#kyler writes
A bit belated but I continue my tradition of posting an Aidesse fic for Valentine’s Day 💚💚💚
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iidias · 6 months
hi guys im taking commissionz :3
headcanons - 2$
ficlet (500-1000 words) - 5$
im comfortable writing writing almost anything but: vore, scat, and p{do shit
i write for female, male, and gn reader
writing for ;
twisted wonderland
degrees of lewdity
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abushelandablog · 3 months
Thinking about how Yasmine was in the front seat in s1 and called him “Ky” thinking of the banter and very clear rapport they had thinking about annalisa and joes off screen friendship. Thinking about the big bad and fishstick eating kyler park wanting to be better because of a tall blonde woman who also was very mean and capable of immense cruelty still being tough on the outside to their non friends, but soft around each other. Also thinking abt them making each other worse. Yasmine cheering Kyler on at the Taikai, Kyler smiling when she sasses a racist old person who comments on them in public or when she fights to get the last shoe on sale. The inherent understanding these two can have of each other if the show was balls enough to let them be. The kisses theyd share, fight hard, love evrn harder, two similar souls split in two… the feeling of being seen …. Yasmine and Kyler in my head you are such a power couple and I am forever sorry that the writers dont see the vision.
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doevademe · 2 years
Percy is loosing a lot of blood and he s asked what s his type. What s his answer ? But this time meme the ask 🤪 go crazy 🤯 you re my fave percico writter after all
"That's a nasty gash," Percy said conversationally, leaning on the wall, as if said gash wasn't on his own torso, going from his left hip to below his right pectoral. "Might leave a mark."
"Are you for real?!" Kyler, the young demigod they were sent to fetch, screeched as he looked around. "You've lost at least a pint of blood already!"
Kyler didn't want to think what would happen once the guy's scary friend, Nico, found out what happened.
"Maybe your dad really is Apollo," Percy kept going, to the point Kyler feared he was going delirious. "If so, you won't like me much once you're at camp."
The young boy ignored him, just glad that the fight had happened inside his mom's workplace, which happened to be a freaking blood bank (Percy Jackson must be very favored by the gods he didn't know existed 5 hours ago)
"I need to know your type," he said. Percy winced.
"Just for the record," he said. "It wasn't my fault they broke up. Despite what anyone says, I didn't know they were fighting or that what I did could be seen as flirting!"
"Your type, Percy!" Kyler said impatiently.
Percy looked around confused.
"Not here," he answered.
"What do you mean 'not here'?! Every type is here!" If the blood loss didn't kill Percy, Kyler would be the one to finish the snake woman's job.
"Not mine," Percy said, melancholy. "You know it's funny. You never really think about these things until one day, you look at someone who used to watch over you but doesn't anymore, and you realize 'damn, I have never wanted anything more than to have that back'."
Kyler stayed quiet. His first instinct was to press Percy for his type again, but something about the mood made him shut up. Percy could be uttering his last words, and it would be rude to interrupt him.
"And... people see you and wonder if something's wrong with you, and there is, but... only because you took like seven years to realize it." Percy chuckled a little bit, only to since at the movement. "And you realize you do have a type. You love the acidic sense of humor, the roguish smiles, the sense that you can both protect and be protected by someone you've known for so long, who will never give you up, let you down... Or desert you."
Kyler blinked, perplexed. Was this demigod... Rickrolling him?
"O Positive," a new voice spoke. Kyler jumped as Scary Demigod AKA Nico seemingly materialized out of a corner and looked at him unimpressed. "Why is no one pressing against his wound?"
Kyler's face dropped in shame as Nico approached the ailing demigod and inspected his stomach.
"My type is here!" Percy exclaimed happily. Kyler's eyes bugged out. Nico? The guy who looked like he would kill first, ask questions to your ghost later?
"You're lucky you got slashed, or a rag is what I'd be pressing against your mouth." While his voice was as even and threatening as ever, Kyler noticed how his expression softened and he smiled softly. "That would stop you from emotionally scarring children."
"Aww, babe, no need to be embarrassed," Percy gushed. "And the kid will hate me anyways once his cabin counselor talks to him."
"Forget the blood. The wound is superficial," Nico said. "There's a bag with squares of food in my backpack, give me that and something for him to drink."
Kyler yelped and obeyed quickly. He felt like an intruder on the scene, as Nico whispered stuff into Percy's ear, making him smile.
"So, what's your type, handsome?" Percy asked, looking at Nico. The other demigod rolled his eyes.
"Not sure, I'm debating if he has a death wish right now."
Percy guffawed for half a second, only to groan and hold his stomach right after.
Nico looked pleased with himself.
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lizziefanconfessions · 7 months
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Joe Seo as Kyler Park in Seasons 1, 4 and 5 of Cobra Kai
“You know what? At least I’m still here. Half the squad quit!”
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evanescentdawn · 2 years
@kylermalloy ur prompt is in progres ^^
He knows how to make Levi’s knees go weak to the point Erwin needs to keep a grip at his hips or he’ll fall. He knows how to make him whine. How to make the proud, prideful Levi say, “Please,” through gritted teeth. How to make him openly beg, gripping claws into Erwin’s skin with desperate want, before finally — after making him wait longer — giving him what he desires.
Levi may not be one to reciprocate, but it suits Erwin fine.
He likes being the one who initiates and leads their sexual intercouse. Pushing, and pulling at Levi.
It’s one of his favourite activities.
However, to his surprise, one day, Levi pushes at his shoulder. Erwin pauses his administration at Levi’s nipples, curious to see where this will go.
He certainly doesn’t expect Levi to kneel down on the floor, and pull down his trousers without word. Stare down at his dick like he’s planning to go into a battle with a titan.
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New link is finally here for the collection: “Built For Pleasures”. Also I’m still in the process of doing the rewrite for, “Everything was the Same Until July”. The first four parts that are posted: Introduction / Information, Series Updates, Questions (QNA) / Concerns, and ALL SEASONS (1 - 6).
Introduction / Information - basic information on the collection itself; basically a little disclaimer.
Series Updates - where I’ll be pasting my announcement of the day (those will also be available on here).
Questions (QNA) / Concerns - where I’ll be answering questions coming from Discord, Instagram, here, and Wattpad.
All Seasons (1-6) - just me branching off my works that I’ve created for either Karate Kid or Cobra Kai into ‘seasons’; those seasons are just works that I’ve spewed together, because I thought of them at the same time.
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samandcolbyownme · 29 days
drunkenly admitting to best friend jake that you love him? while still in a relationship with someone? thank you!! i love your writing💛
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of drinking and smoking, being drunk, friends to lovers, subtle flirting, kissing, unprotected sex, fluffy filth
Word Count: little over 4k | unedited
Disclaimer: I am 100% against cheating. This one shot is 100% fictional and for entertainment purposes only! Nothing about this is real. Also, Jake and Tara aren’t as close in this, but it’ll make sense when you read it.
You peak you head into your boyfriends office, “You sure you don’t want to come with me to game night?”
He looks up at you, “Yeah, I’m sure. I need to get this shit done for work.”
You frown, “Okay. I don’t know when I’ll be home.”
He nods, giving you a smile, “Call me if you need a ride. Have fun, babe.”
“Have fun with your work.” You smirk at him and head out to grab your bag before making your way to your car. Once you get in, you sit there for a second before driving off.
As you arrive to Jake’s house, getting out and walking up to the door. You walk in, looking around to see if anyone is there yet.
“Hello?” You call out as you shut the door, “Anyone home?”
