#(and she kept paul sane tbh)
sgt-paul · 4 years
Hey! Hope all is going well :) I’m curious if you have any information/sources about Linda’s role in Paul’s life during the Beatles breakup and the time after? Paul has said she saved him. I do think she provided so much stability and comfort throughout their marriage and I’m interested in knowing more
thanks so much, i hope all is going well with you too! i’m terrible at remembering and also, organizing stuff like this but i tried to gather a few interviews where paul mentions it.
“I suppose before I married Linda I was about to burn myself out, but I didn’t realize it at the time, you know. But looking back now, kinda 10 years, 11 years later, there were definitely a few moments there where I was getting near the edge kinda thing, but Linda is kind of a steadying influence.” (1980)
“She saved me from general overall excess, which was pretty much total sort of party and work.” (1991)
“I remember very early on apologising because I was so tired, I said, 'I'm really tired, I'm sorry.' She said, 'It's allowed.' I remember thinking, Fucking hell! That was a mind-blower. I'd never been with anyone who'd thought like that: 'It's allowed.' And it was quite patently clear that it was allowed to be tired. I think I'd trained myself never to appear tired. Always to be on the ball. 'Sorry I'm yawning. I'm sorry,' which is complete bullshit. It's a Beatles thing, you had to be there, you had to be on time.” (1997 - MYFN)
“I was in a bit of a state when I first knew Lin. There were a lot of drugs and I was living on my own, totally overdoing it, boozing away. It was a case of, ‘Yeh-hey, have some more drugs...’ ‘Have you got some?’ ‘Try this one...’ ‘Don’t mind if I do.’ It was the Sixties, the hardcore Sixties and it was really starting to get to me. Looking back I can see I was doing too much, but I didn’t think so at the time. I just had trouble getting my head off the pillow sometimes. I remember once almost suffocating myself whilst trying to sleep and thinking, ‘You’re probably going too far here, son, but never mind.’ Linda would say, ‘Let’s just cool it down.’ She was a huge help. She started to put some sense back into my life. She put some order into it.” (1998) + “I helped with the shearing and mowing the fields—and horse-riding. That was the biggest thing. Linda taught me to horse-ride. I really remember at that time being on a horse and thinking I’ve got control of something. It was a feeling of some sort of power that was very strong. Through the nature in Scotland, through riding and through her support I did manage to get it back together.” (1998)
I ask him what has given him most happiness. “I think marrying Linda. Personal happiness. It was a reawakening. With the Beatles you lose your identity. You put your identity into the common identity and you’re a Beatle.” (2001)
“It had been a heavy, difficult period, but meeting Linda and starting a family was the escape. I’d see there was life out there. [...] Because, Christ, I’d worked like a devil with the Beatles for all those years, and it didn’t appear like there was going to be any happiness at the end of it. So, suddenly I found it, and grabbed it. The album was my escape. We made it in the front parlour. Get home, new baby, it was that joy, it transforms your life. I hadn’t had a baby before – we had Heather from Linda’s first marriage – so home was great joy and solace for me.” (x)
Has the whole process of navigating fame and the pressures of the music industry affected your mental health? I think so, yes. But, in truth, I just took to booze. There wasn’t much time to have mental health issues, it was just, fuck it, it’s boozing or sleeping. But I’m sure it did, as they were very depressing times. It’s funny, I remember when I first met Linda, she was divorced with a child and living in New York and having to fend for herself. She got depression and I remember her saying she made a decision. She said, “You know what? I’m not going to have this depression, because if I do I’m going to be in the hands of other people. And I’m not going to allow that to happen.” So she sort of picked herself up by her bootstraps and said, “I’ve got to get out of this myself.” And I think that was what I was able to do, to get out of the depression by saying, “OK, this is really bad and I’ve got to do something about it.” So I did. (2020)
“Having just met Linda, there was a romantic element to it and there was a new discovery of you know, thinking about a family and so all of that was very nice. You know I’d be playing a bit of electric guitar let’s say, just sort of playing around and Linda would come in and say “I didn’t know you played electric!”. I said “Oh yeah, yeah, I do, a little bit”, (...) she was very encouraging, so that would encourage me to go “Right I’m gonna do a song with a big electric on it!”. [...] I think as I said Linda was a huge help, I’d hate to think what’d have happened if I didn’t have her.” (2020)
i think some people tend to think this “saving” only had to do with what was going on with the band at the time, and while that is undoubtedly true too, like whether we are talking about the personal or the business troubles, or paul feeling like an “unemployed worker” and all that stuff, linda was there as a shoulder to lean on and her support and love were( incredibly important to paul. but the way paul talks about it, when he mentions her steadying influence etc, i think he also (or maybe even more so) means it in regard to his messy lifestyle and his generally crazy behaviour in the 60s, which definitely peaked after his breakup with jane and before (/around) he got together with linda. so the transition from that lifestyle with all the drugs and clubbing, the groupies, the "i have 4 girlfriends" mess, the workaholic mindset, plus the slight uncertainty which was followed by complete uncertainty and instability after jane had left him, to a much calmer, a more stable and comforting family life with linda, heather, and later mary, was a huge thing and i can definitely see why paul values linda's role in that so much and why he credits her as the person who basically "saved" him. i'm sure this change didn't happen in a day or anything, but i think we just sort of take paul finding linda for granted, like he was extremely lucky that linda arrived at that exact point in his life and helped paul put himself on the right track basically and was able to provide him so much support and love. she showed him a new way of life, a new way of looking at things a different mindset etc, which paul really needed in order to avoid completely burning himself out. and i'm sure that that's also why he stresses this so much, because he knows that her influence turned out to be super important and all that. 
