#(I imagined Reishi was coming right around the corner so his quirk got the boi and is doing him a startle)
sunlitxshifter · 2 years
@rcbcllixvs​ because fellow homeless teens
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Yukio had been wandering through multiple alleys throughout the day, shifting through garbage bins and occasionally sneaking into ‘Lost and Found’ boxes throughout the city scavenging for anything useful. So far the teen had managed to survive four years on the street without being caught, and he intended to keep it that way.
The shifter had just been about to hop into a nearby dumpster when suddenly his body felt strange, as if he no longer had control of it, his fur receding and body growing and expanding until-
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“!!!!” He was suddenly back in his humanoid form, complete shock overtaking his features. He still had plenty of time before he was at his limit, so why did he..?
Even without being able to shift, Yukio still had unnaturally keen senses that couldn’t be shut off, which is how he’s able to both hear and smell that someone was right around the corner of the alley. Someone who was entirely too close for comfort-
“Who’s there?!” He snarls, posture poised in preparation for a potential fight.
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