#[Epithet Nonsense: M!A]
spurious · 1 year
7, 8, 17, 19, 23, 24, 31, 37, 41, 47, 48, and 71, please?
Fic writer asksssss!!!
How do you choose which POV to write from? Truly I do not think about it a lot of the time!!! I start writing and it's in whatever POV it's in?
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story? Absolutely not the end. Beginning and middle both have their positives though. Beginning is fun because you're setting everything up, but middle is when things start cooking, so.
What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block) ....stop writing for half a decade until i find a new ship that grips me with unmatched ferocity??
What is the most-used tag on your ao3? lmao. it's, uh. "community: kink_bingo" with 11 uses.
Best writing advice for other writers? Oh lord I don't know? Just write, have fun with it, don't use a ton of epithets, aaaand for the love of god please don't use the "cum" spelling, especially when it's a verb. C-O-M-E please
Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? I haven't personally gotten any writing advice that I can currently remember?
Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing? I guess the plot since I tend to stick with writing in single fandoms with the same small number of characters?
How do you choose where to end a chapter? I don't generally write multi-chapter things. I split O I Think We Should Be Brethren into three which was easy because it's three pretty distinct parts.
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? Team re-read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? Countless. Innumerable. For the thing as a whole, at least 2-3 rereads before posting.
What do you look for in a beta? no beta we die like someone who has a strong self-editing impulse and is bad at taking criticism
When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.? copious nonsensical notes at the top of my fic document, checklists of story beats, and occasionally handwritten timelines.
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sundialhunter-a · 4 years
"Copycat" for Zora for 10 asks?
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She can’t–she can’t breathe–the room’s spinning, her head hurts, everything is out of balance–She doesn’t even notice the new magic taking place, doesn’t have the awareness to know that the last Inscribed that she talked to was–
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 …? OH! Hello!!! You’re the scary lady! Wooooow…
And there’s a strange rush of golden joy that flows through her veins. She blinks, irises shining as pure as the metal itself, hearing her heart in her ears as she feels it pound through with that good feeling that you get when you eat or drink something comforting–
Wowowowow! You’re so strong. :0 How’d you get so strong??? This is so amazingwowowow–
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Can turn any object into solid gold and back again.
M!A: 0/10
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percival-queen · 5 years
♊ How about for Five?
♊ - the muse is split into two versions of themself for [#] asks. (emotion/logic, happy/sad, etc.)
“…Why do I hear… the sound of children laughing…?”
Percy barely has time to register the tap-tap on either side of her head before suddenly everything goes blindingly white.
Or is it black..?
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“What in the world just…?”
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“Ugh. Looks like the headache has a head of its own… well, at least I can do my job now.”
M!A: 5
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Weekly Wikipedia repairs roundup
Kassite deities - not even a topic I am very interested in, but this article had so much utter nonsense in it - articles from 1885(!), Nanaya and Laguda as deities of Kassite origin, Mesopotamian symbols from the Kassite period as culturally Kassite symbols, Indo-European speculative nonsense, a book using the word “Armenoid” (sic) as a source - that I had no choice but to put it out of its misery, and resurrect in a new, better (and considerably extended) form. Learn all there is to learn about Harbe, Sah, Kamulla and friends - which is not much, but hey! Feat. special cameos from the ethnic stereotype goddess Kaššītu and “Kassite Yarikh” from Ugarit.
Dumuzi-abzu - the OTHER, female, Dumuzi who might be the ORIGINAL Dumuzi. Has no real connection to Dumuzi (male) in terms of function, other than that one love poem apparently confused them (for grammatical reasons I could not include it in my blog article about Ninshubur and plausible gay moments in Mesopotamian literature). Page created from scratch.
Manuzi - a small time Hurrian mountain god slash minor weather god with a pet eagle. There isn’t all that much to say about him, I just realized that if I won’t fix nobody else will, and I want every Hurrian deity’s page to be more or less credible for the sake of my planned Hurrian god list article.
Barama - wife of Kura, the head god of Ebla. Her name might mean something like “full of color,” and there isn’t exactly much info about her since all we have to rely on is one explanatory text for a romantic royal date in the family mausoleum which apparently was necessary to annually renew Barama and her husband, and some offering lists. Page made from scratch, for completion’s sake.
Kura - the head god of Ebla. You know, the article ended up being surprisingly long, considering how little evidence from Ebla has theological character. Page originally made by me last summer, and only expanded now.
