#(also interesting that he's never tried this shit with mox
traitorestraven · 2 years
actually! kinda fascinating how all of the older men that become obsessed with mjf do so in a way that's proprietary. they all want to have or have had a hand in making him, even Punk, who's the only of MJF's line of enemies/mentors to be antagonistic to him from the start. Cody's sentimentality towards MJF is all wrapped up in the idea that he found this diamond in the rough kid and saw something in him no one else could, and this gave him special insight into who MJF was as a person that even the audience--which sees everything--didn't have. Jericho wanted a second Sammy Guevara, a rising star he could control in order to keep himself at the top. Punk literally tied them together with a chain. setting aside any fan interpretations (gay shit), it's an interesting theme to have surrounding a character whose express purpose is to be as repulsive as possible!
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jayswritings13 · 2 years
Helluva: Murder Pack (Blitzø x Millie x Moxxie poly)
Request: "Blitzø, Millie and Moxxie are all in a wholesome poly marriage with each other. However to keep it interesting Blitzø is still struggling with his past failures and failed relationships. Millie is also top, Blitzø being top as well, but bottom towards Millie and Moxxie being a solid bottom" by Anon
Note: This was so much fun to write!
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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These three are WILD.
Moxxie is the unofficial mom of the group, making sure that Blitzø isn't getting himself in too much danger.
Millie often tries to help Moxxie with this, but some of the time she gets sucked into whatever Blitzø is doing, leaving Moxxie to look after both of them.
But at the end of the day, Moxxie is more than happy to tag along with the two of them, even if it's just to make sure that both of them are safe.
Blitzø keeps tabs on both Millie and Moxxie at all times.
Blitzø also NEVER forgets any important dates or anything that you said.
"This is for you, Mils."
"How did you know that I love Janis Morrissette?!"
"You mentioned it once when we were in the human world." Blitzø said, grinning. "You wouldn't stop staring at her poster, either."
Millie is so touched that she spends weeks thinking of ways to return the favor to Blitzø.
"What's with all the green yarn?"
"Oh! You weren't supposed to see that, Mox!"
"...but why?"
"I was gonna try to learn how to knit shit for you!!" Blitzø grumbled, picking up the yarn ball. "It's green. Your favorite color."
Blitzø may be ass at times, but he always tried to make sure Millie and Moxxie always knew that they were cared for.
The two of them didn't understand until they learned more about Blitzø's past from little comments that he's made and other things that Loona's noticed.
Moxxie and Millie try to be there for Blitzø as much as they can, with doesn't go unnoticed by the taller imp.
As much as Blitzø loves to take control and tease the shit out of Moxxie so much, he will immediately do whatever he needs to whenever Millie is in charge.
Which is pretty much all the time.
But, Moxxie will forever be flustered in the hands of Millie and Blitzø.
Working together and being romantically involved have their......complications.
"What have I told you about doing this shit while out on a kill?"
"Well, you-"
"What did I tell you?"
"Not to."
"...So what are you?"
"I couldn't help it. Your ass looked so good. I had too!"
"This isn't the right time for tha-Hey!"
"He's right, hun. Your ass just looks great right now," Millie smirked, "We just can't help ourselves, Mox. Can you blame us?"
"Yes....Yes, I sort of can because the two of you currently have your hands on my ass. We're on a job!"
"Cock block." Blitzø muttered.
Millie and Moxxie like Loona and care about her, especially since Blitzø cares very deeply for her.
Loona may rag on Millie and Moxxie constantly, but she does like that they are there for Blitzø and genuinely care about him.
Dates night can be chaotic, but for the most part all three of them stay in due to either saving money or being kicked out of all the good places near them.
Movie nights are usually their go-to, even if Blitzø will fight both Moxxie and Millie about picking the movie.
Moxxie is in charge of snacks and basically all the cooking, see as he's the best chef and baker out of the three.
The three of them once did a game night, where they all played uno.
It didn't end well.
Ever since that night, all three of them agreed never to do anything like that again.
"Y'know that I .......love you both, right?"
"Of course we know, Blitzø."
"I know that I don't always show it in the same way as you two, bu-"
"Blitzø, I love you."
"Blitz, I love you too." Millie smiled, "You're important to the both of us."
"Ah! Fuck, this is so wholesome and sweet and shit!"
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nightcityheat · 3 years
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ᴠ ᴀs ɴᴘᴄ ᴛᴇᴍᴘʟᴀᴛᴇ
|| "Vɪʀᴜs" ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ
i. name
Rome Kilgrave, although he barely uses it.
ii. alias
Virus, from his first years netrunning as a teen. Surprisingly enough, it stuck.
iii. age
27, born the 10th of June 2049.
iv. gender and pronouns
cis man, he/him.
v. sexuality
vi. skill set/class
Netrunner. Generally speaking he's also skilled in infiltration and stealth work.
vii. appearance
Black undercut, pale skin, green eyes, moles, goatee and stubble, silver piercings and geometric tattoos.
viii. aesthetic
Clothing-wise he has a dark punk aesthetic, some semi-vintage streetwear kitsch with a glamorous side and a sprinkle of goth. Green neon, some city grunge and rock fashion style.
ix. location
He has an apartment in Northside Watson, but he's easier to find chatting up with Nix at the Afterlife in the early evenings or eating lunch at Lizzie's.
x. idle animations
Playing candy crush on his phone, fiddling with his rings/earrings, drinking coffee, tapping his foot to music as he scrolls the net.
xi. occupation
Netrunner, occasional old-time merc.
xii. gigs
He doesn't offer gigs per se, he usually handles his own business hands-on. That being said, it's possible for V to stumble into some "tracks'' of his work on certain gigs, either shards mentioning a recurring "virus" or, with enough Intelligence, some coded files on Rome's research/hacking. Once enough of those are collected, V can reach out to him and unlock a short chain of gigs they'll be able to work on together, with Rome helping from a distance [T-bug style], rewarding V with some high quality quickhacks.
xiii. holo icon
0s and 1s text in the background, a spiked skull icon with a toxic/contagion symbol.
xiv. calls and texts
He prefers to text, even though he doesn't mind occasionally chatting on call as he works. Texting wise he doesn't much believe in punctuation, and if he's busy he can devolve into hieroglyphic-like communication.
xv. approval
He appreciates people who understand the weight of words and how to use them, people passionate about netrunning (or, at least, respectful of the craft), and, generally, responses that make use of Intelligence or Cool.
xvi. disapproval
Mistreating or bad-mouthing Moxes and sex workers in general. Pacifism for the sake of pacifism, or, just, idealism for the sake of idealism. He's a practical man.
xvii. quality time
He would bring V to a lzrpop underground hardcore rave. He's a fan of electropunk vocaloid-like industrial shit, feels like there's a whole intimism to the scene, to the mood and all.
xviii. jobs with V
He would help as long as he has an interest in it. (That interest can be V themself, as long as their relationship is developed enough.) He's a very good netrunner, both in combat and in all things involving breaching and programming. He's passionate about all the logic behind the net in general and would eagerly offer his support to any mission that deals with the subject.
xix. about Johnny
The idea of V losing their identity is one that Rome would be sensitive to, some big existential dread at the idea of dying without the fairness of even leaving their own corpse behind. He can't really see how he can help with the whole thing (even if he does have some research regarding Alt Cunningham's work in his belt), but he would want V to live his days with no regrets, make the sort of memories that make life worth it.
xx. backstory
Rome is born and raised in Watson, until he runs from home in his late teens and is taken in by the Moxes, who are the first to really introduce him to the inner workings of Night City's streetlife. He never joins them per se, only works as a sort of outside man –spying, stealing, sabotaging in exchange for board and lodging. Netrunning is his passion since before all that and under Nix's care it's eventually what he specializes in, leaving Lizzie's protection to do his own thing.
He has a small role in both Judy's mission and Nix's, but also has a main quest of his own, if V choses to get involved.
xxi. driving
He can drive, although it's unadvised to let him do so. I don't really think he has a car, to be honest, he's a metro guy. If he does it's an old, trashy model he barely uses.
xxii. radio station
He has complicated tastes and a personal playlist of what most would categorize as "pure trash" so he doesn't really listen to the radio that much. Radio Pebpak is usually what he goes with for background music if he has to choose. He doesn't mind "easy" popular hits either and can actually sing along decently to some pop stuff, in light dosages.
xxiii. romance option
Yes, he'd be a romance option. Rome has a hard time letting his walls down but he's passionate and extremely devoted to those he holds close to his heart. He's a sweet talker, loves some spice and play, but he's just as fond of private, quality time with his significant other.
xxiv. love interest
His OG love interest was Kerry, but I can't really see them meeting in a context where he doesn't have Johnny in his brain, so, not really, no.
(ocs: I assume Victorio is still his ex, but they would have broken up before he left for Atlanta.)
xxv. friends
He has friends at Lizzie's, Judy amongst them, even if they've been known to not agree on a number of subjects. He's close to Evelyn too but doesn't have Judy's ability to keep contact with her outside of the casual meets-up, and their friendship suffers from the distance. Nix is a mentor of his and Rogue occasionally indulges him with some of her time too, with how often they cross roads at the Afterlife.
(ocs: He has an old childhood friend in the Maelstroms, Cami, and a former-Tyger-turned-Corpo friend at Arasaka, Ryo "Five" Kasumi, that has an important role in his personal quest line.)
xxvi. enemies
He doesn't particularly like Royce ever since he took control of the Maelstrom, but it's nothing too personal. He also had some not-so-pleasant face to face with the VDBZ that, at best, concluded in a truce. In general, he tries not to make enemies.
xxvii. personal quests
** here for length
xxviii. personal quests' names
Notorious - Duran Duran [meeting at the Afterlife]
Toxicity - System of a Down [mission at the scavs' hideout]
Stupid, Sadistic and Suicidal - Mindless Self Indulgence [conversation with Arasaka]
Marry the Night - Lady Gaga [rave to find the mole; possible kiss]
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics [friendship/romance scene]
xxix. unique weapons and clothing
He has a pistol with built-in silencer that deals chemical damage –called "Disease", and he wears a black glam-punk leather jacket with matching pants and boots, on top of a black netrunner suit.
xxx. loot
Lots of very high quality quickhacks, his custom weapon and his jacket, and a shard about his personal research on Alt Cunningham's work.
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My Knight Part 1/2
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Jon Moxely X OC 
Requested by: @xladyxfatex​ 
Rated: M 
Warnings: smut and fluff 
Summary: Kenny takes his little sister, Ashlynn to one of his matches to try and cheer her up. Ashlynn goes with Riho and some of the other girls to a bar after the show. That’s where she meets one charming man. Too bad that man was exactly who her brother warned her against. 
I groaned as I got out of the car. It was amazing to go anywhere with my brother. My brother had taken me along to much different wrestling shows that he had performed with, all over the world.  This was different. It felt like he was inviting me as a pity trip. I knew mom and dad had tried to coax him into taking me out of town to cheer me up.  
“Come on, Ashlynn,” Kenny said smiling as he handed me my bag. We were at the hotel for the city he was wrestling in tomorrow night. “You love coming to my matches.” “I do. When there isn’t a hidden agenda behind it.” I sighed. “I know mom and dad made you do this because they are worried about me.” 
“Of course they are. I am too. You have been locked up in the house ever since.” He paused. “It’s not healthy.” “I am perfectly fine.” I rolled my eyes as I rolled my bag into the doors. I knew what he was talking about. The last few months of my life have been in pieces. My fiance left me for his boss, I lost my job which caused me to lose my house. To top it all off, my Yorkie passed away. It all came at once like a nasty hurricane, leaving nothing, but destruction in its path. I moved back in with my parents which is something at twenty-eight years old, I thought I would never do. I was miserable. I locked myself in my room for days. Just wishing that I wouldn't wake up.  I knew Kenny's niceness was only my parents trying to get me away from my Netflix binging. Which was probably a good thing. The office was even getting old after its thirtieth run through. 
"Ash, you aren't fine. We are all worried about you. We thought maybe if we left you alone that you would snap out of it. You haven’t.” 
I sighed, “Fine, but did you really have to make Riho take me out. That makes me look even worse.” Kenny raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t make her. She asked me if I thought it would be okay for you to go out with the rest of the girls on the rooster. I thought it would be a perfect thing for you to do. You need to get out with some girls and forget everything.” 
“To a bar... where I could get drunk...and met a boy? What kind of big brother are you?” She teased lightly. 
“No wrestlers,” Kenny warned. That was always Kenny one warning. He would tell me all these horror stories about them. How most of them were just looking to get laid to fill the need of being lonely on the road. A lot of them also had let the fame get to there and the fact that girls were practically begging to jump on their dicks. He never wanted me to become one of those girls that he sees. He said there was more to me. He said I could date any other kind of athlete, but he had just seen too many with wrestlers. I never dated much of either. I mainly date normal joes with normal nine to fives.  I still ended up getting hurt though. It didn’t seem to matter. “Especially Jon Moxely.” Kenny entered that pulled me away from his thoughts. 
“Why especially him?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms tightly across my chest. I had no idea who he was even referring to. I hadn’t seen any of his shows since he joined AEW. I had really no intention as bad as that sounded. 
“He is no good. Just stay away.” Kenny’s voice was stern. I sighed as I nodded in agreement to stay away. 
We went to the bar as soon as most of the girls were freed from the arena. Some of the male wrestlers had followed them as well though Riho had told her. Her English still wasn’t the best, so Brit and Brandi could have said something completely different and it didn’t fully translate. That or the boys just brought themselves. I didn’t care. I had no interest in any of them. I was too busy with a drink in my hand. It had been a while since I had alcohol which helped mend the fact that it had been a while since I was not used to being in crowds. I had hidden in my room for so long. This was the most I had other than going to the store. 
The problem with it being so long is that I wasn't as tolerant to alcohol as I used to be. I could feel how lightweight I was by the first beer. I didn't care though. Kenny wanted me to go out and have fun and this was definitely making it more fun. 
I was soon dancing on the dance floor with a couple of girls. I was actually enjoying it. Giggling with them. I had forgotten everything that happened these last few months. Kenny was right I needed this. 
Someone had to ruin my fun though. A guy soon came by and pressed his junk hard against me. I groaned as I turned around to see who the boy was. "Fuck off," I told him. "You aren't getting shit." I slurred him. I tried to smack him, but I stumbled a bit since he moved from it. 
"Feisty," he chuckled. "I like them feisty. Now, come on, I will give you a fun ride." He sneered at me. He grabbed my arm to pull me close to him. I tried to fight him off. It was no use. The man was stronger than me. 
"Hey!" Someone yelled from the back of the crowd as he moved forward. The voice was rough and husky. I turned to see a tall muscular man coming towards us. He had a short reddish-brown that you could tell was thinning at the top. He had a well-groomed beard. When I met his pale blue eyes it was like lighting between us. He grabbed the guy who had touched me by the collar. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you how to treat a lady, Sammy?” He asked. “If she says no that doesn’t mean force your tiny ass penis on her more?” He said as he pulled him away from me. “Hey, mind your damn business,” Sammy said as he pushed the man back. The other man stumbled back. A fight broke out between the two men. I was shocked. It had to be the tipsiness in me, but I couldn’t help, but think this was kinda hot. The man had gotten the upper hand on him. Sammy ran off into the crowd trying to fix himself from the embarrassment he just had. 
The man turned to me. I smiled slightly. I could feel my cheeks starting to get hot. “Thank you for that. I didn’t think he would leave me alone.” 
He shrugged. “He had it coming for being a disrespectful little prick. He doesn’t know how to treat a woman right.” 
“Well, thank you anyway, my knight, in shining armor.” She leaned up to kiss his cheek softly. 
He grinned, “I don’t know about that now. I am not much of a knight.” “Well, I would love to buy you a drink on me,” I said. As I moved towards the bar I could feel myself start to stumble on my own feet. 
