#(assume temporary tag but we'll see)
katyspersonal · 3 months
Djura x Valtr divorce thoughts
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Tbh the first thing I thought about when I've learned this bit was that Valtr commissioned this weapon specifically, rather than just used one of them cool Powder Kegs inventions, but it could be even so much more!
'Old hunter' is the term referring to the Hunters of Gehrman's type, the different kind than Church's ones, and we know Djura is one of the Old Hunters as well! It would only make sense that Valtr got in Yharnam around the time when they were pretty active, especially since the pieces of Constable Set (corpses of his dead friends) are picked around Hunter's Nightmare, which is specifically built around Old Hunters era! It is also easy to assume that in that era, Powder Kegs were not active and instead it was Oto Workshop since you get Firing Hammer badge in Hunter's Nightmare, but:
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It is hard to tell! The Oto Workshop badge, the Firing Hammer one, is dropped by NPC Bestial Hunter, whereas Oto Workshop did not create the Boom Hammer (funny enough!), and yet Old Hunters all over Hunter's Nightmare are using this weapon! Reasonable to assume that Hunter's Nightmare captivated the timeframe after Oto Workshop already fallen, and was replaced by Powder Kegs. And so, Djura was already a big deal!
I also love the attention to the bit that Boom Hammer entailed an especially strong vitriol towards the beasts. This attitude easily could have been Djura's past prior and during the time of Powder Kegs burning the Old Yharnam, something he came to regret (not unlike Maria). And so, Valtr had an idea for a weapon that would kill in especially twisted and aggressive way - an approach Djura could sympathise with! And moveover, sort of take Valtr under his wing, since he'd have a hard time, really:
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Valtr instantly caught extreme prejudice and mockery on himself for the ""awful crime"" of not reacting in the most sane way on having his companions murdered by this beast. Valtr already has an aggressive temper, and clearly companionship means everything for this guy as his dying words are about his confederates, so of course he was more fucked than maybe even another hunter in this same situation would be. He was not even a hunter at that time! The way it is worded, in my opinion, emphasises what the Yharnamites think of him: that eating beasts is "just" what he does, or all those whacky foreigners do for that matter, rather than exceptional moment of his life. I think the nickname of beast eater got glued to him because of that, like eternal reminder that what he experienced, and how he reacted to the traumatic event, now defines him in everyone's eyes, rather than like... he made a habit of eating beasts... Heck, maybe it does define him. Maybe it did change him forever, and this "aggressive manic" character is what replaced the person that died in that day.
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It is only fair that Djura would want to give a hand. I like the idea of him being the first one to try to reach out instead of being weirded out or afraid or disgusted: something that even other hunters could have felt nonetheless, as in, 'he is like a beast himself now lmao'.
It is also a no-brainer but I doubt Djura would hate Valtr for eating that beast over "beasts are people tho" sentiment (in other words, what Valtr did was cannibalism I don't see the problem lol). It doesn't feel very 'kind but foolish' person-ish to fear or hate someone for a psychotic reaction in an exceptionally extreme event even after his 'epiphany' on nature of beasts. That would also be at least two layers of hypocrisy on Djura's end then, as not only he himself had regrettable past, but also he doesn't mind "cannibalism" that much if he threatened Paleblood Hunter to leave them as food for his beasts! Three layers of hypocrisy, actually, because even under assumption that Djura did not take part in burning of Old Yharnam himself and just returned to the disaster, he forgave at least two people who did; Djura's Ally and Djura's Apprentice NPCs, who are both wearing Charred Hunter outfits:
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Though if Djura was hypocritical in regards to going "actually I now find what you did inexcusable, bye ✌️", that'd be interesting reason for falling out also! It would be a cool goodbye if Valtr addressed it and rage quit, leaving Djura with feeling of shame forever! After all Djura is not only 'kind', but also 'foolish'? Lol Though I'd say Valtr's general attitude was probably the bigger factor, and he is the more likely initiator of the breakup!