Ninegal aka Belet Ekalli(m) aka Pentikalli - goddess of palaces, with a name which is not exactly creative, but which definitely does the trick. The name can function as an epithet of Inanna, but when treated as a separate goddess, Ninegal instead seems to operate rather closely to Nungal, the goddess of prisons, whose page I took care of in february.  
Shul-utula - another god I do not really have much interest in whose page I only fixed because I’m tired of Michael Jordan, ''Encyclopedia of Gods,'' Kyle Cathie Limited, 2002.
Laguda - while it is not incorrect to say that for the most part there was no such a thing as a major Mesopotamian sea god, and that the sea was more of a religious concern among the Hurrians or in Ugarit, Laguda is one of the three most notable exceptions from this rule (you can stretch it a bit by adding gods associated with fishing but that’s a matter for another day), the other two being Sirsir and Lugal’abba. He was seemingly the god of the Persian Gulf. Page created from scratch to make sure nobody can revert my removal of Laguda from among Kassite deities.
Sirsir - the god of sailors, possibly depicted as a slightly morbid looking boat-snake-human hybrid. I had to link his article in Laguda’s and as a result learned that the only source it uses is an atrocious hoax, Simon Necronomicon, so I had no choice but to fix it. Fifteen years had passed without anyone doing something about this! FIFTEEN!
Annunitum -  I called Nanaya the bootleg Inanna par excellence but you know what, I think “epithet of Ishtar from Sargonic royal inscriptions turned separate deity” might actually be a better candidate for this title. Article created from scratch.
Tashmishu - brother of Teshub (the Hurrian king of gods) and Shaushka (Shaushka). Addresses own brother as “my lord” which is kind of funny. He is also his sukkal, at least in myths, though he has to compete for that spot with the god Tenu. There’s a mildly gruesome brief description of mutilation in the myth section so careful out there if that might bug you. Article created from scratch. 
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hsavinien · 4 years
Tiny wtf fandom things:
Where on god's green earth are the "Nicky is blond" writers coming from? Did we watch a different movie? 'Cause he's brown haired in the one I saw and all the comic panels I've seen range from brown to ginger with zero stops at "golden curls" and "blond locks" in between.
Is this the "m/m ship requires 1 blond and 1 brunet" slash nonsense? Is it "at some point I'm going to resort to epithets because I get uncomfortable using pronouns that much"?
Anyway, it squicks me out for some reason and pretty much guarantees I stop reading the moment I hit it.
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
LFRP: Sun’ra Zhawn
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B A S I C S .
FULL NAME: Śūn'ra Yatā PRONUNCIATION: SHoon-ra Ya-ta ALIAS: Sun’ra Zhawn NICKNAME(S): Blu, Sun, various epithets from various people AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY: Meracydian LANGUAGE(S): Common, Huntspeak, some sign language  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Maril Hawker, but still a ho HOME TOWN/AREA: An island off the coast of the main Meracydian continent CURRENT HOME:  N/A, wanders and has several hideouts throughout Eorzea PROFESSION: Bandit, Street Pharmacist, Chef, Back Alley Surgeon
P H Y S I C A L .
HAIR: Cotton candy blue and pink, thick, coarse, and with the slightest of waves EYES: Bright, intense, and vivid violet in color. Almond shaped and often with constricted pupils FACE: Sharp, symmetrical, and expressive with a round, wide nose LIPS: Full, soft, and usually smirking COMPLEXION: Deep russet brown BLEMISHES: N/A SCARS: Rare, faded, but heavy around the hands and knuckles. There are none of any particular note or story. TATTOOS: Clan markings on his face HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 162 BUILD: Muscular, athletic, compact, and broad shouldered. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clan markings, hair color, intense stare, facial and ear piercings ALLERGIES: N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE: Cut short or chin length at most, no particular style, left to do what it wills. USUAL FACE LOOK: Prone to sharp toothed grins, teasing or taunting glances, and focused, unblinking stares. USUAL CLOTHING: Fitted leather and cloth, or loose linen pieces in either black or bright and vibrant colors. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black choker, fingerless gloves, gold bracelets, and gold sunglasses(if during the day)
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P S Y C H O L O G Y .
