#(I'm extremely hesitantly posting this because I really DO want to share it also as a piece of fan base history)
izzyizumi · 10 months
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Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi ~ featuring rp by @izzyizumi as Koushiro{u} + my now-ancient r.p. from 2012 era {I was playing Koushiro from original J.P.N version canon; Clearly the Tai{chi}-mun was using U.S. dub inspirations, but I was fine with that!}
R.P. for Koushiro by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Reference)
Original commentary under the ‘read more’!
The style is one in which starters are the characters talking to their "mun" or players, which is common when "voice-testing" a character to possibly app {apply} into a future {typically pan-fandom, or cross-canon across multiple fan-bases} DWrp {Dreamwidth.org} rp game. Games usually have their own settings, styles and rules and you should carefully consider them before applying to any. (I eventually ended up applying for Koushiro at a DigiAdv{s}-centric game that ended up eventually dying...)
I whited out a few parts to give the former Tai-mun a bit of privacy, but to my knowledge I haven't seen them as active since. Hopefully they won't mind me posting just one old thread between us, because it was really really fun to try back then! Even playing Koushiro was still really fun, despite it being for a very short timeframe of a couple years + even if I never found an active Taichi player {+in a close in age range} to me since.
This was BEFORE Tri had fully aired or before Kokuhaku was even announced, so Koushiro has a small mix of icons I'm using, but sometimes I switch between "canon-points" of early Adventure!Koushiro or late, OWG era or post-02 but pre-epilogue!Koushiro. Tri!Koushiro wasn't even animated more animatedly yet (and much later had very limited appearance in Saikai, etc.), so I was mainly relying on my head-canons for a Koushiro that appears between 2002 and the epilogue, but I often imagined Koushiro of those ages still sticking very close to both 02 and Tri looks. {I did like Tri giving Koushiro back slightly spikier hair, because that was how I imagined Koushiro during in-between years too.} Muns could later go back and update some icons, so some default icons may later change as well. {That's how a Tri!Taichi icon shows here even though it's 2k12}
Also, its very fun because you can personalize your responses even using things like subject headers way better than on this kind of site, and sometimes muns leave you really fun and kind messages that make you want to cry so you try to show them appreciation in turn!!!
#izumi koushirou#yagami taichi#taichi x koushirou#taichi and koushirou#koutai#izzyizumi dw#izzyizumi rp#izzyizumi koushiro#izzyizumi koushiro rp#advs timeline: pre tri#advs fan timeline: pre tri announcement#canon point: between 02s ending and epilogue#(I'm extremely hesitantly posting this because I really DO want to share it also as a piece of fan base history)#(Showing that YES we DID have small presence on sites before This Place)#(AND ALSO BEFORE 2K15 AS A WHOLE)#(This was a really fun {whats called} 'thread' to try I just never ended up finding Taichi players active willing to play with a Koushiro)#(much after that lmao s i g h)#(Anyway stuff like even my things from this time is why I get MAJORLY Peeved when ppl imply Eng side DIDNT Exist as fan base before 2k15)#(Fortunately I'm seeing such things much less implied these days BUT)#(Idek I'm seeing a bunch of ppl trickling back in {even if slowly} since The Beginning dropped and I'm kind of emotional over it)#(Featuring my attempts to keep Koushiro even semi IC while Tai{chi} is Tai{chi} and Koushiro is like 'Ah' 'Oh Taichi-san')#(Anyway I'm posting this but this is also personal fan stuff I did so I'd really appreciate if people are kind on this post)#(I definitely lean towards possible KouTai when ppl are willing but ONLY if they are willing and even this one was mainly friendly fluff!)#({Still Tho Its Fun When Players Are Willing Too---})#({Also you might want to read from the dash view or click + right click and enlarge to read better})
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kawasiki-jo · 2 years
Macau needs to be saved
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Continuation from the last post on my rant on MacauCay superiority.
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😥✨ Part 3 ✨   
Jk, but also not really. 
 I just want to see Macau fall in love and be filled with teenage adoration for Chay, have his heart and mind captivated by the lil angle. At the same time witness Chay get his heart broken by Kim and step in to hold him close and show him what they could be. 
They then proceed to save each other from all the future emotional damage and torture that would come their way, mafia and all. Chay chooses a happier path and doesn't follow in his father's dark footsteps. And Chay receives all the affection he had lacked, because I have a feeling Macau isn't the silent lover kind. He goes big and they take such good care of each other. 
 All I'm asking is for a chance for what they could be 😥.
No hate to the authors of the novels, they did a phenomenal job and I would recommend everyone who’s interested to give the novel a shot. it’s worth every infuriating and anxious second that you spend cursing out the universe to just let all the characters be happy for once.  
Macau is restless the next few days, he's barely able to hold his head over the floods of his guilt. It's extremely unusual of him, he's never been this affected by his brashness before. He can't bring himself to look at Chay, knows he'll blurt out that his brother isn't on some island like Chay believes.
He tries his best to ignore the way his hand is itching to reach out to the other boy. He sees his smile getting wider as the days past and he's dying to know what's happening that has Chay beaming throughout the day.
