. It's an odd color, since it's not blue or something. But instead a dark ruddy brown. Probably smells good.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:14 PM
That color is weird to you, and you select a piece, smelling it carefully. It does smell good, and you trust Irakit not to poison you, so you tear a piece off with your teeth. Your fins flick a bit, it tastes good. You eat the rest of the piece of jerky, and wrap it again. "Good luck to you in your endea'ors," you say.  "It's good things ha'e been goin' w-well for you."
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:16 PM
You grin "thanks nads. What about you though? How are things going with the projects?"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:19 PM
"Goin' w-well," you tell her. "Sol's been makin' headw-way w-with the helmin' project, an' is plannin' an expidition here soon." Your tail twitches, and you sigh listlessly. "He's goin' to be gone a w-while."
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:20 PM
You wince "oof, that fuckin blows dude..." You tilt your head "I though marnie was working on it?"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:22 PM
"They w-were both temporary techies until the helmin' project got underw-way. Do you really think projects a this scale can be undertaken by w-one person?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:24 PM
"Nah, I just didn't expect faithful to be heading back out..." You shrug, someone needs to test it you guess. But sheesh.
"Speaking of marn, is she still on leave?"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:39 PM
"She hasn't come back to me yet for me to obser'e her progress," you tell her.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:41 PM
You nod "good point." You nod to the jerky "since you finished the once peice can I take it that you liked it?"
Your phone buzzes, looks like you for got to mute it. Well so long as it dosent irritate you you'll leave it for now
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:51 PM
"Yeah, it tastes pretty good. You said more needed cooked?" You wonder if that meant she inteded on cooking it here, or what.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:53 PM
"Yeah I brought some that's raw. Incase you wanted to have some fancy and rare meat to cook with." Crooked grin "cooking seems to be one of the things you enjoy."
Nadire Ampora-Today at 7:56 PM
You can't help but match her grin back. "You'e learned me w-well in the last few perigees, ain't you Kit. Thank you, I appreciate this."
"How's Nes been, anyw-way?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 7:57 PM
"I learn quick believe it or not. Pretty okay I think, she spends a lot of time with ring and her captor now. Even more after she n Tulket split."
You shrug "she's sturdy though. I'm pretty sure she's fine. Embarrassed to death right now, but fine." Another buzz from your phone. You flick your ear. Maybe you'll be able to just turn it down in your pocket.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 8:17 PM
Your grin goes wider. "She's ruin' the day she let me at her dirty blog, now ain't she?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 8:18 PM
You can't help it, you laugh "man I would have paid to see her expression when you reblogged it!"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 8:29 PM
"Hehe, I know, right? W-why don't you come w-with me to the kitchens, so I can get this meat put aw-way."
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 8:32 PM
"Eh, sure why not." You'll tag along, and maybe check your phone when ya get there.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 8:56 PM
You take Irakit here, and get the raw meat put away. The jerky, though, you keep that with you so that you can snack on it.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 9:01 PM
When you get there you check your phone, oh goody. "Oh fuck." You hit post as fast as you can, before the magic takes effect. When it hits you, you crumble. Going through your transformation in a state of unconsciousness.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 9:06 PM
Oh, fuck. Fuck.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 9:07 PM
Your name is irakit minthy, and you are 3 sweeps old, and slowly regaining consciousness in a gigantic highbloods kitchen. This can only end well can't it.(edited)
Nadire Ampora-Today at 9:26 PM
You're looking down at her with concern, ears fanned forward. Is she alright? You crouch. "Kit?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 9:31 PM
You sit up, clutching your now way to big dress, you look around, confused for a moment. Then someone says your name, or at least half of it, and you look up and freeze. There's a lot of things to digest, first off, that's a very much adorned violet , second off, they seem to be half monster, and thirdly they are fucking huge and you are in a kitchen. Your ears pin and your eyes fill instantly with tears.  You don't know what to do, because you are officially so young that you can't properly use your powers.
You are very certain that you are looking into the face of your master.  You aren't sure how you ended up here, or how you got caught, or where mom or virmil are. But you are absolutely sure that you are a slave. Adult you will be sure to not charge nadire for anything for a while because this is gonna be an experience
Nadire Ampora-Today at 9:36 PM
Why is she crying. You rub the heel of your palm over your cheek. Gee, um. "W-what are you cryin' for, come on. Let's get somethin' for you to w-wear." You're gonna message Saness as well.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 9:40 PM
Why are you crying?! Is he for real? You wanna run away, but you are absolutely terrified and you know damn well he can catch you. So instead you nod timidly and try to stand up. You are about 4 ft. Tiny compared to this half monster. You'll be good, until you can spot an escape, or until mom raid this place. You hope she's okay.