Valtr outright states that nothing impure deserves to live, whereas Djura is willing to spare the surviving beasts of Old Yharnam based on the fact that they can't harm anyone outside. He is not against the hunt entirely and is reasonable enough to acknowledge that outside of Old Yharnam seclusion, beasts are roaming the streets and attacking people; he sends Paleblood Hunter off to "make the best out of the night". And Valtr, in turn, could see this as a betrayal of their previously shared still naive ideals to "exterminate all bad things to protect everyone :3". Beasts are a dark concept, they are humans that failed to uphold their willpower and fell for the darkest, dirtiest side of humanity. Even if those in Old Yharnam basically got infected, are not they still "filth" in his eyes? So, Djura suddenly sympathises with the "filth", all after having been the Old Hunter so legendary that Hunters are still modelling their caps after his to this day!
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But also, Valtr turned out to be reasonable enough to leave him be. He is not summonable in Old Yharnam, unlike Alfred, who you just can tell has THE fanatical mindset. But Valtr sure could grasp the concept of being pragmatic: Old Yharnam beasts, and Djura himself, are isolated now, right? If he was willing to protect the world from the "filthy" things, as far as he was concerned, it was protected from Old Yharnam. Djura is like a gaoler and beasts are like his jailed criminals, and definitely Valtr would recognise the concept, of all people!
So he and Djura parted the ways without hate but for the same reason why Paleblood Hunter and Djura part the ways. Because there are dangerous beasts 'out there', that need to be stopped. And dangerous people, too, but for Djura there is no difference, of course. I imagine it would still be bitter. Maybe Djura would prefer Valtr to chase beasts in Old Yharnam to get isolated within instead of murdering them, but Valtr would be upset at the suggestion. Leave out the Ashen Blood patients, but the beasts outside certainly, definitely became those due to their own dark impulses. And if some asshole long ago didn't fall for the dark impulses, his companions would still be alive! So how can Djura sympathise with that? Is he implying that Valtr should be (retroactively) sympathetic towards THAT beast too? Really bitter things like this on both sides, and Valtr would have stronger grudge, but they are grown men and can agree to simply never see each other again.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Hi Naeomi 👋
Thank you for replying to my inquiry so diligently (omg, me trying to sound like Baxter XD dead)!
For my Baxter request, I want to understand his character more, so I wanna pick ur brain for some ideas 😄
He is a very considerate person as his approach to the MC's comfort level changes between nervous, relaxed, and direct (i think 🤔😅). I just want to know how he reacts with an MC (on crush/love) who is only anxious around him but relaxed with everyone else. MC would be trying to fluster the crap out of Cove and talking excitedly about nerdy stuff (anime/manga, video games, books, random facts on their interests, a tv series, etc.), but when Baxter comes around they simmer down and smile all giddy his way and talk about stuff they he may like or be interested in.
Honestly, my MC would feel a bit unsure how to act around Baxter at first, but eventually, they become more comfortable over time as he is revealed to be easygoing and welcoming to MC's quirky side. Makes my heart flutter just thinking about it, so cute~ 🥰☺️
hii !!! omg your mc sounds so cute n honestly like me when I was younger lol, so sweet<33 excuse to the format I'm on mobile rn and I'll fix text color n format n stuff once I'm on my computer😎👍👍👍👍honestly i had fun writing this, two darlings taking their time to open up n love each other, embracing each others quirks... its so sweet, pls i feel like i could write another lil drabble abt how happy n cute baxter would be w a playful reader like this, mmm many thoughts
tags : fluff, nervous crush/love status w baxter, multiple choice text, headcanons/drabbles
*edited for format
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this man is too cocky for his own good, baxter can easily tell how someone feels about him.
but I think that excludes people he has a crush on, as you couldn't possibly like/love him back.
he has some shame! although it's only enough to not assume everyone is in love with him or likes him in any capacity...
anyway, we'll get to that later~
at first he thinks it's because you want to impress him or maybe you don't want to bore him with what you think is brain rot to someone so mature and elegant as him.
