#(also did I forget to eat while finishing this? listen you can't prove anything)
veinsfullofstars · 2 months
Your childhood friends au is so cute! Can I ask how poor lil Meta already got himself that big ole scar on his head? If he already got himself hurt his friends would be sooo sad!
Aw, thank you so much, anon! I’m doing my best to channel as much wholesome energy into this project as I can (at least for now, hehe).
As for Meta’s scar, well… I can’t say too much at the moment (got some plans for a bigger piece to explain it in full in the future, and I need to establish a few more characters and scenes first... so many ideas, so little time, y'know), but I can give this little tidbit:
He got it on the day he first arrived on Popstar, not long before he met his new friends…
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(ID: A long vertical shot of Green Greens at night during a meteor shower, the navy-blue sky stained in dark tones of color, speckled and streaked with stars. Below, grassy hills and fields are laid out to our right, dotted with trees and thin pill-shaped structures, and a swathe of dense forest spreads towards the horizon on our left. A curling wisp of smoke rises from the center of the woods where something has apparently made impact. In the foreground, on top of the hill closest to us, a telescope - presumably Para's - lies knocked over on its side, and an upturned picnic basket spills snack foods all over a red-and-white-checkered blanket spread over the grass. Text bubbles wind down from the top around to the bottom, the speakers off-screen and unspecified, presumably family and neighbors of Dedede, Para, and Bow. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Sketch started 04/22/24, sketch finished 04/23/24.
Dialogue transcript:
“Hah… Is everyone alright?”
“Y-Yeah… I think so.”
“It didn’t hit anyone, did it?”
“No. It just passed overhead, thank stars.”
“Goodness, that was scary.”
“You’re tellin' me. When I said I wanna see the meteor shower up close and personal, I didn’t mean that close!”
“I didn't know shooting stars could fall out of the sky.”
“I don’t think that was a normal shooting star...”
“Look! Over there, in the woods! That must be where it landed!”
“Oh, dear, do you think we should- Wait. Has anyone seen the kids?”
“They were just here a second ago, weren’t they?”
“You don’t think…?”
“Dammit… Alright, c'mon, let's go! That can't've gone far.”
“Oh, Dee… Of all the times to go running off into danger…”
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To Hell & Back
Part Three: “I don’t scare you and I guess that’s why”
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Summary: You attempts at payback keep getting ruined. Somehow, you keep needing the same idiot you hate.
Prompt: “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
Warnings: Swearing. [Also typos, probably. Which shall be repaired by tomorrow]
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Masterlist [in case you missed the other ones]
"Good morning-" your customer service smile widens just a smidge, "-what can I get ya?"
Bucky narrows his eyes, lips tightening into a thin line as he looks over you. Even with the counter between you and the little fluff in his hand, he still manages to look intimidating.
You're trying your best to not show how much the sight of him, angry and inconvenienced, pleases you. It's a mission, but you keep your professional façade intact.
"I'm going to throw you off the roof." He growls, adjusting his arm as he glares at you. "Then I'm gonna dance on your grave."
"That doesn't sound familiar," you say coyly, tilting your head to the side. "Is that some kind of latte?"
There is a line forming behind him and your co-workers are you giving the both of you side-eyes. Bucky doesn't seem to care, his blue eyes flashing with what you can only hope is anger. You don't care either, you warned him and he didn't listen.
"You took my parking space-" he dumps the white fluff onto the counter between you. "-my fucking parking space."
You shrug. "You made me drink filter coffee."
He glowers. "That justifies your actions?"
"Filter," you emphasize, gently nudging the little fur ball towards him. "Filter fucking coffee, Barnes. Do you know what that shit does to a person?"
You can hear one of your co-workers mumble an "oh, here we go" and you shoot them a glare. Turning back to the mammoth in front of you, you nudge his gift back to him.
"Excuse me-" Bucky turns around, giving you a clear view of the old man behind him. "-some of us have things to do. Can you two hurry the fuck up?"
You both blink at the man, completely unfazed, then turn back to each other. He shoves the cat back to you and it lets out a disgruntled out.
"Take your cat and go home," you gently push it back to him.
"I don't have a cat." He pushes it back.
"Your parking space disagrees." You pick it up and put it in his arms.
He narrows his eyes, holding the cat. "That was just cruel, even for you, doll."
"Not a doll."
"I will be taking your parking space."
"I don't have one-" you grin. "-no car, no space. Also, you can't prove I took your parking space."
