universestreasures · 1 year
@crimsonkaiser​ Sent: An 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐀 Sentence Starter (Accepting!) 
❝ it may have started out that way, but everything’s different now. ❞ [to Aichi
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Wounds don't go away easily, especially ones of the heart. In fact, some say that there are wounds that will never be healed, no matter how much time has passed. And the wound Aichi had suffered due to the dragon who reappeared before him seemed to be one of those unhealable ones, at least at this moment.
He had been hurt, badly hurt, by Kai's departure. Aichi understood needing to repay a debt. If it was just healing the head of the Eden House who the flame dragon accidentally burned during his escape from the Pale Moon Circus all those years ago, that would be one thing. However, Kai had decided to go back with her permanently, to leave his 'mates' behind, to leave Aichi behind, without the intent of seeing them ever again. Not since his father's death had the young man experienced such despair. The wound inflicted upon his gentle heart still continued to bleed, even now as Kai faced him and was clearly trying to take back what he did.
"I don't...I don't want to hear it..."
His voice was unusually cold and low as he continued to avoid the other's emerald gaze, as if the words he spoke were not his own, but they were. That just was a testament to how deeply what happened had affected him, was still affecting him. It had broken his heart to the point he too decided to separate from his two remaining friends, but unlike Kai, it in order to find his own path. Plus, he promised he'd come back to them. He had found himself traveling with the mysterious knight girl Kourin and the blueish flame dragon Olivier Gaillard, two people who knew about the mysterious power his eyes held, known as Psyqualia. With their help, he hopes to find out a way to control his power, to prevent himself from becoming like the person Kai feared more than anyone.
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"You abandoned us, even after risking our necks to save you from Ren and his circus. You abandoned me, even after I begged and pleaded for you not to go because I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing you, someone very near and dear to me, again. And now..." His fist clenches at his side, his body following suit as bent up anger begins to boil to the surface and show itself. "And now you just want to take it all back? Take it all back like it was no big deal?! Sorry, it doesn't work that way."
He then begins to walk away, walking forward and not looking back. A small part of him wanted to run into Kai's arms, embrace him and let this all go, but...he couldn't, not right now. Until he can, Aichi reasoned it was best to stay as far away from Kai as possible, less he lose control of his power and do something he'll regret. He saw what terrifying things Ren could do with his when his emotions were high, after all.
"Goodbye, Kai..."
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setsailtomorrow · 3 years
Hello! Any recs for best yizhan?? I'm gonna have to go back through my archive by date to try and find your GENIUS earlier rec list, but I need some recent goods, please and thanks!!
my dearest jen! thank you for taking pity on a poor blogger just wanting to share her love for fic <3
no but for real. i tried so hard (not really) to withstand the allure of yizhan and then i read the top kudos’ed fic and then i watched all the behind the scenes videos i could find and then i just kept reading everything. so! let’s try to narrow this down and do recent goods and by some kind of genre.
canon compliant
better to be held than holding on by Deinde 6.7k, E
When they first start fucking, Xiao Zhan swears up and down that he’s not going to fall in love.
(Let's see how long that lasts.)
this fandom loves xz trying hard and failing.
the harbour of your longing by oliviacirce 10k, E
Soulbonds aren't real.
a pretty standard take on spontaneously bonding but i do love that trope and this author does it very well
write what you know by augmenti 12k, E 🔒
Someone clears their throat— deep voice, low, and there’s a slight cough (he still has that cough) and—
“Wow, Zhan-ge. You’re here.”
Xiao Zhan would recognize Yibo’s voice anywhere. Even though it’s been years and years since they’ve worked together or even stood on stage together and interacted, there’s something about the cadence of Yibo’s low voice that instantly soothes something deep in Xiao Zhan. He can’t say it’s calming. More magnetic.
a great trope, they meet again later in life
i found you on the way by gdgdbaby 16k, E
Xiao Zhan plays Wei Wuxian opposite someone else. A year after the Untamed airs, he and Yibo get caught in each other's orbit anyway.
i guess this is actually more “canon divergent”  but it’s all rpf so, shrug. it took some time for me to click this because of the MMORPGs tag, but don’t make the same mistake as i did! this is a very sweet take on them falling in love online, in a way that feels like it could work.
different. we’re so different by Deinde 17k, E
Seungyoun takes a step back and takes in the billboard that greets him: Yibo’s face, blown up to three by twelve meters, as he smiles an airbrushed smile and beckons Seungyoun forward.
Welcome to Beijing! The speech bubble by his head declares.
Seungyoun stares just a little bit longer than necessary. This Yibo looks nothing like the giggling boy Seungyoun remembers. But they’d both been boys back then. Maybe this strange twist of unfamiliarity isn’t just photoshop’s fault. He steps back, makes a V, and snaps a selfie. Made it, he captions and uploads it to Weibo.
or: post-pdx101, Seungyoun goes to China and visits his first love and his first love's new boyfriend. He has a lot of feelings about it.
so! i know basically nothing about yibo’s old bandmates in UNIQ, but don’t worry if you don’t either! this fic is the pov of seungyoun who has had some ups and downs as an artist. it’s bittersweet and not much yizhan, other than an outsider’s view of the relationship. i really really loved it.
parting (before this asteroid falls to the earth) by Deinde 21k, M
Xiao Zhan has always loved the light.So when he makes the decision to step away from the greatest light he’s ever known, he should have anticipated that darkness would follow.
“You’re breaking up with me over the phone?”
or: Xiao Zhan breaks up with Yibo, confronts himself, and reckons with fame and starlight.
NOW THIS FIC, so bittersweet. very much a xiao zhan character study. this miiight be a tad difficult to follow if you don’t know much about his rise to fame, but the writing is so good i still hope everyone gives it a try.
You Hurt like a Burn by ella_minnow 21.9, E
People sleep with their exes sometimes. It doesn’t mean anything.
listen. will i write “bittersweet” again? you bet. breaking up and making up in the chinese entertainment industry. it’s gonna hurt. but we have xz trying here, in a different way. and an excellent yibo pov.
to love you well by timelykey 25.4k, E
from yibo: answer the door or I get your concierge to let me into your apartment
from yibo: I'll tell them I think you need urgent medical attention
from yibo: I’ll be very worried about you
from yibo: tencent has 50 episodes proving i can look very worried about you
Just because Xiao Zhan is a bit sick doesn’t mean he needs help or company. Yibo has opinions about that and shows up on his doorstep to share them. It takes five days for them to have a much-needed conversation.
listen. this is one of the fics i try to send if someone seems even the tiniest bit interested in yizhan. i really really like it. should reread it actually. has a bit of that bittersweet, but don’t we just love that.
yesterday, tomorrow by sophiahelix 80.8k, E
Before he’s even finished reading, Xiao Zhan knows this is the script, the one that could alter the course of his career. Not like Chen Qing Ling changed his life six years ago, catapulting him from a minor idol to a household name, or the way his more serious roles have slowly taken him to the upper echelons of dramatic actors. This is a love story, daring and bold, groundbreaking and unforgettable, if only he’s brave enough to do it.
So of course, eventually, they bring up the idea of casting Yibo as his lover.
In the summer of 2025, Xiao Zhan and Yibo reunite as the leads in a gay indie film, bringing their complicated offscreen history with them—and secret hopes of making things right.
they meet again when older! the gay-indie-au, xiao zhan wants to be seen as a “real actor” (congrats to real world xz, he’s done theatre for eight hours straight and arrived there before his fandom copy) so he goes for a role in a gay indie flick. guess who is cast opposite him...
modern au
Upstairs, Downstairs by gdgdbaby 5k, E
There's a stranger crouched in the entryway of Xiao Zhan's dim living room when he gets out of the shower.
hijinks! kinda, but not really. xz’s cat likes yibo.
be with me, alone with me by kinkywrists 25.4K, E
After his phone call with Xuan Lu, Xiao Zhan is feeling a little bit better about the whole thing. He’d done a little bit of research on the internet and found that it’s not really that uncommon to be in one of these ‘friends-with-benefits' situations. Xuan Lu was right, if it’s just fooling around, what’s the harm? Yibo is hot, and single, and (most importantly) not a shitty guy, so Xiao Zhan has no qualms about hooking up with him, and if either of them wants to date someone else then they just put an end to it. Easy.
(It's not that easy)
this has a bunch of fun tropes: they were roomates, fwb’s, mutual pining, getting to know someone unexpected, and the one the yizhan fandom loves: xz trying so hard to keep it casual because he is older and should know better. lol.
Across the Universe by MadFilaments 42k, E
One day, he’ll move on completely from their relationship, in the same way that Yibo has. Perhaps it will even help to have Yibo in such close proximity. After all, sentiment and nostalgia tend to shrivel up when faced with the reality of the present. Xiao Zhan can be optimistic about his chances.
or; How Xiao Zhan and Yibo meet in school, fall in love, break up, and meet again many years later.
i liked the back and forth, it changes both pov and time in a way that really worked for me.
space au
colliding like stars by Beltenebra 8k, teen
What happens on the holodeck, stays on the holodeck.... Until it doesn’t. None of that explained why the holodeck had chosen to manifest Lieutenant Wang Yibo specifically right in the middle of his Sherlock Holmes adventure. It wasn't subtle about it either, holodeck Yibo was in the middle of the dance floor, treading his way through the intricate steps with sinuous grace and a delighted smile. The emerald and gold embroidered waistcoat he wore was a sharp contrast to Xiao Zhan’s own sober black suit, stones winked at his ears and his hair was long, pulled back in a neat tail.
A few elegant turns later he looked up and caught Xiao Zhan’s gaze, his eyes widening in surprise. When the music changed he extricated himself from the throng with a bow and made his way over.
“Zhan-ge, fancy meeting you here!”
fun, next gen based star trek au.
a hurricane in all kinds of weather by sophiahelix 13.6k, E
For such a dangerous job, being the emperor of Yueha is remarkably thankless, full of tedious duties and without nearly enough staff. Which is why Yibo is totally consumed by yet another request for delegate seating changes as Xiao Zhan slits open the small, flat package from the Rigel system and sends iridescent pink powder spilling all over himself.
“What—?” Xiao Zhan says, before his face crumples in the rictus of a sneeze.
sex pollen! a must to have (and read) in all fandoms.
escape velocity, redefined by ThirtySixSaveFiles 42k, M
Escape velocity: in physics, the minimum speed needed for an object to escape the gravitational influence of a dominant body.
Xiao Zhan left his home behind long ago; the life of a bounty hunter has its ups and down, but at least it’s his. When he delivers his latest bounty, however, he leaves with a stowaway on board.
His Highness Wang Yibo is two days away from his wedding - his second arranged marriage, actually, although the first never happened because his intended disappeared and hasn’t been heard from in years.
Yibo has run out of ways to stall the marriage, and so he's running away - it's just his bad luck that the one ship he picks to stow away on is piloted by his technical, legal fiancé.
space opera! this fic is a fun mix, taking the best space bits from star trek and the best bounty hunter bits from star wars and then creating something all new. i very much enjoyed the ride. it’s actually a quite smooth one.
kink (have that as an umbrella, check tags)
air by sandorara 3.6k, E
Anything that Xiao Zhan puts on him, around his neck, is great, and most often that is simply his hands. Like now, as they land first on Yibo’s shoulders, and then stroke up the sides of his neck, one curling to the front, wrapping around and gripping lightly. Yibo lets out a shuddering breath and leans into the touch.
“You really want this, huh,” Xiao Zhan says, and Yibo nods.
let me quote a tag: “yibo’s canonical choking kink”. yeah.
keep it going 'til the morning sun by martialartist816 4k, E
In as few and simple words as possible, Wang Yibo explained he got Xiao Zhan’s number from the older hosts of the show, and that he’d like to see him tonight.
a take on what could have happened after x nine guested day day up.
well dressed (but walking in the wrong direction) by kinkywrists 4.4k, E
“We could…” Yibo trails off and shifts his hips restlessly, drawing Xiao Zhan’s attention back down to his crotch. “We could come to a non-monetary kind of agreement? You help me out and I forget all this ever happened?” - Biker Yibo gets knocked off his bike by CEO Xiao Zhan. They work something out.
what is says on the tin. yibo is a delight.
Nomads Going Nowhere (Not) by Aiyan 5.8k, E
The night before a class excursion, Yibo meets a man, fucks said man, unknowing, that he will meet him again the following day.
actually not as kinky as the summery makes it sound! kinda cute and this author is very fun on twitter.
Xiao Zhan Simp Hours are 24/7 by Eudoxia 12.7, E
Sometimes, Yibo just needs to be put in his place. Or have some fingers or a cock shoved in his mouth. Or get fucked. Whatever. Yibo's pretty much down for anything as long as it involves Xiao Zhan.
The working title for this was "Alpha yibo gets his dick kindly handed to him by omega xz"
now, this takes place while they film cql, but it’s also abo and pretty explicit so it goes in this pile. and it’s like, non-traditional abo, or at least it tries to expand and not fall into the cliches. i enjoyed it. also A+ for the title.
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nethandrake · 4 years
how would you like to go?
stevetony. marvel’s avengers. rated m. canon divergence. 2.3k words. 
also on ao3.