(+ a "small" but darker part of him thinks you might hate him, that you don't want to show a piece of yourself to this weird stranger on your block. he squishes the thought)
so he finds out your interest through terri/terry and by spying on snippets of your conversations with your family or with cove.
and even though he will only admit it if you threaten him with something terrifying, like angry dragons, early mornings, or worse- color. then and only then will he admit he wants you to tease him the same way you do with cove.
you're so close with him, snuggling up to cove's side, and you smirk so tantalizingly as you lean i. close to whisper it in his ear, and you say something dirty or perhaps its something cove finds especially scandalous but now cove is blushing and he's pushing you away with a chastising "y/n!"
and baxter wishes it was him...
he wants you to curl up behind him and blow on his ear the way you do cove. he wants you to pinch his butt as he walks by and he wants you to flirt with him.
and he wants you to show up on his temporary doorstep to show him your favorite volume of a manga that you finally got your hands on.
and when baxter is a hopeless romantic because he's so vulnerable under the blanket of night, he imagines you laying next to him in this big bed and he imagines the music is blending in with your voice as you babble on about something before it drifts off into your soft breath when you fall asleep due to the late hour.
but time goes on and his vacation nears the quarter mark and whenever you two talk he notices that you are getting into some of the things he likes, like rock music, and when you see him walking lazily back to his condo you come rushing off the steps of your porch, abandoning your snickering moms, and showing baxter the new song you found that he had not listened to before.
you light up at the praise in a way that makes him wish he could capture it forever...
finally baxter comes to the conclusion that he should speak to you about the things you like, and the first time he mentions something about your hobby you clam up a bit.
you don't want to bore him or scare him off with your excitement but in the end you're showing him your craft/collection and telling him every shiny detail and he's so happy to watch the light in your eyes as you speak.
eventually though you two get to the point where you try to fluster him.
it's not often, baxter makes you far too nervous and he can see anything coming from a mile away. he's so cool and you love him for it but God is his smirking face irritating when you just want him to blush, giggle and kick his feet like a love sicken school girl.
but you finally get him to flush. it takes more than half his vacation for it to happen but you're standing behind him as he works away at plating the dinner you two cooked up together.
it's simple, both of you combined have the cooking skills of a sea turtle but it's good enough for one night and it's edible.
it's good enough, you know your way around a stove well enough not to burn the house down and with baxter as your assistant you're more focused on how fun it was than anything.
it's perfect, you know how to whip up something delicious and baxter did more chopping and passing of the seasonings than anything.
he doesn't process it at first but then it hits him like a ton of bricks.
you just... said something flirty?
he's short circuting and his ears are red, and baxter pretends that his blush isn't spread down to his neck.
it's such a reward for you, you can't help but gape for a moment because baxter alexander ward is walking away from you with a blush from his ears to below the collar of his shirt and he definitely squealed a bit when he beckoned you to the living room.
it takes a whole summer of talking to you about things you like that he has little or no knowledge in, doing an activity that caters to/is apart of your interest, and soothing you when you cut yourself off when talking (it's okay, he does want to hear whatever you're looking to ramble about, be it something exciting, something that happened when practicing your hobby, or venting about something you thought was terrible or sad in a show/comic you saw earlier that week.)
and he finally gets to a point where you're teasing him a bit more often, even if you don't get the flustered reaction you want, and you're taking a page out of cove's book and the two of you spent a secret night in baxter's condo, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time.
but then he leaves, and he let's you down gently but his rejection stabs like a knife anyway.
so when you meet again, half a decade later, baxter feels his heart fall out his stomach so bad he sucks it in to try and make up for the way his heart clocks out and air leaves his lungs...
you look sad. this wasn't what you either of you were expecting to be faced with and having no time to prepare yourself to face the man who ended your relationship that summer has your eyes glassed over and your fingers dig into your skin to ground yourself.
you look indifferent. somehow that hurts more than if you were sad or angry at him, not that he'd prefer it but the smaller part of him thinks that your empty gaze shows he's lost any part in your life and you stare through him like you can see the rawness of his heart...
your face is schooled into a stony expression and you've folded your arms to match the rest of tour cold posture. he can't tell what you're thinking even though he's searching your eyes and this time baxter can't tell if you want to cry, scream at him, or if you're looking past him to the scenic view. but he sees your fingers twitch, like you want to either grab him by his tie or run.
you look angry. you try to mask it, not wanting to display the unadulterated rage you feel but your lip quirks up and your eyes are sharp and the words that escape your lips lick at baxter's ears like fire. if your thunderous glare could kill a man he'd be a goner..
he knows he's fucked up either way.
and the whole time you're working together, you're distant. although sometimes you snap back, you confront him and you joke with him sometimes.
you're both too nostalgic, you're both too in love.
somehow, you let him start over.
