#(bc i don't think i can class this as a headcanon per se but i *did* accidentally turn this into a longer meta-type post oopsie)
chaoticspacefam · 10 months
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Lana: I won't apologise for being right! Saarai: 😡😡😡 Lana: Saarai: APOLOGISE.
Lana: *immediately apologises*
Your girlfriend won't let your pride get you out of this one, Lana /lh You're welcome, Theron.
(also gtfo of here if you think Lana's evil for making a mistake when Theron makes one that at the very least is ON PAR with this if not WORSE because he actually DID almost kill TWO people. I'm not saying Theron's evil for making a mistake either but my point is people are people and they ALL make mistakes, if you're gonna demonise Lana but expect people to not be mad at YOUR blorbo for fucking up in the EXACT same way several expacs down the line then you're a fucking hypocrite and yes, I will die on this hill I'm sick of that bullshit. Start shit in my notes because I've said this and you will be insta-blocked I am not joking.)
That aside I genuinely do really like this interaction. I see a lot of people poo-poo Lana's stubbornness here but I feel like its authentic given that this is still the VERY early days of what will eventually become the Alliance. Yes Lana and Theron consider eachother as friends but like....stereotypes still exist on both sides and realistically, they haven't known eachother for long enough at this point to NEVER mess up and butt heads and I feel like this interaction very nicely shows that. Lana sees just the results of the mission and didn't stop to think "hey maybe I should ask Theron if he's okay with this", Theron (rightfully) wants an apology but at this time as far as Lana is considered she didn't do anything wrong (important distinction here, as well. NOT "she didn't do anything wrong uwu" but "she thinks she didn't do anything wrong") BUT she's also not too proud to actually apologise when Rai pipes up and says "yeah actually, that wasn't nice. Apologise or I will be mad at you until you do".
I just think it's neat. It's not just the "lower down" members of the de-facto Alliance that struggle and butt heads, Lana and Theron do it too. Theron and an Imperial PC might butt heads often. The Warrior and/or Inquisitor might have problems with Satele, vice versa for the Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior...there's so much potential for various dynamics here and I don't think it gets outwardly acknowledged as much as it could be.
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chaotic-toby · 6 months
I might write this out or I might not, but I just had to type this out bc I will explode if I don't. Please excuse Toby's ramblings.
Okay, so I've mentioned before about how I wanted to write something about Asa Emory's childhood. Like, a collection of one-shots showcasing random thoughts about how his childhood was like. Just random things I think up.
Well, while I was walking to my third period class today, I thought of Asa Emory in high school and how much of a train wreck that would be.
As I've established before, Asa was-- and still is-- a loner. He barely had any friends in school and the few he had seemed to drift away. I'll come back to that later bc I have a whole thing about that.
Asa hated his classmates. I know that when Asa was in school, it was a completely different generation if you're thinking realistically, but this is mainly me projecting (shocker I know it /sarc) so let's just say that his classmates act similar to how high schoolers act in this day and age.
He despises them. I've seen someone headcanon that Asa hates loud noises, and after rewatching The Collector for the sixth time today, I can see it. His classmates were so loud, and everyday, he would come home overstimulated. However, as a kinda shy student, there wasn't much he could do about that, so he just tried to focus on his school work. His teachers LOVED him, though they were also a bit creeped out by him as well, but they tried their best to not judge too much. Though there were some teachers that didn't care and mistreated him but he ignore them.
Asa tried acting like he didn't care that he didn't have close friends, but when he watched people talking to their friends or partners, he would get jealous. He tried dating the few people who surprisingly took an interest in him, but those relationships never lasted long. They were either using him for sex (asexual Asa believer (I literally just thought about that as I am writing this)) or they were using him to seem nice or something. Idk. Eventually, he just gave up trying to date someone, and every time someone asked him out, he either ignored them or rudely declined.
Everytime there was a bug in the classroom, Asa would stop anyone from killing it, pick it up, open the window, and let it free. He never understood why people would get mad at him for that. It was like they wanted to see bug guts splattered on the ground.
Anyways, back to his friends. This is the part I am excited to discuss. So, I've said that Asa didn't have many friends, but he did have one that he considered a close friend at one point. I like to think he had a friend from the 7th grade all the way to the 12th. However, in the 12th grade, the friend started to hang out with another person a lot. At first, Asa didn't mind. He didn't expect his friend to only be friends with him, nor consider him their best friend. However, he soon noticed how everytime they were hanging out, and the friend's friend showed up, the friend would pay more attention to the other person than him. Again, he was fine with it. He was a quiet person anyways, and the main thing he liked to talk about was insects and gory stuff. It was understandable if his friend wanted to hang out with someone normal.