“I think you have had enough to drink for tonight.” He said. “How about I get you home?” 
I looked around for any of the girls I had come with. I had lost them in the fight. Kenny would most likely kill me for going home with a random guy, but I had no idea where anyone else had gone. To be honest, I wasn’t looking that hard. I nodded, taking the hand that he moved out for me to take. 
“You never told me your name,” I mentioned as we got to his car. 
He opened the door for me, “Jon.” He got into the car. “What is yours?” 
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He winked with a slight chuckle. “Where am I taking you?” 
I told him the hotel I was staying in. He smiled which confused me. “That is the same hotel I am staying in tonight.” 
“Mhm, maybe you were meant to come and save me, and be my brave knight.” 
“Are you always so corny?”  He laughed. I couldn’t help but love his laugh. 
“Maybe. I am pretty sure it’s just the alcohol. That and I haven’t exactly been around people a lot lately. I have been living in my own world after my world kind of came crumbling down. “I know that feeling.” He nodded. “This isn’t a pass at you or anything, but if you’d like I could take you up to your room and we could talk it out. Alcohol isn’t exactly a good way to deal with it.” I opened my mouth to say yes, but then I remembered that I was sharing a room with Kenny. He would be livid that I didn’t come back with Riho and that I got into the car with this strange man. He wouldn’t be so nice. “How about your room?” She asked. “Mine has my brother and I don’t think he will like some random guy from a bar in his room.” 
“Nah, and I don’t need to get into another fight because of you,” He winked teasing me. “Come on, I will help you sober up a bit.” He pulled into the parking lot outside the hotel. He got out of the car and ran over to open the door for me. I blushed a bit as he took my hand and walked with me into the hotel. It was nice to actually be getting some attention from a guy. Even before the break-up, my ex had been harsh and barely wanted to touch me. I could tell he was slipping away before it even happened. I had been naive enough to think that I could make it stop. 
Once we were in Jon’s room, he shut the door behind us. He handed me a glass of water. I started to drink it, noticing how thirsty I was once the liquid hit my lips. I could feel my mind clearing up as I drank the water. I started to feel more nervous being in a room with a guy I only knew by the first name. When alcohol was still clouding my mind, this seemed like an okay decision. Now, I wasn’t so sure. 
“I don’t think you should have sobered me up. I may run out of this room now before you get your way with me.” I teased to help calm my nerves and end the awkward silence between us. He shrugged out of his leather jacket, “Or maybe that was my plan all along.” He winked at me. My heart skipped when I saw him wink at me. He smiled at me with his dimples showing perfectly. How in the hell was a guy like this interested in her? He was built like someone you would find in a romance novel, not a guy you would actually meet in the bar. In her experience, most of those were missing teeth or had a few STDs on their lips. He had none of that. He was honestly the sexiest guy she had seen. She could see better now that she was out of the dim lights of the club. His white t-shirt hugged his biceps almost perfectly. He had never missed a leg day because even his jeans hugged him perfectly. No wonder he had never made a move yet. There was no way I could be his type. He needs a girl more like him. 
I wasn’t ugly or anything like that. I was just well, average. My brown hair which waved at the ends fell to my shoulders. I was slender with not much boobs or ass, but decent enough. I couldn’t twerk, but my ass looked somewhat good in jeans. I had a little to grab.  go My pale hazel eyes were the best-looking part about me. It was why I wore a lot of eye makeup to make them pop even more so guys would ignore the rest of me. 
Jon and I slowly began talking to fill the awkward silence in the air. It wasn’t anything that deep, but it was nice to just talk to someone and he was probably the easiest guy to talk to. He was so laid back in every single way and had some amazing stories. He had me laughing like crazy. He made me laugh so hard I snorted at one-pointed. I covered my mouth completely embarrassed. He laughed at me, only causing me to blush harder.  
“I am sorry, that was just cute.” He said as he reached for my hand. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed at all for me. I won’t judge you.” His words were so sincere that I felt like I could trust him. He leaned into her. “I also know I said I wouldn’t take advantage of you, so you can leave after I say this, but you are honestly the most beautiful girl. I am glad that I came to the bar tonight.” He leaned in more, closing most of the space between us. I couldn’t believe what was happening. His soft lips were soon against mine. He wrapped a hand on my waist, pulling me close. 
Now, the smart side of my brain was telling me that I needed to smack him in the face. I needed to tell him off and walk out of the room. Just because he saved you from one creep doesn’t mean he isn’t one himself. The other side of my brain was taking over though. I wanted to kiss him so badly. The smell of his cologne filling my nose.  I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. In that second, it became more heated between us. He licked my bottom lip as he begged for access which I happily gave to him. I allowed him to explore every inch of my mouth before I wrapped my tongue with his. He pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him. I could feel his already hard dick pressed hard against me. It's been so long that I had no willpower to fight it. I needed him. I needed this physical contact that I was unaware I even craved anymore. 
I rolled my hips across him. I could feel myself starting to soak through my underwear. I bit my lip trying to hold in a moan. He must have taken notice because he pushed himself up against my core. I gasped as I felt him brush against my clit. His eyes dark as he flipped me onto the bed laying me on my back. He kissed down my neck, dragging his teeth on it. He was sending chills down my spine as he went. Once he reached my shirt, he pulled it up. His warm hands cupping my breasts as they pushed passed my bra. His hands were rough against my soft skin. I didn't mind. It felt amazing. His lips met my stomach as he began to kiss it. He undid my pants with one hand yanking them down to my knees. He pushed my panties to the side and licked ever so lightly against my lips before he kissed down my thighs. He moved his face back to my core. I could feel his hot breath sending goosebumps up my body. I didn't know what he was waiting for, but the anticipation was killing me. I bucked my hips. "Please Jon, I want this," I begged softly. That seemed to be what he was waiting for. He pushed his head back in my heat and licked my lower lips. He spread me open with his fingers still licking long stride before he focused his attention on my clit. He licked circles around it making me buck my hips towards him. God, I wanted more. He wrapped his arm around my hips holding me down as he sucked my clit. He pulled it into his mouth and sucked before making a slight popping noise to release it. I tried my hardest to move it back towards him. I could tell he was loving teasing me. He licked around my hole before he dove into it. He licked in circles before he thrust in and outside. I threw my head back as I arched towards him. My hands fell to his head as I tried to make sure he couldn’t get away with pulling back and teasing me more. I could feel him smirking against me before he went back to work. It wasn’t long before my high was coming close. I was moaning his name like prayer as my pussy clenched around his tongue. He picked up the pace of his tongue and carried it on through as I came all over his face. 
As he pulled away, I saw him licking his lips. “You taste like heaven.” He smiled as he kissed me again. My hands went down to his jeans. I could feel that his dick begging for freedom. I undid his pants and pulled them down. My hands went to his chest as I pushed him onto the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head as he laid back. I couldn’t help, but pause to stare at his body. It was almost perfect. I ran my hand down his abs. He didn’t have to flex them for me to feel his abs perfectly. His V was outlined perfectly as I ran a finger down them.  I slowly kissed his chest before I moved to his V. It was a good thing that I was so lost in lust or I might be nervous about this. All I could think about was giving him the same pleasure that he had given me. 
I wrapped my lips around him as I slowly started to bob, swirling around my tongue around his base. I began to take more of him into my mouth. I, soon, pushed him all the way down my throat. He groaned as he wrapped his fingers through my hair. He thrust towards my mouth. I gagged. My first reaction was to pull off, but he held my head there for a bit longer. He pushed a couple more times down my throat before he released my head. He pulled me back up towards him. His blue eyes met mine. “Are you sure about this?” He asked me. I didn’t even have to think. I didn’t even respond with words. I just smirked as I slid on top of his dick. His hands landed onto my hips as I began to move them against him. We still hadn’t broken eye contact. I moved my hips faster as I began to bounce on him. He dug his nails into my hips as he thrust back up into me. I threw my head back as my eyes rolled back into my head. 
He flipped us over so that I was on my back. He hooked my legs putting them over my shoulders. He pushed back inside me. He started out slowly at first then he started on a brutal pace, going fast and deep.  I gripped the bed sheets as he moved in and out of me. I moaned loudly as I pushed my hips against him. It wasn’t long till I could feel my pussy clenching around him tightly as my high was getting close. He reached his hand over as he began to rub my clit. “Cum baby.” He said his voice was rougher than before. It forced me over the edge as I came all over his dick. He wasn’t far behind me as he pulled out suddenly cumming all over my stomach. 
He got up from the bed grabbing a towel as he carefully whipped my stomach off before cleaning himself off. I missed his warm cum on me, but it was soon replaced by his warm arms. I didn’t mind it. He held me close as he ran his fingers through my hair. It didn’t take me long before I was sound asleep. It was the easiest I had fallen asleep in days. 
I could hear a soft ring as I began to slowly open my eyes. My head was pounding in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in a hotel room, but it wasn't mine. The room was very similar, but the artwork gave it away til my eyes could see clearer. I could see my clothes on the floor mixed in with someone else. I looked over to the side of the bed to see a man sleeping next to me. In my drunken state last night, I had never put two and two together. Jon was actually Jon Moxley. The one Kenny told me to stay away from. 
As I looked at him with the sunlight coming through the window,  I felt bad for doing this, but if Kenny found out I was dead. I quickly grabbed my clothes throwing them on. I kissed his head before I headed out the door.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Wrestle Kingdom 15 day 1 preview
Tetsuya Naito vs. Kota Ibushi - Naito is defending the IWGP heavyweight championship and the IWGP intercontinental championship.  Whoever holds the two titles after this match will go on to defend them against Jay White on day 2 of Wrestle Kingdom, on January 5.
Naito and Ibushi haven’t met in a singles match since June 9, 2019, when Ibushi lost the intercontinental title to Naito in a match filled with rather dangerous spots.  The point of that match was that both men wanted to hold the intercontinental title long enough to also win the heavyweight belt at Wrestle Kingdom 14.  The obsession with being a double champion culminated in the “Double Gold Dash” mini-tournament, where Naito went 2-0 to win both belts and Ibushi went 0-2, losing in the first round and the consolation match with Jay White.
Since then, Ibushi mounted a major comeback by winning the G1 Climax tournament, earning a Wrestle Kingdom title shot.  However, he lost his title match contract in a match against White on November 7.  Luckily, Naito decided he wanted to wrestle matches on each night of Wrestle Kingdom, and he concluded that Ibushi was still the logical choice for the other title match.  (Ibushi did still win the G1, after all, even if he lost his reward for doing it.)
I’m very worried these guys are going to do sick bumps on their necks, as in the June 2019 match.  Both of them have a bad reputation for doing scary shit.  After the last time I was like “that was really good, please never wrestle again.”  It’s been 19 months (six years in 2020 time) and I’m just now starting to be like “maybe potentially it would be okay to come back with this match, but be careful.”  I don’t really expect them to be careful--these are two guys who always have something to prove, and now they’re going to particularly want to prove they can tear the house down during a pandemic in a stadium show where fans aren’t allowed to shout.
It feels to me like the natural arc of this storyline is for Ibushi to rebound from last year’s defeats by finally winning the titles and finally avenging his losses to Jay White.  But...I expected Kota to go sweep the Double Gold Dash last year, and look what happened.  So I go into this first title match with no confidence that either man is a lock to advance to the second one.  Even when one guy looks to be heading for the finish, I’m going to believe one sudden counter can change everything. 
Will Ospreay vs. Kazuchika Okada - Ospreay is the RPW British heavyweight champion, but it looks like the title is not at stake in this match.  When Ospreay originally issued the challenge for this match, I could’ve sworn he demanded that Okada put his career on the line, but I guess everybody just ignored that.
This feud began on October 16, when Ospreay was still a member of Okada’s stable, CHAOS, and they met in a G1 Climax tournament match.  Bea Priestley and the Great-O-Khan interfered to help Ospreay win, whereupon he turned on Okada to start his own faction, the Empire.  If I went back in time to 2019 and told myself all this was going to happen, past me would assume it’d be way cooler than it’s turned out to be.  (Past me would nonetheless wonder why they’re rehashing the Okada vs. Jay White storyline.)  For years I’ve wanted to see the creation of a totally new faction in NJPW, but the Empire hasn’t lived up to my expectations.
If nothing else, this match itself should be good.  I’m just not convinced anything big will come of it.  If Okada wins, it kind of maintains the status quo where 2021 Ospreay is at the same level as 2020 Ospreay, except he’s a heel.  If Ospreay wins, he gets the rub from Okada but he still has to prove it’s not a fluke like EVIL’s middling run as a top heel.  The easiest way to sidestep all this is to distract everyone with a big angle, like doing a run-in finish with a new guy joining Ospreay’s group. But I’d rather just see a clean match where the guy getting the next push wins clean.
I’ve learned to avoid betting against Okada, and Ospreay’s heel run hasn’t given me a good enough reason to break from that policy.  At least not on this show...
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Great-O-Khan - There’s not much to this one.  O-Khan basically beat up Tanahashi a couple of times during the World Tag League & Best of the Super Jr. tour last month.  O-Khan’s gimmick is that he’s a new badass in the tradition of “Mongolian wild man” characters.  Tanahashi’s storyline, for what feels like forever, is that he was the best but he’s old now and his knees are shot and everybody keeps beating up his knees.  So for the 800th time Tana has to prove he can still hang in there with the top guys in the world.
A win for O-Khan would probably be considered a big upset, but I think that’s tainted by how hard they’ve tried to sell that Tana is practically on life support.  Moreover, it doesn’t really feel like they want to push O-Khan that hard--he seems more like an enforcer type than a future main eventer--so I’m not sure he even needs this win for the role he’s slotted into. Tanahashi, on the other hand, really needs a singles victory, if only to build him back up for the next time they do the “does Tana still have it?” story.  So I guess I’m picking Tanahashi to win.
KENTA vs. Satoshi Kojima - Kenta is defending his “right to challenge” contract for a future title match for the IWGP United States championship.  This match was originally booked as Kenta against Juice Robinson, but an orbital bone fracture took Juice off the show.  On any other year, New Japan could probably arrange a more impressive substitute.  But the pandemic and travel restrictions have limited their options, so they’re making do with 50-year-old Kojima.
The IWGP US title has not been defended since February 9, 2020, when Jon Moxley retained against Minoru Suzuki.  Moxley’s commitments to AEW are such that he cannot wrestle a New Japan match in the US, and he can’t fly to Japan long enough to satisfy Japan’s 14-day quarantine policy.  Rather than simply vacate the championship due to inactivity, New Japan has politely ignored the situation in favor of booking Kenta to win this contract in a nifty red briefcase.  I had believed that meant a plan for Mox vs. Kenta was in the works, but as the months went by it became clearer that they couldn’t make it happen. So it looked like Kenta vs. Juice for the contract was the next best thing, and now we don’t even get that.
Kojima was a top guy back in the 2000s, so I don’t mean to be dismissive of him.  But whereas 50+ legends are pushed as unbeatable gods in the US, in Japan they tend to be positioned to put guys over as they slowly accept the twilight of their careers.  Which is fine, to have the old lion prove come back to prove he can hang in there with a guy in his prime.  But they’ve been telling that story constantly with 44-year-old Tanahashi, so doing it again with Kojima feels like overkill.  I suppose an upset win is at least possible, but it would certainly shock the hell out of me.
Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi vs. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa - Dangerous Tekkers (Sabre and Taichi) are defending the IWGP heavyweight tag team championship.  The Guerillas of Destiny (Tonga and Loa) won the 2020 World Tag League tournament to earn this match.
For a long time I was thinking the tag title match at Wrestle Kingdom would be David Finlay and Juice Robinson against either GOD or the Tekkers, but I have to admit this match is more interesting.  It feels like every tag title match in New Japan is a straightforward babyface vs. heel dynamic, whereas the singles title matches can have more shades of grey.  So a heel vs. heel tag title match feels fresh.  We’ve seen Sabre and Taichi get heat on every face team available, so how will they adapt when their opponents are pulling dirtier tricks than they do?