perhaps its the nostalgia and sentiment that came from making the groom cake together, or how beautiful scott and jude's wedding went, or perhaps its the way the other person laughs and smiles that has you drunk.
but now you two are sitting on baxter's couch and you're letting him start over.
he messed up, it's something hard to move past. something you did, for better or for worse but now it's for the better and you're moving on together.
and you're almost as nervous as you were when you first met but this time it's more that you're reserved than anything else.
sometimes he thinks he's fucked up too much, that when you cut yourself short while rambling and when you take more interest in his hobbies than your own, baxter puts a stop to it quickly.
it takes while. you both try too much to insert yourself into the other person's likes, as if that will make the comfortable relationship you had once come back quicker.
but finally, you and baxter are sharing a bed in the middle of your new apartment, and you're laughing about something funny Miranda sent you earlier that day and in the morning you two are spinning around your new kitchen in a guideless dance with your hands intertwined and you're laughing...
and baxter loves both versions of you.
the version of you that's so in love with him you quiet down, letting him take up all the space in the world and the other version of you that rants about something stupid in an anime and pinches his pale thigh when he's searching through his messy pile of clothes for that one specific shirt.
and he's so happy you opened up to him and you still open up to him everyday, loving him the same no matter how shy you are that day <333
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jiminsass-istant · 5 months
Colour : Jimin
I think about Colour : Freedom part of the photo folio a lot. It's literally my roman empire. I think about it at least thrice a day. (Contd.)
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Perhaps I wouldn't think about it so much if it was just for an album concept. But we know that all photo folios were self directed. The members had full creative freedom and creative help. Jimin decided to show us 'parts of himself'. He called this particular look 'unrefined boy' and even compared this look to HYYH concepts. For some reason, Jimin has always been attached to HYYH, that album holding a very special meaning for him. Even tattoed 'young forever' on himself. I digress.
So they had full creative freedom to decide the elements put into this photoshoot. And one CANNOT argue that he just did what the stylists asked him to. Jimin won't let these elements into a photoshoot that shows sides of 'HIMSELF' if he wasn't aware of the implications. The lights, the symbolism, the outfits, the temporary tattoos, the props. I repeat, these photos are not for an album or a magazine or a song or a commercial. They're just to represent him. Some other members decided to do more conceptual/fictional shoots- jk with vampire aesthetic, V with vintage european aesthetic, jin with concepts related to sea. But Jimin clearly said he wanted to show different sides of himself.
Now one might say, he was just trying to show his 'gender neutral charm'. But there are so many ways to do that, instead of inserting obvious queer elements. We have other 'gender neutral' charm artists and kpop idols. He could have just shown the feminine and masculine sides, busts of artemis, apollo with gender neutral clothes. But he had to write 'free love' on his arm, and wear THAT t-shirt.
Same with the Robert Mapplethorpe pants in Like Crazy MV. He won't wear pants with some dude's face on it, for the title song about his own experience, for an album about his own self, and NOT ask the stylist about the face on his pants. The same pants that will be immortalised in Youtube forever in his debut title track MV. Jimin knows who that dude is. A 1-minute google search will tell you that Mapplethorpe was a well known celebrity photographer, famous for striking bnw photos and controversial shoots. Notable ones being - the one where he blurs the boundaries of genders, female and male nudes, gay male BDSM photography etc.
I remember how once there was massive backlash on BTS because one of the members was seen wearing a tshirt with the Japan atom bombs attack print on it with the text 'liberation of korea'. I might be wrong. But that made a lot of noise and even a BTS radio show in japan was cancelled. So you cannot tell me that bts members are not careful with what they wear, especially after that incident.
I know a lot of 'woke' armies said we shouldn't assume things about him. But..we aren't blind either. So I guess it's -
If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you don't.
We'll never get to see all the layers of his personality on camera and that's alright. And no, we'll never ever get to know any possible queer life experience related to him. (Keyword: possible) There are limits to what he shows to fans.
Thinking of putting down some more thoughts on the entire photofolio. I observed there's a story in it too. Maybe someday.
PS: I hope you realise that I'm not talking from a shipper perspective. That is about something Jimin is actively expressing, not about what fans speculate/analyse. This post is about Jimin and Jimin only.
Tags are only for me.