Though, this eventually evolved into his friend, not ignoring him per se, but Asa became the third wheel. Asa wanted to hang out with his friend, but his friend's friend was always there, taking all of his friend's attention. Every time he tried to start a conversation, the other person will interrupt, leaving Asa to just stand there, watching as his friend was noticeably more happier with their new best friend.
At first, he was sad. He's known his friend since the 7th grade, while the newcomer had only known them since the 10th grade. Asa had known them longer, and yet, it was obvious that his friend preferred the other person over him. He didn't cry over it. Of course not, but it did dampen his mood for a while. It led to him skipping breakfast at school just so he wouldn't have to sit beside his friend only to get ignored.
This sadness, however, eventually turned into anger. He had thoughts about killing his friend's friend, knowing full well that he could get away with it. He spent weeks planning it over. Thinking of all the things he could do to them. How he could mutilate them, if he should even keep them in the first place, or if he should put the person somewhere public so that his friend could see; could see the mistake they made. (I wanna say that that was his first ever kill and what started it all).
Welp, that's all I've thought about. None of what I've said is canon, obviously. Just my little headcanons and projecting. I love Asa so much and I wish the Collector movies were more popular :(
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loregoddess · 4 months
Faye from FE for the ask game? :)
First impression: I didn't have any strong feelings for or against her, although I wasn't wildly keen on her writing for my first run, but in the "wow, the writers really messed up" kind of way and not like, "wow this character sucks" kind of way. I did like her as a unit though, she was pretty strong even though I eventually benched her bc I stopped using pegasus knights late-game (which was the class I had her in my first run).
Impression now: One of my favorite FE characters like, ever. Which started off as spite, I will admit, because she got a lot of hate from the fandom, but unlike so many other characters/games where fans criticize the writers, they just went straight for Faye as a character which was ??? bc like, what little writing she gets outside of her crush for Alm is Fine Actually, and again, she's a great unit in battle. So I decided that no actually I'm going to love this character, and then between critically reading her canon writing and coming up with my own headcanons and ideas for expanding her characterization, I ended up genuinely loving her a whole lot. Faye's great.
Favorite moment: This is hard bc again, *vaguely gestures at the game* she doesn't get a whole lot of screentime for anything, although I do appreciate that she comes to terms with her feelings towards Alm being unreciprocated, and is able to forge a friendship with Silque.
Idea for a story: Because I have this rarepair of Faye x Rinea (which was also born out of spite, I swear Echoes is actually tied for my top favorite FE game, I just also have a lot of spite in my heart I guess), I've been kicking around different ideas of how that could work in a mostly-canon but canon-divergent post-game story where Rinea is able to survive, and how Faye would help her along her healing journey while she also recovers from the war and comes to terms with her own feelings about Alm and stuff (and possibly have Faye help Sonya out with her witch recovery efforts in general), although I haven't gotten too far with any specific ideas to have a solid mental outline or anything.
A story exploring her life growing up with the other Ram kids would be pretty interesting too, although I'd probably get sucked into the research rabbit hole trying to learn about things like a complete history of farming and end up stressing about whether the fantasy farming village of Ram seemed like a legit farming community or not.
Unpopular opinion: I kind of feel like loving Faye is unpopular in and of itself, but yeah. Writing aside though, I do genuinely think Faye's a good character, like, from a visual design standpoint and also from a game mechanic standpoint, she's got a lot going for her. The writers did a poor job with her writing sure, but I think there's a lot of potential for her to be an interesting character in her own right.
Favorite relationship: Again, she doesn't get much, but I do like the friendship she has with Silque (and I don't mind the romantic ship of the two either even if it's not my first choice of ship for my own fleet), and I would have loved it if we got more insight into her relationships with the other Ram kids aside from Alm, bc I think there was a lot of missed potential there. Also, because Faye can be recruited to Celica's army instead, I would have loved if Faye had supports with at least Celica to explore what their relationship would have been like (I think they would have gotten along, even if Faye was a bit jealous of Celica at first). And well, of course my wild rarepair of Faye and Rinea.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm, I dunno if I have a favorite per se (since I mean, a lot of trying to expand Faye's characterization is just making stuff up that seems plausible), but I think since she was the only girl in a group of boys growing up that she's got sort of a rougher streak, like, she's willing and capable of throwing someone down in a fight, especially if they were picking on one of the other Ram kids (which could be reflected in her stats in the game, since she's pretty strong all things considered), and also due to Ram being a farming village she isn't really squeamish or icked out by things which some of the high born noble girls would have hated (bugs, dirt, mud, snakes, etc.). Like sure, Faye also enjoys wearing dresses and looking cute (she's very fashionable!) but she's also not really bothered by getting dirty and I'm very sure she probably picked up some critter out of Clair's tent one night with a slightly bored expression and released the poor thing outside. Hell, she'd even put some of the noble men to shame with her lack of fear of things that were normal everyday occurrences bc she grew up with a bunch of guys in a farming village (she's also definitely got some muscles as a result too). Also I think she makes all her own accessories by hand, and that she's overall very handy when it comes to sewing and crafts. I do think she's a bit of a picky eater though, not overly so, but just a bit.