“Y/nnnn!” Carrington drags out, “What’s up?”
He walks over to you, slinging his arm around your shoulder, “What? No boyfriend tonight?”
You laugh, shaking your head, “Nope. Not this time, he’s at home finishing up stuff for work.” You sigh as you set your bag down, “Some deadline or something. I don’t know.”
“Hey, y/n. You’re the first one here.” Johnnie says as he walks out from his room, “Jake’s moping in his room.”
You furrow your brows, “Why’s he moping? What’s wrong?”
Johnnie shrugs, “Wouldn’t tell me.”
“Yeah, he’s been like this for a day or so.” Carrington shrugs, “oh, who is that?” He looks behind you, “Taraaaa! What’s up?”
“Hey, hey hey!” Tara laughs as she walks in, “Just me and y/n?”
You nod, “So far, yes.” You laugh, giving her a hug, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” She nods, “I was literally thinking that on the way here, I was like, I wonder if y/n is going to be here tonight, I miss her.”
You smile, “Right.” You glance over at the hall, “I’m gonna go see what’s up with Jake.”
Tara tilts her head, “No one knows, so I’m going to go see what’s up.”
“Good luck.” Johnnie says with a laugh, “Don’t be surprised if he kicks you out.”
You bat the air and walk back to Jake’s room. You knock on the door a few times before pushing the door open.
You see Jake lying on his bed, facing away from you. He’s propped on his elbow, scrolling through his phone.
“Hey.” You say as you close the door, “Jake.”
You walk over and stand there, “Hello.”
You put one knee on the bed and he whips around with a gasp, “Oh my god.” He laughs, pulling the earbuds out from his ears, “What the hell are you doing here?”
You sit down, “Game night, remember?”
He sighs, “Oh yeah, it’s Saturday isn’t it.”
“You good? Johnnie and Carrington say you’re not doing too hot.” You smirk slightly, “They say you’re being a grump.”
He groans, “Can’t a man just lay in bed and watch TikTok without being a grump?”
“I mean..” you nod, “Yeah. But with this attitude.” You purse your lips and tilt your head and Jake laughs, “Yeah, yeah. You’re right.”
He rolls over onto his back and takes a deep breath, “I’m just not feelin’ game night tonight.”
“Nooo.” You pout, “You have to be feelin’ game night.”
“You have to be feelin’ game night.” Jake mocks you, “Fine, since you twisted my arm enough.” He heaves himself forward, sitting in front of you, “Are you drinking tonight?”
You nod, “Yeah, I told Kyler that I’ll call him if I need a ride. I figured my car would be safe here overnight.”
Jake nods, “Well, as long as you don’t leave your keys.”
“Yeah, I learned my lesson last time.” You laugh, “Come on.” You stand up, walking to the door but Jake just sits there and you turn around again, motioning to the door, “Come on.”
Jake smiles and shakes his head as he stands up, “Fiiiine.”
You walk out, Jake trailing behind you and you notice a few more people have showed up.
“Alright party people!” Carrington announces, “Let’s get this game night star-ted!” He looks at Jake, “Ooh look who finally decided to join us.”
“Can it, or I’ll go back into hiding.” Jake laughs and walks over to the couch. You go to the fridge and grab a drink, making sure to grab an extra for Jake.
You and Jake have been friends for years, practically your whole lives. You grew up together, went to school together, everything.
It has never crossed your mind about being with Jake, not until recently at least.
You really liked Kyler, loved him. He built a company himself. Rose to the top himself. You were proud of him, yes. But at the same time, his job bled into you always needing to look presentable, look your best.
Every time you’re around Jake, you feel normal. You don’t have to dress to impress. Wear makeup everyday.
Jake seen you through your worst times and even some of the best times. You weren’t sure if he saw you as more than a friend, and you didn’t want to risk the best friendship you’ve ever had with someone for nothing.
“Alright. So what are we playing first?” Tara asks and you look around, your eyes landing on Jake, who is already looking at you.
He looks away, “I think we should play the drunk dice game again.”
“Oooh that’s a good one! I’ll go find the dice.” Carrington dances as he leaves the room and you roll your eyes laughing.
You walk over, handing Jake his drink as you sit down next to him.
“Thank you, my dear.” He smiles and cracks it open, “They should be in the drawer!” He yells and Carrington comes back in, holding up dice in his hand, “Got’em!”
Everyone sits around the coffee table and Carrington starts, “We only need one right, so..” he tosses the second dice at Jake and rolls the one he has, “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
He rolled a three which means he has to take a shot.
Tara pours him a shot and he sighs, “Here’s to a fun fucking night.” He laughs and takes the shot, cheering himself on afterwards, “Woo! Alright.”
He slides the dice over to the next person, they roll two, which means person to the left of them has to take a drink of their drink.
“Jake, has to drink.” They say, laughing as Jake takes a sip of his drink, “Alright. Jake, your turn.”
Jake leans forward, shaking the dice as he looks around. He rolls and it’s a six.
“Ha! Everyone, take your shots.” Jake leans back, smirking at everyone who groans, “You all agreed to play, so don’t be whining now, alright?” He laughs and you shake your head before you take your shot.
You cringe at the hard liquor and set your glass back down, “Oh fuck.” You blink a few times and lean forward to grab the dice, shaking it quickly a few times before rolling, “Four! I get to pour someone a shot and that person is..”
You fill a shot glass and hand it to Tara, “Here you go.”
“Me!?” She laughs, “Why do you hate me?” She pouts and takes the glass, downing the shot.
“I don’t hate you. I love you.” You laugh and blow her a kiss. She laughs and picks up the dice to roll it, “Oh look.” She turns her head towards you, “A four!”
She pours a shot and hands it to you, “Enjoy!”
You laugh and take it, shaking your head slightly, “I hope I get drunk fast so the taste of alcohol doesn’t bother me as much.”
Everyone laughs and agrees, moving on to the next few people. The person to their left, then the right, then they pour a shot for someone.
Johnnie is finally next and he rolls a three, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He sighs as he takes the shot glass from Tara. He takes his shot and now it’s back to Carrington.
“Come on baby. Let me give Johnnie a shot.” He laughs as he looks to Johnnie.
Johnnie shakes his head, “No thank you, I already caused myself enough pain with that one.”
Carrington rolls and it lands on one.
“Take a drink, Johnnie.” Carrington bats his eyes at him and Johnnie sighs, “I fucking hate this game.”
You laugh and the next person goes, Carrington has to take a drink. Then it’s back to Jake. He rolls a two, meaning you have to take a drink.
“That I can handle.” You laugh as you roll the dice and your jaw drops, “Oh come on.” You groan as Jake fills one shot glass and Tara fills the other.
You quickly take one and then follow that with the other. You take a sip of your drink to wash down the straight alcohol taste and you whine, “I’m with Johnnie, I hate this fuckin’ game.”
Tara rolls and it’s comes back to you with a one.
You take a sip of your drink and after the next people, Johnnie rolls and cheers as he rolls a six, “Drink up everyone.”
You all clink the small glasses together before downing the shots.
Carrington rolls a five, cursing up a storm as he laughs, “Goddamit son of a bitch.” He takes his two shots and passes the dice off.
After a few for rounds of drunk dice, you were already feeling pretty good. You were giggly, having the best time ever.
You felt your phone vibrate a few times, so you lean back, lifting it from your lap and you see a few texts from Kyler.
How’s it going?
Everything okay?
I just got done with that work shit, so I’m going to bed. Call me if you need anything. Love you.
You smile slightly as you read the last message, taking a quiet deep breath before you reply.
