leadershiipskills · 7 years
i. finished. all. my. drafts?! unbelievable! if i...
At least you accept it. You have grown old gracefully. Well done.
@ tumblr staff, i’m here to report a bully!! can’t believe my sister’s a bully!
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ofstardustandsteel · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp | continued from here. 
“Hey!” Kara’s exclamation is all admonishment. “I was eating those!” Like she doesn’t have four fries between her fingers en-route to her mouth. Like the serving still on the table isn’t giant. She can spare a few fries for Alex... But can she? Does she even want to share fries with a fry-stealer? Especially one who is rubbing their spoils of war in her face (figuratively speaking). “Hm.” She hums around the fries that have made the rest of the journey to her mouth, like she’s really considering Alex’s question. “I’ll get back to you after I have some of yours.” She has half a mind to take a giant bite out of Alex’s cheeseburger, but it’s still somewhere in the depths of the bag. 
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lxsusnxturae-a · 7 years
continued from here with @alexdanvers-rp
A gun was pointed at Alice in a hand that trembled slightly, the only thing that betrayed Alex. She had been witness to many atrocities in her time as an agent, but never had she witnessed another human being be consumed. In the semi-darkness of the abandoned Cadmus base, she hadn’t quite realised what was happening at first, but as she had approached and the situation had become clearer Alex had quelled an urge to vomit as she aimed her gun at the perpetrator. “We’ll just call it a prison for now. If I have any say in it, you’ll never see the light of day again.”
There’s a silence after the others words, stretching out to fill the room until being broken from a drop of blood falling into the puddle of the crimson liquid pooling around the Ghouls bare feet. 
For a moment, she’s tempted to attack. To leap forwards and devour the human before her, tear out her throat and gorge herself on the flesh presented before her.
Instead, she moves slowly, straightening her legs and keeping eye contact - careful to ensure the human appearance of her eyes. Hand wipes across her face in an attempt to wipe the blod away, but the movemet only succeeded in smudging the viscous liquid across her skin. 
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fuyukaixdesu-a · 7 years
closed with @alexdanvers-rp
Mirai wasn’t entirely sure what this event was. It seemed important, though the teen wasn’t too sure why. 
But, she was here, and there was free food and so she was going to take advantage of that. She was so hungry, and Appraisers were so few and far between that getting any money for her work was proving difficult. She considered going home, but thinking upon the reasons she left quickly quells the idea. 
Mirai is just about to bite into a mini quiche when the ground shakes, enough to throw her to the floor. Immediately her eyes dart around, so accustomed to danger that she never really switched off from it. She spots the source almost immediately - an 8ft tall lizard, man, creature had burst from the ground and was evidently, going for the host. 
She moved before her brain had started to process the situation, one hand pulling her ring off the other, and unravelling the bandage that wrapped around her palm. Dropping the two items into the pocket, she’s sprinting towards the action as a drop of blood trickled from the pinprick hole in her palm and off the tip of her index finger. 
The flow strengthens, blood spilling from the wound and liquifying from the bottom up, forming what appeared to be a sword in her hand. Mirai leaps over a crowd of screaming guests, coming between the beast and its starget. She holds the weapon forwards, the tip extending out in a vortex to form a shield of sorts. 
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“Are you okay?” She calls to the woman stood behind her, glancing back for just a moment. 
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abxrrant-a · 7 years
closed with @alexdanvers-rp​
Neirin doesn’t understand what was happening, didn’t know who had arrived at the lab and just started arresting everyone. But he wasn’t going to let the opportunity escape him. 
His bare feet make no sound on the linoleum floor, the faint pants of his breath the only noise in the deserted corridor. No one came down this way, the left wing of the building was decrepid and much too dangerous for a human to traverse. He knew the way around, though, knew what beams could support his weight and where he’d have to rely on his abilities to get him across. 
He’s nearly to it, to the place only he could get through when two of the invaders appear, with big guns and loud voices and the boys heart falls to his stomach. He freezes for a moment, eyes growing wide before instinct kicks in and he’s turning around and sprinting away. 