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nazali · 7 months
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liable to change because these are still just plans and i have a while until i actually play them BUT i'm thinking these are gonna be my dark urge (half-)siblings
their story is gonna be Heavily headcanon and altered from the game but even so if you don't want some spoilers for dark urge related endings etc don't read this
rn my thoughts are
lilith (probably gonna be a magic-class, i'm feeling warlock) was always the more ambitious and political sibling, sadistic and self-preserving and focused. she had a "thing" with orin back in the day, not romantic but more likely a dynamic full of violence and chaos and general toxicity, but it worked for them and they were very much a destructive force to be reckoned with together
judas (fighter) is the older sibling, he began as something of a bodyguard to gortash and kind of got taken more and more seriously as time went by bc he's surprisingly intelligent and sharp despite everyone kind of taking him as just the muscle on first impression. he & gortash also very close but theirs is more of an actual Relationship compared to orin & lilith's
the sibs do kind of love each other in their own way but they're children of bhaal above all else. there's a loyalty there but it's not steadfast by any means
so they four of them (+ ketheric i suppose, i don't remember whether he was involved or not in canon at that point) are planning the whole nether brain takeover and in the background gortash is leaning on judas and trying to persuade him that the two of them should be ruling together without the others, because orin & lilith are too unpredictable and unreliable to keep around long-term
but before judas can come to a decision between throwing his lot in with gortash or sticking with his sister the events of the game happen, they get tadpoled (shoutout orin), they don't remember anything
i'll probably play them both in individual playthroughs so i can fully explore & develop their personalities and choices etc though i'll have them both in the game anyway, but judas is gonna be my canonical 'main tav' here
so they're both going through the events of the story and slowly recovering memories along the way, judas is much more of a conflicted & introspective durge type, he's not Guilt-ridden per se but he's not relishing the violence either because he hates the lack of control and not understanding why it's happening. meanwhile lilith is unrepentant, she cares far less about the reasons and far more about the fact that she gets to go wild and hurt
towards the end of the game their memories are returned enough for them to remember that by the time they were tadpoled they were on the verge of a group-wide interpersonal war, judas & gortash were on the cusp of turning on them, orin & lilith were on the cusp of killing them before they could have the chance
battle breaks out where orin is killed, gortash is wounded, it comes down to judas vs. lilith and lilith is winning bc her magic is Powerful, but gortash takes her down from behind and asks judas again to rule with him, and judas finally agrees because he Wants to fix the city & he wants gortash to fill in everything about himself he still hasn't remembered
maaaaybe i'll keep gortash's death via absolute, maybe i'll manufacture em a happy headcanon ending, i haven't decided yet. it will depend on whether i can actually see judas ruling at the end or if he winds up being a little more sympathetic as he develops to the point where i don't think he'd want to be sufficiently bhaalish
ANYWAY i love em already regardless of how this turns out. shitty little complicated family
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Could you make a headcanon about the brothers reacting to their mc getting bullied at human school bc of clothing style and bc mc is a bit of a nerd?
The clothes I wear look prob pretty formal (sweater with collar) and people comment on it. I'm also the silent one of the class and I'm a bit of a nerd. I don't like reading tho 😅
Thnx for reacting to my ask 😊💕
True story: in grade 8 a dumbass thought I was a robot because I had the highest grade in all my classes and apparently "no human could naturally be that smart" so obviously I mustve been a robot 🙄
Warning: mentions of bullying
THE BROTHERS reacting to MC being bullied because of clothes/nerd tendencies
And they say demons are cruel. Do they not have anything better to do than comment on someone’s clothing style or *checks notes* ability to learn? It confuses him more than anything but it also just annoys him. Humans really are something else and if you don’t think Lucifer will personally be there for a surprise visit in the middle of your math class, think again, because all of a sudden there’s a very tall, very annoyed, very scary looking man with his arms crossed in the middle of your classroom. 
