#(but Reyes is so proud of Pharah <3)
overdrugs-mayhem · 7 years
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[OW Shapeshifter AU] ...Reyes please, watch your language around kids.  Kind of a sequel of [Morning Call] ita translation in formato bello ahah [here]
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An Eye for An Eye
A write up and analysis of Moira’s new interactions with Soldier: 76, McCree, Reaper, and a few others.  Includes a discussion on Moira after the events of “Retribution”, and how Soldier: 76 does believe she was responsible for it.  Also discusses the different ways we can interpret Soldier’s line, and the different ways we can interpret Moira’s reply.
TL;DR: Soldier: 76 blames Moira for the events of “Retribution,” and likely for aiding in the fall of Overwatch. While he mentions “Reyes,” he never actually says what he thinks “Reyes had been planning,” leaving the line open to a discussion on if Jack is presently aware of Gabriel’s plan to infiltrate Talon.  Compared to the emotionality and intensity of Soldier’s line, Moira’s reply is oddly and almost eerily disaffected, especially compared to her interactions with Winston, Mercy, Pharah, and McCree.  Contains a small part on the increasing likelihood of a romantic angle between Gabriel and Jack.
(Italics represent actual speaking inflections and changes in tone present in the actual audio)
Moira’s research:
Winston: Overwatch had good reason to shut down your research! Moira: I shouldn’t be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped-up ape.
Mercy: Describing your work as “unethical” would be a kindness. Moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries...(pause) ...No, I didn’t think so.
Moira: Well, I must never worry about my safety when the brave agents of Helix are with us. Pharah: Don’t be so sure about that.
The effects of “Retribution”:
Moira: Our courageous cowboy... The years haven’t changed you much, have they, Jesse? McCree: Well, they certainly haven’t changed my feelings about working with you.
Soldier: 76: You were a disgrace to Overwatch.  If I had known what Reyes had been planning, I would never have allowed it. Moira: It seems to me that it was convenient for you not to look too closely into Gabriel’s business... (Audio link)
The “I don’t get paid enough for this” category:
Moira: Your condition seems relatively stable. Reaper: No one’s accused me of that in a long time. (Audio link)
Other things to read before this: “Long Reasons Not to Trust Moira in Retribution” and “Retribution and Reapercussions.”  Warning: true to the first one’s name, they are both very long, and they are both constructed around the idea that Moira was a double-agent working for Talon during the events of “Retribution,” and that she sold out the mission to Talon before the mission started.
Let’s clear one thing here, immediately, before any of this begins:
Both Soldier: 76 and McCree believe Moira betrayed Blackwatch during “Retribution.”  
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Soldier: 76 does 100%, McCree’s opinion is very strongly implied, based on his interaction above, and on his older one with Moira:
McCree: Always thought hiring you was a mistake. Moira: The best mistake one could ever make.
This is very important for two main reasons:
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The first is that whatever happened during Gabriel’s debriefing was enough to: 1) convince McCree to stay in Blackwatch for another year or two, 2) convince McCree to remain loyal to his BW commander for another year or two, 3) convince Jack Morrison to allow Gabriel Reyes to stay in Overwatch for another two years, 4) convince Jack Morrison that Gabriel Reyes, Jesse McCree, and Genji Shimada could be allowed to operate even when their division was suspended.
(More under the cut)
I am very pleased to see the new Soldier: 76 interaction, for a variety of reasons, but absolutely the most immediate one is that his words, his tone, the whole thing shows he truly believes Moira betrayed Blackwatch and eventually undermined the rest of Overwatch.
The other thing is that Soldier: 76 uses pretty strong language to describe Moira and her role in the fall of Overwatch (well, as strong as a T-rated game can get you in a 15 second conversation, lol).  This is in direct contrast with his interactions with Reaper, which are much drier, more sarcastic or deadpan in tone, and significantly calmer.
Which leads to another question:
Does Jack Morrison actually blame Gabriel Reyes for the fall of Overwatch?  Or for any of his actions before, during, or since?
In fact, it is extremely interesting that we now have an audio example of what Jack Morrison sounds like when he is actually angry.  As I said, his words, his tone, his anger - all of these things are exponentially higher than how he talks to Reaper, or Winston, or Mei, or Ana.  If you could have argued he was “upset” with Reaper or “frustrated” with Winston, that’s borderline impossible to defend now.  In retrospect, pretty much everything else Soldier: 76 says to other characters in the game is calm (“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”), or cautionary (“You need to slow down, think about your actions.” or “The frontlines are no place for a scientist” or “War isn’t a game.”) , or even possibly just sarcastic (“Think you can do my job, do you?”).
Or...perish the thought - maybe even genuine, like “Your mother would’ve been proud of you” or “I thought I was, until I met you.”