Everything is good. Everyone is having fun. Love you too.
You set your phone down and look over at Jake, “Hi.”
He smiles, “Hi.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” You smirk and he leans in, “Always.”
You laugh slightly, “I’m a little bit drunk.”
“A little? Girl, you wouldn’t pass a sobriety test.” Jake laughs and Carrington chimes in, “Ooh, let’s try it. Y/n. Get up here.”
You stand up, almost losing your balance from sitting and drinking for so long. Jake presses his hand onto your lower back and he can’t help but laugh, “Point proven.”
“Oh shut up.” You laugh as you look back at him, “I’ll pass this. Flying colors.”
You walk up to Carrington and he shines his phone flashlight in your face. You wince at the light and he pulls it away, “Come on, trying to be authentic here.”
You roll your eyes, “Whatever.”
You eventually fail the ‘sobriety test’, walking back over to sit back down next to Jake. He extends his arm out on the couch behind your head, “Told ya.”
You push his leg, “Yeah, yeah. Don’t rub it in.”
“Alright. Next game peeps!” Carrington sighs, “I’m thinking something along the lines of, never have I ever?”
Everyone cheers and Tara raises her hand, “I’ll go first.” She thinks for a moment, “Never have I ever..kissed someone in this room.”
You lean forward to pour a shot and everyone looks at you confused, “What? I’ve kissed Tara before.”
“What!?” Carrington asks, his tone sounding offended, “And you didn’t invite me to watch!?”
“I’ll do it again. Don’t tempt me.” You laugh and Carrington tilts his head, “I don’t believe you.”
You look over at Tara and she puckers her lips. You lean in and press your lips to hers. You lean back and Carrington’s jaw is on the floor.
You can’t help but laugh, “Okay. I need to take my shot.” You down your shot and Tara motions to you, “Go ahead, girlfriend.”
You laugh, humming as you think, “Never have I ever.. had a one night stand.” You raise your brows and almost everyone takes a shot.
“Jake.” You look at him, “Your turn.”
He purses his lips and nods, “Mmm.” He laughs, “Never have I ever given someone a fake number.”
“Does it count if you unintentionally gave someone the wrong number?” Johnnie asks as he raises his hand and Jake shakes his head, “No.”
“Okay.” Johnnie laughs and leans back against the other couch.
A few people take a drink and Johnnie sighs, “May I be excused for a cigarette break?”
“Oh fuck, yeah me too.” Jake raises his hand and everyone agrees that it’s break time.
“How we feelin?” Jake asks with a laugh. You tilt your head, “Drunk. How are you feeling?”
He nods, “Drunk.”
You smirk and shake your head, “I don’t really want to go home.”
“Whys that, sweetheart?”
You swear you melted into the couch a little bit, but before you could answer, two people announce they were going home, and Tara is quick to follow, “I think I’m gonna Uber home because no one is in shape to drive.” She giggles as she walks over, plopping down on the couch, “Bye.”
You hug her, “Bye.”
She looks down at her phone, “Oh, shit. They’re here already.” She sighs before standing up, “I’ll get my car tomorrow, is that cool?”
Jake nods, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Eventually it’s down to you, Jake, and Carrington. Johnnie couldn’t hang so he went to bed.
“It’s only midnight, why is everyone bailing on game night?” Carrington groans and Jake laughs, “We started at eight, dude.”
“Ohhh.” Carrington nods, “That makes sense.”
“You’re so drunk.” Jake laughs at him, and he doesn’t even put up a fight, “Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Can we put on a movie?” You suggest and Jake nods, “Whatcha wanna watch?” He reaches forward and grabs the remote.
“Mm. You pick. I don’t care.” You watch as he flips through the movies and you point to the screen, “Yes. That one.”
You look at Jake, “Can I have a cigarette?”
He raises his brows, “When did you start smoking?”
“I’m drunk, it doesn’t count.” You laugh and Jake nods, “Good point. Come on.” He gets up and you follow him outside. He pulls a cigarette from his pack and hands it to you.
He lifts his hand, flicking on the lighter and you lean in, taking a drag.
It’s quiet for a few minutes, then Jake breaks the silence, “So why don’t you want to go home?”
You laugh nervously, “Oh yeah, I said that didn’t I.”
Jake nods, taking a puff of his cigarette, “You sure did, sweetheart.”
You tilt your head, “I just, I really like Kyler, I just..” you take a drag and hold it before exhaling, “It’s exhausting getting up everyday to put on makeup and a nice dress.”
Jake nods, “I mean, I can’t relate to that, but I’m sure it’s tiring. The same thing everyday.”
You raise your brows, “You get it.”
“Have you..” he takes a puff, “Talked to Kyle about it?”
“Kyler.” You look up at him with a smirk, “And no. I just know that he’ll throw the I’m ceo of a big company that I built myself, blah blah. Bullshit.”
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
You chew on your lip, eyes fixated on the lit cigarette in between your fingers.
Jake walks over, pressing his back against the wall next to you, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
You shake your head, “Nothing I can’t really say.”
Jake shrugs, “Try me.” He brings his cigarette up to his lips and you feel tear welling up in your eyes. “I-“ you stop, letting out a sigh, “Fuck, okay. I’m just gonna say it.”
Jake turns towards you, his shoulder pressed against the wall, but he doesn’t say anything.
“I’m drunk, and I love you.” You take one last drag of your cigarette before dropping it to the ground and stepping on it.
As soon as you look back up, Jake’s hands are cupping your cheeks, his face inches from yours, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words.”
His lips press to yours and your hands grip his shirt, pulling him closer.
Nothing else mattered right now.
Your lips move with Jake’s until he leans back, “Sorry, I-“
“No.” You shake your head, “Don’t apologize.” Your eyes scan over his face before you reach up, pulling him in for another kiss.
He pushes you back against the wall, his hands sliding down to your hips.
Jake breaks the kiss, “follow me.” He nods toward the door and you walk back in. Carrington is passed out on the couch, snoring away while the movie Jake out on plays in the background.
You follow him back the hall and into his room and he closes the door. He was quick to have his hands on you, his lips on yours.
Your hands slide up his chest to his neck, holding on as he lifts you up. Your legs find their place around his waist and his hands slide to your ass to hold you up.
He walks over, laying you down on the bed, his body hovering over yours, “I love you.” Jake whispers into your ear, “I could treat you so much better.”
His kisses your jaw line, landing on your lips, “I’ve known you forever.”
“I want to be with you. I want you.” You tug on his shirt and he leans up to take it off, quickly resuming the kiss.
He leans up, his hands pushing your shirt up. You reach down, pulling it up over your head and throwing it. His eyes scan over your body, watching as you reach under your back to unhook your bra.
His eyes flick up to yours before moving down to watch you discard your bra.
“Beautiful.” He kisses down your neck, to your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth while he kneads your other boob with his hand.
You moan out, arching your back as your fingers lace through his hair.
He looks up, moving his body up to kiss you, “You are beautiful just the way you are.” He kisses your cheek, “Makeup.” He kisses your lips, “No makeup.”
He smiles, kissing your other cheek, “Dress, or no dress. You’re perfect in anything.”
You smile, tilting your head as you lean up to kiss him.
His hand slides down your side, pulling your thigh up to his hip before dragging it over and slipping it into the waistband of your sweats and underwear, “God, baby. You’re so wet.”
You blush at his words, “Can’t help it.”
Jake’s lips part as he watches your reaction to him rubbing you clit, “That feel okay?”