He ignores the pain in his legs, the burning that went up his spine each time his feet touched the floor and focused on running in a straight line away from the men. 
Head angled to the floor, focused only on the image of his feet coming in and out of his field of vision, the teen doesn’t notice the woman in front of him. He finally notices when they collide, and he bowls to the floor and slides across it to the wall. The impact makes him scream, the pain firing through him just that little too much to bear as he desperately tries to scramble away from the woman.
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 Amber eyes glow a faint gold, his energy crawling across the floor like vines of the same colour, growing up the ceiling as he let his power go unkempt. 
“I-I’m sorry-sorry-sorry.” 
He stammers the words out, positively trembling with fear at the idea of what these people may do to him, may make him do. 
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp​ || continued from
[text:lena] is this a game? do I have to pick one or the other? Or can I say both? Or are you actually planning … actually I don’t think I even want to know. I’m going with both.
[text: alex] You can say both. I doubt it’d actually ever happen. I was just thinking yesterday, I’d feel too exposed on the balcony and my office has security cameras... Granted, since she has super speed, I suppose we could always fly elsewhere. [text: alex] Where do you think Supergirl lives? Do you think she has a normal house? Does anybody pay her in money? I mean, I doubt she’s homeless... even kryptonians have to sleep, if I’m not mistaken. [text: alex] Of course, she’s always welcome to sleep with me. :)
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ofstardustandsteel · 7 years
❛ You think I owe you an apology? For what? ❜
“I don’t want you to apologize to me, I want you to apologize to-” Him? Her? Kara had been on Earth too long, accidentally falling into its strange and unnecessary dichotomies. For all she knew, the alien didn’t subscribe to any gender. “Them! You made me bring the smackdown for no reason.” She hissed, keeping her voice low so their somewhat injured company wouldn’t overhear. The alien was sitting atop some discarded crates in the alley behind the bar, holding an ice pack to their head. Kara gestured toward them, drawing the alien’s attention, and she held a thumbs up to accompany her too-wide smile before turning her attention back to Alex expectantly. 
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp || continued from
“Seriously?” Alex said, her voice hoarse. “I can’t believe Kara sent you. I’m not even ill. I’ve just lost my voice. You need to leave.” It wasn’t even that she didn’t want Lena specifically to look after her, she just wanted to be alone and to wallow in her own self pity. She was laying on the sofa, but stood up, intending to show Lena out. However, when she stood there was  great pressure on her head which made made her wince. She promptly fell back down on to the sofa. She clasped a hand against her forehead as she waited for the pain to subside. “Okay, so maybe I am ill. But I still don’t need looking after. I just stood up too fast.”
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When Alex told her to leave, Lena shook her head with a soft, “That’s not going to happen.” Worry filled her when she saw Alex unable to get up. Truth be told, she didn’t have a lot of experience with these sorts of things. When she was sick, she tended to either push on anyway or, if she couldn’t, sleep it off. Certainly, she had never had anyone to look after her when she was sick, and she hadn’t really had anyone she was close enough to that she would be in a position to take care of them when they were sick.
Lena went to get a glass of water, waiting until after she turned off the sink to speak so she wasn’t yelling over it, guessing Alex’s head hurt already. “I’m sorry that this is uncomfortable for you. I know you’d rather have Kara here. As soon as she gets back from her work emergency, I’ll leave.” She wondered if she should continue or just leave it there for now. She thought about saying something like, Kara’s worried about you, and I am too, but was afraid Alex would take that as an insult. She knew from Kara that Alex was strong, but she had a feeling Alex was also stubborn when she wanted to be. That said, a person having all the strength in the world didn’t mean illness wouldn’t affect them. “I can just read while you sleep, or something like that,” she suggested, but even as she spoke, she doubted Alex would be okay with sleeping in her presence. It would probably be best for Alex to sleep, but Lena was aware she still didn’t really have Alex’s trust.
