#(and his arm gets kind of dislocated bc the li chased him?$
obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I can’t help but being a guy who reads subpar romances with shitty love interests & going. tch. if I was writing this I’d make him regret being born.
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oliverwxod · 5 years
Whatever it takes (Part 9) - Steve Rogers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (and sometimes Bucky x reader)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
Summary: Angels and Demons have been sworn enemies their whole lives, that’s just how it is. When Bucky decides to go against these unsaid rules, it brings a set of consequences into the lives of those who spend time with him. In Y/n’s case that consequence is an angel named Steve Rogers.
A/N:  YOU CAN CATCH UP ON THE PREVIOUS PARTS OF IT IN MY MASTERLIST IN MY BIO, also this had to be cut in half bc it was too long to post according to Tumblr??x
(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9)
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“Bucky I don’t know why you’re being such a hypocrite!” Y/n was so tired of Bucky’s constant moaning about her not spending enough time with him as of recently.
“Oh come on Y/n you can’t seriously be denying that you haven't changed!” he spat. He was just as riled up as Y/n was and she knew any second now they would be screaming at each other and causing total destruction to anything in their paths. 
“I haven’t changed Bucky. You’re the one whose changed! you’re the one who started hanging out with an Angel first, you can’t blame me for doing the exact same thing” she glowered. 
“I don’t like Steve” he spoke, gritting his teeth, jaw clenching so hard he thought he had dislocated the bone. He was trying so hard to hold in the rage knowing it would make every single thing so much worse.
“I don’t care if you don’t like him. I do.” She said, trying to walk past him to show she was so over the conversation. She should have known he wouldn’t let her. 
“You like him?” he laughed “you like that piece of shit?” 
“He’s not a piece of shit Bucky, he’s nice, nicer than you ever will be!” she glared. 
“I’ve never claimed to be nice” he laughed spitefully, “ it goes against everything I am and everything you are! See! You’ve changed, you just proved my point” 
“I said Steve was nice, not me” she said, making to move away again, but he grabbed her arm in a tight grip pulling her back to face him. 
“we’re not done talking” he said under his breath.
“Well I am” she said meeting his stare, eyes as dark as his own. 
“Fuck off Bucky” she spoke shoving him backwards and off of her. His grip released from her arm, but he wasn’t letting her leave, shoving her back harder and making her lose her balance and tumble towards the wall. 
“Bucky!” she glared, he was never intentionally rough with her like this. She was too taken aback, staring at him in disbelief as she saw the panic flash through him before he was on her, shoving her gently this time against the wall, pressing his forehead against hers. 
“I’m sorry” he spoke ‘I didn’t meant to push you but I really need you to listen to me”
“It’s okay, just don’t push me like that again” she spoke quietly.
“I won’t. But please, I don’t want to beg you here but I will if you don’t listen to me” he said gaining her attention at how serious he was being, Bucky was never serious. 
“You remember that time we nearly died escaping from that Victorian Mafia gang?” he asked quietly, a small smile tugging at his face. 
“Yeah” she spoke, a small laugh escaping her lips at the memory. “You got shot in the Butt” 
“Yeah, we had a lot of fun causing trouble” he spoke, eyes glazing over at the memories he had with her. He didn’t want to lose her. “I’d never want for that to change, so you need to stop seeing him.”
“I don’t want to stop seeing him” she whispered. 
“I’ve been doing some research about your parents” he said. 
“My parents?” Y/n asked confused. She never really knew her parents only knowing her Mother was a human and her Father was a demon. 
“Y/n I think you were lied to. I think your Mother was an Angel” he said. 
“what?.. how did you even begin to think that?” this was so random to her, she hadn’t given her parents a thought for a long time, why was Bucky bringing this up and why now of all times?
“I spoke to Tony.” He said.
“So you don’t actually know?” she asked.
“I’m almost 100 percent sure Y/n” he said. “can you trust me here?” 
She nodded, he was her longest and best friend, she didn’t have a reason not too.
“What's in this for you?” she asked, knowing him to well. Their must be something in it for him to be bringing this up. 
“Nothing, I just want you to be safe. You need to know” 
“So what does it mean then? My parents being from both sides?” 
“I think, from what Tony has said, that there’s a chance that you could become one of them, an Angel.” He spoke the words with a hint of disgust. “If you wanted it that badly...”
“What?” she asked shocked, pulling away form him to walk across the room, Bucky followed, watching her freak out.
“I need to go and talk to Steve” she spoke, causing Bucky to freeze in anger, a bitter laugh played in his head silently, she had to be joking right? Had he mis-heard her? 
“Whta?” he spat, his voice taking on a dangerous tone “why the fuck do you need to go and talk to him?” 
“He might know more” 
“Y/n do not fucking go to his” he spat. 
“I’m going to Steve’s” she spoke “there’s nothing you can do about it” 
“Fine, just fuck off and run to him” he said disregarding her with a last glare before moving into his room and slamming the door so hard that the room shook. 
Y/n huffed glaring daggers into his shut door, grabbing her coat and leaving the apartment with a slam just as loud to show him how angry she was at him. 
