#(and if a sapphic person says my body type is beautiful what am i supposed to do? Not believe them?)
natsmagi · 1 year
this might be a bit of an odd ask, but your art has genuinely made me feel better about your own body. i didn't really like my chest before but seeing your femstars mugi art has made me a lot more comfortable in my skin so thank you <3
WHATTTTTT ANON 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ that makes me soso happy to hear!! we should all strive to feel comfortable and beautiful in our own skin and im very glad my gay little art has helped you with this :') sending u ALL THE LOVE 💕💕
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
#1: Emily's introduction:
Hallo, I guess I’ll be the first to do a little entry thing! The Computer explained it to me, and said it wanted some basic things first, so I suppose I’ll start with an introduction.
Salut! I’m a member of the Astral Assembly-or well, that’s our name for now..? It’s, well, pending approval and there’s some others that have been suggested. I personally like that one the best though.
My name is Emily! I’m a physical caretaker, though I do occasionally help out with the kids. I’m and I’m in my mid to late 20s, a cassgender girl (she/they), and a semi-frequent fronter. Though it’s all pretty fluid nowadays…
My favorite color is green, my favorite animal is butterflies, and I really like cake when it’s cold. I love drinking tea, mystery and nonfiction novels, and hiking! I’m arospec, and sapphic.
I used to be a part of the Anonymous Enclave area, and avoided that layer shift, as well as the one with the JM, so I’ve stuck with the main fronting group for a good while. My best friend is Cookie, a gatekeeper, but she is a little hard to reach right now.
I know the most French out of all of us-though that isn’t much anyways-and really love doing my/our nails! I do the showering stuff, telling people to eat, that sort of stuff! I’m not anyone super important internally, though I was an ‘honorary gatekeeper’ for a while and helped Cookie, and that was really fun. Lanuages, like I said before, are also really really fun to learn!
I mostly hang out with Sia, Mia, and Nia when I can get down there, other than Cookie of course. I’m probably closest to Mia, though all of them are nice. Nia’s just a bit loud and Sia and I just don’t have much in common.
I’m probably the most human of the system(s) to be honest. Well there are technically humanish people around, they are mostly varying levels of humanity. Claws, teeth, extra appendages, the works. I’m just a normal human person though, but I don't mind. It probably has to do with my role, well I don’t really look like the body I certainly have more in common with it than most. And since my whole job is taking care of it, it’s pretty useful to be comfortable in it, helps me stay intune and not tap out and miss something.
About the new era, I..don’t know 2co that well, I’ll be perfectly honest, but I know ACI pretty well. 2co seems like a good match to balance it out, so I hope they’ll do well working together! Things are looking up, though it's going to be a rocky road for a while. Mmm...rocky road ice cream...
I live in a sort of secluded area of the headspace, in the Cosmic Sea. It’s this weirdly moving sort of galaxy with floating islands. Mine’s a tad lower than the rest and in a place without many of the brighter stars, mostly blue ones and dwarves.
Mine’s mostly woods, with my house! Basement, kitchen, it’s pretty quaint and cozy if I do say so myself.
The woods are pretty, and the seasons change randomly. Rivers, and birds, that sort of thing!
Or well, the general ambiance of birds, since i never actually see any, so it might just be for the aesthetic.
The Cosmic Sea is part of the Plane, but it’s only connected through a big tunnel that used to be a hub, but it’s not really very active now...it’s sort of strange to walk through that place, it’s gigantic. There’s rooms full of papers, big signboards, chairs, and doors upon doors. Most are locked nowadays. I hope it comes back into use someday, I know it’d be a great help with comms, but we need to get better at that to even start using that place again...ugh.
But it’s a very scenic trip! I walk everywhere, which most people don’t bother, but it really is beautiful. I love taking in the time to appreciate it whenever I can!
I tend to follow my routes though, so i can't really tell you much about the furtherest corners of our headspace or anything like that.
I don’t front for fun much, most of the time there’s something that's been neglected that I should take care of. But I really don’t mind, I do love my role and I don’t blame anyone. Mental health is screwy, and quite a few members are pretty clueless about how the body works.
I’ve been outside of a specific subsystem, cluster, or layer for a long time now. I suspect I’ll probably keep free floating in the future. I’m unsure why there hasn’t been any other physical caretakers, since there are repeats of every other role (I think) but things are weird.
I don’t have very many outside hobbies. I would love a cat or pet, and feed some strays. Otherwise, I’m pretty easy to miss.
Some random questions I found looking around:
-Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
Mia calls me Emmie, and a few people call me Em or just M. The last one has caused some confusion since my name starts with a E, not a M.
-What is your favorite book? Least favorite?
My favorite genre is poetry, though I love older classical books! Sheil Silverstiens collections, Jane Austen, Red Fox, Call of The Wild and White Fang, lyrical works or written in older styles. The flow of it is just beautiful and so rich with ambiance! I don’t think I’d be able to choose a specific one….
But unrelated to those two genres, I read the works of a certain mystery/horror novelist who was wonderful in crafting pretty interesting characters and dynamics of trauma and such, and doing nothing with it. Oh, and there was an incredibly frustrating lack of action, by action I mean plot important things. The mysteries had little to no build up, and if answers were given it was randomly at the end of the book if not at all. Oh, and the cleverly set up problems and things for the characters to deal with magically vanish at the end. Like, no.
It was incredibly frustrating to read, but I fell in love with the characters and the world. They deserved better plots though, it was painful.
-Favorite food?
Oatmeal cookies and tea! I could eat them forever, way better than chocolate chip. It’s not really a meal, but it’s certainly healthier than other types of cookies.
I do really love cake though, but refrigerated! Broccoli is delicious too. Ice cream is a guilty pleasure.
-Least favorite food?
Oatmeal by itself, red meat, and carrots are all gross. I don’t like most candies, they taste of chemicals or are too sweet for me.
-If you were stuck on a deserted island, what one thing would you take with you, and why?
Would a survival kit count as one thing?
If not, one of those person-sized books about survival and animals and stuff you’d drag out of the library at age 3 and read for hours.
I can make my own fun, but well I am a physical caretaker, I certainly don’t know enough survival skills to live on an island for who knows how long!
-If you were a superhero, what power would you have?
Some sort of mind control, since it’s the easiest and most nonviolent way to keep the peace. If I can just suggest people to stop doing stuff, no need for punches. It’d also be way more efficient and I would have more time to myself, and could just mindwipe anyone who saw my real identity.
Though, that’s if I needed one. I could just brainwash people well casually hiding somewhere, rather than have to learn what spandex feels like. Seriously, I understand the want for a good aesthetic, but some of these costumes are shamefully ugly...I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing outside underwear in public, thank you very much
That’s all for now I guess. Next time I want to call up some of the other caretakers and do a bit of an introspective, maybe I can get a hold of Cookie too..
And probably find Scatter, we have a bit in common in our exclusion from the normal laws of syssics (system physics)!
I've actually posted here once or twice if you would believe that! Maybe I'll sign some posts? Either way, see you!
Emily (9/11/21)
(Ooh, bit of an ominous date.... Well, cant be helped I guess.)
(Partially transcripted by Liam)
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