His nostrils flare. "Who else would put this-" he gestures to the furball clinging onto him, "-in a box and put it where my bike is supposed to be?!"
You blink at him. Once. Twice. Then frown. "Wait, why do you have a car and a bike?"
You nod. "Yeah, I keep forgetting to ask you about that-"
"Sweetheart, I'm going to drop you off in Australia after this-" your heart nearly plummets at the thought and you glare at him. "-and that's your concern, right now? The car and the bike?"
You don't question why or how he knows Australia is on your list of murder sites. You also don't question why the way he just called you sweetheart makes you want things you shouldn't.
You're about to respond, something snarky that will piss him off even more, when the same guy interrupts again.
"Hey!" He rounds and stands next to Bucky, glaring you both down. "Listen, I didn't beat morning traffic for some coffee only to have some gym buff flirt up the cashier."
Bucky's eyebrows shoot up. He tries to blink back the shock, but he can't.
Flirt? With you? He could never disrespect you like that. Not at your job. Never like this.
You have worked with, and for, people like that for the longest of time. So you're not surprised by the tantrum the man throws.
However, you're running low on patience at the moment.
"Sir-"you glare at the man, "-this man, right here, is a war hero. A veteran. The reason half the world is back. You owe your life to him. So if you're gonna be an asshole-"
Bucky cuts in. "Doll, it's oka-"
"Shut your trap, Barnes!" You hiss at him, before turning back to the man. "If you're gonna be an asshole and accuse him of flirting with me, then call him Sergeant - not gym buff. Now, get the fuck out of my shop before I have him throw you out!"
The man sputters, random words flying out of his mouth as he scrambles to form a sentence. Bucky grimaces at the sight and turns back to you.
"That wasn't necessary-"
"He called me a cashier."
He pauses, then nods. You were a barista first, manager second - you worked far too hard on that promotion to be demoted publicly by an asshole - and spiteful third.
You would rather let your neighbour call you Doll, than let a stranger assume your job title.
"Fair point. I'll take a coffee while I wait for you-"
You slit your eyes. "What kind of coffee, Barnes?" You grit the words out.
It's not a question, it's a warning. One he blatantly ignores as he adjusts the kitten in his arm.
He gives you a smile, the most innocent smile you've ever seen on that face of his. And that's saying a lot, you've seen all his smile and none of them are this deceiving.
A pit forms in your stomach at the glint in his eyes. Utter betrayal.
"I swear to god, if you say filter-"
"Decaf." He cuts you off, a sweet smile on his face. "I'll take decaf."
You had wiped down the counter three times, before finishing with your queue. Then took over making the drinks, while everyone else worked the registers.
If Bucky wasn't sure that you were making him wait on purpose, the fact that you let everyone else take their breaks first was confirmation enough.
Once you were sure he had been stewing for long enough, you took your fifteen minutes.
With a bottle of water and an empty ice cream cup, you move to the little corner booth in the back. Bucky leans back, eyeing your hands, as you approach.
"That's all you're gonna eat?" Is his question as you sit down.
"Not for me," you pour water into the cup and nudge it towards him. "It's for your new friend. Or roommate. Or whatever it is you called 'em back in the day."
He rolls his eyes, gently picking up the cat from his lap and placing it on the table. He nudges the water closer to cat.
"Now," you fold your arms on the table and rest your chin on them, watching the little thing make it's way to the water. "Tell me more about this fuzzball."
Bucky frowns and shifts slightly in his chair, slowly analysing you. You don't notice, too busy focused on the cat that shouldn't be in the shop.
For a moment, you have this wondrous look in your eye as you watch. It's there for a short moment, then it's gone. He wants it back. In your eyes, where it should always be.
You chance a look at him. "The cat?"
"Why aren't you eating?" He counters. "Isn't it your break?"
"No, it's not for another three hours." You straighten in your seat. "This is just a breather, so use it wisely."
"Okay, then what will you be eating in three hours?"
You sigh, folding your arms and leaning in your seat. "Are you asking me out for lunch, Barnes?"
He bristles. Not because of the question, but the use of his last name. He prefers Bucky, you know he does, but he's gotten so accustomed to you calling him anything other than Bucky that it worries him.
"No," he states.
Not lunch. That's not enough time, it's never enough time.
Dinner. That's a definite. Nights are longer, and you don't have to rush back to work after. It's not enough time either, but it's a gateway to breakfast. So, not lunch. Never lunch.
"Then?" You raise an eyebrow.
He retaliates by raising his. "Will you be eating lunch or working through it?"