Steve heard a quiet knock at his apartment door, standing up in curiosity and racking his brains for who it could be at this time of night. 
He opened the door cautiously, ready to shut it immediately incase it was trouble, only to be surprised at the different kind of trouble that stood in front of him. Y/n was standing there, a small sad frown on her face.
“Y/n?” he spoke gently, she looked up meeting his eyes with a painful look before she threw herself into his arms, leaning up to kiss his quickly. He was taken aback but kissed her back immediately, his hands wrapping around her frame and bringing her into the apartment and out of the cold hallway. 
“Whats wrong?” he asked pulling away from her lips as she dragged the two of them to his sofa, pushing him down into a sitting position before straddling him and kissing him with more force. Her hands left a burning touch on his skin, finding their way underneath his t-shirt and exploring the taut skin and muscles. She wanted him badly. 
“Y/n” he spoke between kisses, chasing them before his brain told him to stop, something wasn’t right and he needed to find out before he pursued this any further. “Y/n love, stop” he said, managing to pull away from her searing kisses.
She stopped, putting distance between them, not use to hearing someone tell her that before. 
“what?” she asked confused, his stare was intriguing and yet held a certain kind of sternness. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. 
She nodded confidently, too confidently for Steve’s liking.
“Steve, I want you” she pleaded “ a lot” 
“Y/n I -” he wasn’t sure what to say, he was rarely in a situation like this. A burning desire he had felt only once before was stirring inside of him, eyes darker than Y/n had ever seen on him.
“Do you want me too?” she asked, looking up to meet his eyes. 
He nodded. “of course I do, but we shouldn’t, not now” Steve knew Y/n was the kind of person who knew what she wanted and got exactly that.
“Steve please, I like you- you like me. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I promise I'm not pulling some demon shit here” 
He responded by leaning close, kissing her gently at first, his touch soft and gentle and Y/n couldn't’ help but compare it to Bucky’s rough grip, the contrast between the two men was strikingly different. 
It was as Steve was blinded by passion, his arms effortlessly lifting her up as he flipped their positions, pushing her down into the sofa as his body pressed tightly against hers.
“I really like you” Steve admitted, needing her to know this, hoping that if they did this she would understand what it mean’t to him. He took sex very seriously. 
“I know, I really like you too Steve” she whispered, watching as his face pulled into a smile. 
It was wrong but it was so right, having Y/n in his arms like this made him believe for a minute that she was an angel. Because in that moment to him she was. She had come along at a tough time in Steve’s life and she had managed to fill the gaping hole that had settled in his heart since Peggy left him. 
He wasn’t sure when or how it had happened but it had and there was nothing he could do about it but give in. 
Y/n let out a cry as he rocked his hips into hers, her legs resting behind his back, pulling his bare torso against hers. His skin against her skin felt unbelievable, a spark of electric energy or the energy created by a demon and Angels touch. Neither of them knew. 
Steve’s weight pressed down against her body felt like she was home. 
She was pushing his jeans down with a hurried touch, trying to get as close to him as possible, he leaned back slightly to help, kicking them off and across the floor without a care He was never normally this impulsive.
He was back on her in seconds, bare skin pressed closely to bare skin. Hands roaming each other and exploring every inch of expose skin.
Steve’s hands rested on her hips and she could feel the bruises Bucky had left  from where he gripped her tightly the other day, she forced herself to forget about him for the next hour. Steve forced her head backwards gently and away from where her lips rested in the crook of his neck so he could see her face. 
“I’m not having sex with you here” He mumbled, surprising her as she let out a squeal by lifting her up in the air and walking the two of them to his bedroom. Y/n let out a laugh and a quiet giggle as he playfully chucked her onto the soft sheets of his bed, meeting his eyes as he watched her with amusement. 
He was on her in seconds, admiring the way she smiled and the way she seemed to relax under his touch. 
“you’re amazing you know?” Steve spoke, pulling another laugh from her, Steve thought he could spend all day complimenting her just so he could hear the sound. 
“shut up” she spoke, a grin on her face as she pulled him down with her hands behind his neck into another searing kiss. 
Y/n turned her head to the side burning her moans into the pillow.
“Steve…” She whimpered. He thrust his hips forward at the sound making her whimper louder. She wriggled under his grip trying to force her own hip upwards to gain some friction against his boxer shorts.
Her heels were trying to push his boxers down. He got the message, reaching down to pull them off, kicking them away off of the bed.
Steve lifted her head to make her look at him, she nodded knowing he was asking a silent question.
One of his hands came between her legs, teasingly grazing the tops of her thighs before moving to where she needed to be touched the most before pulling her underwear down her legs and chucking them to the bedside table. 
She shivered as his fingers toyed with her. He removed his hand to grip himself, before running the tip along her entrance, groaning at the wetness.
He couldn’t wait anymore. He had to be inside her.
He pushed in slowly, knowing it would take time to adjust to his size.
She cried out, her hands gripping onto his shoulders, moving to his lower back when he pulled out and thrust back.
“Fuck, Steve” she groaned, clenching tightly around him. Her hand moved to his shoulders again as he moved his hips forward slowly but hard, the force causing her to move up the bed. It was better than she had ever imagined.