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finally figured out what all the drama was about m0nique.xpl0rer.d0lls. I'd wondered for a while when the confessions first came out, but couldn't find the account. Assumed they nuked their account since the confessions were about leaving the hobby. I randomly found her sales account and then saw it link the main account and saw all the hullabaloo
sculpts aren't terrible, a less detailed culor lookalike? def not a style i'd buy. but yeah giving an announcement that preorders are opening in 1wk and then closing the preoder and giving up after 2 days is, uh, something... esp if your reach/follower count isn't that high.
like i'd never heard of this person until they left and people were flaming them for it. self promotion/advertising in multiple SNS platforms is important esp after the insta tag nuking and baffling algorithm.
but lol where they give themselves an out in their explanation videos being like "I'M LEAVING! ...but i might come back...BUT I ALSO MIGHT NOT...but it might just be a temporary break too....WE'LL SEE!"
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 4 months
Episode 97 and 98 Summaries (plus a title for episode 99) Dropped
And for both of them I can officially say that the "the protagonists haven't duelled yet!" criticism does not apply anymore. Both of these are the protagonist duels we've been waiting for. Are they going to be good protagonist duels? Well, let's take a look.
97 is... confusing and a little concerning but certainly interesting:
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Seems we were right about Dinois and Myuda being next to disappear. Why exactly they're trying to stop the others from saving the Velgearians when they ARE Velgearians is a complete mystery that I personally will not judge until the subtitled episodes are released. But, yes, from this description, it sounds like they are being completely unreasonable. Still, a tag duel is still a rare thing in Rush Era and I do like to see them. Cautiously optimistic for this one overall.
Also, Myuda hasn't duelled or done much of anything since season 1 so it's definitely a good thing they're letting him do something, especially if these Velgearian deaths do end up being permanent... I sort of hope not but the next episode's summary, at least the way I interpreted it, does sort of support that idea...
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So uh...
Yup. I was... very much right about Zwijo dying this arc. Either temporarily or permanently, I really can't tell yet... I know I said a while back that if they kill someone like Zwijo, then I'll know for sure that these deaths are temporary but... that was before I considered the idea that Yudias might go into season 3 as the last Velgearian. That is... legitimately a direction they could take so until at the very least this arc ends, I'm not going to make any certain statement about whether these deaths are permanent or not...
Gosh, this arc is depressing and this episode's summary especially... just... damn... it does sound like exactly what I've been anticipating they would do with Zwijo for a while now... To me, it sounds like he's pulling a Ryo Marufuji and knows he will die but just wants to spend his final moments fighting and living life to the fullest. That's what I'm assuming they mean by "uncontrollable urge" but we'll see. It could also be Zwijo wanting to communicate something to Yudias through a duel or perhaps wanting to join Dinois and Myuda in whatever afterlife the Velgearians are going to... if any...
And my only takeaway from episode 99's title...
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...is the confirmation that Yudias is already the last Velgearian left (9 episodes into the arc) and that as a result, I'm even more concerned that he may remain the final Velgearian.
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seelestia · 2 years
I FOUND IT >:) nyahaha take THAT tumblr
*pat pat* ofc!!! and that's fine, you gotta do what you have to do!! hot cocoa!! that sounds really good, i just had one the other day (well it was milo, but close enough-)
WHEEZE- *sound of cyno clapping in the background* WELL i finished act 3 and 4 and i watched the livestream live... and he seems scary at first, but i think i can see why people really like him hehe beneath all that scary and stoic demeanor lies a gentle and good soul. he is indeed neat!! he's like a more cooperative version of xiao, u right
i have yet to play act 5, have you? i wanted to do it this weekend but we'll see if i feel like doing it haha
*hands you a high quality eyedrop i use to flash my puppy eyes at zhongli* i gotchu bestie /j
"heavy lore belongs in permanent quests, not temporary ones" YES THANK YOU LSDKFJLKSJDF as a non-day 1 player i find it a little annoying that i had to watch videos to experience albedo's backstory. like. are you kidding me hyv ;;;;
hehe you can always play it whenever you're free! no rush <3 and yeah.... we're all falling for the cheeky bad boy on the block *facepalms* /j
meirin.exe has crashed..... rebooting............
not the uno reverse card >:| /j *pulls out dictionary* no looksie, 't' - 'talent' - "natural aptitude or skill." - synonyms: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, seelestia - YOU SEE even the dictionary agrees!!!