It’s only when they’re sitting in the escape pod, staring into the vast depths of the galaxy, does Steve let everything sink in.
It’s one thing to wake up seventy years into the future but another five more? Steve’s starting to wonder if he’s always meant to be propelled forward in time, meant to be a nomad, a traveler. Destined to be a Man Out of Time.
He almost snorts out loud. He can imagine what Tony would say if he knew what’s going on in his mind right now. A drama queen, he’d call him. Or maybe just this once, he’d indulge in Steve’s overdramatic musings. He would.
Then again, Steve supposes five years is better than another seventy. He doubts he can go through all that again, of the possibility of losing his loved ones to time. Not to mention the fact that the reason he even lost those five years is because of Monica Rappaccini. Monica who was once on the Avengers’ side (or he supposes, used them for her own needs), who captured him to harvest his blood, who kept him hidden from the world for five years. Just the thought of her sends him reeling.
He knows there’s more to the story, more he needs to know, should know. Then again, maybe he doesn’t need to know. He’s going to die soon.
“Well,” Tony begins next to him, cutting through Steve’s thoughts, “since we’re gonna die anyway, you have any… I don’t know… Last confessions?”
For a brief second, every fiber of Steve’s body freezes before he’s turning to look, turning to see, turning with a flicker of hope. It dies when he sees Tony’s gaze trained on the constellations around them.
This is the perfect time for Steve to tell Tony, to tell him how his heart skips when he’s near, to tell him how much he adores his boisterous rambling and his sleepy eyes and arresting smile, to tell him how his soul longs for him and only him. Time is running out for the both of them, after all.
But like the coward Steve is, he doesn’t.
“Your jokes,” he settles on instead, airily like it’s nothing. “I just don’t get ‘em.”
That grabs Tony’s attention, turning as Steve speaks. Steve almost wavers at the sight of Tony’s face.
Tony’s as beautiful as the last time Steve saw him. The only sign of aging on his face is the heavier weariness behind his eyes. Despite the front he tends to put up, Tony always seems weary, be it from the all-nighters he pulls or from carrying the weight of the world on his back.
Steve’s pretty sure his supposed death has a hand in it this time. He’s not sure what to make of that. Neither can he comprehend the odd flicker in Tony’s expression before it’s gone.
“I know,” Tony replies, a smirk playing on his lips and a twinkle behind his eyes. “I read your diary.”
An involuntary chuckle tumbles out of his lips as Steve shakes his head and turns away. He knows it’s a joke, meant to distract the both of them from their impending doom, but he couldn’t help but find the irony in it.
He does keep a diary, several even. His current one tucked behind his encyclopedias while the rest are kept in his bedroom back in New York. As curious and nosy Tony can be, Steve doubts he’d go as far as to snoop around his room.
He thinks that should be the end of that, this confessing thing. That this is how it ends between the both of them – together in the confinement of a stranded escape pod, floating in space, surrounded by the second most breathtaking view he has ever laid eyes on.
But then Steve remembers the last five years, five more years of his life wasted, and decides that this is it. He shouldn’t take this to his grave, take this to his grave. Not when Tony’s right here, not when he’s here, older and wearier but as beautiful as the last time bright brown eyes met his.
“I’m in love with you,” he says, easy like breathing.
The speed at Tony whips his head around is absolutely comical, even more when his eyebrows start climbing up his forehead.
Steve straightens in his seat. “You heard me.”
Tony’s eyelids flutter, his expression still in disbelief. “I— I must be going deaf because it sounded like you just told me you’re in love with me. Which can’t be right because—”
“Nope. You heard me right.”
Tony blanches. “No.”
Steve scowls. “Yes.”
Tony shakes his head. “No, no, no, no. Nope. You’ve gone insane. Absolutely insane. Is it the lack of oxygen? Or maybe five years in—”
“You know,” Steve interrupts wryly, “I’m starting to wonder if you even read my diary.”
If Steve thought Tony’s eyes were already as wide as saucers, they get even bigger somehow, his cheeks flushing crimson.
“But— But— You can’t! You can’t—”
Steve cocks an eyebrow in response. “I can’t what?”
Tony’s jaw clamps shut.
It feels like an eternity, both of them staring each other down in silence. Steve should’ve predicted this. Of course, confessing his feelings for Tony wouldn’t be smooth sailing, but he always expected to either have his feelings reciprocated or otherwise. Tony’s reaction doesn’t indicate on which side he falls in. It’s terrifying, not knowing.
Steve’s well-acquainted with the unknown, learnt to stop fearing it over time. But sitting next to his best friend, the man who he loves with all of his heart, waiting for said man to tell him how he feels for Steve, is on a whole other plane.
Finally, Tony breaks the tension, his eyes flickering down as he sighs heavily. “Steve— You… You don’t—”
“You can’t tell me how I feel,” Steve argues. “And I know what I feel about you. I've known for a really long time now.” He pauses, leaning forward to cautiously slip his hands in Tony’s, and lowers his voice into a whisper. “Hey. Look at me.”
Tony does, shy and guarded and nervous. Steve readies himself. He’s waited years for this moment. He needs Tony to know before they lose their breath, before he has to watch Tony die.
God, he’s going to have to watch Tony die.
He clenches his jaw, whiling the sting behind his eyes and that terrible thought away.
He won’t think of that now. Not when he’s so close.
“I’m in love with you,” Steve confesses. “I’ve been in love with you for years. Probably since we first met. I’ve loved you before I knew what I feel for you is love. And even after all these years—”
“Well, you were in a coma—”
Tony nods, looking chastised. “Right shutting up now.”
Steve gulps. He had more to say, to tell Tony, to declare. But after Tony interrupted him, all the words he’s been wanting to say shrivels up.
Something heavy settles in his chest, something Steve knows all too well. Something he has feared all these years of secretly loving Tony from afar.
Steve sighs, dropping his hands in his lap and hanging his head in resignation. “You know, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same for me. I get it. It’s just that you said something about confessions and I just thought—”
“No!” Tony exclaims so loudly that his voice startles the both of them. He clears his throat, bright chestnut eyes shining as they roam Steve’s face. Once again like the delusional optimist he is, Steve lets himself hope.
“No,” Tony repeats, this time quieter, softer, and all too loving. “I do. I do feel the same about you. I’ve been in love with you since we met too.”
Steve doesn’t know who moved first but before he knows it, there are chapped lips pressed against his, arms snaked around Tony’s armored waist, and Tony’s gauntlet-covered hand cupping his cheek.
Steve has envisioned their kiss countless of times before, picturing various scenarios and sensations. But he never expected to be stranded in space half-naked, to have woken up from a five-year coma, to be on the brink of death. Neither did he expect to feel the stirring in his chest, the warmth coursing through his veins, the taste of coffee to be strong on his tongue, to even taste salt at all.
His imagination has nothing on this kiss. Nothing at all.
“Wow,” Tony breathes out when they break apart. “That was…”
“A long time coming,” Tony amends. Steve huffs at that. “But still nice too.”
Steve grins against Tony’s lips. “I’m glad.”
Tony mirrors him but just as quickly, the smile slips off his face. He blinks his glistened eyelids as his grip on Steve’s cheek slackens. “Jesus, Steve. I really missed you. I missed you so much. I was so lost without you. Those five years… Fuck. Steve, if I knew—”
“I know,” Steve replies softly, drawing him closer to press their foreheads together. “You always come for me. No matter what. You would’ve found me eventually.”
Tony snorts. “No offense but you were asleep. You wouldn’t have known even if an asteroid hit the satellite.”
“Still. You found me, Tony,” he counters. “You rescued me from being potentially struck by an asteroid.”
“Five years, Steve.”
“Better late than never.”
“I guess so, yeah.”
Tony’s frowning, looking unconvinced. Steve’s well acquainted with Tony’s issues when it comes to love, be it for himself or letting others love him. Countless times, he’s tried to change this, change his mind. This time, he’s going to make him see.
“Thank you,” Steve murmurs. “Thank you for coming for me. For saving me.”
This time, the smile that spreads across Tony’s lips is soft. Genuine.
“Like you said, I’ll always come for you.”
This time when they kiss, it’s hot and desperate and all so good. Heated hands paw at his body, skimming from his neck and down his shoulders before settling over his bare chest. Steve could barely suppress a shiver as he feels thumbs brush against his nipples, gasping at the touch. Tony takes advantage of that, deepening the kiss to slip his tongue past Steve’s parted lips.
Steve’s about to take the plunge and demand Tony to remove his suit (because fuck, if this is their last moments, he has to know what it feels like to have Tony under his fingers for the first and last time) when he hears someone clear their throat. Someone who is definitely not either of them.
With a jolt, Steve snaps back and opens his eyes, meeting Thor Odinson’s smirk.
“Of course it would take a dire situation for the two of you to act on your feelings,” Thor remarks, amused as he hovers outside the escape pod. He doesn't look like he's even aged a day.
Steve blinks, his lips parting to speak when Tony beats him to the punch.
“Hey, Thor,” he says cheerily, as if he wasn’t just making out with Steve seconds ago. “Fancy seeing you out— Oh hey, we can actually hear you.”
Thor puffs his chest like the arrogant Asgardian he is. “Well, I am a god. It is to be expected.” Steve barely suppresses a snort. “It is good to see you both in good health, especially the good captain.” His grin broadens, trained on Steve. “Though he doesn’t seem to feel the same.”
“I am,” Steve half-lies, trying his best to hide his arousal and annoyance. He shouldn’t be upset. He and Tony are being rescued from their date with death, after all. “It's good to see you.”
Thor's grin widens.
Tony snorts. “Don't mind him. He’s just upset you interrupted us from having life-affirming sex.”
“I see,” Thor says, his gaze darting between the both of them. “I suppose I could leave you both here to indulge—”
“No!” Steve exclaims, almost jumping up to his feet and dropping Tony onto the ground.
“Seconded,” Tony chimes. “I mean, as hot as it would be to fuck in space—”
Steve starts, burying his face in his hands as his cheeks begin to burn. “Tony—”
“—I’d rather we do it somewhere we’re less likely to suffocate.”
Thor chuckles. “Then it’ll be my pleasure to escort you both back to Midgard.” He tilts his head in Steve’s direction, his smile softening. “Welcome back, Captain.”
As Thor begins to push the escape pod back to Earth, Tony settles back into his seat, pinning Steve with a tentative expression. He looks absolutely ravished, his lips pink and wet and god, he has to hold himself back from jumping him again. Steve should’ve done this so long ago, should’ve asked him to remove his helmet so he can mess Tony’s hair with his fingers.
“You meant that right?” Tony begins.
“Meant what?”
“What you said. About being in love with me. Because you know, we were about to die and—”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Have I ever said anything I didn’t mean?”
Tony purses his lips. “Well, you do say a lot of shit when you’re mad.”
“Do I look or sound like I’m mad now?”
“No. But then sometimes you joke—”
Steve exhales exasperatedly before reaching over to lace their fingers together. It’s not the first time he wishes Tony would shed his armor, not the first time he wants to know how it feels to have Tony's hand in his.
“Does it look or sound like I’m joking now either?”
“No. But—” Tony pauses, frowning. “Don’t look at me like that.”
Steve leans forward, his lips quirk to the side. “Look at you like what?”
Tony huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he juts his nose to the ceiling. “Like… Like you’re in love with me.”
Steve rolls his eyes, chasing after Tony’s fingers again. This time, the glove parts, revealing a weathered hand. It’s warm.
“That’s because I am.”
The mock annoyance melts away from Tony’s face, making way for a blinding smile.
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pepsiwatermelon · 4 years
This guy was created by a fanatic who survived one (1) of the Mechanisms shows, the guy was just absolutely obsessed w them and wanted to always be able to have live music n just live w the Mechanisms. Impossible and creepy right? Well the guy is a very advanced engineer turns out, and he creates a sort of synthoid clone of Jonny, over decades, from memory and scraps of merch and legends he can find. That creation is my OC.
J0nny d'V1lle, named like that both because he was designed to fully and wholely believe he IS the actual Jonny d'Ville and because he was the first, very imperfect prototype of this android clone, doesn't actually know he isn't human. He very clearly Doesn't Actually Look Quite Like OG Jonny, and acts... Off, enough that it pissed off his creator, who attempted to kill/deactivate him to start over from scratch. Acting in self preservation, J0nny lashes out and kills his creator, taking his small space ship and escapes the little hidden asteroid lab to wander the void and figure himself out.
He has a pretty advanced "circulatory system", that lets him "bleed" when injured, but his flesh and bones are all synthetic and mechanical, able to be repaired and worked on like any other android. He can even do it himself if he can stand the pain and mess. His vocal chords are specific though- made from cassette tapes in magnet proof casing, he sounds a LOT like the actual Jonny d'Ville... At first. Even when the chords, originally recordings of the Mechanisms music, are new, it sounds Wrong, Uncanny Valley style. Over the millenia, the tape is damaged and warped and generally gradually becomes something else. His heart he registers as "his mechanism", since the thing is made of "ancient" trchnology- instead of being near realistically synthetic, it's a simple clockwork.