His lips pressed softly to her neck, humming gently and creating tingling sensations along her skin. His cock dragging inside her, heavy and wanton as he slammed his hips forward to meet hers. Steve’s eyes were closed in pleasure as he allowed himself to feel free and let go of everything. It wasn’t often that he allowed himself this kind of pleasure. 
He watched her squirm, hands twisting into the bed sheets. It was thrilling and Steve couldn’t quite believe he had given in to his own rules. He never imagined himself to ever be won over by the one thing he was always taught to stay away from. Maybe he had started to lose his faith in the whole system, after all everyone had the potential to feel the same emotions, it was all down to choice at the end of the day and Y/n and Steve were an example of this. 
The morning came quicker than expected, Y/n waking early but deciding to stay in Steve’s bed, wrapped tightly in his arms and watching him sleep peacefully. She smiled gently, scanning his features and wondering how the hell this had happened and how the hell he was making her feel all these unfamiliar feelings.
“Morning” Steve’s husky voice made her jump, realising she had been lost in thought while staring at him. “enjoying the view doll?” he asked.
She smiled before throwing one leg over his hips and pulling herself up to straddle him. He stared up at her with a lazy smile, one hand resting on his chest and the other now supporting her on the side of one of her thighs, rubbing softly with his thumb.
She leaned down to give him quick kiss, finding herself being pulled down flush against his chest as Steve deepened it.
“I need to go home” she spoke, pulling away and watching as he frowned at the thought of her returning home to Bucky. He hummed gently.
“why so soon? why don’t we get breakfast first?” he spoke.
“I’d love to, but I really should go” she spoke, biting her lip as she stared at him. She didn’t really want to leave but she knew she had to face Bucky sooner or later and she would rather sooner as he would be ten times worse if she left it later.
Steve sighed dramatically.
“Okay, I guess if you have to” he pouted, making Y/n laugh loudly and trace her thumb over his lips, leaning down once more to kiss him.
Steve watched her move from the bed with a small frown, he couldn’t help but admire her, watching as she picked up her clothes and dressed.
“When will I next see you?” he asked.
“Call me” she spoke, walking towards the door and giving him a quick wink. He smirked back at her, shaking his head gently.
“No goodbye kiss?” he called out, no longer able to see her.
“You better call me soon then Rogers” she called back, before he heard the closing of his apartment door.
Steve lay in bed smiling to himself in a trance. He was shocked at what he had done but he didn’t regret it one bit, he really liked her and he didn’t think he would ever feel like this again and she had come along and proved him wrong.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Bucky asked, siting up from the couch as soon as she walked through the door. She wasn’t expecting him to be waiting up and around for her.
“This Is getting seriously old now Buck” she spoke tiredly. She didn’t want to fight with him, she had a perfect night and was not in the mood to argue anymore.
“Y/n I've been worried about you! You didn’t even text me to tell me where you were!”
“You were worried about me?” she asked confused, halting in her steps towards her room, Bucky was actually truly concerned?
“Yes I was worried about you. Why wouldn’t I be? I always worry about you” he spoke, the anger had left his eyes as he looked at her, he needed her to know that. Wanted her to know how much she really mean’t to him.
“I’m back now Bucky” she spoke quietly.
“You were with him weren’t you?” he said quietly, sitting back down on the couch and hanging his head in what looked like shame.
Y/n moved over towards him, sitting next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder.
“I was.” she spoke “With Steve”
“You slept with him didn't you?” he asked, needing to know if his worst fear had come true. The amount of times he had convinced himself that she wouldn’t do that, that Steve would never do that.
He could feel her nod against his shoulder, his blood running cold. But he knew better than to get angry again, knowing he would lose her for good and push her further away.
“I was scared of that” He spoke. Y/n removed her head from his shoulder, turning to look at him with a small frown.
Ever since she had known him, Bucky had never truly admitted out loud what he feared. She had never heard him say he was scared before and she had know him a long, long time.
“Why were you scared of that Buck?” she asked, one arm finding its way under his so she could hug him from the side. He pulled her in close, kissing the side of her head softly.
“I can’t lose you. You’re the only person whose ever mean’t anything to me.” he admitted. He was being serious and was hoping Y/n would believe him even though he had never given her a reason to.
“Bucky” she spoke quietly “you will never lose me, It’s you and me okay? even if you did something horrible to me I would never leave you”
“You wouldn’t?” he asked surprised “But what if I deserve it?”
“Bucky, you’re my best friend okay, I will always put you before anyone else, because I know you would do the same for me. Yes, you can be an infuriating ass but at the end of the day you’re my Bucky.” she spoke.
He smiled at her softly, leaning towards her and gently capturing her lips between his.
She knew it was so wrong to do this after admitting to liking Steve, but this was who she was, it was what she did.
 AN: Thank you for reading my loves!! I can’t tag bc my post is too long but I'll reblog and add tags that way if it works?
Also I have a new Bucky series coming out soon called ‘just a little bit of your heart’ message me if you wanna be tagged bc tags are still open atm xxx
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