You stare at him, eyes flicking between both blues. He stares back, something you've noticed he's good at. And knowing that stirs something inside you, something you wish you could drown.
"Yes, Barnes-" you sigh. "-I will be eating lunch."
"I always figured Blondilocks was the mom friend of your death squad. Guess I was wrong."
Blondilocks is a nickname you reserved for Steve. It used to piss him off, but now he realises how fitting it is.
He chooses to ignore your remark. "Now, let's talk about the parking space and the cat."
"I'm innocent."
"No, you're not." He glares. "You threatened to take my parking space and now you took it."
"I plead the fifth."
"And you involved a cat. What am I supposed to do with a cat?"
"I want a lawy–" you pause, his words seeming to echo in your head. You sit up and place your hands on the table. "–wait a minute. What did I do with what cat?"
Bucky points at the kitten laying on the table. You're not seated by a window, but the rays of sunlight still reach your table – much to the furball's delight.
"The cat in my parking space." He says it like you're supposed to know what he's talking about.
Which is both amusing and upsetting, because you don't.
You blink at him. "I didn't put a cat in your parking space."
"Yes, you did."
"No, I didn't. I put something else in the parking space–" you claim, your mind flashing with the images of plates of tampon-stuffed jelly that you placed on his parking space. "–but not a living creature. I'd never abandon a living, breathing thing in a basement parking lot for payback. I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
It's Bucky's turn to be confused. The only reason he was there, at your work, was because he tried to park his car – only to find a large box in the middle of his parking spot. Inside the box, was a small pillow and bowl of milk, next to what looked like a small, white fluffy tennis ball.
He thought it was you. It made sense. The thing inconvenienced him, like something you would make sure to do. And it was added responsibility that you knew he never wanted. So, of course he thought it was you. It had to be.
"Wait, so all you found was a cat?" You frown, clearly annoyed at that little fact.
Bucky nods slowly, confused that it wasn't you. Who else could it be, if not you?
You huff. "So... You didn't get my surprise gift to you? At all?"
"There was a cat," he explains again. "In a box. That's it."
"Now that's just fucking disrespectful!" You're beyond pissed now. "I spent the entire night on those dishes."
"No need to be dramati–"
"Barnes–" you flash your eyes at him, picking up the table's salt shaker and pointing it at him. "I will use this."
His eyes narrow. "I'm not a demon–"
"I," your eyes narrow further, "will use this."
There's banging on your door. Loud and insistent. You don't need to ask, to know who it is.
You're also very, very aware of the fact that your mother somehow got a copy of your keys. You called her out on it, one Saturday Session, gross invasion of privacy was the term you used.
Somehow, those words twisted into something far more sinister and you left your childhood home feeling worse than you did when you walked in.
You hated those five years. Watching your mother mourn both your sister and father did things to you, things no one should ever have to go through. But watching your sister's husband –  a man you used to respect – turn into everything you hate, that had to have been the worst of it all.
You hated those five years, you hated the Avengers for not winning too. But now, with everyone back, you wish they'd lost again.
"Psst," you're on your balcony, hoping your neighbour's super serum gave him superhearing. "Barnes."
You slipped out the glass door the moment you heard a key being slipped into your front door locks. You guess your mother is either with your sister, or she gave her a copy of your keys. You made sure to close it on your way out, and hid out of sight.
"Barnes," you whisper again, "Barnes, open up. I will freeze to death out here."
A soft click sounds, followed by your neighbour's glass door opening a fraction. He sticks his head out, a frown on his face as he eyes you.
"Wha–" he inspects your attire, the only light coming from a street pole a few blocks away. "–why aren't you wearing pants?"
You stick your hand out, wiggling your fingers at him. "I will cat sit for you, if you can hide me."
The barrier, a makeshift fence, between your balconies reaches his waist in height. But you have no upper body strength so pulling yourself over it will lead to a disaster, and the amount of noise that will expose your hiding place.
Sighing, he steps out onto the balcony and gently shuts the door behind him.  It takes you moment to realise he's shirtless, and in sweatpants, then another to realise you've never seen him shirtless and in sweatpants.
You're staring. Gawking. And it's shameful, but you can't seem to pull yourself together.
It's unsettling for him, the way you're looking at him. He clears his throat but you don't seem to hear it, too far in your own mind apparently.
Your hand, the one you'd held out for him, slowly lowers to the railing and you blink. The cold air nips at your skin and you have to force yourself to look up at his eyes.