“Now, let’s make this easy, shall we? Which one of you pathetic excuses is so much as thinking bad about MC?”
The pain he felt when you had to return to the human world was unreal and he made it a point to always text you and annoy you and make you tell him about your day. He just needed to know you’re okay, okay? It’s hard for him to lose someone and especially after you guys had become so close. Hearing you get bullied just makes everything more obvious to him: you need to come back. So no, he doesn’t take care of the bullies per se, but he does show up and kidnap you and if your teacher says anything? Well…
“Listen up ya old hag! My MC is getting bullied and there ain’t nothin’ you doin’ about that, so I will!”
God, he relates to this way too much. People at RAD don’t necessarily like him either and both they and him forget that he’s literally one of the seven rulers of hell and he could just… obliterate them. Anyway! He usually keeps to himself and then just… moves on? He tries not to mind them much, but when it comes to you? Oh he’s ready to fight. Have you ever seen him get mad? Like, really mad? No? Well you’re about to. He shows up in his demon form and everything, grabbing your hand, and although he’s blushing, he successfully drags you out and back home, but not before summoning Lotan. 
“Come MC. Lotan will keep them busy.”
Excuse you? What do you mean they get onto you for clothes and being nerdy? Now, he can admit that your choice of clothes is… questionable sometimes, but as Mr. one-sleeve, he isn’t going to judge. But nerdiness?! Have they never heard of knowledge? Obviously not, since their pea sized brain doesn’t even reach as far as the window. He’s there, don’t worry. Probably makes it a point to show up during your science class and blow a few people err… I mean things up. 
“Listen here you lowlives. The next person that gets upset over someone being ‘nerdy’ is going up against me, and I promise, your thought process won’t be as quick as my reflexes.”
Well, honey, we DO need to talk about your clothing style. In all honesty, he will probably try to distract you from it more than actually trying to fight against everything they say. He’s a lover, not a fighter, so don’t expect too much. He does, however, not like the bullying and he thinks your nerdiness is adorable! How dare they! 
“Hello my little lovelies…. I heard we have a problem with bullying. Well sit on back while Asmo here tells you a little story about the beauty and the very many beasts.” 
His big brotherTM instincts are activated and he’s ready to throw some hands. Let him catch someone actually talking smack while he’s there because he will straight up eat them and no, that’s not a threat. That’s a promise. Might want to call Belphie up too just so he can hold Beel back although spoiler: he won’t. Anyway, Beel makes sure that you tell him everything, including the school’s address, and babe, he’s there before you can blink, throwing you over his shoulder to go home. 
“We’re done here. Say one more thing and I will eat you all.”
FINALLY his list of why he hates humans can be added onto! In all seriousness though, this just pisses him off. Like, yeah he killed you, but he never mocked your character and he holds himself to that. Who cares if you’re a nerd? Or dressed like a clown/emo/sunflower fairy/whatever? School isn’t a fashion contest for goodness sakes, even he knows that. Much like Levi, he would actually pull up in his demon form and he WOULD bring Beel along so he can eat a few unimportant students. 
“So… who wants to repeat what they said about MC?” 
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the-cryptographer · 5 years
I know you probably get asked this a lot, but I can't help myself. You can tell me to fuck off if you don't want to answer, though. Do you still want to finish Lottery Ticket? Because it's one of my favorite YGO fics and the idea of you dropping it makes me so very sad.
It’s fine anon. I mean, I appreciate the recognition that I don’t owe you an answer or free content or anything, but I don’t get asked too often so it’s not a bother. And I’m not gonna tell you to ‘fuck off’.
Short answer is that - No, I’m not dropping Lottery Ticket. I still want to finish it. And, although I’m moving at a glacial pace, I was working on writing the next chapter as recently as sometime last week.
I’m going to give a longer answer though - Yeah, I also get scared I’m not gonna be able to finish it sometimes too. Not in the sense that it’s not important to me, but in the sense that I’ve been writing it for over two years, am over 100k words into it, and I’m not even halfway through the the planned story. I hope that I’ll be able to pick up the pace at some point, but moreso I hope that two or four or however many years in the future I’ll still care as much about finishing it as I do now. I’m kind of lucky I had some experience under my belt when I first started writing LT, enough to be able to know that I need to have a rather concrete understanding of my plot and story structure to see a long project through. But what LT has really driven home is that I have a very poor understanding of how many words and chapters (and how much time) it takes to execute the ideas in an abstract outline.