These teams met during World Tag League last month, and the Tekkers actually played babyface a bit, which was interesting.  Actually, I get the feeling the Japanese fans have been warming up to Suzuki-gun in general, and Taichi in particular had a cult following for years.  Maybe an exceptionally valiant battle here can turn Sabre and Taichi all the way?
The story for the Guerillas is that, despite their numerous tag title reigns, they had never won World Tag League or walked out of the Tokyo Dome with the tag titles; now they’ve finally got their WTL trophies, so there’s one thing left to do.  If they do win the belts, I’m hoping it will lead to rematches that keep Dangerous Tekkers in the mix.  My fear is that this will be the end of the Tekkers’ run as a team, and it’ll just be GOD vs. FinJuice for a whole year, which doesn’t grow the tag division as well as having three top teams.  Of course, if Sabre and Taichi just win, I don’t have to worry about that, so I guess I’m rooting for them.
Hiromu Takahashi vs. El Phantasmo - Takahashi won the 2020 Best of the Super Jr. tournament, and ELP won the 2020 Super J-Cup tournament; the winner of this match will challenge the IWGP junior heavyweight champion, Taiji Ishimori, on January 5.
I kinda wish this match wasn’t a qualifier for tomorrow’s title bout, because it’s fresher and more compelling than Takahashi vs. Ishimori would be.  (ELP vs. Ishimori would be interesting, except that I’d expect Phantasmo to just lay down for his buddy.)  I’m pretty sure Hiromu and Phantasmo have never met one-on-one before, and ELP’s super-douche style should be very different than anything Hiromu’s lol-random style has contended with.
Phantasmo is one of those heels that trolls so hard I can’t even get mad at what he does, but I get sick of him trying so hard, so I guess it all works out and I hate his guts and want him to lose really badly.  But this will be his first match back in Japan since the pandemic, so it feels too soon for him to do a job.  So I could see this one going either way, if not for thinking Takahashi challenging for the junior title is the obvious destination.  Gotta go with Hiromu on this one.
New Japan Ranbo - This is a gauntlet battle royale, with two wrestlers starting and each additional wrestler entering at timed intervals.  Participants may be eliminated at any time by pinfall, submission, or exiting the ring over the top rope.  When all but four wrestlers have been eliminated, the match ends and those final four advance to another match on January 5 to determine possession of the KOPW 2021 trophy.
New Japan does this type of match all the time for Wrestle Kingdom (usually with just one winner, not four), and I always thought it was called “New Japan Rumble,” but someone was mistranslating something.  Turns out “ranbo” is literally a Japanese word that can mean “riot.”  So we all learned something today!
I’m not certain how many participants are supposed to be in this.  I think I read 21 somewhere, but even if I did I wouldn’t trust any hard number.  If they have everybody pencilled in a month ago and then the day of the show they get an idea to put, I dunno, Captain New Japan in there, they’ll just do it.  The main thing is that anybody who doesn’t have a regular match on this show or tomorrow’s show will probably be on the short list for this one.  The biggest names that I think we can expect would be Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI, El Desperado, SHO, Bad Luck Fale, BUSHI, and maybe Minoru Suzuki.
The gimmick where you just have to make it to the last four in the ring should make the finish a bit more unpredictable.  Ordinarily I woudn’t expect, say, Tomoaki Honma to win a match like this.  But it’s not going to make or break tomorrow’s four-way if one or two guys are curtain jerkers or joke guys.  With that in mind I think this match is impossible to predict.  But I guess my dream lineup for the four-way match tomorrow would be...let’s see...Yano, Suzuki, Toa Henare...and let’s go with Yoshi-Hashi to win the KOPW trophy to start 2021 off weird.
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fleetwoodmoth · 4 years
Chapter 7
With all those death omens in the new Night City Wire I’m fighting back my sadness by writing more of this au, enjoy! 
            Vesper let the smoke curl for her lips in a thick spiraling cloud which drifted up and dispersed like bubbles rising to the surface of water across the ceiling. Jackie’s cheek was pressed against her stomach, his body resting between her legs, hands pressed against her hips. She reached down and ran her nails against his scalp, eliciting a rumbling sigh from his chest. After a moment Jackie turned his head and pressed a kiss against her stomach, the action soft and lingering, like he was worshiping her. While tender, something nagged at Vesper. Last night he had called her out of the blue while she was with a client, not something he had ever done before making the reason he called even more suspicious. He had sounded strained, almost nervous, his voice trying to stay soft despite the way it dropped unintentionally, like he had something stuck in his throat. She had expected some kind of explanation when she met him at his place that night, but it had already been nearly 24 hours since and he still hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room.
       “Baby,” Vesper said quietly.
       “What’s on your mind?” She asked.
       There was a long pause, too long to be nothing, before Jackie finally spoke “Am I that obvious?”
       Vesper let out a small sigh of relief that he didn’t try to deny it.
       “There are times where you’re being yourself, and times where you seem lost in your own head, I’m worried about you,” she said softly.
       “I don’t mean to worry you jaina, I just have a lot on my mind right now.”
       Vesper hummed an acknowledgement, offering him the blunt which he accepted, taking a drag before exhaling “It involves you.”
       She perked up at that, her heartbeat leaping slightly, anxiety running through her veins as she tried to go through every little thing she may have done to upset him. He must have felt her freeze up, because he quickly added “your safety. I should have told you sooner.”
       Somehow that was better than what she had made up on the spot. Maybe her last relationship was a little more than just heartbreaking.
       “This guy I borrowed money from a while back, well I repaid him a few weeks ago, now he’s come back now saying I owe more.”
       Vesper relaxed back into the pillows before nodding, a new fear creeping into her stomach.
       “When I called you, it was cause he told me to, implied something was wrong. I think your client was his friend, like insurance so that I wouldn’t beat him to death just for threatening you.”
       Vesper swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry and sticky, she tried to blame the smoke as she reached for the bottle by her bed.
       “He was a bit of a dick,” she said, voice scratchy as she took a sip of water.
       He only went by Dee, and he had under tipped the bar staff, got aggressively territorial the more he drank, and finished after about three minutes before throwing her out. She had had worse, but he was by no means on her list of favorites.
       “He didn’t hurt you did he?” Jackie asked, kissing her stomach again before pushing himself up on his elbows so he could look up at her properly.
       “No, he was a jackass, but if what you say is true, he probably was under orders not to,” she said cupping his face with her hands.
       Jackie took a hit off of the blunt before kissing his way up to her face.
       “Good,” Jackie kissed at her neck and jaw, and she gave him time to process what he wanted to tell her.
       “I need you to lay low, just for a little while, until Friday.”
       She made him pull back to look at her again.
       “I don’t want to be a passive player in this, if this man is threatening us then I want to help,” she said.
       Jackie blinked a few times, looking slightly dazed at her reply.
       “But it’s my fuck up, you shouldn’t have to get involved.”
       “But I am, and even if I wasn’t, I’d still want to help you, because I—“ she stopped herself, her throat tightening in sudden panic “—because I don’t want you having to deal with this alone.”
       They sat in their shared quiet, Jackie dropping his gaze, contemplating her answer. She didn’t like the idea of being used as some kind of bargaining chip, especially to hurt someone she cared about, and she hoped Jackie would understand.
       “Also I… think I have some people who can help,” she said, Jackie sitting up with interest.
       “I told you, the Moxes take care of each other, I’m a Mox, you’re with me so you’re part of the family,” she said.
       “You think they’d want to help me though?”
       “Well, since your friend threatened me, then it involves them, which means yes, they will.”
       She pursed her lips and Jackie pulled himself up, kissing her deeper than she had anticipated, causing her to let out a small surprised giggle.
       “I’m not about to reject something like that, but just know that if this gets too hot I want you to be safe,” he said after a minute, pulling away just slightly, eyes tracing her face, voice soft.
       “I promise to stay safe, if you promise to do the same.”
       He kissed her again, and Vesper draped her arms around his neck, she could feel the tension leave him, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. She couldn’t help but smile, he trusted her, and she felt for the first time that maybe she could be happy with someone.
         “He’s with me,” Vesper said as she and Jackie blew into Roxie’s bar together.
       Vesper had spent most of her nights here early on as a joygirl, it was like a communal safe house for the Mox and their associates, and while most of Vesper’s clients sought her out outside of the Mox, she still felt like she was coming home when she saw the pink neon signs.
       “Volt honey who is this lovely piece of arm candy?”
       Vesper turned from where she and Jackie had settled at the bar to the over modded Mox behind her.
       “Hey Rath,” she said with a smile.
       Rath stood at about 5’6” and was nearly completely covered in modded material. His skin was a canvas of blue ‘tattoos’ that had been etched into the porcelain like material that he had instead of skin, and his hair was a bright blue, cropped short against his scalp. She had met Rath when he was still mostly organic, they used to smoke and talk shit out front before both of their demand had risen to a point where they could only message each other throughout the day.
       “This is Jackie,” Vesper said, turning to introduce him officially.
       “Oh this is the Jackie Welles? Color me honored,” he said holding out a hand which Jackie took to shake.
       “We’ve heard so much about you,” Rath said, resting his free hand on top of Jackie’s.
       Vesper blushed, turning back to her drink, not making eye contact with either of the men beside her. She didn’t think she had talked that much about Jackie, it had only been around a month since they had started seeing each other, even less since they had started letting themselves become romantically involved.
       “C’mon Rath, don’t crowd the man,” she said.
       “Ey it’s fine, it’s nice to meet Vesper’s friends,” Jackie said, his voice relaxed.
       Vesper blushed further, not because she was embarrassed of him, but because he seemed legitimately interested in her life. Every day was like a new surprise with him but it was more like a blooming flower instead of a stinking onion, it was a gift and for the first time she stopped to wonder what she had done to be so lucky. But that moment passed as she remembered why they were there in the first place, a big sharp thorn in the rose bush.
       “V darling you have to tell me where you found such a catch,” Rath said over his shoulder to her, having situated himself between her and Jackie’s bar stools.
       “Maybe some other time, I’m—we’re here on Mox business.”
       Rath seemed to perk up even further, the prospect of violence always got him excited, more so even than a hot piece of ass.
       “We need some firepower and possibly back up, Jackie has a Valentino breathing down his neck.”
       Rath looked between the two of them before cracking a wide smile.
       “How exciting!”
       “Keep it in your pants Rath, we’re trying not to spill too much blood.”
       “Less exciting, but we can do that, let’s go somewhere a little more private, shall we?”
       Rath pushed himself away from the bar, taking both Jackie and Vesper’s hands and tugging them along, indicating that they follow. Across the neon blue dance floor and past the braindancers slumped on nearby booths was a door to the back rooms, and an old world velvet and glass lounge where several Mox members waved and greeted Vesper who took her time to acknowledge them all. She wondered if the Valentinos were like this, she only had a few customers from them, Jackie being the most recent and the way he spoke about family made her assume is was at least somewhat similar.
       “Now what are you looking for? Firepower to scare this Valentino off? A good old fashioned mugging? Dirt on him and his?” Rath rattled off the options like it was the bar menu.
       Vesper settled across from Rath who had perched himself on one of the free couches, looking to Jackie who took a seat beside her.
       “I need him to know he can’t fuck with my family,” Jackie said after a minute, the comment catching Vesper off guard. She had been so insistent on Jackie being part of the Mox family because he was with her, but she never thought about how she was a part of his world now too. She slyly slipped her hand into his palm, returning her gaze to Rath as she felt him squeeze.
       “Oh alright, intimidation, you got guns?”
       Jackie let out a laugh that made Vesper’s heart flutter. She composed herself before giving Rath a nod.
       “I got fire power, that’s not the problem, he made it clear he can get at my girl, and I want him to know that’s a bad idea, you get me?”
       Maybe it was the Valentino in him or maybe it was just Jackie being Jackie, but he was clearly on the same wavelength as Rath.
       “He threatened Vesper? Our Vesper? Ha!” Rath let out a sharp laugh “does he know he stuck his dick in the hornets’ nest by doing so?” Rath clicked his lighter as he brought a cigarette to his lips to light it.
       “No, he thinks he can get to me anywhere,” Vesper added.
       “Then we just show him the same deal, you got a name for this guy?”
       “He goes by Bolts, but his name is Rodrigo Aguirre,” Jackie said.
       “Alright, we can do some digging, should have his home address and the home addresses of his closest friends by the end of the day.”
       Jackie leaned back, eyebrow raised “that quick?”
       “Yeah, you got a whole birth name, that’s as good as gold to a good fixer.”
       “Shit, I forgot what it was like to have people at my back,” Jackie said.
       “Don’t sweat it, you make Volt happy, you’re a good guy as far as she’s told us-“ Rath winked at Vesper who blushed “-that means you’re good with the Mox, we’ll get you guys the info.”
       “Thank you Rath,” Vesper said, leaning forward to take his hand in her own.
       “You’re welcome babe, you two go home and lay low for a bit, I’m sure you’ll figure out something to keep yourself occupied while we get the shit,” Rath said.
       Vesper pulled back, shaking her head with a smile. There was something about being with her people, the Mox, Rath, alongside the man who made her infinitely happy so far. It felt good, warm, it felt like home.
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pitayatea · 5 years
Talk is Jericho: The Emancipation of Jon Moxley
(i highly recommend listening to the episode if you have time, its a great listen and it goes a lot into jons thought process behind his leaving and the timeline from august until he left. if you dont have time or just want a rundown before you listen to see if youd be interested, i complied a list of points in the episode,,, i guess? idk.)
(none of these are in order im horrible at listing things but all of this was discussed at some point):
- mox started the podcast saying he harbors no ill will for wwe, how grateful he is for the time he spent there, how they helped him grow as a person, etc. he also talks fondly of the make a wish program and the fans and everything.
- there's a good bit of him talking about renee and describing her as his best friend, his soulmate, and how even if they had nothing it was fine bc they had each other. prime otp shit we stan. im sorry i love their relationship.
- jon describes a time where he was approached about a promo describing him doing stupid stuff that an idiot would do (riding a unicycle backwards, sharing pizza with a homeless dude, etc), and asking that it be changed because he doesnt want his character to be seen as an idiot. the line was taken out and readded by vince. when he confronted vince, vince didnt see the issue and described the segment as good shit and thought it described the dean character perfectly, which jon took as being described as an idiot.
- jon hated his heel turn, and defined it as being heavily micromanaged and told numerous stories of fighting with scripts and writers and vince because they wanted to do joke shit that he didnt want to do. he hated the germaphobe angle, he despised the vaccine promo, and it was all stuff pushed by vince.
- he also talks about other promos he hated before his heel turn, and a lot of it started as early as the 2014 feud with seth (the hotdog cart, seth mannequin, etc.)
- i actually remember an older tij episode where he goes into detail about how it was vince who pushed the mannequin thing, and how he once walked into vinces office and found vince sitting in his chair, facing the mannequin, with weapons laid out, verbally describing what he wanted to do to the mannequin... do with that what you will.
- (aka vince is senile which,,, we been knew)
- both of the stories he told are extremely interesting: one describes the time he knew for sure he was gone and started counting the days, and the other describes the time he almost walked out.
- there was numerous lines during his heel turn that he refused to use and demanded to be changed.
- one of which was a joke about a pooper-scooper that got changed to the gas mask line. he describes literally having to go behind vinces back and rushing with writers to get a copy of the script without the joke onto vinces desk before the one with the joke got there because vince wouldve forced him to do it.
- he describes all the promos he did that night as confusing and not telling stories, and remarked that "if we didnt need to run around and try to not look like idiots, we could focus on telling stories", which flustered a writer he was with at the time.
