#Villain!Yukio speaks
Post #56: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine issues 4-6
Yukio catches up to the duo right as Kitty stabs him, and she knocks out and ties up Kitty and takes her and the comatose Logan with her and Carmen. Carmen is very confused and demands answers, but Yukio threatens to kill him if he doesn't help her save them all from Ogun and the Yakuza. Kitty wakes up and escapes, but Yukio beats her up and, through her monologue, reveals to the reader that Kitty isn't just brainwashed, she's possessed by Ogūn himself. They finally reach Mariko's country house, although she isn't there, just as Logan recovers. The next morning, Kitty wakes up feeling like herself again, and apologizes profusely to Logan, who says it wasn't her fault and tells the legend of Ogūn, how he's an immortal and the greatest swordsman in Japanese history. He then takes Kitty outside and begins the process of removing Ogūn's influence from her subconscious over the course of several days. The process involves a lot of Karate Kid style activities and chores, most importantly having Kitty hold out the Yashida sword for hours, trying not to drop her arms. Logan knows how this works because once upon a time, Ogūn tried to possess him the same way. He gets a call from Xavier, who tells him that Ororo lost her powers and that he got a call from Alpha Flight, who said that James MacDonald is dead. Logan is torn apart by the loss of his oldest friend and the crippling of one of his closest ones, but it just makes him all the more determined to save Kitty. He tells her she needs to decide for herself whether she'll survive this crucible. She finally decides to stop trying and just hold the sword, and succeeds through the whole night. Despite passing the test, she's tempted to run back to Xavier, but decides that this time, she won't run from her problems, and sets off to confront Ogūn.
First, though, she goes to Shigematsu and tells him that if he doesn't give Carmen back his money and leave him alone, she'll return and kill him. Most of Claremont's crime bosses are tough and impossible to intimidate, and Shigematsu is a fun change of pace by being a complete pushover any time anyone threatens him. As she rides the subway to confront Ogūn and take her revenge or die trying, she finally chooses a codename, Shadowcat. Elsewhere in the city, we finally see Mariko in this series, hanging out at her city apartment with Akiko, the girl who was saved by Logan in the dragon attack. He promised her mother he'd find her a good home, and we learn now that that home is with Mariko. They're both being stalked by a mysterious shadowy figure. Out at the country house, Logan has discovered Kitty's disappearance and knows she must have gone after Ogūn, so he Yukio and Carmen get the first flight back to Tokyo. On the plane, Carmen tells Logan how he started laundering in an attempt to find money to help the people of Deerfield in a recession. But Logan says that his original intentions became irrelevant when, faced with the possibility of being caught, he allied himself with the Yakuza. Kitty believed he was a victim, and he let her down by being a villain himself, albeit a much less malicious one than she's used to. Speaking of Kitty, it's revealed that she was the one sneaking around in Mariko's apartment, guessing that Ogūn would come here to try to draw Logan out. She fights him off long enough for Mariko and Akika to flee, but Ogūn hits her with a drug that disrupts her phasing. She's no match for his skill, but before he strikes the killing blow, he offers to bring her back under his influence. To his shock, she's able to resist him, and he's left with no choice but to kill her- until he's interrupted by Logan.
Even Logan is no match for his old master, so he runs away to draw Ogūn away from Kitty. She regains her powers and chases after them, stopping to help Yukio and Carmen when Shigematsu's bodyguard attacks them outside the building. Carmen is shocked to see Kitty in superhero/ninja action, but that conversation will have to wait. Kitty catches up to the fight, but even together she and Logan are no match for Ogūn. Logan knows that, so he gives himself over to his berserker rage and lets loose on Ogūn, beating and wounding him. He has one more test for Kitty- he offers her the chance to execute Ogūn. She refuses, proving once and for all that she's free of Ogūn's corruption. When Ogūn makes one last attack, Logan kills him by stabbing through Kitty. He mourns the man who was once like a father to him, and hates himself for unleashing the beast inside himself. But Kitty, who now has some experience with inner demons, tells him that he used the berserker rage for good but stopped short of killing him in cold blood. Until now, Kitty has always been a little scared of Logan, seeing him as similar to Ogūn. But now that she can finally see his perspective, she knows that the darkness inside him doesn't make him a monster. If anything, it makes him more of a hero for controlling it and using it for good, unlike Ogūn, who embraced his inner demons. Logan and Kitty both used the darkness that Ogūn taught them against him, overcoming him without giving into their urges and being corrupted. Kitty is reunited with Carmen, who tells her that he told everything he knew about Shigematsu to the cops. Hell probably be arrested soon, but he doesn't mind because he did the right thing. Kitty embraces him, saying she loves him and she's proud of him. Logan and Mariko reunite again, this time with their foster daughter Akiko. Logan says it feels strange to have so many commitments, but change is constant and he likes the new direction life has taken him. He says Kitty's the same- her experiences have changed her, but she's stl herself and always will be.
Kitty's worst flaw is the way she makes snap judgements and sticks to them, refusing to see other points of view. She's been confronted with that and improved herself many times, and like anyone her flaws will never be completely gone, but this is probably her biggest step towards overcoming those issues. After having her identity stolen from her, she reclaims it and also forges a new part of it as Shadowcat, finally finding her own codename. This series is also the turning point for one of my favorite X-relationships, Logan and Kitty's surrogate father-daughter dynamic. It's not as prominent as her relationship with Ororo, but it's very important for both characters and their arcs. Learning to embrace change and bend before you break is one of the most prominent themes of X-Men, and here Kitty is the one who learns those lessons. Ogūn broke her, but she put herself back together, now with the strength to change her perspective about Logan and forgive her father. Another, more minor thing I like about the book is that there's not a bunch of Logan flashbacks. We get the info we need to understand his motivations, and his past stays mysterious, which is for the best. A lot of Logan writers are obsessed with adding to his backstory, but that's never nearly as interesting as seeing who he is in the present. We can watch him deal with past trauma while focusing on his life now, which Claremont understands better than a lot of writers after him. His mysterious backstory shouldn't be a mystery that the author tries to solve, it should be a motivation for him in the present. Thematically, character-wise, and story-wise, this was a very strong miniseries. My one issue is that it's way too long. I think it would have been better as a 4 issue series, like the first Wolverine mini. The pace is also brought down by Yukio, who doesn't really add anything or develop at all as a character. Her just hanging around helping Logan out really waters down their complex relationship that we saw in the first mini and does her a disservice as a character. Aside from those not-insignificant problems, though, this is still a great series, and it sets up a lot of great stories for both characters.
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hyvnkeit · 2 years
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1.] Shizuka Takahashi [静香 (しずか) 高橋 (タカハシ)] // Skylar Blair
Name Meaning: Quiet/Calm + High bridge // Scholar/Sky + Battlefield
Alias: Shifter (SKAI_1218)
Lil' Pup [子犬ちゃん/Koinu-chan (Nicknamed by Haruka)]
Age: 15
Birthdate: December 18
Place of Origin: Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Height: 156 cm
Hair color: Pewter Gray
Eye color: Teal (Blue-Green)
Blood Type: O
Multi-Shape Shifting - It allows her to change her physical form instantly into anything. (Transformation Type)
Fighting Style: All Ranged Combats/Captivity
Shizuka is a calm, distant young lady who wears a silver seal-detailed mask with a black nose and a line running down her chin. She also has a direct nature that allows her to move on from mistakes. She's also highly clever and observant when it comes to training because she's able to learn about her reflexes and transformations, which is similar to her quirk. Shizuka doesn't seem to speak much and speaks in one-lined, ambiguous sentences, however she enjoys beatboxing with her friend Yukio.
She has an aggressive and resolute attitude, and she is capable of facing any challenge unless it is exceedingly difficult. She had the ambition to become anything she wanted to be.
She loves playing with her older brother, Haruka, and her friend, Yukio.
She kept using her name in her sentences instead of "I","I'm, and "Me",
Accidentally made a scar on her lips after having her first manifestation of her powers.
Likes being hung upside down like a bat. She sometimes slept like one. 
Always spend her time with people who have high energy because they help her to stay motivated. (Always go to different universes with Haruka, Yukio and her uncle Williard.)
"Shizuka says, Pretend to be brave when you're afraid! It's for the sake of Everyone, so they'll no longer live in Fear! "
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[ ©This artwork was created by me and I'm only doing this for fun.
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
@sleepdeprxved​ started following Yukio
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Hunkers down in the trash can he had been raiding through. This was HIS half eaten noodle cup and old tossed coffee can he had found.
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toastling · 2 years
Stacked Deck
Jack Hyde Real Name: Joshua Miller Age: 27 Description: Leader. Unruly garbage boy. His power is Unlimited Psychic Potential. There isn't a single psychic ability he hasn't succeeded at performing at a high level, and this is absolutely not normal. Abilities are usually very specialized, if somebody's a psychic they can generally only use it for one or two things. He can just. Do anything he wants. So he does. All the time. Nobody likes this.
Queen of Spades Real Name: Ivory Williams Age: 28 Description: Second in command. Coldhearted femme fatale. Her power is the Ultimate Spear, she can generate energy that can pierce through any structure, substance, or defense. Rumor has it she's a second generation villain, and her father actually managed to score a hit against golden age icon The Crimson Comet's Ultimate Shield. This, of course, sets her up perfectly to be Skymancer's big obstacle as far as the Upstarts go, since that was her father.
Queen of Diamonds Real Name: Yukio Brantley Age: 27 Description: Unruly gremlin. She and Jack are like two peas in a pod, incredibly violent and unwilling to back down from a fight. Her power is Spatial Curvature. She can manipulate space in such a way that she changes the definition of what a straight line is, curving any and all manner of attacks and effects around and away from herself. She is completely untouchable. She and Jack have a thing.
Queen of Hearts Real Name: Harley Knightley Age: 23 Description: Everybody's little sister. Bubbly, ditzy, but also incredibly dangerous and ruthless when she wants to be. Her ability has to do with velocity manipulation in relation to her heartbeat. The faster she makes her heart beat, the faster she can move, becoming a legit speedster with heartbeats as quick as the bursts of a spinning pulsar. Similarly, she can slow down her perception of time by slowing her heart beat tremendously, making it come to a virtual standstill to no ill effect. If she can learn how to perform this effect on other people who don't have her power or a body specifically built for it, she will be by far the most dangerous member of the gang.
King of Clubs Real Name: Craig Anderson Age: He looks like a 40 year old man but I swear he's only 27 Description: Disgraced wannabe boxer. His power is good ol' fashioned super strength. Like, really, really super strength. He kinda killed everybody he tried to fight. He's supposedly not as violent as the rest of the gang, but he is their heaviest hitter. He doesn't talk a lot, and prefers to speak through his actions. He's just some guy, really.
10 of Henchmen Real Name: …10? Age: …Probably not 10 Description: Adopted arsonist. He kinda just inserted himself into the group and nobody really complained, he's a great distraction. Does a lot of menial tasks for everyone, especially Spades. Nobody knows what his power is, or if he even has one. Nobody's ever asked him his name, either.