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flcwerstudies · 7 years
cute tag!
pretty long post coming up!! Thanks to @cafedetude for tagging me!! im tagging: @hermiionegrcnger​ @studying-frenzy​ @belledoe​ @tiny-notes​ @theteadesk​ !! You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to ofc and if u want to do it and i haven’t tagged you go ahead!! 
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? there must always be more milk than cereal, but that amount must not exceed a certain amount do you get me? when i scoop my cereal there has to be proportionate amounts of milk in each scoop, consistently, until i have finished my bowl. my mind is a strange and lonely place. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? yes! its so refreshing and i feel like all your lethargy just evaporates... i love taking walks in the winter around my neighborhood in the evenings.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? spoons, lipsticks, i once used another book to bookmark a book, hair elastic, my contact lenses case, compact mirror....im a mess, i know 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? tea: scalding hot with lots of sugar and some milk. coffee: lots of milk, so much sugar 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? no? i just want my braces off!!
6: do you keep plants? yess
7: do you name your plants? yes! i am currently growing two wild roses and I’ve named them Calliope and Polymnia. 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? journaling, writing, reenacting musicals and dramatic renditions of songs? 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yeah ofccc it keeps me sane 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? back and side 
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? CAROL THE LESBIAN LIBRARIAN // mary walks by // too many to list here tbh 
12: what’s your favorite planet? mars! and also venus 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? my friends 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? a hurricane flew thru the entire place, empty wine bottles on the ground, beanbag chairs, stacks of books and movies, maybe a cat and a dog lazing around on the couch 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! there’s a gigantic cloud of alcohol wayyyyy out in outer space that could produce over 450 trillion pints of beer 
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? give me all the pasta. i love all pastas. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? im ok with my hair color now 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. GETTING A CAPUCHIN MONKEY AS MY PATRONUS ON POTTERMORE
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? yes! i rant a lot and i sort of write down reflections? on my day and things. its really emo and angsty lmao im 16 pls 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? brown eyes. so gentle. so sharp. so kind but so cruel. so ambiguous! 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. my tote bag from myanmar! the straps are falling off but i love it so much 
22: are you a morning person? depends on if i slept early enough 
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? sleep, watch a movie, watch youtube, read 
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? absolutely not. it always pisses me off when people are like ohhh you can tell me anything??? no i can’t???? 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? my friend’s house lmao 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? my peach converse! they’re so pastel and they seem weird but converse generally go well with a lot of things 
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don’t like gum tbh 
28: sunrise or sunset? both 
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? sticks his tongue out when he’s concentrating and its so cute i die everytime 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes but i will never ever go into detail with anyone about this lmao 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i love socks, i like wearing weird socks except for toe socks, people who sleep with socks on are Immune to Heat and Not Afraid Of Dying?? no white socks get nasty real quick and they’re so bland, i love socks i have this grey pair with french bulldog faces allllll over it and i wear them all the time and even though people can’t see them i still get happy and tell people about my dog socks. 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. HA LMAO we had just watched a scary movie so obviously we turned on my little pony and watched that for two hours 
33: what’s your fave pastry? cupcakes! anything tbh i have an enormous sweet tooth 
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? my dad used to go on a lot of business trips and he came back once with a huge stuffed bear from switzerland and its so fuzzy its still on my bed. it’s name is Fred and it wears overalls and it has brown fur! 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yes to all!!