Over time, he gets inklings that something's Not Quite Right, that something about him is Wrong. But he's so dead set in believing He Knows Exactly Who He Is, that he shoves it down and buries it best he can. He IS Jonny d'Ville! He IS trying to find his crew and keeps getting lost, and that's FINE. I imagine he's got his own little crew by this point, still trying to act out what he was created to do- be a personalized clone of his creators obsession. The bonds he makes with his own crew are genuine, so he can more easily stuff the empty and wrong feelings down, just continue on making music, telling stories just a liiiittle bit (or a lot a bit) differently than the ACTUAL Jonny would do it. Happier stories. Less grand stories. Unsatisfying stories. But stories nonetheless, and it gives him purpose. For a while.
Here's where timelines tend to diverge. One way or another, J0nny realizes he's not who he's believed himself to be for so long. In one reality it just finally falls apart. In another, he kills a man with his face in anger in a bar fight, realizing far too late as he stares at the mangled gear stuck on the knife he pulled from the other man's chest what he's done, that he's wearing the other man's face and not the other way round.
No matter the way he realizes it, gives in to the fact that he's a copy, a fake, not real, J0nny can't turn back to his existence anymore. Can't go on pretending things are normal. He is not who he thought he was, and in this crisis of identity he runs and hides. Far from the gaze of another being, J0nny rips open his own chest and tears his clockwork heart out, a crude imitation of the real thing, and he dies.
Maybe to be re-awoken later if someone finds him, reactivates his synthetic brain, to make himself someone else now, to accept he needs to define himself outside of this. Maybe to lie cold and still til the end of time. Not sure yet.
As a note, like. J0nny spells his name like Jonny, his "legal" name is J0nny d'V1lle both because he was the first prototype and to distinguish this clone from the ACTUAL, real Jonny D'Ville in writing. There's a lot of themes of imposter syndrome, being told who you are and what your identity is, imitating and all that. Plus the idea that the person you build up in your head when you idolize someone, you create someone completely different in your mind to who they actually are.
Anyway pls be kind I'm gonna draw him later...
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emberleaf23 · 4 years
Hey guys! So I read a fic here on Tumblr called Standing Still by @perryshmirtzpops (weh) and I came up with a divergence of it. So yeah, credit goes to them.
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(Here are the tags if ya need 'em)
They all stood in the balcony of Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., Milo and his friends, Phineas, Ferb, and theirs, Perry, Doof, and his family.
"Thirteen hours 'til the end of the world." Vanessa said, leaning on the stone fence. Everyone nodded sadly.
"...no." Perry said quietly. "Huh?" Melissa asked. "Just... no." Perry responded, eyes glittering with sadness, then determination. He hoped to his feet. "No. We're not going to die because of some stupid piece of rock."
Phineas saddened, looking out over the city. "Perry, thanks for the pep talk, but there's nothing we can do. We're... we're doomed." He finished his sentence with a quiet whisper.
Perry growled a little. "No. Phineas, Ferb, you guys built a time machine, a portal to Mars, multiple rockets, multiple rollercoasters, and so much more. You saved another dimension and your own in a day. And Heinz, you've built so many incredible inators, anyone at NASA would faint. If there is anyone who can save the world from that asteroid, it's you three."
Phineas perked a little. "Well, yeah, but I don't have any ideas." Buford spoke up. "I do. Remember when you moved Earth back to where it was supposed to be? Move Earth out of the asteroid's path, put it back."
Phineas blinked, then grinned, straightening up and looking around at their group of people: Canvendish, Dakota, Perry, Milo, Zach, Melissa, Candace, Vanessa, Stacy, Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, Norm, Doof, Ferb, and Diogee, all smiling as they realized they'd live another day.
"Guys, I know what we're gonna do today."
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novantinuum · 5 years
Hollowed Moon (Ch. 1-3)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T (for sensitive content in later chapters)
Words: 1.5K~
Summary: Stevonnie doesn't crash the Star Skipper onto that jungle moon. Instead, they crash on a craggy fragment of rock suspended thousands of miles away from its associated colony, long forgotten.
On that lonely hunk of rock is a domed garden.
And standing in that garden, just as lifeless seeming as the rest of it, is a pink Gem.
Okaay, so this is the beginning of a little series of drabbles I’ve been posting on AO3 over the last two weeks. It’s an AU that diverges from just after Lars of the Stars. I have seven chapters posted already on AO3. Link to that will be posted in the reblogs, for anyone interested.  
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Ch. 1
The force of the impact nearly vibrates through their bones as the Star Skipper hits the surface, throwing them against the cockpit’s control panel at such speed that they barely have enough time to put up a bubble. Thankfully, ‘enough’ is all the time they need. In but a millisecond the world tints pink. Following momentum, their neck snaps forward, causing their head to smash against the solid barrier. Stevonnie yelps, vision going temporarily woozy. It takes a while for them to fully recover, with the wrecked remains of the ship spinning like a top from their perspective as they slowly lift a quivering hand to their forehead to check for wounds. They groan, nearly every square inch of their body aching something terrible, but there’s nothing. No blood, no easily distinguishable breaks, nada. Lucky them! Score, Stevonnie one, busted, broken spaceship zip.
It must be your healing powers keeping us in one piece, ‘cause that was one really violent crash.
Well, also my bubble is pretty strong!
“Hah, well... we’re lucky even a bubble got me outta this scrape,” they murmur out loud, and let out a shaky breath as they attempt to ground themself. Taking a cursory glance around, they notice that the cockpit’s window has shattered, leaving the ship open to the vacuum of space. At least, they’re assuming it is. Whatever hunk of rock it is they’ve crashed on, it doesn’t appear to have an atmosphere. “Oh boy, guess I gotta keep this thing up for a while,” they say with a nervous laugh. They press their cheek against the bubble’s rim, peering at the cracked display screen. “Now, I wonder if any of this tech is salvageable...”
Stevonnie shifts in the seat. Without any iota of warning the ship’s engines explode, launching their protective bubble hundreds of feet closer to the very stars they’re lost amongst.
Oh, what a day it’s been.
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Ch. 2
This shard of planetoid isn’t particularly large, but it has just enough mass that its gravity pulls Stevonnie’s wildly spinning bubble back to the surface. Their heart pounds as the bubble collides hard upon the craggy surface, bouncing a few times before finally coming to a rest. They gasp for breath, pulling themself to their knees.
“Aughh, my everything hurts.”
Slowly but surely they rise to their feet, their knees still shaking. All around them, the remains of the Star Skipper (may she rest in pieces) are now barely distinguishable, nothing left but melted twists of scrap metal. Even if there was any possibility of fixing up the communication array earlier, it’s a moot point by now. 
Steven, how are we gonna-?!
“Oh, no, no no no no!” they cry out, gripping at their hair. “Oh, this is bad. This is so, so bad. How is Lars gonna be able to find us now?”
They adjust the straps of the backpack around their shoulders and begin pacing as they continue to talk to themself, walking back and forth across the dust and rock within the bubble like a hamster in a ball.
“Okay, Stevonnie, calm down,” they say, hugging their arms around their chest. “We’re fine. I’m fine! Let’s just work this out bit by bit. So. We’re stuck on some weird asteroid, or something. We have no ship. No means of communication. We’re safe in this bubble... for now. But... I honestly don’t know how long I can keep this up. I don’t usually use it longer than a few minutes at a time.”
What about when we first met?
“That’s different, though,” they stress, plopping down to sit crisscrossed. “That time he didn’t summon it voluntarily. And that time, we weren’t stuck in the vacuum of space! Although... Okay. Okay, we were stuck under the ocean, fair point. And I guess there’s that time Steven was marooned with Eyeball. But still. It’s only been a few minutes and I’m already... so... so tired.”
Stevonnie’s breathing grows shallower, each puff of air coming in staccato gasps in their exhaustion. They grit their teeth, hand clenching against the rose quartz gem at their midsection. Over time they’ve come to realize that maintaining any one of Steven’s shields or abilities for a long period of time is super taxing to them, more so than it is for the young half-Gem himself. Makes one wonder if that’s because they’re a 75% human hybrid, because of the nature of being a fusion, or because they simply haven’t trained enough together.
They moan, frustrated at this whole dumb scenario, desperately wondering if there’s anything they could’ve done differently to avoid it all together. Lars and his friends will find them soon once they follow their trail and do a flyby, hopefully, but there’s still so many variables to consider here. They quickly hop back onto their feet inside the bubble.
Stevonnie squints, for a moment thinking they can see dimmed starlight glinting off of a domed surface in the far distance. Perhaps there’s some Gem technology hidden away here that could prove useful. For now, all they can do is explore and wait.
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Ch. 3
The dome encapsulates a gigantic garden. At least, what they can only guess was once a garden. All the plants have long since shriveled up into husks of their former glory, much like the hollowed-out moon hanging high above. There’s a single service doorway on the dome’s exterior, a feature Stevonnie is exceedingly lucky to have found before finally fading to exhaustion with their bubbling ability. Now freely wandering around the dome's interior, they approach a massive platform towards its center. Eyes glittering, they brush their hand against some eroded etchings in the old stone. They’re sure it used to be quite a sight to behold in its heyday, this whole complex. Such a shame time had to carry this place to eternal rest. What used to go on here, they wonder? What kinds of Gems would use this space? Did they all leave when the colony above was... fully drained of its resources?
Their nose crinkles just thinking about it.
Hey, they muse suddenly. Up at the top... I think that’s a warp pad.
Are you sure?
Pretty positive.
“Couldn’t hurt to look,” they mutter softly, climbing up the stairs. Their legs are still burning from the long walk they set upon to reach the dome in the first place.
When they reach the top they kneel in front of the warp, and place a palm flat upon it. They close their eyes, focusing their mind on the tangled web of warp stream signatures old users have left behind, almost like a fossilized travel record. Except it’s energy based. Well, kinda. They’re sure it’s far more complicated than that, but to be fair Steven wasn’t paying full attention to Pearl the day she was teaching him how to do this. His loss, Stevonnie thinks with a snort. They think all this Gem history stuff is pretty fascinating.
The web comes into focus in their mind’s eye, one particularly bright thread stretching further across the stars than any warp pad they’ve ever seen before can.
“Galaxy warp,” they breathe in giddy realization. “This is an actual, working galaxy warp! But- no!” they cry, grinding their hands into fists. “That means we can’t use it, because Earth doesn’t have an operationa—“
“Pink, is that finally you??” a high pitched voice cries in joy from the distance.
They whirl around in a flash, scanning the interior of the (perhaps not so?) extinct garden. The complex is massive, but it’s not long before they locate the origin of this new voice, trapped amongst the browned and hardened brambles.
Standing midway between the raised galaxy warp platform and the stagnant fountain at the center of the dome is a short pink Gem.
From this distance, they’d have to guess she’s maybe half their height, perhaps a little taller. Her gemstone is on her chest, a heart shaped type they don’t recognize. The Gem’s hair is pulled up into messy little buns, twisted to look like hearts themselves. She stands with her arms open wide, baggy eyes alight with anticipation as she waits for their response.
Mouth agape, Stevonnie skitters down the steps of the platform as fast as they can. Who is this Gem? Why is she alone in a withered garden, in the middle of deep space? And why are her feet literally bound by roots?? How long has she been standing here?
“Oh! Oh, hello! I, uh- I don’t think I’m who you’re looking for, sorry,” they say with an apologetic smile. “I’m Stevonnie. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here all on your own?”
“I’m playing a game,” the small Gem replies simply, clasping her gloved hands together.
“A... game?”
“With my best friend, yes!” she enthuses. “She’ll come back any day now, I can just feel it.”
Her voice sounds chipper enough, but perhaps as a result of Connie’s lonely childhood and the walls a person learns to erect in those situations, Stevonnie can intimately sense the cracks in her facade. They may not yet understand the full scoop, but they can tell she's desperately trying to convince herself of her own cover story.
What on Earth happened to this Gem, here in this forgotten garden?
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starscreamwastaken · 5 years
For @starjackweek! I have all the chapters posted on Ao3, but the chapters are short enough I thought I’d also post them here. All of the fics take place in the same AU. They hopped on a ship and ran away to live happily ever after. 
Day 3: Trust/reverence
Starscream heard the beeping in his dreams, but he doused it. The waves were rough, but he rode them. He gripped the sheet beneath his palm, digging his claws into the thin berthpad. The buzzing got louder and louder. Starscream groaned, swatting at Wheeljack to get up and turn off the damn alarm. 
As soon as he moved the ship jolted, sending them both against the wall. Starscream jolted awake. He only had a moment to get his bearings before something else hit the ship, sending them against the opposite wall. The alarm lights were blaring, painting the room over and over in their red glow. 
Starscream didn’t wait for the ship the throw them around again. He activated his thrusters, grabbed Wheeljack by the wrist, and flew them through the twisting ship. In the kitchen Starscream had to dodged the pots and pans being thrown out of the cupboards. As soon as they reached the control room Starscream set them down and strapped in. 
