#(I think Jack would just be born with bpd though)
poopingonthefloor · 2 years
Personally i think dave shows a lot of signs of bpd along with autism
YEAH I can see that, I definitely think he has a lot of signs of bipolar and psychosis and stuff (alongside autism) ESSPECIALLY after the lobotomy (He thinks jack is trying to kill him for accidentally dropping his ice cream on him ((((jack is actually just trying to seduce him))))
Though I definitely think Jack is also bipolar too though thats something I've headcanoned him with for a while
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kingtessence · 23 days
Handsome Jack
— headcanons
NOTES: references
CWs: mentioned child abuse, animal abuse, drug mention
Tumblr media
He was born on Tantalus and his mother left him to his maternal grandmother on Pandora (canon) when he was eight (headcanon)
He’s a Sagittarius ♐️
He/His grandmother had a pet cat named Pickles. She, the cat, was subsequently killed as a punishment.
He has PTSD, NPD, BPD, & ADHD. Bulimic.
He ran away from his grandmother the night he turned 18.
That’s a 40 year old man!! (BL2)
33 (BL1 - 2862) / 36 (BL:TPS - 2865) / 40 (BL2 - 2869) / 41 [†] (TFTBL - 2870) / 47 [†] (BL3 - 2876)
I think he was 36 in BL:TPS, so 2865.
Angel was born when he was 20, making her 15 in BL1 and 20 in BL2.
He’s had two wives. (canon) Angel’s mother and some other woman. (I don’t subscribe to the Nisha 2nd wife theory, she’s too independent for that.)
Weirdly defensive about being straight despite centuries of queer acceptance… (Bi and in denial)
Neglected Butt Stallion. (She ate his office plants in retaliation. He just sighed and replaced them as she did.) He did still really like her and pampered her when he remembered her. She was genuinely sad when he died.
Was not the creator of the death trapdoor as much as he wishes he was. (It was actually Alma Harren who saw it in a movie and felt inspired.)
LOVED guns. Hyperfixated on them. Would get unreasonably upset when people didn’t like his designs.
Would throw stuff off of balconies and watch it hit people.
Had a weird boner for Katagawa Sr. He tries not to think about it too hard.
Sent Athena & Janey an expensive congratulations-on-getting-together gift. They burnt it and roasted marshmallows over it.
Genuine genius despite his petulant behaviour.
Liked walking around Helios and seeing how people were doing. Also spat on a couple people. Stopped doing it after he saw someone horny post about it.
Loved the attention and adoration he got. Hated the objectification. Tried to convince himself he liked it. It didn’t work. Thank god for Timothy’s theatre classes.
Bullied in high school, was in the computer sciences club.
Wears the most expensive ass cologne and it’s just fucking pine
Otherwise smells like metal, blood, fresh-baked cookies, burning flesh, and strangulation. /ref
Swiftie. Specifically a fan of RED & 1989.
Manwhore. Does that count as a headcanon?
Horrible with women though. Stuttering mess. Waves his hands around. The whole nine yards.
Kills/Threatens men he likes.
Very lonely. Nisha continues to decline his calls.
Does a lotta drugs. Like. Like a LOTTA drugs. He shouldn’t have lived as long as he did really.
Gets needlessly upset when someone mixes up strangulation and choking.
Randomly brings up his grandmother and it makes everyone uncomfortable. Please stop.
I could keep going but I won’t. But I could.
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changesxnight · 7 years
do uhhhhhh all the identity asks
how the hell am I supposed to do that if I don’t have an identity? 
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?- read HOTPS. watch the Breakfast Club. listen to the Heathers musical soundtrack or to my bpd playlist.
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?- SE Hinton, at least when she was younger. I feel understood when I read her books. Everything makes sense. For once, I’m not crazy. Quite the opposite actually; I fit right in.
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.- The Outsiders — Dallas Winston - the Breakfast Club — Allison Reynolds - Impractical Jokers — Joe Gatto (but he’s real??)- Supernatural — Dean Winchester - Heathers — I wish it was Veronica but I think it’s really JD.
do you like your name? is there another name you think would fit you better?- my real name is Ashley and I do like it, but there’s a reason I go by Britt online. no, not just cause 12 year old me was paranoid that stalkers would find her but rather, it gives me a sense of freedom. I almost feel like it’s a clean slate, even though Britt acts just like Ashley- I also love the name of my character in my novel, Katie Curtis-Mellinger. it might not fight right now but by the time I die, it will. probably in more ways than I’d like it to….