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? paul anka lmao he’s not a band but ya know 
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? clean
38: tell us about your pet peeves! wHEN UR JAMMING OUT TO MUSIC AND THEN SPOTIFY JUST STOPS WORKING?? people asking me if im mad when im just being quiet and then making me mad by continually questionning me, people who will ask dumb questions (yes, there are always dumb questions. google is free and im not going to tell u the homework, it’s written on the board quite clearly u moron), racist/homophobic/ableist/ generally offensive and disrespectful people 
39: what color do you wear the most? grey and navy 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I have mismatching earrings that my grandmother got me for my birthday! 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis! 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! the starbucks on center street it’s very Starbucks, exactly what you would expect, but I always sit in the corner spot near the windows 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My family! 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? sitting in the sand in shell key, florida. my feet are in the water and i am watching my family swimming. I am very sunburnt but my mind is completely blank in a good way 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? absolutely 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. ofc they used a baby lion as their mascot. it’s simba-lic. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? there’s this food in korea that’s just stir fried rice with soybean sprouts and the sprouts..... aw god....they refuse to be bitten in half and it’s so gross i hate it sm 
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? darkness! and no it is different today!
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? there are scarce places to buy CD’s now but the last one I bought was Micheal Jackson’s Bad 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? bottle caps and paperclips and also pens i pick off the ground 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? my dad. any aretha franklin song 
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the spongebob one and the gif of the white man who blinks a lot....u know the one 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i loved all of them and i want to be able to quote them in all of my speech but i dont think people have watched all of them 
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?  i was working on homework last night and when i was turning on my laptop to work on my project i met my reflection in the screen 
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? been incredibly bitchy like damn.....i surprise myself and i really hate it 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when people use weird shit as bookmarks, when they laugh with their eyes shut, laugh lines near their eyes, dimples, kindness, when they aren’t afraid of making eye contact with me bc i have weirdly intense eyes  
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? it did not fit the mood of my day but yes i did reenact the lyrics 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? my friend diana is the wine mom but i am the vodka aunt. why?? she is infinitely more caring and kind and sophisticated and also wine gets u lowkey, calm drunk, while i, the vodka aunt, am caring, but i have a bit of a laissez faire attitude and go with the flow and ‘damn what the hell fuck it’ kinda vibe and vodka gets u sloppy shitfaced drunk with none of the sophistication that comes with wine. 
59: what’s your favorite myth? icarus
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? i dont LOVE poetry but i like haikus they’re like clever one liners ha 
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I gave my friend a notebook that i’d hastily made the night before and I have received a box of pads which in retrospect is not even a stupid present bc pads are expensive 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? i drink oj when i can 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i organize them every month bc i am ridiculous and i can’t function if my bookshelf is weirdly organized 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? pale grey almost white.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? my oldest group of friends (TNT lmaoooo) OR YOU KNOW callixtus from volunteering holyyy. you know those people who u meet and u immediately click with?? he’s on of them magical people and he was hella funny too i miss that guy to all hell 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? small roses! peach blossoms and cherry blossoms too. one huge ass hibiscus or lotus flower as a statement piece 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? cozy and sheltered. valid excuse for not going out 
68: what’s winter like where you live? terrible but i love it kinda 
69: what are your favorite board games? monopoly 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? NO WHAT 
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? barley, green or reallllyyyy black tea with loootss of sugar so that it makes your teeth ache 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yeah how’d you know 
73: what are some of your worst habits? expecting everyone to be on the same page 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. dedicated and brash, loud and hilarious, soft, amazing, i love them a lot 
75: tell us about your pets! i dont have pets!! T-T  
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? studying BUT DONT CALL ME OUT LIKE THIS OK
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? hateclub sorry 
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? done my makeup for me while gossiping with me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? pale green and yeah i did. i chose it bc i love green! and the old color was boring and i didn’t like it  
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. no edges at all, soft bovine eyes , shaking leaves, crocodile tears 
82: are/were you good in school? yes! it’s a source of a lot of pride for me! 