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp || continued from
Alex’s eyes widened as Lena approached her in the bar. Firstly, she had never imagined that Lena, who had always seemed so perfect and in control, would ever allow herself to lose control by way of inebriation. Secondly she hadn’t been expecting anyone to bring up Supergirl our of the blue. “You mean Supergirl?” Alex asked, even though it was obvious who Lena was talking about. The only other flying hero National City had was J’onn, and he wasn’t a public figure. Really she was floundering, trying to think of an appropriate response. She didn’t like to speak about Supergirl unless she could help it, always conscious of slipping up and saying something that could hint towards her real identity. “Yeah, she’s pretty cool I guess.” Alex smiled as she lifted her shoulders, shrugging as though Supergirl was no big deal to her.
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Of course she meant Supergirl; who else could she be talking about? But Alex seemed to have concluded that on her own, so Lena didn’t bother confirming it. Without asking for permission, she sat next to Alex, leaning in conspiratorially -- though she didn’t quiet her voice at all, so if that was her goal, she defeated the purpose. “Pretty cool? I think you mean pretty hot,” she said with a grin. “I mean, I don’t know if you’re...” Lena gave a vague wave of her hand; Kara hadn’t ever seen it as her place to out Alex, and Lena’s gaydar was uncertain at best, so she actually assumed by default that Alex was probably straight. Just as she supposed Alex probably thought she was straight... until now, that was. “But honestly, have you seen her biceps? I mean, through the suit, but damn.”
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp || continued from
Alex bit her lip, trying to fight back the tears that she could feel threatening to fall. Alex had never embraced crying. It made her feel weak. But after what she had witnessed just a short few minutes ago, Lena risking her own life to save Kara’s, how could she not be overwhelmed? She placed a shaking hand over a cheek, her pinky finger stretched out just a little, pressing tightly against her lips, in attempt to hold everything that she was feeling back. Guilt that she hadn’t been there to protect Kara; guilt that she had distrusted Lena so little, when clearly she had deserved her trust from the start; gratefulness; relief. It was all too much for Alex and looking down at Kara, still unconscious on the hospital bed was the last straw for her. A tear shed as she looked back up at her sister’s saviour. “Thank you.” Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat, still futilely attempting not to lose control completely. “Thank you so much.” She took a deep breath, thinking it would help, but instead when she exhaled a sob escaped. Once that first sob was out there was no chance of Alex regaining control. Tears that had been waiting to fall dripped down her cheeks. Alex brushed them away. “Sorry” She said, apologising for the tears, but also for ever thinking that Lena was just another Luthor. “Just,” Alex waved a hand as she walked away from Lena and Kara. “Give me a sec. I need to…” Words failing her her she merely shook her head. Her shoulders heaved as another sob forced it’s way out. She left the room, head down, shoulders shaking as continued to cry.
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Lena had seen Kara come closer to death than she had ever wanted to truly admit could happen outside of her not so infrequent nightmares. It went without saying that she acted on instinct, doing the only thing she could and throwing herself in front of Kara. Somehow, Lena had escaped the matter relatively unscathed. Just some stitches, though it had been a struggle to convince her to leave Kara’s side for them, no matter how much she was bleeding. The injury had been severe and would undoubtedly leave a nasty scar, but it would heal. The synthetic kryptonite didn’t seem to affect her in any way differently than a regular dagger would have... but Kara, it would have killed.
As soon as her stitches were in place, she was back by Kara’s side. She had been promised that Kara would wake up, but she was still terrified at how close Kara had come to dying. It was an image she knew would haunt her for a very long time. Of course, it went without saying that she understood Alex’s distress -- though honestly, she was so focused on Kara that she hadn’t noticed until Alex spoke up.
She didn’t know how to respond to Alex thanking her, but the conversation was quickly brought away from that and she looked on in concern. She could only imagine how frightened Alex must be; she had had many more years to be afraid for Kara’s safety than Lena had. “It’s okay,” she assured her. “Take your time.” She understood if Alex wasn’t comfortable crying around her. Despite risking her life for Kara, it didn’t really even cross Lena’s mind to think that Alex might see her differently. Right now, she was too worried about Kara to even think much about how others perceived her anyway.