Also, yeah, idk how obvious it is, but Lottery Ticket is pretty personal to me. Not in the sense that I grew up with a gambling alcoholic dad, started a long distance relationship with a classy older woman straight out of my teenage years, or worked as a gofer for the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. But a lot of the themes it deals with - feeling trapped in a household with a deteriorating abuser, class struggle through the lens of the more personal relationships between employers and employees, codependency and not being able to trust that people love you bc they depend on you, the intersectionality of poverty, racism, and crime, etc. etc. are all pretty heavy themes that I care deeply and personally about. And you’d think that that would make this story easier to write at times, but it mostly just makes it more difficult. It often feels a lot easier to rattle off oneshots about characters and ideas that, while maybe not entirely without emotional gravitas for me, certainly don’t hit as many soft spots so consistently.
And, in a more immediate sense, yea- next chapter is killer. I recently complained on twitter about how the draft for it cracked 8k, and I didn’t feel it was remotely finished. I like to divide the chapters so that they individually have a crescendo of rising and falling action - or at least that’s what I tell myself - so, having established the previous chapter that the next chapter is going to be about dealing with this problem where Jou owes an ungodly amount of money to yakuza affiliates and has no paycheck to pay with, I don’t think it really makes sense for me to post until I’ve reached a resolution to that conflict eleven days later. But, in addition to the mad scramble for cash, the chapter also has to include Jou dragging an unconscious Kaiba home, Jou negotiating with his landlord, scenes with Honda and Yuugi that establish how Jou feels about relying on them, an extendend flashback with Mai (& Anzu) that does much the same thing in addition to giving more background on Jou’s living situation, all that foreshadowing, etc. Also, I was kind of up in the air about whether or not to include this scene in this chapter or next - because there is /so much/ this chapter and I have very little concretely planned for next chapter - but I’m increasingly coming to think that Jou should confront his dad about the stolen paycheck this chapter instead of next one. Like- Jou’s kind of avoiding coming face to face with his dad and directly asking him for the money back. And the idea is that Jou’s been in situations similar enough to this in the past, that he already knows what the likely result of such a confrontation is and that it’s probably a dead end. So he’d prefer to wait until after the situation with Kyoutarou is dealt with to speak to dad. But the more I think about it, the more I realise the audience doesn’t have the same information that Jou does, and would probably benefit more from seeing the outcome of that confrontation firsthand. And to see it firsthand while there is still a hypothetical possibility for Jou’s dad to somehow influence the outcome when Jou goes to pay his debt, instead of after it’s somewhat of a moot point.
And, yeah, that brings me to the last part, which is the anxiety for what comes after the next chapter. As I’ve said, the fic is plotted out pretty heavily, but the two-three chapters after the next one are the part of the fic I have planned out the least in terms of their concrete events. I know the scene that the chapter after next ends on, but I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to fill the first part of it in with beyond the extremely vague ‘need to have a scene with Mokuba and start filling in more foreshadowing before the shit entirely hits the fan’. This isn’t explicitly a problem, per se, because Lotto Ticket has a big cast and there are a lot of threads I can pick up with Mai, Anzu, Shizuka, Honda, Yuugi, the other secretarial staff, etc that will hopefully fill out the pacing gaps in a way that will hopefully be entertaining and insightful, before I get back to the more solidified chapters directly preceding and including the climax of Part 2.
And, mmm, in addition to the anxiety related to chapter planning or lack thereof, there’s also just anxiety about what I’m going to have the characters say, do, and think? Next chapter is going to start dropping some pretty horrible headcanons about Jounouchi’s misogyny and his criminal record that I think should reasonably turn some people away from a fic featuring him as the protag. Following this he will spend a while comparing Seto rather unfavorably to Mai, and I mean that in an extremely intimate relational sense. And while I, as the author, know this is him struggling with his own homophobia and that it’s not meant to reflect negatively in a meta sense on Seto or JouKai, it takes a while before Jounouchi even starts to get over himself. Also, like, I’ve dropped some hints already that Jou and Mai have an open relationship (and that it’s a setup Jou’s not very happy about and kind of considers cheating anyhow). But I think the further progression of the “cheating” as it exists in this fic has the potential to be increasingly upsetting for readers, and it’s also the first of multiple issues regarding Jounouchi not really having a very good understanding of consent. And, finally, although I started the fic with a rather stark and controversial picture of Mokuba, and have since tried really hard to communicate that he is the same kid from canon that loves his brother to death, we have absolutely not reached the worst in his conflict and anger with his brother and I’m sure at least a few people won’t like it. And, mmm, I’m not really willing to compromise any of these things or tone them down. Even the few that aren’t directly baked solid into the plot structure of the fic, even the ones that I’m really not going to be able to frame in such a way that I can address them in detail given Jounouchi’s POV, I think they’re all extremely thematic and pointed towards the story’s idea of the situation Jounouchi grew up in, what he learned from it, and how much is at stake or not at stake, when he tries (or doesn’t try) to escape the poverty and abuse that (at least in part) defined him. But, yeah, idk. Even though I’m decided in that ‘this is the story i’m gonna write and no other’ it’s still anxiety provoking to think about readers being upset with me or dropping the fic even if I think their reasons for doing so would be completely justified - you know what I mean?
