aeryssickfics · 6 months
me, realizing I'm caught up on genshin and can finally wander amvs without fear only to Immediately stumble upon a pair of Utterly devastating diluc & kaeya animatics, waiting to bash my knees in.
yeah this is the fandom experience I was expecting. there's also an animation floating around that I reblogged on One of my blogs that is the night kaeya got his vision and im ;~; again over it now that I have more complete context (bc I read the manga). Screaming, sobbing, etc.
the genshin fandom still kinda scares me but you guys (affectionate) have been wonderful to nestle in next to.
(i'm still writing this tighnari & collei & cyno thing but im trying to figure out how old Collei is and realizing im gonna have to wing it- it's fine. we're 2k in. I'm having the time of my life, etc. torturing Tighnari Feels different than torturing Diluc & Kaeya and its Pretty interesting because I'm currently going idk if ive got the right voice but Damn is ti fun to play with)
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director's (editor's?) commentary for take me to war, my most popular amv by far. i'm trying not to explain the Meaning but what i would do differently + my thought processes. the Why instead of the What if that makes sense.
the clips in the "i am always swinging at" -> "somebody i can't knock down" transition both show anthy from behind on purpose. making transition between cuts smooth used to be Very important to me and i used fade effects with extreme liberty.
i would change the anthy clip at the line "somebody i can't knock down" from anthy lifting her head and beginning to turn to just the turn. i think it would look cleaner, but it doesn't bother me.
if i edited this today, the duel in the first chorus would look different. i try to keep the duel's choreography somewhat there. so instead of going straight from utena dodging nanami -> nanami pushing against utena's sword, i'd probably show nanami lunging in between those clips.
the duel in the second chorus doesn't have this problem though
the scene of nanami and touga before the duel (all of the coals that still sit in my gut / i am always burning up) was SO hard to put together.
the last twenty seconds or so of the amv? that's when i figured out how to crossfade between scenes. completely on accident. i would proceed to abuse the hell out of this in the next amv i made, los ageless.
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ignisnatione · 1 year
I remember just starting out with this hobby. I was scouring the internet, listening to Inuyasha AMV's, you know, as you do, when you're a child with limited access to the internet. That's all I would do. Then, I found this site where people would be writing back and forth with one another. I had no idea what it was at the time. But I wanted to do that. I had to find a way to do that. But I was nervous about it. After all, I'm just some kid watching fucking Inuyasha AMV's, for the most part. So over the next few days I would try and find a place where I COULD WRITE with other people too.
That's all I could think about. I wanted to write. I wanted to write with other people. It was like, finally finding a purpose in life, to me. Not that I would notice this sort of...realization, till much later. But I set my course, this is what I wanted to start doing. I was too nervous about the site I originally found, and I had also lost it after the initial time I'd found it. It was just a bare bones kind of roleplay site, i'm pretty sure. Anyway, so, I searched for this activity and I found it was called roleplaying. Then I searched sites where roleplaying was taking place. Eventually, I had landed on Gaiaonline.
I was excited, but nervous still. Where was I going to start this journey? How? Would anyone even want to write with me? I don't know what I am doing! But I'm learning. That's the most important thing. I'm trying to get into this hobby. I'm trying to understand it. I go to school, thinking about it. I'm getting more interested in books outside of the one's with pictures in them. This is something I REALLY want to do. Then, one day, I get home. I find that a new roleplay group had started, and I figure "Ah well, it's new. It's going to have people in it that might be new to this like me, or at least, maybe new to each other, right?" So I applied with my very first muse. She was an angel with black wings, I know. HAHAHA, very original. But this was the kind of characters that were listed as being part of the story.
So, that's where I first started, I did one reply, no one answered. But that wasn't because I was a bad writer. No. That was because no one was actually writing at all in this roleplay, period. With each other, let alone, at all. So that was my first experience with this hobby. Disappointment. But I had broken the barrier, I wasn't as nervous anymore. I had done it! I did it. I was free. After that, I joined another RP. Here is where some troubles began. Where I first noticed the problems that would later plague Gaiaonline's roleplaying community, pretty much destroying it. The same behavior that now holds it's death grip on this RPC, too. The writing is on the walls. There's no stopping most of many those who are in our community and behaving badly. But we can try and show people how they should be engaging with this hobby we all mutually love. Right? I'd hope so.