The problem became obvious the moment they looked out the window. They were traveling through a brown sparkling cloud that was beating them with energy bursts and space debris. They must have slept through the initial warning, telling them they were about to fly straight into it. If they weren’t so deep Wheeljack would have tried to steer them out. 
Unfortunately, all of their systems were shot with interference, and visibility was none. The only thing they could do was ride it out. Considering how long they’d been traveling through it, it was a miracle they hadn’t been flung into the nearest star or asteroid. Wheeljack activated the shields. They were relatively weak, but made for minor storms like this. It prevented tiny debris moving at ungodly speeds from damaging the hull and windows. 
Wheeljack gripped the wheel tightly with both hands. His arms tensed and untensed, battling the minute but potentially catastrophic movements of ship. The wheel wanted to bend to the will of the storm. Wheeljack would not let it. 
Starscream kept track of their bearings. He tried to adjust the system so it would actually tell them where they were, and not just sputter in a panic when they came close to an asteroid. After a couple of hours Starscream huffed, defeated. He leaned back in his chair and adjusted the seatbelt across the chest. He looked at Wheeljack, tense shoulders, clenched hands. 
“How are you doing?” Starscream asked. 
Wheeljack shrugged. “Could be better,” he admitted. “My hands are beginning to cramp.”
“I could always take over for a while.”
Wheeljack nodded. “Yeah. I think that would be best.”
Starscream pressed the button on the console in front of him, summoning the co-pilot controls. Wheeljack steadily loosened his grip as Starscream’s tightened. Once the transfer was complete Wheeljack stood up and stretched until every joint and strut in his body popped. 
“I’m gonna get a cube,” he said, scrubbing a hand down his face. “I’ll be right back.”
Wheeljack returned a moment later. He downed two cubes, hooked himself in, and was asleep within seconds. After a couple of hours the lights went off in the ship to diverge power to the shields. Starscream took the ship’s rancid air into his vents in an attempt to keep himself awake. He blinked the soreness from his eyes, and kept them dead on the task at hand. Silvery wisps of tiny debris flew over the shields. Little black rocks, and pink dust consumed Starscream’s vision. The constant unchanging landscape made Starscream’s mind feel numb. 
The dark ship and light snoring of his conjux disappeared from view, so that only the storm remained. 
Starscream shook off the feeling, aware that if he let himself get swept up the ship would go with them. 
Starscream turned his attention away from the storm. He couldn’t do this forever. They couldn’t do this forever. It could take days, even weeks to get out of a storm in space. It had been a day, and the two of them were already exhausted. They couldn’t do this for weeks. They probably wouldn’t last another day. 
In all the years they’d been on this ship they were on top of things. They didn’t plunge head first into cosmic storms. Their systems were usually more up to date. But the upgrade they were due for was a week away when they stopped on the next tech panet. 
Starscream tried to think. Right now all of their physical energy was going into keeping the ship steady. He was tempted to wake Wheeljack up and brainstorm together, but he didn’t want to disturb him. For now Starscream thought on his own until his conjux was well enough to join him. 
The first issue to take care of before they could do anything was the steering. That could be solved easily enough using ropes and things to tie the steering wheel in place. They would have to work fast, but they could do it. Whatever it was they were going to do. 
Starscream wracked his brain. They could wake up the jump drive and try to jump out of the storm, but without their navigation equipment they could jump out right into a star, or an asteroid. It might be a risk worth taking at this point. Unless they could find a way to enhance their navigation systems to reach past the storm. Considering they hadn’t been able to already, they were in the midst of something enormous. 
The only thing they could do to try and increase their range was climb out onto the ship and connect more than one sensor or antena, if they had any to spare. If they could get even the smallest blip outside of the storm they could activate the warp and jump outside of it. If they narrowly missed an asteroid at least they would still miss it. 
Starscream needed Wheeljack if this plan was going to work. Starscream waited another two hours. He checked the navigation to see if there were any improvements. Nothing. Which meant the plan would go into action. 
Unable to let go of the wheel Starscream lifted his leg and kicked Wheeljack in the shoulder. He jolted awake, barely opening his eyes to look around the room. 
“Get up,” Starscream said. “I have a plan.”
Wheeljack rubbed his eyes and sat up. “We’re still in the storm? How long was I out?”
“Four hours.”
“Listen. I have a plan. I don’t think we’ll be getting out of this anytime soon, and if I have to drive in this storm for another week I’m going to lose my mind. Or we’re going to die. Whichever comes first.”
Wheeljack sat forward, attentive. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”
“I think we need to jump.”
“We could hit something.”
“We could hit something in here too.”
“We can’t jump blind.”
“I know, I’m not trying to jump blind. We can install all the antenna we have on the outside of the ship to try and regain our bearings.”
“What? No. How would you even-” Wheeljack paused. “Star, we can’t risk going outside for something that might not even work.”
“We just need more sensors, more- somethings. More something. Or we will be jumping blind.”
“We’re not risking either of us going out of the ship. I’d rather jump blind.”
Starscream’s hand tightened around the steering wheel. “I could do it.”
“Wheeljack,” Starscream snapped his head to look at his conjux. “We can’t do this. Our shields are going to fail before we get out of this.”
“You don’t know that.”
“We need to do something.”
Wheeljack clenched his jaw. “Well. We’re not doing that. We’ll find another way.” He pressed the button on his console and activated his steering wheel. “I’m taking over.” 
They eased into the change. As soon as Starscrem was free he sprung from his seat and ran back to the engines. Their little jump drive was lame and lacked any real use. They used it to get from planet to planet when they were actually going to a planet on purpose. 
They hadn’t used it in a couple of weeks. It took up most of their ship’s power, which is why they used it to get to planets and not much else. 
Starscream thought about the risks. If they jumped and they ended up hitting something they were dead. If they jumped and used up all of their fuel they were dead in the water, dead a few weeks or months after that unless they came out close to a planet. If they jumped and ended up still in the storm they were very much dead. 
Starscream returned to his original thought. They needed to install the sensors on the outside of the ship. If they installed the sensors they would at least be able to increase their speed without risk of hitting anything. 
Then an idea popped into Starscream’s head. 
He raced back to the deck and fell into his seat. “I have a plan,” he announced. “One that doesn’t involve a blind jump, or anyone going outside.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“We ram the storm.”
Wheeljack furrowed his brow. “What?”
“We divert all available power to the shields and engines, and just thrust full speed for as long as we possibly can.”
Wheeljack shook his head. “There’s no guarantee that’ll get us out. This kinda thing can go on for weeks.”
“I know.”
“And if we use up all the power to just ram through then if we lose power in the middle of it we’re dead. I think it’s best we just ride it out. We have plenty of energon and power to make it through it we just take it slow. If we have to, I’ll keep the wheel for the entire time.”
“No. I can’t let you do that.”
Wheeljack didn’t say anything for a moment. “You should sleep,” he said. “Not fair I got to rest and you ain’t.”
“I can’t,” Starscream snapped. “I can’t just leave you out here to deal with this alone. We need to find a proper solution.”
Wheeljack glanced at him. “Star, your wings are all the way up. You’re tense. You need to rest. Please, just for a few hours. Your head will be clearer when you wake up.”
Starscream forced his wings down. “Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll sleep,” he stood up and headed to the back of the ship. “But I won’t be down for long.”
He was asleep for six hours. Six whole hours. When he woke up and checked his chrono he nearly slapped himself. He’d left Wheeljack out there alone to deal with this for six hours. 
But an idea did spring to mind.
Starscream marched to the control room and took over the controls. Wheeljack’s arms fell to his sides. He slumped back in his chair and took a much needed rest. Starscream let it go for an hour before interrupting. 
“We need to ride the storm,” he said. 
Wheeljack sat up a little. “What?”
“Right now we’re going against it. We’re resisting the directions it wants to pull us in. I propose we find an energy burst and ride it out.”
“We could hit something.”
“Our sensors work well enough for narrow escapes and energy bursts. We won’t be wasting any energy, and if it doesn’t work we’ll be right back where we started.”
Wheeljack chewed his lip. “I dunno.”
“Come on,” Starscream urged. “There’s little to no risk in it.”
“There’s a risk in everything,” Wheeljack said, already adjusting the instruments for their little escape plan. “But who am I if not a risk taker?”
Starscream smirked. He held the wheel while Wheeljack made the adjustments and watched the monitors. He directed Starscream on where to turn the ship and when. It was an hour before they got the proper energy readouts for a burst. 
As they approached the peak of their plan Starscream’s hand tightened around the wheel. Wheeljack put his hand on the thruster control and waited for just the right moment. 
“Okay,” he said. “Ten seconds. We’re gonna do a 180.”
Starscream responded with a curt nod. “Alright.”
Wheeljack counted down. “Five. Four. Three. Two- Now, go now!”
Starscream turned the ship. When they were at the right angle he pressed forward. Just as the energy burst hit them Wheeljack activated the thrusters. The extra push gave them a boost in speed. They rode the storm until it spit them out right into a field of asteroids. 
Starscream yelped, pulling up, avoiding a near head on collision. He dodged a couple smaller ones and steered them away from the hazard before he could finally rest. 
They both vented, letting all the tension leave their bodies. Starscream turned autopilot back on and let go of the wheel. 
They sat there for a minute staring at the empty space before them. 
A smile slipped onto Starscream’s face. He started to laugh. It was almost hysterical. “I can’t believe that worked!”
“You didn’t think it was going to work?”
Starscream didn’t respond with words. He planted his mouth on Wheeljack’s and didn’t let go for a whole minute. When he pulled away he was still laughing. “I thought we would die.”
“The energy burst could have completely blown out systems,” he sighed. “Your timing was perfect. That was such a rush.”
“I’m glad to see you still get a rush from almost dying.”
Starscream laughed. “Only with you.” 
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msclockwatcher · 6 years
EW: Supergirl Star Melissa Benoist on That Shocking Alura Reveal (Spoilers)
The Supergirl promos have not deceived you: Yes, Argo City still exists, and yes, Kara’s mom is still alive!
As revealed in a sneak peek at next week’s episode, Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Mon-El (Chris Wood) will travel into deep space to find a rock that could theoretically be used to separate Sam (Odette Annable) from Reign. However, they’ll be shocked to discover that the rock is the resting place for Argo City, which survived the destruction of Krypton. How will Kara feel about her mother, Alura (Erica Durance), still being alive? EW turned to Benoist to get the scoop. (Read our interview with Durance here.)
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Argo City still exists! Kara’s mom is still alive! When did you find out the show was going to do this, and what was your reaction? MELISSA BENOIST: I actually found out pretty early on. I would say within the first three episodes of this season, they knew they wanted to get to here, because they knew they wanted Erica Durance to be involved. It’s just such a mainstay for Kara’s history that she’s so informed by her past on Krypton in Argo City, and she’s struggled with her identity so often. This season, I found out very early on that they wanted to explore this to kind of show that Kara needed to make decision whether she was an Earthling or whether she was Kryptonian.
How will she deal with her mom suddenly appearing in her life? Yeah, and it’s been quite some time. Just from approaching the scenes we’ve been doing, I haven’t even really fathomed that, because it’s such a huge change. We’ve had moments like this before in the show, where she saw Astra and she never thought she’d see Astra again, and she saw her uncle Non. There have been people from her past that have resurfaced that she didn’t expect, but her mother, who she bases so much of her ideals and her pride on, and kind of lives in the memory of her mother, and she gets to talk to her, but it’s never fulfilled with the hologram. Now she’s here in the flesh before her — it’s pretty gargantuan, to say the least, in terms of changing her life.
Is it tough for Kara and Alura to figure each other out at first? I think it’s more just that there’s a sadness and a melancholy than there is any toughness to deal with it. Navigating through that, the way we portray this, because it’s been 12 or 15 years since they’ve seen each other, they both, for all intents and purposes, thought the other dead, so it’s a melancholy that has to inject everything, because they’ve missed so much time, and because they didn’t know that the other was alive, and they could’ve probably seen each other sooner. But other than that, I think all the changes she sees in her mom are really positive and she’s very proud of and impressed by, because [there were] things that we’ve explored in season 1 where Kara was disillusioned by her parents and disillusioned by the decision they made, or not very proud of some of the decisions they made, so I think that’s gonna change.
How do you think this might affect her relationship with Alex, especially because she’s the family that’s been here all along for Kara? Right. Well, it’s on both sides of the coin because her mother feels mixed emotions about having sent her away when they realized they didn’t have to, and assumed her to be dead, but then has realized that she’s lived with this other family, basically was raised by other people and a sister. And Alex, on the other hand, that’s something that I think we’ll continue to explore because obviously now Kara knows she can go back and decide to be with her mother more, which requires traveling light years away from Earth. But you know what I love the most? How accepting Alex and Kara are. Kara obviously has been very supportive of Alex in the last two years to kind of take care of herself and be who she wants to be, and I think she would support Kara doing that for herself as well.
