#(and over the years I've come to the realization that it might've been some hint to repressed asexuality but anyways--)
panandinpain0 · 2 years
I would literally kill for anything Jasper Hale x male reader. Fluff? I’m down. Angst? I’m down. We have been deprived of gay Jasper and it makes me upset.
Fisherman's Son
Requested by: Anon
Fluff for Jasper Hale x Male!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of manipulate father and Swearing
Also, I'm just filling in little information like your dad's first name and the place you grew up, nothing much. Oh! And some parts of this are from the movies (like Waylon is mentioned).
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'You idiot! You know you shouldn't have come!' (Y/N) screamed at himself in his head.
He'd accepted his father's invitation to visit him in Forks, Washington after not seeing him for years. His parents had gotten a divorce and his manipulative father left, probably trying his best to pull at some guilt they might've felt. They didn't, of course, and his father sent a lousy letter every couple of years talking only about himself. Nonetheless, (Y/N) fell for it every time. And here he was, only a day after he'd arrived at Forks, lost in the woods. His father had insisted on going camping in the woods nearby, and even though (Y/N) had tried to protest he'd found himself shivering in a tent anyways. He'd come out after he'd heard the snap of a stick and ruffling from his dad's tent. Poking his head out, (Y/N) became alarmed when he realized his father wasn't there, a light shining and illuminating the empty tent; no signs of shadows.
That's how (Y/N) (L/N) found himself pointing a flashlight into the thick forest around him. A breeze blew past and made him shiver, making him regret not bringing his coat with him. Jesus Christ, why was he making so many mistakes?
Another twig snapped behind him, making him whip his head around and point his light at the source.
"Who are you?" the 'source' asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," (Y/N) responded with a strained voice, trying to make it come out normal. He took a step back, his body stiff, his eyes not leaving the man's.
"Jasper Hale. I'm Doctor Cullen's son, I'm sure you've heard of him. I live nearby," he explained calmly, stepping forward the slightest bit in a way to make (Y/N) more comfortable.
"You live in the middle of the forest?"
Jasper let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head a bit. "I know. An odd destination, I admit."
The silence stretched, filling the distance between them, awkward and stifling.
"Now you know who I am. May I ask who you are?" Jasper asked carefully, trying to figure out what this extremely attractive man was doing in his pajamas in the middle of the woods at night.
(Y/N)'s face was set into a hard glare, not because he didn't like Jasper, but because he was scared and trying not to show it. Jasper, having felt this, took a breath and focused on that feeling. (Y/N), taken aback by how calm he felt after a moment sighed, suddenly finding his earlier arguments for why he should be defensive silly.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"(L/N)? Harmon (L/N)'s son?" Jasper asked, crossing his arm over his chest and holding his chin with the other. His head tilted just slightly to the left and he heard (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat, making him bite his cheeks to keep down a smirk.
"I've never heard of you."
"I don't think he would've talked about me much," (Y/N) answered, his shoulders resting down from their tense position and sticking his hands in his pockets.
Making a mental note to continue the topic later, Jasper wanted to know more. "What are you doing all alone out here?" he asked with a hint of concern lacing his tone.
"My dad- we came out here camping and... I can't find him," (Y/N) hesitantly explained, remembering why he was out there. Anyone would've forgotten their task if they saw those dark eyes and chiseled face framed by blonde hair.
"Do you want me to help you look?" Jasper asked almost immediately, his own worries popping up in the back of his mind. Could it be the wolves? No, it couldn't be. Ever since Bella had been turned and Renesmee had been imprinted on by Jacob they wouldn't dare to, not that they would have otherwise. It couldn't be Victoria, she was long gone. Maybe the Volturi, but what on earth would they want with a simple fisherman? Or maybe Jasper was overthinking it all and it was just a murderer in the woods.
"Uhm... that would be great but, I wouldn't want to keep you. Wait- what are you even doing out here?" (Y/N) asked, suddenly remembering he hadn't known why he was out there.
"I was..." Jasper tried to think of something quickly. You know, something other than 'I was hunting with my vampire family because we drink animal blood instead of human blood- also, vampire's exist.' "I was just out for a walk. Had a hard day... needed some air," he lied. He hated lying, the way it felt so bitter on his tongue.
(Y/N) nodded, convincing himself that it made sense. The thought struck him that maybe Jasper was the one that took his dad, and was just trying to draw him in too.