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di4bl4-c0mpl3x · 3 years
-The new me (Halle butler)
-The silent patient (Alex michelides)
-The language of fanaticism (Amanda montel)
-A room of one’s own (Virginia wolfe)
-Norwegian wood (murakami)
-The picture of Dorian gray
- All the bad apples (folwley-Doyle)
-They never learn (layne fargo)
-The poppy war (R F Kuang)
-Baise-Moi (Virginie Despentes)
- Some kind of happiness (Claire L)
-Her body and other parties (Carmen Machado)
-Luster (Raven Lailani)
-Happy Hour (Marlowe Granados)
-Ghosts (Dolly Alderton)
-Dead poets society
-Alone with you in the ether (Olivia blake)
-Queens gambit
-Last words from montmarte (Qiu Miaojin)
-The perks of being a wallflower
-Turtles all the way down (John green)
-The yellow wallpaper (charlotte Gilman)
-Nausea (Jean Paul Sartre)
-Of dogs and walls (Yukio Tsushima)
- Brain on fire by Susanna Callahan
-The Art of starving by Sam J Miller
-So sad today by Melissa Broder
- Looking for Alaska by John Green
-Are you listening by Tilly warden
-Bluet by Maggie Nelson
- The woman destroyed by Simone Beauvoir
- The white book by Han Kang
-Vegetarian by Han Kang
-It ends with us by Colleen Hoover
- We were liars by E Lockhart
- Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche
-The death of Ivan Ilyich
- Love me at my worst by Michaela angemeer
- The perfect gas by Emma Rous
- Girls of a certain age by aria alderman
- Severance by Ling Ma
- The art of war
- The story of philosophy by will Durant
- The war of world HG Wells
- We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
- Why am i so clever fredich Nietzsche
- A clockwork orange
-In praise of shadows by Jun’Ichiro Tanizaki
- The cruel prince
- Seduction by Robert Greene
- Hereditary by Ari Aster
-The witch by Robert eggers
- Normal people by sally roone
- I am watching you by Teresa Driscoll
- Her by Brittany king
- Before she lied by Adrienne Leigh
-If we were Villains (M L Rio)
-On earth we’re briefly gorgeous (ocean vuong)
-Just kids (patti smith)
-The little friend (Donna tartt)
-Death in her hands (otessa moshfeg)
- Speak (Laurie Anderson)
-The secret history (Donna tartt)
- The goldfinch (Donna tartt)
-Eileen (moshfeg)
- A little life
- Girl interrupted
-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
-The trouble with being born
- Eileen by moshfeg
-The 48 laws of power
- Gone girl by Gillian Flynn
-Death in her hands by moshfeg
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shihalyfie · 4 years
Menoa Bellucci, and her relation to Adventure and 02′s antagonists
I mentioned in an earlier meta that Kizuna has a particularly deep relationship to 02 on a thematic level, with a lot of that being because its primary antagonist, Menoa, has heavy parallels to its two main antagonists (the Digimon Kaiser and Oikawa Yukio). I felt like I should make another post talking about Menoa in particular, and how the themes of both Adventure and 02 relate to her.
Do note that naturally, this will contain heavy spoilers for the movie (although I guess I’ve technically already spoiled it in this post’s premise...).
Before we begin, I’m going to start off with...well, look, I don’t really like starting off with what’s probably going to sound like an indictment, but I’m pretty sure so much of the potential audience for this post is going to be thinking about it that I inevitably need to address it. It’s the part where a lot of people have generally accused Menoa of being a rehash of tri.’s Himekawa Maki. Honestly, I don’t blame anyone for jumping to that connection, because of how similar the surface details are -- she’s a young woman who was a Chosen Child, who lost her partner and did morally questionable things as a result. That, and tri. was only a few years ago, so Himekawa is still recent in memory, and it’s logical to think that maybe the most recent work would be pulling from the second most recent work.
...But that’s also exactly where the similarities stop. Beyond that surface level, there’s not much connection on a thematic level. Mainly: after losing her partner, Himekawa’s main goal was to get said partner back, even if it meant dismantling the same Digital World she’d been originally meant to protect -- she was willing to destroy everything for the sake of that goal (i.e. she was knowingly acting selfishly). Not only that, she’s not even the primary antagonist, because the whole thing ties into her being used as a pawn by Yggdrasil -- so we’re not even sure how much agency she had in this entire arrangement. Meanwhile, Menoa’s motives were definitely very based on her desire to get said partner back, but the whole point was that she thought it was impossible -- she’d certainly tried, but because nothing was bearing fruit, she determined that the only thing she could do would be to prevent everyone else from going through the same thing. So in other words, she was convinced her actions were actually selfless, and her failure in getting her partner back was what motivated her -- all based on her own personal choices and motivations, directed entirely by her. Other than the backstory part being somewhat similar, the way they react to it is completely different.
If Menoa is meant to be relevant to Himekawa, then that can only really be said in the sense that Menoa is a response to and deconstruction of the plot point Himekawa introduced. This is especially because part of Kizuna’s creation involved being a direct response to tri.’s inadequate portrayal of Digimon partnerships, which, unfortunately, Himekawa is...kind of a major symptom of -- we’re never given any serious depiction on what emotional connection Himekawa and her partner had, we’re only supposed to glean this by projecting the old Adventure/02 definition and depiction of partnerships, and everything else we learn about Himekawa’s desperation is after the fact. And...well, I’ll be honest, it’s still kind of hard to even rationalize how Himekawa’s “character arc” makes much sense (especially the part where we’re supposed to figure out how she apparently studied the reboot since university but had no contingency plan for Bakumon not remembering her, to the point where this apparently drove her completely insane...?). So as a result, she’s just killed off unceremoniously, because there’s no real natural conclusion to this arc, nor any underlying logic as to what relationship Himekawa and Bakumon supposedly had.
So it is true that Menoa starts off with a similar base concept, but because Kizuna is dedicated to “defining what it means to have a partner”, it takes a proper step-by-step approach: firstly, what did Morphomon actually mean to Menoa? We’re given tons and tons of depictions of how Morphomon was integrated into her daily life, and was her closest confidant for years. What exactly does it mean to lose a partner? The depictions and descriptions in Kizuna don’t hold back at all; Menoa even says that it feels “like a part of your body has been ripped away”. What is a Digimon partner in the first place, and what does it mean to have one or to not have one? In line with Adventure/02′s portrayal of Digimon partners, a Digimon is portrayed as a part of the inner self whose presence or absence depends on the human’s state of mind, which means that getting a partner back also depends on said human -- and thus, even Menoa is provided an opportunity for salvation at the end, because everyone has the potential to grow again. In that sense, it’s hard to really call Menoa a parallel or a rehash, when, if anything, it’s more like she’s taking that concept and readjusting it to what it should have been more like when under the original Adventure/02 concept of partnerships.
Back to Adventure and 02. On its face, Kizuna does seem to have more pertinence to 02 than it does Adventure when it comes to themes -- after all, Kizuna styles itself as something that’s supposed to be relatable and personal to the modern millennial adult, meaning that it focuses moreso on human drama and introspection more so than it does Digital World and Digimon mechanics. In doing so, it was probably inevitable that it aligns itself more with 02 (which was significantly more about human drama and interpersonal relationships than it was Adventure’s Digital World and Digimon lore) by default.
Still, there is a lot of pertinence in the sense that Adventure was always intended to be “a story of humanity’s evolution” -- recalling that the 02 epilogue was actually the originally intended ending for Adventure, and the result of “everyone in the world having a Digimon partner” being the “evolution” of humanity by having a visible form of their own soul -- and thus, the core of each enemy in Adventure was tied to it in some form. This is made especially clear in the third Adventure novel:
At the beginning of the world, when the Digital world was still in chaos, the Digital world chose the idea of “evolution.” By deciding that this process would involve the Digital world itself “evolving,” it created Homeostasis for that necessity...
...Apocalymon must have sent its thoughts through the “Wall of Fire” into the Digital world. It planted the idea into the Dark Masters’ minds to unconsciously reject “evolution.” The Dark Masters’ plan would permanently destroy the function of the Village of Beginnings. It was possible that, to the very end, they had been unaware of it. In other words, the construction of Spiral Mountain took “evolution” away from the Digital World.
When the kids finally meet Apocalymon in the penultimate episode of Adventure, he has the following complaints:
Apocalymon: We are the Digimon who have disappeared through the evolution process...The resultant build-up of thoughts that have cursed our sad and hateful fates! Sora: You were created from the dark hearts of the Digimon who disappeared? Apocalymon: Dear Chosen Children and your dear Digimon. We have been looking forward to meeting all of you. ... Apocalymon: Listen. While we lay buried under a deep darkness of utter coldness and sorrow, you were on the other side, enjoying yourselves and laughing happily in the warm light. WHY?! ... Apocalymon: What have we done to deserve this?! (tears at self) Why must we weep tears of grief while you enjoy cheerful laughter? Mimi: No, I don't want to see this! Apocalymon: We, too, have tears that flow from our eyes and feelings that flow from our hearts. Just who decided that we were to be deprived of this world and consigned to oblivion?! We wanted to live! We wanted to live and speak of friendship, justice, and love! We wanted to use this body to be helpful to this world! Are you saying that this world has no need for us? That we are meaningless?! ... Apocalymon: Then we shall rule this world! We shall make this place belong to us. All who get in our way will die! (laughs) May the light be forever cursed where it shines!
(Translation by Ryuu-Rogue.)
So, basically, Apocalymon is a “Legion” sort of Digimon, made up of the condensed regrets of Digimon who were unable to evolve, and lived so much in despair that they decided they would drag everyone else down with them, and reform the world into their own. So in other words, his main goal to “inhibit evolution” was in the sense of inhibiting the Digital World’s own evolution and development, while it was growing alongside the human world -- all of this villainous “destroying the world” and “taking over the world” is all tied to a root of “inhibiting evolution”. And this was all intended to be tied into 02 as well, along with even the theoretical third Adventure series that never happened -- an ongoing fight for humanity and the Digital World’s right to continue “evolving” against forces that were trying to block it.
How does this relate to Menoa?
“Evolution” in the context of Adventure and 02 has a lot of meanings, and of course one of the most prominent ones is in terms of the metaphor of “evolution = human growth and potential”. Kizuna brings it to the forefront in terms of explicitly saying that Digimon growth is tied to human potential, but that’s always been there from the beginning -- especially considering how high-level evolution is powered by human virtues, like Crests.
But by trapping everyone in Neverland, Menoa is keeping people from “evolving” -- not just the Digimon from evolving, but humans from gaining any growth or potential, because they’ll be fixated in their childhood memories forever. The namesake of Neverland, the original Peter Pan, was very much about how staying a child forever would involve always being immature -- Peter was not a heroic figure in the end, as he was someone who was ultimately callous and irresponsible, at times even self-serving. No one will grow as people. Everyone will stay locked in the same mentality forever. The Digimon will never evolve. Robbed of Chosen Children to help protect the world, both the human world and Digital World will be left defenseless, and perhaps even be destroyed -- and that would be the end of “evolution” for all.
All because of Menoa’s own grief and projection.
Moving back to 02, this is of course where the parallels start getting really explicit. As I mentioned earlier, Menoa is effectively a combination of 02′s two most prominent antagonists -- the Digimon Kaiser, Ichijouji Ken, who was pressured into being recognized as a “genius” by society and lost a grip on his true self as a result, and Oikawa Yukio, who was cut off from the Digital World in childhood and spent his adulthood trying to grasp at shallow symbols of his past, projecting on others in the process.
Actually, let’s go over these characters in their stages of antagonism!
The Digimon Kaiser:
Was recognized by society as a “genius” and paraded around for those abilities; mentioned to be intelligent enough to skip grades into university (was only prevented from doing so like Menoa did because he lived in Japan, which didn’t have a system for this)
Tried to smash out the aspects of himself that didn’t fit the image he was aiming for, throwing away the “kindness” in his heart under the idea it was “weakness”, trying to become “better than others”
Started pushing away his own Digimon partner in the process, symbolizing a rejection of his own inner self
Ultimately, never got to have a proper childhood of having the freedom to do “meaningless things”, because he and his brother Osamu were “demanded to grow up fast”
Young Menoa:
Was recognized by society as a “genius” to the point she felt isolated from her peers, to the point she decided to skip grades into university because she felt like it would get her recognition and allow her to be productive to society
Stopped engaging in childhood hobbies (e.g. the swing she used to play with Morphomon at) and is implied to have pushed others away in her bid to be independent
Wasn’t even talking to Morphomon much anymore by the time of their separation, because she’d prioritized her studies in order to skip grades
Ultimately turned herself into an “adult” at the age of 14, far too young for anyone to become an adult
The surface details are a little different -- because Ken’s troubles manifested in a way that made him more “consciously reject” Wormmon rather than outright neglect him, and because his reaction to being “demanded to grow up fast” ultimately involved him trying to ditch everything into the Digital World instead of trying to become more mature, he was spared from the fate of having an outright partnership dissolution with Wormmon at the tender age of eleven. (Although he did still have a pretty traumatizing “loss” of Wormmon, so it’s not like he got off scot-free -- especially when getting said partner back involved a necessary epiphany about choosing to face what he did and moving forward with the consequences, something Menoa did not do during the events of the movie.) Either way, though, he managed to snap himself out of it and prevent himself from taking the same path Menoa did -- especially since the two of them are based off the same real-life origin story, the 9-year-old American boy whom Seki Hiromi read about in a newspaper, who skipped grades into Columbia University, causing her to conclude that he’d be unable to make friends his age.
Since Menoa ends up taking a different path and going “all the way”, once Morphomon is taken from her, she veers onto a path very similar to Oikawa’s.
