#(aidesstra if you squint i suppose)
consider: a fic where petra and aiden talk about how cute jesse is. jesse maybe overhears too, if you want
Anon, do I happen to know you? Have we spoken in the past? Not many know how much I love Aiden, Jesse, and Petra. Or are you just someone else who appreciates the power that is Aiden, Jesse, and Petra? Either way, this request is welcomed. ^-^
Aiden knows his place with The New Order is not stable. He knows he could be sent away at any given moment. And, truthfully, there's very little reason to keep him around. He's done nothing but torment The New Order for years. But kept around he is. It's mostly Jesse's doing. But recently it came from another source.
Their friendship is an odd one. One that blossoms because neither really seems to fit in with where the others are. They don't even have much in common.
[Well, except that they're both terrified of being alone. So maybe they chose each other because this way they can ensure they'll have someone to come back to.]
She's recently tried to get him to come to the Nether with her. Aiden's not against it per se. He's just not looking to getting hounded by piglins for gold. And, maybe, he doesn't want set on fire. It's a valid want. He's had burn injuries before and he'd like not to have them again.
She's also invited him to come with her and Jesse on their 'weekly adventures'. Really, it's just doing more dangerous work around Beacon Town. Aiden has yet to agree. He wants to, but something about it doesn't set right with him. It almost feels like he'd be intruding.
He can't get out of it forever though. And today seems to be the day where getting out of going anywhere with the duo has run out. Petra's at his door waiting for him to open it.
She knocks again, louder. Aiden sighs and unlocks the deadbolt opening the door.
"Took you long enough!"
He rolls his eyes.
"What's up?"
"Come on! You're getting out of the house today!"
He groans.
"Petra, I told you I'm not looking to go adventuring~"
She scoffs.
"Do I look like I'm ready to go adventuring?"
No, she doesn't. She's wearing casual clothes. He's seen her go places without armor before though.
"You and Jesse have fun. I'm just not feeling it today."
Petra crosses her arms and looks at him with her usual glower.
"If you won't do it for me, at least do it for Jesse. She thinks you're mad at her."
Aiden deflates. Of course she does. He's been avoiding this so frequently it almost feels like he's avoiding her by extension.
"Let me... lock-up the apartment."
Petra beams triumphantly. Aiden grabs his keys off the side table and locks his door. He turns to a grinning Petra.
"Well, let's go before I change my mind."
They continue through the hall and down the five flights of stairs outside. It's a pleasant day at least. And head for The Order Hall. Once inside, they're greeted by Radar and told to go right in. They head for the library.
[Aiden knows the place well. When he lived in The Order Hall, the library was where he spent most of his time. He still comes here as often as he can. So many books to be read. He borrows as many as he thinks he can read.]
They find Jesse sat at one of the many sofas; flipping through a book. A cup of tea sitting on the side table next to her. She raises her head as soon as they begin to approach and smiles.
She closes the book and pushes herself to her feet and meets them in the middle and pulls him into a brief embrace.
"You actually came!"
He frowns.
"Of course."
Petra squeezes his shoulder.
"Didn't take any convincing either!"
Aiden cuts his eyes over to her and then back to Jesse who's beaming so wide. It's hard to be mad he was dragged out of his home.
"I'm glad you came! I wanted to show you a book I found I thought you'd like."
She ushers them over to the couch and makes them sit.
"I'll be right back!"
Aiden watches her as she disappears amongst the shelves. He's not sure why she's extended her kindness to him; will likely never understand it. He doesn't deserve a shred of it. But he wants every bit she provides.
A laugh from the woman next to him drags him from his thoughts. The redhead has a suspiciously mischievous grin tilting her lips upward.
"You're hopeless."
His face starts to burn immediately.
Petra nudges him.
"Please, don't play dumb."
He turns away from her and shakes his head.
"It's not like that."
"Sure it isn't, buddy."
He turns to her with a glower and then sighs. She's grinning way too wide. And, of course, she of all people would know.
"Okay, maybe it is."
Petra grins and nudges him again.
"I can't say I blame you. She's awfully cute."
Aiden crosses his arms and shakes his head before sighing.
"She really is."
There's a snicker and Aiden feels his stomach drop as he looks up to find Jesse standing right there; hands on her hips, grinning. Petra goes rigid beside him.
They've been caught.
"No, please, continue. It feeds my ego."
Aiden bows his head. Oh, how he wants to melt into the floorboards.
"Come on! How cute am I on a scale of 1 to 10?"
Aiden buries his head in his hands. Jesse laughs. Petra's scrambling to save the situation, but Aiden already knows...
Jesse's never gonna let this go.
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