Alone with her, she took Kara’s hand. Please come back to me... The thought was directed somewhat at Kara, but more as a prayer to some higher power she wasn’t even sure she believed in. She has to be okay. Can’t you see how much she means to people? How important she is? It wasn’t just that, though. Kara deserved to be saved not just because she was Supergirl, but because... she was Kara. “I need you,” she dared to whisper aloud, tears filling her eyes. “We need you.”
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp​ || continued from
Alex turned her head sharply as she realised someone had joined her beneath the shelter of her umbrella. “Lena?” Alex’s voice was an octave or two higher than usual, surprised by the presence of Lena. “Sure. Go ahead.” Despite her tone having a hint of sarcasm, making a point of her space being invaded, Alex moved a little closer to Lena, better covering her with the umbrella.
“I’m sorry,” Lena said, a sheepish smile forming. “If it makes it any better, I was about to ask.” Though asking after she was already under the umbrella was probably rather pointless... “But thank you for allowing it. I’m normally not all that bothered, but I'm meeting with some investors in about an hour and I don’t think looking like a drowned rat is really going to impress them.”
Part of it was also because of how often Kara spoke of Alex. On some level, Lena felt like she knew her.
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp​ || continued from
Alex looked surprised at Lena’s exclamation. She lifted her fingers to her lips, where moments before she had been struck by the flailing arm of an alien trying to resist arrest. The area smarted, but she hadn’t realised it was bleeding. She winced as she brushed her fingers across the cut, then brought her hand back down to observe the blood. She wiped the red liquid against her trousers. “Yeah, that happens sometimes.” A lot, actually. Not as much as when she was first on the field, but still a lot by civilian standards. She shrugged. “It’s only superficial.”
Honestly? Lena had very rarely seen somebody actually get injured, and most of the times she had, it had been rather serious. She didn’t really know what the definition of ‘only superficial’ was to most people, just the standards for whether one should take it to the ER for stitches, and she would be lying if she tried to claim she wasn’t shaken by the blood. She rummaged through her purse, seeking something that could work as a makeshift bandage. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to carry something of the sort with her, but she didn’t. Oh -- a scarf. What that was doing in her bag at this time of year was anybody’s guess, but it would work. She took out the scarf and said, in all seriousness, completely unaware of Alex having actual medical training: “I-I took first aid a few years ago. You should put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. Should we get a doctor to look at it? I mean, I don’t think you need stitches, but to make sure it doesn’t get infected?” She offered out the scarf to Alex, hoping the other woman didn’t notice that her hands were slightly shaky.
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leadershiipskills · 7 years
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agent danvers aesthetic for @alexdanvers-rp​ ☆
happy birthday! i know it’s not until tomorrow, but timezones are confusing and i’d rather be early than miss it! *hugs*
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
NAME: Alex
RINGTONE: (the chorus of “Hear Me” by Kelly Clarkson, mostly because she wanted something loud as she figures the only reason Alex would call her is if there was something important about Kara)
PICTURE: (Kara sent her this)
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Kara wanted me to let you know her phone is broken and her new one won’t be here for a couple of days.
LAST TEXT SENT: What’s Kara’s favorite animal? I’m trying to plan a surprise for her.
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted? 21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Character solidifying!
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Definitely book-smart and intelligent. She can be intellectual when the situation calls for it, without a doubt, but I wouldn’t say it’s her primary way of approaching the world. As for street-smarts, you know… she’s got some instinct toward it, but she doesn’t seem to trust that instinct at times. Like when she totally clearly knew Rhea was lying about her phone, but chose to overlook it because she wanted to see the best in her. But when it comes to emergency situations, she has some pretty good instincts as long as she doesn’t panic/freeze, like when she shot Corbin and on Rhea’s ship.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Lena’s experiences growing up, being always expected to act “properly” at various events and whatnot, gave her experience from an early age in shifting her level of politeness and formality depending on circumstance. Which is good, because as a young, female CEO, she has to strike a very delicate balance sometimes. Too polite and she won’t be taken seriously. Too assertive, and the old men will consider her rude and it could cause L-Corp to suffer. So really, she tends to mold her level of manners to the situation, relaxing more when she knows she can. But she tries not to be rude unless she feels like the situation calls for it, like calling people on harsh things they’ve said. She tries never to take out a bad day on someone who’s fault it isn’t, for example.