Oikawa Yukio:
Was torn away from contact with the Digital World (and his future partner) by a well-meaning Hida Chikara, worried about him and Hiroki getting into “foolish talk”
Was isolated from the only friend he could relate to (via Hida Hiroki’s death)
Tried to make his own Digimon, implied to at least partially be inspired by trying to fill the void (see 02 episode 47), but only manages to create minions who do his bidding
Kidnapped a bunch of children under the premise that he was just giving them what they wanted; implanted Dark Seeds into them that on the surface gave them what they wanted but actually ate at their feelings
Blamed the fact he was a “tainted adult” for his inability to go to the Digital World without more forcible methods
Lost her partner after discarding her childhood hobbies in order to fit society’s standard of adulthood
Developed an obsession with becoming “independent”; ended up likely having no friends to connect with (states during the climax in Neverland that nobody understands how she feels)
Tried to use “scientific” computer methods to bring back her partner, but only managed to get hordes of soulless husks to do her bidding
Kidnapped a bunch of people (eventually including literal children) under the premise that she would be saving everyone; forced them to experience eternal loops of their childhood memories that prevented them from moving forward
Blamed the fact she’d “made that choice” and become an adult for her loss of her partner
Oikawa didn’t “lose” his partner in the sense of something permanent-sounding like Morphomon, but in terms of thematic parallels, Menoa basically ends up throwing herself into his path after continuing in the direction Ken ultimately chose to tear himself away from.
Ultimately, there are still differences in execution and life circumstances between all three characters -- and that’s how it ought to be, given that it would be inappropriate for Kizuna to be a complete rehash of 02. But considering that 02 was heavily built on the themes of “not drowning in regret and learning to move forward” and “embracing the inner child and not caving to societal expectations”, it makes sense that Kizuna, which is built on “not drowning in nostalgia and learning to face the future” and “not losing touch with childhood memories and experiences nor the childish self to the pressures of becoming an adult”, the parallels between the main antagonists driving the story are going to be very similar.
Although, given the events of Kizuna and how they played out...one wonders if Ken has any idea how lucky he is...
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italian-pastry · 4 years
BNHA Kid Headcanons
(For @yourwildflowerbouquet )
-Eijirou had always wanted a lot of kids
-and Katsuki can't say no to his husband
-so there's 5 of them
-(damn 5 whole children)
-their kids call them Papa (Eijirou) and Dad (Katsuki)
-the first one is a girl
-she's just a copy-paste katsuki (personality wise) but with a better attitude
-they were figuring out how to raise kids
-they did pretty well, I think
-Her quirk is Fragmentation (She can make spikes on her body, then shoot them off like missles)
-her name is Mieko (Already Prosperous)
-the second one was a boy
-he ended up much more like Eijirou
-overall a radical little dude
-his quirk is Lavanic (he secretes lava like how Mina secretes acid)
-his name is Akio (Bright Man; Manly; Hero)
-(wow so original)
-the third one was born a male but she's more comfortable identifying as a girl so she's a she and that's that
-suprisingly timid for being raised by Katsuki and Eijirou
-also surprisingly, she still manages to be more like Katsuki whilst being timid
-passionate, stubborn, probably has some sort of complex, etc.
-her quirk is Pressure Blow (she hardens her own skin, but not as strong as Eijirou can, and when it breaks, there's an explosion)
-her name is Hiroki (Bright; Hope)
-the last two are twins
-which really surprised Katsuki
-"wtf why are there two"
-"well, kat, there is such a thing as twins"
-there is a girl and boy
-katsuki was horrified when his mom told him that the girl acted just like he did when he was a baby
-the boy is much more chill
-he just wants to play sports is that such a crime?
-the girl's quirk is Explosion (can send out a burst of energy like an explosion) and the boy's is Implosion (Explosion but in reverse)
-the girl's name is Kana (Powerful) and the boy's name is Tatsuhiro (Dragon, Immense Power)
-they're one big happy family
-Mieko has fully sharp teeth (like Eijirou) and the twins have partially sharp teeth
-Shouto was worried when Izuku brought up the prospect of having kids
-he didn't want to fuck them up because he had a terrible dad
-"Izuku you didn't have a dad and I wish I didn't have a dad we're gonna fuck up this poor kid"
-Izuku respected his wishes and accepted the fact that they probably wouldn't have kids
-until Shouto had a chat with Natsuo (after Natsu became a dad)
-"Here's how I think of it, little bro; I'm gonna be the best fucking dad to this kid to show Endeavor that no matter how badly he fucked me up, I can still be happy with a better family than he will ever have"
-that certainly changed Shouto's perspective on things
-"oh yeah don't forget to have a good support system and do research on how to raise a kid or idk ask someone with actually good parents ok good luck buddy"
-So Shouto was lile "hey maybe we can try this kid thing out I did research and I'm feeling a bit more confident in my ability to raise a human"
- Izuku: :DD
-So they had a son!
-He's real chill (he's the mom friend and proud of it)
-imagine Shouto's overall chillness, but with Izuku's caring nature
-his quirk is Half-Flurry Half-Firework (he can make snow from one side of his body and sparks from the other)
_his name is Toshi, for obvious reasons
-(All Might cried)
-Izuku was like "look at how well we're doing with our son! Man, we we're worried over nothing!"
-"let's have another"
-"you heard me"
-so they had another!
-Poor girl was born with the curse of blue eyes and red/pink hair
-Shouto was happy that she at least got Izuku's freckles to balance it out
-Homegirl is just Izuku minus anxiety
-she'd be unstoppable if she really tried
-her quirk is Thermostat (she can raise or lower the temperature of the air around her)
-her name is Arakan (Worthy One; Hero)
-Izuku: Wow I love our kids and how not screwed up they are :D
-Shouto: one more
-Izuku: wha
-Shouto: Just one more
-So they had one more
-she's a very good girl
-very respectful and sweet
-her quirk is black ice (ice, but black)
-her name is Youdai (Gentle; Shine)
- The kids call their parents Chichi (Izuku) and Daifu (Shouto)
-Sometimes called 'Chi' and 'Dai'
-These kids have 1 (one) grandpa and his name is Toshinori and he's their favorite
-The kids' grandmas are also very popular in this household
-Ochako was pretty excited to have kids
-And tsu wanted them too so it all worked out
-They had a son first!
-he's a sweet boy who loves everyone and has a deep passion for life
-he does fall on the autism spectrum, but he works hard to not let that hold him back
-Tsu and Ochako are very supportive of their boy
-his quirk is Space Boy (He can increase or lower the amount of gravity affecting himself or anything he kicks)
-his name is Takiyo (waterfall)
-fun fact: he has half-n-half hair (half brown half green)
-their second child is a beautiful girl
-she's sisterly and energetic
-she doesn't really "get" hero culture and the desire for that lifestyle
-her quirk is Frog Morph (she can turn into a frog)
-her quirk is pretty plain, but she doesn't care
-her name is Ezumo (Fountain; cloud)
-Ochako and Tsu didn't have another kid for some time for no one reason
-but they did have another!
-he's a wittle itsy bitsy baby boy!
-he has a moon birthmark around his left eye
-AND heterochromia
-(man their kids have alot of half-n-half bastard traits)
His quirk is Orbit (anything he touches starts to orbit around himself)
-His name is Tsuki (Moon), but he's nicknamed Usagi (Rabbit)
- the kids call their moms Haha (Ochako) and Mama (Tsuyu)
-Since Ochako and Tsuyu didn't take each other's last names, their kids have alternating last names
-Takiyo and Tsuki have the Asui last name, and Ezumo has the Uraraka last name
-Denki and Hanta were the ones most excited to have kids at first, and Hitoshi was like 'cool go nuts I'll help raise them'
-So, biologically, their first kid's parents are Hanta and Denki
-but he's still very close to Hitoshi
-he looks and acts a lot like Hanta
-he's an all around sk8r boi
-his quirk is Electric Tape (basically Hanta's quirk but he can send and harness electricity via his tape)
-His name is Takeo (Warrior)
-one day when he was young, he had a really bad nightmare, and the only one of his dads awake was Hitoshi (since he's an insomniac)
-Hitoshi listened to his boy's rambling, and told him that no matter what monster or villain comes after him, he promises that he'd always protect him
-but one day, some B-tier villains broke into their home while Hanta and Denki were out doing Hero things
-Hitoshi tried to take them down, but they anticipated fighting him and had a strategy to take him down and ended up knocking him out
-when he was woken up by the police, they discovered that Takeo had been taken by the villains
-for five days, the villains had held him for ransom
-and for those five days, Hitoshi worked literally non-stop to try and track down and rescue Takeo
-after those five days, they ended up paying the ransom, and Takeo was returned to the police and his family safely
-except for a large gash on his shoulder he got during the initial break-in
-the whole event deterred Hitoshi from having more kids
-he was very anxious about being there for Takeo, and Hanta and Denki understood that
-so he and his husbands didn't have kids for like 15 years
-at this point, Takeo is a teenager, more independent, and is stronger/can tale care of himself
-Hitoshi feels better now about being able to put his attention elsewhere (focus less on Takeo)
-so he brought up to his husbands "Hey, do ya maybe wanna have another kid?"
-and they were like "omigosh yeah totally yes let us have another child"
-and there were twins!
-one boy and one girl!
-Hitoshi was just as confused as Baku when twins showed up
-"hol' up I only signed up for 1 kid not 2"
-"too bad they're yours"
-"Two for the price of one!" <- that's Hanta
-Biologically speaking, both of them are Hitoshi's, but the boy has Denki's DNA and the girl has Hanta's
-the boy has a resting bitch face and cries a lot
-the girl has resting sad face, but she's actually pretty cool
-the boy's quirk is Electroshock Therapy (mostly like Denki's quirk, except when he shocks you, you're under his control) and the girl's name is Mind Bind (it looks like Deku's Black Whip, except whenever it wraps around someone, they're under her control)
-the boy's name is Masashi (Commander; General) and the girl's name is Maemi (Honest Child)
-it's a bit weird for Takeo to have newborn siblings, but he loves them regardless!
-the kids call their dads Dad (Hitoshi), Pop (Denki), and Dada (Hanta)
-since I HC that Yuuga is graysexual, he didn't really vibe with kids for a while after they were married
-but Mina was totally fine with that!
-"hey it means I can still say fuck in my own house it's cool it's cool"
-although when Mina expressed further interest in kids a bit down the line, Yuuga was like "mmmmokay why not"
-and they had a girl!
-she has pink skin and weird eyes like Mina, but blonde hair and purple eyes like Yuuga!
-she also doesn't have horns
-she's very much like Mina
-she comes off as narcissistic at times, but she just has enough self-confidence for two people
-her quirk is Glo Splash (from one side of her body, she secretes one of the chemicals that make up the liquid in glow sticks, and the other half of her secretes the other chemical. She can mix them together to make it glow!)
-her name is Minako (child of Mina)
-Mina is not allowed to name their children anymore
-so when their son is born, Yuuga named him
-he got pink hair and horns and yellow eyes, but normal skin and normal eyes
-he's oddly very timid and anxious, which gives him a disconnect from the rest of his outgoing family
-his quirk is Lazer Horn (he can shoot lasers like Yuuga's from his horns)
-his name is Yukio (Snow Boy)
-the kids have hyphenated last names (Ashido-Aoyama) as opposed to having only one last name like their parents
-the most fab family has matching names: Yuuga and Yukio, Mina and Minako
-both the kids are fluent in French, and know snippets of English (we stan multilingual families)
-the kids call their parents Père (Yuuga) and Mama (Mina)
-since Tooru was already pregananant when they got married, their first kid was quite a tad older than the majority of their Classmate's kids
-eh it's fine tho
-the first kid was a beautiful girl!
-due to her quirk, she likes to wear bright, complex clothing as to not go unnoticed
-she also makes a point to talk relatively loudly especially when in crowds
-her quirk is Ninja (physically, she is only an outline. She cannot be seen if she is standing still or the person looking for her doesn't know she's there)
-her name is Chieko (child blessed with wisdom)
-they had a second child a few years later on
-a boy!
-his fav hero is Ground Zero (to Mashirao's dismay)
-anyone who says otherwise can catch these hands
-he is also a woman respecter 100% through and through
-he can and will kick ass
-his quirk is Invisishift (he can turn himself invisible)
-kinda plain, but he loves it!
-his name is Ryuji (Dragon Child)
-A couple years after that (7-8 years or so) they had one more kid
-yet another boy!