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pinkautist · 2 years
seeing that last thing made me think of this (mainly because, once upon a time, i would have been that person saying "no" about bringing back any type of sonic the hedgehog meme), but as a kid, i LOVED sonic the hedgehog stuff. like, i believe it was the very first fandom i got into.
as you can imagine, i stumbled across Very Questionable content while looking for fanart. by this, i mean that stumbled upon sexual content of sonic the hedgehog characters. being as young as i was (i believe i was maybe 10 years old?), i had no idea what i was looking at, and i ALSO had no idea to delete my history to prevent my father, who would sometimes go through my stuff whenever i had problems, from seeing it.
as you can imagine, the worst happened.
i had a problem with my system, and my dad took a look. he saw the pornographic content i had stumbled upon.
and then he proceeded to bully me for it.
he had already been calling many of my interests "autistic interests", like pokémon and sonic the hedgehog, and saying that he wasn't autistic enough to like them (my brother in christ, you've liked star trek for over a DECADE, and i certainly got it from somewhere). he bullied me so badly about this that i ended up crying and dropping all sonic the hedgehog media i had been engaging at the time. video games, cartoons, songs i had come to associate with it through youtube amvs, EVERYTHING.
and then, over the next decade, he would tell all of my partners about it within their first meeting.
at maybe 16, i decided to try to play one of the games because i was curious to see how it ended. seeing the characters on the screen, however, made my skin crawl with disgust, and i had to turn it off because i simply couldn't enjoy it.
this constant bullying, however, lead me to be VEHEMENTLY anti-sonic. i had convinced myself that i hated it. and you know what? it took a long time to work through that. it wasn't until very recently, nearly 14 years later, that i'm able to be okay with "what i did wrong" (i did nothing wrong) and the fact that sonic the hedgehog is still pretty cool. i can finally watch those cartoons and listen to those songs. i haven't tried the games, but i'm sure that some of that shame will still linger when i start them up, even though my father isn't around anymore. but one day, i might get to figure out how those games end.
THIS, and plenty of other instances in which my father was mean to me, is why i will always be one of the loudest people in the room regarding criticizing and bullying your children -- or children in general. DON'T DO IT. you ruin their entire lives. they end up with loads of trauma to unpack. because i don't know about you, but it sounds like i was legitimately traumatized from that. BE NICE TO KIDS.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures / Tri ~ x K@gerou Project / Mek@kucity @ctors “ DEAD and SEEK ” A.M.V ( PREVIEW / UNFINISHED ) [ music ( C ) Jin ] [ V O C A L O I D : I . A ] featuring implied DUO/SHIP/O.T.P.: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya] x Koushiro(u) [“Izzy”] Izumi also known as [Taishiro(u)] - Ken Ichijouji x Daisuke Motomiya [Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya in US] { as Kensuke / DaiKen } can also be read in ! with cameos from: Daisuke Motomiya & V-Mon; Ken Ichijouji / Digimon Kaiser { Implied } / Wormmon; Meiko Mochizuki; Hikari Yagami; Homeostasis { Briefly Implied }; & NOT!GENNAI { Tri } with brief footage / video clips from: Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna { Koushiro scenes }
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy]
Part of my Digimon Adventures AMVs series / Semi canon-Compliant or otherwise, AUs / spinoffs Ficverse series { TAISHIRO is the main pairing / duo } : REPEAT?_Verse; with links to more information here ! { Please read all links & information before reading the fic ! } { The A.M.V.s are made as an alternative means of storytelling ! }
... It’s A Timeloops Series. &
“ So WHY didn’t you include 02 from the start ANYWAY ? ”
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[ Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ] SONG LYRICS PREVIEW { for the future ! }:
... This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since THAT ACCIDENT we were PLUNGED INTO ALONE, now, I REALIZED that ; [ . . . ]
TODAY , I’ll ----
“ HEY . YOU’RE   up next .
Let’s SEE HOW     FAST   you   can     R U N . ”
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HI! I was wondering, when you make AMVs, are there some general things that you keep in mind or try to do? For example, synchronizing the changes in the clips or whatnot with the music. I'm kinda asking for advice, so I'd be really grateful to hear anything you have to say.
Ohhh, boy...
OH BOY,,,,,,,
This is probably gonna get really, really long, because I happen to be an aspiring filmmaker, so seeing someone ask ME for advice on AMV craftsmanship just makes my heart soar. So, thank you for that
Here’s a couple of my tips and tricks! Note that these are just my preferences, as many other styles and techniques are available to people who use different software.
You’re correct in the assumption that changing clips to the beat of the music (beat-syncing, as I unofficially call it in my head) plays a HUGE role in making AMVs. To make that smoother, I think that being able to see the waveform of the music you’re editing to is a great tool, because I know exactly where the downbeat I want to sync to is. As well as syncing cuts to beat, I think syncing the action within a shot to the beat, like someone blinking or their footsteps, adds an extra layer of immersion. This can be hard to do sometimes given the length of the shot, but the effect is worth it.
