#(arrival on christophosis)
jewishcissiekj · 3 months
just realized just how much fic there is to write until I actually get to the part of the AU I started thinking about...
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marble-guts · 5 years
Top 5 Anakin moments. :)
oh god. jsgjsdgjsdgjs there are too many
5. i’m honestly really tempted to just say the ENTIRE mortis arc from the clone wars, but really, the scene where time is moving forward and backward while anakin balances the daughter and the son with the force, WHILE protecting obi-wan and ahsoka? SO GOOD. 
4. sitting down with ahsoka after that mess on christophosis, she’s just nearly killed him while saving his life, they’re still catching their breath while the reinforcements arrive and he says “you’re reckless, little one, you would’ve never made it as obi-wan’s padawan, but you might make it as mine.”
3. when anakin, palpatine, and obi-wan are captured by the ray shields on grievous’s ship and obi-wan and anakin keep making weird gestures at each other in code. 
2. i don’t know if this is really a moment, but just how star wars: the clone wars is a bunch of narrative loopholes that lead to anakin and grievous FINALLY meeting for the FIRST time in revenge of the sith. the boy has nearly lost his master, padawan, friends, and MORE THAN HALF of his clones to ONE man and they meet. after SEVEN seasons in a 2 hour movie.
1. when anakin tries to flirt with padme after returning home. she’s brushing out her hair, thinking about her day, about her life, and he’s just there. smiling. so close to her after being away for months. “has love blinded you?” ugh. that line kills me.
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