-he's a lot like his mom (likes pranks, friendly, just a cool dude)
-he has really poofy curly hair
-his quirk is Tail (it's just Mashirao's quirk idk what to tell y'all)
-his name is Taishiro (Ambitious Boy)
-(i JUST learned that he shares his name with Fat Gum that was not planned I promise)
-all the kids can kick ass
-"Martial arts is an excellent form of exercise for children!" <- Mashirao
-the kids call their parents Mum (Tooru) and Pops (Mashirao)
-everyone's last name is Ojirou
-Momo was really excited to have kids when their friends started announcing their pregnancies/having kids
-Baby Fever if you will
-Kyouka also wanted kids, but wasn't as outwardly excited as Momo
-and they had twiiiiiiiins
-also one boy and one girl
-because apparently there can't be same-sex twins in my headcanons
-the girl is more like Kyouka
-kinda punk, wants to be a hero, all that jazz (haha music)
-the boy is more like Momo
-elegant, charismatic, wants to go into Hero Management
-the girl's quirk is Stereo Heart (she has earphone jacks, and can play any sound she's ever heard, plus combinations) and the boy's is Bass Boost (he also has earphone jacks, but he can only alter his heartbeat (increase bass, vibrato, ect.))
-the girl's name is Satoshi (Intelligent History) and the boy's is Utano (Field Of Songs)
-both the kids are musically talented and very smart
-thanks for the great talents, moms!
-the kids call their parents Mom (Kyouka) and Mama (Momo)
-sometimes Kyouka and Momo can't tell which parent the kid is calling for, so they usually both yelling back (or the wrong one)
-it's a whole process to get the attention of the mom you want
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firehananas · 3 years
Chapter 159th to the end
Hmm ‘got much more mixed feelings about the end
I wonder if the mangaka is a huge gamer because the characters tend to always compare the situation with video games. I honestly find it a bit annoying - like, I don’t mind the gamer character to think like that, but almost everyone have a thought like this at one point. 
I have the feeling the whole Rika’s brainwashing was forced. Of course I wanted the two brothers to fight (Cain/Abel drama + Yuri setting as Seth yumyum) but it would had been better if Rika was the big villain the whole time/was really corrupted by Aikawa’s ideology.
That being said, I appreciated a little more Rika in the last half. I admit, he manages to do cool tricks.
Lowkey ship Sniper/White Feather for drama reason
Kuon’s death made me tear a bit - it was really heartbreaking </3
Too bad she doesn’t stay dead tho. It minimized the whole intensity of that scene and it feels too easy for the party afterward. Paradoxically, I liked the interactions she had with Yuri and Yuka.
Knowing there is a sequel, will they try to created a new body for her? Could be interesting. But I heard it was with new characters, so I don’t think I’ll read it. I was already reading it only mostly for Sniper Mask, so if I can’t get a shot of his riffle’s cannon, I’m not interested anymore.
I was honestly a bit nervous at the idea Kuon stayed in the head of Yuka - Ordinary quickly questioned this and pointed out very well my thoughts. It seems she doesn’t have to stay in his head and somehow body surfed with other God Candidates, but it still upset me for them all.
I thought Kuon was baby. She is. But she isn’t. Yet she is. However she isn’t. Actually- 
(She is definitely less innocent she appears to be, as I expected, but much darker than I visualized it)
Disappointed Aikawa was just sitting there while Yuka and Rika fight. Like, I was excepting he asked Volleyball Mask to bring him some popcorns at one point.
I really need someone to make an animatic of the brothers fight with “the plagues” from The Prince of Egypt. It matchs it so well 😔
Oh look, Yukio becomes super strong! Is he a Closer to God now? Oh no wait, it’s a literal deus ex-machina!
If High Rise Invasion gets a second season, it means we will be able to admire the divine butt of Yuka at the very least twice.
The codes were interesting on paper, but I wished they foreshadowed it sooner. Making Kuon said “oh yeah, I just remember it now” every times is a bit cheap.
Makoto brothers really shined in this part. It was really refreshing to see them working together.
Does anyone have an idea of what Tenma means? I couldn’t found anything about this...
I don’t think it was a good idea to introduced Juo for the last arc. He was out of place. Aikawa was to the point to succeeded to become a god, was much more threatening and it was less thrilling to follow Rika&co fighting him. If the whole scenario happened before, it would have been more smooth in my opinion.
Tbh, I didn’t even get why Yuri wanted to save Juo at the end...  
Administrator was f*cked up, but I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. His fate is just too awful and I understand he became so mad and drunk of power.
Praise Yuka for speaking the truth to the Supervisor. Wish he go further, calling him out that they succeeded thanks to their teamwork and not because they act in a "man is a wolf to man” way. Please, even bacterias understand the concept of helping the less strong to survive.
I need to pin up in my bedroom the page where Yuka said “you’re amazing” as a motivation quote.
Broke: Yuka is daddy. Woke: Yuka is a dad. Heck, he even lampshades it himself.
Did Prophet die?? He wasn’t show to be dead but he isn’t in the epilogue either...
My boy Yoshida didn’t deserved to die, especially not this way. That was dirty.
The whole betrayal of the dad is never addressed??? Where is the drama??? And the reunion of the Kusakabe didn’t move me at all. Do I am really suppose to care for a woman who tortured people with an obvious pleasure and turned my man Yuka and other countless people into puppets? Sorry but no.
Saito never becomes strong, halas. I’m not even sure if she showed up in the epilogue. It seems the author didn’t know what to do with her. She isn’t the only one in that case...
I understand why people complained the ending to be rushed. While it’s good to see Yuri alive, the whole family complete and angels stopping killing people, no god has been created (since somehow Yuri isn’t a complete god for now?), dimensions will maybe fused and insured chaos... yet the last thing the protagonist is seen doing is going to eat with her girlfriend. For a survival game genre, it’s hard to swallow — pun no intended. It’s way too cheesy after all the horrors they lived AND the threats incoming.
Yuka is definitely the best. What a husbando material.
Concept is very interesting but messy in execution at the end
Rarely boring, gorgeous art
Wished Yuka/Yuri/Rika worked more together and tried to bond as a family. It’s one of the most prominent theme of the manga, it’s too bad it mostly works as Yuri > Rika < Yuka and not all the three. (I don’t count when Yuka worked as Sniper Mask under Yuri since they didn’t know they were related.)
Aikawa was a good villain, so was the administrator. Too bad they died so quickly. Juo could have been interesting too if he didn’t showed this late.
Wasted opportunity with Yayoi, she could have been an amazing villain.
It’s really too bad Yoshida didn’t manage to “really” meet one of the Makoto. I really think they could have influenced him positively. 
...Maybe too many characters...? It’s hard to judge since there is a need to have so much (otherwise nothing would happen) but it’s difficult to find them all flesh out. And if the reader don’t care, the whole drama and horror are much less impactful. 
I’m not sure how I feel towards Kuon now. I still like her, but I need to zoom off to understand better her character.
I’ll say it again: Yoshida didn’t deserved this fate :c
Ending rushed up, probably to prepare for the sequel but it’s still very brutal and cheesy, leaving a bitter taste as a farewell.
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anarchyhorde · 4 years
QUICK info/bios on new OC muses below the cut. It was longer than I planned so i didn’t want to post something too long on y’alls dashes 
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  Alias || Revamp . Real Name || [redacted] Goes by Vamp by people around him.
Age || 26, Height || 6′0″, Occupation || Professional Assassin 
Quirk || Reform: it gives him the ability to grow or shrink objects that he touches at will. He can only use this on one thing at a time, and there is a limit to the ratio as how large and small he’s able to make each object. He also isn’t able to use his quirk on any humans/living beings, it can only be used on inanimate objects.
Personality || A bit cold and socially awkward, Vamp is a man of few words and doesn’t really have many people close to him that he speaks with casually. He doesn’t MEAN to come off as rude, he simply doesn’t have much to say. He takes his job very seriously, and very loyal and reliable. Expert use of his quirk and his skills make him very good at what he does. Vamp is often teased for having an ‘old man personality’, but if someone is fortunate enough to befriend him, they’ll find he actually enjoys making small jokes, having a drink and relaxing. He also loved playing cards.
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     Alias || Duchess. Real Name || Aimi Sakai
Age || 18, Height || 5′6″, Occupation || Heiress
Quirk || Recollection: Aimi has the ability to slightly alter small details and events in another person’s’ memory. Through physical touch, she can change details such as what someone remembers wearing or saying or doing within a certain memory, but she isn’t able to alter whole events or memories that date back longer than a year or two. Overuse of her quirk can give her headaches and effect her own memory recollection as well. 
Personality || She has a very princess-y attitude and holds herself to very high standards. She considers herself a social butterfly, and DOES enjoy speaking with others on occasion, very polite and social despite her family lineage. Her father is the head of a notorious gang, similar to but not aligned with the yakuza. Aimi is trained to defend herself, though she prefers not to get her hands dirty. She has a strong disdain for heroes and hero society, and speaks on this vocally while still keeping her collected and refined demeanor. {Her father's quirk allows her to completely wipe memories, while her mother had a reality warping quirk}.
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Alias || Yukio or Couteau. Real Name || Yukio Blanchet-Uguni
Age || 25, height || 5′10″, Occupation || Villain
Quirk || Weapon Mimicry: Yukio is able to transform parts of his body into weapons he’s familiar with. He can only transform one part of his body at a time, and it’s limited to weapons he has knowledge of. Also, his quirk doesn’t come with mastery of that weapon, so he has to either do research or make things up as he goes. If a transformed limb is injured, the limb is also injured, but his quirk comes with a healing factor {though this does not apply to MAJOR injuries}.
Personality || Truly chaotic-neutral. Yukio is a French-Japanese man who moved to Japan after creating quite the criminal record in France. With no active end-goal, and a body count behind him of around five, he thrives around chaotic situations. He’s quick to jump headfirst into any fight, any danger and anything that could involve either of these things. Yukio enjoys drinking, being loud, causing trouble and bothering people. Despite his obnoxious attitude, he’s a decent person to call a friend, even if he isn’t really THAT trustworthy sometimes.. 
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Alias || Radiation.  Real Name || [redacted] goes by Zuno
Age || 28, height || 5′8″, Occupation || Killer and Thief for Hire
Quirk || Wave Radiation allows Zuno to emit two different types of waves from her body in a six foot radius. The first are EMPs, destroying any and all electronic devices around her. Cellphones, cameras, televisions, anything similar, glitch out and become unusable around her. She uses this during any heists and infiltration missions. The second type are Radioactive. These can cause radiation poisoning symptoms in her opponents. She can’t isolate these waves, therefore anyone within her radius can be effected. Zuno only uses this when necessary, due to overuse causing symptoms in her body as well. 
Personality || Despite her job, Zuno is a very laid back and chill person. She enjoys daily civilian life, and it’s almost hard to tell that she’s a merciless killer and thief by hire.She says hello to locals, speaks with people that are ALMOST considered her friends. Zuno is kind to young children, and hides her hatred of heroes behind jokes that are just SLIGHTLY too close to..not being jokes anymore. While on the job, her personality changes SIGNIFICANTLY. She becomes distant and cold, cut off. She’s aware of Vamp as well, as they have worked together on occasion.
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Alias || Skull  Real Name || [redacted] Goes by Skull or Osamu
Age || 19, height || 5′6″, Occupation || Villain
Quirk || Bone Manipulation allows them to control bones, more specifically the collagen that they’re made of. With their quirk, they can immobilize others, use their own bones as weapons, and raise skeletons as zombie-like minions, the latter being their favorite to do. They can use their own bones, pulled from their body as weapons. When they pull them, their body immediately replaces them within themselves {though this process is slightly painful, they simply relish in the feeling}. 
Personality || Skull’s personality is a fun mixed bag of mystery. No one can really tell what they’re up to or what they’re thinking. They love to keep people on their toes, at sometimes coming off as playful, other’s he’s incredibly serious, but the one thing that remains consistent is his want for fun and love of wanting to take apart human bodies and collect skulls. He has no real allegiance nor ties and loves spicy foods. 
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duhragonball · 3 years
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
I guess I should provide my hottt takes on the new DBS movie.  A few days ago, they did this video for Comic Con announcing the title of the movie and teasing some details about the story.  