Can you talk about how Kara will struggle between using the rock to save Earth from Reign or leaving the rock to protect the Kryptonians? Yeah, I mean, at the end of last season, Kara made the decision to sacrifice everything she cared about, the love of her life, for the sake of Earth, so I know she’s capable of making that decision. This is obviously so different because it’s everything she’s ever wanted for herself in terms of being with her family and feeling a part of her community and not feeling like such an outsider and having a normal life, as much of a normal life as a Kryptonian can have. But I think you’ll see things have changed on Argo City, and also she’s changed. We’re kind of exploring that in this episode we’re doing at the moment, where she might not fit in anymore amongst the Kryptonians because Argo City has learned so much. The people that have stayed on Argo City, on this asteroid that’s floating in space, and then Kara being raised on Earth, two roads diverged and they’re very different. So I think reconciling it for her is much more difficult than she anticipates.
Is there talk of relocating the Kryptonians to Earth? Not yet, but that’s a really good idea. That would be so cool.
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on the CW.
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northisnotup · 6 years
SidGeno 66 & 22
It’s not you, it’s my enemies/Space au. I am actually a little FURIOUS you specified Sid/Geno for this bc if not I could have detailed a star trek fic that has been living in my mind for years but I will never actually write. Though, to be fair, that would be less of an au and more of a canon-divergence? Ehhh whatever. WARNING:  This one gets a little dark. Minor character death, I want to be clear I just, uh, cast SOMEONE in the ‘dying’ role, there is no “hard feelings” or negativity towards this person as a person, i just, y’know, needed someone to die. Also, there is gonna be Othering of Geno which could read as Xenophobic. Proceed with caution!
All Sid meant to do was live a quiet life here on this planet, helping where he could and dying in obscurity.
All Sid wanted was a chance to make up for the things he’s done.
And he tried. The first month he lived here was bitter, between the biting cold, his empty pockets and empty stomach Sid’s resolve to change was tested. But he survived. There was not a day that passed he did not wake, alone and aching to struggle with his pride, longing for the lavish, exiting life and love he left behind.
He takes no formal job, but cleans the simple dirt streets of trash.
He has no formal training, but this system is lightyears behind his own in medicinal knowledge and so he heals where he can.
He is not a great speaker, but he has an honest face and charisma in spades and so he speaks to the ‘great’ peoples who govern this city on behalf of those who live on the streets as he does.
It takes years but, shamefully, Sid eventually begins to forget his reasons for and the idea of penance. He wakes to the phantom feeling of hands wrapped around his throat, has the fever-dreams of drugs and sex and the feel of a phaser whining at the pitch necessary to end a life stop being nightmares and begin to be fantasies on long days.
Sid wrestles his ambition and drive down and buries them deep in the back of his mind to become, not happy, but content. He keeps caring for the needy, dismisses those who would treat him as idol, even gets a job and takes a lover.
He should have known it couldn’t last.
He got complacent. It all happens so quickly.
“Sid, we’ve got to get out of here!” Jack has to yell over the gales of wind whipping past their ears and grabs at Sid’s arms, a fire from midway up the street casting ominous shadows on his face. “Sid?”
Sid falters. Looks over Jack’s shoulder to the ship, the largest of the fleet which has landed in the middle of their town’s square. Is frozen by the tall, alien form sauntering down the runway. Sid had told him, lips against the shell of his ear in an intimate parody of a kiss, a blade sharp at the man’s side, his arrogance would get him killed one day. He’d laughed and grabbed Sid’s wrist, dragging the blade up his body to rest against his breastbone while he stole a kiss.
“They’re here for me, Jack. I have to go.” He says, as loudly as he dares and near crumples at the confusion and hurt on Jack’s face.
“Sid! My love there you are!” Geno sweeps Sid out of Jack’s arms easily with his alien strength, gathers him into a kiss that is bruising, ravaging, and Sid melts under near immediately. Gods, it’s been four years and he’s still susceptible to his charms and touches. On some level, he knows it’s reactors in his brain lighting up under pheromone assault, but he doesn’t care enough to try and get himself under control. Sid’s ached with love and hate and anger and longing for four years.
Even as he forgot other things, he never forgot the way Geno looked, touched him, held him.
“W-what?” Jack stutters, and Sid remembers abruptly that Geno looks almost human, but also distinctly Not in a way that instinctively unnerves those unused to his kind. His skin is too pale, too smooth, limbs a bit too long and his predator wide mouth is filled with sharp, inhuman teeth.
Geno stares at Jack assessing the threat he poses, minimal, before obviously dismissing him and turning back to Sid, lifting a hand to caress his cheek while his other wraps secure and threatening around Sid’s throat. “You think we wouldn’t find you, my Sid?”
“I didn’t think you would look.” He lies, trying not to fall back into habits he thought he was rid of. “I thought the bodies of your generals might warn you off.”
Geno laughs, the raven-like croak of it shivering down Sid’s spine. “Never. I’m always telling you, Don’t ever fucking leave me, Sid. I said I’d kill you if you ever left me.”
Sid stiffens, pressing himself into Geno’s hands, spiting the words out around the pressure on his throat, “Leave you? You fuckin’ left me! For dead! You!” Sid pound his fist ineffectually against Geno’s chest, he’s so weak now. “Said we would die together or not at all and you left me to bleed out on a fucking asteroid. I was there for weeks. It took seven days of fever, surviving on water and rats til I figured out you weren’t coming back for me.”
The hands around his throat tighten and Geno drags him closer so they’re chest to chest and he can lean down to speak against Sid’s lips. “I did. I did come back for you.”
“You left me.” Sid interrupts, licking his lips, spine turning to water. He doesn’t want to forgive Geno, not as easily as he is.
“I found you.” Geno says it like a promise. Like their people aren’t burning and razing the place Sid’s called home for the last four years, like he can turn his back on everything he’s done, give up on the idea of penance and sail off.
“If I say no?” He flattens his hands and runs them down the hard planes of Geno’s chest, his cock beginning to thicken as screams tear through the air.
Geno growls, his hands tightening lightning fast around Sid’s throat. “I found you.” He says again, desperation leaking into his voice.
“Would you kill me, my love?”
Geno kisses him, chaste like a promise.
“Sid.” Jack speaks up then, confused, begging. “Sid what is this?”
The phaser Sid slipped from Geno’s waist whines as he pulls the trigger, high and…off-key.
Jack drops to the ground.
Sid turns his head, first to the unconscious body of Jack, stunned but still breathing and then back to Geno. “You do still love me.”
“The Iceburgh leaves no survivors.” Geno nods, whispering.
Whatever Sid expected to feel, he doesn’t. He’s lived with Jack for almost a year, shared his bed and his life and he feels, he feels….excited. His thumb moves on the dial and this time, the pitch that echos in the one he hears in his guiltiest, wettest dreams.
“Take me home, G.”
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myriad-ocs · 6 years
OC Questions
huge shoutout to @discord-of-laughter for tagging me in this!! sorry it took so long, i impulsively decided to make 2 more new ocs and couldn’t decide if I wanted them to be in Divergent, The Gifted or Star Wars (they’re still a work in progress)!!
i’m gonna tag @lilysmuses !!
List five basic facts about your OC:
Was training to be a Guard on the Ark with Bellamy before her arrest
Arrested for aggravated assault. 
Knew about Octavia Blake a few years after she was born.
Likes to go exploring Earth
Always wears a jacket which used to be her father’s
Moved from California to Gotham
Became a forensic scientist at the GCPD
Already has a bit of an alcohol dependency problem, which escalates when she becomes an undercover bartender at The Sirens.
Was given the nickname ‘Mirror’ by Barbara
A hopeless lesbian who tries her best to flirt but often fails
His mom unexpectedly left Brett and his father when he was 2.
Until Brett found out the truth, he thought his father was a businessman.
Works in the recruiting part of Kingsman, partially because he likes scaring new recruits
Has a bit of an anger issue.
Not very good with guns, but is excellent at hand to hand combat.
If she hadn’t been recruited by Kingsman, she would’ve probably ended up working in the ER
She and her mother live together, and the two have a very good relationship
She doesn’t know who her father is.
Likes to paint in her spare time.
Buries herself in her work whenever she’s stressed about something
Doesn’t spend a lot of time at home between school and working at a local bookstore.
Very close with her younger brother, Scott, and is very protective of him.
Doesn’t have many friends at school, until Cook invites her to a party one day.
Generally very calm and quiet, but can be very stern if she has to be.
Plans to move out once she finishes school and take care of her brother on her own. 
The eldest daughter of the Starks.
Closest to Arya, although she loves all her siblings.
Is very family oriented and would do anything to protect those she loves.
Has a grey Direwolf named Ashwood, who is still alive and is always by her side.
Although she is the eldest and technically the Lady of Winterfell, she declines and insists that Sansa remain in the leadership role. 
Started working at Nelson and Murdock quite quickly after she graduated law school.
A bit of a workaholic.
Doesn’t agree with Matt’s life as a vigilante, especially since she sides with the law more than the work of vigilantes.
Accompanies Matt when he goes to serve as Jessica’s lawyer, which is the beginning of how she meets all the Defenders.
Follows in Foggy’s footsteps and gets a job at Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz when Nelson and Murdock shuts down.
Had wanted to work for NASA and go to space his whole life.
On his first mission in space, an asteroid knocked out his engine, sending him into an asteroid belt.
Rocket had caught sight of his ship, and he was saved by the Guardians.
Thought he was dead or hallucinating when he woke up and met the Guardians.
Creates a special radio, with the help of Rocket, which he often uses to communicate with his family.
Has the power to manipulate and implement death on any living thing around him.
Grew up imprisoned at an A.R.G.U.S. lab until he is freed by Lily.
Accidentally almost kills Ray when the Legends find him and Lily’s metahuman refuge.
Doesn’t trust the Legends and was upset that Lily wanted to go with them.
Is incredibly insecure about his powers and believes he hasn’t fully accessed his full potential.
Has the power to manipulate all sort of energy, including life force.
Knows her power isn’t as strong as Zach’s, which she believes is because death is stronger than life.
Wants to become part of the Legends so that one day she can change the timeline and erase A.R.G.U.S.’ existence.
Does not forgive her father for experimenting on metahumans, although she misses her parents very much.
Is very trusting and optimistic, despite all she’s seen
The only survivor the massacre at Tuanul, was saved by Poe and escaped with BB-8.
Becomes close friends with Finn and Rey when she becomes part of the adventure.
Meets Mia when she decides to stay at the Resistance base.
Skilled with a speeder and other vehicles, eventually trains to become a pilot.
Becomes close with Mia when she is assigned to maintain Natalyie’s ship
Has been a part of the Resistance all her life.
Was taught to be a mechanic from her father and older brother.
Blames herself for the death of her mother when her ship malfunctions during a mission.
Also good with droids
Close friends with Poe and the Tico sisters
Are they in love or do they have a crush? A relationship?
Eloise: If you’d ask her straight up, she tell you no to all three, even though Raven would say otherwise. She has a weird relationship with Bellamy, which is somewhere between best friends and something more, but Eloise is still reluctant to let people too close. 
Madeline: Madeline has the biggest crush on Barbara, and she doesn’t even bother trying to hide it. They eventually start dating, even when Madeline is supposed to be undercover.
Brett: Brett has a massive crush on Eggsy, but he’s too afraid to say something about it.
Dorothy: Dorothy has a tiny crush on Jack, but they also have a bit of a weird relationship that borders between mentor/apprentice, friends and something more. But Dorothy knows he’s still not over the death of his wife.
Olivia: Olivia has a tiny crush on Cook, but she’s too shy to tell him about it. Especially since she think’s he’s more interested in Effy than her.
Trysha: Trysha definitely wouldn’t say she’s in love, but she has a bit of a soft spot for Jaime, even though they’ve only met once or twice, because she thinks he’s truly good at heart. But she’s not sure if she’d describe that as a crush.
Alexandra: Alexandra had hooked up with Matt, yet it never went anywhere. They both tried to make it work, but it eventually fizzled out, especially with the arrival of Elektra catalysing it. She’d want to try again if she had the chance, but otherwise, she’d rather focus on work. 
Ryan: Ryan’s never had that many crushes his whole life, even back on Earth, and sometimes he wonders if he’ll ever find someone. However, if he doesn’t, he think’s he’ll be content with it, especially he loves being with the Guardians.
Zachary: Zachary is in love with Lily, no matter how hard he tries to deny it. She’s his best friend, and he gets incredibly jealous when she starts hanging out with the other Legends.
Lily: Lily will fall in love with someone at the drop of a hat. She’s pretty sure she’s had crushes on half of the Legends already, but she has a soft spot for Zachary.
Natalyie: Natalyie had been attracted to Mia right from the start, and has asked her out. The two have been in a relationship ever since.
Mia: Mia is been in a relationship with Natalyie, and is secretly grateful Natalyie is so upfront with her feelings and asked her out first, since Mia is pretty sure she’d be to shy to ever ask Natalyie out. 
Is there a song that makes you think of your OC?
Eloise: Demons by Imagine Dragons 
Madeline: Carried Away by Passion Pit
Brett: The Kids Aren’t Alright by Fall Out Boy
Dorothy: Shore by Daniela Andrade
Olivia: Drop Everything by Barcelona
Trysha: Carry You by Novo Amor
Alexandra: Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie
Ryan: Some Nights by Fun.