You also really hope this big violet doesn't get sick while your here. You don't want to die.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 10:10 PM
"Pick up your clothes an' keep yourself decent," you tell her, straightening up to tower overhead with a frown. You're messaging Saness at the moment.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 10:11 PM
You nod hurriedly trying to keep the dress covering you. Lucky for little you big you kinda dresses like a slut so while tits big it's not impossible. You still can't make yourself talk yet, if you do you'll start really crying.
Are you trembling? You might be. God he's huge. And is that a fuckin shark tail? You didn't even see that!
Nadire Ampora-Today at 10:23 PM
You stand and watch her for a moment, then make an executive decision. Everyone who's ever turned into a small child that you know of, so far, has been problematic. You decide to just lift her by the scruff (Read as: Bunching the fabric under her arms across her chest.) and carry her out to the transportalizers.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 10:24 PM
You scream and curl into a ball covering your head, you are officially bawling your eyes out. You start gibbering about being good, and not wanting to die. You even say please.(edited)
You are a suspended ball of panicking screaming smol.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 10:32 PM
You carry the ball of screaming here. By the time you reach here, security is tailing you.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 10:35 PM
Oh great more giants that dosent help, you start to hiccup, there smoke and tiny flames. You keep trying to apologise and promise to behave. You have no idea what you did. But he didn't rip you up so he's not sick right?
Nadire Ampora-Today at 10:46 PM
The flames and the smoke alarm you, and you tell her to knock it off. You're not up for being burned. It's just waiting for Saness now.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 10:48 PM
You can't control it! Him snapping at you makes you cry harder. You try though, you try as hard as you can. Clamping your mouth and eyes shut and trying to stop.
Saness Psuede-Today at 10:52 PM
You're here now! You don't actually need a password since Nadire let you give your bracer full permissions, but you use it anyway and appear on the pad.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 10:54 PM
The noise startled you and you slip for a sec, full screaming fire breath before you clamp down again.
Saness Psuede-Today at 10:56 PM
Holy shit, okay, not allowed. You wrap the tiny screaming fireball in your psi and lift her out of Nadire's grip with a gentle and insistent tug. He doesn't need any serious burns.
Nadire Ampora-Today at 10:57 PM
No problems there, as soon as she breathes fire you're dropping her instantly.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:02 PM
Your eyes pop open when you are released and standing on a big round thing is a lime. Oh god were you both being sentenced to death?! Oh no! More sobbing, you are no longer holding your mouth shut, more screaming.
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:06 PM
"Irakit! Kitty! Hey, Kitty, it's okay, shhh..." Fuck, this is hellish. You bring the screaming wriggler to your arms and continue crooning at her.
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:16 PM
She knows your name? Okay?! You actually say something along the lines of the monsters gonna eat us. But it's through crying and fire hiccups.
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:23 PM
You look at Nadire a little helplessly while you pat and soothe a very upset wriggler. "No one's gonna eat you, Kitty."
Nadire Ampora-Today at 11:24 PM
You look just as helpless. "W-what do you think? Should w-we cancel her anon?"
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:25 PM
That sounds like it means kill you. You try to clamp your mouth shut and shake your head hard. If they were talking about if they should kill you maybe they won't if you calm down.
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:29 PM
Is Irakit just professionally stupid or something? You already thought she might be, but did it really start so young? "I only have one pass left anyway."
Nadire Ampora-Today at 11:30 PM
"I'e got se'eral, she can use w-one a mine."
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:31 PM
If you are taken away from the big scary monster violet you might calm the fuck down. As it is you are getting quieter, more confused. He's not killing the lime?
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:34 PM
"May I have a pass in case it becomes unbearable, then?"
Nadire Ampora-Today at 11:41 PM
You slide off a ring with a bright blue gem and crack it, a stack of flowers falling into your hand. You select one and give it to Saness, then captchalogue the rest. "Make her eat that."
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:47 PM
"Okidoki." You transfer the frightened child to one hip and accept the blue flower, considering it with interest. "I'll take her out of your hair, then."
Nadire Ampora-Today at 11:47 PM
"Thank you."
Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:49 PM
a violet just said thank you to a lime instead of killing her. you hiccup and look around teary eyed and very confused.