I gotta say, this is exactly why I’ve never had any interest in Comic Con.    They put this on YouTube, I guess because of the pandemic, but any other year they would have gathered an enormous crowd and made them stand in line for hours to watch all of this in person.   I live in the Midwest, and when I went to comic book conventions it was for the sole purpose of rummaging through back issue bins.   SDCC was always promoted like the biggest and most important convention in the U.S., but all I ever heard about it were trailers for movies and TV shows.   Or, like, you had to go to Comic Con because that was the only way to get an exclusive Orange Lantern Hal Jordan action figure or something.   They would always hype up all of this useless stuff and I just never heard of anything so important that I was willing to fly out to San Diego and stand in line for three hours for it.   So now SDCC peels back the curtain with this video, about something I’m fairly interested in, but it’s really not that big a deal.  I found out most of the information on Twitter before I even knew to watch this video.
But I’m just not that hyped about trailers or sneak peaks or sneak peaks at trailers.   Which is probably why I waited this long to talk about it.  
I’ll just go through the video.   The first four minutes are Hironobu Kageyama performing “Cha La HEAD Cha La” live on the stage.   That’s a pretty epic way to open this, but I feel like it oversells the importance of this event.  You finish watching him and you think you’re about to see the movie itself, instead of hearing from the people who made it.  
Next we have Sascha, the host of this panel.   He speaks better English than I do, but I’m not sure what the point was in having any of this in English since he has to talk to the guests in Japanese.   Pretty much all of the important information in this video is in Japanese, and I think everyone understood that going in.   I guess it does give an international feel.  If I spoke another language as fluently as Sascha, I’d want to show it off too.
4:56 is where Masako Nozawa comes out, and she’s just a joy to watch.   She looks like this sweet grandmotherly figure, all warm smiles and then she busts out “Ossu! Ora Goku!” and immediately sounds like a badass. 
Guest #2 is Akio Iyoku, Toriyama’s editor.   Not to be confused with the awesome editor who poo-pooed all the androids and Cell’s semiperfect form.    That was Yu Kondo.  Iyoku comes out dressed like Goku, but he can’t talk like him so he’s immediately second-tier. 
Guest #3 is Norohiro Hayashida, Producer from Toei Anaimation.   He is also rocking the Goku cosplay, which would be a faux pas in most fandoms, but he can just say that he’s cosplaying as Krillin or Yamcha, which gives him greater nerd credibility because those are more obscure references.
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Around 8:30 we really start getting into this, and they show us a model sheet of Piccolo.  Is Piccolo being in the new movie a big surprise?   He had a dry spell in the mid-90s, but he’s been in every Dragon Ball movie made in this century so far.   And it’s not like they changed his look, like when they put Goku and Vegeta in those adorable coats last time.   I’m not complaining about any of this.  It’s nice to see that a) Piccolo is confirmed for new movie and b) they didn’t tinker with his appearance.  
All I’m saying is that they only brought up this model sheet to show off how they’re using his color scheme from the manga as opposed to the anime.   Hence the red belt and the yellower arm sections.   In the anime, the belt was always blue, and his biceps were hot pink instead of off-yellow.   But it’s such a subtle thing that even Sascha didn’t pick up on it.   It’s like they were hyping up the fact that it’s such a minor change.    I like it, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a weird flex.   Also, he looks like he still has his five-fingered anime hands, so I’m not that impressed.   Give us four fingers, Toei!
Sascha asks Masako Nozawa what she thinks about Piccolo and she just starts off with “He was Gohan’s teacher,” and talks about how strong and cool he looks.    She speaks of him like he’s a family member, because she’s awesome.
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Next up, we have Pan, and now we’re talking.  The scuttlebutt is that this was the character Toriyama was referring to when he spoke of an “unexpected character”.  And I guess Pan fits the bill, since I don’t think anyone expected her to be this old in the movie.   I understand this is her kindergarten uniform, so she’d have to be about five or six years old.  I love Masako Nozawa’s reaction here.   Throughout this video, you can see that Goku and Gohan aren’t just roles to her.   
I’ll put on my fanboy hat here and point out that Pan’s age may imply that this movie takes place after the final episode of Dragon Ball Z.    She looks older here than she did when she fought Wild Tiger, at any rate.   So far, the entire Dragon Ball Super franchise has been set during the ten-year gap between the Buu crisis and the finale of Z.    So everyone has been wondering if DBS would move beyond End of Z, or whether Akira Toriyama even still recognizes the continuity of those final chapters.   They were supposed to be ten years of peace, but all the battles in DBS say otherwise.   Also, I’m pretty sure Pan and Bulla’s ages in the DBZ finale don’t line up well with their appearances in Super, but I’ve never studied it very closely.  
So this might be set post End of Z, or this might be Toriyama retconning End of Z altogether.  I’m interested to see which way this goes. 
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Here’s Krillin, still working for the police, although his uniform looks more like Bronze Age Lex Luthor than anything else. Like Piccolo, the “big” story here is that he’s been tweaked to resemble the coloring in the manga, so his sclera are now white instead of fleshtoned.  
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Never mind that, here’s Piccolo’s house.  This is probably the breakout star of this video, because I think everybody is excited to see Piccolo’s house.   Because it’s new lore!  No one even knew if he had one or not.   It was a running gag in DBZ Abridged that he was homeless.   I mean, congratulations to Krillin for getting his eyes colored in right, but that doesn’t tell me anything new about the character.  But Piccolo’s house is a big friggin’ deal.   What’s inside of there?  What’s on the second floor?   Check out his mailbox.   What kind of mail does he get?  It’s exciting.  
Nozawa even points out that she and her co-workers would talk about this sort of thing in the recording studio.    That’s a big deal to me, that the voice actors think about the same kind of stuff that I do as a fan.   
Around 15:30, they start talking about Toriyama’s commitment to the making of this movie, which seems like a weird thing to focus on, because he wrote the screenplay to the last two movies.   Did anyone think he was stepping back? I get the impression that there’s still some hard feelings about the failure of Dragon Ball Evolution, in the sense that they want to reassure everyone that we’re still in good hands.   I suppose one of these days, Toriyama won’t be as heavily involved in a project like this, so maybe it makes sense for Toei and Shueisha to make it clear that today is not that day.
On the other hand, Toriyama was just as involved with Broly as he was with Resurrection F, and Broly was a much better film.  The Dragon Ball Super manga seems to have revived the old argument over who’s to blame when the story is a letdown, and I think that misses the point.  Look, the Zamasu arc sucked, and I don’t care who wrote what parts, or whether Toriyama had a bad idea or whether he handed a good idea off that was badly executed.   They can hash that out behind the scenes if they want to.  
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About 19 minutes in, they show us this model sheet, and refuse to explain who these guys are or what they’re doing in the movie.   Are they villains?  Who knows?  I’d like to think they’re important characters to the story, but I have my doubts that Krillin will have a big part to play.  
At 20 minutes, they announce the title of the movie, and I’m not very thrilled with “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.” They can talk it up as much as they want, and maybe the title is relevant to the plot, but it’s just too many uses of the word “super”.   Especially when they’ve got another series called “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” on YouTube. 
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Then we get this teaser trailer, or whatever you want to call it, with a CG Goku hopping around and doing his classic fighting pose.  Now, for some reason, lots of people concluded that this means the entire movie will be done in this CG style, which has led to a debate over whether or not that’s a good thing.  If they can make the whole movie look this slick, then I’m fine with it.  Hell, I’m not picky.   They could animate the whole thing in Yukio Ebisawa style, and I’d be thrilled. 
But I’m not understanding where people got the idea that it’s definitely going to be a 100% CGI movie.   They never spell that out in this video, and they even go out of their way to admit that this shot of Goku isn’t actually from the movie.   So is there some other source people are referring to, or did everyone just jump to conclusions?  
And that’s pretty much it.   I don’t mean to sound negative on this panel, but I don’t feel like they revealed very much, unless this is actually going to turn out to be Piccolo and Pan having an adventure by themselves.    I think Toei could make a movie like that and it would be a success, but I have my doubts that they’d go in that direction.  If this is going to turn out to be another big slugfest with Vegeta, then I’m down for that too, but don’t show me Piccolo’s house if the movie’s going to be about Vegeta punching a guy. 
Bottom line: I’m still looking forward to this, but I don’t feel like I know much more about the movie than I did before.   Well, except for the part about Piccolo’s house.  I’m looking forward to seeing the inside of it.
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demonoflight · 5 years
Kizuna Countdown Day 12
Hey I know you’re like “hey what are you doing you don’t even go here where are the 11 previous posts” and I’m like. Liiiiisten. I have my reasons for not doing the whole thing. I also have my reasons for popping up just today. This countdown has been a delight to follow and read so far, and some love needs to be spread that may not be spread otherwise and I’m. On. It. So.
If you don’t know my answer you don’t know what I’m all about.
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It’s them. I’m all about them.
These two are objectively the worst, honestly. They’re a couple of overgrown literal toddlers flying by the seat of their pants and succeeding by sheer dumb luck. That is not the point I’m trying to make. The point is that they’re fun, and very unique as far as Digimon villains go.
Because they’re the Diet Coke of evil, even if they both try really hard to perfect their evil laughs (very solid attempt even if no one’s really buying it). Because their stated goal is they want to watch the world burn, but it’s only so their boss can visit the Digital World (it’s not like they knew he’s possessed by a power-hungry demon vampire or anything). Because they have actual downtime between sessions of Chosen Child trolling and enjoy things like cooking and hot baths (on clifftops) and eating wonton noodle soup. Arukenimon threw a tantrum and made a fake Digimon to destroy a bridge over split ends in her hair. Mummymon talks in his sleep. It’s fun! It’s funny! They’re funny! They’re relatable and lovable in a way a lot of villains aren’t, and it really draws me to them.
Let’s take a second to talk about them individually? Arukenimon’s dedication to looking Evil and Cool is admirable. Like, she’s not as big and mature as she tries to present herself, but she does look awfully cool when it counts. She’s actually very intelligent and the way she gets under the kids’ skin with nothing but words is honestly iconic. Meanwhile, Mummymon is one of the least malicious villains ever seen in Digimon. His openness and curiosity are incredibly endearing, and his love for Arukenimon is so genuine it destroys me on a subatomic level. Oh, I already talked about how good their chemistry is recently, didn’t I? They mesh together really well, it’s a delight to see their dialogues and interactions.
Also their designs are cool! Their Digimon forms are great! A spider-centaur-drider and a mummy with a crutch-rifle? What? That’s incredible! And they’re artificial part humans! What!!! That’s so neat and fits so well with some of the themes 02 sets in place! Gosh!!!
They’re great. They’re just great! I love them so much. I should stop now before I collapse into a teary incoherent mess over how much I adore them.
Honorable mentions go to Pinocchimon, who stands out as basically a child villain and has that really cool narrative of “what is this friendship you speak of”, and Oikawa Yukio, who’s just a sad man who lost his best friend and does a Bad to make their shared dream come true because it’s literally all he has left (also bad demon vampire man erodes morals do not let him possess you if you can help it).
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Parental KiriBaku hcs incoming
For a while he says he doesn’t want kids. Completely shuts Eijirou down when he brings it up, rolls his eyes and checks out when other people bring up kids around him, and all he’ll ever say when asked directly is “I don’t want fuckin kids”
But one night. One night is a rough night, because there are kids involved. A villain attacks a museum and there’s a group of middle school kids there on a field trip. Not all of them make it out ok. Katsuki and Eijirou are two of the first heroes on the scene.
Ei sees how Katsuki is with them, sees how he calms them and cares for them, and he remembers all the times Katsu ever said “I don’t want kids” “fuck kids”
They get home and Ei finally asks him why
And it’s because he’s scared. He’s scared to death that he’s gonna be a bad dad, that he’ll fuck up the same way Mitsuki fucked up with him, because he’s too loud and too angry still, even after years of therapy. That’s not to say Mitsuki is a bad mom, she just wasn’t ready to be a mom when she had Katsuki and formed some really bad habits. Habits that translated over to Katsuki, and he’s overwhelmed by the feeling that he’s never gonna be ready to have a kid
When he’s done spilling his heart on the floor, Ei pulls him into a hug and tells him it’s gonna be ok. That not wanting to make the mistakes your parents did is a good reason to not want kids. That he’ll wait until Katsuki is ready to talk about kids before bringing it up again, and if he never does then they’ll just have to be the best damn uncles to Mina and Tetsu’s kids, and Mido and Ochako’s kids.
And the night passes. And another night. Then a week. A month. A year. Two. Five. They don’t bring up the subject, and they regularly babysit their nieces and nephews.
One night after dinner, they’re both silently doing paperwork in their shared home office when Katsuki clears his throat and beckons Eijirou over to his computer
He tilts the monitor slightly and an adoption website is up, open on the information page. Katsuki doesn’t look Ei in the eye.
