dailybloopy · 7 months
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smiledog15578 · 7 months
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Im still delusional to ship cause that's my mental illness aside from everything else wrong with me
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tribblesoup · 6 months
Kira Nerys
Special thanks to Ex-Astrist-Scientia, for preserving these publicity photos; TrekCore's gallery is down.
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99bowl · 6 months
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I love the overkill thing in combat
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Bathing women  -  Heiberg, Astri Welhaven , 1915.
Norwegian, 1881-1967
oil on canvas, 115 x 112 cm.
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yakourinka · 7 months
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hey, that's nice. do yostar kr next
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andrea-non-sa-tornare · 11 months
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anglerflsh · 2 years
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haunted doll that transforms all your friends in puppets and calls you his best friend vs haunted doll that eats all your planets and tells you it's the law
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shuttershocky · 7 months
Rumor says Hypergryph's working on an otome game with Skade as art director called Sphere of Souls.
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Omg I ADORE this promo of the Military Intelligence Agency! The owl is so cute-scary😍
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cerastes · 7 months
So how is ex astris so far?
I'm still in the early game, so keep that in mind:
Fun so far! The combat system is nice and fun: You have limited AP for actions per turn, but attacks, called Skills, and characters tend to have a way to generate more AP so your other units can follow up, so for example, some attacks have the Starter property, which makes them generate AP if used as the first attack in a turn, other attacks have Downed Strike as a property, which makes them generate AP if they land on an enemy that has been Downed, and this is accomplished by attacks with the Downed property, or if you swat a Floating enemy out of the air (with an appropriate attack). There's also some attacks that are Low and High, meaning they hit ground(ed) enemies only or enemies that are either flying or have been knocked midair by a Lifting attack. You make movesets to accomplish all of these combo strings so that they land and make as much AP as possible in one turn.
Defending is very Paper Mario style: You have to time your button press with the enemy's attack in order to avoid taking damage. Yan, one of the main characters, avoids attacks as her Defense with Shadowshift; successful evasion gives you meter for your big super move. Vi, the other main character, parries instead; successful parries don't build meter, but they deal Balance Damage to enemies instead, because Vi is a big Sekiro fan. Evasion is red coded, Parries are blue coded, and some enemies have special moves that flash red or blue before coming out: You MUST match them to their respective defense in order to Defend against them, so you need to switch Defending character on the fly as well, it's fun and dynamic.
Balance is basically the enemy's posture. If you break the enemy's Balance by emptying their Balance Health, you go into Kill This Fool mode (may or may not be the official name) in which you can, for a limited amount of time, spam your attacks nonstop regardless of AP or turn order, dealing massive damage. Your super move is simple: You simply use the meter and do your super, and they have different effects depending on character. Meter is shared.
It's a straightforward and fun system, and as a big fan of Paper Mario and Sekiro, I like the mixture of both, basically having to time your Defense (and the enemy WILL fuck with your timing by using weird delays or multihits!) and empty the enemy's Balance to absolutely beat the crap out of them.
I can't speak much of the narrative just yet since I'm early, but I do feel the constraints of the mobile game: Some cutscenes really could've been better, but I feel like they tried to skim them so they could fit everything in. Maybe it gets better later when we hit the narrative highs. They've not been bad, though, just, I feel they could be better and tell more more about the characters through their body language and some extra dialogue per scene, truly capitalize on the fact that they are making a fully animated game.
But yeah! Been fun so far!
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thepixelatedcactus · 4 months
OC animation of Astry jumping into Donovan's backpack.
This took a week to animate.
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astramore · 7 months
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why are you reblogging a “i will defend lando with my life” post from me yet there isn’t a SINGLE pro lando post on your blog???????
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civilight-eterna · 7 months
dodecatheon meadia
Fandom: Ex Astris, slight crossover into Arknights territory
Pairings: Vi/Yan focus, background/parallel souls chenmiya
Rating: M for off-screen sexual content
A/N: under the cut to avoid spoilers since this game is fairly new. Following above link will lead to a slightly spoilery summary.
This was a bit of an anomaly as far as things I write in a lot of ways, but I feel like these girls-even as much as I wished they'd been a little more fleshed-out in-game-taught me a lot about how I write and how I respond to what a character wants to do. I can't even count the number of times a section was rewritten because the dialogue felt too easy to be natural to Yan! Ugh. Anyway, I felt really confused by the way the ending happened in the game and felt like…the human arm would've been the way to go to get Vi back. And then the fact that no matter what arm you choose you get the same letter post-credits? I'm not knocking it. But I guess I did kinda rewrite the whole ending and middle a bit to get to where I wanted because the way that Yan just. Does whatever will help Vi and slowly comes out of her shell while doing so just tickled me. Vi is so sweet and they both deserved so much better. I think the game was so stylish and beautiful-I wanted to know more and more about it and I hope we get more. But I also hope that if you came away from the ending feeling kinda like "what happened what was that exactly"…that I got you with this story. ;)
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yuki-kazami · 7 months
I'm not gonna look in the actual tag for it because I'm starting to get invested, but Ex Astris is really grabbing my attention thus far. Even though I don't have access to most of the pieces yet, the depth of the combat system is already apparent, and I love the art direction and environments. Holding my judgement on plot until I get further bc there isn't much positive or negative going on yet, but I LOVE the in universe Metroid Prime-esque logbook entries on various important places/your items/the bestiary.
There are zero indications that there will be any kind of surprise "gotcha" regarding the monetization, there isn't even a place in the menus for something like a shop.
HyperGryph is giving me some very strong first impressions with their first non-gacha game! Not setting it in the Arknights universe is also a bold decision I respect, they have confidence that this will be interesting on it's own merit.
If any of my mutuals see this, I definitely recommend checking it out!
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