- the writers and jon got a note from vince which stated "dean needs to understand why he needs to insult the audience. dean needs to read his promos verbatim and not try to rewrite them." jon remembers feeling like he got punched in the gut and lashed out in frustration at a writer (in retrospect, he admitted it wasnt the writer's fault and he was just emotional).
- "why do i work here? im a professional wrestler, who can tell stories and come up with promos and i believe i have the ability to talk people into buildings, i learned those skills years ago, and i wanted bring them to the wwe, and you just want me to say your stupid lines. if you want someone to stay your stupid lines, hire an actor because theyll probably do a better job of it than me. im not interested in doing it."
- he spoke frankly about the fact that wwe is a billion dollar company, run by an alleged genius, filled with adults, and they were talking about pooper-scoopers, and how ridiculous it sounds.
- after the pooper-scooper joke was removed, vince took the gas mask comment literally and tried to make jon go out with a surgical match. eventually, it was talked down to the hankerchief that made it into the final cut of the promo.
- vince once mentioned how jon had so much creative license, to which jon remarks: "what creative license? what creative license do I have? i do exactly what you tell me and its terrible crap. thats not creative license."
- he booked it immediately after the show, got into the hotel, and immediately thought (after thinking that he needed a drink) that the entire segment was a waste of time because they got nothing done, and he didnt get why everyone was celebrating afterwards. he remarked that after doing six promos in one night, he couldnt say what the story was, who the characters were, and that the angle was dead, if it wasnt already.
- jericho agreed that the creative process of going through vince is awful and that it burns you out and that, at the end of the night, the match was the easy part.
- jon was never scared of getting fired for being outspoken, because he still did the work. if he couldnt convince vince that it wasnt a good idea, hed go out and try hard to make it good.
- jon woke up to a text from a writer describing the vaccine segment, and he responded that he "fucking hated it" and the writer texted back "yeah, i know".
- by the time he showed up to the building, word had gotten out that he wasnt happy with the vaccine promo. vince knew jon wasnt happy and called him to his office to reassure him that the bit wasnt comedic, and that its good stuff and its well written and would get him so much heat. he explains all of this while laughing, immediately proving that it is comedic, and said there was no props involved, to which jon replied "then whats with the actor we hired to play the doctor or the giant syringe? are those not props?"
- jon was ***EXTREMELY*** uncomfortable making comments about romans leukemia, and didnt even want to say the lines that got on tv, and sounded audibly pissed off when talking about it. when he confronted vince, vince said that roman needs to be in the story, that dean turned on both roman and seth, and that roman is a key part of the story.
- both jericho and jon then talk briefly about the 'vince jedi mind trick', where he makes things seem better than they actually are, and jon fell victim to it in that promo despite considering himself to be immune. he immediately regretted the lines as soon as he said them.
- there was a line in a promo talking about romans cancer that jon refused outright to say, and wouldnt even say it on the episode. all he said is that the wwe wouldve lost sponsors (esp the susan g. komen sponsorship) and someone (likely him) wouldve gotten fired. vince tried to convince him to say the lines but he absolutely refused and it was a matter of "ok i guess youre not comfy bc its roman" and not "its extremely offensive" with vince agreeing to not force the promo. jon then said it wouldnt have mattered to vince anyways bc he wouldnt have been blamed for it, and it wouldve been jon who took all of the heat. he then makes a comment in case whoever was responsible for the promo was listening:
- jons wanted to leave wwe since july 2018, and almost walked out after an episode of raw during his heel turn due to creative frustrations.
- jon wanted to return from injury as a completely new heel character. he brought this up to vince twice - once in february, when they thought hed be cleared for wrestlemania 34, and once in july, before his actual return.
- in february, vince had stated that they could do what jon wanted to do. the story changed by july due to them advertising the shield for the aus super showdown and not wanting to take them off the billing.
- they then wanted him to return as seths buddy in his corner for summerslam. jon wanted to return at summerslam as a surprise, and vince had an original plan for him to show up at the go home show for summerslam and just,,, be there, but agreed to go with jons plan.
- the week of summerslam, a writer contacted jon while he was training with joey mercury and cody hawk in cincinnati that he was, in fact, showing up at the go home show for vinces original plan. essentially, vince lied to him to sedate him because jon says he was extremely outspoken about everything. he managed to talk vince and the writers into putting a little bit of action into the go home show.
- jon hated the line that seth said to announce his return ("since you have a scottish psycopath, i ought to have a lunatic in mine"), which was entirely a line planted by the creative team and wasnt the fault of jon or seth. he felt like it muddled the crowd reaction and the pop bc everyone was reacting in different ways and he thought they shouldve just played the music because "how can you screw that up?"
- hes been creatively frustrated since 2016 on smackdown.
- by the time he left the company, he hated the character of dean ambrose and couldnt look at himself in the mirror.
- they tried burying dean with the nia storyline and squash matches, but fans loved him so much that vince saw dollar signs and pushed for the shield reunion tour. if it wasnt for fans being behind him, jon wouldve been mercilessly buried.
- aew was not his main reason for leaving. originally, he wanted to go back to czw or the indies. he wouldve left the company no matter what - even if no other promotions existed, he wouldve left and created his own promotion.
- jon described feeling severe symptoms of depression during his last few months, to the point where he couldnt motivate himself to get out of bed or go to the gym or do anything. he even looked up symptoms on webMD to confirm what he was feeling - jericho also confirmed it the second jon started talking about it.
- he outright stated that vince and the creative process and the shit vince had built around the wwe since 2002 is killing the company.
- he does not want to compete with wwe, he just wants to try and push them to improve the product and try and get vince to step back slightly and not micromanage so heavily.
- jon only got paid 500 bucks for the shields final chapter special, which is the same price that extras get on main shows and the same price that unused roster members get for just showing up and sitting in catering. jericho then brought up that during a house show street fight between him and ambrose, they both only got paid 750. 500 and 750 are bare minimum prices for just showing up - so they barely got paid for a dangerous gimmick match on a house show.
- jon and cody have been friends since before cody left wwe, and used to sit backstage and watch old wcw matches while getting ready for matches.
- he considers codys experience to be similar to his, and that they both experienced the same frustrations at different times.
- jon and jericho both agree that tony khan (CEO of aew) is the exact opposite of vince, and is a bigger wrestling fan than vince is. jericho then brings up that he doesnt see how vince can be a fan any longer because hes been doing it so long without a break. jon agreed and stated that vince is never gonna retire and is def gonna die in the chair, and how he just needs to step back a little bit.
- jericho brought up how jon broke the internet and jon practically jumped at the chance to tell the story.
- "king of social media, mic drop bitches." that is the line of the century im sorry.
- the inspo for the original mox teaser released on may first was inspired by the first venom teaser trailer.
- double or nothing was already planned to be moxs first appearance when the teaser dropped, and he had to keep it on the dl to make sure no dirtsheets reported it and no one advertised him to be there. he admitted he isnt tech-savvy and everyone who hes friends with who is belong to wwe, and the dude who helped him film the teaser was sick nick mondo.
- the trailer took two days to film and cost eight grand, but jon admits he wanted it to be quality and didnt care.
- while filming the trailer, vince texted him to try and extend his contract for the europe tour bc shield money. his response was that he was committed to a film project, which vince took as him filming a movie and not him filming the trailer.
- jon didnt tweet the trailer, he had a social media expert time it to where it released at exactly midnight through some techno shit with twitter.
- roman and seth knew how unhappy jon was in wwe and they were understandably sad to see him go but they wanted him to be happy.
- he talks about how he told seth he was leaving: seth had responded that he was super bummed out, and jon told him that he "is a wild animal, babe" and has been contained for too long. seth immediately agreed, saying it was the perfect analogy.
- the way he describes it kinda describes seth being more broken about jon leaving than roman, which also correlates with seths responses to questions about him leaving. do with that what you will, shippers.
- from now on, nothing is driven by money for him. everything is driven by trying to be the best he can be. he wants that for everyone: he wants his friends to be the best they can be, he wants his wife to be the best she can be, he wants the fans to be happy and everything, but his happiness is the most important thing.
- he feels more passionate about wrestling now, and describes it as his first love and his only love besides renee. the way he describes it reminds me of cm punk losing his passion due to wwe, and i feel like he wouldve ended up exactly like punk if he stayed any longer.
- his favorite part of the business is promos, and the scripted promos made him loathe it. aew gave him his passion for promos and wrestling back.
- he compares himself to the dentist elf from rudolph. his closing line is "if you're an elf and you wanna be a dentist, be a dentist." jericho edits in an audio clip from rudolph at the end and its great.
- jon is looking forward to working with legitimately everyone in aew and thinks of it as helping draw eyes to the product and to other lesser known talent, similar to jericho.
- he doesnt want a war, no matter how much he jokes about it. he just wants to show vince that the way he runs his show isnt the only way and it definitely isnt the right way.
- jon, speaking directly to vince: "your creative process sucks. fix it."
(i listened to the podcast in full three times, and i repeatedly replayed segments to confirm everything. if i missed something, lmk.)
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pugpugpusheen · 4 years
Sammy and Darby used to be best friends. they were total opposites, but they understood each other very well. they were in the same classes throughout their school years and caused so much headaches for their teachers, but even the teachers liked that anti-social Darby and butterfly social Sammy were bff's. the older they got the more trouble they would get into and their father’s, mox and Jericho, had to bail them out. Mox most of the time understood his son and would just give him a talking to, but Jericho would take away Sammy's phone and ground him every time he got in trouble. Darby would always laugh when Sammy grounding period was done and he was able to hang out with him again. The biggest trouble they got into Sammy stealing from the brother’s collectively known as “the young bucks” (both Sammy and Darby thought the nickname they got wasn’t very original, but they were the school darlings) locker, taking all their stuff out into a field, and setting it on fire. They don’t know how they got in trouble, but Darby actually got his skateboard taken away for a few weeks and Sammy wasn’t seen for a month.
High school came and they started to separate a bit because of different interest classes. Sammy was into technology and sports while Darby, also into sports, was finding his place in theater. They still hung out, but not as much as they did before. Then Jericho made Sammy get a job to pay for his expensive phone bill and contact was practically killed. They messaged each other and sent goofy pics to each other, but other than that Sammy had no free time.
College came quickly for the boys and Darby got accepted to an out of state university (which mox rubbed in jericho’s face any chance he could get) while Sammy decided to go to community college. Sammy didn’t have a car of his own and Jericho had a busy working schedule and mox was good friends with them so it was agreed that mox would pick-up and drop-off Sammy at college and then his job and Jericho would pick him up from his job. Mox always talked to Sammy. Not just asking him a bunch of questions, but telling him stories of what he used to do as a kid and all the dangerous wrestling matches he did. This amazed Sammy. Sammy would always ask for more details and before they knew it they were at Sammy's college and mox would always say, “next time, kid. Now go get your brain food.” Every time mox came to pick him up Sammy would tell mox about all his classes. Mox would ask questions here and there, but for the most part he just smiled and ask some questions here and there. Jericho though never asked about Sammy's day. He was too busy with work and only cared about Sammy's grades.
One day Sammy failed one of his tests and when mox picked him up he was on the verge of crying, but mox pulled the car over, reached over, and hugged Sammy really tight. “Don’t let that tightwad get to you. Everybody flunks. It happens. Just pick yourself back up and try again.” As mox’s warmth broke through Sammy's shock he realized that mox has always been there supporting him. His heart beat fast and he was overwhelmed at this new feeling that he didn’t quite understand yet. Now every time mox picked up Sammy he was nervous and glanced looks at mox. While doodling in class he realized he had drawn mox and him holding hands and quickly scribbled over it. He couldn’t feel that way about mox. Mox was much older than him! But once the idea was in his mind he couldn’t stop picturing him and mox going out to eat, to the movies, and all the other stuff couples did.
Sammy was laid off from his job on Valentine’s day. Sammy was waiting for Jericho, but he got a message from him saying that he was busy and that mox would pick him up from his job. When mox picked him up Sammy greeted him and stared out of the window. Mox knew this was not like Sammy and asked, “what’s up kid?” and Sammy told him he just lost his job. “Screw them,” Mox said, “they don’t know what they’re losing. Let’s go get something to eat.” Sammy nodded, but a couple seconds later he realized that he was GOING OUT TO EAT ON VALENTINE’S DAY with Mox. His heart started beating a thousand miles a minute. Mox took them to a fancy restaurant and when asked if this was too expensive Mox just shrugged and said, “You just got laid off. The least I can do is treat you well.” So they had dinner, chatted and laughed, and Sammy was even treated to dessert. When they got back to the car Mox started the car and Sammy stared at him. Mox looked back at him and asked what before Sammy quickly leaned in and kissed Mox on the lips. It wasn’t too quick, but it wasn’t too long either. When Sammy pulled away he smiled like he just accomplished the biggest task ever and Mox stared at him before laughing. “Well shit kid. We’re doing this.” They went back to Mox’s place and had the most hardcore, passionate sex ever. The next morning Sammy went back to his house unable to sit too long.
Mox and Sammy relationship wasn’t exactly what Sammy pictured. Sure they went out on dates, but they had crazy sex in the most random of places. Sammy loved it. Then one day when he went over to mox’s house and walked in unannounced Darby was there. Darby just raised his eyebrow and Sammy, wanting to rub his relationship in somebody’s face, smugly told Darby that he and Mox were more than just neighbors now. They were DATING and FUCKING.
Darby punched Sammy right in the face and chased him around the house as Sammy tried to hit back and avoid Darby until Mox came out and was like, “What the hell?!”. “How could you, Dad?! We were in THE SAME GRADES together! He’s practically my age.” Mox shrugged, “He’s a good lay. Maybe if you got somebody you wouldn’t be such a tightass.” Sammy just smiled so smugly behind Mox. Darby, fists curled just storms out of the house and leaves in his car. Mox sighs and gives Sammy an ice pack before telling him he should leave. When Sammy goes back to his house Jericho asks what happened and Sammy lies, saying he walked into a pole. Jericho stares at him, but clasps him on his shoulder and tells him to pay more attention.
The next day Darby comes over and Jericho hugs him, asks him how school is going, and then when Darby tells him he’s here to see Sammy Jericho lets him inside. Darby goes up to Sammy’s room and bursts through the door, lunging at Sammy. Sammy wasn’t expecting it at all and it takes a few seconds to register that Darby is choking him before he starts to push and flail. Jeriicho comes in and pulls Darby off of him and tells him to get out and never come back. When Darby leaves Jericho asks what that was about, but Sammy just shrugs it off, messages Mox to pick him up at the gas station, and tells Jericho he’s going to run some errands.
It ends with Mox and Sammy fucking in the car in the middle of an abandoned car lot with Sammy telling Mox to choke him. Mox smirks, “Never seen this side of you, kid. I like it.”
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The Perfect Date...
So, basically, this movie is about a kid named Brooks Rattigan:
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They say his name about 50 times in this movie, so it’d be kind of hard NOT to remember it.
Anyway, he’s a poor kid who wants desperately to get into Yale. Kind of like Rory and her need to get into Harvard during the first 3 seasons of Gilmore Girls, but where Rory was quirky Brooks has to be self-centered or else the movie just won’t work... I guess.
The problem with Brooks’ dream is despite his good grades and extra curricular activities, he is unable to answer the one question I’m sure all of us have had problems answering:
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Typical high school movie stuff... and high school stuff in general. If we’re being honest, I’m almost 30 and I can’t answer this question.
Anyway, Brooks has best friend named Murph:
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Let’s just say, Murph is the reason I sat through this whole movie. He is computer smart (he’s also dyslexic and plans to write his college’s admission essay about this, which is probably one of the most interesting things that happened in this movie and wasn’t mentioned after he offhandedly said something early on... which, you know, seems to happen a lot) and has a crush on Tuna Melt Guy :
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Yeah. Tuna Melt Guy, as he is called the entire movie (the guy doesn’t even get a name which is a problem in itself), orders the same sandwich every day (I guess) and their story is basically a b side, not really touched on, but we assume they end up together by the end type of deal.