You nod, small whimpers leaning your lips, “Y-yes.” You tilt your head back, “so good.”
Jake leans down, kissing up the center of your neck and you tilt your head forward, lips meeting his. He swallows your moans as he slips his fingers down and pushes two in to you.
“Fuck baby.” He groans against your lips, “You sound so pretty. All those noises.”
You moan as he curls his fingers, back arching up off the bed, ��Sh-shit.” Your eyes roll back and you squeeze his fingers, “Jake.”
“I’m right here, sweetheart.” Jake presses a kiss to your forehead, “Not going anywhere.”
You slide your hands up his arms, nails digging into his shoulders and he groans, “Can you cum for me?” He kisses over your chest, “Wanna hear the sounds you make when I get you go do that.”
You nod, “I’m-“ you gasp, “Almost there.”
Your back lifts up off the bed, moans leaving your lips as Jake guides you through your high, “Fuck, fuck. Yes. Yes.”
You grab his face, pulling him in for a kiss and he groans as his fingers slip out, “you’re so beautiful.” He mumbles against your lips, “I love you.”
He kisses you, his tongue moving against yours as his hand moves to push his pants and underwear down.
“I-I love you.” You nod, spreading your legs more as he wiggles his hips to fit perfectly in between your knees.
Your moans mix together as the head of his cock slips in past your folds and his hips roll forward, giving both what you want.
Your legs tighten around his waist, pulling him into you more and you gasp out, “Fuck, fuck. You feel so good.”
His hands paw at your skin, finding any he can grip on to, “I’ve dreamed about this..” he kisses your jaw line, “You finally letting me treat you how you deserve to be treated.”
You moan at his word, pulling him closer as his thrusts as slow. Nothing crossed your mind. Your mind was finally quiet as your focus was on nothing but Jake.
“Can you roll over?” You whisper, placing your hands on his chest. He nods, pecking your lips before moving to lay over on his back.
You sir up, swinging your leg over to straddle him.
Your eyes lock into his, his hands on your thighs as you sink down onto his cock. You tilt your head back, moaning out as you sink down fully, “Fuck.” You look down at him, hands pressing flat onto his chest as you lean forward.
“That’s it, baby.” Jake reaches up to brush hair from your face and pinch your chin, “Fuck, feels so good.”
His eyes trail down your body, stopping to watch his cock go in and out of you as you bounce your hips.
He lays his head back, groaning out as his grip slips to your hips, “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” He bucks his hips up and you gasp, eyes rolling back as your hips speed up.
“Fu-ck.” Your nails dig into his neck and he sits up, reaching up to pull you in closer for a kiss.
“Keep going.” He mumbles against your lips, “F-fuck.” He tilts his head back, his hips bucking to meet your body, “Don’t stop.”
You moan as your orgasm hits again, squeezing his walls as you guide yourself through your high.
His hands slide down to under your thighs, lifting you up so he can pull out. You glance down, watching his cum spill into his abdomen and you move over to lay next to him.
You stairs up at the ceiling, knowing what you just did settling in.
“Hey.” Jake reaches over, gently turning your face towards him, “It’s okay.”
You can feel your eyes burning, it was guilt towards having sex with Jake. It was guilt towards still being with Kyler.
“I have to break up with him.” You sit up, “I-I never did anything like this..” you move to get something for him to wipe off with. You walk back over, handing him the towel, “Do I have to tell him?”
Jake wipes off and sits up, holding his hand out for you to sit down, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.“
You nod, leaning into him, “I don’t regret anything with you. If anything, I regret not doing it all with you.”
Jake chuckles slightly, “We have a lifetime to catch up for that.” He tilts your chin up, pressing his lips to yours, “I love you for you.”
“I love you.”
Let me know what you think. I love you so much, thank you for reading! See you in the next one! 🖤
Also, this was kind a trial to see how I wrote Carrington so please, feedback on that is wanted! Thank you!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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New ANRFTW Chapter ready! I’d buckle in for this one, she’s nearly 13000 words 💚
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ivyangels-blog · 9 months
Brother's Ex-Best Friend
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Summary: After watching Hawk break your brother's arm, you have trouble trusting him again.
A/n: I've discovered I enjoy writing hawk angst, so now you all must suffer
Warnings: violence, angst, injury and a rushed ending
I only got into karate because of my brother. I agreed that it might be good to learn to defend ourselves. I had no idea that it would increase the odds of us needing to tenfold.
Now I'm hiding in the corner of the laster tag place downtown, watching the boy who used to be my best friend, who I used to believe I was in love with, beat my brother to a pulp.
He pins Demetri to the ground, grabbing his arm and tugging it back.
"Finish him!" the other Cobra Kai's shout.
"Demetri!" I jump up from my hiding spot, rushing towards them.
Demetri is trying to reason with him. "Eli, Eli, it's me," he cries.
The other Cobra Kai's are shouting over him.
"Stop!" I cry, running towards them.
Eli looks up at me, but I realize that it's no longer him. The Eli I knew was kind and loyal. The person staring over at me is the complete opposite. His stone cold face is filled with nothing but hatred.
I watch in horror, as Hawk jerks my brother's arm, bending it backwards.
The crack echoes in my ears, only drowned out by the sound of my brother's scream.
"Demetri!" I drop to the ground beside him.
The other Cobra Kai's are already turning and leaving.
"It's okay," I mumble. "It's gonna be okay."
I look up to see Hawk still staring down at us.
"Just go!" I shout at him, tears spilling past my cheeks at having to listen to Demetri's whimpers.
I reach into my pocket, digging out my phone and calling 911.
By the time I've finished explaining the situation to the operator, Hawk is gone.
Time Skip
I wasn't able to forgive Hawk as easily as my brother did. I guess guys have a different sort of resolution to their fights. One second they hated each other, the next it was like a switch was flipped and they were best friends again.
I wasn't won over so easily, but maybe it has to do with the fact that I've barely talked to Hawk since he left Cobra Kai. Every time he comes over to hang out with Demetri, I find something to do elsewhere.
It's not until I absolutely have to, that I talk to Hawk again.
I was at work at the library where I intern. I was in charge of closing and I guess my boss didn't care if it was a sixteen year old all alone at night.
I should've locked the door after my coworker left, but I forgot.
It's my fault really.
I was shelving my last stack of books when I heard the bell of the front door.
"We're closed," I say, slipping another book into its spot.
"You hear that boys?" Kyler's voice makes my heart drop. "We got the whole place to ourselves."
A group of Cobra Kais appears in the middle of the library, about five boys.
One of them catches sight of me from my spot beside the bookshelf.
I drop the books in my hands, sprinting towards the back of the building.
Their shouts cut through the air behind me and I hear the pounding of their feet in pursuit.
I sprint down the back hallway, locking myself into the librarian's office.
The boys must not have seen where I went, because I hear them opening and closing other doors in the hallway.
I reach into my back pocket for my phone, but it's not there.
I must have left it by the front desk.
Frantically looking around, I spot the landline sitting on the desk.
I rush over to it and dial my home phone number, but no one picks up.
"Shit," I whisper, dialing Demetri next.
He doesn't answer either. My hands are shaking and my heart is about to beat out of my chest.
I try the only other number I have memorized: Eli's.
I press the numbers as fast as I can, forcing myself to take deep breaths. The door knob starts to jiggle, as I place the phone to my ear.
"Hey guys, I think she's in here!"
I press a shaky hand to my mouth, to hold back my gasp.
The phone rings...
and rings...
Please leave a message after the tone.
"Dammit," I mumble.