Eijirou kisses the top of his head and just says “ok”.
“That’s it? You’re not gonna question it or anything?” Katsu still isn’t looking directly at him, and his voice holds the slightest hint of a waver.
“Why would I? I trust you. If you’re bringing it up, then you’re ready to have the kids conversation, right love?”
“…I don’t know. I just– I can’t stop thinking about it, and picturing how a kid would fit into our place, how easy it would be to convert the guest room into a kid’s room and maybe this into a play room. But.”
“…but you’re still scared,” and the way Katsu tenses tells Ei how right he is.
“What if I’m really not ready, Ei,” he whispers.
Eijirou takes a moment to click on a tab he noticed over to the side, and once the page loads he nudges his husband. “We can always foster one first.”
Katsuki reads the page, scrolls through slowly, then exhales long and low. “You’d be alright with that?”
“Of course. I want kids, true, but not if we both aren’t comfortable with the risk. This is a good place to start.”
“What the fuck did I do to deserve you?” And he finally looks at Ei.
He grins a little, leaning down slightly to kiss the pout off his face. “Existed.”
The process is long and slow, but they make all the required changes and provide all the required documentation. They meet their foster daughter a few weeks after Katsuki brought it up.
She’s a quiet kid, with brown hair and eyes that look like she should be laughing more than she does. Her name is Rin and she is eight years old, the orphaned daughter of an English teacher and a counselor at a drug rehab. Her Quirk puts people to sleep with her voice. Eijirou loves her immediately, and even if Katsuki doesn’t show it quite the same way, so does he.
She grows up and gets less and less quiet with each day, except when her gaze gets far-off and misty and her foster dads know she’s missing her first family. She tells them about her twin brother– Yukio, whose Quirk could wake people up with his voice– after two years. He’s still alive, but in a different place because he’s special needs.
Ei and Katsu do a little digging and find that, while it wouldn’t be impossible to foster Yukio, too, it would be hard. Harder than it was to get the clearance for Rin. Nevertheless, they push for it to happen and three months later they get a call from the agency.
“Yukio is available for a home meeting. Does Sunday or Tuesday work better?”
Tuesday is Rin and Yukio’s birthday, so without hesitating Ei replies “Tuesday.”
He confirms the information the agency needs, then hangs up and slides down the hall in his socks to tell Katsu and Rin the good news where they’re working on her homework in the kitchen.
“Rin, princess, there’s going to be a special birthday surprise for you on Tuesday~” he sings, grinning broadly at the way her eyes widen.
“What is it??” she asks, bouncing slightly in her seat.
“Can’t tell you, then it won’t be a surprise,” he chuckles.
She whines, then turns to Katsu like he knows and would be inclined to tell her. Katsuki just smirks and says “what Papa said. Now, you have homework to finish before Tuesday.”
That night, after Rin is sound asleep, Katsu asks Ei what the special birthday surprise is
“Yukio is coming for a home visit. If it goes well, we’ll be fostering him too. I just got the call today.”
“That is a special birthday surprise. She’s gonna love it.”
Tuesday comes and Katsuki and Eijirou greet Yukio and the agent at the door while Rin is still at school. Half an hour later, Katsuki excuses himself to go pick her up.
“Ready to see your surprise?” he asks just before opening the front door.
“YES, Baba!”
She freezes when she sees her brother. Katsu and Ei don’t think she’s breathing, not until Yukio looks over and, smiling, says “oh hi, Rin.” Then she’s rocketing across the floor and pulling her brother into a tight hug, burying her face into his shoulder. Awkwardly, Yukio puts his arms around her, too.
A watery-sounding, muffled “I missed you, Kio,” winds through the room, and it has even Katsuki blinking back tears. The twins separate and Rin hurriedly dries her eyes, before turning to her foster dads again. “This is my birthday surprise?”
“Yup,” Katsuki confirms, nodding his head. She beams, eyes scrunching into slits. They spend the rest of the day playing and reconnecting, Rin walking her brother through her homework and how her school works and giving him a tour of their home and showing him her room. The hours pass and all too soon, it’s time for Yukio to leave.
“I don’t want you to go, Yukio,” she says as they’re walking him out. She sounds miserable, and Katsuki, Eijirou, and the agent share a look over the kids’ heads.
“As soon as Mr. Bakugou and Mr. Kirishima create a living space for Yukio, he’ll be living with you,” the agent finishes, bending down slightly to look Rin in the eye. She gapes, then whirls to face her foster dads.
“THATS why you were trying to sell the workout equipment??”
“We’re gonna make that Yukio’s room, if he’d like,” Ei says.
Yukio thinks for a moment. “I’ll get to stay with Rin again?” The three adults nod, and he nods too, decisively. “Then yes. I’d like that.”
Two weeks later the room is redone into Yukio’s space, and he’s moving in. It’s too late in the year for him to be transferred into Rin’s school, so they hire a tutor to homeschool him until he can enter middle school with her.
And that’s how they live for the next two years. Katsuki and Eijirou are the parents of two tween terrors, and yes there are less-than-happy times between the four of them. But day by day, Ei can see the fear leave Katsuki as he learns how to be a parent.
A week before the twins’ thirteenth birthday, Katsuki blows open their bedroom door and says “Ei, we’re having a kid.”
Before he can do much more than look up and get really confused, Katsu is shoving two packets of paper under his nose and saying “It’s Rin and Yukio, sign here and here.” The packets are adoption papers, already neatly filled out and signed with Kirishima Katsuki and a blank space where Bakugou Eijirou is supposed to go.
He grins and takes them, cheekily saying “What, do I not get a say in this?” as he’s reaching for a pen. Katsu just rolls his eyes, but he can’t hide the tiny smile on his lips.
Their birthday comes and Rin and Yukio tear away the wrapping paper to find more paper still. Rin whines, disappointed that she didn’t find something flashier for her thirteenth birthday. Yukio, however. Yukio actually reads the packet.
“You’re adopting us?”
Her head whips around, so fast that Katsu and Ei are somewhat afraid she gave herself whiplash, to look at her dads. “REALLY?!”
“Yup. The certificates should be here in a day or two.”
She shrieks and jumps up, throwing herself into hugging them with all she has. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthank—”
Yukio, while less vocal, still grins widely and says “Thank you,” himself.
That night, when the house is dark and Katsu and Ei are lying in bed, Katsu speaks. “Hey, Ei?”
“I think we’re gonna be just fine.”
Unseen in the dark, Eijirou grins and laces his fingers with Katsuki’s. He pulls his hand up and kisses the back of it before murmuring, “Of course we will. It’s us.”
“Mm. Go to sleep, Ei.”
“Love you, Katsu.”
“I love you too.”
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 2 (Summary)
Happy new year everyone! What better way to start it off then with a new summary?
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ for helping out!
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After a while, they switched the helicopter for a train, and they continued their journey to the Netherlands, where the international tribunal is. Shinobu is separated from Byakuya, the Impostor and Kazuya and put in a prison-like-wagon. There are many UN and WHO soldiers guarding it. There, she eavesdrops a conversation between the Impostor, Ibuki Mioda and Gundham Tanaka by using Borges. 
"Hey--the number here is almost the same as the hall of Yokohama Stadium. Ooh, is this where they’re going to hold the New Year’s concert!?” [1] wonders Ibuki. 
"No matter how well these human beings work together, they can't stop the Supreme Overlord of Ice… mwahahahahahaha!"  which came from Gundham.
“Shut up. Because you two are so useless, we ended up being caught by such a boring group like the United Nations.” reprimanded the Imposter.
Shinobu asks herself how many people are working for the Super High School Level Despair, and since Ibuki, Gundham, Sonia and Souda are already working for them, she thinks that maybe her whole class/year has fallen into despair. She then asks herself why the Despair High didn’t ask her to join.
Although this idea is crazy, this reality is so crazy, I think that it is possible the reason is: because I belong to Byakuya-sama. I felt sad for a few seconds, before I thought about it. It didn’t matter. I have my God. Although, I don’t know who their God is, but they can’t be compared to Byakuya Togami.
A soldier brings Shinobu to a luxurious cell room, then leaves.
Fixed bed, fixed sofa, folding table, painting on the wall, good air conditioning... I have no interest in rail travel, it seems to me that this is just a luxurious single cell. After I sat down at one end of the bed, the door was locked. The soldier just gave me a drink, orange juice. I don't know who he regarded me as. I took a sip of orange juice with dissatisfaction. The long-lost water made my stomach irritated, and I found myself hungry. Speaking of which, I haven’t had a decent bite to eat since I was attacked in the Church of Bones. Although I may be irritated by Mishima Yukio, I began to want to drink hot miso soup and eat plum dry rice balls. [2]
Kazuya enters the room, holding a prosthetic arm.
"I’m finally able to be alone with you, my sister, after four years of being alone," he put the right hand on the table and sat down on the sofa. "The train is about to leave, just like our future."
"From the Czech Republic to the Netherlands will be a long journey. I originally wanted to fly, but we have to go through Germany on the way and they are not willing to give us a flight permit."
"Please, sister, don't tease me. Just because I wanted to see my sister, I wanted to hear my sister's voice, I worked hard to live up to today."
"...So, you think you have won."
"I’m not that conceited. I’m not the winner yet, but I will win soon."
"Let me see Byakuya-sama."
"That’s a scary thought, how could I allow that? I have to let my sister sit in the special seat to watch my victory... Hehe."
"What's so funny."
"Oh, of course it's funny, having to speak such villainous lines when I am clearly the hero."
"We don't have time to waste like this right now."
Kazuya responds by saying that she shouldn’t worry, now that everyone involved with the World Domination Proclamation have been captured, that she should just sit back and relax.
"You think you have won?" I repeated. "So far, all you’ve done is somehow come back from the dead, and reversed everything.."
"Oh no, I’m not dead. I have hands and feet and heart, but I have no hope."
“Where is Byakuya-sama?” I asked.
“Byakuya Togami, the Despair High School, Class 78, they are all locked up.”
Shinobu thinks that it regrettable that Sakura Oogami was captured, but at the same time if she can move freely there should be a way to get out of this situation.
The train started. The steel dragon started to move slowly, and then the speed gradually increased, as if to show that he was carrying our will, driving forward with violent momentum. The shock from under my butt was unexpectedly comfortable, perhaps because I was too tired and sleep came to me. 
However sleep could not come to her because Kazuya brings her a new prosthetic arm to replace the broken one. Shinobu knows that it’s for the best, so she takes off her shirt and extends her left arm from the elbow to him. 
"Sister... I’m sorry, I have not protected you."
Although the wound has healed, the skin there is very thin. I almost cried out to prevent it Kazuya from seeing it, and quickly said, “It’s not me that you need to apologize to.”
“Who else should I apologize to then, sister?” asks Kazuya. 
“Go and apologize to those you have murdered.”
“Those that I have murdered?”
His tone sounded completely confused. If this were an old-time novel, this sentence may be written with a very unsavory katakana.
Shinobu reminds him of the siblings that he murdered and the villagers that he killed. Kazuya believes that in the world of the Togami Family it’s “kill or be killed” to justify himself. Plus, it was his “big sister” that brought him into that world anyway.
This causes Shinobu to think back about the events of Kuchinashi Village. However, she can’t seem to recall the events clearly, most likely due to her young age. I suddenly had a question: At that time, which hand did I reach out to Kazuya, the left hand or the right hand? As such, she has to ask Kazuya details about it.
Shinobu asks "Do you remember when I saved you in the village?"
"Yes, for me it is a precious memory." he says
"Which hand did I extend to you at that time?"
"Of course, it was the left hand." he said confidently. With that said, Shinobu couldn’t say anything else and let her be at his mercy. After the installation of the prosthetic hand, I moved it a little. Compared with the latest prosthetic hand made by the Togami Conglomerate, it felt more like my own arm.
Kazuya explains to Shinobu his plan to conquer the world. He will spread the Despair Novel even more and make the world fall into chaos. Then he will accuse Byakuya of everything and arrest him. This way he will be acclaimed as the hero who saved the world from the Despair Disease.
Shinobu refused to accept this and declares that as long as her work remains unfinished, she isn’t finished and, by extension, Byakuya Togami will not be finished.
Even if Byakuya loses and disappears from the world, as long as I am writing “Journey Under The Midnight Sun”, Byakuya Togami won’t be finished. I won’t let him be finished.
