emberleaf23 · 8 days
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"The Loss of the Fairy Queen"
Tell me, brother, why aren't you among the stars?
(Ref under the cut)
So, I fucked up a bit. I was going link the ref, but as it turns out:
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I only took a screenshot. I didn't save the post, so it's fucking gone, and I have no idea who made this. I only hope I can get some grace because of the fact that it's a very incomplete sketch, but if anyone knows who drew this, please tell me! I wanna credit the og artist.
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emberleaf23 · 1 month
You know, I've been thinking about how great it would be to crossover the Great Ace Attorney and Gravity Falls. There's so many good ideas, I'd be here for hours listing them all, but here are my main things:
You could have Dipper and Mabel getting chased through time by Wax Holmes (somehow, don't question it) and end up in Victorian London. Sherlock Holmes vs Sherlock Holmes is the main idea here
Sherlock ends up stuck in 2012 and immediately realizes Stan is lying about everything
Ryu, Susato, and Sherlock visit the future and Dipper realizes that Sherlock is lying about Kazuma
Sherlock and Mabel as a dynamic. The world is no longer safe
Sherlock and Ford in the same room. Would they be best friends or instantly get into a fist fight? Who knows!
Sherlock realizes that Old Man McGucket is actually suffering and not some crazy old guy
But my favorite?
If there was any mind that Bill would target to build him a portal, it would be Sherlock. No question. He's capable of making holograms, for God's sake.
But just one problem: Sherlock is far too smart to trick. So how do you do it? How do you get a man so clever to do your bidding?
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You make him.
Okay I wanted to end it there but I had some ideas for the Bill thing specifically, sooo... yeah. No dramatic cliffhanger, I guess.
Obviously, Sherlock can't defeat Bill forever. He won't be stopped for another hundred years, so how does Bill punish Sherlock for winning?
My idea? Bill erases Sherlock and his friends from all memory. As in, nobody remembers that Sherlock was anything more than a story. He shall not be remembered as a real man with real exploits, just an idea in some crazy guy's head. And his friends suffer the same. No matter how much Iris Watson or Barok van Zieks or Ryuunosuke Naruhodou accomplish, no one will ever know they existed. Their achievements are associated with someone else, and they are forgotten.
Up until 2012, where Bill is defeated once and for all, and the curse is lifted. The world blinks, and names reappear in the history books. Franziska von Karma stares in amazement at the old case record she's studying as information corrects itself on the page. Statues appear at the historic Crown Court building in London. Every copy of Sherlock Holmes fixes the name of the author.
And, well. Gravity Falls is already filled with ghosts. It's not hard for Sherlock and Co. to drop by the Pines family and offer their thanks.
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emberleaf23 · 1 month
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A quick sketch of an old favorite. I wish he got a happy ending.
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
AU Idea: On the morning of the Grand Prix in Farewell, My Turnabout, Phoenix and Maya go through some of Phoenix's old family photos, including some from a trip his great-grandfather took to London in 1900. Ryuunosuke is standing next a grinning blonde man, and Phoenix and Maya are baffled to find that the man is named Sherlock Holmes.
But of course, that has to be a joke. Sherlock Holmes isn't a real person. But when Maya is kidnapped, too weak to reach for her sister when Mia is already being channeled... Maya has a crazy idea, her only choice left to her. She summons someone who has the skills to free her.
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Sherlock is more than willing to oblige.
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
I personally think that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Van Zieks is Edgeworth's ancestor. They look way too similar to be anything else to me. They have the death glares and the 'starts off mean but ends respecting you' thing.
And Kazuma is definitely the Von Karma's ancestor- he has the crossing arms sprite and the same 'fight me over nothing' attitude as Franziska. He even slams his fists against the bench just like her, which Zieks never does.
But it's still crazy, because Kazuma tried to get Van Zieks found guilty for two murders. And then a century later, Kazuma's descendant kills Van Zieks' descendant. Like history repeating itself, in the worst way possible. Genshin's Karma finally getting vengeance on the Van Zieks family.
And history repeating itself, in that a Narohodou saves a Van Zieks from an Asougi.
If you think about it and believe Edgeworth to be Kazuma Asogi’s descendant then it means that the descendant of one of Genshin Asogi’s apprentices killed Kazuma Asogi’s descendant’s father.
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
Alright, guys, so I got a question from someone asking how I decoded Bill's new code. And since I am more than happy to teach (and brag), lemme show you how! Again, spoilers.
So, first step to decoding this was finding this very helpful page:
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This is our money page. It has the most examples of this code in one place, and it gives us somewhere to start because we know this:
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Says Bill Cipher. Just like that we have eight confirmed letters of this new alphabet: B, I, L, C, P, H, E, and R.
Now, this is where I probably strayed from most other people. I went from Bill, down to the yellow dog from Mabel's hallucination.
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First of all, he is also under MSR, suggesting that his crimes are just as numerous or horrific as Bill's, which is hilarious. Also, don't go looking for his name in Journal 3, it's not there.