The door crashes open and I scream, dropping the phone so it dangles beside the desk by its wire.
"Looks like we've got you cornered now," one of the boys says.
I turn around, grabbing one of the books off the side table and holding it in front of me.
Kyler laughs and the others join in. "What are you gonna do?" he asks. "Smack some knowledge into me? You're such a nerd, working at the library. That's just sad."
"What do you want?" I ask.
"We just want to have a little fun. Don't we?" Kyler turns to the guys he's with and they all smirk and nod in agreement.
One by one, they're stepping closer to me. A blonde on my left is getting especially too close and I decide it's time to make my move.
I crash the book down over his head, bolting past him and around the desk.
The boys all shout in response and grab me before I can make it past the exit.
Their hands wrap around my arms, holding me in place.
I jerk and pull against their grasp, but can't manage to break free.
"You want the first shot, Andrew?" The boys turn to the blonde guy I just attacked, who's rubbing the top of his head.
"Hell yeah." He comes over to me and I start to tug harder against the hands holding me back.
"Let me go!" I shout, just to be silenced with a punch across the face.
The boys all cheer, as the left side of my face throbs.
Before I can look back, another punch is being delivered to my stomach.
It goes on like that, them taking turns hitting me until I'm gasping for breath.
Another kick is delivered to my stomach and its like I can barely feel it anymore.
"That should teach them not to pick a fight with us and not see it through," Kyler spits.
The arms around me loosen and I stumble without them holding me up.
"Let's get out of here." The boys file past me out the door, as I drop down onto the ground.
I lean my back up against the wall, struggling to catch my breath, wincing with each gulp of air.
I tell myself that I'll just sit for a little while and then I'll grab my things and go home, but I doubt I'll be able to make the walk in my condition. My vision is starting to go spotty and I’m worried I might pass out.
"Y/n? Y/n? Are you here?" The voice echoing through the halls pulls me to attention.
"Hawk?" I respond.
Before I can even sit up, he comes rushing through the door, dropping to his knees beside me.
"Jesus," he murmurs, looking at me with wide eyes.
"You came?" I whisper, not believing it to be true.
"Of course I did, I got your call. Are you okay?"
I nod, sitting up. "Yeah, I'm good."
"Here." Hawk lifts my arm, pulling it over his shoulder and lifting me up. "I'll drive you home."
We stop to grab my stuff and he helps me all the way out to his car.
I finally relax once we're on our way back to my house, letting my head fall against the head rest.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"A little after 11:00."
I sigh. "My whole family's gonna be asleep by now. I really don’t want to wake them up to this."
"You still keep your window unlocked?" Hawk asks.
"You remember that?" I ask.
"How could I forget? I spent too many nights sneaking in to hang out when you were grounded."
"God, only we were lame enough to have to sneak around just to stay home all night."
Hawk chuckles.
We pull into my driveway and Hawk hops out of the car, coming over to my side to help me.
With his support, I walk around to the back of the house, pausing below my window.
Hawk steps forward and pushes it open, turning to me and offering his intertwined hands as a platform to boost me up.
I grasp onto the windowsill and, since my bedroom's on the first floor, slip in easily.
Hawk comes in behind me and goes straight to my bathroom.
I move to sit on my bed, assuming he might just have to go, but he comes back out with a washcloth in hand.
"Can I?" he asks, approaching me.
I’m surprised by how much he cares, but nod and he presses the cool cloth to my face.
"It looks like they didn't get you too bad," he says.
Without saying anything, I reach to lift up my shirt, revealing the bruises on my stomach.
I haven't looked at them, yet, and the mixture of purple and yellow painting my skin looks worse than I could have imagined.
I turn my gaze up to see Hawk's reaction. His face is in a scowl, his nostrils flaring, as his grip on the washcloth tightens.
I'm once again reminded of why I'm so afraid of him.
"I can't believe that they ambushed you five to one," Hawk says. "Those cowards can't even make it a fair fight."
"How'd you know there were five of them," I ask.
Hawk goes back to pressing the washcloth on my cheek. "I saw them leaving when I got there."
"And you didn't stop to fight them?" I ask, confused.
Hawk furrows his brows. "No, I had to make sure you were okay."
I feel myself start to smile, because that's exactly something Eli would do.
"Let me go grab an ice pack," he pops up from the bed and leaves the room.
I take the opportunity while he's gone to change out of my jeans and blouse into loose fitting shorts and a t-shirt.
Hawk comes back from his mission, ice pack in hand, as well as a bottle of ibuprofen.
I take both, gratefully.
Hawk sits beside me on the edge of my bed, while I try and situate the ice pack on my stomach.
I can’t help but wince at the contact.
“They’re gonna fucking pay,” Hawk says.
“I’ll be fine,” I say. “Please, just leave them be.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Hawk jumps up from the bed, waving his hands and turning toward me.
The action causes me to flinch backwards, closing my eyes and putting my head down.
It’s the briefest of movements but when I look back up Hawk is staring down at me with his mouth slightly agape.
“Are you scared of me?” he asks, his voice no louder than a whisper. Almost like he doesn’t want to speak it into existence, like he can’t believe it might be true.
I shake my head, not wanting to get into it right now. “I’m just jumpy cause of everything that happened tonight.”
Hawk rolls his eyes with a shake of his head. “You forget I can always tell when you’re lying. Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“You broke Demetri’s arm. Demetri may be able to forget that, but I can’t. You were awful.”
Hawk’s face falls and he drops his head, avoiding eye contact.
“I know,” he murmurs. “I’m so sorry. If you’re okay, I’ll go.” He turns to head to the window. I should let him, but something about the way his head hangs low and how he refuses to meet my eye reminds me of Eli.
“Wait,” I find myself saying.
Hawk pauses and looks at me expectantly.
“You can stay,” I whisper.
“Are you sure?” he asks.
I nod. “Like old times.” I sit back on the bed, pulling my laptop up to find the Marvel movies we always watched together.
Hawk slowly sits down on the far side of my bed, putting plenty of space between us.
“You’re not going to be able to see it over there.” I slide next to him.
We sit in silence for awhile, eyes on my laptop screen. It’s not long before I start to feel tired, my head drops slightly, resting on his shoulder.
I feel Hawk tense a little at the contact and my head jerks back up with an apology.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind,” Hawk says and I rest my head against him once more.
I fall asleep like that, my head on his shoulder and when I wake up in the morning my face is planted on his chest.
I rub my eyes, sitting up and the movement causes Hawk to stir beneath me.
“Sorry for falling asleep,” I whisper.
He shakes his head. “Don’t be. It was nice to hang out like we used to. I missed you.”
His words make me pause. “I missed you, too.”
We sit like that, me leaning over him staring into each others eyes until Hawk breaks the silence.
“Uh, how are you feeling?” he asks.
“Sore,” I reply, “But I’ll be okay.”
“Thank you,” I add. “For coming.”
“I’ll always come get you, y/n.” Hawk’s eyes meet mine again and I can’t help, but feel drawn toward him.
His hand reaches up to brush the side of my face.
My heartbeat is fluttering, my mind is on overdrive trying to process what’s happening.
And then he kisses me, and it’s like the whole world goes still.
When we finally pull away both of us are smiling.
“I love you,” Hawk says. “I’ve loved you since we were kids and I need you to know it.”
His confession leaves me stunned, but my answer is easy. “I love you, too.”
Even though I’ve had my reservations about him recently I know it’s true. I realized it last night. I love the boy sitting across from me, Hawk and Eli alike.