Saness Psuede-Today at 11:51 PM
"I guess you'll see us around. She'll be back before long, I'm sure." Half promise, half warning. It's just how it be. The flower goes into your sylladex and you give Nadire a wave before turning back to the transportalizer. He's probably seen just about enough of Littlekit.
    Irakit Minthy (tali)-Today at 11:56 PM
     you are carried off to a fate yet unknown to you.
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hiibastian · 7 years
Tagged by @queenhalcyone Name: Kit Nicknames: Kitty, Kitopher, smol, tiny (any short joke, basically), and probably a lot more that I can’t remember rn) Zodiac: Pisces Height: 5 foot nothin Orientation: ace spec, pan-romo, poly-romo??? ????? *finger guns* Ethnicity: Puerto Rican. Tan tan skin Fav fruit: strawberries Fav season: Fall Fav book: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion Fav flower: lavender ! Scent: Uhhh;huhhh a lot of scents are so good idk Animal: otters? Cats? Dogs?who knows Coffee/tea/cocoa: cocoa! Tea is cool tho. I hate coffee. Cat/dog: both ! Favourite fictional character: Carmilla Karnstein Dream trip: a big pride parade somewhere. New York? Broadway? Blog created: like,, 2012 I think Number of followers: almost 400 (I’ve been on almost 400 for like 3 years pls help me) What i post: ahhh Carmilla, supergirl, gay, memes, emo, gay, Carmilla Do you get asks on a regular basis? Nah. Usually if I do its from friends or mutuals Aesthetic: I love flowers and sky and hands and body aesthetics but my blog does not have any sort of consistency at all Fav band: I can’t ! Pick! ONE Fictional character I’d date: oh god, okay there’s a lot I mean: Carmilla Karnstein, Laura Hollis, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Lucy Lane, Grace Kelly in Rear Window, Lela from Teen Beach, Katherine from Newsies, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Brian Thomas, Ellen Ripley, that girl from North By Northwest played by Eva Marie Saint, Andrew fucking Detmer, Santana Lopez,.,,… the list is really long , my bros Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!
@clefairysoup Everyone else that I’m friends with has already been tagged? I bet Cee’s already been tagged too but idk
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rvnboy-blog · 8 years
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because vera posted a request and then told me what it was based off and i fell in love instantly. 
one thing you do not ever call him is christopher or chris. it’s kit. and thanks to playing quidditch, that’s evolved into kitty (to some people who he doesn’t sass to death), or becks or becky (with the good hair). 
if beyoncé was still making music he’d be her number one fan. he can be found singing, rather off key most of the time, while he showers, flies, bakes, cooks, cleans, etc. he’ll do it to annoy you, he’ll do it just because. 
he is smol and gay. he’s literally MAYBE pushing 5′7 and that’s if he’s wearing his good shoes. make fun of his height, he dares you, because he’s got enough sass in him to make him seem like a giant. 
he currently plays on a recreational quidditch team and, maybe, will go pro after he’s done. during his youth, not that he’s really old, he was considered a flying prodigy. he’d never really played quidditch all that much during his years at hogwarts (mostly just enjoying the learning and the nights in the kitchens — thanks to being a hufflepuff). but he’s got talent, that’s undeniable, he’s just got some roadblocks that he’s got to work through.
he’s best friends with julien belrose. yes, that belrose. they met during julien’s third year with the team and they didn’t really get along all too great at the beginning. kit beckett is a sweatheart but if you step on his toes or use the wrong tone of voice with him, he won’t hesitate to let you know that that shit doesn’t slide. he’s not a doormat, he won’t be treated like one. and julien, bless his heart, kind of treated him like he was going to be downfall of their recreational team. needless to say, they got over it, and kit has julien to thank for helping conquer his, slightly irrational, fear of getting hit by a bludger. 
in his spare time he cooks and bakes. something that his fellow quidditch team and friends love and hate because that means extra work outs. he tries new recipes, he creates his own, he tweaks old ones. it’s something he loves to do. maybe even more than quidditch, but shh, no one needs to know that. 
he’s also lowkey crushing on his best friend, but he doesn’t say anything / hasn’t said anything because he knows that it’s not going to go anywhere. but harmless flirting is always happening, kit can’t help it. to flirt is to be himself. he’ll give you a pie and blow you a kiss or wink and it’s just natural. so don’t take it personally or seriously if he hits on you. you’ll know if there’s something more because he’ll, possibly, tell you himself. 
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