Zachary: Dangerous (feat. Joywave) by Big Data 
Lily: Renegades by X Ambassadors
Natalyie: Unstoppable by The Score
Mia: I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers
If you have more than one OC:
Who was the first? Eloise!!
Who is the tallest? Probably Brett, who’s 6″3′
Who is the shortest? Olivia, who’s 5″2′
Who is the most intelligent? It’s a tie between Dorothy and Ryan, with Mia close behind 
Who is the most ruthless? Eloise and Zachary for sure, and Trysha could be up there when she wants to be.
Who is most likely to get themselves killed? Brett, possible Natalyie
Who has the prettiest singing voice? Olivia is great at singing when she actually opens her mouth, and Madeline is pretty good too.
Who is most likely to become a crazy cat lady? Madeline, I mean, she’s already halfway there with the crazy part. 
Who is the worst cook? Alexandra. She doesn’t even bother anymore, she just gets takeout. 
Who is the most likely to steal candy from a baby? Brett, since Eggsy probably dared him.
Who sings in the shower? Lily and back on the Ark, Eloise, although she’d rather die than admit it. 
Who doesn’t believe in ghosts? Dorothy and Alexandra. Ryan didn’t use to believe, until he got to space, then figured anything was possible. 
If your OC could have any superpower, which would it be and why?
Eloise: Eloise would want the power to manipulate time, specifically be able to go back and time and change the past. She wouldn’t be sure how to do it, but she’d make saving her father her top priority. 
Madeline: Madeline would love to be able to read people’s minds and influence them. 
Brett: Brett would want something that enhances him physically, like super strength or super speed -- something that would make him better in combat.
Dorothy: Dorothy would want healing powers. She’s saved lots of lives as a paramedic, but she’s also lost many -- and she hates the feeling of losing someone she’s trying to save. 
Olivia: Olivia would also want to be telepathic. She likes observing people, and she’d be curious to know what goes on in people’s heads.
Trysha: Trysha also want to be able to go back in time and save her family, and everyone else she loves. 
Alexandra: Alexandra sometimes wishes she had enhances abilities, like super speed, because when she’s with the Defenders she sometimes feels a little useless being unable to fight.  
Ryan: Ryan was fascinated by Peter’s abilities on Ego’s planet, and wishes he could control energy, just because it looks cool.
Zachary: --
Lily: --
Natalyie: Natalyie would want pyrokinetic powers, because she develops a little bit of an obsession with fire, because it makes her think of how The First Order destroyed her home, and reminds her what she’s fighting for.
Mia: Mia would want hydrokinetic powers, because water calms her. She likes sitting by rivers or lakes and just listening to the sound of the water.  
What is their favourite kind of candy?
Eloise: Eloise isn’t a fan of sweet things, although she doesn’t mind a little bit of chocolate
Madeline: Lollipops, any flavor
Brett: Chocolate
Dorothy: Gummy worms
Olivia: Also gummy worms, since they’re also Scott’s favorite.
Trysha: Chocolate
Alexandra: Caramel hard candies
Ryan: Any kind of sour candy
Zachary: Any kind of minty candy
Lily: Gummy bears
Natalyie: Lemon sherbets 
Mia: Bubble gum, it helps her concentrate
What’s their favourite flavour?
Eloise: Salt and vinegar
Madeline: Any type of berry
Brett: Sweet and sour, jalapeño 
Dorothy: Coffee, peanut butter
Olivia: Vanilla, cinnamon
Trysha: Lemon, rosemary
Alexandra: Coffee
Ryan: Apple, grape
Zachary: Mint chocolate
Lily: Anything fruity, except orange
Natalyie: Anything citrusy
Mia: Peach
Which TV show do you think they would definitely like if they could watch it?
Eloise: The Amazing Race
Madeline: The Bold Type
Brett: The Punisher
Dorothy: Legion
Olivia: Stranger Things
Trysha: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Alexandra: Narcos
Ryan: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Zachary: Mindhunter
Lily: The Gifted
Natalyie: Supergirl
Mia: Black Lightning
Name a bad habit your OC has?
Eloise: Shuts people out really easily. All it takes is for one thing to go wrong, and Eloise can completely shut down. It’s a coping mechanism she’s developed to protect herself, since she figures if she doesn’t let anyone close, she won’t get hurt. 
Madeline: Drinking too much. Before she went undercover, Madeline already has a bit of problem with alcohol, but it becomes a full on problem when she starts working at The Sirens. She has problems knowing when to stop. 
Brett: Swearing. A lot. Of course, if you asked him, he wouldn’t think it’s a problem, but especially when he’s mad it can get out of hand. 
Dorothy: Fidgeting. Dorothy is so used to working and moving around a lot, that when she doesn’t have something to do, she usually finds herself pulling at her sleeves, spinning around pens, and generally just being unable to sit still. 
Olivia: Eating too much junk food. Generally, she has a balanced diet, but when she gets stressed she can go through bags of chips and candy without even noticing. 
Trysha: Biting her lips. No matter how much her mother tried to get her to drop the habit, it’s just become something she does. She’ll sometimes pick at the dry skin on her lips too, although she knows she shouldn’t.
Alexandra: Overworking herself. She’ll work day and night and won’t look after herself, and she’ll usually end up stressing herself out. 
Ryan: Staying up late. He doesn’t mean too, but sometimes he’ll get so absorbed in a new invention he’s building, or talking to his family on the radio, he won’t realise he hadn’t slept at all until Peter or Gamora comes by his room the next day. 
Zachary: Incredibly distrusting. He just has a hard time opening up to people, which means often times he comes off as very rude or standoffish when he meets new people. 
Lily: She plays with her hair a lot. Usually when she’s nervous, but even when she’s deep in through she’ll find herself tugging it or twisting it, which means the ends of her hair are kinda frayed. She’ll keep it up out of her face most of the time to stop herself. 
Natalyie: Being a bit close minded. She’s incredibly stubborn, and it takes her a while to see things from another perspective. 
Mia: Stressing herself out too easily, especially over the most minute failure. She’s a bit of a perfectionist, so she doesn’t handle it very well when something goes wrong. 
Empty their pockets – what’s in there?
Eloise: A knife. Maybe a few bullets she forgot she had stashed. Possibly a tool or a loose wire Raven asked her to hold onto and she had forgot to return. 
Madeline: Receipts. Pieces of paper she’s scribbled on. A pen. One or two lipsticks and maybe some mascara. Some loose change she couldn’t be bothered to put in her wallet. 
Brett: Tips from his job as a waiter. His phone. Wallet. Kingsman glasses. 
Dorothy: Surgical gloves. A pen or two. Statesman glasses. Her phone. Lots of hair ties and bobby pins. 
Olivia: Her phone. Wallet. Probably a folded up drawing Scott had given her.
Trysha: A knife or two. An arrowhead. A small piece of fabric she was intending to make into a dress for her mother, but never finished. 
Alexandra: Her phone. Wallet. Apartment keys. Maybe a hairband or two. An earring.
Ryan: A picture of his family. A weapon Rocket had made for him. His radio. 
Zachary: Probably just some lint. 
Lily: A bracelet from her mother. 
Natalyie: Her communications device which she frequently forgets to wear. A small trinket Mia made for her. Knife.
Mia: Loose bolts and screws. Hairbands, both new and broken.  
What makes them (unreasonably) angry or defensive, what kind of behaviour in others can’t they stand? Pet Peeves?
Eloise: Eloise will get incredibly angry if anyone tries to bring up her past against her, or try and hurt her friends. She hates being excluded from important decisions.
Madeline: Madeline gets angry if anyone brings up her alcoholism, or even makes a small remark about how much she drinks. She gets annoyed when others are too serious.
Brett: A lot of things can get Brett riled up, since he’s got a bit of an anger issue. If you try to sideline him or underestimate him, if you’re rude to his friends, even if you just accidentally bump into him, he might snap. 
Dorothy: Not many things can get Dorothy angry or defensive. She’ll get angry if someone threatens her mother, otherwise she’s pretty patient. Occasionally, she’ll get annoyed when the paramedics she’s working with get in her way or aren’t doing their job right, especially if someone’s life is on the line. 
Olivia: Bringing up her family, especially her little brother, is a bit of a sore spot for Olivia and will definitely make her defensive. Other than that, she’s keeps to herself. 
Trysha: Thinking about the death of her parents and brothers gets Trysha incredibly angry, and she also can’t stand when people underestimate her and Arya. 
Alexandra: Alexandra gets annoyed pretty easily, especially if a case doesn’t go right for her. She’s not very good at losing, and will overwork herself to win a case, and expects the people around her to do the same -- so if anyone slacks off around her, she’ll get angry. She also can’t stand slow walkers. 
Ryan: Ryan’s a pretty chill guy, but one of his pet peeves is when someone messes with his stuff. Especially in his room. He has everything in a certain place and has a system for everything, so if someone goes in there and messes it up, which is usually Peter or Drax, that’ll really push his buttons. 
Zachary: Zachary gets angry very easily, but will lose it if something every happens to Lily. He also gets defensive when it comes to his family and his past. 
Lily: Lily gets angry when people don’t believe in her, and also if they try and agitate Zachary. She also gets angry when she can’t help others, but more so getting angry at herself than others. 
Natalyie: Natalyie gets furious thinking about the First Order, and that’s pretty much it. She also gets angry at herself when she fails a mission, or when she’s ordered to fall back or do something she doesn’t fully believe in.
Mia: Mia also gets angry at herself when she fails something. She also gets angry whenever someone doubts her abilities or tries to do her job.   
Is your OC a good liar?
Eloise: She didn’t use to be, but she’s developed the skill over time. But she doesn’t usually lie, she prefers to be upfront. 
Madeline: When it comes to big things that matter, she can be trusted to lie (Jim did send her undercover, after all). But when it comes to little things, not at all. She either gets too flustered or starts getting all giggly, especially when she’s drunk. 
Brett: He’s not great at it. He usually blurts out the truth. 
Dorothy: She can be if she needs to be, but people she’s close to can usually tell if she’s lying. 
Olivia: She’s a decent liar, and becomes better at it. 
Trysha: Although Trysha prefers to tell the truth, she’s an excellent liar when she needs to be, a skill she perfects even more over time.
Alexandra: She’s great at lying. 
Ryan: Not the greatest, both when he was on Earth and in space. 
Zachary: Pretty good at lying, especially since he’s spent most his life being secretive and hiding his true feelings.
Lily: In a serious situation, she can lie decently. Otherwise, she’s not great at it, and gets too nervous. 
Natalyie: Was a great liar as a kid and still is, to this day. 
Mia: Not a good liar, she gets too flustered. 
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moonlights0nata · 7 years
Reaching Out Past the Stars (Chapter 1)
Finally finished chapter 1 of god knows what this fic will be but I hope to see it through ! 
This is set during season 4. I’m gonna be sneaking in events as I rewatch the season and write this.
Also on AO3 !
Lance hated to see him leave.
He hated watching Keith's back most of all, as he walked away after the tearful goodbye.
He should have said something, oppose to the idea of him leaving. He felt he— all of them—should have put some resistance to it.
But this had been Keith's choice, and for all Lance knew him, he wasn't going to change his mind. They had to respect his decision.
But Lance was—disappointed? He couldn't quite pin point what he felt. He had been warming up to the concept of Keith as team leader, he'd come to terms with it, he'd respected the Black Lion's choice. He'd decided to support Keith through this.
When he looked back on their relationship, they had come a long way. Now Lance could admit it; they made a great team out there, fighting back to back. It was a nice feeling, to feel Keith had his back and he had his. That their banter was a little more playful, less meant to hurt. He'd enjoyed their short time as leader and right hand man.
Just as the rest of the team, he had been mad at Keith, for so easily dismissing the shows they put up to gather people to the coalition. He understood that the Blade's training was important too, but so was the coalition.
But Lance also knew, a flashy show was not Keith's style. He was a man of action, of pursuit, and when he started to leave more and more with the Blade of Marmora, Lance knew their paths were diverging. That in the end, he'd made a choice.
Then, why, Lance wonders, did Keith, for a split moment, look so sad to leave. Resigned, almost. At the time he hadn't thought much of it but without Keith in the castle, Lance couldn't help but think even more of him.
He's supposed to be playing a game and focus on that but his mind drifts. And he looked back on some things.
Keith could be bad with words, sometimes. It's something Lance had poked fun at him a few times, but Lance was perceptive and observant and he watched Keith's expressions very closely. He said so much with his face, and his gestures, that when Lance had been so caught up on their rivalry he'd barely noticed them.
Keith was not flashy in his gestures like Lance was but once you started looking at him, you didn't want to look away.
And Lance couldn't; not from the way his shoulders hunched, the sad crease of his brows, his lack of confidence when it came to leading. It had baffled Lance because Keith had always looked so certain out there. He had a confidence in his battle skills Lance envied, because Keith was good and he knew it.
So it confused him and upset him to see Keith feel so out of place. He was not Shiro, that's for sure, but if the Black Lion, and Shiro, had chosen him, it had to be for a good reason.