Which makes it really fascinating that Soldier: 76 tells Moira that she was the disgrace to Overwatch, not Gabriel...and that he never actually says this to Reaper.  
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In fact, at no point - in the game, in the comics, in the shorts or animations - does Soldier: 76/Jack ever directly blame Gabriel or his persona of “Reaper” for what happened to Overwatch...or what happened to him.
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At best, Soldier: 76 alludes to “what Reyes had been planning”, before suggesting that he himself wouldn’t have “allowed it.”
...Allowed what?  
He never states what Gabriel “had been planning.”  On the surface level, it seems to imply that Gabriel had been planning “the fall of Overwatch” - which is the story other people (including Moira and maybe Doomfist) seem to believe.
But again, Soldier: 76 never says that he believes this.
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And why does Jack seem to think his opinion or approval (or denial of it) could have swayed Gabriel’s decision?
It’s because we now know that he absolutely could have, that Jack Morrison was probably the only person who could have convinced Gabriel to stop doing whatever “he had been planning.”
Using the “Retribution” comic, we know that it was Jack Gabriel would consult with when he needed advice or wanted a discussion on Overwatch and Blackwatch’s joint goals:
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A matter which both men apparently did very privately, on a very personal level.
So personal, that individuals like McCree, Genji, and Moira were not informed of them (during the Retribution era):
McCree: How are you going to explain this to the Strike-Commander? Gabriel: You let me worry about what Jack needs to know. McCree: You know you can’t shoot him. Gabriel: No, but I could shoot you.
As I said in “Retribution and Reapercussions,” it seems unlikely to me that Gabriel would completely, 180-degree flip his motivations and objectives after the “Retribution” mission ended.
His motivations?
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Protect Jack (to put it in very plain terms).
His objective?
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The original one: get more information in order to bring down Talon before they hurt Jack or anyone else in Overwatch.
The one that actually occured during Retribution:
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Survive a compromised mission with all of his agents alive, get extracted, and get back to base -
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To develop a new plan of attack against the enemy steadily “infiltrating” them.
In “Retribution and Reapercussions,” I argued that part of that plan involved getting Moira to stay cooperative with Gabriel and Blackwatch, in order to 1) preserve Overwatch secrets, 2) preserve Gabriel’s secrets (e.g. his “condition”), and 3) attempt to get more information from Moira.
Personally, I also think Gabriel - with or without Jack’s personal approval - probably began making his own plans to infiltrate Talon under the persona of “Reaper.”  Reaper as a “persona” is dry, sarcastic, snarky, angry, bitter, irreverant, and hellbent on “revenge”.  I argued in both “Long Reasons” and “Reapercussions” that this “masquerade” works on Moira - at the very least, she takes advantage of it, egging Gabriel on during the mission or asking him questions about his condition.
I also think that, after Gérard’s assassination, Gabriel was completely committed to his plan to infiltrate and enact retribution - equal punishment, equal justice - on Talon for their work against Overwatch.
Now -
Did Jack Morrison know about this plan?
I don’t know.  I really don’t.  I’m currently split on it about fifty-fifty.  I think that it is actually in-character for Gabriel to have told Jack about his plan in some way - after all, he talked with Jack about “bringing Antonio in” (which Jack personally approved of), so I think it’s totally possible Jack was aware of whatever...methods Gabriel was using to get into Talon.
The other part of this is the “approval” bit: Jack’s awareness of Gabriel’s plan (or lack thereof) does not equal his approval of it.  Jack could have known about it and not approved of it, leading to a genuine falling out over “the ends justifies the means” ideology between the two men.
The problem with this interpretation is that Jack has basically become a new version of “pre-fall Gabriel Reyes” in the present day story of Overwatch, down to repeating Gabriel’s own lines (“What are you looking at?”, “If you want something done right”, “I don’t play by the rules”, etc).  Jack being upset that Gabriel wanted to infiltrate Talon rings pretty hollow (or at least partially hypocritical) when you look at his current actions as “Soldier: 76″.
Therefore, it also makes sense that Jack genuinely was unaware of Gabriel’s plan.  After all, there’s the issue of plausible deniability to consider:
In “Retribution,” we learn from part of Gabriel’s debriefing that Gabriel offers Jack a chance to back out of the debriefing and secure “plausible deniability” for himself.  Jack refuses to leave, and while his tone is frustrated, what he actually demonstrates is that he’s willing to stand by Gabriel as his commander, his friend, and his “partner”, even through the consequences of the mission.
Personally, I think Gabriel would find that endearing.
I think he would also find it absolutely terrifying.
Gabriel wants to protect Jack (again, in blunt terms), and if Jack won’t protect himself from social, political, or possibly physical harm, then Gabriel will do it for him.