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sturniozo · 9 months
Savage Love part Nine
Matt Sturniolo x reader Mafia AU
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Kyler looks up at me in disbelief. He leans back in his chair. “You what?” He asks with a laugh.
“I want to quit the piece.” I repeat.
“The Matt Sturniolo piece? The piece that would be our biggest set as a paper, you’re quitting it?”
“Yes.” My heart begins to race as Kyler realizes I’m not joking and his face begins to become angrier.
“You’ve put out the least amount of articles out of everyone in this paper, you’re pieces are shit that no one wants to read, and the one good thing you could bring to this paper you’re quitting?”
I begin to feel smaller and I nod slowly, a lump forming in my throat preventing me from speaking.
“Get out. I’ll give the piece to someone else, you’re done. You contribute nothing to this paper. You’re fired.”
I flinch at his words. I didn’t think I’d get fired for this. “Fired?” I ask again.
“Without that Sturniolo piece you contribute nothing of interest to the paper! Either do the piece or pack your things.” Kyler stares at me waiting for my answer.
“I’m not finding anything on Matt because there’s nothing that needs to be found.” I say calmly. “My desk will be cleared within an hour.”
I turnaround and take a deep breath, holding back tears. I loved this job. I loved working as a journalist alongside my best friend. I loved working so close to home.
I get to my desk and start gathering all my things. Emma looks at me confused.
“What are you doing?” She asks as she gets up from her seat.
“I didn’t want to do the Sturniolo piece. Kyler fired me.” I say trying to stay calm as I pack up my things.
“Why don’t you want the piece, it’s amazing, it’s a game changer, a life changer. You have the chance to see the life of a Mafia boss and tell the story to hundreds of people. Why don’t you want that?” She asks.
I just stare at her for a moment and the realization dawns on her.
“Oh. Oh. Oh my god. No, tell me you’re not-“
“He’s not as bad as everyone made him out to be. I’ve never seen him do or imply anything about actually being in the Mafia, as far as I know he’s the head of some company that transports goods and-“
“Listen to yourself! He’s definitely the head of the mafia, y/n! Head of a company? Transports goods? He’s a drug trafficker and a suspect in at least a dozen murders-“
“He isn’t a suspect-“
“Because he has dirt on everyone! No one will prosecute against him because they’re scared of him.”
“Or because he didn’t do it!”
“Y/n listen to yourself!”
“You don’t know him, Emma!” I snap at her. “He’s not the kind of guy who could do those things. He’s kind and gentle and he’s never hurt me or anyone that-“
“Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say!”
“Emma he’s not a bad person.”
“What about all the things you had told me about? How he took you to his house because he thinks someone could be watching you? That someone might hurt you to get to him?”
“I’m sure it’s more business than physically hurting me-“
“Y/n! What is going on with you? You told me everything-“
“But you don’t know the context to it, I don’t even know the context to most of the conversations I heard.”
“Y/n, listen to me! That man has been a suspect in over a dozen murders, he’s a suspect in a drug trafficking ring, as well as illegal cargo from other countries.”
“How do you know he’s an actual suspect?” I ask her.
“I sleep with the chief of police regularly, and he’s got lots of shit against Matt Sturniolo, but that man has the police I er his thumb, I’m telling you. That’s why they can’t convict.”
“Y/n, you can’t believe the shit you’re saying.”
I look down and sigh. “I know.” I say softly.
“Y/n, dont tell me you actually…”
“It’s not like that, I swear, I just… I don’t want to write something against him. He keeps his occupation secret for a reason.”
“You really care about him?” Emma asks and I just nod. “You know, we should have guessed you’d not be able to do this without catching feeling for him. Hooking up just isn’t who you are.”
I laugh softly. “I know. Can you help me get my shit out of here before Kyler freaks out about me still being here?”
“Yeah, I’ll help you.”
Emma helps me pack my things into a few boxes.
“Want help bringing them to your car?” She asks.
“Shit, no, I didn’t drive here.”
“Matt drove me, fuck I forgot…”
“I’d drive you home but if Kyler saw me gone-“
“No, I know, I’ll just… I’ll figure something out.”
I sit in my chair and rub my head. As close as I live to work, I don’t feel like I could carry three boxes all the way home or make multiple trips before the paper closes for the night.
“I’ll just call Matt.” I mumble.
“Matt?!” Emma’s head shoots up in surprise.
“Yeah he’ll come get me.” I press call on Matt’s contact and put the phone to my ear.
Matt almost immediately picks up. “Hey, baby, is something wrong?” He asks. “I just dropped you off a few hours ago, I thought you worked until 5?”
“Matt… can you come get me?” I ask.
“I’m kinda busy right now babydoll, but I’ll send a driver to you. What’s this about, what happened?”
“I’ll explain it all when I see you.”
“Was it bad? What happened baby?”
“I’ll explain it later, Matt.”
“Okay, well I’m sending a driver to take you back to my place.”
“But I need to stop at my apartment.”
“I can’t have you there, my guy hasn’t done a full sweep to see if someone’s watching you or not.”
“How come I can go to work but I can’t go home? If they watched me at all they’d know where I work.”
“I keep a guy staked out at your paper too, dollface, just in case.”
I pause for a moment. “What.”
“It’s just a precaution.”
“The driver will be there in a few minutes, hold tight, dollface.”
Matt hangs up and I’m left staring at my phone.
“What was all that about?” Emma asks and I sigh.
“He’s just… worried about me and he’s protective.” I say and stand up, grabbing my boxes of belongings. “I’ll talk to you later, Emma.” I say as I carry the boxes to the elevator.
I go to the lobby and wait by the door. Soon enough a black car much like Matt’s pulls up. The driver steps out and I immediately know it’s someone that works for Matt, as the guy is in a full black suit with sunglasses and an earpiece like a spy of some sort. He walks over to me and takes the boxes from me. He open the truck of the car and sets the boxes inside and I get into the car.
The ride to Matt’s place is silent. The only sound is the sound of the car driving and the low music playing from the speakers in the car. I stare out the window not saying a word the whole time. Partly because I’m unsure what to say, and partly because there’s nothing to say.
Tags: @stargirlsturniololover @sturniolobessed @eyelessdemon00 @sturnioloenthusiast @sturniolopookie @urmommysbathroom @qwertytit @whatever1021 @chrisfavoritepepsi @stramboli4life @sturniolosreads @timmyscomputer @iloveneilperry
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moralofallthestories · 2 months
CK s6 part1 spoilers‼️
This is going to be mostly my rant on ep5 and some plots from the previous episodes
- My heart BREAKS for Tory, it’s like the writers just decided to add more on top of the misery from her story last season. S5 the girl broke up with someone she loves and cares about for Kreese’s plan, ended up hurting herself badly and had no one by her side the entire season, and now they just decided to kill off her mom just when her life is starting to get better. What did she do to deserve this??
- Look how quickly Daniel and Johnny moved on to Hawk for their selections literally after they all learned about Tory’s mother’s death, like if you both are such good senseis, wouldn’t it be nice to actually give a shit about Tory and her grief?? Instead of making if about yourself, how about we actually go console her and making sure she’s okay or at least be there? Both of them are such bad mentors for the kids, first is how they handled Kenny’s situation after he got humiliated with the accident, Johnny only spoke up when he’s fighting for Devon and Daniel rlly favors his kids than his other students. If any of these two even showed the same attention and support to Kenny and Tory, I’m sure neither of them would actually quit Miyagi-Do so quickly on the spot. Some sensei they really are huh.