"Thanks again for the offer, but... I think I'll be fine," (Y/N) insisted, standing there, tense yet again. Jasper nodded, not wanting to leave this random guy's presence. Understanding that he was supposed to be the one to walk away first, Jasper walked the same way he had come. (Y/N) did the same, assuming that maybe he was overreacting and his father just went to the bathroom or something.
Proving himself wrong once again, (Y/N) sat in front of Chief Swan's desk at the police station.
"Hello young man," he greeted with a smile, his mustache moving up with his mouth. "What can I help you with?"
"Uhm, Chief Swan, right?" (Y/N) asked, holding out a hand that was shaken by Charlie.
"Yes, sir."
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), Harmon (L/N)'s son."
"Harmon has a son?" Charlie asked, surprise written over his face.
"Yes, Chief," (Y/N) nodded, shaking his head at how little his father spoke of him. "I've lived with my mother over in Texas my whole life."
Charlie nodded in understanding, motioning for him to continue.
"Yesterday I went camping with my father. But in the middle of the night, he disappeared. I wasn't able to find him this morning or last night," (Y/N) revealed, shifting in his seat. How did he get himself into such situations?
The Chief's brow creased, a deep line making itself known. "Harmon's missing?" First Waylon, then Harry, now Harmon?
(Y/N) nodded. He just hoped the Chief wouldn't pick up on how much he wasn't worried for his dad.
Charlie started to explain what they would do to find his father, and when he went to write down (Y/N)'s name on the list of the party members that would go out and find him, (Y/N) stopped him.
"Sorry, but, I wouldn't like to go."
"You wouldn't?" Charlie asked, a confused look on his face as he inspected the boy.
"No. In fact, I'll be leaving Forks today."
"Your father goes missing and you're leaving?" Charlie admitted to himself, he sounded judgmental. From his perspective, who wouldn't be?
"Listen, Chief Swan, I don't know you and you don't know me. I'm sure the Harmon you know is different from the one I know. I don't have a good relationship with my father, barely even know the guy." (Y/N) shrugged. "He was shit father, and an even shittier husband to my mom. He left when I was six and all I've gotten for twelve years are letters every once in a while. I came up here because I pitied the guy, but then I remembered how much I hate him. So if you'll excuse me, yes, my father went missing and I'm leaving."
Charlie sat for a moment, trying to comprehend the information. With a nod confirming he heard, Charlie turned away, allowing (Y/N) to stand up and leave.
Turning the corner on the road, (Y/N) sighed, looking around at the pedestrians walking around him. They would look at him with a confused face, who would come out to Forks? Why didn't they know who he was? You know, the typical small-town questions.
At a stop light (one of the rare few in the town) a truck stopped beside (Y/N)'s, making him look over at it. It was the man from last night. What was his name again? Oh, yes, Jasper. Next to him in the passenger seat was a blonde woman with golden eyes. There were more people in the back but (Y/N) couldn't see them from the tinted windows. And don't forget the tall one who was standing in the bed of the truck, hands hanging on to the edge of the roof loosely.
Blinking in surprise, (Y/N) just turned his gaze back to the road. The trunk honked and Jasper smirked at his jump.
"Follow us," the stunning blonde woman, who looked quite a bit like Jasper himself, shouted to him. They drove as the light turned green, and though (Y/N) was confused he found himself following them. He didn't know why, but its not like he had anywhere to go. You know, except for home.
Pulling to the side of the empty road, four people stepped out of the truck, the man in the back jumping out. (Y/N) pulled up behind them and hesitantly got out.
"(Y/N), right?" Jasper greeted again, holding out his hand for (Y/N) to shake it.
He did so, slowly. He was still highly suspicious of Jasper. (Y/N) always made mistakes, but this one didn't feel like one.
"Yeah. Jasper, right?"
With a smile Jasper nodded, tensing a bit when he felt (Y/N) flinch at the temperature of his hand. "Let me introduce you to my family. This is my twin sister, Rosalie Hale."
(Y/N) nodded as the gorgeous Rosalie smiled smugly.
"My other sisters, Alice and Bella."
The small girl rocked on her heels and smiled brightly, waving her hand and refraining from hugging the stranger. Bella gave a two fingered salute from Edward's side with a smile.
"Last, and definitely least-" scoffs echoed from the men- "my brothers Emmett and Edward."