MY CUTEST CUPID I LOVED IT AAAAA i had to console zhongli as we speak BUT NEVERTHELESS you are right i think we would be compatible in the 'opposites attract' way hehe thank you again for the matchup <3
WOOHOOOO! i was so sad when i realized that tumblr ate your ask 😭 and apparently, it ate a fic from you too??? one inch away from giving tumblr a knuckle sandwich rn
SO TRUE. MILO IS A MIRACLE SENT FROM ABOVE. but i can't drink too much lest i get a stomachache, hehe. but idek know the difference between milo and chocolate anymore when i buy iced choco in a café 🚶 (was i scammed? was it milo that i could've bought from the convenience store all along? /j)
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I KNOW RIGHT. I SAW THAT EMOTE AND CACKLED FOR AWHILE. rin jie, your hubby is so iconic he even got his own rock as an emote 💅
i saw that you completed act 3 & 4! hehe, how was it?? i love how everyone came together as a team even tho we're a rag-tag bunch, hehe. AND CYNO IS SO <3 (especially when i remember that he cracks jokes and then explains them in detail when no one laughs 😭)
yep, i did! i started the quest as soon as i did my comms because i have no more story quests or world quests left, so i gobbled that new content immediately 🏃 btw, lmk when you finished act 5! i wanna know what you think ;D OH AND i just remembered that there was quite a lot of alhaitham screentime in act 3-4, how was it? i assume you already saw the scene where he was reading a book about physics (and asked paimon if she understood it) because i loved that scene LOLLL okay, aristotle apprentice, chill. (/j)
FRRR. altho i'm not a day 1 player, i started genshin somewhat early on, but it always bothered me when they did that like the future players deserve to know this bit of lore happened 😭 and especially when the events had free weapons too! like festering desire in v1.2 <//3 i think they could've kept the events in the same way they do story quests?? claim a few keys and unlock thru the events you may have missed in the past for a few days or a week... but whatever can we do?? sigh. really sorry you had to watch albedo and subject 2's beef on youtube tho <//3 such great lore that new players couldn't experience first-hand because of that 😔
GENSHINBLR THANKS YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS 🙏 but fr, rin jie, we don't deserve you because good written content and good game content?? YOU ARE GIVING US THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS <3 when i say that you're the first person that came up when someone asks me for writer reccs, i mean it with my whole darned chest like seriously 😭🫶 (vv and truly /g /srs !!)
my dearest cousin, is one fanart all it takes to render you to a malfunctioning mess... me too, me too. (/lh) you sent me that little ayato with his boba addiction post and i kept smiling like an idiot fjekske AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE MATCHUP <3 infj x intj duo never disappoints~ zhongli, please don't take it personally. jkekkske (fun fact: as an infj, i also find it funny that ayato is an entj 😭 does falling for e/intj's run in our family /j)
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pcktknife · 2 years
How are the train twins dealing with suddenly having two kids, and that two of their partner Pokemon have gone missing?
i mean it was probably very odd and definitely stressful when they realized they'd be the ones to take care of them they've never had kids, dealt with the ones wanting to battle them and maybe the occasional youngin who'd gotten separated from a parent in a crowd but that's hardly the same as taking care of one full time yeah. like these 2 random girls who only go by a first name and dont have any sort of address they could be taken to,literally show up out of nowhere totally untraceable and they can't just leave em at the station. everyone there probably assumes they're the twins daughters anyway especially with how insistent the girls are about following them everywhere. probably just private about their personal lives is all. so they let them sleep on their couch so tula and lulu can have at least a temporary place to stay. Also yeah missing pokemon that's crazy. prior to tula n lulus appearance ingo n emmet are still going to work with one less pokemon each and theyre both sure that gavantula and chandelure are capable enough to handle themselves and will eventually make their way back to them though are still reasonably concerned. it's a few days passed when they let the girls stay with them and at that point they like alright this is a lot happening we'll see how to approach everything tomorrow but for now let's rest. come next morning lulu (who was not doing this before) is floating like a foot off the floor aimlessly waiting for someone to wake up and the twins have a lil oh moment of 'omg these are our missing pokemon' (this is how i think it'd happen but also part of me thinks tula would show up after lulu so idk maybe there'd be some differences)
as for parenting once they both already In It. emmets like very involved idk if they'd actually go school but emmet would be like the help at pta meetings and take the little league team out for ice cream type to me (not necessarily thrilled to be around *some* of the parents but hey do it for her) but despite that type of involvement it'd still be very surreal i guess? tula calls him dad straight up and every time she does it like shocks him to his core.in a good way tho! Worth mentioning tula's the more active/extroverted of the two she's kinda rowdy and can't be kept in the house all the time emmet has to match her energy (not particularly difficult). shes also just a tad defiant so she probably runs emmet a liiiil bit ragged but he's tryin and manages well i think.