He inquires one day, and finds out from one of Chay's friends that he's meeting Wik regularly now. They have special classes and Wik is apparently helping Chay get into the department of music in his favourite University.
Macau scoffs.
Something is off, he knows that much. He asks his brother, but yet again he's left in the dark.
Left without a choice, he hesitantly approaches Chay. He'd go to his cousin directly and demand answers, but Kim has never been favorable to him. Always used to ignore him, so Macau knew it would be useless.
When he sees Chay's face after so long he feels his heart clench and his stomach drop at the same time. I missed that smile it's the guilt, he concludes.
They talk and Chay is being so casual, as if Macau hadn't just ignored him every time he said hi during the last month. Macau is so uncomfortable, he doesn't know what to do. Did Chay not notice him avoiding him?
He inquires about Porsche, and as excepted Chay is oblivious to what his brother is actually doing. His hand hurts from being clenched really hard, so he asks what he's been up to, praying for a lie feigning ignorance. 
He can't help but smile, when Chay gushes over Wik. He's suddenly sad but catches himself before he frowns. Chay, from what he's seen is very sensitive to others emotions. An empath of sorts, and he refused to have Chay's smile ever leave his face.
He deserves better. 
Macau shuts his eyes to solidify his resolve before he tells Chay that he has to leave.
He tells himself he's walking away from Chay forever. It's for the best. He's been moody for no reason, these few months. He's smart enough to figure out that it all began after he started talking to Chay.
When his brother tells him the next day that they're going to have some new bodyguards on duty, he is a little thrown off by learning Porsche is one of them.
He reminds himself that he should apologize, just to clear that annoying weight on his chest. He puts on his best charming face as he sets out to find Porsche the next day.
He finds him near the main door, gawking at the motorcycle that arrived the night before. He plays it cool, but accidently let's it slip that he knows Porsche likes bikes, but changes the subject by casually apologizing. Let bygones be bygones. His chest still feels heavy.
He leaves when his brother shows up, sees the look in his eye. He knows his brother is up to something. But Vegas has always been amazing at his job, so he trusts him.
When he's alone he can't believe how different Porsche and Chay are, but the one thing he's sure they share is honesty to their feelings.
Unlike Macau who ignores any sensitive feelings, Chay and Porsche revel in the sea of their emotions. It's pure, in a sense. Making him realize that Chay and himself are extremely different people.
He's envious for a second, before he checks himself.
But then it slowly starts clawing at his being that he has everything but at the same time nothing.
He's so frustrated. He was fine. Absolutely fucking fine before he met Chay.
He's annoyed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
He's de-stressed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
He's disappointed that he can't stop thinking about Chay.
This isn't him, this is nothing like him. He was-
He was.
He was... never this-?
He can't sort out the million things running in his mind. Doesn't know what to deal with first. How to deal with anything. He's caught in this web of emotions, and they tangle him all at once. This has never happened before, Vegas taught him how to be strong.
He's so fucking done with all this bullshit. Fuck this, and fuck what he's feeling. Fuck everything.
His brother must be some kind of devil angel, sent to save him in all his dire times of need, he notices the emotional turmoil all over Macau’s face and jokes about Macau being in love or something. 
It’s a good three minutes of silence, before Vegas physically recoils back. He watches his brother in confusion. But before he can reach out to him, Macau is already rushing out the door. Vegas goes after him. He catches up to him in the corridor, grabs his arm and spins him. Macau refused to look at his brother, choosing to glare at the chess tiles instead. 
Vegas sounds slightly angry when he asks him what’s wrong. Macau remains silent, which only seems to anger Vegas more as his grip on Macau’s arm tightens. Vegas sighs before he repeats his question, a little calmer this time. 
Macau shouldn’t answer. No, he couldn’t. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, heck he doesn’t even know what isn’t wrong.
Vegas wouldn’t like his answer even if he knew what to say. 
“ Don’t do that to yourself. I can’t save you from there.” 
When the words finally reach him, his body slightly sags he feels relieved. Finally, something he knows for sure. Vegas is right. Vegas is always right. Why was he wasting his time on nothing. He knows it was worthless to spend his energy on feelings  whatever the fuck he was doing the last few days. Vegas and himself know what wasted time means for them. It benefited no one. 
He straightens up, finally looking at his brother. When Vegas scans his face, and is convinced that Macau is over his emotional episode, he smiles and pats his back. 
Okay, I’ll post part 3 when I’m done with the fan art. 
But genuinely though, the second family siblings deserve to be treated so much better. and they deserve happiness after all the shit that Karn puts them through. Like, how could you not want to save those two from all the evils of the world. 
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I cry for them daily. 
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lazyduchess · 4 years
Hey lazyduchess! This is more of an appreciation post than it is a request. Thanks for providing us with these awesome mods and taking those requests from previous asks. I think it's amazing that modders like you are still contributing to a 16-year-old game. Btw, I'm just wondering where you first started or learned to code and what inspired/motivated you to modding The Sims games. Thanks again for all you do for the TS2 community!!