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? amsterdam by nothing but thieves omg 
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? oohh nahh im not planning on getting tattoos im scared of needles 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? through the woods? i used to read a lot of them but you know i grew out of them 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? not especially no 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? the drop, double indemnity, back to the future, idk there’s a lot 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? the rennaissance! it was so extra and i loved it a lot 
89: are you close to your parents? yeah
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. TORONTO-soaring skyline from the highways at night near the lakeshore, the lights from the condos are like stars and its ridiculous but i also loooooveee dubrovnik in croatia and hanoi in vietnam and kaunas in lithuania and kyoto in japan.....in dubrovnik the wind blows in from the shore and at night when the lights are on in the walled city the stone glows amber. In Hanoi in the old quarter, motorbikes flash by and there’s yelling and the smell of pork skewers and there’s old buildings and new ones, huge stalks of bamboo leaning up against the walls. In Kaunas the wind is so cold and sharp and the buildings are so clean and there’s that old fortress and the tower! it’s so beautiful. and Kyoto is old and archaic but so modern it hurts and the streets are too uniform and the houses creep me out a bit bc they’re so quiet. 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? i dont think so 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i will bury my pasta in cheese just you watch 
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? my hair is one style fits all bc its short 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my friend!
95: what are your plans for this weekend? study and work on projects and homework and stress and nap and have dinner with a guest 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? no updates. we die like men. 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? isfj-t, aries, ravenclaw 
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? sometime in september? it was nice! 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. put your head on my shoulder by paul anka....there’s a lot and im really lazy sorry 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years in the future, just to see where I end up 
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How to Defrost a Mermaid ~*~ [Mersisters]
In which the Triton girls check in after the snow storm, and then discuss polyamorous relationships, Australian kisses, and consent.
We actually had everyone for this one, but at different times. 
@andrina-the-amazingsupergenius, @adella-the-romantic, @arista-the-musical, @aquata-the-bold, @alana-the-badbitch, @ariel-the-rebellious
Andrina ok fam rate the latest swynlake disaster on a scale of 1-10
Attina i dunno if it hadn't lasted quite as long i'd give it maybe a 5
Alana 4 needs more gore, never really fearedfkrmy lie
Andrina i feel like court was a solid 3 on danger/ 9 on fun / 8 on cute boys
Alana Wow see we got comic book store man
Attina i dont think it was *that* fun
Alana and pauls crazy ex
Attina how crazy was she acting? how are the babies?????
Andrina that's becuase YOU were busy worrying while /I/ was perfecting my mixing techniques slash making the bar my fortress
Alana I mean idk I didn't talk to her see just seemed bitchy about the whole thing like chill we r all stuck in here and freezing
Andrina scale of bitchiness 1-regina george
Ariel It wasn't fun. I was worried about you guys.
Alana babies r fine. Comic man found a ton of pride u shirts to swaddle Alana Uh Uh
Ariel I did get to sing that song Total Eclipse of The Heart with Jim, though, and that made me feel better for a while.
Arista I dunno the ice castle was pretty fun
Attina um excuse me
Ariel Ice castle?
Attina also i'm sorry you were worried ariel 💗 but everyone is okay! 😄
Andrina wow and didnt invite me ris
Arista it was like ice skating and slippery but super cold so minus points for that
Andrina frankly that's so offensive
Attina WHAT were you doing in the ice castle
Arista I was on a rescue mission
Alana Wow
Ariel I'm glad we're all okay. We need to find magic portable bathtubs in the future though
Andrina on it ariel [finger gun emoji]
Ariel Who were you rescuing?
Alana thankfully the arcade sinks worked
Ariel Attina said you and Adella were home with Daddy
Attina wait for WHO what.
Alana Wow ris gets all the fun
Andrina five bucks if she says van
Arista Van got stuck in the blizzard out there so she went to the nearest building which was the ice castle. It's okay though guys Urs came too. Buddy system. I'm not totally clueless
Alana how was it Alana what is the yelp review
Andrina how was the service Andrina and did u lick the walls
Attina how did ??? that happen?
Ariel You risked your life to save Van? That's so romantic. Is she okay?
Alana nothing says love like hypothermia Alana just ask jack Dawson
Aquata at least you weren't alone out there
Ariel Who?
Attina god.
Ariel OH
Andrina wow
Attina wow
Alana titanic lad
Ariel The guy from Titanic!
Aquata oh my god ariel
Ariel Ugh he was so dreamy
Aquata yet you couldn't remember his name
Andrina was he
Attina how do *you* of all people forget that
Alana rose looked like his mum I swear
Ariel I remembered Jack!! Ariel Dawson threw me off for just a second!!