Well clearly Supergirl is her type. A hero is, to Lena, someone who truly has others’ best interests as priority, and someone who has a kind and genuine heart. She strives to be that kind of hero, too.
She tries to let go of hatred, afraid it will consume her if she doesn’t. Not because it would, but because she’s a Luthor and that’s what happened to Lex and Lillian. However, somebody who hurt innocent people, especially ones Lena cares about, will definitely arise some dislike or even hatred for a time.
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beingmyownhxro · 7 years
⚖ 🌟 :)
Morality Meme
⚖Has your muse broken the law before? Broken a vow or promise?
I don’t think she’s broken the law before. I mean like, if you consider the small crimes that most people commit, like piracy or speeding, she probably hasn’t had any reason to do them. She has enough money that there’s no reason for her to access things illegally, and she probably has always had a driver (either for the Luthor family or her specifically).
Well, I guess helping Rhea create an invasion wasn’t like super legal but she had no idea that’s what was happening. I’d argue that killing all the Daxamites is also of dubious legality, but it’s basically what the literal president was advocating for, and people from a literal government organization, so I guess it’s… not illegal. Somehow. I guess you could also make an argument that she did in fact murder Jack but that’s really a stretch and I doubt that would go far in court honestly considering the real Jack had already been consumed by Nanobots basically.
The thing is, though she’s somewhat dubious about its enforcement (she’s probably known of political and legal enforcement corruption for a very long time), she does believe that most laws are there to protect. Though I’m not saying she would never break the law. She would if she felt it was a barrier to her doing what she felt was right, though she would try to work within the confines of it as best she could. So even if stopping the Daxamite invasion was of dubious legality (at best), she knew it was the only way to save the city or the country or maybe even the planet. But most laws aren’t anything she has reason to break.
Oh, it is possible that she drank underage. She went to college years younger than her peers and was desperate to fit in, so that’s very possible. It probably didn’t happen more than a time or two though since it didn’t help her fit in at all.
As for vows and promises, she tries her best to uphold them. She’s had so many promises to her be broken – promises to love her, to stay in her life, promises that someone could be trusted… so she takes lies and betrayal very seriously. She tries not to make promises she’s not sure she can keep, or if she’s not sure she’ll probably qualify it with like “if I can” or promising she’ll try her hardest. There might still be times where she unexpectedly can’t fulfill a promise, but she’ll always do her best.
There were, however, times growing up where she made promises to her mother that she didn’t keep, and Lena would probably consider those to be broken promises even if they were basically made under duress. It wasn’t anything truly serious, but things like Lillian making her promise that she would behave “better” at events or making her promise that her “lesbian confusion” was just a phase which she was over and she wouldn’t “tarnish” the Luthor name like that.
🌟: Do they consider themselves a good person?Ngl I was high-key hoping someone would ask this one in particular
She thinks about this a lot, honestly.
She knows that she tries to be. She tries so, so hard to do good in the world. And if trying is enough to make her a good person, then she supposes she is, but she doesn’t think it’s enough just to try.
And then she thinks that maybe she’s doomed. She thinks that Lex was “just bad” and she used to think that he was good, for so long, so who’s to say the same isn’t true of her – that she’s inherently bad? What if that’s why she seems to be (according to her during times of insecurity) so unlovable? Maybe as a Luthor, she’s just Bad no matter what she does.
After all, she’s destroyed everything she’s touched. Even if her intentions were always good, she’s caused so many deaths. If she were a good person, wouldn’t that not happen to her?
I’ve mentioned before the crushing guilt she feels for so many things but like that runs so deep. Now that she knows the truth about her conception, sometimes she even wonders if had she never been born Lillian might not have been so bitter and cruel that she was driven to create Cadmus. If that’s the case, she really must be bad.
She just hopes that maybe, if she keeps trying hard enough… maybe she can do good anyway. Even if she’s bad.
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