A small smile was dragged out of (Y/N) at the comment, waving stiffly to them all. "Not that its not great to meet you and all, but, why did are we here?"
"We're going to help you find your dad!" Alice smiled again, or maybe she hadn't stopped smiling- but the words she said caused (Y/N) to blink in surpise.
"Find my dad?"
"Mhm!" Alice nodded again.
"I don't want to find my dad."
The group all looked at each other after a moment of silence, different reactions rippling through them. Edward, however, just stood there and nodded.
"No- but, we need to find your dad," Alice insisted. Her siblings looked at her curiously, making her avoid eye contact. But of course Edward found out and smirked. She'd seen something and hadn't told the others. So that was why she was so insistent on them helping!
"I mean, if you guys want to, go for it-" (Y/N) shrugged- "But I'm going home."
"Going home?" Jasper asked with panic as (Y/N) reached for his door handle. "Where's home?"
"Texas," (Y/N) responded, climbing into his car and started to drive away again.
The group of vampires sat there in silence, watching him drive.
"Emmett, Bella-" Jasper asked shortly. The two smirked at each other and they started to run, racing each other. They were both fast and strong enough to get to the car and stop it (not without damage of course), so they made it a competition.
Alice stood silently and Edward looked at her in concentration.
"It's okay Jasper. It'll work out, promise." Alice put a small hand on his arm and nodded, Jasper nodding back with unease. He didn't want to force (Y/N) to stay, he just needed enough time to convince him to.
To Be Continued...
Okay, so I got uber excited for this so I wrote as much as I could but I'm short circuiting so I'll do a part 2 later. For now enjoy this! And thank you so much for requesting! I hope this was good enough for now <3
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setaflow · 3 years
#so hear me out for a second#I've been on Tumblr a while and I've dabbled in internet fandom since I was like...call it 11 (thanks WCF)#and over the years I've developed this opinion that I don't really share because it's unpopular and maybe even a little abrasive:#fandoms where the primary engagement with the content is shipping will always end in toxic flames one way or another#that being you go into the main tag and all you see are 20 posts in a row about shipping the characters together and nothing else#so all the fandom darling bloggers are shippers and instigate shit and it just becomes so clogged with shipping that I'm like >:P#(and over the years I've come to the realization that it might've been some hint to repressed asexuality but anyways--)#I've seen it happen time and time again and I think the most egregious example I can name is Voltron (almost famously so)#anyways keeping that in mind I was in the RDR2 fandom from say 2018-2019 and I gotta say it was a weird-ass experience being there#For such a romance-light medium there was SO much shipping drama#And all the core engagement with the story was pretty much solely self-shipping based and I was like ????????#like you have this rich plot layered with symbolism and nuance and all you want to do with it is write reader-insert and OOC imagines?????#There were very few people in that fandom that I wanted to follow because all they did was self-ship and it just wasn't really for me#So I had absolutely no reason to stay#ANYWAYS we've now arrived at the point I wanted to make; I started posting Cyberpunk 2077 stuff on this blog with a lot of hesitation#bc I figured that the self-shipping would be massively egregious what with a character creator and Johnny SH looking EXACTLY like Keanu#and I really didn't want to go through all that again because I'd been really excited about the game#and I didn't want to not engage with the fandom side at all (bc as you all know I'm incapable of shutting up)#but..........nine months later and I've honestly been pleasantly surprised?#Like yeah there's a lot of shipping stuff but it's not nearly as pervasive and toxic as I feared it'd be and it's actually pretty nice?#ANDANDAND there's discussions of themes and symbolism and YES that's what I want I eat that shit up!!!!!!!#And I've been following a decent amount of CP blogs and overall I've been pretty Surprised Pikachu Face about it all#My only theory is that we're all pretty aware that the game's a hot piece of trash in some ways so we're just squeezing all we can out of i#or that it's at least doing a lot of the shipping without veering too far into OOC with the characters? That might be it.#bc I'm super into character study. and all my favorites get butchered. no joke#I'm still not over some of the horrible Connor Kenway fics I read in 2013 when I was getting into fanfic writing#So I guess that what I'm trying to say is that it's been nice? Hangin' with y'all waiting for DLC?#Yeah. I guess that's it#Sorry for the long ramble I'm not tagging this as anything other than my own personal tag so if you made it this far I salute you#Seta speaks
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