Arista um I would say 4 stars. Like definitely did not have the proper outfit. But it was super fun. Like an ice theme park. But totally cold. So much cold. Van is okay. Van, Urs, Kim and me are all at Urs'. Kim ended up rescuing everyone actually.
Alana imagine titanic but it's a MILF learning to love again
Attina ariel she tAKEs his NAME in the END how do you forGET
Andrina i'd watch that movie
Ariel Why didn't you get all bundled up before going out there??
Attina okay wait i need you to walk me through *exactly* what happened
Alana Wow go Kim rock on
Andrina still offended i wasn't invited
Ariel and I only forgot for a SECOND
Aquata you still forgot
Alana I'm offended you got a BLOODY ICE Palace and I got orange Gatorade
Arista I was in Chapter Three with Urs and then Van texted me. I didn't have time for bundling up
Ariel I have Romeo and Juliet on the brain still!!!
Aquata Hey Tina remember how you told me that everyone was going to stay inside? Funny how that works out, huh?
Ariel I practiced my lines so much to keep from going crazy that I think I have them all perfectly memorized now
Andrina hey an quality time with ariel alana
Alana ah yes
Attina um well six out of seven did so i don't really like your tone, missy
Andrina did YOU participate in any karaoke with the jimmeister
Ariel I'm glad I had at least one of you there with me, Alana kept me sane
Alana Ariel singing as we all freeze to death Alana no, I broke into a vending machine with him
Aquata You really want to go there with me?
Arista Oooh what snack did you get
Ariel So wait, Ris, when did you get home?
Alana bottled water and cheetohs
Attina i don't think i need to go anywhere with you, aquata, i kept you safe--and ris is safe too i'm not going to apologize.
Aquata YOU kept me safe!?!? Are you fucking kidding me?
Alana uhoh
Arista excellent choices lans
Ariel Woah, hey, guys, don't fight
Attina uh yeah you're not dead in the snow so.
Alana remind me again why I'm the bitchy one
Andrina idk alana Andrina false advertising tbh
Ariel You're not... bitchy
Arista I don't think anyone's the bitchy one
Alana awh thanks Ariel
Ariel You're assertive and independent
Arista everyone gets cranky sometimes.
Aquata Yeah, you didn't FORCE me to stay inside. So no, it was not you that kept me safe.
Andrina in OTHER news i definitely borrowed a bottle or two of vodka from the court so if anyone is down for a post-swynlake-disaster throwdown
Ariel I think the storm and being without water for days didn't help
Alana yes please
Arista Oooooh vodka
Aquata I'll pass.
Ariel We should all get together for a group swim. I feel really thirsty and feverish still
Attina i think you've not got a leg to stand on, aquata you're still alive and not frozen to death ANYWAYS
Ariel I don't think I took a long enough bath
Attina andrina you need to give that back.
Andrina chill mom i'll pay i just dint have my wallet on me
Alana they won't miss it
Andrina in other other news i learned how to tie a cherry stem with my tongue while in there
Alana no one goes there for top shelf vodka they go there for tits
Alana nice
Attina who taught you to do that??
Andrina myself Andrina while u were flirting with aussie boy
Attina also it's not like we needed to steal it
Alana ^^
Andrina only goes for aussies now Andrina here's the kicker Andrina ready
Alana is thou dabbling in two rivers of men
Andrina he Andrina is Andrina paul's Andrina roommate
Attina his accent was cute but Attina NOT FLIRTING
Alana NICE
Arista Oh no. That's bad
Ariel Attina!!!!
Andrina two for one amirite
Alana Wow u can walk from one room to the next
Attina we just had things in COMMON
Ariel have you DTRED YET
Alana what a dirty acronym
Arista Is he handsome? Scale of 1-10
Attina what no not with paul no
Andrina i thought she sneezed
Attina i mean--yeah, he was very handsome of course bUT not the point ~~
Alana threesome threesome
Attina how about that bath ariel ahha i need to relax
Andrina tbh like this guy doesn't have a baby AND he has a turtle sooo Andrina upgrade
Ariel Ew no threesomes guys gross!
Attina he also has a girlfriend so
Alana they are not gross
Arista Ohhhh Attina has cute boys flirting with her
Alana foursome foursome
Arista Turtles! That's so cute
Ariel Paul has a girlfriend? Ariel or the Aussie?
Andrina the aussie
Ariel Does the Aussie have a name?