- Robby my man, I get that going to the Sekai Taikai is important for you but are you really gonna do nothing after your girlfriend’s meltdown about her mother’s death? At this point this show’s writing is so bad I don’t wanna hear about any “they probably did this off-screen” kinda bullshit no more. I swear if part 2 has any point of showing him standing on the moral high ground accusing Tory of switching sides like what he did to her in s5 imma riot, cancel my Netflix subscription along with my family plan :))
- Based on s5 and what we’ve seen so far, my headcanon for Robby & Tory is that he’s the one that usually texts her first and he texts more but she’s not good with it, she’s not good with expressing her emotions either so sooner or later they’re gonna face this communication problem in the relationship (of which the problem was clearly shown before in s5 when they “broke up”)
- While the privileged kids talking about their top colleges and applications, what Robby and Tory had was the Sekai Taikai - underdogs in the top 4
- Devon, my girl…not a good decision…why you choose to go on that path
- I can never like Anthony he really gets on my nerves
- Bad writing with all those conflicts overall, hated how they handled Kenny’s character especially trying to embarrassing him for the flag fight. I was hoping to see him and his brother in more action but you can never expect too much from Cobra Kai writers I guess
- The baby storyline continues…the most boring and unnecessary storyline that ruins Johnny’s character as a father and a sensei
- CK really has this type of half assed writing throughout all seasons why am I surprised lmao
The good part:
- Sam & Tory’s reconciliation and their apologies to each other, the sleepover pillow fight was so cute and I love seeing both of them are so done with Johnny’s instigating
- Robby and Tory’s promise of standing together
- How Robby found himself & his confidence again after seeing Tory showed up, this is what partners influence each other
- Robby & Tory’s little nod to each other whenever one of them is fighting someone else, no words but it means so much more
- Johnny & Mike’s fight - it has to be purely a fan service kinda fight but I’ll take it
- Hawk & Demitri’s fight, unnecessary but it surely was entertaining
- Kyler’s redemption, I’m actually happy they didn’t give him a glamorous redemption and try to change him completely to let him join Miyagi-Do, it’s nice to see that his frat boy personality is still there
- Kwon’s fighting skills are some real deal
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Anthony: (to Kyler, puzzled at how Kyler doesn’t remember him) Dude, you’ve been to my house. I mean, you dated my sister. Kyler: I date a lot of sisters.
Anthony and Kyler (5x04; Downward Spiral)
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angelflms · 1 month
Okay, so I have been thinking so much about this (I have been talking aloud to myself for like ten minutes bc I've invested myself wayyy too deep into this), but I think I know why Miguel bothers me so much despite being my favorite character.
The writers suck.
Now, I know I don't have screenwriting credibility and I'm merely just a girl and I know that perhaps they can't cram all of this shit into the show and make room for literally everyone else, BUT I think the reason why so many people don't like Miguel as a character is because he doesn't have much of a character to work with. So whenever he does something that shows character (the Mexico storyline, the Stanford storyline), no one feels bad for him. I think that maybe if he had definitive arcs for each season, while weaving it better into Robby's arcs (since they're foils and tethered to each other), he would actually be likeable. So I wanted to show you what I feel like I would do to write Miguel's post school fight arc. Feel free to tell me your opinions. (buckle up, this is a long one)
similar to what we see
but we actually get to be more into Miguel's mental response to the aftermath
I dont' think they went enough into his feelings with everything and that everything went a bit too fast (for Miguel) during the season.
perhaps they could've gone deeper into his PTSD, similar to what they did with Sam.
but instead it preventing him from going to school, it prevented him from doing karate all together.
it was clear early on that karate and Johnny slowly became all that Miguel cared about.
Johnny was sending mixed signals and Kresse's entry into CK was conflicting as their ideals were different.
Johnny made it clear that CK's mottos are a way of life, so Miguel was moving the exact way one would in karate irl.
Karate was his life. And it nearly ended it as well.
I don't believe Miguel would immediately still want to be so gung-ho about joining karate again after nearly dying from it.
Johnny would lose Miguel's trust and would fight for it back. He already lost Robby. He can't lose Miggy too.
Miguel doesn't want to be around him for now, despite feeling bad for pushing him away
When finding out he was paralyzed, it hurt to find out, but at the same time, with his conflicited feelings about karate, he would feel a bit relieved.
I like to think that when the surgery worked, everyone was happy but Miguel because now people are going to expect him to want to go back to doing karate.
Eventually he and Johnny have a heart to heart and make up, though he's still a little bit hesitant on trusting him
he does reluctantly join Eagle Fang and he tries to make an effort to train again and get past his fear
Though things still feel like what it was like at CK, which isn't something Miguel is enjoying
Plus him being the only shot they have for the All Valley is putting presure on him, mainly due to Johnny
The scene where he tries to kick but fails happens
He falls and flashbacks of the school fight happen
He gives up and says he isn't doing karate anymore
That is until the finale fight when CK comes in and fights the EF/MD kids and Kyler beats him up
he remembers why he started karate in the first place and starts fighting again
He chooses to do karate again
Again similar to what we see (Johnny and Carmen, the intro to Kenny, etc)
I think he still feels weird about being back in the world of karate and latches onto Daniel more as a sensei now with the conjoint dojos situation (he's a lot softer on him knowing his situation)
Which pisses Johnny off and makes him jealous (he just misses his kid ya know?)
He tries to make an effort with Miguel but he grows more distant after hearing Daniel's side of the events during TKK
This season could heavily parallel s2 with Kiaz as they're on the opposite sides of the coin now with Robby being with CK and Miguel learning more Miyagi-Do techniques
This could also bring more tension with Lawrusso because of how they're both treating and training him and how Johnny thinks Daniel is taking Miguel away from him
(maybe a fight scene about this idk)
Perhaps Miguel starts feeling bad about pushing Johnny away as he very much still cares about him and sees him trying
Daniel does talk to Miguel about how Johnny does care about him and how he's beaten up about everything and how he wishes he could change everything
This will make the whole "I love you" "I love you, too Robby" scene a lot worse
Miguel feels lost again
The sprain he gets during the All Valley was the final straw for him as he has a panic attack and in a heap of emotions, he leaves for Mexico, not just to find his dad, but to genuinely run away from everything
Also throughout this season, I really wanted to see more of Robby being guilty for what he did during the fight but pushing it away until he sees what Kenny does to Anthony and realizing that history is already about to repeat itself
Also also we do see Miguel talk about collage but brings up that he wants to become a PT (did I take this from someone who reblogged my other rant, yes) and probably want to go Boston University (they have a PT degree program)
Same as we see for the most part
I was hoping Miguel would bring up the whole "I love you" situation but he never did and I wonder why
I wish we saw bits of the car ride home from Mexico and the awkwardness between the boys (there's a good ao3 fic that does this pretty decently)
Perhaps Robby can tell that something is off with Miguel though and tries to spark conversation but the latter refuses to talk to the former because of the school fight
I think the break up should still happen
Both because with everything going on with him, the breakup would just be another stab in the chest, but also because that fucking scene was so good!! Like idk if Mary and Xolo get their flowers for that scene but I'ma need them to get their flowers for that scene
Now he's just this ball of emotions
Johnny still wants to push for the boys to be close since he's caring for both of them now (and ofc the baby) so like in the actual s5, he still tries to get them to talk
Now I would've preferred a heart to heart reconciliation (similar to samtory s6) but since the dudebros would think that's too soft and this is a fighting show, the balcony scene would be fine
Though I do think in a later scene, Kiaz should have a more emotional talk with each other
Miguel just talks about how hard it has been since the school fight and how everything keeps on changing and everything gets a lot for him
Robby tells him that he gets it and confesses how guilty he feels for being the one to put him in the hospital
And then I feel like the rest of s5 can go the way it did
i don't know. maybe this is too convoluted but I do think that the lack of characterization and constant mischaracterization of miguel diaz is due how poorly the writers went about him post s3a imo. i think they could've done something great with him in a way people felt for robby you know? they always randomly bring things up as a way to say "hey he has trauma too" but it's always at the most inopportune times and it always comes off half-assed instead. i love miguel so much because of his happy-go-lucky energy but he has so much wasted potential which is wild to say when he's the main character.