FEAR(S): Dying ASPIRATION(S): Longevity in banditry, general hedonism, and to grow and synthesize the most potent drugs with the cleanest highs. POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Truthful, Diligent, Loyal, Creative, Patient, Astute NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unabashedly Evil, Excessively Violent, Cunningly Manipulative, Largely Unpredictable  MBTI: ENFJ-A  ZODIAC: Sagittarius TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric  SOUL TYPE(S): The Warrior & The Sage ANIMAL(S): The Wolf & The Crocodile VICE HABIT(S): Murder, Fogweed, Sensation Seeking FAITH: Agnostic GHOSTS?: Unsure AFTERLIFE?: Unsure REINCARNATION?: Unsure ALIENS?: Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Vaguely anarchist leaning, but otherwise unconcerned. EDUCATION LEVEL:  Homeschooled and private tutelage while young, various forms of apprenticeship after leaving home, and continues to study and practice his trade and interests as an adult.
F A M I L Y .
FATHER: Zai���zi Routak; Alive MOTHERS: Śūn Yatā; Alive SIBLINGS: 14 sisters and 4 brothers EXTENDED FAMILY: Various aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. PETS: A nutkin named Chip, a mameshiba named Bombo, and a war panther named Jean-Baptiste Sevigny. NAME MEANING(S): Fifth son of Śūn Yatā   HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A.
F A V O R I T E S .
BOOK: The medical journals pertaining to anatomy and physiology from Maril’s library.  DEITY: Sophia HOLIDAY: Valentione's Day  MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE:  Mor Dhona WEATHER: Sunshower SOUND(S): The cacophony of active voices in a crowded room, the rhythmic breaking of waves against the shore, and the sharp, surprised, intake of breath by a person once stabbed. SCENT(S): Petrichor, blood, medicinal herbs, and burning wood. TASTE(S): Sharp, hot, and spicy peppers, bitter and sour tastes like lemons, and the savory and rich flavor of spiced cinnamon. FEEL(S): Textures that are sticky or tacky like blood, or gritty like sand, or rough like calloused hands. ANIMAL(S): Coeurls, Nutkins, Dogs NUMBER(S): 16 COLOR(S): Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow
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E X T R A .
TALENT(S): Cooking, mathematics, sleight of hand, hand-eye coordination BAD AT:  Drawing, hiding emotions, magic TURN ONS: Competence, violence, passion, assertiveness, risk-taking, vulnerability TURN OFFS: Spinelessness, arrogance, dishonesty HOBBIES: Botany, singing and songwriting, playing guitar, stalking people, exploring ruins TROPES:  It Amused Me, Sadist, Pragmatic Villainy, No-Nonsense Nemesis, Because I’m Good At It, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Even Evil Can Be Loved, Even Evil Has Loved Ones QUOTE(S): N/A
T R A I T S .
extroverted / in between / introverted disorganized / in between / organized close minded / in between / open-minded  calm / in between / anxious disagreeable / in between / agreeable cautious / in between / reckless patient / in between / impatient outspoken / in between / reserved leader / in between / follower empathetic / in between / apathetic optimistic / in between / pessimistic traditional / in between / modern hard-working / in between / lazy cultured / in between / uncultured  loyal / in between/ disloyal faithful / in between/ unfaithful
P O S S I B L E   H O O K S .
Drug Dealer: Śūn’ra is a drug dealer, and a fairly good one at that. He has his own distinct wares to offer, but will also make the effort to procure whatever a client desires beyond his normal fare. This is however, with the exception of Somnus as he refuses to deal with that particular substance in any capacity. Still, if one is looking for a quick fix, or a reliable long term supplier, he is always happy to provide.
Banditry: What Śūn’ra considers as his main “job”, is the thing he’s been doing the longest, and what he finds himself to be really good at. He has been known to take advantage of the Ala Mhigan refugees outside of Ul’dah, the Doman refugees who once made their temporary home around Mor Dhona, the various downtrodden in Gyr Abania, and generally any random, lightly armored person or persons on a dark road in and around the various housing districts. If you want to be a victim, a hero, a like-minded individual, or simply heard curious, ominous rumors of people being robbed and/or murdered in the dark, feel free to explore the possibility.
Hired Hand: As he’s generally always on the search for or considering the potential of the next thrill, Śūn’ra tends to keep his ear to the underground when it comes to offerings of various “unsavory” jobs. Whether you need an assassin, a torturer, a kidnapper, or someone to shake down those indebted to you, he’s generally up for the task. Additionally, while the Keeper himself has no grandiose plans for mass destruction, conquest, or the like, he’s more than happy to help those who do - for a price, and for as long as going along with his employer’s ambitions is more thrilling than the escapades of those attempting to put a stop to them... 