There’s also this guy named... Brad the Stereotypical Douche (he has an actual name, but I can’t remember it):
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Basically, Brad (or whatever his name was) made a deal with his uncle to take his cousin to a formal at her school, but his girlfriend Madison is supposedly home alone and he doesn’t want to do it. SO, Brooks volunteers because he a) needs the money for Yale and b) really wants to drive Brad’s Douche Mobile (I thought I took a screenshot but I didn’t, so just picture any stereotypical “douchey” cars and you’re golden) just once in his poor boy life.
Brad’s cousin, Celia Liberman:
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Who I was kinda hoping WOULDN’T end up with Brooks (we’ll get to that) is that stereotypical “tough” girl who stomps around in her boots and throws a fit when asked to wear a dress (i.e me circa 2005-ish).
So, Brooks takes her to her dance at the most pretentious looking school I have ever fucking seen:
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And they do some bad dancing (because the quirky, “tough” girl needs to be a bad dancer... I’m also a bad dancer, but I wouldn’t call myself quirky) and Brooks happens to see HER:
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The girl of his “dreams” I guess. I can’t remember her name, but I’ll just call her Veronica because that’s who she plays in Riverdale.
So Veronica, apparently, has a very rich dad (according to Celia, he’s basically sleazy Batman). She’s so rich, in fact, she has actual valets at her house parties:
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And she lives here (more on that later).
While on his “date” with Celia, she offhandedly mentions he should make an app where he pretends to date girls who need a date. She’s joking, but Brooks takes it seriously and asks his computer smart bestie Murph to help him make an app:
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The app is basically GrubHub but for dates. Basically someone sends Brooks a message asking him to go on “dates” with them and they get to decide his personality, his outfits, and whether or not they need him to talk or listen (man, where was this shit when I was in high school) They set it up like ANYONE can use it, but only girls do in this movie (which it’s fine... I guess?).
So, Brooks starts getting messages and becomes who these girls need him to be. A salsa dancer, a cowboy, a douchebag... just whatever they needed he would do it. So, in a way, it’s not a terrible premise, but it starts to get to his head.
He basically starts pushing Murph out of the whole App process (you know, the creator of the App) and it gets to the point where they don’t really hang out anymore (again, typical high school movie plot), but again we’ll get to that in a bit.
I should probably mention Brooks’ dad:
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Mister Rattigan (I can’t remember his first name) is a part time teacher and writer, but he hasn’t written anything in a while (not since his wife left him and started a new family with a new guy). He really wants Brooks to go to the college he works at, but Brooks is deadset on Yale. Which, in retrospect, knowing that your kid wanted to go there you’d think he would have been a bit more supportive.
He’s not a bad dad, not by a long shot, but he’s the typical movie parent who is quirky but wants something for his son that his son doesn’t want (until the end when he decides to go to the college his dad wants him to go to and that’s after his dad gives him a speech about how he’ll support his decision).
So, yeah, moving on. Celia calls Brooks out of the blue to ask him if he wants to pretend to date her to make her crush Franklin jealous. She uses his crush on Veronica to get him to agree. He readily does and tells her about his app.
She makes fun of it, because of course she does, on the way to the party and that’s when they end up at sleazy Batman’s house with the private valet company? I guess?
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👆 Franklin 👆, of course is a pretentious hipster because he HAS to be otherwise how would Celia know that she belongs with Brooks and NOT this guy. He basically goes on one of those stereotypical music snob rants about how vinyl is the only way to appreciate music and Celia agrees because he’s cute. This I can relate to because in high school I too went along with stuff because someone happened to be cute.
So, Celia and Brooks start to “date” to make their crushes jealous. Celia also asks Franklin out because they need an “excuse” to break up. While this is happening, Brooks is supposed to be getting close to Veronica because they really don’t have any scenes together UNTIL his and Celia’s “break up,” but that doesn’t happen for a bit.
While “dating” Celia reveals that her dad is conveniently friends with the Dean of Yale and offers to ask him to talk to the Dean about meeting with Brooks. He agrees because OF COURSE he does and the meeting goes well because apparently Brooks researched the guy and lied about how one of his “interests” just so happened to coincide with the dean’s interest. Because that’s normal... I guess.
Afterward, they go and hangout with Murph who commented earlier that week about how he and Brooks weren’t hanging out as much anymore since they made the App. Despite making plans with Murph, and telling him he would not break them for the the App, Brooks does it anyway pissing Murph off in the process. And also dismissing Murph’s worries that he messed up with Tuna Melt guy when he pre made his sandwich (don’t worry, he didn’t, but again this isn’t even touched on much after this until the very end).
Needless to say, adding more drama to the story, Murph switches shifts (at the job they both share) with another dude and calls Brooks a “selfish prick” so yeah, and what pisses me off about this entire fight it takes until almost the very end for Brooks to do anything about it (on screen) which is really fucking annoying, but I won’t get into it.
Anyway, on her date with Franklin, Celia realizes they have very little in common and decides to stop whatever it was they were going to become because of that AND the fact that he reveals himself to be the graffiti artist she doesn’t like (her and Brooks have this entire conversation early on in the movie about how “Trashbag” is probably a white, overly privileged rich boy, and it turns out she was right):
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Her bad date makes her “realize” she really likes Brooks (you know, like any typical high school movie... of course someone has to catch “feelings”), but he’s oblivious and doesn’t see that (which makes me wonder how these two end up together, but that’s... not important right now).
His obliviousness aside, they decide to go along with their epic “break up.” But Brooks, idiot as he is, decides to bring in some real truths that Celia had trusted him with and because of that she slapped the shit out of him:
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He, being the oblivious idiot that he is, doesn’t catch on and thought seh was acting. Sending her a text that basically said “👍” and goes after the girl he “wants.”
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The “perfect” girl... according to Brooks. Who, not surprising” was willing to makeout with him mere SECONDS after his “break up” with Celia... okay.
But, like all of these movies, the “perfect” girl dumps his ass when she realizes he’s been letting girls buy his time to go on dates with them. She’s also (rightly so) upset that he lied to her earlier about where he’s from (Celia told Veronica he was from... some uppity town when he really wasn’t and I guess he never bothered to tell her the truth).
So, yeah, Veronica wants nothing to do with him as does Celia, but Brooks tries to dance with Celia anyway (finally realizing, I guess, that he actually DOES like her at the dance AFTER Veronica walks away.
But Celia turns him down by telling him “I am not your back up” which made me go “oh, maybe these two WON’T end up together” (I was wrong).
So, Brooks has no one and he’s really sad, and he does that typical high school movie thing where he lies in bed, moping, trying to get Celia or Murph to answer his texts (they don’t.)
The next day at school, Murph and he do talk and he apologizes for pushing Murph away, and they make up. WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON SCREEN SINCE THE SUB SHOP SCENE!!! OH MY GOD!!
Anyway, here’s them making up:
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Also, “tough” girl Celia has a moment with her parents where she basically goes all John Mox on her mother and basically says, “I don’t WANT your life.” You, know as you do, but unlike Mox hers ends with a Liberman family hug:
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I do not take good screenshots...
Anyway, after all of this, Brooks is seen finally writing his college admissions essay, but instead of writing to Yale (like the movie makes us believe) he decides to go to UConn like his dad wanted (plus he had a full ride so, I mean, Yale or not that’s what every kid wants when entering college) he writes a “admissions” letter to Celia basically asking her if they can date.
So, yeah, they start dating (as do Murph and Tuna Melt guy? I think?) or it’s implied they start dating. They kiss at least, so I’m going to assume they start dating (but they’ll probably break up six or seven times because Brooks and Celia seem like THAT couple).
It was an alright movie, I’ll admit, but it was also a typical high school flick. So, take it or leave it I guess.
Oh, one more thing, I still don’t know if he was able to answer the question regarding who he is, I stopped paying attention... mostly. Yeah.
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nekoabi · 5 years
Fic Masterlist!
I finally made a post version of my masterlist, which allows it to be viewed on mobile! Everything is also available on my AO3, which is also NekoAbi. 
The Five Times Patton Smiled And The One Time It Didn’t Reach His Eyes - Angsty. Romantic Royality. Romantic Prinxiety. Implied NSFW. College AU. School AUri
Admitting It - Romantic Logicality. Kiss. Sleepy boys. Terrible Title Syndrome.
Stitches -  Hurt/Comfort. Platonic Moxiety. Patton tears.
Falling For You - MASTERLIST! Romantic Logicality. Romantic Prinxiety. Platonic LAMP. One-sided (for now). Implied NSFW dreams. Implied wet dream. Swearing. Logan and Roman being know-it-all lil pieces of shit. School AU.
Planning - Platonic LAMP. Fluffy shenanigans.
Snow - Platonic LAMP. Virgil enjoys the snow. Pain mention, Self-inflicted pain.
Calm - Platonic LAMP. Its a calm day and Virgil gets introspective. Food mention.
Library - MASTERLIST! MASTERLIST (Rewrite) Library AU. All pairings, a different pairing each chapter, ending with LAMP. Cute fluff. Falling in love in different ways. Logan, head librarian. Patton, hired work. Virgil, volunteer. Roman, volunteer.
Too Close For Comfort - Past Prinxiety. Crying, Break Up. Roman is processing a break up, maybe some music can help.
Royality vs. Analogical - Romantic Royality, Romantic Analogical. Food mention, kissing. Each relationship is different; some are loud, some are quiet.
Nerdy - MASTERLIST! Romantic Logince. High School AU. Logan’s always been a lone wolf, but recently someone’s just been playing on his mind.
Fragrance of Dark Coffee - Romantic Prinxiety. Angst. Major Character Death Prior To Events. Influenced by Ace Attorney.
On the Verge of a Heartbreak - MASTERLIST! Eventual Moxiety. Angst in later chapters. School AU.
His Last Chance - Prinxiety. Angst. Implied cheating, lots of sadness.
Prompt Fill Fic Collection - University AU. Most LAMP ships. A collection of 9 prompt fill fics.
Logan’s Birthday - Written for Logan’s Birthday 2018. Platonic LAMP. Food mention, happy crying.
Tea Break -  Patton finds Roman having some issues with homework. Platonic Royality. Food mention. School AU.
Hands - Soft Logince. Roman’s frustrated by something.
Of Princes and Potions - MASTERLIST! Pining Logince. Royal Fantasy AU. Sympathetic Deceit. Mentions of war and injury. Chapter 6 involves blood, swords, knives, injury and strong anxiety attack parallels.
Rain On Me/You’re Perfect/The Way You Held My Hand/Stupid Band - School AU. Virgil is new to the school, meets a cute boy, can’t handle it. Themes of personal isolation.Chapter 3 had allusion to self-harm and talk of injury. Based off of a songs from Emo the Musical.
If I Can’t Love Her - Based off of a song of the same name. Roceit. Sympathetic Deceit. Roman hears a new singing voice, and needs to find out who it is.
Perfect - Romantic Royality. Kissing, Playfighting. Roman and Patton begin by playfighting, end up doing something they didn’t expect.
My Hero - Romantic Moceit. Kidnapping, Gangs, Violence, Fighting. Patton is kidnapped, and all he wants is for his boyfriend to come and save him... but that would never happen... right?
Ultraviolet - Logince. Past Prinxiety. Swearing, alcohol mention, past FWB relationship. Roman’s crushing on a fellow teacher and his inner performer can really help with that.
Bad Day - Implied Romantic Mox. Panic attack. Virgil has a bad day, Patton knows how to help.
Animals Know Best - Logicality. Prinxiety. Soulmate AU. Everyone has a partner animal that chooses them which not only has traits of their soulmate, but will also lead them to their soulmate. Virgil doesn’t believe in it all too much, until he can’t help but admit it.
Insomnia - Remile. Insomnia talk, mention of sleep therapy, mention of smoking. Remy’s dealing with some really bad insomnia and he’s referred to a sleep specialist. Yet the most interesting thing is the receptionist who works there...
Torn Apart - Heavy Angst with a happy ending. Lots of violence; stabbing, cutting off limbs, strangulation, choking, head injuries. Wrath is an OC of mine, he’s an angry man. Virgil sets him off. It’s a bad time.
Lullaby for a Duke - Remus mention. Based off of Lullaby for a Princess, an MLP song and animation.
Ranking Up - MASTERLIST! Splatoon Sides. Deceit and Remus are involved. 
Lies - Virgil-centric. Angst. Unhappy Ending. Suicide, Alcohol, Dangerous Driving, Car Crash, Death, Suicide (both implied and described), Implied Abusive Deceit. Based off of Lies by McFly.
This Day Aria - Villain!Deceit. Based off of the same song from MLP:FiM.
It’s (Im)possible - Roceit. “What you just asked for is impossible” and “Fuckbuddies falling in love”.
I’m Fine! - School AU. Roman’s sent to the councillor’s office against his will. Sure, he may have mentioned something in drama, but he’s fine!
Headache - No AU. Thomas has a headache and it affects where the sides reside... and to Roman more than the others.
Paint Me - Royality. Human AU. Struggling artist Roman needs some inspiration and the stranger knocking at his door is just what he needs. Based off of Paint Me from Firebringer.
To Love a Remus - Demus. No AU. Remus is an idiot, but Deceit thinks he’s hot anyway. Blood and Injury mention. Birthday fic for @doces-e--tuga
Virgil the Small Purple Emo - Moxiety. Love Makes You Grow AU. Virgil was unloved at a young age and stopped growing. A chance meeting might change his life. Secret Santa for @midnightsdarkangel (also my first and probably last attempt at GT)
Battle Bonds - No AU. Thomas is on a Pokemon kick and its affecting his imagination more than he could... well... imagine.
Theatre Technicians are basically Vampires - Vampire/Human AU. They all live in one house, work at the same place and are vampires. Angst included about their pasts which include the following: attacks, blood, talk of death, injury, scarring and attempted suicide.
Recreating - MASTERLIST! No ships. No AU. Thomas liked to watch Disney movies. That fact was one of the least surprising things about him. He could sit down and watch almost any of the Disney movies and have a wonderful time. Sometimes, scenes from those movies got stuck in his head. He never thought anything of it. 
Love on the Fly Floor - Theatre AU. Prinxiety, Roman is crushing bad on one of the flymen for the show he’s on. When his birthday rolls around, the cast and crew give him a surprise.
While The Sides Are Away, Virgil Will Play - No AU. The sides have a day out and leave Virgil at home. They don’t expect to come home to him looking... like that.
How Not to Help Your Nerd Boyfriend Find a Swimsuit - Human AU. Intrulociet. Logan needs a swimsuit. His boyfriends want to help. They are no help. Birthday fic for @cloverlyanxious/ @maeofclubsandart
Pier Pressure - Human AU. Logince/Pining Moxiety. The four go to the lake to hang out, Roman’s mad that his brother and friend are so clearly into each other but not taking the hint.
The 5 Times Patton Tripped and the 1 Time He Fell (In Love) - Human AU. 5+1 fic. Moxiety. Patton falls a lot, has done since birth. Doesn’t mean everyone’s used to it.
Remus Kidnaps You - Idk AU... mix of canon and human, maybe? No Ship. Remus kidnaps you to play with your hair. That’s about it.
Oh My God, They Were Roommates - Human/College AU. Prinxiety. Virgil meets an old friend, gets a crush on him, walks into him basically naked, freaks out. Ends happy.
Heatwave - Sides-Are-English Human AU.  There’s a heatwave. All the roommates are shedding their usual clothing for something cooler, except one.
Explainable Coincidences - Human/Teen AU. The twins explore an abandoned hotel, but they didn’t expect others to be there too.
Don’t Think Twice - Human AU. Song Fic. Roceit. It’s the happiest day of their lives, yet they still reflect on where they started from.