ingo (again don't know if the girls would even need to go to school) would probably try homeschooling lulu. she's with him most hours of the day not quite as independent as tula so she'd have no desire to be out and about and that's fine. when the twins are at work lulus usually with them 9 times outta ten (tulas at home with a babysitter but will occasionally tag along as well). lulus very curious about what the brothers do as subway bosses and likes learning about the job (though shes already got something of a preexisting idea of what it is) and even when they arent on the subway battling doing more mundane things shes excited to see that too. ingos very encouraging of her interests and whenever she asks questions about the job he'll give her full but easy to understand explanations of what he does. he's a little awkward about having a kid cause again odd situation but he's not bad or anything.
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kaz3313 · 5 years
Meeting with the Opposition
Chapter Two; Chapter One is below (previous link wasn't working) Chapter 3 is in the makings
@artthingymabob is who inspired me!
@dystopianinterstellar @azirafuck (also ask if youd like to be on the tag list!)
I honestly thought this would be a one off thing but oopsie daisy I got inspiration big time! Hope everyone enjoys 😊 Reblogs super appreciated
  Azriphale doesn't mean to be late yet here he is running through a crowded sidewalk people giving him nasty sideways glances. He isn't technically late but he isn't early; everyone in Heaven is slightly early as the term "fashionably late" was made by a demon and no angel wants to be associated with one of those. Well besides two; one of which is dubbed a traitor and the other is desperately weaving through crowds and could be considered a hypocrite if anyone is to find out why.
  The reason he is running late is because of Heaven; an angel gone off the deep end. They created quite a ruckus- shouting threats at everyone, causing damage to walls, and pulling up several plants from a garden. It was a fit not tolerated in Heaven and so it ended with them being locked in a room until further notice. He being the one to find an unoccupied room as well as having to catch them. Aziraphale is almost positive they'd have to put them through a trial (and he'd have to organize it) but when is still in the unforeseeable future. Even if he does calm down in that time period they is no possible way of getting out of a punishment.
   The angel arrives just on time but his face falls at the sight of the demon, Crowely, has already nabbed a table. An odd feeling, that isn't embarrassing, arises in him at the thought of the demon sitting at the table, awaiting his arrival. An odd tingly half familiar feeling he shoves down while approaching the demon in wait.
   "I would usually apologize for being late but l, since you are a demon and I don't dare say sorry to your kind, I won't," Azriphale states sitting down not daring to make eye contact with the other.
   "You aren't late, really you're perfectly on time. But our kind don't take well to apologies anyhow; anyone who tries we throw into the hell hound pit and bet on how long they will last," Crowely says and Azriphale looks up; the most horrific look plastered on his face. "I'm joking! I'm joking! Thought a being from Heaven could take a joke!" He lets out a hearty chuckle and Azriphale gives a forced smile in return.
  Crowely is only half-way being truthful in this, as he is with most things, as demons tend to throw each other in hell hound cages all the time. The difference being from what he said is that apologies don't cause such a reaction; it really is just a sporadic action done whenever something mildly inconvenient but thoroughly irritating happens. He doesn't explain the logistics though as he can clearly see the angel is troubled.
   Why he cares is a completely different story that Crowley will rather not want to think about. If he did try to explain though the conversation that followed would contain lots of half truths, hissing, stuttering, made up words (which if you mention that they are made up he will snarkily reply with "well all languages are made up) and end with someone getting stabbed in a major artery. So it's best to leave him be with his unusual consideration.
  "I suppose we should get right on to business since the jokes have ceased?" 'And proven to be unfunny' but Azriphale only adds that on in silence. He doesn't want to push any buttons he doesn't have to today.