Dungeon-Diving: Śūn’ra has found that he rather enjoys heading into various dungeons and ruins in search of relics to either keep for himself or to sell for overinflated prices. The threat of monsters, voidsent, and other ne'er-do-wells amuses and excites him. It is possible to run into him alone, scoping out a location for possible treasures, or to convince him to join your own expedition.
General Evil-doing: In simplest terms, Śūn’ra finds evil things to just generally be more fun than good things. He’d like to meet others of a similar mindset, and isn’t shy about tracking such individuals down if he catches wind of them.
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L O O K I N G   F O R .
I am looking for both short and long term RP with villainous contacts, friends, and business collaborators for various dubious plotlines, one shots, and experimental campaigns. Ideally something long term, with characters willing to get their hands dirty and not prone to passivity. 
Rivals, enemies, and people to thwart and be thwarted by. It’s not fun if he always wins or gets his way. People who are able to stand up to him and hold their own are wanted too. Doesn’t have to be long running as I am open to heroic one shots as well.
Pretty much anything. There’s a wide world of RP out there to be had, and various types of plotlines. I’m always open to hear things out, and even if I’m not super into something, we can shape it into something that works well for the both of us. Śūn'ra as a character has a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and not everything has to be about violence or mayhem(though that is the main focus), so please, if you have an idea, let me know!
C O N T A C T .
Here! On Tumblr!
In game via: Sun’ra Zhawn@balmung
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Packless Monsters
TITLE: Packless Monsters CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 78/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a werewolf who ends up in the company of Loki in the Avenger’s tower after saving Pepper’s life RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS:   Also on AO3 click here
The door to Loki’s, now your, suite closed behind you after your escorts set you and Loki back on your feet.  Loki locked the door and reinforced the shielding on the suite, guaranteeing your privacy.  You couldn’t help your nerves once you were alone.  Sure, you’d had sex with Loki plenty of times before now, but this felt… different.  It felt like there were more expectations on this night than any of the others, because Loki was your husband now. 
Loki turned to you when the door was safely locked and you saw the love and adoration in his eyes.  As well as the unbridled lust.  You knew he had been waiting for this not only the entire day, but for the months you’d been planning.
That didn’t make you any less nervous.  You had to make this night perfect for him.  It was his wedding night after all.  It was so much more important than any other night of sex.
Which meant you had to perform well. 
Loki closed the distance between you and wrapped his arms around you.  He pressed a kiss to your hair between your wolf ears.  They must’ve popped out in your nerves without you realizing.  That wasn’t a good sign.  “Easy, little wolf.  You know I won’t hurt you,” Loki soothed.  You heard the worry in his voice.  He didn’t know why you were so nervous. 
He didn’t want you to be nervous.  
“I know,” you replied softly and focused so you could vanish the wolf ears.  “But…” you hesitated, unsure how to explain.
“But-?” He prompted gently as his hand caressed your back soothingly.  You could feel the desire radiating off of him, could feel his alpha power and presence, could feel his wolf calling to yours.  He would keep his need leashed until he was sure you were ok to continue.  
No matter how many times you’d had sex before, no matter how many times you would have sex in the future, consent was always sexy. 
“But this night is so important to you and I want to make sure it’s perfect,” you admitted softly.  You knew part of your problem was your upbringing.  Your mother had given you some rather harsh expectations for your wedding night.  She’d filled your head with nonsense about it only being for your husband’s pleasure for years before you’d left home. She’d insisted you had to please your husband that night, had to prove your prowess in bed or he’d leave you and you’d lose all the status you’d earned.  She meant the status you earned her, of course, back when she was trying to force you to marry Jareth.  
Loki’s fingers moved under your chin and gently lifted your face so you were looking up at him.  “This night is absolutely perfect, little wolf.  Even if all that happens is that I get to rest with your heartbeat next to mine, I will consider myself the luckiest man in all the nine realms,” he reassured you gently.  “I will never force you to my bed, being married does not change that,” he seemed to understand where your sudden worry had come from and had put it into the words that you couldn’t form.  The expectation your mother had set was that you were to be at your husband’s beck and call for sex whenever he wanted.  It was a horrid thing to fill a young girl’s head with.  