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
omfg i’m squealing at your response to shy goth larusso in a bikini!! your writing is so delicious, i totally haven’t stalked your page the last few days <3
when the boys come back, they all look visibly flustered, their hair being disheveled and faces flushed. they see reader in the pool, as she finally gained the confidence to get in with sam and the girls. she’s splashing around and dancing with the loud music some kid put on the speaker. her laugh was music to the boys ears, not used to hearing it from the quiet girl. they swore she was an angel, all of them wishing she was laughing at their joke, dancing with them instead of whatever meathead was next to sam.
but her happiness soon depleted as soon as she saw kyler show up with his goons. she started to feel worried, knowing kyler would laugh at her bikini or make some tasteless jokes. she tells sam she has a headache and is gonna go lay down. reader grabs her things in a hurry, trying to avoid stares of her stomach and ass.
she runs into the cool, large house and darts to her room. she figures a shower will help her calm down, but the image of her rubenesque body in the mirror makes her tear up. she could never get the attention of the trio of boys currently drinking by the edge of the pool. of course she had a crush on them too; demetri’s nerdiness and sarcasm made her smile, hawk’s flashy style and bad boy attitude made her swoon, and robby’s handsome face and wittiness made her weak in the knees.
she finishes her shower and puts on a baggy shirt and shorts and sits on her bed. just then she hears a knock on the door. to her surprise, it was just the boys she was thinking about.
After she leaves the party, the trio knows that it's not because of a headache. It's because of Kyler and his gang of losers who were not invited to the pool party. They aren't shy to confront him about it either, knowing Sam wouldn't like him to be there either. Kyler wants to fight over it but Hawk reminds him that they're outnumbered anyway, so they should just tuck tail and leave while they can with their dignity intact. After a while, they're walking out saying that the party is lame anyway and no one else has to worry about them.
However, for Robby, Hawk, and Demetri, the party isn't as fun without Reader there. So they opt to go check on her. With all the loud music and everyone enjoying themselves, no one really notices them disappearing into the house again. This time, they make their way upstairs to Reader's room to check on her. Robby is the one to knock on her door.
When she opened it, she's shocked to find the trio there, as if she'd somehow managed to summon them with her thoughts. She's a little startled by their presence at her door and looked down, trying to make her the heat in her cheeks go away. "What are you guys doing here...?"
"We wanted to check on you," Robby tells her. His voice is soft and assuring.
Hawk adds, "We made Kyler and his dumb friends leave. No one wanted them here anyway, so if you want, you can come back downstairs."
"I don't really want to..." she tells them, still unable to look at them. She can't believe her crushes are standing at the door of her bedroom.
Demetri nods. "That's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Yeah," Robby agrees. "Like I said, we just wanted to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine..." she tells them, but really her mind is making her worry over what they thought of her in that bikini. She can't imagine it was anything nice, but she feels a little more comfortable in her baggy shirt, though not really her shorts. They show off her thick thighs and how they press together when she stands or sits. She tries to pull her shirt down to cover them, hoping the guys won't notice.
But they do notice. In fact, they've been stealing looks at her legs the whole time they've been standing there. They can't help it. She smells fresh like flowery body wash and shampoo, her pretty thighs on display. Demetri's heart is pounding as he thinks about squeezing them and watching the fat spill from between his fingers. All Hawk can think about are her tits under her shirt, which he can tell she's wearing without a bra because her nipples are hard under it. And Robby is wishing he could uncover her belly from hiding under that baggy shirt because she's beautiful.
"Well, uh, we weren't really planning on going back to the party," Hawk admits, earning him a hard nudged from Demetri behind him.
"Oh really?" she asks softly, finally looking up at him. She wears a cute pout that all of them have to hold back from reacting to because she's so fucking cute. She's so naturally gorgeous, they almost can't stand it. "Why?"
Robby shrugs. "We're all kind of tired of it."
"Low social batteries, if you will," Demetri adds.
She nods. "I understand."
Admittedly, it's a little awkward, but Hawk doesn't like any silence sit in the air for long.
"We could watch a movie or something," he suggests.
"I think Anthony's using the TV downstairs as a coverup to spy on girls outside... but we could use mine..." Reader shyly says and opens her door a little more, inviting them inside.
None of them had really gotten in the pool despite it being a pool party. Only Hawk had jumped in once to splash a bunch of people, but that was a while ago, so he was mostly dry. So, to say less, they weren't tracking water into her room when they walked inside. Nevertheless, Hawk does have a towel and uses it to protect her floor when he sits down.
They don't want to invite themselves to sit on her bed, even though it's a nice big bed that they could all sit on. They set up a movie and only after getting cozy on her bed does she shyly ask if they're comfortable on the floor, then offers the spots around her for them to come sit. They don't hesitate.
She's between Hawk and Robby while Demetri is on his stomach at the end of the bed. It's a dream come true for her, and she thinks that if she's dreaming then she never wants to wake up again. It's heaven just to be so close to them.
Nothing happens until a little ways into the movie. Hawk, bold as he is, of course, put his hand on Reader's thigh. It isn't long after that Robby puts his arm around her shoulders. The dream continues and she's sure she's going to wake up at any moment to Sam wanting her to put on a bikini and go to her pool party. But she doesn't wake up and realizes she's really in the middle of all this. She can't imagine what they do next.
As Hawk slides his hand along her thigh, he whispers in her ear, "Is this okay?"
She nods, too excited for words. She doesn't even know what to say, too scared that if she speaks, she'll somehow ruin it.
His hand pushes between her thighs and she slightly moves them apart, allowing him room to slot his hand there and squeeze her thigh. She lets out a squeak of surprise, unprepared for that. He chuckles in her ear as Robby holds in his laugh. The noise alerts Demetri to the goings on behind him and he shifts so he can watch them, forgetting about the movie.
Next, Robby slips his hand up her shirt and puts it on her waist. He asks, "Is this okay?"
She nods again and he smirks at her, letting his hand slide up her body until he's cupping her naked tit in his hand and gently fondling it. She bites her lip and holds back a soft moan, to which Demetri finally speaks up.
"We wanna hear you, beautiful," he tells her.
She's so flustered by the nickname and their attention. She lets go of her lip and lets out a noise that embarrasses her. She can only turn her head and hide her face in Hawk's neck, unsure if she even sounds nice to them. She doesn't think so, but Hawk pulls away from her and makes her look up at him as he toys with her thighs and the waistband of her shorts.
"Don't be embarrassed, gorgeous," he tells her. "Like he said, we want to hear you. All your sexy little noises."
Robby only nods in agreement as he continues to play with her tit.
She's practically falling apart in their hands under Demetri's eye. She doesn't know what to do or say but she likes their attention. These simple little touches are more than she could have ever wished for, so she's more than satisfied with them. She has no idea what she's in for...
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nancydrewpcpolls · 4 months
I'm sticking with couples who are/have been canon
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