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?- dang. this is a good one. - my main point in HOTPS is that we’re all human. we were born to love and to be loved. to be human is to feel: cry, laugh, love, talk, get angry, be happy. it’s in our nature.- but man. see, I would like to say I’m a human doing but that means I’m my good deeds and sins. so if one sin an one good deed cancel out, do I cancel out to be average? I don’t know
are you religious/spiritual?- I am. I’m a not-so-practicing Seventh-Day Adventist. If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m at a point where I truly only care about Jesus.- I actually don’t even like the label ‘Christian’ because of how other people with that same title act. I’m a follower of Christ and I get it means the same thing but I follow what Jesus says. - He told us to love others, to love each other the way God loves us: unconditionally. We shouldn’t judge others; actually, the way we judge others is how God’s gonna judge us so….
do you care about your ethnicity?- kinda?? I only bring up that I’m Italian when I need to defend my appetite, my volume or why I talk with my hands
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?- at the moment, Green Day. I’m angry and I hate the government and all its corruptness. I want it to change for the better. I want human beings to be treated like human beings. I want a government that can earn my respect, I’m sick of giving it away because it’s “the polite thing to do.”
are you an artist?- writing is a form of art, right?
do you have a creed?- lately, it’s been praying for the ones I hate. like this kid in my class is a complete asshat. he’s bigoted in every way. racist, homophobic and sexist and more. he’s horrible.- but I’ve been praying for him. and he’s been nicer to me. he’s keeping his mouth shut more often. so it’s a win-win.
describe your ideal day.- there’s lots of ideal days- a day at Camp with my newly made friends (and old friends) where we talk about memes, make our own memes, hike the mountain and eat Tin Foil Dinners. it sounds perfect. - but a day at the beach is also perfect. bike riding all morning and going to the shops in town. I would love to buy whatever I wanted and not care about the price. swimming in the ocean, nearly drowning in salt water. I love it- but a day at an amusement park sounds perfect, too. riding roller coasters, talking to Tyler at the water slide, singing Shake It Off on Demon Drop while Shane says “my shoe fell off.” stupidity but perfection. and let’s finish the night off with a 5sos concert. and I’ll meet Jack Hemmings - honestly, a stress free day is ideal
dog person or cat person?- I love cats but I’m a dog person - but I’m morphing into a cat person. Nicki, man…. she knows how to get me all cuddly and just wanting to drink hot chocolate while it’s raining or something
inside or outdoors?- see I love both- I love camping and the fresh air and running around bare foot in grass - but I also love wifi, blankets and my bed so
are you a musician?- wow I wish
five most influential books over your lifetime.- the Outsiders- Rumble Fish- Just Listen- that’s it
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?- hell no. ask me about my HOTPS AUs. seriously. nearly everything in life is impacted by epigenetics ask me about that too  
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?- yeah. I try to act like I do in real life and be honest with others
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?- I regret never getting into Harry Potter but I admire Heromine immensely - but to answer your question, everyone tells me I’d be a Hufflepuff
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?- Neverland
do you love easily?- is the Pope Catholic
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.- day dream - eat- watch YouTube videos, movies or tv shows- write - sing
how often would you want to see your family every year?- who are we talking about here?- I wanna see my mom every day- but I could die happy if I never saw my Mellinger cousins again
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?- yeah several times - one time, Sam texted me “get chocolate milk” the exact second I went to reach for it. keep in mind, she lives 350 miles away- another time, I was in an accident across the state and my mom woke up, crying, not sure why she was so sad but she felt horrible. it was at the same time I was crying, whimpering for my momma
could you live as a hermit?- hell no. I need human interaction in order to function
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?- I guess I’m cisgender? Let’s not get into that….- I’m technically pansexual. I like guys, gals and non-binary pals. If you’re human, I’ll find you cute- But I like the label bisexual more. I don’t know why, I just do.
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?- if the real me is a fat blonde who lives in hoodies, jeans and flannels cause she’s gay and insecure than…..I don’t wanna be the “real me”
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?- it really depends on my mood and I know that’s a shitty answer but I could have the patience of a saint one day and be ready to kill someone because they’re breathing too loudly the next. sometimes even the ones I love the most can annoy the hell outta me
three songs that you connect with right now.- I’m Not Pregnant, I’m Just Fat- Michael in the Bathroom - Fight For Me
pick one of your favorite quotes.- “To prove God’s love. I have to give everything — nothing held back — so they will know.” Jesus, 1999. the movie, not the person. 
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