Big mistake. You think as your breath hitches, he looks like he wants to throw you off the roof, but your heart flutters a bit at the sight of his little pout.
The corner of your lips twitch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," you begin, "you just... You do look like a gym buff in those pants."
He glares. "You gonna stare all night or what?"
You wish you could find that little part of you that wants to say yes, just so you could throw her off that balcony.
This time, you lift both your arms up and pout. "Or what."
Gentle hands grip your waist, warm and cold, and hoist you over the railing. Bucky gently sets you down, your mismatched socks barely warming your feet against the cold metal.
"This is the weirdest booty call I've ever had," you muse, trying to keep your mind off of his hands on you.
He scoffs, taking a step back. "Pretty sure that's my line, Doll–"
"–not a Doll."
"–and  I'm pretty sure this is more of a home invasion, than a booty call."
"You would know."
Sighing, he squeezed passed you to open the door. "Ladies first."
You curtsey and practically leap inside when you catch a glimpse of your glass door opening. A sharp pain slices through your arm as you land on your side.
Bucky is about to rush in, to ask if you're alright, to see if you've actually lost the remainder of your mind. Because you must have.
He shivers, in the worst way, at the sound of your sister's voice and is forced to abandon all thoughts of checking on you. Schooling his face takes priority now.
He turns around, grimacing slightly at her shocked expression. "Hey."
"Uh-uh–" she stammers, eyes that match yours scanning every inch of him as she does. "–uh-uh-"
Nodding, he sighs. "Yeah, sorry–" she's not the first to react like this. He's just glad that your staring didn't result in that. "–I came out for some fresh air. I should've known someone would think to do the same."
Your sister's gaping only seizes when her husband's voice echoes from your apartment. Of course she'd bring her husband.
"Oh," the asshole repeats, stepping out onto the balcony. "Hey, man. What's up?"
Bucky shrugs, forcing a smile. "I didn't know you guys were over. Woulda stopped by and said hi, if I knew."
"Oh," your sister lets a nervous laugh, waving the thought away. "No, no. We were just in the area and wanted to stop by. Ya know, check on her."
They came because of the poisoned muffins.
Bucky doesn't need to force the smile anymore. "Oh, that's great. How is she?"
This is probably the first time they've managed to leave their place. Or else they would have been there earlier in the week.
The asshole shrugs. "I hope we didn't make dinner uncomfortable for you on Saturday," he adds instead. "We really enjoyed your company."
"Hmm." Bucky nods, still smiling. Near grinning now. By the third twitch of lips, he knows he has to get back inside before it's too late. "Well, goodnight."
He thought the torture was when he had to walk back, slowly, into his own place without breaking down. Then closing the door at a slow pace, as not to give anything away.
But as soon as he turned around, as soon as he saw you sitting on the floor, on his impromptu bed. Legs criss-cross, kitten by your feet, and cup of coffee in your hands. Everything changed.
"Helped myself to some coffee," you whisper, cradling the cup closer to your lips.
Torture would be the following night, and the nights after that. Where he would walk into his apartment, and not find you there – like this.
TAGS :D : @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel , @arctic-duchess , @sltwins , @thewayilookatbacon , @buckyisperfect , @paryl
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writteninkat · 3 years
xii - overwhelmed
word count - 2,220
"if i love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?"
You walk towards the classroom with your palms sweating and your heart about to beat right out of your chest. You had just confessed to Katsuki thinking he also felt the same, but all he replied was a lousy 'you don't even know me'.
You furrow your brows, clenching your palms into fists in irritation. How am I so stupid? I came to Japan to prove myself and to that dumb father of mine that I can be a powerful hero! And yet here I am being swept off track by some lousy high school crush!
"Careful- if you stare any harder you're gonna melt holes through the walls." A tired and very familiar voice calls out feom behind you. You turn around, anger still clouding your head as your eyes fall on a violet-haired boy.
"Careful- if you don't do anything about your lack of sleep anytime soon you're gonna collapse." You spat back; suddenly everything around you vexes you. You send a mental message to everyone in school; today you're hot-headed, your patience is as thin as a hair strand and taking out your anger through physical violence seems like an amazing idea right about now.
"Jokes on you, I've been like this my whole life and I've never collapsed." He smirks, causing you to raise a brow. "Okay maybe I never collapsed from my lack of sleep."
"Look what the hell do you want?"
"Well- thought you looked pretty upset." He holds up two pastel yellow-colored papers. "And I just so happen to have two free ice cream passes for that new ice cream place right beside the campus." He takes a look at his watch, "We still have an hour and thirty minutes till the bell rings. What do you say?"