Keeping It Quiet - Human/Influencer AU. Prinxiety. Virgil and Roman keep their relationship quiet on social media. Not silent, just quiet.
Don’t Drink And Livestream, Especially When You’re Famous - Human/Famous AU. Platonic Roceit. Being drunk, drinking, kissing. Janus tries to help his friend get over his ex.
A Simple Mistake With A Simple Solution - Human AU. Logince. Roman messes up, Logan’s pissed. Roman makes it easy.
Skipping Ahead A Few Steps - Human AU. Logicality. Patton brings a dog home, Logan’s baffled and confused.
Oh How The Tables Have Turned... - Royal AU. Roceit, background Intrulogical. Roman’s brother likes Roman’s retainer. Roman doesn’t think he likes his brother’s. He’s wrong.
Just Like In The Fairy Tales - Semi-Fantasy/Royal AU. Royality. Patton sneaks off to his favourite place to enjoy the view.
An Apple A Day... Hurts Like A Bitch - No AU. Platonic Sides. The 5 times Janus got apples thrown at him and the 1 time he threw one at everyone else.
TVFH Related Stories
Pocky Day - Written for Pocky Day 2018. Shenanigans with TVFH cast and the pocky game.
Coffee Break - Virgil returns to his room and finds Reggie having problems with homework. School AU.
House Party - Roman throws a house party after a show. Mention of drunken behaviour and alcohol.
Beach Trip -  It’s hot, the gang decide to go to the beach. The night before, shenanigans ensue. Sexual implications. Relia focused.
Type Found - Pokemon AU. Prompto finds a Pokemon in an imperial base, saves it and plot things happen. The boys have partner pokemon.
Hair Troubles - No AU. Ignis can’t get his hair right and it’s frustrating. Prompto steps in to help.
Prompto’s Bike - Pre-Roadtrip. OT4 Chocobros. Prompto has a motorbike. The other bros really like it.
Cor’s Cooking Lesson - Pre-Roadtrip. Cor finds young Ignis attempting to cook and helps out.
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thecompostpile · 5 years
Every Match From Night 10 of the G-1 Climax
Ishii vs Juice Robinson 
This is exactly what the G-1 is supposed to be about in my opinon or at the very least it is what I love most about the G-1. Two badass dudes just beating the ever-living shit out of each other. Sometimes that is all wrestling needs to be. I love stories, I love gimmicks, I love the whole charade but man sometimes all the story needs to be is “I want to beat you up and I don’t want to show you I am in pain.” 
Juice is one of my favorites every single G-1 for this exact reason. Robinson never gives an inch. He has to go into every tournament knowing he doesn’t have the best chances of winning but that never stops him from giving his all. He became one of my favorites last year when he competed even with a broken hand and still had some great matches. 
I also fell in love with Ishii because of his G-1 performances. Two years ago I was watching my very first G-1. It was my introduction to a lot of the New Japan Roster including of course Ishii. He is one of the best wrestlers in the world in my opinion. He matches everyone he goes against with just some of the toughest no bullshit wrestling and that is great. Wrestling is a versatile sport that can be performed anyway the wrestler wants to but Ishii’s style is one of the best. Just no-nonsense badassery. 
This match was exactly that. Juice is doing pretty well this year and it didn’t seem impossible for him to win this one. They start of fast neither one getting much of an advantage. The two slugged it out. Juice seemed like he wanted to take all of Ishii’s best shots and keep going and so he did just that. He goads Ishii on at one point screaming
 “Come on Motherfucker!” at Ishii. Ishii no sells at lot of his attacks pretending they don’t hurt. Juice keeps standing over Ishii as if to remind him that he is taller which is kind of great. Ishii really lays it into Juice with chops and strikes. Things pick up and both men try to no sell the other but also both men end of collapsing to the ground. 
Taichi vs Jeff Cobb 
Taichi has to be one of my least favorite wrestlers. I just don’t like anything about him. I do like Jeff Cobb his stuff on Lucha Underground remains some of my favorites. But Taichi rubs me the wrong way I don’t like his gimmick I don’t like his wrestling I don’t like anything about him. 
I wasn’t really interested or invested in this match. I watched the first half of it and skipped through when they were getting kind of boring. It just wasn’t doing much for me and  I am so behind so I skipped forward after they brawled on the outside. Watched Jeff Cobb give a Tour of the Island and it was over. 
Jay White vs Shingo 
Jay White doesn’t do much for me but that Black Parade jacket does. I’ve been really into that My Chemical Romance album a lot. I saw them perform the album in full and they had the uniforms on and everything. I wonder if anyone in My Chemical Romance likes wrestling. 
Shingo is great. I enjoyed his Best of Super Junior run extremely and think he should’ve faced off with Dragon Lee instead of Will Ospreay but who am I?
Jay White runs out of the ring and when Shingo comes he attacked him. Jay White is being a coward and Shingo wants to fight so bad. I started listening to The Black Parade. How I Disappear is such a banger. Jay White wants to see how far down he can sink? 
I forgot how good Sharpest Lives is. I also can watch Shingo hit lariats all fucking day man. I’m listening to the title track of Black Parade and they are beating the crap out of each other. Shingo drops Jay White. Shingo hits the ropes and Jay White just drops to the ground. Shingo picks up Jay White into a german and fuck is it cool. 
Shingo goes for the Pumpkin Bomber but Gedo pulls his foot just as the Black Parade ends. Jay White drops to the ground again to dodge a Pumpkin Bomber which is good coward heel work. I Don’t Love You starts to play when Shingo hits the Pumpkin Bomber.  Jay uses the ref to get out of Last of the Dragons and then kicks out of Pride of Japan.
 “Baby when they knock you down and out is where you oughta stay” 
Jay White is in control. He hits a cool brainbuster where he holds both of Shingo’s wrists then does a pinkie up throat slash and his the blade runner and gets the win just as House of Wolves plays. 
Moxley vs Naito 
Fans are already chanting Naito’s name as he makes his way to the ring. He starts by playing mind games slowly taking off his clothes. He apologizes for taking so long as Red Shoe’s tries to get him to speed up. Once his pants are off he throws them at Moxley and the match begins with hard strikes in the middle of the ring. 
Mox ends up outside of the ring. Natio fakes out as if he is going to dive but does the Tranquilo pose instead. Mox is getting mad, Naito is making sure of that. Moxley ends up inside the ring while Naito ends up outside. Moxley lays down so Naito will come to pin him but Naito just rolls in then out. Then the opposite happens Naito is laying down in the middle of the ring and Moxley is outside. 
The mind games are over for a little and the two fight outside. Brawling into the crowd. Each using the guardrail to gain an advantage. Moxley does the Tranquilo pose. They brawl some more. Moxley gets in the ring and does the Tranquilo pose again. He is showing Naito he can dish it just as well as Naito can.
Moxley wraps up Naito in a chair and goes to hit his leg with another chair but Red Shoes pulls the chair away. Naito gets the advantage by dropkicking the chair Jon is holding into his face. Natio sets Moxley in a chair and runs at him down the apron. 
They both spit on each other and they both bite each other. Moxley is getting close to losing his temper and that is exactly what Naito wants. Moxley hits a fantastic butterfly suplex off the top rope. They trade hard strikes. Naito hits a ddt off the ropes after evading Moxleys Regal Knee but only gets a two. 
The two bite each other. Moxley hits a ddt and Naito barely kicks out. Moxley hits the Regal Knee and lands it. He hits Death Rider but Naito kicks out. Naito hit Destino, my favorite move when Kevin Kelly calls it. Moxley kicks out. When the second Death Rider hits Naito doesn’t kick out. 
I have no idea what is going on in the G-1. We know Moxley is signed to AEW so it is really fucking weird that New Japan is letting Moxley beat everyone. Don’t get me wrong he is great he fits with New Japan really well but he is a fleeting case. There is no reason to make him into a star if he is going to leave. This G-1 should be really interesting. It doesn’t look like anyone can catch up to Moxley in his block and Okada looks about the same. 
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jayswritings13 · 3 years
Helluva Boss: Moxxie x Swimmer!s/o Headcanons
Request: "Oh could you do either a one shot or headcanon of Moxxie with an s/o that loves swimming and water?" By @felixthecat13owo
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Moxxie was never a huge fan of the ocean.
Or large bodies of water, really.
He learned how to swim when he was young, so it wasn't the fact that he couldn't swim
It was that he didn't exactly know what was in the water that freaked him out.
His thoughts run rampant with scenarios of what could go wrong.
"About 85% of the ocean is still undiscovered, (Y/N)! 85%!"
".....So that's a no to going to the beach, Mox?"
He'll still go with you, but will only go up to his waist in the water, refusing to go any further, even if you had swum far out.
Moxxie doesn't mind pools as much and is much more willing to go in more than the ocean.
If he's up for it, he often challenges you to races in the pool.
You always beat him, but there are a few times where it gets really close.
Moxxie is always there to time you if you're the type of swimmer who likes to improve your time and push yourself.
Moxxie is also more than willing to receive any tips that you might have for him, especially breathing control.
"All that great singers practice and improve their breath control, (Y/N)!"
"I don't think they practice that from swimming Mox. Don't they usually get some fancy coach to help them with that shit?"
".....But you're the best teacher."
Even though he's not actually interested in improving his time in the pool, you help him out with breathing control and anything else he is curious about.
Due to spending vast amounts of time at the local pool and occasionally ocean, Moxxie has gotten used to the smell of saltwater and chlorine.
But this doesn't mean Millie, Loona, and Blitzø have.
"What the fuck is that smell?" Blitzø exclaimed.
"......that would be me sir," Moxxie laughed nervously.
"Why would you come into work smelling like that!?"
"(Y/N) and I went swimming before work." Moxxie said, "I guess chlorine is a stronger smell than I thought."
"Fuck! Now, this whole office is gonna smell like the god damn pool!"
Blitzø, Millie, and Loona all make Moxxie sit next to an open window for the whole day.
From then on, Moxxie makes sure to have a spare change of clothes with him.
Moxxie tries to learn all about marine life. He wants to surprise you with facts that you might not know.
Moxxie also learns about different swimming techniques and common injuries swimmers can face, just so he's prepared.
Which honestly impresses you and some of it you had no idea about half of the stuff that Moxxie brings up.
"Did you know that there are more artifacts underwater than in museums....?"
"Wow, that's so c-"
"We only know about a fraction of the species underwater and are discovering new ones every day. I read about it the oth-" Moxxies said, pausing once he heard your laughter.
"Y'know for someone who takes a lot of convincing to even step foot into the ocean with me, you sure know a lot about it..." You grinned, leaning in closer to Moxxie, taking in every second of his bashful expression.
"..hehe... I guess I got a little carried away researching."
"Yeah, but it's cute. Tell me more...." You sighed as Moxxie continued on, rambling off more and more facts that he read while researching.
It honestly is so cute to watch Moxxie whenever he goes off like this.
"I love you, Mox." You smiled.
"Oh, uh," Moxxie stumbled a bit over his words, taken off guard by your sudden confession. "I love you too."
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paradoxunknown · 7 years
The street dogs girl chapter 1
Jon Moxley was known as a lot of things; A greedy bastard, a mutt with questionable character, and a street dog with a screw loose to name a few. A love sick puppy, however, was not one of those things. Life was interesting for Mox at CZW.
The place was bred on violence and he thrived on it. Alphas were territorial bastards and Mox was no different. He was young, prideful, and the definition of an Alpha.
Mox wasn’t the only wolf at CZW. He had met another Alpha named Sami and the two bonded quickly, making fast friends. While there were other supernatural creatures at CZW, wolves or vampires were the majority.
Mox had a track record though. He was known for his bad choices, especially when it came the opposite sex. It was an ongoing joke between Sami Callihan and himself. It was because of that track record, he found himself awestruck.
He had never seen anyone like her, but he knew from the moment he laid eyes on her that she was his mate. Short, petite, fiery temper, and a mouth to match. She had curly honey blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back and grey eyes that shined with striking silver sheen. Kitty Baxter was definitely something. She was five feet of sass and was not afraid of anyone; the half vampire half demon woman was a force to be reckoned with.
She had just debuted a month ago and was already making a name for herself in CZW. While she was tiny, the New York native was not afraid to take a hit. She could dish it out as good as she got it.
Kitty had caught Mox’s attention the night she debuted. Not many people, let alone a woman, would’ve tried to interfere with his match. When it first happened, he was pissed that he lost the match. But after a few beers and a talk with Sami the Ohio native found he was more so impressed than angry. After the interference on his match, Mox had made it his priority to be ringside at every single one of Kitty’s matches.
During that month of he watching her matches and making himself that bane of her existence, Mox had learned a lot about the woman that caught his eye; Kitty was just her nickname and the name she preferred to be called. Katerina-Anne was her full name name. He had also learned that Kitty’s real last name was Parker.
“Mox.” a voice said, snapping the Cincinnati native out of his thoughts. “You stare at her any longer and you’ll give yourself an aneurysm.”
“Oh haha,” Mox responded, looking to his right to glare at the man who had spoke. “I didn’t realize you knew such a big word, Sami . I’m actually impressed.”
“Asshole.” Sami retorted, shoving Mox some.
“Dickhead.” Mox commented without missing a beat, pushing his best friend back.
“You’d get the new script change?” Sami asked, sitting next to Mox.
“Uh huh. I saw.” Mox mumbled, fighting the urge to shake his head. “And I also heard that Kitty asked to be our tag partner.”
“Why?” Sami questioned, eyes drifting over to the blonde now sitting in the center of the ring.
Mox shrugged and watched as Kitty began to stretch out. Just last week, Kitty had been beaten down by her so called friend in the middle of the ring after she had beat her for a number one contender match.
“Revenge probably.” Mox answered, smirking as Kitty looked over at him. “She may hate us, but no doubt about it man, we’re one hell of a team.” The Ohio native wrapped his arm around Sami’s shoulder. “Plus she knows how much we hate Younger and Vortekz.”
“I heard them bitching about not knowing who Lydia is up against.” Sami added, chuckling some. “And then they started to trash talk about how they’re gonna kick our asses.”
“Drake and Scotty can kiss my ass,” Mox retorted, rolling his eyes. “Those backwoods half breeds don’t scare me.”
“Good to know,” a soft yet firm voice said. “Because I need you on your A game, mutt.”
“Oh, don’t worry princess.” Mox snarked, wolfish grin on his face as he eyed Kitty up. “I’m always on my A game.”
“And don’t be gross,” Kitty added with a tight eyeroll.
“Scouts honor,” Jon retorted, tone snide. “Just don’t leave us high and dry.”
Kitty scoffed. “That phrase isn’t even in my dictionary.” The blonde smiled a falsely sweet smile. “I always get the job done.”
Mox stood, smirking. “Oh really?” The street dog moved so that he was towering over the younger woman. “Wanna show me just how well you can finish it?”
The blonde wrinkled her nose in disdain. “I don’t like boys, Moxley. I like a man.” Kitty smirked as Sami laughed when Mox began to scowl. “And besides, you wouldn’t know how to handle me anyways.” The New Yorker mocked waved to the two men as she began to walk away. “See you two tonight.” Mox let out a silent growl as he watched Kitty’s hips sway as she walked away. It really did feel like he was a dog kept on tight leash. He wanted to snap at her. Try to intimidate her even, but he couldn’t. He really was awestruck.
Hours later Mox was ran into from behind. He knew who it was the moment the smell of sweet vanilla hit his nose.
“Well hello, Kitty-cat.” Mox said as he turned, smirk on his face. “Miss me that much?”
“Really not in the mood right now,” Kitty retorted, voice raw. It was then that Jon had realized the blonde’s eyes were red and puffy, coming to the conclusion that Kitty had been crying.
“What happened?” Mox asked, the harsh bite in his voice taking Kitty by surprise.