Sometimes beat-syncing isn’t precisely the way to go, however. Often, slow, soft fades are much more effectively when matching tempo adagio or slower, or quiet music. And never underestimate the power of a black screen; when the audience has just been hit with a pensive moment, give them time to think. I point to my “Bohemian Rhapsody” video for advice on both of these -- if it’s a slow song, slo-mo, fading, and sometimes straight-up darkness is the way to go.
Just for general creation advice, my “routine” for making videos follows thusly:
Choose the song you want to use. If you scroll through my channel, a lot of the songs I choose are 4+ minutes, mostly because songs that are longer tend to be about something. It’s hard to show meaning and create a visual story to a song with no relevance to the themes of the show.
Write down all the lyrics to the song and break lines according to when you want to change visuals, or make a note indicating when the shot will change (i.e. “One shot per downbeat”, which is usually hell to make and so fun to watch). 
Think to yourself, how do I want to organize these visuals? For example, will each verse go chronologically through the show? Will I follow the character arc of one specific character? Just trailers? Just Volumes 1-3? Just 4-6? If it’s a song with multiple “acts”, like “The Killing Kind” on my channel, the answer may be all of the above. Or none -- maybe just all the fights in the show! Just know that the viewer tends to associate chronology the best with the logical progression of a cluster of shots -- if I show the fight on top of the train, Cinder vs Neo, and the fight of the Grimm Reaper, your brain goes “oh, she’ll probably show the mech fight, or the fight with Adam, or the Silver Eyes sequence next” because your brain has figured out that all of these intense scenes are from Volume Six. This is why I find it annoying to do meaningless, upbeat pop songs -- action is exciting, but often when the entire song is action, you have to jump around a lot, and the audience quickly becomes lost.
Now it’s time to “block,” as I call it. For each line or phrase of the song, find the most appropriate shot in the context that you’ve just established (a character’s arc, a Volume, an episode, even), and write a brief description so that you, when you read those words, know what shot that means. I also tag the volume and episode it’s from. For example, some of the common shots I use are “Arm severing (3:11)”, “Pyrrha disintegrating (3:12)”, and even silly ones like “Cinder gets rekt (5:13)” that still get the point across, because I know what I mean. This step is where having an obsessive, encyclopedic knowledge of the show is pretty useful, especially if you want to avoid reusing shots but have the same lyrics as before to work with.
After that, you FINALLY start editing. I cut out ALL of the shots I’m using first by ctrl+F-ing the document I blocked in and going in release order, starting with the Red Trailer, all the way through 6:13. I find the shot and cut it at the very first frame and the very last. It doesn’t matter if it will only be used for 0.4 seconds (literally) -- having all 10 seconds of material may come in handy. Sometimes in this step I see an unused shot that might be better than what I originally intended, so a lot of swaps can be made. After that’s done, I put the shots in order and add the song.
Then you CUT THAT SHIT DOWN, SON. You might have 45 minutes of content before you start editing. In this stage, don’t add any sorts of transitions or anything -- just beat-sync the shots as well as you can, then go back and rewatch to see if there are things you want to fix. Consistency is key; sometimes, lyrics and the beat are syncopated, and you have to choose whether to sync to the downbeat or the words, and then remember that decision for the next verse. This step is my favorite part of the entire process, but it usually takes the least amount of time.
Once you’re SURE it’s properly synced, now it’s time for transitions and colors and whatnot. Transitions should always follow the tone of that part of the song -- is it fast? Is it full of movement? I’ve found that cymbal crashes and other high-pitched percussive noises are best accompanied by a flash or white-fade transition. I generally prefer more simplistic transitions; the meaning and tone of the song is more important to me than looks and showing off. Same goes for color editing; the eye expects to see an approximate parallel to what it’s used to, which means you better have a damn good reason if it’s suddenly going to be in X-ray mode. Obviously, black and white or washed-out colors are more somber or grimdark, and fully saturated colors are more jubilant. Mess around with it -- you have been a consumer of art your entire life, so at this point, your eye knows what looks nice!
That’s probably nowhere NEAR all of my thoughts, but that’s mostly how I do it! My best advice is to find what you love to do most about it -- for me, it’s beat syncing -- and study in AMVs you like to watch how they do it. Don’t plagiarize, but do imitate if it helps you learn, because I know for a fact that I learn something new from every video I watch and create.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them! I’m thrilled to receive them. And, if you're planning on making a video, shoot me a link -- I’d love to see your art!
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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