Kazuya claims she’s just being arrogant and no one would want to read the biography of a “loser”. He asserts that as the main protagonist of this story, he’ll take back everything that was stolen from him and steal everything from everyone else. That way he gets to enjoy the world, while also being the center of it.
“You’re just an ordinary person,” Shinobu says quickly. “You are just a general staff member of the United Nations. They cannot allow you to have the ambition to conquer the world."
“It’s because I am a general staff member of the United Nations that I will arrest Byakua Togami and kill that Imposter who pretended to be Byakuya Togami. Once I eradicate Despair Disease, I will be hailed a hero by the world! Then, once I get the Kudan, I will become Byakuya Togami!”
Shinobu notes that if Kazuya was able to pull this off then it wouldn’t just be empty words. He would have really conquered the world and without the use of the traditional style like territories or nuclear weapons.
But would Kazuya really be able to do this?
Then suddenly, Shinobu feels like she’s being lifted up, as her glass of orange juice flies up in the sky and shatters on the ceiling. 
The next moment, everything around me seemed to be tumbling like a washing machine.
When I woke up, the whole world was reversed. The bed and sofa in the room were above, and I fell on the ceiling, now the floor.
Shinobu asks Borges what the situation is like and it answers that she was in a coma for three minutes and eleven seconds and she reported a few light injuries. The window of her room is broken and the iron bars covering have been bent from the impact so she is able to get out of the train.
There she sees countless dead soldiers and a group of “Tentacles Soldiers”. They are checking if all the soldiers are dead, and if they find someone who is alive they proceed to kill them. Shinobu looks around and sees the Uragan (#41908870) (which is most likely the cause of the train crash) and Taeko Kanai from the Hasegawa Research Institute.
“It’s no use trying! Resistance is futile! Hand over Byakuya Togami or we’ll keep up our bloodbath!” declares Taeko while playing her guitar atop the Uragan. The Hasegawa Institute seemed to be back...no the Kasamori [3] Drug Manufacturers were back again.
Borges = Search Results #21291600 
Item: Company
Title: "Kasamori Drug Manufacturers"
Was created by Kasamori, founded in the 32nd year of Meiji (1899). Mainly selling professional medical supplies, it merged with Germany's NEO GEHIRN in 1902, becoming the de facto number one in the pharmaceutical industry. After the defeat of the German-Japanese alliance in World War II, the company lost all of its foreign assets and equipment, and later achieved a V-shaped recovery through the manufacture and sale of the red-haired fern tablets 220, which were hailed as “epoch-making anticancer agents”. However, the drug caused many patients to die due to its side effects. The company lost the group lawsuit filed by the patient's family (Red-haired Fern lawsuit, 1998), not only to pay huge compensation, but also to damage the reputation. There are rumors. It is said that the current operating conditions of the company have deteriorated drastically.
Naturally, the WHO/UN soldiers refuse, causing both groups to fight. Kazuya suddenly comes out of the train and reaches to Shinobu. Both come to realize that their attackers are also after the Kudan. She asks him where Byakuya is and he reluctantly tells her that he is in the first wagon, but that the security measures of the train will protect him no matter what.
“A pharmacy actually dares to make life difficult for the WHO, the world is really hopeless. They were probably brought up by dogs, with the way they are acting.” Kazuya says.
“When did you discover Kasamori was posing as the Hasegawa Research Institute?
"What? Sister, what are you talking about?"
"Kasamori is posing at the Hasegawa Research Institute."
Was I the only one to hear about this organization? What is this unspeakable emotion? I remembered that when the classmates in the previous class discussed "Sinking of Japan," [4] I thought they were talking about a very old movie, but soon I found out that they were talking about the remastered version of the movie. Although the plot is the same, it is different from the original version that I am familiar with. Having these almost similar plotlines described to me made me feel like I was transported to some Unreal parallel world. It wasn’t an easy topic for me to handle. For example, it is like an elementary school talent show. When I was performing a children's play at the show, I was about to come on stage. I suddenly found that only the script I had in my hand was different. At that time, I shuddered. 
"Well one thing is clear. It is Kasamori that blocked the road in Germany. Although their name is Kasamori Drug Manufacturers, most of the stockholders are German.”
Shinobu turned around, as to not show her anxiety.
"But aren’t their overseas assets all gone?"
"Just turned underground, and many of the high-ranking officials of Kasamori are now German political figures."
Kazuya explains that Germany likely didn’t give them passage by air, just so that they could stage this train attack on the UN and the WHO to get Byakuya and the Kudan. They will do everything they can in order to obtain the immense power of the Kudan.
"Where is Byakuya-sama?" Shinobu pipes up with.
“You might as well worry about yourself first. Byakuya was handed over to my army, with no problems."
"Where is Byakuya-sama ?"
"Just give it to me..."
"Where is Byakuya-sama?"
"Quit being annoying," Kazuya muttered under his breath. "Byakuya Togami is in the first car."
"I want to save him."
"No need for that, although things have developed to this point, but the physical security measures of the train are impeccable, the windows of the first car are all secured with iron bars, the door is locked from the outside with a padlock, and the outside world can't interfere with the inside."
"I want to save him."
"Are your ears blocked? I said that the safety measures are impeccable, but it’d still be dangerous for you to enter, sister.”
“But I still have to save him. This is the reason why I am alive. I want to look at him, write down his deeds, guarantee his safety. If not, then I will lose the meaning of my existence”
"What a silly fantasy. "
“If you are jealous then you can be quiet.”
“...If my sister must save him, then you mustn't care much for me then.”
“Stop worrying about me.”
Shinobu runs towards the first wagon, but Taeko sees her and several “Tentacles Soldiers” start approaching her.
“Found you, Blue Ink!”
The Uragan comes closer, creating a hole in the ground from the force, and Taeko asks Shinobu to choose between her life and revealing Byakuya’s position. Shinobu asks her about the Hasegawa Research Institute but Taeko has no clue what she’s talking about.
From the attitude of Taeko, she does not seem to be lying about herself. That is to say: she doesn't understand what I am talking about. What I said is very abnormal. I couldn’t believe it…
"Since you aren’t telling us what we need, then you are useless. We don’t have time for playing around anymore, so I will personally send you to hell!!" 
The jet engines began spinning. I was pulling Kazuya’s hand and was going to run behind the carriage to avoid it, but the carriage was blown away like paper.
"You have nowhere to run!"
Taeko’s words are quite right. I can’t find a place to hide. Because of the fierce battles around me, the bullets have now covered the whole area. 
Kazuya then calls all the surviving soldiers and now the two factions are facing each other while the Uragan is coming closer.
Can this be called fighting, isn't it just a matter of ending life without meaning? This is a mutual killing, until one side is the last man standing. A good image of Hell itself.
Then moving so lightly and skillfully, in the sky above such a hellish scene-
“Sorry to keeptcha waiting!!!!~”
Was my brother.
Suddenly a sightseeing bus jumps from the forest and over the hellish scene. It’s Suzuhiko Ootsuki, first off by singing a small nursery rhyme [5] and then ‘Ai wo Torimodose!!’.[6]
The former SHSL Hitman crashes the bus into the Tentacles Soldiers and the UN Soldiers, killing them and entwining the corpses within it’s wheels. 
"I have to get off at the next stop~! But this all night tour ain’t stopping since the breaks are broken!"
The bus then flew into one of the trains causing a large explosion. It seemed to be filled with gunpowder. Shinobu and Kazuya were blasted into the air by the giant explosion, like puppets whose strings had been cut. But after the crash, Suzuhiko wasn’t in the driver's seat anymore and there was a big hole cut in the bus door.
Then the sound of intermittent screamings stopped the soldiers from fighting and after a few seconds all the soldiers from both parties were on their knees, spilling blood from their necks of their chests. None of them were a match for the former SHSL Hitman.
Suzuhiko seemed to be tired of hide-and-seek, jumped out of the pasture, and rushed over to the Uragan in one breath. He stood in front of Taeko in the blink of an eye. Then everything is over.
"H-hey… "
Taeko spat out her last pitiful sentence, perhaps only because her neck was already cut to her vocal cords. Suzuhiko violently ripped away his knives and the body of Taeko was torn apart. Her hands, feet, internal organs and underwear fell like a ripe fruit from the Uragan. [7]
"Oh... Dahahahaha! I have to say that the gap between talent here is too big."
No one interrupted him because the "Tentacles Soldiers" and the United Nations Soldiers had been completely wiped out.
"Heeey, you can come out now. You are both still alive, right? Let's talk business." Suzuhiko said, with his knife gleaming.
Suzuhiko looks down on Shinobu and Kazuya from the top of the Uragan, then he gets off it and starts walking towards Kazuya and Shinobu. As Suzuhiko puts it they have a “family reunion”, which mostly consists of angry shouting and a recap exposition dump. Kazuya blames Suzuhiko for hindering his job, to which he responds he saved Kazuya's life so it's no good to talk to his big brother that way. He has saved it before and now he has saved it again. 
“I just said that what you did hindered me. I am the captain of the World Health Organization’s Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Committee. I am not who I was four years ago.”
"Are you going to rub your own ass? Oh, Dahahahaha! I’ll wait for you to wear a diaper so you can say that again!"
“I am no longer a child.”
They continue to argue, Suzuhiko bringing up the point that they are not blood related so he didn’t have to save him. 
"Why did you even come to the Czech Republic? Don’t tell me you are after the Kudan, too."
"Nah, I'm not interested in the prophecy your little cow girl, I just accepted the commission to the assassination of Byakuya Togami." 
“Who commissioned you?”
"Do you think I’m really gonna tell you."
"Are you lying, them?" Kazuya said. "You spontaneously came to the Czech Republic and spontaneously blended into this incident."
"Well~ why do you think so?"
"Intuition alone can't refute someone, Kazuya. It's because of this reason that you were destroyed by that detective in that incident."
"Do you know what happened to that detective? I heard that he is dead, like a dog."
"I'm not interested."
"To tell you the truth, I'm not either. Once I heard Nanamura was dead, my heart didn’t even waver once. It’s really strange to say but, I hate him so much that I can’t ever forgive him." [8]
"It means you haven't let go from the beginning."
“I didn't expect that I actually understood my feelings after so long... Can you understand your own mood?”
"Then now, there is only one purpose for me here. That is to reconcile with you." Suzuhiko said as he jumped off of the Uragan, onto Taeko’s mangled corpse and came over to stand in front of us.
Suzuhiko recites an old japanese saying and continues with, “This is how it is. Our brothers and sisters are all dead, only us are alive. The Togami name can no longer bind us, and the Togami name cannot be the motive for us to fight. So, we should naturally reconcile.”
"Are you serious?"
"Of course."
"Then you are crazy, you just ruin everything."
"Do you really think so, Kazuya? Then you are the crazy one, you destroyed everything."
Shinobu believes that this fight will be the end of the relationship between them all. It will be ruined as both Suzuhiko and Kazuya have ruined her, and she them.
Obviously, if the three of us are together, the destruction will come again, but my brother’s can't understand this. It has always been this way.
Shinobu lashes out at the both of them, saying she will not go back to either of them, as they are no longer Togami’s. Suzuhiko Ootsuki, Orvin Elevator: Both of them are now outsiders to the family.
"What you said is really sad, my dear little sister," Suzuhiko was unmoved. "Our name is not important at all. The relationship between me and you is enough to surpass the name Togami."
"The Togami name is very important. I am a Togami, I am the 'Super High School Level Secretary', belonging to Byakuya-sama only. So I can't really say it’s good to see you again."
"Oh, haha, don't mention the small stuff, let’s forgive and forget, and become as close as we were before all this, sound good?"
"Don't you dare."
It’s Kazuya. Taking a step forward, he let the lightsaber appear on his right hand and stopped in front of our big brother.
"Come on, Kazuya, how could a younger brother be able to beat his older brother? Put away that dangerous thing, and play some easier games. What do you reckon. chess or poker? Or I guess we could play UNO but, with me, well..."
"I want to save my sister, let her get rid of your curse, and use my own strength to do it."
And with that, Kazuya’s lightsaber, shining like a fluorescent lamp, grazed his older brothers throat. However, Suzuhiko continued to smile happily, like some hippie. He screamed, "Oho, guess it’s a change of heart~" He raised his bloodstained knife.
At that moment I heard a sound. A large flame was burning around us, and the fire ignited by the incendiary bomb surrounded us. The heat was almost enough to burn my throat, the crimson-colored [9] fire wall appears around, and the surrounding is covered by a brand new hellish scene. Moreover, this does not seem to be having a positive effect on Kazuya. He looked at the sky with an incredulous look, and screamed "This can’t be-," and Kazuya-
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"
He was shaking.