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble about writing (or not writing) one of my favourite fics, anon. I hope I’ll be able to get the next chapter out sooner rather than later.
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
i read ur tag about how people don't read ur evak headcanons but im new here and would love the shit out of them
sorry this took ages because it’s a lot to collect from a lot of places, but like. it’s not that they don’t read them. it’s that when i tell them they tell me to stop (probably bc it’s emotionalé :P)
but i usually send headcanons to sunny, anki and faiza!!! (and a couple of others on twitter but that was between seasons mostly lol)
read under break!!
1. pianist!isak
when isak was younger, he played the piano. he took classes, he understood the instrument, he felt the music flowing through his fingers and into the air, an echo from his very soul. he could switch it up and he could make a happy song sad.
then, people started to comment on how gay it all was. he started to panic and put the piano lid down, never to touch it again.
his father moved out, brought the piano with him, and isak never really cared. he could skateboard instead, hang out with jonas and play video games instead. jonas tried to ask once, “what’s up with you never playing the piano anymore?” but isak shuts him down easily with “it’s boring and i hate it”. they never touch on the subject again.
years later, when even and isak are out travelling, isak finds a public piano. he gravitates too it and even says something about “no, let it be, it’s not a toy, love,” but isak doesn’t care-- doesn’t listen. he hasn’t touched a piano since-- well-- since he stopped playing. he has, however, missed the piano so much. he missed the control he had. god knows he can’t sing to save his own life, but the piano? that’s something he can do.
he goes there, and does the thing, leaving even and the crowd speechless. who could’ve guessed, that the young man in trainers and snapback could do that?
even shines with pride, he hugs isak tightly when he’s finished and kisses him, and tells everyone to “look at my boyfriend!!! isn’t he fantastic? amazing? absolutely perfect?”
2. even + the balloon squad, growing up
okay so, this one was with faiza. remember the handshake in the hei briskeby video?
even was there when it became a thing. he was there for a long time. they knew each other for a long time, in fact.
so i couldn’t stop thinking about all !! the !! events !! they have shared, all the things they remember doing together, all the things they grew up doing together. such as:
at the bakkoush' it was not uncommon for many years to see the boys pretend wrestling and hugging and racing the house. when the boys were really small they used to run outside on various branches pretending to play quidditch and even could recite his favourite parts by heart and mikael too
about painting nails
imagine even and mikael and yousef painting their nails together for the first time and they spill probably on sana's favourite shirt and they're super sorry and sana is like UGH YOU CAN'T EVEN PAINT YOUR NAILS PROPERLY ALRIGHT LET ME DO IT SO YOU DON'T SPILL IT ALL OVER THE PLACE and they're like YES PLEASE SANA HELP US
faiza added:
i continued
and then they can't stop showing elias and mutasim and mama and papa bakkoush their nails and they keep complimenting sana's skills like "we ruined her shirt" "were so sorry :(" "but she helped us with the nails and LOOK LOOK!!!" and mutasim is probably like "looking good bros" and mama bakkoush goes "very nice boys, ooo look at that colour even!! it really brings out your eyes" and even literally shines up and sana is like ughhhhh these boys can't do shit
about biking
imagine them biking and racing each other and then like. elias falls and scrapes his knees and it Really Hurts and the boys are like oh No and try to help him and they get Elias back home and nobody's home and Yousef is like. "Well, first we need to clean it" and Elias tries to Be Cool but his eyes sting when they help cleaning the cuts and Sana comes home and Elias is crying in the bathroom with all the boys, Muta probably tries to calm the situation but Sana is like WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER and they're like "no no he fell when we were biking" and Sana puffs out some air and takes the charge and she calls their dad to get help over the phone and then they help Elias to his bed to lie down and they're all So Concerned but by the next week they're at it again, biking down the streets because it's what they do 
If they were really young when they met imagine them learning how to bike 😭😭😭 
about harry potter nerding