Lance couldn't help but remember, not too long ago, Shiro now back with them, how Keith would insist to Shiro about trying and pilot Black again. Lance had overheard that conversation once and had scuttled away before they thought he was spying on them, but the way Keith was convinced Shiro needed to be their leader left an odd taste in Lance's mouth.
Shiro was a born leader. They all felt confident when he was giving orders, trusting his choices whole-heartedly. Even when Keith was supposed to be the leader Shiro still acted like one. And when Keith started going off on missions of his own, Lance felt he'd lost a little of what they'd been gaining all that time Keith had been piloting Black and leading the team. Keith just kept pulling away from them and Lance hated it. He wanted to pull him back in but he just kept slipping from his grasp.
And he remembered Keith the day he left, how he'd seemed glad the Black Lion had answered Shiro again. Remembered again how he'd seemed sad, for a moment, as the door closed behind him. Of course it was a sad moment, the fact he was leaving, but it had been Keith's choice to leave, hadn't it? He was the one pushing them away, all the time--
Pushing them away. Not feeling he was meant to be the leader. “I'm not Shiro.” Leaving by choice but still looking like it wasn't quite what he'd wanted. “You know we are always here for you if you need it, Keith.”
Did Keith know? Did he really?
Did he feel he belonged with the team?
His character died on screen and Lance groaned, dropping the controller on his lap and glaring down at it.
“Stupid game.” Stupid Keith.
“So, hey...” Lance began, his back to Coran as he helped him clean up around the castle. He was still wary of going in the Pods to clean them up after the whole haunted castle incident so he was just taking care of dusting the floor.
“You are usually at, y'know, at the main control room and stuff. Has like...” This question was going to be ridiculous. “Has the Blade called or anything lately?”
“Hmm, no ! If they had I would have called you all over immediately.” Coran replied, fixing his moustache in the reflection of a pod. Lance couldn't see it but a knowing look passed Coran's face. “Are you wondering about Keith?”
Lance spluttered, having been obviously caught and he shrugged his shoulders. “No—I mean—Kinda--Argh, it's just!” Lance turned around, arms spread out. “He just up and left and, yeah okay, I respect his decision like Shiro said and all but it just--” He huffed, leaning his cheek against the broom he'd been using. “I dunno. Feels wrong somehow. He left and hasn't even called ! How are we supposed to know he's okay and still kicking and hasn't got sucked into space? 'Cause we both know that's happened often and now he doesn't have Red to swoop in and rescue his ass.”
That made him recall, one time, during a mission, Keith had effectively gotten spit violently out of an enemy ship, with Black far away, and while Lance had been piloting Red he felt the Lion's distress through their Link. Before he knew it, he was veering in a different direction. Only when he saw Keith evading off asteroids without his Lion did he realize what was going on.
That memory was still a fond one, in a way. He remembered pulling Keith into the Lion and while he scolded and half joked to Keith about how often this happened to him, it almost felt like Red was in on it too and Keith knew it.
“Yeah well—YOU almost got sucked into space too!” Had been Keith's attempt at a counter. “Remember when I saved you?”
“Hey, that was only one time and only because the castle was haunted and I thought Coran was stuck in the airlock !” Lance huffed. “Meanwhile you had a killer robot at your tail.” A pause, then he snorted and nudged Keith a little. “Well, I do owe you that one. Would have been a goner without ya there.” He peered back at Keith and they exchanged a momentarily fond look, which took them both by surprise.
“Yeah, no kidding.” Keith had rested his hand in the back of his seat and smiled a little. “...Thanks for the save back there, Lance.” After a moment of hesitation he reached out and rested a hand on the Red Lion's console too. “And thanks, Red.”
Lance smirked. “Isn't it 'good kitty', Keith?” The comment got him a nudge and a huffy Keith.
“Shut up Lance.” Even as he said it, his eyes seemed to be smiling.
“Well, our communication line with the Blade of Marmora is meant to be only for important situations.” Coran talking snapped Lance of his thoughts and he sighed, expecting that reply. It was true that they only kept in contact when it was strictly necessary. Coran watched him for a moment, before he too sighed and smiled a little.
“But calling once in a while to check up on a friend, I think even Kolivan would understand.” At that Lance involuntarily perked up. “You have your communication device, yes? Let me see it.”
Lance rummaged his pocket, pulling the device out—which was like a more advanced cellphone, really—and handed it to Coran. The Altean muttered to himself as he fiddled with it, before handing it back to Lance, looking pleased.
“There ! Now you can communicate with the Blade directly from your device. I think it'll come in handier than calling from the control room.”
“Alright ! Thanks Coran.” Lance grinned, tapping into the device and looking at the contact, finger hovering over it with hesitation. The older man shifted to his side, nudging him a little.
“Go on! I too am curious to know how Keith is doing.” Lance nodded and pressed the contact. As soon as he did, he began to feel nervous.
What was he going to say exactly? Specially if Keith didn't pick up and someone else from the Blade took the call. Or Kolivan. What was he going to ask exactly? 'So hey how's your summer camp at the Blade of Marmora going Keith, we are doing just peachy here.' or something like that?
He wasn't entirely ready when the call went through and, much to be expected, Kolivan picked up, his stoic expression for once looking a little confused.
“Paladin. Coran. What is the matter?”
“Oh, hey Kolivan!” Lance greeted cheerfully, concealing his nerves. “Y'know just—calling. Is—Is Keith around? There's something I gotta ask him.”
“Is it urgent?”
“Well, not exactly--”Lance rubbed the back of his neck, trying to come up with something. “Just wanted to, uh, check up on him?”
Kolivan's expression didn't falter. “We established that this communication line only for discussing important matters regarding our plans.” He diverted his attention to Coran. “You, especially, know this.”
Coran looked a bit nervous himself but his voice was steady. “Yes, I'm aware. But I didn't see anything wrong in calling to check up on a fellow teammate--”
“There is no point to this call then.” Kolivan cut him off. “Keith is currently away on a mission. I will let him know you called but he won't be reaching you through this channel. Don't use it again for needless matters.”
Before either Lance or Coran could protest the call abruptly ended. They both stared at the blank screen in a bit of shock. Lance groaned, throwing his head back.
“Well, that was a bust.”
Coran sighed, shaking his head. “I'm sorry. I thought maybe Kolivan would be more understanding. But we will have to contact the Blade at some point to discuss our plans so it's not like we won't be hearing from Keith again.”
“Yeah...” Lance looked at his device, disappointed, before pocketing it. “You're right.”
To Lance's surprise, he heard from Keith much sooner than he thought. Later that night, while he was applying his face mask, he practically jumped when his device began to ring. He scrambled to get it, wiping the cream from his hands in his robe before tapping the accept call button. He didn't even realize it was from an unknown contact until he'd already picked it up and thought that maybe he shouldn't be taking calls from anyone, specially out in space.
But Keith's face appeared on the screen and for a moment, both boys stared at each other with wide, startled eyes.
“Uh...I guess, this is not a good time?” Keith began, after another beat of silence, looking like he wanted to stifle a grin. “You only got half a mask on.”
Lance huffed. “Yeah, you did call kind of in the middle of applying it.” He squinted, trying to see behind Keith. “Is uh....you are not calling from the Marmora base are you? Kolivan is gonna be pissed off if you are, he said--” And here he made a bad impression of the older Galra, face stoic. “ 'Don't call us for pointless matters blah blah blah Keith isn't calling you back ever' Or something like that.”
At that Keith smiled. “Don't worry, I'm not using the main room. I'm using my own device. When I got back from my mission he let me know you and Coran had called.” He arched an eyebrow at Lance. “You DO know it isn't meant to be used for anything other than planning our strategy, right?”
Lance rolled his eyes. “I got that much from Kolivan. But it's not like I had any other way to call you !” He threw his arms in the air. “You just went off and didn't call us either so what was I supposed to do?”
Keith looked off to the side, a little guilty. “Sorry. It's—I've been busy.” He scratched the back of his ear, looking back at Lance with questioning eyes. “Why did you call anyways? Is...Is something going on?”
Lance looked away, lips pursed. “Can't I just call to check up on my friend?”
There's no immediate reply so Lance looked back at the screen, wondering why it was so silent. Keith startled as their eyes met and Lance arched an eyebrow at him “Keith?” The former paladin huffed out what seemed to be a laugh, a hand unconsciously rising to fiddle with the strand of hair that always fell on his face.
“Sorry, It's--” 'Did you think we wouldn't worry? Did you think I wouldn't care, did you not want to talk to me?' Questions intruded Lance's mind and he bit his tongue as to not interrupt Keith. Not now. “I wasn't expecting it. But it's just like you to do this, I guess.”
Keith's had a small smile, but it was almost fond, almost wistful. “Checking on others. You have that habit of sticking your nose in people's business.”
Lance clicked his tongue and frowned, crossing his arms and pretending to be offended. “Well I'm SO sorry I care whether you are doing fine or your ass ended up floating in space again !”
“Are you always going to bring that up?” Keith dragged a hand across his face, remembrance in his expression. “And I'm doing just fine.” He paused for a moment, looking down to the side. “We' are working on tracking that new quintessence, as you know, so I'm busy.”
“Right...” Lance pushed himself against the wall next to his bed, knees drawn to his chest as he held the phone above them. “You said that mission could take a while.”
“Yeah.” There's an uncomfortable pause, both reminiscing before Keith spoke up. “So, uh, how...are you doing?”
Lance snorted at Keith's uncertain tone. He shrugged, grinning. “I'm good. Y'know, the usual. Charming the ladies, being generally a pretty cool dude.” He winked and Keith rolled his eyes. Seeing it, for small as a gesture it was, made Lance realize he'd missed this. Talking to Keith, seeing his reactions. “But it's boring without you here. I can't go bother you.” It was as good as an admission as he'd give right now.
“You miss me that much already?” He wasn't expecting Keith to get smug and he could see him propping up his chin on his palm, grinning. Lance ignored how his cheeks got a little pink and he scrunched up his nose at Keith.
“I'm reconsidering it.” Keith chuckled at that and it made Lance think more. Back to when everything started, when all they did is bicker. If Keith had gone away back then, he thought, this wouldn't be possible. Talking like this, getting a laugh out of Keith. It's everything they've been through that let them have this moment. That Lance could admit to himself he did miss Keith.
“Then, do you miss me?” He turned the question on him, sounding more serious than he intended but turning it playful by wriggling his eyebrows and pushing his hair back. “Wait, hold on, I know. Of course you do--”
“...Yeah.” The response came slow, but without missing a beat, and Lance blinked, eyes widening at Keith, who shrugged but didn't look away, expression sincere. “I kinda do.” He smirked. “I don't got anyone bothering me like you do here.”
“Oh.” Lance's voice lowered and his face heated up. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed a little too loudly. “W-Well duh! I mean, who wouldn't miss hanging out with a guy like me? Haha--” His laughter trails off and they are left in silence again. Awkward.
“So, uh, does the Blade of Marmora do anything in their free time?” Lance finally asked. “Wait, do you have free time?”
Keith hummed. “Sort of. There's not much to do. We talk through strategies and our plans for the next mission. I use the training room sometimes too.”
Lance snickered. “Of course you would. Can't believe you are cheating on the training bot with the Marmora training room!” He gasped, throwing his head back. “The shame! The audacity! You'll break its heart!” Keith was going to hurt himself with how much he was rolling his eyes at Lance but there was an amused grin in his face.
“Tell it I'm sorry I had to go.”
“No 'wait for me, babe, I'll be back'?” Lance joked but then something hit him, almost like a slap. Was...Was Keith coming back? When he was done with that mission, will he come back to Voltron? The thoughtful face Keith made, looking uncomfortable, made him wonder. Keith didn't reply, looking away from Lance. It was clear they were both thinking the same thing.
“...Y—Y'know.” Lance spoke up, fiddling with the device in his hand and shuffling his feet, looking down at the mattress. “Everyone misses you here. When I called earlier Coran was with me and he wanted to check up on you too. A-And Hunk was really disappointed the other day when you weren't there to try his new recipe! And Shiro—well he's good at hiding it but he misses ya too.” He bit the inside of his cheek.
“I guess what I'm trying to say is...you can come back. Anytime.” He looked back up and was met with surprise in Keith's eyes. “You are still our teammate—you're still a part of Voltron.” Did Keith know? Did he understand? “Nothing's going to change that.”
Those are the kind of words Lance would've wanted to hear. When he was feeling inadequate to be on the team, when Blue put her barrier between them, when Shiro came back and he'd end up being the leftover Paladin, because shouldn't the natural thing be for Keith to get back with Red?
But things hadn't flowed that way.
And Lance wondered how Keith felt about them. He wanted to reach out, understand him, solve the puzzle that he was. He wanted Keith to understand he belonged.
Keith stared at him, something indescribable in his eyes, before sighing, smiling lopsidedly, something warm and uncertain about it.“...Thanks Lance. Really.”
He grinned. “Hey, it's like Shiro said. We are here for you man.” He stuck out his tongue. “Who knows, maybe I'll be swooping in with Red to save you sooner than you think.”
“You wish.” The amused glint was back in Keith's eyes. “Try not to get in too much trouble, I won't be there to help you all the time.”