“It’s none-”
“What happened?” Jon asked again, cutting Kitty off.
“It’s nothing,” Kitty said, shaking her head. “Just some dumb shit Younger said. It’s not important.”
“That piece of shit made you cry?” Mox snarled out, teeth bared. “I’m going to chop that fuckers dick off.”
“Mox, please.” Kitty said, putting her hands on the Ohio natives chest to stop him from surging forward. “Just stay out of it.”
Jon went to put his hand on Kitty’s, watching as the younger woman winced when his fingers brushed over her wrist. The brown haired man looked down to see a bruise on the blonde.
“That fucker put his hands on you?” Mox growled out, eyes flashing gold. “I’m going to murder him.” The older man felt his wolf trying to break through. “That Dickhead put his hands on my mate.”
“Jon, stop.” Kitty said, tone firm. “Please . You’ll lose your job.” That blonde sighed. “I actually enjoy your company. Despite what you may think.”
“I’m not going to sit here and do nothing. That fucker needs to be put in his place.”
“Not like this.” Kitty shook her head. “We need to hit him where it hurts.” The blonde looked up at Moxley. “What do you say?”
“Can I eventually beat his ass?” To answer the Ohio natives question the younger woman simply nodded. “Then we have a deal.”
Kitty nodded and moved her hands away from Jon’s chest. The blonde backed away some, crossing her arms across her chest. The Ohio native nodded his head as he slowly walked pass the New Yorker.
Maybe working with Moxley wouldn’t be as bad as she thought it would. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
The crowd was in an uproar when Kitty’s theme went off. Mox didn’t know what was louder, the cheers of the crowd or the undisclosed screech that escaped Lydia’s mouth.
“And their partner, from Brooklyn, New York, Kitty Baxter.” The ringer announcer said into his mic. Mox let out a dry chuckle as he eyed Kitty up and down, watching as the New York native slapped the hands of some fans and place a kiss on some little boys cheek.
The blonde smirked and blew a mock kiss at Lydia as she climbed onto the ring apron. Kitty’s ring gear was all black and form fitting, hugging her curves. It looked like a one piece bathing suit with shorts over top of it, but it was made of latex and looked to be only made to fit Kitty.
Mox couldn’t help but lick his lips as Kitty took her leather jacket off. The Ohio native eye’s wandering yet again as he took in Kitty’s figure. When Younger took a step towards the blonde, Mox surged forward.
“Back off bitch,” Jon growled, stepping to be toe to toe with Drake. “Or I will kill you.”
Younger let out a snide laugh. “You can have the bitch. She wasn’t that good of a fuck anyway.”
Jon practically lost his mind as he lunged forward and gripped the man by his shoulders. He shoved him against the turnbuckle before throwing a hard punch that left the man gasping for air.
Kitty quickly stepped forward and grabbed Jon’s arm, pulling him away from Drake. “Stop,” the blonde murmured, dragging Jon into their corner of the ring. “Wait until the bell.”
“You’re gonna let that fucker talk about you like that?” Mox questioned, standing next to Sami. “Why?”
“I’ve heard it all before, Mox.” Kitty shot back. “Just, wait.”
The brown haired man let out a grunt, anger reeling through his body. He was practically seeing red because of the words that escaped Younger’s mouth.
Looking over to make eye contact with Younger, the alpha snarled at the omega. “Your ass is mine!” Jon pointed to the shorter man. “Just wait until I get my hands on you!”
Kitty somehow managed to get Mox on the other side of the ropes and off the apron. While she tried to calm Mox down, Sami started the match.
“I’m going to kill that fucker.” Mox stated, his voice low and rough. Kitty bit back a whimper, but couldn’t control the shutter that went through her body at Jon’s tone. “That Dickhead thinks he can touch what’s mine.”
“Hey. Now is not the time to be a territorial douchebag.” Kitty argued, trying to rein in her hormones. “You can put your claim on me after we beat them.” The blonde almost laughed at the shocked look on Jon’s face. The New Yorker yanked the Cincinnatian down to her height by his dog collar. “But right now, your focus should be making him suffer.”
Jon growled lowly and snapped his teeth by Kitty’s ear. “Sami is luck we a have a job to do.” The Alpha smirked when he felt the half vampire shiver. “Now, be a good girl and don’t distract me.”
Kitty did as she was told and stayed out of Jon’s match as much as possible. Backing up, the blonde let Mox climb back up on the apron, shocked when the Ohio native offered her a hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It seemed like the match was going on for hours until Kitty got to tag in. The blonde stepped under the rope the moment after her hand slapped Jon’s. Pointing to her former friend, Kitty made a ‘come and get it’ motion with her hands.
The New York smirked as Lydia slowly stepped into the ring, scared expression on her face.
“Come on sweetheart,” Kitty mocked, holding her arms out. “You had a lot of balls last week when you attacked me from behind!” The shorter woman invaded Lydia’s personal space, throwing as much intimidation into her glare as she could muster.
The blonde didn’t wait any longer, launching herself at her former friend. Grabbing Lydia’s black hair the New Yorker flung her to the ground. Running to the ropes and bouncing off them, Kitty ran across Lydia’s laid out body.
Not expecting her to do anything, Kitty was taken off guard when Lydia rolled her up for a two count. After kicking out the New Yorker rolled through and put a arm bar on the black haired woman. Kitty grinned as she heard Lydia scream in pain. Upping the pain factor for her former friend, the New Yorker yanked Lydia’s arm back more, satisfied when she heard a pop.
Not caring that Lydia tapped, Kitty held the submission longer only letting go when she was pulled off by the ref. The blonde winced as she was yanked off her former friend. Ripping her arm away from the ref, Kitty found herself pressed chest to chest with Moxley.
“It’s over. Stop before you get in trouble,” Moxley said lowly. “Bitch deserved it,” Kitty retorted, glaring up at Mox. “And just because you’re my suppose to be mate does not mean you can boss me around.”
“I’m trying to help you,” Mox gritted through his teeth, reaching down to take Kitty’s hand and raise it in victory. “We beat them.” The Ohio native let go of the shorter woman’s hand. “My turn to make a statement.” Jon grabbed Kitty by her waist and smashed his lips against the tiny blonde’s.
Kitty’s eyes widen as Mox’s lips touched hers. The New Yorker’s grey eyes snapped shut, her lips moving against the Ohio native’s. The curly haired blonde reached up and laced her fingers through Mox’s dog collar. The shorter woman pulled back from the kiss, panting to catch her breath.
The blonde slowly backed away from the alpha, climbing out of the ring. As she backed up the ramp, Kitty brought her fingers up to her lips and her eyes locked onto Jon’s. From the moment his lips touched hers, she knew she was screwed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kitty let out breath she didn’t know she was holding as she walked into her a tiny dressing room. The New Yorker winced as she felt pain in her gums. The half vampire let out a pained groaned as she slumped against the banged up wall.
She knew what was happening. She hadn’t fed in a few months and now it was catching up to her. The blonde bit back a cry of a pain as her hunger hit her full force. The blonde shut her eyes, only opening them when she heard her door open.
When her grey eyes met blue she froze.
“You need to leave,” Kitty gritted out, putting her hand over her mouth. “Now.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Moxley asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Haven’t fed in months,” Kitty whimpered out as another twinge of pain from her hunger hit her. “Fuck, it burns.” The blonde groaned out, clenching her hand into a fist. “Mox..” The New Yorker eyed the Ohio native. “Sorry for what I’m about to do.” Without waiting for Jon to respond, the half vampire lunged at the wolf.
Sliding her fangs into Mox’s neck, Kitty let out a moan of relief as his blood slid into her mouth and down her throat. Not being able to help herself the blonde growled when Mox shifted. Her growl was answered by Jon releasing a growl of his own. The werewolf gripped the halflings hips, pulling her closer to him. As Mox moved his hand down to grip Kitty’s bottom the blonde pulled away from him, eyes practically glowing and some of his blood running down her lip.
“The fuck,” Mox panted out, pupils blown. “The fuck was that?”
“I-I’m sorry,” Kitty said, eyes wide as she wiped her mouth. “I-It just hurt so bad and you were here and I couldn’t help it.” The blonde’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh my God, what would’ve happened if you were human?”
“But I’m not, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Jon said, seeing the distress on his mates face. “See, I’m healing already.” The Alpha motioned to his mending neck. “No worries. Everything’s good.” He smiled for a moment before adding, “Except for the fact you just tried to eat me.”
Kitty let out shocked noise, pale face going red. “That’s not funny!” The blonde shook her head, crossing her arms.
Jon let out a snicker. “I’m joking,” the Ohio native held out his hand. “Come here.”
Kitty slowly placed her hand in Jon’s, shocked when the man known as the “street dog” wrapped her in a hug. Even though she knew she should be tense, Kitty couldn’t help but melt into Mox’s hold.
“Just so you know, this can’t happen again,” Kitty spoke up. “I can’t keep feeding off of you. It isn’t safe.”
“If you need to do it again, you can.” Mox retorted, looking down at the blonde. “You can’t neglect your needs like that.” Jon reached down and put his fingers under Kitty’s chin, lifting her head up to look at him. “And don’t even think about rolling your pretty little eyes at me, princess.”
“Oh bite me,” Kitty snarked, her sassy side coming into play. “You’re not my father and I’m not baring your mark. You don’t own me.”
The blonde bit back a gasp as Mox’s eyes flashed gold. “You better watch your tone.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” The New Yorker retorted. “I am not one of your slutty valets.”
Mox let out an annoyed growl, his hands moving upward, resting themselves in Kitty’s hair. “You’re right, you are not one of my slutty valets, but make no mistake.” The Ohio native grip on Kitty’s hair tighten, his fingers wrapping around the blonde strands harshly. “You. Are. Mine.”
Kitty couldn’t help the shiver that made it’s way down her spine at the choice of Moxley’s words.
“Prove it.” Kitty whispered, shocked as the words escaped from her mouth. “Because as far as I’m concerned, I’m not anyone’s.”
Mox let out a humorless chuckle. “You and that Goddamn mouth.” The Alpha swooped down and meshed his lips against Kitty’s.
Using the fact he was taller and still hand his hands in her hair, Mox dominated the kiss. Moving one hand to Kitty’s waist, he pulled the blonde against him more. The younger woman let out a whimper, arching against him as Mox’s tongue slipped into her mouth.
Jon let out a growl when he heard Kitty whimper, the alpha in Mox was purely driven by Kitty’s response. Sliding his hand from her hip, Jon grasped Kitty’s bottom in his hand as he beat her in a battle for dominance with his tongue.
Pulling back to catch his breath, Jon smirked when he heard Kitty’s disappointed groan.
“Hm, Looks like I can handle you.” Mox muttered, tone husky as he referred to Kitty’s earlier comments. “In fact, I’m going to do more then just handle you. I’m going to wreck you. Ruin you for other men.” Moving his lips down to her neck, Jon placed open mouth kisses leading to the juncture of Kitty’s neck. “You’re are mine.” To emphasize his point, Mox bit down hard on the spot where Kitty’s shoulder and neck met.
“Oh fuck.” Kitty exclaimed, gripping Mox by his dog collar as he sucked and licked on his bite to sooth it. “Mox.” The blonde sighed heavily.
Pulling back from Kitty’s neck, Jon rested against it, nuzzling it some. “Hm. Mine.” The Alpha pulled back completely, letting go of the blonde. “I’ll let you pack up. See you in 10?”
“Maybe,” Kitty said, already turning around and starting to collect her things. She couldn’t keep the amused smile off her face as she heard Mox growl lowly. “See you in 10, Jon.”
Kitty was shocked when she felt Jon get close to her a press a kiss on her head. The softness behind the gesture is what shocked her the most. It was uncharacteristic for the man and that is what shocked her the most.
~~~~~~~~~ “You really didn’t have to do this,” Kitty said, look to right so she could look at Mox. “Seriously.”
“It’s late and Cincinnati isn’t the safest place after dark,” Mox responded, shrugging his shoulders. “Besides, I’d feel a lot better if I see you go into your apartment.”
“Mox, I’m not human. I would’ve been fine if I walked by myself.” Kitty pulled her jacket closer, grinning some as Mox’s face flushed red.
“S’not right.” Jon said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “You’re my girl now. My responsibility.”
“Believe it or not,” Kitty said, turning to face Jon. “I’m not your property. I can take care of myself.”
“That hickey on your neck disagrees.” Mox smirked as Kitty’s eyes widen. “Besides, I know that you can take care of yourself, but I’d feel better if I saw you get home safely.” The wolf sighed. “Look, I know you’re not my property and I’m making it seem like you should be, but I’m an Alpha, Kitty. I’m territorial, fast tempered, and impulsive but I’ve never felt the way I do about you before.”
“This is really new for you, isn’t it?” The blonde asked, biting her lip nervously. “For the first time in you life you’re letting yourself feel something more than hate and it completely wrecking you, isn’t?”
“I don’t feel, you dork,” Mox said, wrapping his arm around Kitty. “Feeling is for losers.”
Kitty couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of her throat. “Obviously you feel something, Mox.” Not noticing she did it, Kitty leaned into Jon’s arm. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be walking me home.”
“You can’t tell anyone,” the Ohio native teased. “It’ll ruin my reputation.”
“But I thought Jon Moxley took care of what’s his?” Kitty paused for a moment, stopping so she could look at Jon completely. “Look, yes you’ve kissed me once and I’ve fed off of you…and you’ve already given me a hickey, but I want to take this slow. Yes we’re mates, but if we want this to work I think we need to try and make this an actual relationship.”
Jon’s blue eyes widened. “I’m not very good at these kinds of things, and I think you know that, but that sounds really good to me.”
Kitty smiled softly and leaned up, pressing a kiss on Jon’s cheek. “Thank you.” The New Yorker slipped her hand into his. “Now, come on.” The blonde jerked her head to the left. “My apartment is just around the corner.” Kitty winked. “If you’re lucky, I’ll let you stay for a beer.”
Jon couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I just hope I’m lucky then.”
Kitty just shook her head at the Ohio native, both of them walking the rest of the way to her apartment in silence.
The New Yorker lead Mox up the stairs of the building after they entered the front door. Walking up two more flights, Kitty stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of her apartment door cracked open.
“Um, do you always leave your door open?” Mox asked, body pressing up against Kitty’s as he stopped walking.
“No, I-I’m pretty sure I locked my door.” Kitty answered, eyes wide as she stepped forward.
Mox took a deep breath and let out a growl. “Fucking Christ. I can smell Younger all over the place.”
“Are you serious?” Kitty spit out angrily. “I’m going to murder that fucker!” The blonde walked towards her door, pushing it open.
Kitty let out relieved sigh when she heard a bark and saw her Dachshund running towards her.
“Rascal,” the blonde exclaimed, dropping to her knees to pick up her dog. “You okay buddy?” When the all black dog yipped a response, Kitty grinned. “What did you do to Younger? You scare ‘im away?” Almost as if he could understand his owner, Rascal yipped again.
“He smells like Younger,” Mox commented over Kitty’s shoulder, drawing Rascals attention to himself. “And he’s got blood in his teeth.”
“Really?” The blonde asked, shocked she hadn’t noticed. “He does.” Kitty laughed when she saw Rascal did. “Aw. Who’s a good boy? Biting the bad man.” The New Yorker pressed a kiss on her dog’s head. “My good boy.”
Basking in Kitty’s praise, Rascal began to wiggle happily. The tiny black dog’s tail began to wag quickly. She heard Mox’s growl, instantly recognizing that it wasn’t Rascal making the noise.
Standing up with her dog in her arms, Kitty looked at Jon. “If you want to go check it out, you can.”
Jon was already deeper inside the house before Kitty could even say anything else. He carefully inspected every room, making sure Younger hadn’t done any serious damage or left anything that could harm his mate.