(imagine that, a preteen even is sitting on his bed, his legs crossed and he tries to do magic like they do in harry potter, and he tries to magically make sure his friends are okay before he goes to bed every night, and later, when he doesn't understand why he's starting to loose interest in things and feel endlessly sad all the time, he puts a hand to his heart and whispers lumos, because once, when he was crying because someone had been mean to him, mikael tried to cheer him up by putting his hand on even's heart and said lumos with a small smile, saying that now his heart should feel lightened)
faiza added:
all the boys having / a harry potter marathon / though /those are what nights are made for
i continued:
And Even and Mikael battling about who knows the most trivia / Yousef is always the one butting in about "but that's not how it is in the books" but even just laughs and says "its a movie, they can't have everything in it" and mikael just nods enthusiastically and they both sigh and blows out a wish about how they want to be a director one day 
3. random evak headcanons
i sent this to anki, for example:
imagine when they're like 30, even blows out a sigh in the car and wishfully says something about wishing to have a motorcycle and just,,, couple of months later, isak has bought him a motorcycle and (if the license for motorcycle doesn't come with the regular driving license as it used to in Sweden in like the seventies or smth) he takes the license with even, and then they go on a trip somewhere ;nnnn;
and we’ve talked about isak’s sleeping problems too. here’s the convo:
okay, but like. i can't fall asleep. so im thinking about isak not being able to fall asleep. and that makes me just Upset
it's gotten a lot better now that he gets to sleep next to even every night. but sometimes, the thoughts still creep up on him, making it impossible for him to fall asleep and then he tosses and turns around in bed, kicking the bed linen off himself, then covers himself up again because he freezes and even wakes up from it, whispers a "can't sleep?" all groggy and isak nods, cuddles closer to even and takes a breath. one, two, three, four. tries to calm himself down. even's hands hold isak's, firmly but soft. "i'm here"  even whispers and isak breathes out again. one two three four
and even doesn't force isak to tell him all his thoughts, if isak wanted to he'd tell him, and that makes isak calm down even more, he's getting a lil sleepier still not sleepy enough to actually fall asleep but at least he's napping a little
even notices the difference immediately. isak's response time slows down, his words get bundled together before they leave his mouth, his gaze is glassy and far-away, and sometimes, it feels like he's speaking to a ghost.
even tries to do a lot of things for isak. but he knows this isn't something he just can't. fix. much like how isak can't fix /him/. but that doesn't mean he doesn't try.
he lets isak rest against his chest because the even's heartbeats makes it easier for isak to find some peace.
he lets isak gaze off mid-conversation, and easily gets him back to track when isak blinks a couple of times to find himself in the present.
he helps isak find someone to talk to-- a professional-- and he hates to see how it doesn't get any better. it's not that it's getting worse per se, but isak feels a lot worse (which makes even feel much worse) because he got his hopes up. instead he's just. a walking zombie sometimes.
one day on the weekend, even wakes up to isak softly snoring. he rolls off the bed, gently, to make some breakfast. and when he gets back to their bedroom, he can see the absolute terror in isak's eyes.
"what's wrong" he asks, and he's starting to panic.
it takes a while-- most of this part of the memory is locked behind a door in even's mind, but later when isak comes back from another doctor's appointment, he learns that it's called sleep paralysis.
"i saw monsters," isak tells him quietly, and even can see isak's hand shaking a little. "i thought i was going to die."
even doesn't know what to say. he recognises the feeling-- from the monster inside his own head that sometimes visits him and overstays its welcome. when he wakes up one day, feeling the depression slowly dissipate, he tends to think, "i thought i was going to die" too.
he holds isak tightly instead, and doesn't really say anything. but isak hugs him back tighter (but much weaker than he would've a month ago) and he knows that they'll get through this. 
and i’ve talked to both anki and sunny about pokémon go and the boy sqad so...
since even is a '97 there's no reason for him not to be completely hyped up about pokemon go. like. magnus is like lowkey, jonas is probably more with even on this and mahdi and isak are like ?? but even and jonas definitely drags them all around oslo, trying to catch the fucking digital creatures and nearly screams when a Rare appears on their nearby list.
guess who gasped when gen2 was released? even. 
guess who groaned? isak.