  "Thinking 'bout ordering drinks first; Hell has been a bitch like usual and I've needed something to take my mind off it. So drinks first, work talk after," 
  "Drinks don't sound half bad," He momentarily massages his temples before picking up the drink menu "With no war I'm assuming Hell's been rowdy?"
  "Rowdy is a group of bratty teens whose equally bratty parents are going out for a month. Hell is a barnyard that has no food,drink, or cages and several exotic animals. Everyone is ravenous. Demons are thirsting for bloodshed so much we've had to bust several groups trying to form secret strikes to Heaven that would not only fail miserably but be embarrassing to see play out. One guy thought he could do a solo mission- and I have little respect for your army but I'm also not stupid and would send a single low ranking demon against God's army," Crowley rants and if not for the waitress' arrival he would've gone on a tangent. He orders the drinks flatly and expects Azriphale to follow suit immediately.
  The angel however is smiling at him which led to a flick of rage ignite. What had he to smile about? That hell was hellish and chaotic? He should know that just because everything is a shit-show they were not to be reckoned with. 
  "Same wine as his, dear," Azriphale addresses to the waitress and she smiles politely before heading back to the kitchen. "I find it amusing; the angels above are getting antsy themselves. Today actually one of them was found flinging a sword around wildly yelling about how they would deliver "divine justice" to anyone in their path. Of course angels aren't as cruel as demons but...the war not happening has thrown everyone off course. Even the most mild mannered".
  That's why he was smiling- a light weight lifts off Crowley's shoulders. "This is exactly why the two traitors need to be dealt with soon- I feel it would bring ease to everyone. Including, the eventual, second Armageddon," The waitress returns a smile of ignorance on her face. She didn't understand how weeks ago she should've perished nor does she know what these "fine" gentlemen are discussing. All she knows is what wine and food they order and all she hopes is that they give her a significant tip.
  "No doubt; those trouble makers will be given proper justice," Azriphale says picking up his glass of Chardonnay.
  "And no mercy," Crowely adds on, raising his own glass "Toast for the second Armageddon that-is-hopefully-soon-to-come, Angel?"
   "To a successful second apocalypse!" The two clink glasses both wearing uncharacteristic smiles and having found a new sense of determination.
  "Ssso you're ssaying?" Crowely slurs out, its blurred whether alcohol or his snake side were responsible for his long s'. Many drinks are shared between the two and many more were to come. Business is attempting to be addressed but as neither has the gull, or maybe the relaxation is a tad addictive, to sober up halfway thought up plans were being discovered.
   "I say that- well I think anyway. Why not just, we'll just watch the two! Eventually they'll bl-blab out something of importance! How they- how they gone- they gone to go be naive,"
 "Native, you ssstupid Angel,"
   "Oh, same difference! It doesn't matter exact terminology. All that matters is...well is the- the plan," Azriphale waves his hands around before returning to his empty glass. Instead of flagging down the waitress, they had the poor girl running back and forth like mad, he flicks his fingers and both glasses fill up. Crowley opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and sips the wine. "Whether its the Great Plan or Ineffable Plan or might as well be Plan B, I really don't care. We just need a plan,"
   "We have our plan," Crowley says with a slight huff.
   "Our plan?" The words our, referring to him and Crowely feel so foreign, scandalous even, but fit on his tongue like a well tailored outfit.
  "Yeah- Watch Gabriel and Beelzebub until they fuck up again. Y'know feel too safe let some information slip. Maybe we'll learn a weakness or two-whatever. And once we know all the right sstuff we crush them!" Crowley slams his fist on the table to reiterate his point.
  "Our plan," Azriphale still echoes quietly as if it is a secret to keep. Which in a way it is; if the other Archangels knew what he's up too, even under the sake of serving retribution, he could get in big trouble. Consorting with Demons led to well... he looks up at Crowley whom he's had two meetings with so far and more to come...apparently it led to professionals getting involved to track you down to find your weaknesses.
  Sure maybe the other Angels wouldn't understand and take what he's doing a completely wrong way but he is doing what is good! Surely if he wasn't God would punish him, right?
  "I'd say let's get dessssert before we head out our separate ways, eh?" Crowely says bringing the fretting Angel out of his worries (or at least creating a temporary distraction from them).
  "Dessert sounds lovely. I heard the creme brulee is to die for,".
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