Hii! Thank you so much <3
Will be a bit of a longish post so, all of it under the cut!
Some coding/scripting background:
Since I was very young I’ve wanted to make videogames. When I was just a kid and didn’t know what I was doing I used to google “programs to make videogames” and stuff like that all the time. 
Came across drag and drop programs like 3D Rad, GameMaker, etc. And made extremely rough stuff with them. This was around, Idk, maybe 2009. I ended up sticking to GM, from browsing around the forums after a couple years or so I realized that scripting was the way to go, and luckily it had a super friendly and relatively powerful scripting engine, which really eased me into learning to code in the future, so I’m super thankful to GameMaker for that.
For years I was making things in GameMaker and exclusively used the scripting engine rather than the drag and drop, maybe until like 2015 or something, when I finally very hesitantly moved into Unity 3D because I kept reading everywhere about how much more powerful it was, which meant that I had to learn how to code in C#, an actual programming language. I’ve eventually branched out into some Javascript, Java, Python, C++, etc. But IMO C# has the best, friendliest syntax out of them all!
Sims modding and Sims2RPC background:
I used to play Sims 2 BG as a kid, but I was too young to really understand what I was doing, so I grew up with Sims 3. When UC came out for free I grabbed it and realized how much better it was (in my opinion of course) so I started playing it a lot. Learned about firstborn, corruption, etc. 
At this time I was also following the FreeSO project, which shares a lot of similarities with The Sims 2 when it comes to modding. 
Since FreeSO has its own modding and scripting environment that works in real time and I was into programming I played with it quite a lot, learned how it all worked.
Then around 2018 or 2019 I wanted to practice C++, just to learn another programming language. I knew like... next to nothing about it, but I thought that it would be cool to make a Rich Presence feature for Sims 2 for the project. So, with a lot of googling around, I did that, and added borderless to it out of convenience as well and kept it private for a long while. 
During this whole time I was using it to play Sims 2 every time, I just didn’t think it was enough to warrant a public release.
Until, one day, playing around with memory reading in Cheat Engine, as I had done to find the addresses for the money count, currently played Sim, etc. for the Rich Presence, I found the random seeds for randomization and came up with a Lua script to hook into the functions and randomize their return value. In practice, this script fixed firstborn syndrome! I was super excited and as Sims2RPC was already there as an entry point to Sims 2 I decided to add the fix using it, realized that I could release the launcher with these features and yeah, the rest is history. 
I realized I could have a platform in Tumblr and with the knowledge I already had from modding FreeSO I could turn Sims 2 into what I wanted it to be, and take requests from fellow Simmers!
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p00lverinecentral · 3 years
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I posted 160 times in 2021
9 posts created (6%)
151 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 16.8 posts.
I added 65 tags in 2021
#bandom rp - 11 posts
#my chemical romance - 7 posts
#mcr rp - 7 posts
#bandom roleplay - 7 posts
#ray toro - 6 posts
#mikey way - 6 posts
#gerard way - 6 posts
#frank iero - 6 posts
#my chemical romance rp - 5 posts
#tre cool - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#wdym billie and rivers bout to get their legs spread billies just a bratty little boy
My Top Posts in 2021
Ok, so. New Frerard ideas!🌹💀🌹
Gee is thy vampire, because he is one, and they're adults and in the band still. Fronkie is just friends with him, until he's attacked by Gerard one night when he couldn't control his thirst. Gee tries to convince him that he won't do it again, and the relationship builds onnnn❤👌🌹💀
2: teehee. TroubLe-
Fronkie and Gee were a couple but not to the public, and have broken up. Gerard is doing ok, although he can't seem to find anyone who made him as happy as Frank did. Since they weren't ever public or actually even 'official', they both stayed in the band besides the obvious tension or awkwardness it caused and they tried to hide it so no drama happened with fans trying to talk about them. Frank isn't taking it as well, since being more sarcastic and cold. He talks to Ray about it all mostly.🌹💀💔
Obv im in an angsty mood please Like, Comment, or DM if you're interested!
3 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 04:39:33 GMT
Warning: extremely desperate post here cause im so bored help
3 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 02:11:29 GMT
Wattpad: TemporaryBoyfriend
Instagram: _mikey_wait_
You can also find me here! I'd rather RP with these two or twitter, however I prefer to share my twitter in DMs!
3 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 12:06:49 GMT
5 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 06:25:11 GMT
Frerard Rp Ideas👀❤✨🌹
*i call frank and mikey✨
I love love love the idea of Gerard ignoring Frank in high school because he thinks Frank doesn't know him and therefore can't like him for who he really is so he won't go out with him until Frank really convinces him
I like the idea of Frank and Gee hesitantly dating and then one loses trust in the other whether its
·Dared dating/one finds out
·Payed to date/one finds out
·Promises not to leave but does/comes back
I love the idea of Frank being bullied and not having any friends but Gerard hears a tiny man in a locker and helps him out and they form a friendship
If you want to rp- comment on this post, like the post, dm me here, or dm on one of my other socials(on a diff post) and say you're from Tumblr!
Please I'm bored❤👀
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 17:15:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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