“Seems like Younger got bit by your little man here and ran off.” Jon said, walking over to Kitty.
“Thanks for checking,” Kitty said, smiling weakly as she placed Rascal down on the ground.
“What did you see in Younger anyway?” The Ohio native asked, raising an eyebrow.
“He asked me on one date, I said yes.” Kitty answered. “Afterwards I realized how much of a dick he was and he wouldn’t leave me alone.” The blonde sighed as she leaned against her counter. “And he was lying about that fucking part. I wouldn’t let that asshole near me at all.”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that ever again,” Jon said, gazing at Kitty with a reassuring look. “Look I know you wanted to take this slow, but until your door gets fixed and until this problem with Younger is over I want ya to stay with me.”
Kitty didn’t know what to say as she stared at the Ohio native. It was like she was unable to form words. The blonde thought for a moment, silently weighing out the pros and cons of the offer in her head.
Taking a deep breath, Kitty couldn’t believe the words that escaped her mouth. “Okay, I’ll stay with you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@wrasslesmut here it is :)
Thanks @itspvrislove for the help 😙
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wrestlingisfake · 5 years
King of Pro Wrestling preview
Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA - Okada is defending the IWGP heavyweight championship.  Whoever wins this match will likely be the defending champion at Wrestle Kingdom in the Tokyo Dome on January 4.
In one-on-one matches, Okada is 6-1 against Sanada.  You could barely call it a rivalry, but on March 24 Sanada really impressed Okada in the finals of the New Japan Cup.  Okada won, earning a title shot, and decided that if he won the belt he would face Sanada in his first defense.  Okada did win the belt and proceeded to beat Sanada to retain it on May 4.  So when they met again on August 3 in the G1 Climax, Sanada was under tremendous pressure to not go 0-7.  It looked like he’d have to settle for the moral victory of a 30-minute time limit draw, but then Sanada finally got the pin at 29:47.  That one win earned Sanada another title shot, and shifted the psychological balance between the two men.
The big issues heading into this match are that Okada is trying to convince everyone Sanada isn’t in his league, the fans are split between them and increasingly leaning toward Sanada, and Okada just cannot hit his big dropkick on Sanada these days.  That dropkick thing is brilliant, because I’ve seen gif after gif of Sanada dodging the dropkick, and you know when Okada finally hits him it’ll blow the roof off the building.
It’s pretty rare for the IWGP heavyweight title to change hands between the G1 Climax and Wrestle Kingdom--it’s only happened three times in the past decade, and the last time was 2014.  So aside from the fact Sanada is not the guy who should be headlining the Tokyo Dome, I wouldn’t expect Okada to lose even if he was wrestling Batman.  As for Sanada, I think he’ll suck it up and have a better showing in the World Tag League tournament.
Kota Ibushi vs. EVIL - The winner of this match receives Ibushi’s “IWGP Right to Challenge contract”--the document that Ibushi earned by winning the G1 Climax, which entitles the bearer to an IWGP heavyweight title match on January 4.  Ibushi’s won the G1 with an 8-2 record, and tradition obligates him to defend the contract against anyone who beat him during the tournament.  He’s already avenged his loss to KENTA, but Evil also holds a win over him from July 14.
There is a minor subplot being pushed by Kevin Kelly (I’m not sure the creative team has even intentionally made this a thing) that Evil could win the title shot and his tag partner Sanada could win the title, and Evil beat Sanada in their last match.  That’s a clever observation, but I don’t expect it to lead to anything.  I would be incredibly shocked if Evil wins this match.
The whole “G1 winner gets a contract for a Wrestle Kingdom title shot” deal has been a thing since 2012.  In that time, guys who have challenged for the contract have gone 0-15.  Evil should give Ibushi a good match, but this is all about putting Kota over on his way to meet Okada at the Tokyo Dome
Jon Moxley vs. Juice Robinson - Moxley won the IWGP United States title from Juice on June 5, but Juice pinned Mox in a non-title match during the G1 on August 11, so the title is on the line in a rubber match.  Moxley has demanded that this must be a no-disqualification match.
Moxley’s run as US champ has been a little unusual because of his dual contracts with AEW and NJPW, which aren’t in a working relationship.  He doesn’t bring the US belt to AEW shows and his AEW deal precludes him from appearing at NJPW shows in North America.  So you’ve got a weird situation where New Japan has done, like, four US shows this summer but the US champion is the one guy who can’t appear on those shows.  Juice has been playng up the idea that Moxley isn’t a fighting champion, although technically Mox has only skipped one major tour since his debut, and he had a staph infection anyway.
What really matters here is that these two guys have had two great brawls that have established how determined they are to kill one another.  Juice is obsessed with proving he isn’t some prelim guy being fed to the big ex-WWE star.  Mox knows he’s poking the bear by antagonizing Juice, and he can’t let up for a second.
I’m expecting Juice to win the title here, since I doubt Moxley will be back in Japan until Wrestle Kingdom.  Technically, though, Moxley doesn’t have to drop the title--he only has to defend the title once every six months, so he could beat Juice here and go on to another title defense in January.  However, my gut says that it’s better for everyone if Mox puts Juice over now, before the politics of AEW protecting their guy and NJPW protecting their belt start to get complicated.  WIth luck, one or both men will get called out to set up their Wrestle Kingdom opponents.
Will Ospreay vs. El Phantasmo - Ospreay is defending the IWGP junior heavyweight championship.  Phantasmo’s RPW British cruiserweight championship is not at stake.
Phantasmo beat Ospreay on May 22 during the Best of the Super Jr. tournament.  That would have been enough to ensure him a title match after Ospreay won the belt, but he also beat Ospreay again on August 25 in the finals of the Super J Cup tournament.  For a while Ospreay and Robbie Eagles were challenging Phantasmo and Ishimori for the IWGP junior tag team title, but ELP and Ishimori retained.  So Ospreay has failed to beat Phantasmo over and over again, and now he’s putting his own gold on the line.
The match should be great and I could see it going either way.  With the Super Jr. Tag League coming up, there won’t be much focus on the singles title for a while, so they could literally drape all the gold on ELP for a while without derailing any potential title match plans for January.  Phantasmo’s been on a roll--an arrogant, smarmy, hateable roll--so I could certainly see him winning here.  But in spite of that I think I’m gonna pick Ospreay to retain.
Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Minoru Suzuki - The backstory here is that Liger announced he’ll be retiring in January, and Suzuki started giving him shit over an old grudge.  See, in 2002 Liger faced Suzuki in a shoot MMA match, which Suzuki easily won, and Liger commented that he would try again in a couple of years.  Well, the rematch never happened, so Suzuki accused Liger of trying to retire without ever doing it.  This led to Suzuki perpetrating all sorts of heinous attacks on Liger for months, including pulling off Liger’s mask.  This led to Liger flipping out on September 22 and turning into his super-mode, Kishin Liger.
Now, New Japan has not advertised that Jushin Liger will be in Kishin Liger mode for this match.  Jushin Liger has appeared since September 22 in normal friendly mode, so it’s possible this match will be about him trying not to let his homicidal demonic alter ego loose.  It is possible we will have to wait until later to see Suzuki really tangle with Kishin Liger.  BUT...we might just get to see Kishin Liger try to stab Minoru Suzuki in the fucking face.  (During a typhoon.)
I’ve watched footage of Kishin’s other appearances, and it’s safe to say he will brawl like a sick bastard, using weapons and making Japanese women shriek in the stands.  What will make this more interesting is that Suzuki tries to pull that shit all the time, so this could be like watching Dr. Jekyll turn into Mr. Hyde to fight Freddie Krueger.
The other interesting wrinkle is that there have been rumors going around that Suzuki is planning to leave New Japan, and that if it weren’t for the Liger storyline he’d already be gone.  I don’t know if I believe those reports, but since I’ve heard about them it’s easy to imagine that could be Suzuki’s final match in the company, and that Kishin Liger is going to murder his ass to send him packing.  Which is cool, because for months I expected Suzuki to poke the bear until he got Kishin Liger, and then he’d just beat Liger anyway like it was no big deal.  True or false, the Suzuki rumors make it feel plausible that this one could go either way, which is fantastic.
Bottom line, we may get Jushin Thunder Liger trying to wrestle a fair fight and getting crushed by Minoru Suzuki.  Or we may get Kishin Liger literally ending Minoru Suzuki’s New Japan career.  Or we may get anything in-between to set up a rematch at the Tokyo Dome.  I am super hype for this match no matter what the hell happens.
Jay White & KENTA & Yujiro Takahashi vs. Hirooki Goto & Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI - Goto is trying to goad White into giving him an intercontinental title match.  Kenta has some bad blood with Ishii and Yoshi over his heel turn a couple of months ago, but he’s already beaten both of them in singles matches so I don’t see where else that issue can go.  Takahashi is basically a jobber so I assume he’s going to lose the fall.
Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi & BUSHI vs. Zack Sabre, Jr. & Lance Archer & Taichi - This is kind of random tag match between guys who have nothing going on, so I suspect this is happening in order to set up an angle.  Sabre recently won his feud with Hiroshi Tanahashi and reclaimed his RPW championship, so I could see Naito or Takagi being positioned as the next challenger.  Archer and Takagi both ought to get slotted with someone they can beat to advance their pushes.  Meanwhile, Bushi isn’t scheduled for the Super Jr. Tag League so he’s just kinda there with nothing to do.  As for Taichi, I’m pretty sick of Taichi and don’t care what happens to him as long as he doesn’t fued with Naito for the hundredth time.  I’m guessing the Naito team wins this match.
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano - This seems kinda random.  They’ve been doing house show matches with Tana and Honma teaming with Yoshi-Hashi to challenge Makabe, Yano, and Ryusuke Taguchi for the NEVER six-man tag team title.  I don’t know what the point is of doing two-thirds of that match.  I suppose the winning team would get a boost ahead of the World Tag League tournament next month.  But the other weird thing is that Makabe is as well-known for teaming with Honma as he is for teaming with Yano, so that would seem to foreshadow some divided loyalties.  I can’t imagine anything real big coming out of this match when it’s so low on the card, though, so I figure Tanahashi will just win for a feel-good moment.
SHO & YOH & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI - This is vaguely a preview of the Super Jr. Tag League tournament, as Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh), Taguchi & Rocky Romero, and Kanemaru & Despy are all scheduled to compete there.  The Taguchi/Romero gimmick is that they’re both coaches, and Romero is the coach for R3K, so I guess the idea is Taguchi is teaming with his partner’s proteges.  The other thing here is that Despy is back from a broken jaw (if I recall correctly) and he happens to be teaming with Douki, who was recruited into Suzuki-gun to fill in for him.  Douki’s New Japan run is going so well that he isn’t even in the Super Jr. Tag League, so I expect he’ll do the job in this match.
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wordswithkittywitch · 7 years
I had a distressing dream last night. I think the most distressing part of it by far was the fact that the most unlikely was that the “serious business gamer” offered to mix up a Magic: the Gathering deck and a Yugi-Oh deck.
The dream started in a manner that should have sent me running in real life. I’m in a game shop, sitting down to play Magic: the Gathering with a  man I’ve never met before. I probably should have figured out where this game was going and tried to prevent it based on his opening remarks.
“It’s not often I have such a sexy opponent.” and then “If you want to make this interesting, we could always strip Magic  the Gathering.”
“I don’t think that would work, neither of us are wearing twenty pieces of clothing.”
“So?” he laughs. “Still… I’m impressed that you know how many life points a standard game of magic starts with.”
I’m holding a deck that has obvious signs of being played for over a decade, I’m in a game shop playing Magic, I think it’s safe to assume that I have some idea how the game works. I probably should have decided to leave the game then, but I wrote it off as 90% of the world thinking sex is a lot more amusing than I do. He probably thinks he’s hilarious because he said something with the implication of eventual nudity. (now that I’m awake, the idea of a table of stereotypical gamers playing strip Magic and trying to balance their urge to win with their desire to not see their friends naked is kind of amusing. Suggesting it to a woman you never met before, less so.)
This guy turns out to be very much in the “serious Magic player” end of things, explaining at one point about how Magic was a true game of strategy more intense than chess because there were more different cards that did different things to keep track of. He also continues to address me as “sexy” for most of the game, at one point telling me he wasn’t going to put up with my rudeness just because I was sexy.
The game goes in much the same vein that a lot of the Magic games I play in real life do, my opponent is taking it very seriously, building up the importance of their strategy, and I’m knocking out whatever card amuses me at the moment and he’s getting more and more annoyed that this casual approach is holding him off.
Although, to his credit, while I did stop him from doing any real damage to me, he did manage to play several cards that increased his life quite a lot. He spends the entire time telling me how bad my deck is and how I should have never brought it to a games night. About halfway into this standoff, he suggests we start over in order to prove that he could beat me even with a deck as terrible as mine. But instead of just offering to switch decks, he suggests that we shuffle our two decks together and split it evenly. I decline this offer because I already didn’t want to spend any more time with him and we would need to sort the cards back into our two decks when we were done. Also, because he was trashing my deck the heaviest when I landed a blow, (“what a lucky shot! It’s amazing you can do anything with such a crappy deck!”) and I wasn’t sure he wasn’t going to try to take out the cards he liked for himself. I didn’t tell him any of that, just that it would be confusing to get our cards back. He kept insisting.
“But it would get confusing when we come down to splitting the mana.”
“So? We’ll just take the amount of mana that was in our decks in the first place.”
“But I picked which mana cards went into my deck because I liked the art, and I don’t want to lose any of the cards with art I like.”
“Tch! Just like a stupid girl to get distracted by the card being pretty instead of what it does.”
“It’s mana. All basic land cards do the same thing.”
Finally, he offers to mix up my Magic deck with his Yugi-Oh deck, so that we could just sort it into Magic and Yugi-Oh when we were done. I’ve never done anything of the sort, so I say, “Sure, I’ll try anything once. Of course we’ll need to figure out a set ratio of Magic points to Yugi-Oh points, because Magic is generally in the single digits and Yugi Oh is generally in four.” I don’t know why this suggestion made him angry, but it did, and he fumes as he shuffles the two decks together.
I draw a hand, and that’s when I discover that some Tarot cards got mixed up in there as well.
Halfway through this game, I discover that somehow in the shuffling, half of the cards ended up the wrong side up. I offer to discard them because it wouldn’t be fair to either of us for me to play cards that we had both already seen. HE gets pissy and starts accusing me of cheating.
He had a d100 which he was using to mark his life points, only for some reason this particular die had 34 sides, and each side was separated into three triangles with different numbers on them, except for 100, which had a side all to it’s own. I remember this because at one point he announced, somewhere between complaining and bragging, that he couldn’t mark off his life points accurately now that they were over 100. I offered to fix it and knocked him back down to the 80s, which did not amuse him one bit.
I play one of my favourite combinations, an Ivy Elemental summoned with one green and a Mox Lotus, thus creating an ∞/∞ green creature. He just about loses his shit and says that I can’t play that combination because Mox Lotus is an Unhinged card and you can’t use Unhinged cards in tournaments. I point out that this was his deck and this wasn’t a tournament, and even if it was, the fact he shuffled a bunch of Yugi Oh cards into his Magic deck voided this round.
(I didn’t point out that all he needed to take out the Ivy Elemental was Vengeance. After all, he didn’t need a girl to tell him how to play Magic.)
“That’s the difference between you and me! I’m a serious gamer and you’re just a stupid girl!”
“No, the difference between you and me is I’m just trying to have fun and you’re being an asshole.”
“You can’t talk to me like that!” he shouted. “I’m special around here!”
To which I snapped, “No, you’re not!”
And the manchild threw down his hand on the table, stormed around to my side, grabbed me by the face and snarled, “Now, listen you little cunt-!”
Fortunately, this was a dream, so I woke up at that point. I can’t help but suspect that if the dream hadn’t ended we would have come to blows, or I would have least shoved him away.
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