After all, “if you want something done right...”
You have to do it yourself.
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In “Retribution,” it was “what” Jack needs to know about.
By the time of “Uprising,” it was “nothing” Jack needs to know about.
Gabriel could have totally hidden his plans to infiltrate Talon from Jack, in a extreme effort to preserve Jack’s plausible deniability, and also distance Jack from the effects of him “going deep” as Reaper.
Because if Gabriel was bargaining with Moira for a cure for his “condition,” it’s also possible he fully expected to die for his decision - to lose his “condition” would make him mortal again, and to be mortal in the “talons” of his enemies:
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Could be deadly.
Gabriel trying to drive Jack away for Jack’s own safety is very plausible, and very much a common trope for the “undercover spy” story.  We have not seen Blizzard use that trope yet in Overwatch, so it remains a very open plot point in their deck of cards.
This also gives us a way to see Soldier: 76′s interaction with Moira as both genuine and “truth-twisting” simultaneously:
Soldier: 76: You were a disgrace to Overwatch.  If I had known what Reyes had been planning, I would never have allowed it.
(bold for emphasis) It allows Jack to be honest while also concealing the truth from Moira (and the best lies always have a little bit of truth and vulnerability to them): if he had known that Gabriel had been planning to “go in deep” under cover into Talon to infiltrate them (especially if Jack is aware that Gabriel is still trying to find a cure for his condition), Jack would never have allowed it -
Not because he disagreed with the methods or means -
But because Jack would want Gabriel to be safe.
As I said in “Reapercussions,” Jack probably wasn’t upset with Moira’s recruitment itself - not really.  He might have had qualms about Gabriel recruiting the scientist whose lab he helped shut down, but he probably wanted a cure for Gabriel’s condition as well.  Jack trusted Gabriel with his health and yet doing so opened up Gabriel, Blackwatch, and Overwatch to vulnerability, and allowed the greatest “disgrace” in Overwatch’s history to enter the organization.
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Again, a very classic storytelling trope between two heroes: one wants to go “all in” on a risky plan - a desperate attack, an infiltration, a “death blossom” tactic - while the other argues that they can’t, it’s too dangerous, with typical lines like:
“It’s the only option we have left!” “But what about you?” “If a sacrifice is what it takes, then I’m willing to die for it.” “But I can’t lose you.”
And yes, I’ll be blunt about it - it’s almost always tied to romance.
“But can’t two characters go through this sort of situation platonically?”
Of course they can - anyone who has ever loved someone platonically could admit to that.  No one’s being blind to that angle.  It’s just disproportionately a trope that’s used to heighten romance in stories.  If one of the two characters was the opposite sex (or, if you’d like to use the canon Overwatch romance of Lena and Emily), and you ran through this scenario, you know exactly what you the audience would think about those two characters.
As a reminder, Michael Chu is a big fan of “The Legend of Korra,” and Bryan’s words on the finale of the show are extremely relevant in this moment, and they represent one of the first times a writer and creator of a popular media story was open on the topic:
I’m usually rolling my eyes when that happens in virtually every action film, “Here we go again…” It was probably around that time that I came across this quote from Hayao Miyazaki: “I’ve become skeptical of the unwritten rule that just because a boy and girl appear in the same feature, a romance must ensue. Rather, I want to portray a slightly different relationship, one where the two mutually inspire each other to live - if I’m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.”
[...] However, I think there needs to be a counterpart to Miyazaki’s sentiment: Just because two characters of the same sex appear in the same story, it should not preclude the possibility of a romance between them. No, not everyone is queer, but the other side of that coin is that not everyone is straight. The more Korra and Asami’s relationship progressed, the more the idea of a romance between them organically blossomed for us.
Blizzard has already taken a very open stance on this by creating Emily and introducing her - in no uncertain terms - as the romantic partner of Lena “Tracer” Oxton.
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Going back to Jack and Gabriel, individual members of the Overwatch development team - mainly Jeff Kaplan and Michael Chu - have said things like “it is a deep, complex relationship that’s not necessarily only driven by romance,” “these guys loved each other,” and (the most recent one) “Gabriel Reyes was Jack Morrison’s partner” to describe their relationship.
Once is an accident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern.
So yeah, Jack Morrison could be very angry that “his friend” risked everything - Blackwatch, Overwatch, global peace, his health, his very life - to go under cover.  It happens in stories, and it happens in real life too.  Love is a powerful emotion in all of its forms - platonic, familial, romantic, etc.
Or we can be honest and use the terms that the developers themselves have given us.
So that we can say:
That Jack Morrison is very angry and hurt that his partner 
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- a man he loved, a man he built an organization and a lifetime with, a man he trusted over and over and over again - 
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risked everything that actually mattered - the organization they had built together, the lifetime they had shared, the loved that they had, their deep, complex relationship of romance, trust, and power - 
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to go deep under cover to fight and destroy the enemy organization threatening them.