You knew better.  
You knew Loki better.
But until you’d heard it from him directly, you’d still had words echoing through your head.
Relief filled you at his words, and you stood up on your toes so you could kiss him. Loki’s arms wrapped around you, holding you flush to him as he returned your kiss.  His lips were cold as ever, his kisses gentle at first, but quickly got more demanding.  He broke the kiss after a minute and looked down at you, his eyes mostly amber, his hands at the zipper to your lovely white wedding dress.  He was pulling back to pause, to ask the question:  “Are you sure?” His voice was husky with desire, but you knew then for absolute certain that he loved you enough to stop if that was what you wanted or needed.  
He wouldn’t force you.
In answer, you kissed him again more urgently and you let the wolf rise enough to give you confidence.  You walked backwards to his bed, leading him with kisses as you helped each other out of your clothes.  Loki had way too much knowledge of how your gown was fastened as you were out of it in moments, the silky material slid over your already sensitive skin, pooling on the floor as Loki helped you step out of it. 
There was a trail of clothes by the time you reached the bed, Loki’s cold hands trailed over your skin, causing you to purr with pleasure into the kisses as your fingers ran through his hair, tugging on the silky soft locks and making him gasp.  
He pushed you backwards onto the bed.
You expected him to take you fast and hard with how needy he was, with how this was his wedding night.  You could feel him hard against you as he kissed his way down your neck.  Instead, he was torturously slow.  He trailed kisses over every inch of your skin that he could reach, holding you still under him, not to hurt, just to have his way with you.  His mouth and glorious silver tongue paid attention and worshiped every inch of your skin while you moaned and made such lovely noises beneath him.  
You writhed, desperate for more before he’d even made it halfway down your body.  Your nails raked his back in your impatience.  “Patience, little wolf,” he purred around your nipple as he nipped the sensitive bud between his teeth.  Your back arched and you moaned louder.
“Loki, please,” you whimpered.  His hand roamed down your body to cup your core, to rub and tease and draw you closer to the edge of pleasure.  
Where he held you while he teased and tasted you.
He earned his epithet ‘silvertongued’ over and over that night. 
He shifted to kneel between your legs and shifted your hips so he could run his tongue across your clit.  “Mine,” he growled softly, the wolf claiming.  His teeth and tongue worked you expertly, and had you crying out for him as he finally threw you over the edge of pleasure. 
“Yours, my husband, my alpha,” you purred in reply, dazed with pleasure already and knowing more was coming.  
He lost the last of his control, then, and shifted position again, lining himself up.  He eased inside, though it took effort, his fingers gripped the sheets hard as he forced himself to go slow.  He didn’t want to hurt you, even though you were more than ready for him, even at his size.  He was so hard and you felt yourself stretch to accommodate him.  You moaned and grabbed his hair, pulling him down into a hard kiss.  He swallowed your moans and held you to him as he began to thrust inside you.  Your bodies moved together as you both sought your pleasure. 
You cried out into the kiss as he came within you, sparking your own orgasm.
You broke the kiss, panting and looked up into Loki’s eyes.  You expected that since he had found his release, he would be sated for the evening.  Loki’s eyes were green again, but held a glint of mischief.  “No, darling.  This was only the first of many, many rounds for this evening,” Loki purred before he leaned in to kiss you again and began a night of so much pleasure that you lost track of how many times you both came before you fell asleep in a tangle of limbs, too exhausted and sated to move.
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oldhusbandstales · 4 years
I lived in the Metro-Detroit area for about 2½ decades before moving to rural Michigan.
Immediately I noticed things are behind the times here (besides the obvious out-of-date fashion and homely men, that is)
~The suicide rate here is very high
~gun-ownership rate among here is very high . I've been shot at 2 times in my own backyard. This is from ignorant gun owners who are playing around with guns in their own yard. Possibly skeet shooting or target practicing. Not caring a bullet travels far. I've never even seen a gun IRL when I was back in the Metropolitan area. And I never heard gunshots there eather. I hear gunshots at least once per week here in the sticks. I'm scared to walk out in my own backyard.