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"And that idiot just says 'you barely even know me'" You wave your hands up, making a dumb face as well as a dumb voice to match, "like hello! I know I barely know you and that's why I feel so upset and conflicted right now! You get what I mean???" You huff back on your seat, shoving the small pink translucent teaspoon in your mouth.
Shinsou nods his head, eyes on his ice cream as he shoves a few scoops in his mouth. "Mmm- this banana flavor tastes amazing. You should try it." He offers his cup to you, making you frown.
"You're such a jerk! I thought you brought me here to let me vent out my anger." You frown, your eyebrows knitting together as you place your cup on the table, leaning back on your seat as you crossed your arms.
"I did. I listened as you vented out your anger to me and we're having ice cream but I never said we were going to talk about the situation." He points out, annoyingly unbothered expression resting on his face as he continues eating his own ice cream.
You look at him in irritation and silence for a few moments, trying to calm yourself before taking your little teaspoon and scooping a bit from his own cup. You shove the scoop inside your mouth, pouting. "The banana tastes amazing." You huff, expression still angry.
Shinsou chuckles lightly, the small smile actually lighting up his usually dark features. "It is, isn't it?" You've only ever met one person with a so-called 'contagious smile' and he was the funny boy you met at the park one day.
Ethan will have to share his spot in my list for 'contagious smiles'. You thought to yourself, letting a smile break your frown as you look down at your ice cream.
"Have you seen the new conjuring movie? It's pretty cool, a solid six out of ten." He shrugs. You shake your head, "I can't watch scary movies. I won't be able to sleep especially now that I live alone."
He raises a brow at you, "Oh come on. We can watch it together through video chat or something. I really wanna see you piss yourself while watching it." He chuckles, causing you to squint your eyes at him. "Is that a challenge?" You point your spoon accusingly at him.
"What if it is? You gonna back out? Loser?" He pushes jokingly, mirroring your squinted eyes. You bring your hand on the table in a fist, "Oh it's on."
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Shinso walks you to your classroom just five minutes before the bell is about to ring. "How can I contact you?" He asks, doing the thing with his hand behind his nape as he looks away. "Here." You tug at his hand, writing down your discord account with a marker. "Call me after the sun sets. I'll be home by then."
He waves you good bye and you step in, almost completely forgetting about why you were annoyed so early in the morning. Your eyes fall on the blond boy, still looking angry as usual. His eyes meet yours for a fraction of a second before your looking towards your seat.
As you sit down, the bell rings and in comes Aizawa, tired as ever. "Today, you will all be choosing your hero names. This has a lot to do with the Pro-Hero draft picks and because you are only first years, any offers can be taken back before you graduate." He explains, pointing at a chart where Todoroki's, Katsuki's and your names are written at the top with thousands of heroes wanting to recruit you.
"You will all spend one week interning with the pro heroes you choose or those who chose you, depending on if you have multiple offers or just one." Aizawa continues to talk about the importance of hero names before Midnight walks in the classroom.
The class begins to cheer in excitement as they all are given boards and markers for their names. The cheering and yelling dies down in a few minutes but the excitement doesn't. You smile, feeling your heart throb at the innocent looks in your classmates' faces.
Each of you all are being called up to present your hero names and as your turn slowly comes closer, your palms begin to sweat and that feeling of not being able to stand properly hits you.
"L/n Y/n. It's your turn, come on up sweetie." Midnight calls for you, curling her fingers a few times. You stand from your seat, walking towards the front, keeping your eyes forward and looking anywhere but Katsuki's eyes.
You flip your board around. "I chose the name Tempest. It means a violent windy storm." Midnight claps her hands, "I love it! Basically telling the villains not to mess with the storm." She cheers, allowing you to walk back to your seat.
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"So! Have you guys chosen an agency yet?" Mina asks, shoveling food in her mouth as Kirishima and Sero follow suit. You shrug your shoulders, "I'm having a difficult time choosing between Hawks' agency or Endeavor's agency. I want to work on my speed but then again, Endeavor's the number two. It'd be a waste to throw this chance away."
"And yet," Denki points his fork at you, "It's also a waste to throw away the chance of working with Hawks. I heard he's the youngest pro right now who has his own agency and is in the top ten."
As you were about to scold the blond for talking with his mouth full, Katsuki marches towards the table, setting his tray down before sitting down beside Kirishima. You look at the empty space beside you and your mood immediately turns sour.