Attina it was very cute! he showed me pictures of him, his name is scute--he has cute little outfits
Alana Wow invite ice bitch and have a fivesome
Arista What's the Aussies name????
Attina his name is stanley
Ariel Scute?
Andrina see a man who knits outfits for turtles is a man after attina's own heart
Ariel Oh
Arista His turtle's name is Cute?
Attina Scute--but pretty cute, he has some fancy long name but i can't remember it--i think the middle name was ashley. Attina oh! i hope he was okay, i've been worried. the heat lamp would've turned off during the storm.
Alana slide in his sms
Andrina all in favour of attina ditching paul for turtle stud say aye
Ariel Is Scute the turtle okay??
Arista Oh no! The turtle!
Andrina AYE
Alana AYE
Ariel No, you can't ditch Paul!!
Ariel He has kids!!
Andrina ugh ariel
Aquata he has a girlfriend, that's homewrecking.
Alana Paul has baggage
Ariel Stanley has a girlfriend!
Alana o tru
Ariel What Aquata said!
Arista Yeah! No homewrecking
Attina this shouldn't even be a conversATION
Ariel What baggage does Paul have??
Aquata um, he has children and a psycho ex?
Attina he doesn't have baggage he's perfectly lovely
Aquata thats what we established right?
Arista I dunno I don't think Attina has seen his closet yet
Aquata not his actual baggage Ris
Alana I'm p sure Ted Bundys victims would've called him perfectly lovely too
Arista Ohhh I dunno you can tell a lot by someone's baggage
Ariel Why are kids baggage?
Andrina right what can u tell about me from my baggage ris
Aquata fun fact they did call him lovely.
Ariel And it's not his fault if his ex is- well, is she really psycho?
Andrina idk ariel did she seem psycho Andrina u spent 2 days with her
Alana did u hear about the speed dating thing
Attina ugh why does this always turn into a convo about PAUL
Arista Ohhh I dunno you can tell a lot by someone's baggage
Ariel Why are kids baggage?
Andrina right what can u tell about me from my baggage ris
Aquata fun fact they did call him lovely.
Ariel And it's not his fault if his ex is- well, is she really psycho?
Andrina idk ariel did she seem psycho Andrina u spent 2 days with her
Alana did u hear about the speed dating thing
Attina ugh why does this always turn into a convo about PAUL
Ariel I mean not really, she didn't try to murder anyone or anything, I think she was just worried about her kids and it made her on edge
Alana she like stormed out in a rage just cuz he like talked to other girls lol
Andrina sorry you're the most interesting one of us
Aquata because you're boy crazed
Alana so she might kill atty
Arista I don't remember everyone's baggage. Do you have baggage?
Aquata shes defo gonna kill atty
Alana Yah don't mind me I'm boring lol
Andrina just kidding we should go back to talking about the ice castle
Aquata its been nice knowing you
Andrina i need specs
Ariel Why do you guys think she's gonna kill Teen??? Don't joke about that!!!
Attina no one is going to KILL ME
Alana I think ris is snogging van
Attina yes, let's talk about hte ICE CASTLE
Alana giving her a good old Australian kiss
Andrina dammit ris
Ariel How are you and Paul though Attina?
Attina what the hell is an australian kiss
Andrina wow
Alana oh you know
Andrina do u wanna tell her alana Andrina or me
Arista Van isn't Australian
Attina we're fine--good i think i dunno i haven't heard from him actually
Alana Like a French kiss Alana but down under
Aquata but down under Aquata ha ha
Arista Stan is Australian
Alana aqua I know you think I'm cool but come up w ur own lines
Ariel He hasn't checked on you?
Aquata I really don't think your cool so....????
Attina what an incredibly weird name
Andrina *you're
Alana Lol
Attina also no, ariel he hasn't but it's fine he's got his babies to worry about
Ariel Have you checked on him? Ariel Maybe he's too preoccupied with the babies
Arista Have you checked on the turtles???
Attina no he's got his babies to worry about
Ariel They're so CUTE
Alana they r loud
Ariel They're babies
Andrina do they do any tricks
Alana but cute ok i guess Alana patch can do a newsstand
Attina they're only a year old, paul was telling me they're starting to talk though!
Andrina wow never heard of that one before Andrina a newsstand
Ariel newsstand? Ariel what's that?
Alana he sells papers on the streets
Andrina like a 21st century newsie
Ariel No he doesn't, he's a baby
Andrina wears the lil hat and everything
Alana it's reverse child labor Alana what no
Attina that makes me want to get him a newsie hat wouldn' that be adorable
Arista Wow that's so cute!