So, what does this say? Well, fill in the letters we have: ?HE BE??? And I thought, okay, that says 'The' at the beginning. Then I went, '...does that say 'The Beast'?'
Yes. The yellow dog is named the Beast.
Honestly, a big part of decoding ciphers is just making logical guesses. I didn't KNOW that was an S or T or A, but I made a logical guess and confirmed by applying those theories to the other names. Example:
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This one. Fill in the letters you know. This says, '?ESSICA.' That's a pretty simple one. Her name is Jessica, and you can confirm that that's a J by translating the faint code in the back of the book that says, 'Justice for Scrimbles.'
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Next, I did this one:
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It says: ?R SILL? And so I guessed that it said 'Mr. Silly' which I confirmed with this code:
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Which says, 'My optometrist never saw it coming.' There was a bit more guessing inbetween where I tried the other names and picked up more letters, but that was generally my process. I used some sticky notes, where on one I made a graph like the names and was using it to write down my thoughts as I went:
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And that's how I did it. I also had to think about what joke Alex might make with the character's appearance, so that's how I got 'Cube' and 'Paingorious.'
So you guys go out there and decode for yourselves! Please don't send me the answers, I want to get them on my own, but thank you for reading!
(And just so you know:
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This says, "If Lost, Return to Bill." The first in a long line of Ford's ill-concieved tattoos.)
Alright, guys, listen the fuck up. I have info concerning the Book of Bill, and if you don't want to get spoiled, scroll along and don't press 'Keep reading.' I wanna document what I've figured out about the codes so far:
Alright. First off:
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"ThisIsNotAWebsiteDotCom.com" is of course a website. This website:
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The password, pointed out by my brilliant, brilliant friend, is T.J. Eckleburg. When you put that in, you get this:
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The code is Ford's and translates to 'Lost Files.' I went to the Missing Journals pages, but alas, found no clues. There is code in Bill's eye on the most horrific page of that segment, but I have yet to decode it. And while that's where I lost that trail, I did manage to decode most of Bill's native language:
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I labeled it Atlantian because I didn't know the name at the time and it was mentioned regarding Atlantis. Shocking, I know. I will update you the more I learn.
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
Alright, guys, listen the fuck up. I have info concerning the Book of Bill, and if you don't want to get spoiled, scroll along and don't press 'Keep reading.' I wanna document what I've figured out about the codes so far:
Alright. First off:
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"ThisIsNotAWebsiteDotCom.com" is of course a website. This website:
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The password, pointed out by my brilliant, brilliant friend, is T.J. Eckleburg. When you put that in, you get this:
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The code is Ford's and translates to 'Lost Files.' I went to the Missing Journals pages, but alas, found no clues. There is code in Bill's eye on the most horrific page of that segment, but I have yet to decode it. And while that's where I lost that trail, I did manage to decode most of Bill's native language:
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I labeled it Atlantian because I didn't know the name at the time and it was mentioned regarding Atlantis. Shocking, I know. I will update you the more I learn.
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
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AU where Mikotoba's ship sinks on the way back to Japan
And if Herlock looks, he can just make out the figure of a young man, dancing quietly on the shore
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emberleaf23 · 2 months
Maybe I'm just losing my mind but does anyone else want a fic where Herlock is, like, genuinely pissed off? And has to use his sword skills, probably to protect Ryu and/or Su and/or Iris? Protective Dad??? Like full on:
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No??? Just me????
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
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Great Detectives are wont to lie... it will serve you well to remember that.
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
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I imagine Lady Baskerville wasn't very happy to hear what Klimt had done
"You've married an Icarus- he has flown too close to the sun."
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left for life. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been destroyed.
https://www.gofundme.com/f/dydb36-gaza -palestine
This is a legitimate campaign! I cannot donate myself, unfortunately, but please, people, donate if you can! This man has kids to protect and the border will be closed SOON.
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
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It's all a matter of perspective
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
Behold the seven deadly sins of Sherlock Holmes adaptations:
Having Holmes constantly wear the notorious deerstalker cap
Making Holmes into a sociopathic big-brain asshole
Portraying Watson as a bumbling idiot
Holmes and Irene having a romance thing going on for some reason. It's either that or making her evil
The villain always being Moriarty
"Elementary, my dear Watson"
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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emberleaf23 · 3 months
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Yeah so when I was twelve, I watched Little Kelly Minecraft on YouTube. And decided to cross it over with Doctor Who and make Kelly a time lord. Because I was twelve.
Anyway I've been thinking about it again, reminiscing and drawing her, and ended up making a piece I'm really proud of, so here you go!
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(And with some pan and gay lighting, too)
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emberleaf23 · 4 months
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The Adventure of the Deranged Detective 2: Electric Boogaloo
So, I've started watching Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century. And it's a very good show which I'm sure to talk about more in the future, but for now, I only have one thing to say:
Lestrade has the ability to show him BBC Sherlock.
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emberleaf23 · 4 months
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"Is something the matter, Ms. Susato?"
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