Wow. Sure, he has the right to feel uncomfortable with my sudden confession but to not actually have some type of closure? You sigh, not bothering to finish your food before standing up. You slide your tray to Denki, earning a cheery mouthful 'thanks!' from him before you walk away.
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You walk out the classroom upset, tired and hungry. Your mind races back to the tuna sandwhiches the cafe sold and your mouth immediately begins to water.
"Hey idiot."
All your food fantasies disappear the moment his gruff yet very warm and relaxing voice calls out to you. To make sure you weren't about to embarrass yourself, you look in front of you, searching for someone else only to be greeted by an empty hallway.
Slowly, you turn around, pressing your lips together as you look at Katsuki with the most nonchalant look you could pull, no matter how much you wanted to scowl at him.
"What's up?" You ask, mentally slapping yourself. What's up? What's up??? Who the fuck do you think you are to him, Kirishima??
He looks awaw, walking towards you. "They have new matcha cookies today. I checked before I got here."
You stand there, staring at him for a second, two seconds, five- ten- "Dumbass. Yo. Can you hear me?" Katsuki snaps his fingers in front of you, gaining your attention as he snaps you out of your daze- literally. "Well?"
As much as you want to say yes, accept his offer and just live a happy life, you didn't want to live a confusing one where you get hurt in the end. "I don't see why you have to do this, honestly." You look to your right, looking out the windows.
"We hang out, I feel like you're treating me differently than the others, I feel like I'm special to you, I recognize my feelings, and although I feel conflicted and upset I still confess my feelings to you." You grip onto your bag, "And you respond to me by what- telling me I barely know you?"
You look back at him, the corners of your lips pulled downwards sightly. "Katsuki I- I got the message, okay? Don't do whatever this is to me because from my point of view, you're leading me on cause you can't voice out or even figure out your own feelings." You motion your arms between the two of you. "If you liked hanging out with me, I'm sorry but I gotta keep some distance between the two of us before I go confessing to you again like an idiot."
You stand there, eyes dropped to the floor in silence.
Say something, you idiot! Fucking say something to me! Tell me how you feel- it doesn't matter if it'll hurt me, just say something!
"I'm sorry."
You look up at him, confused. His brows are knitted together in dejection as his shoulders sag momentarily.
You feel your eyes prickle with tears as you nod, pressing your lips together. "Okay." You click your tongue, turning away as you walked from the unnervingly quiet boy.
As you reach your apartment, the sun has already set, you're tired, your cheeks are stained and are still being stained with tears and your phone is blaring.
You answer it without another thought, Shinsou's tired and relaxed voice giving you a soft 'hey'. You can hold it in much longer as you break down into sobs.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Talk to me, Y/n." He sounds genuinely concerned. You sob for a few moments, letting out all the emotion you've pent up inside you as you walked back to your apartment.
"I-I just-"
Another call interrupts the two of you, making you furrow your brows. "Hold on-" You sob, your eyes scanning down your screen to see your mom calling you. You put your call with Shinsou on hold, answering your mom.
"Hey mom!" You cheer, trying to act as gleeful as possible. "Hey baby! So I heard you have a boyfriend, your aunt Miwa sent me a picture of the two of you in the paintball place? I just thought maybe you wanted to know about that boy's abrasive and violent past?"
He's not your boyfriend.
"What- you looked into him?" You yell.
"Well I had to! It's my first time my baby has a boyfriend. Anyway, I don't mean to be that mom but I don't think he's a good fit for you, honey. He's bullied countless students in middle school and after observing how he acted in the sports festival, I don't think that boy changed at all." Your mother does sound truly concerned for you but everything seemed to be too much for you today.
Before you can even think of the sentences you want to say, you hear a knock on your door. You sigh, pacing towards it as you pull it open, brows furrowing in anger at the sight of your father in front of you.
"Y/n I just want a second chance-"
You yell.
You yell out your frustrations, your sadness, your hesrtsches, everything. Every single emotion you felt today just came pouring out as you yelled from the top of your lungs.
Your body falls to the floor as your limbs begin feeling like jell-o and your head begins to spin. You hear your father ordering his guards around frantically, but his words are all muffled and unclear. You begin seeing double- seeing two of your father really isn't helping right now.
"Hey, Y/n, baby keep your eyes open for me. I'll bring you to the hospital just-"
"Can all of you just shut the fuck up for a moment?" You whisper weakly before darkness swallows you up once again.
It's cold. It's dark. You're alone.
You're always alone.
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