Andrina technically newsies were employed by the papers they sold
Alana start an young Alana **THEM
Attina do they have newsie hats for babies
Andrina wow you should do that and tell paul about this very conversation
Alana sorry nails
Andrina "my sisters want to support your child's newsie career"
Attina he'd probably get a kick out of it, honestly but i can't tell him we were talking about him Attina obviously
Alana lockpicking really does a number on ur nails lemme tell you Alana u can just say we brought it up since Ariel and I met the babies sorta
Arista Maybe Stan can knit Paul's kid a Newsie hat
Alana beautiful
Attina oh! there we go!
Andrina i ship this polyamorous relationship
Alana get stan to knit me a bra
Ariel Would a knit bra be comfortable?
Attina it's not polyamorous guys and girls can be friends
Alana yeah it's like a cure bracket Alana **BRALETTE
Ariel Wait, what's polyamorous?
Alana when u r dating more than one person but like they all know Alana and r cool w it
Andrina the ideal we should all strive for
Alana and r maybe dating each other too
Attina not for me, thank you.
Alana more boys to score u, atty
Ariel Wouldn't they get jealous?? Ariel I would get SO jealous
Alana nah some people don't get super jealous
Andrina jealousy can be transcended Andrina sides ppl get jealous in monogamous relationship see ice bitch for an example
Alana ^^
Andrina she's not even IN a relationship and she's still plotting murder
Attina we don't know that Attina she could be fine with it
Andrina that mighhhht be true
Attina she could be perfectly lovely
Andrina but it also might noooot be true Andrina and judging on current data
Ariel Who's Ice Bitch again?
Andrina its more likely nooooot true
Alana ok well p sure I can get her number for u and u can ask her urself Alana perdita
Attina how are you going to get her number Attina also no.
Andrina i can stalk her and then pretend to be her friend and get the deets
Alana i have my ways
Andrina that's a more convoluted plan than alana's but more fun for me so
Alana also like the cast list
Andrina plus what else am i doing with my summer Andrina nothing
Attina i would really just like all of you to butt out of it honestly it is very tender and new and easily breakable, like the delicate ecosystem of the reef.
Ariel Why do you guys all not like her so much?
Andrina well the reef similie's convinced me
Alana Ariel scroll back to the "stormed out in a jealous rage during speed dating bc how dare Paul talk to another girl when they aren't even in a relationship"
Attina we don't know that's why she stormed out Attina maybe she had to make a phone call
Ariel Yeah
Alana I'm sure she has her reasons but the fact is atty is still entering dangerous waters
Andrina the Angriest Phone Call.
Alana lmao ok
Ariel She could have stormed out because a guy said something rude Ariel You don't know
Attina oh that's true too
Aquata yes, I'm SURE that it was because she was answering her phone Aquata or said something rude Aquata definitely
Alana and her friend ran after her bc that's what happens when u answer the phone
Attina look, i'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
Andrina personally i always use the buddy system when making phone calls
Alana don't say we didn't warn you Alana she's like tswift in blank space
Ariel Who ran after her?
Alana uhh redhead
Attina oh i think her name starts with an "a"
Alana ani...ta?
Ariel Then maybe a guy really did do or say something rude and her redhead friend was making sure she was okay
Andrina le gasp its one of us
Attina yes that's it! anita
Alana even ends w an a too
Attina wow that name is rather...triton isn't it, though blends better lol
Andrina can i befriend ANITA an get the deets then Andrina give me some sort of covert mission
Alana I support that
Attina i think i told you to stay out of it actually Attina no your marching orders are to stay out of it, it's not fair of you to pry into my personal business
Andrina ok does anyone have any kind of covert mission for me
Alana get another bottle from a different swynlake establishment
Andrina thnx Andrina that'll be my tuesday activity
Attina andrina no sTEALING
Ariel Ummm teach me how to fake kiss?
Andrina you just put ur hands in front of ur mouth
Ariel Doesn't that look super obvious??
Aquata how the hell did we get here?
