#(all the incorrect quotes I submit do have an actual source btw.
hms-incorrect-quotes · 11 months
Mind, moments before being shot at: 🎵I hate you, you hate me~🎵
Mind: Oh wait, nobody can hate me. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.
Heart: ...
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river-is-daddy · 6 years
out of curiousity, how do you source your quotes?
Depends on what is being sourced. 
All sources are after the first two tags (#dream daddy , #incorrect quotes). I try to have them all lowercase but sometimes I’m on mobile, Tumblr just gives me tags with capital letters, or I directly copied and pasted the source. They don’t make a difference when it comes to finding the post or categorizing them by their tags but it’s just some nitpicking. This is also one of the reasons why I take a while to share submitted quotes (which, btw, is highly encouraged) because I’m making sure I have the sources I need to make it consistent. It’s all personal preferences in play. 
Sometimes I will change the tags later on if the source is wrong. This applies to any source that I discover is inaccurate. (It’s greatly appreciated if you correct me) 
BTW I didn’t expect this to be a long answer so I put in a keep reading. 
Movies: If it’s part of a franchise, I’ll put the name of the franchise first and then the name of the movie title (e.g. I’m quoting “Prisoner of Azkaban” from the Harry Potter movies, I will put #harry potter first and then #prisoner of azkaban). If a movie can be watched without having to watch other movies beforehand to understand it, I consider it a standalone movie. Standalone movies simply have the movie title. 
TV shows/Radio shows/Podcasts/Youtube series: The name of the show and the episode name. If there’s no name, I only put in the episode number. (e.g. I would just say epsiode 20). Youtube series don’t include the name of the channel. (e.g. If I’m quoting an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, I don’t tag BuzzfeedBlue or Buzzfeed Unsolved Network- I only tag Buzzfeed Unsolved and then the episode) 
Books: Same as sourcing a movie. Franchises are referenced before the actual title and standalone books simply reference the title. 
Standalone YouTube videos/Online video: For standalone videos, I first put in the original creator’s name/username and then the video’s title (e.g. I’m quoting nigahiga’s “How to be Nerd” but it’s only available on a different channel that reposted the video, so I would say #nigahiga and then #how to be nerd). Same goes to online videos. 
Tumblr posts: First tag is always #tumblr post. The next tag depends on what type of post it is. If it’s a standalone post, then the username of the tumblr is the text tag. If the post is a conversation via reblogs, the first username that is in the conversation is used. If the post has what I think is a title, then the next tag is the title. If there is no title, I come up with a title and use that as the next tag.  
Twitter posts/ Instagram posts/Other social media posts: I first say that it is from whichever social media I find it on. (e.g. #twitter , #instagram ,etc.) I try to find the original source of the quote to make sure it’s not a reposted thing before I put in the social media in the tag. If it’s Twitter, I then put in the twitter handle and finally I give it a title (like the Tumblr post). Instagram is similar (quotes will be seen as photos so if there’s a title in the photo I will use that instead of creating my own title.) Facebook and and Instagram are more or less the same. So far, only Twitter and Instagram are my primary other social media post sources. This format may change as I find more posts from other social media sites. 
Text messages: I tend to avoid these kinds of quotes. If the text messages are part of a series (texts from last night, as an example), I will put that series name. Otherwise, I source where I think the text is from (e.g. Tinder dms, iMessage, etc.) 
Original: These are quotes I come up with; or in the case of a submission, these are quotes that I assume were originally made by the submitter. If the case is the latter and there’s a title, then I will put the title in the tags. 
Submissions: I put three tags in before or after the source. They are #quotes submission #submission and the tumblr username. They can be anonymous if they say so in the submission (I rewrite quotes to use the chat post format and have all needed letters are lowercase). 
I will probably add more in the future. 
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