“Hey! I don't need your help, thanks--”
They kept going back and forth like this for a while, and Lance felt like there was a small weight being lifted off his chest. Being able to talk with Keith like this, even if he was god knows how far away,was relieving, familiar, their silly bickering a constant he hadn't expected to miss as much as he did.
“Shouldn't you finish applying that face mask?” Keith pointed out. “You still only got half on.”
“Shoot, you're right.” Lance patted the half without any on as he stood to get his creams. “I completely forgot. I was gonna do that and sleep when you called. What time IS it anyway?” There was little point in asking, given that the way time felt here on space was so different than on earth.
“Late.” Keith sighed. “You should probably sleep.”
“You should too!” He argued, as he applied the other half of his mask,turning his head slightly to the device. “Don't go staying up in the training room all night. Bad habit buddy.”
Keith didn't reply but he heard him shift as he finished with the mask, wiping his hands and putting everything away. When he picked up the device again he noticed the light seemed dimer on Keith's side.
“...So, hey.” Lance mumbled. “I know you're busy but can...can I call you sometime?” He asked quickly, words a little jumbled together. “Just, you know! You don't gotta pick up. But, uh--” He rubbed the back of his head, shuffling from one feet to the other. He played his nerves off with a grin. “If you are bored and miss the sound of my voice--” 'I missed hearing your voice'. “We can just talk for a while.”
Keith paused and hummed, looking thoughtful. “I...I can't promise I'll always pick up. I rarely stay on the base for too long before Kolivan sends me somewhere. But...” He fiddled with a lock of hair again. “I don't mind you calling.”
“Great!” Lance's grin widened. “Next time I'll have the latest castle gossip ready for ya man.”
“Can't wait.” Keith snorted. “Go to sleep, Lance, I bet Allura will complain if you are late for the morning briefing.”
“Ughh, fine.” Lance groaned. He didn't want to end the call, but the small promise that there could be another time hung in the air. Next time, next time. “G'night Keith. You better sleep too.”
“I got it, I got it.” Keith lazily waved a hand at him. “Night, Lance.”
He caught Keith's half smile just before he hung up. Lance made quick work of turning off the lights and laying down, something content in his chest. He didn't even realize he was smiling as he drifted off to sleep.
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
ThebesAce hello! Me Hello, Thebes human! ThebesAce oh, thenightetc is waiting to be let in Me Hm, I'm not seeing a message. thenightetc Hi! Me Night human, hello! thenightetc I just reloaded the page and tried again. Me Rabbit's an aftport. thenightetc Apparently! thenightetc Ohhhh my.
ThebesAce oh this one hahah thenightetc Oh my god thenightetc This is amazing Me Alright! Is everyone ready for Delgo? thenightetc Well, THOSE look aerodynamic. Me Don't they just make perfect sense? thenightetc Maybe the planet has a very, very, very thick atmosphere. Me The majestic colonhead. Er Hmmmmm 😐 MORE aerodynamics Me This is the kind of race the Cybertronian expansion wiped out. we were right to do it. thenightetc You know, I feel like I should disapprove on principle, but... Me They look like Torkuli. thenightetc Imagine I'm wagging my finger at you, but insincerely Me Good compromise. thenightetc ThebesAce OH HEY WHO SAW THIS COMing thenightetc I'm going to go ahead and imagine these guys are bug-sized "Explaining" how they can fly With those wings and that gravity also yikes okay, so she has a selection of prosthetics Me Was she murdered or wasn't she? *Executed thenightetc Not executed--they were cutting off her wings, not her head Me Well, that's pointless. thenightetc Probably some horrible exile thing Me One that clearly won't leave her more vicious than before. ThebesAce Scorpion gotta sting, exiled royal gotta murder her obstacles thenightetc Why do they even have that feature in their dining room thenightetc Well, that was smart ThebesAce I KEPT EXPECTING TO HEAR MARIO NOISES WITH THOSE JUMPS thenightetc Ha! Surely not, the movie's named after him ThebesAce silly comic relief, he'll be around mocking you for at least the rest of the movie Me Can we cut something important off of this character too? Please? thenightetc I vote head. ThebesAce If we're lucky, it'll be screentime thenightetc "I'd literally rather die a squashy death" So, do YOUR races ever end like this? Me I'd give up racing if they did. ThebesAce Soooo is it just me or is this guy basically saying "Look, if we act like they exist we have to pay consequences for that massacre thing." thenightetc So they're Jedi, too Me Tell them I hate them. thenightetc God, yeah, why would ANYbody want TELEKINESIS. How lame is that?? Moving stuff with your mind? Booooooring. ThebesAce yeah just LET GO of the MASSACRE you are A SURVIVOR OF thenightetc The past is the past! Me Something something mercy! thenightetc For vengeance, a Jedi cares not thenightetc Shouldn't that thing he hit still be lying there? thenightetc I'm dying a little inside because I can tell this is the movie's romance Me These two have a more compelling romance. ThebesAce for real ThebesAce for real thenightetc Pffff, if he's on a winning streak then why's he need a loan. I assume that's practically treason, or something Me Time for another lesson on turning the other cheek! thenightetc Just sneak over to THEIR hideout and wreck THEIR junk Me Why couldn't the Autobots have been this useless and apathetic? It would have spared everyone vorns of grief. thenightetc Put up some graffiti or something ThebesAce your carnivorousness. That's an AMAZING form of address. thenightetc Does that mean they AREN'T carnivores? I mean... the lackey guys Me She looks like she's eating weeds. ThebesAce or she's just especially bloodthirsty thenightetc They've got teeth like humans Me She put on her classiest rubber pants. thenightetc ...Walking pineapples Jalaperilo Yo! thenightetc Hi! Me Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Why is everyone uggo? ThebesAce because the animation budget was just south of claymation thenightetc It doesn't really look low-budget, to me... just ugly art direction ThebesAce this was released the same year as WALL-E Jalaperilo I have never heard about this fiom before now I dunno if it got a uk release lol Me I like how he had all day to plan this weird date and that was the best he could come up with. thenightetc Right? Show her your jedi powers and yell at her about some dudes wrecked your temple's rock garden Jalaperilo Also, what was that explosion of anger at ger. What an abusive tool thenightetc Ladies love jedi powers and being yelled at! Jalaperilo I hate this generic film already Me Daddy Tightpants bought it because you were bad. Jalaperilo Haha! I never wanna hear "daddy tightpants" from you again Me You're welcome. ThebesAce stop repeating everything! Me Please, Primus and/or Unicron, take that one's thumbs. thenightetc This cost $40 million to make Jalaperilo Tell me 39.99million was spent on hookers thenightetc Could have slid some of that towards better writing Me Hah! Jalaperilo They deffo didnt have a cinematographer or storyboarders thenightetc Wow Jalaperilo So everyone has fantasy inspired clothes except the stoner skateboard er thenightetc oh my god He should have used his jedi powers to get it across the gap ThebesAce why is he so aggressively useless thenightetc hahahah Jalaperilo What was the point of that??? ThebesAce Stupidest king on the planet thenightetc This seems like a dumb way to do votes Like, what, whoever's the strongest jedi gets their way? Jalaperilo Dumb-go thenightetc Rude. Jalaperilo He is dumb though lol Me Feed them the squawking one. ThebesAce GREAT LINE READ ON THAT SCREAM thenightetc I'm rooting for the giant enemy crab Me Crab, crab! Go, crab! Jalaperilo I hate this so much. Its so generic. The characters are just furthering the plot and not geing characters. Its predictable dialogue and stilted anination make it boring. Its not even a good bad film thenightetc WOW ThebesAce yes. Let him be drained of his fluids thenightetc "you're definitely not covered in spinemonsters" Jalaperilo He wants his friend dead Me As do we all. Jalaperilo Racism Me They have the same faces, the same body structure. They clearly diverged from the same ugly ancestor. Jalaperilo Hasnt stopped humans Me Point, point. thenightetc What, so are those ones her original wings? Jalaperilo Does she wear other people s wings? thenightetc I think they're just made of cloth or something Me Those look like the originals. thenightetc I guess they let her keep them Me Did they just let her keep them as a momento? Jalaperilo Oh fuck ThebesAce Why is the comic relief still here? thenightetc And then she had them preserved?? Jalaperilo They fucking mutilate people???? thenightetc Oh my god Me Cue screaming as her wings come off. ThebesAce oh, yeah, big bad there got her wings got chopped off in the prologue Jalaperilo Maybe these people deserve to ge killed? ThebesAce they WERE responsible for a massacre they never apologized for Jalaperilo Im rooting for this lass thenightetc Oh, just thump it with your hand or soemthing Me She has style, a motivation, and a partner she clearly adores and is fragging senseless. I'm on her side too. thenightetc Idiot! Don't waste time. Jalaperilo Pity she suffers from neanderthal face like the rest of them thenightetc Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people's hilarious genetic conditions Jalaperilo Lol thenightetc Oh, what a shame, he's dead Forever Me Exactly. If you're going to laugh, you need to throw in some pointing. thenightetc Why is there an asteroid field Jalaperilo Cause they had a budget of 40mil? Time is fleeting and so am i. Good night chaps! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! ThebesAce good night! REALLY REALLY. thenightetc Oh, so his jedi powers finally become relevant thenightetc Pictured: gravity thenightetc "you JUST got back from being kidnapped" thenightetc "DIdn't we... banish you?" "Oh, I quit when I heard about this!" Me "You quit...being banished?" thenightetc Oh no! How unexpected! Me How tragic and stuff. thenightetc So what's the dragon thingy exactly Aside from something the other guy, and then he, threw for a distraction ThebesAce I'll be shocked if they explain thenightetc Oh, so they're no tthe originals thenightetc Well, I think she'll have gotten the picture after that rescue thenightetc oh c'mon, the war is OVER her in the first place thenightetc Haha, he looks so embarassed ThebesAce I'm getting Jupiter Ascending flashbacks ThebesAce let her faaaall thenightetc C'mon, it'd be so convenient, right Me No one would have to know. thenightetc she's totally faking anyway she's totally gonna murder you ThebesAce She's spent this entire movie being literally and figuratively poisonous to everyone around her Me Goodbye, only interesting character in the film. thenightetc Well, it's almost over anyway Okay??? Me And then they devoured him, starting with the eyes or whatever other body part he values most. ThebesAce THIS MUSIC LIES. NOTHING in this movie was this adventurous sounding! Me And of course, some art of what could have been. thenightetc Ah, so this is why we blame. Me This is a long list of credits for something so pitiful. thenightetc Uh What are these "Mini 'Mator of Mirth"? Please. Me Very professional. thenightetc Well then. ThebesAce so that happened Me That certainly was an hour and a half we won't get back. thenightetc I feel like this is the inverse of that one movie The one with Little Red Riding Hood ThebesAce Oh yeah, Hoodwinked thenightetc thebes, you know the one I mean, I can't remember---yeah! Hoodwinked. Me Was that anywhere near as awful as this? thenightetc No, no! ThebesAce no, it was great! thenightetc The story is great. ThebesAce it just had terrible animation thenightetc The characters are great. It's just ugly as sin. ThebesAce that kinda made the woodsman's scenes extra hilarious though thenightetc It's... I'm sure they did the best with the tools available to them at the time. ThebesAce yeah, they had a rock bottom animation budget but the story, characters and human were really good humor thenightetc See it's the inverse because THIS has animation that looks fine, but the story and characters are bland/annoying. ThebesAce also, predictable as all get out romance where Hoodwinked doesn't even have a romance, just a bunch of characters who have a bad enough day the cops get involved thenightetc It's a lot of fun! Me Sounds unexpectedly amazing! thenightetc It really is! thenightetc It's the kind of movie that has you going, "well, looks aren't everything" ThebesAce yeah, the animation is the poster child of bad animation but it's a legitimately good, fun movie, not a so bad it's good one thenightetc Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGV-cTSr6zg thenightetc "Granny, are you... a furry?" Me I see what you mean. thenightetc Right? Me Does anyone have any other suggestions to close out on? thenightetc We could watch some more SNL sketches! Looked like there were some fun ones "related" to the doll one ThebesAce Dragon Babies, for one Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc Oh my god ThebesAce this is so very on point thenightetc Wow hahahahah this is amazing thenightetc Oh! The narrator that ruined christmas? *I* want to see christmas getting ruined! also I haven't seen this before so it's not my fault if it's bad Me If it's good, we're showing it again at Christmas. thenightetc Oh, boy! Me Oh yes, showing this one at Christmas. thenightetc Well then. They're really not. thenightetc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc I'm sure she'll be impressed Me I would be. thenightetc God Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc It's not good, though. ThebesAce oh god I laughed so hard at their misery my throat is cramping thenightetc I mean, it would be NICE if working hard on something automatically made it good... thenightetc What INDEED ThebesAce PRIORITIES thenightetc Oh my god Me I think that seems like a good place to leave it. ThebesAce yeah thenightetc It was fun, though! Thanks for hosting. 😃 Me Glad you liked! ThebesAce yeah! Me Thank you for coming! ThebesAce thank you! thenightetc oh... automatic emojis.... ThebesAce good night! Me Good night! thenightetc Goodnight!
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