Andrina ok to be more specific it's like your thumb. and the rest of your hand just looks like you're gently caressing the cheek of your lover Andrina its Advice with Andrina hour duh
Ariel huh
Andrina i can show you later lucky number seven i'll fake kiss u to the moon
Ariel I feel like I'm gonna laugh too much
Andrina well DONT its very SERIOUS
Attina then you'll wind up *actually* kissing her
Andrina i've kissed worse Andrina unfortunately lmao
Ariel I don't wanna kiss my sister!!! Ariel Or Marie Ariel Marie is nice and pretty but I don't really want to kiss a girl I don't think
Andrina a shame tbh they are uuuuusally better kisses
Attina never know until you try lmao
Andrina taste nice, smell nice, soft lips
Ariel But boyyyyys
Aquata it's a play, you're fine
Attina something you're not telling us andy?
Andrina ok everyone here knows i have kissed girls before i kissed brit like a few weeks ago for free shots at pixie's lmao
Adella girl kisses are much better
Andrina thank you dell
Attina there is a diff between kissing girls for drinks and kissing them because they smell nice
Ariel Wait is Andrina gay now too?
Andrina yup Andrina gay today, who knows what i'll be tomorrow
Adella are any of us gay?
Andrina isnt everyone a little gay
Ariel Isn't Arista?
Attina i'm pretty sure i'm not
Andrina ariel for the last time
Ariel I don't think I am
Andrina love u
Adella we're both bi
Andrina but just because you date or kiss a girl does not make you gay
Ariel Oh Ariel I know that!!
Andrina please google "sexuality"
Attina i think there is some liek beautiful irony to the twins being bi idk
Adella same tbh
Ariel I know about sexuality!! Ariel I just wanted to be sure
Andrina then dont ask me if im gay just cuz ive kissed a girl or two
Adella girls are great u should def kiss the girl
Aquata yet you think kissing marie will automatically make you gay
Ariel I dunno how it works, I only really like guys Ariel I didn't say that Ariel I just don't want to kiss her
Adella bet her lips are softer than dash's
Attina everyone leave ariel alone, she's still learning
Andrina oh definitely i bet dash tastes like cheese
Attina oh that's definitely true you know she uses some fancy french moisturizer or something
Adella plus isn't that a part of being an actress like ur not kissin her cause u think she's cute
Ariel Don't Ariel You can't just
Adella ur doin it cause she's ur romeo
Ariel You don't know what Dash tastes like!!
Andrina hey im js Andrina and i like cheese so Andrina it was a compliment
Adella same
Ariel I mean I guess?
Aquata hes a teenage boy, of course he tastes like cheese
Attina also good point della
Andrina yeah it's for the S T A G E
Ariel Stop talking about what my boyfriend tastes like please!!
Attina and like i *said* if you're uncomfortable, just tell simba
Ariel Maybe I'll try it. Like, just a peck or something?
Aquata there you go
Adella doesn't haveta be full tongue
Ariel I wanna make sure Dash is okay with it though
Attina well you certainly aren't going to be making out with her on stage
Aquata im sure he's going to understand conisdering its a play
Ariel Okay okay
Adella unless u wanna
Aquata though you dont need his permission for everything
Adella but i mean
Attina i doubt he's expecting anything more than a peck, could even be a cheek kiss really--whatever you're comfortable with
Adella truuuuuu
Andrina marie has to want it too also
Andrina maybe MARIE doesn't wanna kiss YOU ariel Andrina huh ever think about THAT lil missy
Ariel It's okay if she doesn't
Attina just like it's okay if you don't
Ariel I don't know how to feel if she like, really does tho
Attina it's not her decision, it's yours
Andrina let her down easy,
Ariel Okay
Adella still think it's dumb if u don't even try tho Adella js
Attina consent is important Attina even in a play
Ariel it is!
Aquata I'm pretty sure the fact that she signed on to be romeo automatically means that shes consenting to the kiss
Aquata otherwise she wouldn't have agreed
Andrina that's not true Andrina it's a teen production lol its not that big a deal if they kiss or not
Adella we're all glazing over the fact that it's just a stage kiss again
Aquata ^^^
Andrina yeah but people can still be uncomfortable with that
Adella 3 minutes ago u were on team stage kiss
Andrina i wouldn't be, but heeey who knows people got religious reasons or values or something-- i mean i totally am team stage kiss but its not THAT big a deal either way
Ariel We'll see guys okay Ariel I don't like feeling pressured though Ariel Is everyone going to be expecting us to kiss? Because then I have to at least stage kiss I don't want to let everyone down
Andrina just talk to simba and you'll be fine
Attina i think you can easily sell the performance without a kiss, but listen to andrina, talk to simba--he's been in lots of plays before, he'll know what's up.
Ariel Ugh okay
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