~The drug use rate is extremely high
~POC are in much danger here. The 'n' word is used frequently and I hear jokes about lynching and to'send them back to to where they came from' (all coming from the whites)
~Domestic abuse (child abuse, spousal abuse) is common
~Surprisingly, there is so much incest here. I thought this was just a stereotype, but I've heard case after case of it (this is father-to-daughter relationships. I haven't heard of any mother-to-son cases yet)
~Women are slut-shamed and body-shamed more here. They are also assumed to not be working outside the home, if they're in a co-habitational relationship.
~People of the LGBTQIA+ community are also in danger here. People are very backwards about sex and gender. I've also heard many demeaning things about people of this community (esp. if it's men who don't subscribe to the 'traditional' hetero cis-male stereotype). I've heard life threats from those who oppose people of the community.
~Nonchristians are demeaned too. SO are pro-choicers. Obama supporters. Demeaned to the point of fear. I would know. I'm a pro-choice, ultra-liberal, socialist atheist. Constantly proselytized to in public, laughing at my answers of 'I don't know' to questions of how life began and what happens when we die.
~Negative epithets are used for those who descend of nonwhite or non-U.S.A. heritage. Also epithets used for those of the LGBTQIA+ community.
~Addiction is rampant here. Especially now with internet access. People here are truly addicted to their screens. Gaming and online gambling. Another big addiction is meth and pain medicines.
~Let me say . . . the men here are very lazy when it comes to household chores. It's still presumed that women will be the main contributers to the care of the children and the daily routine chores of the house. And at gatherings, hardly any of the men contribute to getting the meal out on the table (and the women are condemned for not joining in the kitchen work and table-setting. This is true also when it comes to clean-up after the party. The men sit around talking like they did when the women were in the kitchen getting the meal made while the women are washing the dishes and wiping down the tables and making sure all the Tupperware gets to the right owner.)
~People here are just plain mentally and physically lazy. The obesity rate is through the roof. And people seem to have no ambition to utilize the resources around them to make themselves better. I started a FB page dedicated to the Home-Based businesses in my area and only ONE person regularly posts on there. I share posts that other business owners post on their business page and they thank me for it, but they don't use the page I started to promote their business. I even have people who will message me with links to their page or other's pages so I can share them on the page I run!!! I repeatedly tell them to share the posts directly ON the page themselves. I don't have time to run my own business AND theirs!!! This doesn't help any . . . no matter how many times I tell them.
Today I decided to quit running the page. It'll stay up for the ONE person who shares their business on the page.
And people decide to close their indie stores at 5 P.M. even though most people are still at work! They'd rather be open 9 -5 with little traffic than open later and stay later to catch those after-work consumers. And they don't open on Sunday! And they close early (most close around 1 P.M.) on Saturday!
~ For those with mental health issues, this place is the pits for treatment. The poverty level here is great, the public transport is nonexistent in the rural area and even most 'cities'. This means that few people have the resources to receive the so-needed treatment. Not having a way to get to the health center is the biggest barrier to receiving treatment here.
Medical resources are limited too. The hospitals don't have the finances or population to justify alot of the modern technology.
~ Non-patriotic people need to keep their mouth shut otherwise . . . . .
~ This place actually has one of those 'Nosy People of [enter backwards city here]' pages. And the word 'nosy' is misspelled on the title page! Get this: That page has 70X more members (this means that most participants aren't even from the area, considering the population is <3,000). For those of you who don't know, these 'Nosy' pages are pages that encourage nonsense-starting. The only thing prohibited is threats of violence (and only because it's against FB TOU and the page will get shut down if this isn't expressly stated).
I'm not a member of this page or any other 'Nosy' page. But from what I've heard from others who are members, the people on the page start rumors, use derogatory epithets for those non-conforming to traditional white christian hierarchy. And the mods won't ban anyone unless they specifically threaten violence on another member OR if a member complains about truthiness of a claim or verbiage used in a post or comment (the member who complains is banned, not the one who used the racial slur or started the lie).
In other words, more people are ready to talk smack about people than help each other. I've talked to many people who admit they are members of this 'Nosy' page and every single one claims they don't join in on the drama. They claim they're only there to keep up with local news [UGH
Now I'm from the Metropolitan area. I moved around through various places there. I've tried looking up 'Nosy' pages in every city I lived in or heard of in the Metro area. I haven't found a single one.
Most of the 'cities' in this rural area (the term 'city' is used loosely) have a 'Nosy' page. These pages aren't run by city officials. They're run by the a few of the citizens.