Borges = Search Results
Classification: Symptom
Title: "Flashback"
Post traumatic stress disorder, a mental disorder caused by intense psychological stress due to disasters, accidents, emergencies, etc., causing psychological fake events or the situation which caused the trauma reappearing in the brain and, when the symptoms are severe, it may even cause confusion.
After two fires in Kuchinashi Village and at Touajou Castle, Kazuya was indeed insane. I didn’t know when his sword disappeared, and a shameful liquid flowed out of his eyes and mouth, making him lose the strength to support his body, and he fell on his knees. Kazuya is suffering, but I intend to use this gap to escape. I fully understood my indifference and ran away at the same time. Although it is not clear what happened in the end, there is only one thing I have to do, and that is to go to the first train car where Byakuya-sama is, and that's it.
Shinobu runs to the first wagon of the train, ignoring Suzuhiko who is calling for her. More incediary bombs fell, as she walked to the first car, but it was already burnt to a crsip. She tries to open the door of the wagon, but it’s locked by a padlock. Suzuhiko then steps forward and cuts a hole through the wagon door and Shinobu gets inside.
The train car had been burnt and the heat has reached dangerous levels. I walked quickly, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I thought he might have escaped from another door, but I tried to pull the door, it was locked by another padlock, but Byakuya-sama was gone. Byakuya-sama, Byakuya-sama, Byakuya-sama, Byakuya-sama... I called his name, but never found him. How could this be, he couldn't get out...
At that moment, I heard the roar of an engine. I suddenly had a strong sense of foresight and quickly jumped out of the first train car. I know, I know this, I know what will happen next, and after that too. Then, the Mercedes stopped at the side that I expected, and the window of the driver's seat did not open as I expected.
"Heyyy, rich kid! Need a lift?" [10]
The man in the driver's seat did not know why I looked so happy. "Hey, so where we goin’?"
There was no other choice.
I pulled the rear door and jumped into the Mercedes.
"Coming in!"
"Thank you, my pleasure, Miss."
The Mercedes darted forward as the throttle was pressed. I saw Suzuhiko run over at a frightening speed, but the man in the driver's seat said "BOOM-OFFFFF!"[10], pressed the skull button, and there was a jet engine behind the car increasing our speed. The landscape, the sky, the flames, and my brothers all disappeared in the violent acceleration, and I could not see anything with my dynamic vision or Borges.
While bumping about in the car, my memories felt like they were starting to see the Unreality of this situation.
<CHAPTER 11·End>
Translation Notes:
[1] Yokohama Station s a major interchange railway station in Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. It is the busiest station in Kanagawa Prefecture and the fifth-busiest in the world as of 2013, serving 760 million passengers a year. 
[2] Kimitake Hiraoka known also under the pen name Yukio Mishima, was a Japanese author, poet, playwright, actor, model, film director, nationalist, and founder of the Tatenokai. Mishima is considered one of the most important Japanese authors of the 20th century. He was considered for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, but the award went to his countryman Yasunari Kawabata. His works in question here is Apollo’s Cup: a collection of many travel stories by Mishima in Europe, and lots about the food eaten there. Mishima's work is characterized by its luxurious vocabulary and decadent metaphors, its fusion of traditional Japanese and modern Western literary styles, and its obsessive assertions of the unity of beauty, eroticism and death Mishima's personal life was controversial, which makes him still a contested figure today. Ideologically a right wing nationalist, Mishima formed the Tatenokai, an unarmed civilian militia, for the avowed purpose of restoring power to the Japanese Emperor. On November 25, 1970, Mishima and four members of his militia entered a military base in central Tokyo, took the commandant hostage, and attempted to inspire the Japan Self-Defense Forces to overturn Japan's 1947 Constitution. When this was unsuccessful, Mishima committed seppuku.
[3] Wasn't sure if its Kasamori or Kasanori so we just went with Kasamori
[4] Sinking of Japan is a 2006 tokusatsu film directed by Shinji Higuchi. It is an adaptation of the novel Japan Sinks and a remake of the film Tidal Wave, both made in the year 1973.
[5] The title is something like “sitting on the bus” but I can't translate the names of the composer or lyricist, and can't find anything about it online either but it’s probably real.
[6] ‘Ai wo Torimodose!!’ is one of the openings to Fist of the North Star.
[7] RIP Taeko, you will be missed you glorious bastard.
[8] So Kazuya hates Suisei. All the more reason to hate Kazuya lol. Also RIP Suisei, you will be missed you glorious bastard.
[9] It translated as peridot not crimson but I doubt there was enough copper for that to happen.
[10] AAAAAAAA HIROYUKI IS BACK. The exact lines I changed a tiny bit to resemble two of his notable lines from the first book just for clarity. “Do you need a lift young master” and “I pressed it” honestly don’t do his character justice, so they were replaced.
To Be Continued.
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
@guiltscorched​ started following Yukio
There is nothing to see here for hero or otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary just a simple stray cat rooting through trash cans and minding it’s own business. Nothing unusual at all.
At least until it’s startled.
Tumblr media
“What the hell was that?!” Oh, it does talk. There is that important detail.
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the-stark-bunch · 6 years
List of Kids
Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark: Tony Stark’s oldest adopted son. Adopted at age five when his aunt and uncle were killed over the research that gave him his Spider abilities in the same fashion as his mother and father.. Serves as the hero Spider-Man and Iron Spider.
Harlen Tyler “Harley” Keener-Stark: Tony Stark’s second adopted son. Adopted at age 10 when his mother passed away. Has an arc reactor for a heart after unable to find a heart downer when told his Cardiomyopathy would kill him Serves part time as Successor, becoming the successor to the War Machine and Iron Man tittle (though the public still calls him Iron Lad).
Riri Williams: The successor to the Iron Man mantle along with Harley known as Iron Heart. Tony loves her as though she were his own daughter, making her Peter and Harley’s surrogate sister.
Cassandra Eleanor "Cassie" Lang: Daughter of Scott Lang, Ant Man. Her step mother is Hope Van-Dyne, The Wasp and daughter of the original Ant Man and Wasp. She is secretly operating as the hero Stature with the help of Tony Stark, her godfather and uncle. She has Congenital heart disease that was mysteriously cured for a reason her parents are not aware of.
Shuri: Princess of Wakanda and the second Black Panther, also known as Aja-Adanna. Works with Tony very often in the labs, and has developed a close friendship with Riri, Peter and Harley.
Ned Leeds: Peter, Harry And Gwen S’s best friend since diapers. Got a Stark Internship at the end of sophomore year and started dating Betty Brant.
Yukio: accidentally stumbled into her Stark Internship and a relationship with Wade’s friend Ellie. Became good friends with everyone else who lives/works in SI.
Nathaniel Richards: The part time Iron Lad and foster son of Reed Richards.
Elizabeth “Betty” Brant: Ned’s girlfriend and one of Harley’s best friends. The drummer in MJ’s band and one of the only people (along with Ned, Flash and Yukio) who knows about everyone at SI’s secret identities.
Michell Jones: Peter and Ned’s other friend, though she’s closer with Harley who has the same kind of sarcasm as her. Black Lives Matter, Feminist and LGBT Rights. Has a band called The Mary Janes where she is lead singer, Betty is on drums, and Gwen S is the guitarist.
Harry Osborn: Almost a bigger feminist than Michell. The son of Norman Osborn and future owner of Oscorp. Peter, Ned, Gwen S and Harley’s childhood friend.
Gwendolyn “Gwen” Maxine Stacy: Harry’s best friend, as well as Peter and Ned’s. Daughter of the Captain of the NYPD and trained Jr Officer. Secretly the masked vigilante Ghost Spider who is deeply hated by the public and her father.
Eugene “Flash” Thompson: Used to bully Peter, Ned and Harley until Harry and MJ put him in his place. Now he’s good friends with them all, and extremely protective over Harley.
Wade Wilson-Howlett: resident pansexual and one man pride parade. Attends the same STEM school as everyone else, despite being no where near qualified. Adopted son of a history teacher at the school in Westchester that he got kicked out of. Had cancer growing up to the point that doctors said he wouldn’t live to see 16 (he proved them wrong).
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Poole: Seemingly normal girl who works at a McDonald’s in Brooklyn and is the best friend is Miles Morales. At first they believe that Gwen is simply Miles’s best friend and madly in love with Gwen Stacy, but when caught in crossfire they realize she has the regenerative mutant gene just like the Howletts. After her parents and brother are supposedly killed by Ghost Spider, she is fostered by Logan.
Liz Allan: Daughter of The Vulture, a villain Peter fought in freshman year. Really popular and smart. One Harley’s best friend’s (along with Flash, Betty and MJ).
Edward Charles Allan “Eddie” Brock: President of the journalism club at the school with Peter as vice prez. A really sweet guy, but a bisexual disaster at the same time. He got cancer in freshman year, but it disappeared entirely right after Peter met the latest villain Venom...
Miles Morales: A boy in Laura’s class who she later discovers to be the kid Peter is mentoring. He is slated to take over the Spider-Man title. He is currently known as Arachnid or Kid Archnid. Due to his father being the captain of the Brooklyn Police Force he grew up knowing George and Gwen Stacy. He went to the police academy early with Gwen S, and is the only one who knows that she is the Ghost Spider.
Anne Weying: Eddie’s ex and his best friend. Really smart, but doesn’t know how to keep out of bad situations. Almost as popular as Liz, and after her leaving the school, took her place in the power vacuum.
Dan Lewis: Anne’s boyfriend who attends the school with everyone so that he can take as many medical field classses as he can. Wants to become a doctor, but is willing to put his hard work on hold to help a friend in need.
Laura Howlett: Wade’s sister who also attends the STEM school. Has the same sarcasm and pride as her father and brother. Very little patience and is mostly mute due to the pain she feels when she speaks. When she does speak, it is usually in Spanish.
T’Challa: Tired king doing his best to take care of his sister in America when he can. Is engaged to Ororo Munroe, though no one besides he and Shuri know.
Ellie Phimister: Yukio’s girlfriend and Wade’s friend from his old school.
Viv Vision: The Vision’s daughter. She gets back from her tour of the world and decides to start working at SI.
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ao3feed-spideytorch · 4 years
take me to church
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VnP1mR
by spidrwoman
Kurt Wagner was sure he was a sinner. And it wasn’t just because he had been born the son of a demon and villain. No, he was a sinner for the way he liked to watch Bobby Drake. “I’ll pray for you” was what he’d said when Bobby had told the team that he liked boys. Kurt should’ve been praying for himself.
In which Kurt Wagner has a severe case of internalized homophobia. He's in love with Bobby Drake and hates himself for it. Lots of angst, some questionable ideas on my part, but a happy ending. Also there's a sick plot twist at the end you'll love it.
Words: 3886, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kurt Wagner, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III, Jean Grey, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Johnny Storm, Peter Parker, Angelica Jones, Jubilation Lee, Kitty Pryde, Charles Xavier, Ellie Phimister, Yukio (Deadpool Movies), Hank McCoy, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Nils Styger, Kiwi Black, Azazel (X-Men), Demon Bamfs
Relationships: Bobby Drake/Kurt Wagner, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, Ellie Phimister/Yukio (Deadpool Movies), Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Kurt Wagner & Warren Worthington III, Kurt Wagner & X-Men Team, Bobby Drake & Warren Worthington III, Bobby Drake & Peter Parker, Bobby Drake & Johnny Storm, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Kurt Wagner & Nils Styger, Kitty Pryde & Kurt Wagner, Logan (X-Men) & Kurt Wagner
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Whump, Romantic Fluff, Boyfriends, Emotional Roller Coaster, Friends to Lovers, Gay Panic, Religious Conflict, Demons, Plot Twists, Gay Bobby Drake, Catholic Kurt Wagner, Kurt Wagner Speaks German, Kurt Wagner Deserves Happiness, Kurt Wagner Whump, Logan & Kurt Wagner Friendship, Raven | Mystique is Kurt Wagner's Parent, Hurt Kurt Wagner, Explicit Language, Jewish Character, LGBTQ Jewish Character(s), Jewish Bobby Drake, bamf kurt wagner, mature rating because of mildly explicit content, it's not bad, there's a huge plot twist at the end get ready kids, I'm in rare pair hell, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VnP1mR
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