but it's actually quite useful, isak finds, for when even is getting restless and can't sleep. isak suggests, "let's see if there's any new pokémon, shall we?" and out they go. for half an hour, an hour-- maybe two hours late at night, just strolling and trying to get them. when they get back home, even finally manages to fall asleep, and isak is holding him tightly, muttering about "guess im not the only nerd in this relationship," before he too falls asleep.
what they’re scared of:
what even is scared of:
being alone for too long, being left, being lost at an unfamiliar place, breaking something he's gotten as a gift, forgetting important dates, losing someone he loves, baring his soul, of himself when something feels Wrong but still not really wrong at all, making mistakes
what isak is scared of:
being left, dark and small spaces, getting bad grades, Weird Insects™, hurting someone he cares about,
(spiders especially:
me: so i totally think isak would be scared of spiders and literally shriek when he sees one this summer and jumps up on a chair calling for even to come save him and even is like..... mate It's our roommate Bengt or smth
And isak is like no take it outside!!!! and then when Bengt has been let out to live its spidery life even just gently teases isak a little and isak is like no this didn't happen idk what you're talking about WHERE'S YOUR PROOF 
anki: "I'm the master of liking spiders. they're so very...... nice"
me: "especially their..... legs?"
anki: "they have like....... eight legs don't you think that's......................... A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH"
me: "a little bit too much" is definitely said with a squeak)
whatever you do absolutely do not think about the squads having a movie night at evak's place and isak falls asleep on even's shoulder, and even lets him sleep there for a while, even though he notices how isak starts to drool all over him, and when the movie is over the squads fall quiet because-- wow isak really is the softest boy around even???? and even just gestures them to be quiet and carries isak over to their bed and isak wakes up a bit, asking if the movie is over and if it was any good and he's sorry he fell asleep and please tell everyone good night from me and that i love my friends
and even does that, and when he comes back to bed isak is fast asleep again and he was honestly just going to lie close to isak for a while before cleaning up the plates and bowls for snacks they've used but he falls asleep to, holding isak closely and hearing his boy's deep breathing.
when he wakes up, in the middle of the night however, isak has managed to turn the tables and he's being held by isak again. he doesn't mind, even if isak has started drooling on his neck again
about even’s first movie being about isak:
do you ever think abt even making his first movie and it isn't directly about isak but it's about his /love/ for isak and when isak watches it for the first time he is a sobbing mess
also the credits just begin with "for you" without putting a name in there and isak just SOBS AND SOBS AND SOBS
evak + snowboarding
next winter even definitely takes isak out for some snowboarding but isak is definitely hopeless at it and isak can be heard muttering about "is it even normal to want to be this high up on a fucking mountain and wanting to race down this shit on a fucking snowboard"
u know when u eaten spicy food and u wake up feeling hangover the next day? (i don’t but my apparently this is a thing lmao)
one day even makes the food too spicy but isak really wants to prove him he's Tough(TM) and eats it all and tries not to complain or show he's suffering and the next day isak wakes up feeling like he's hungover because there was so much salt and seasoning and shit that his body is like. mate. water pls.even laughs as he hands isak a waterbottle.
this summer evak moment we won’t see:
one day this summer, even will wake isak up at like 9am and be like "we're going to the beach today yes we aaaaree" and isak is like, tiredly, "we are?" and even is like YEP GET UP YOU LAZY BOY and the breakfast is in the table for isak when he has finally managed to roll out of bed and when he enters the kitchen isak opens the freezer bc "it's too hot even I can't live like this" and even closes the freezer bc "we have food in there isak, please" and then they get to the beach and isak rolls out the blanket or the towel and literally slumps down and falls asleep again, only to wake up to even touches his legs with.... something??? and isak squeaks "what are you DOING" and even stops for a second before he says "you need sun protection my pale boy, or do you want to turn into Donald trump?"
and then even plays some music on his phone, probably nas bc why not, and then isak wakes up again and is like "I need water NOW im BURNING" and they race into the water laughing and tripping and then they probably kiss in the water and isak challenges even into another hold your breath under the water competition and isak is so so grumpy that he never wins that shit 
like there’s a lot? of shit i’ve shared? like ?? i can’t go through everything im sorry ;n;
this is a fkn mess, im so so so so sorry
and i’ve shared tonnes of headcanons with sunny amongst others, like. it’s impossible to mention all of them rip
also this is super not in order we’ve spoken about them?? and they’re like. sometimes in swedish and sometimes in english it’s? a mess honestly? and like. all of the above is basicaly copy paste bc im too lazy trying to make sense hahhahaa sorr,y
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