~ My first sexual assault happened here. And it was by someone who, at one time, decades ago, was elected mayor! And this skank told me he did it because he thought that's what I wanted! And when I complained to other men about the assault, the just laughed and said "hee hee. That DOES sound like something old Willard would do. hee hee" !!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S the reaction a woman gets here when she tells someone that she's been assaulted ?!
Again, a couple decades of the Metro area and never assaulted, raped, carjacked, mugged, robbed, or murdered (not even once). Yet now I'm having to walk around with pepper spray in my own driveway (yep, that's where the assault happened . . . in my own driveway. )
~ And don't get me started about how people don't fix their cats here. The dogs run wild (got many of my chickens killed by someone's dog they just let out their unfenced-in yard), and my neighbour's dog almost attacked ME while I was coming back to the house after retrieving the mail. The other neighbour's dog had me pinned in my ditch once.
~ Rabies is an issue here too. Not many people get their animals the rabies shot. And their's more exposure to wild animals that might have rabies (bats, raccoons, coyotes, etc.)
I constantly hear from people here how dangerous it is the the Detroit area.
For the above reasons ~and more, but my rant went on long enough~ I would greatly disagree. And I'm so irked by constantly hearing how safe it is here compared to the urban areas that, had I had the money to do so, I'd move BACK to Eastpointe or other Metro area just to picket with my pocketbook.
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arcticdementor · 6 years
There are a lot of words we're not supposed to say in 2018 America. There's the F-word and the C-word and the N-word. And now there's another one we're not supposed to say: the M-word.
Oh, you didn't know about the M-word? I'm not going to say it because it's offensive, but it rhymes with "knob." It's an epithet those dirty right-wingers use for anybody who dares to oppose their evil agenda, just because the good guys might happen to commit an act of violence now and then.
Well, if the smartest woman on cable news doesn't think these people are an angry [M-word], and the funniest man in the history of television doesn't think these people are an angry [M-word], then how can these people be an angry [M-word]?
Those are the actual doors to the Supreme Court, and that is definitely not an angry [M-word]. If it looks like these people are pounding and clawing at those iconic doors while furiously screaming and chanting nonsense, you've just been swallowing too many Republican talking points.
And those dumb Republicans keep pouncing and seizing on Democrats, just for exercising their free speech by using violence.
This is all very, very normal and not newsworthy at all. These people are not a [M-word].
I'd like everybody to stop telling the truth about these brave Americans and their violently patriotic behavior. It hurts my feelings. Words are violence. You stupid, disgusting right-wingers are nothing but a mob.
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sundialhunter-a · 5 years
{Thoughts on Parapet?}
They are getting closer to the star, the bright haven that they called home.
As they weave between buildings, they hear another question from the ones in grey. The soul is no longer quiet. They push up another memory, as if anxious to get it over with already.
Percival King.
Sundial frowns. They held no ill will or hatred for the protective one, or even so much as an inkling of dislike or disdain. They were noble, just, a true monument built by human hands to protect those precious to them. They were of the urge to shelter, to cover, to make safe haven. It was an important duty and one that deserved respect.
They look up at skyline towards Bliss Ocean and recall their hymn.
Parapet, Parapet, you are strongParapet, Parapet, right the wrongsParapet, Parapet, you are a wallProtect those who wish to fall
The soul flickers. They weren’t expecting that.
Sundial couldn’t quite fathom what urged them to make such a poem, but it had a rhythm to it. Almost like a march. A pattern, a beat to follow and serve.
Every wall had its flaws, though, no matter how perfect they seemed. So focused on their duty that they do not know anything else. And in that way, they were similar.
Yes. They also had a duty. They keep the time, count the hours, maintain the balance.
…The vessels met on a clock tower, in fact, in those redwoods. A building and a keeper of time. Isn’t that strange?
The soul sinks back in response. They do not feel like remembering any longer.
That was fine. They were almost there, and it’s time here was almost at an end. Soon. Very soon.
M!A: 8/10
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sundialhunter-a · 5 years
{You know, Ramsey's Epithet was removed, too. You feel like chasing him down on a "level playing field," to use your own words?}
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“Eheh–” COUGH. “Knew that already. Ya think ah’ don’t keep tabs on–” COUGH.
Her throat feels so parched. An hour has passed. Two hours? When did she sit down?
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Her stomach feels like it was on fire, and yet–the cold feeling doesn’t pass. The world doesn’t stop SPINNING, and god, she feels like she hasn’t had a drink of water in years.
I am a sundial, and I make a botchOf what is done far better by a watchCount the sunny hours, one two and threeDo not kill time, for it will surely kill thee.
M!A: 3/5
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sundialhunter-a · 4 years
you doing alright zora??
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“Ah’…” She’s alive. Oh, WOW does she feel ALIVE. Not in a sense that she’s ready to kick some ass, more like…in a thriving, get-up and GO GO GO kinda way. Lil’ different. It at LEAST negated the awful spinning sensation and the…other feelings she got from getting shot in the head with her memories.
Feels…colder, though, than what she’s used to. Like, a metallic cold, like the handle of a gun–
She looks down at her hands. Ah. Well…yeah, them BEING gold at the moment sure does explain the coldness a bit.
“Ah’m fuckin’ nawt okay, that’s fer damn sure…”
You shouldn’t touch things with your hands, this happened last time too! :0
She can’t handle her guns if she–no, no, she doesn’t WANT them to be turned to gold–
And as Zora thinks that, the golden sheen on her fingertips recede JUST a little bit.
Did you make your guns all by yourself? Why two though?? Is it because you’re a cowboy??? Why are you dressed like a cowboy–
“Oh mah god STOP–stop–stop talkin’–” She says, gripping her hair. It. It feels. Weird. Oh no.
She brings some of it to her face. The strands of the lower part of her long mane were instead golden threads.
Prettyyyyy!!! :D
“What the FUCK–”
M!A: 1/10
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sundialhunter-a · 4 years
Is Goldbricker talkin to you? Damn, didn't know Epithets could talk.
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“It ain’t as simple as them TALKIN’, but it’s probably somethin’ t’ do with me bein’ Nova…”
Talking is fun!!!!
“..or maybe Goldbricker’s just a fuckin’ chatterbox…”
M!A: 3/10
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sundialhunter-a · 4 years
{ Generator for Zora for 10 asks!
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"Aw, SHIT, nawt dis ag--"
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Can make people forget...wait, what were we talking about? Also affects the user.
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". . ."
"...Wh. What th' fuck just..." oh god this feels so we....weird....what felt weird? What was her Epithet again?
M!A: 0/10
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sundialhunter-a · 5 years
Zora was busy fiddling around with her sundials. They glow and click idly as she’s leaning against the boulder she’s coiled around.
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Weird. This one kinda just…vanished. Wonder where it went?
As that happened, though–
M!A: 15/15. M!A Over!
Zora gives a loud yell as she promptly falls off the boulder, now very much fully human. She grumbles as she gets up again, looking down to inspect her legs. Shakes them a little. Everything seems to be working fine.
“Welp! Guess that’s that.” She muses, reaching down to grab a little bottle of venom she manged to fill before the whole thing was over. She grins at it, and notices something in the warped reflection. Huh. She didn’t remember her canines being that sharp.
…Eh! Probably nothing.
With a little whistle in the air, Zora puts the bottle away and goes about her day.
The click of a dial echos in the woods. Things…seem to almost glitch a little, as the perspective changes. It’s the same woods, same scene, with Zora busy fiddling around with her sundials. They glow and click idly as she’s leaning against the boulder she’s coiled around.
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Weird. This one kinda just…appeared, without her prompt. Wonder where it came from?
As she stares at this seemingly rouge sundial, she tilts her head at for a few seconds, flicking her tongue in thought. “Ah’ wonder…”
Click click click click….
M!A: 14/15
Click click click click…
M!A: 0/15
“Oh!” Huh! That worked! Ain’t that something!
Zora gives a fanged smile. Maybe she’ll stay like this for a little longer…
{Sun Kissed Coils: Lamia AU}
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sundialhunter-a · 5 years
W. Would. Would Sundial like a very fluffy tabby kit to hold for the time being? Because the offer's here. Along with chocolate!! (@horizon--bounty, cowgirls look out for one another!!!!!!!)
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A hand sticks out of the tree to veeeery carefully take the small kit and chocolate.
In the QUIETEST of whispers, she says, “…th…thanks…”
And with that, she just. Holds the small tabby and sort of curls into herself with it. It’s safe up here, in the pines. It’s quiet up here, in the pines. Most don’t think to ever look up, in the pines.
Aurora’s shoulders sag, but only slightly.
M!A: 3/10
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