...The story writes itself, doesn’t it?
So those are two possible interpretations:
1) Jack Morrison knew what Gabriel Reyes was planning and did not approve of it. 2) Jack Morrison did not know what Gabriel Reyes was planning, and once he found out, he still did not approve of it.
But then we come to the third possible interpretation:
3) Regardless of his awareness, Jack Morrison knew or eventually learned what Gabriel Reyes was planning, and he did approve of it.
Could this be plausible?
Given that we now know what Jack Morrison sounds like when he is actually angry, all of the interactions between Soldier: 76 and Reaper now sound like...
Mild banter, to be honest.
Soldier: 76: Aren't you supposed to be dead?
Reaper: Didn't take.
Soldier: 76: One of these days someone is gonna to put an end to you.
Reaper: I invite them to try.
Soldier: 76: Well. You sure take to this ‘bad guy’ thing easily, don't ya?
Reaper: And you sure know how to play ‘boy scout’.
These conversations don’t sound...angry or upset or even frustrated?  The second one is particularly weird now that we know that Jack knows Gabriel is virtually immortal, and the last one almost sounds like a joke, with Soldier even laughing a bit at one point.  
For two men trying to convince the world that they had a massive falling out and hate each other to the point of, uh, “trying” to kill each other (which they spectacularly fail at), they’re not doing a very good job.  
But again, notably absent is a remark that is remotely comparable to the intense emotion Soldier: 76 has in his new interaction with Moira.  His “threat” of “someone is gonna put an end to you” is actually pretty passive, and Reaper’s reply is equally as dry and “joking” - neither man says they’ll actually kill the other.
And of course, Soldier: 76 does not say anything like this:
Soldier: 76: You were a disgrace to Overwatch.  If I had known what [you] had been planning, I would never have allowed it.
To Reaper.
He never blames Gabriel directly for the fall of Overwatch at any point, in any source material.  He never says anything like “Gabriel Reyes destroyed Overwatch” or even “Gabriel Reyes was a disgrace to Overwatch.”  As I wrote above, he doesn’t even seem to get mad at Reaper in the present-day.
Compared to, McCree and Ana for example:
Reaper: Just like old times.
Ana: Right. Except for the part where you became a homicidal murderer.
Reaper: Guess you're going back on my list, Ana.
Ana: What happened to you, Gabriel?
Reaper: I taught you everything you know.
McCree: Not everythin'.
McCree: You weren't given those guns to toss 'em around like trash.
Reaper: I don't take lessons from you.
But there are two important things to keep in mind here:
1) Ana and McCree were not actually present for the explosion of the Swiss Base.  It is very likely neither of them know what Gabriel has been planning.  We know from Michael Chu that McCree has not encountered Reaper in the present day, but if they met, he would recognize Reaper as Gabriel.
2) Gabriel does not trust either of them to the same level or “depth of their relationship” as he does Jack.  Ana did not even appear in the “Retribution” comic, and McCree appeared only in the beginning and ending.  He also was unaware of Gabriel’s personal discussion about the mission with Jack, or Jack’s personal approval of it.
(And again, to be blunt, neither Ana nor McCree “directly motivate” Gabriel’s actions in “Retribution” the way Jack does.)
So, could Soldier: 76 approve of whatever Gabriel has been and is planning?
Yeah, I really think it’s possible.  Not a clue if it’s “more or less likely” than the other interpretations, but I think it’s definitely plausible.  Soldier: 76 acts and talks like “pre-fall” Gabriel Reyes did, and he - like Gabriel (and Reaper) - currently toes the line between “retributive justice” (“an eye for an eye”) and “renegade revenge.”  
Which means, if he does approve of Gabriel infiltrating Talon, then he’s lying to Moira.
...But I mean -
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He is wearing a mask.
And we know how important mask symbolism is in Overwatch.
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The fact that the two of them are “masquerading” as more “extreme” versions of the roles they have always played - the “hero” and the “villain” - 
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Is very suspicious at this point.
Which finally brings me to Moira’s reply.
Moira: It seems to me that it was convenient for you not to look too closely into Gabriel’s business...
...Now -
A number of people asked something along the lines of, “But isn’t she saying that he, Jack, benefited from turning a blind eye to Gabriel’s actions?” or “That it was convenient for Jack to ignore Gabriel’s actions because it either helped Overwatch in the long run, or because Gabriel later ‘took the blame’ for the problems?”
Which, I understand, conceptually, but personally, I feel like that...misses the mark.
The main reason is that - if that is what Moira is saying - then she still does not know how “deep” Gabriel’s relationship with Jack was (or possibly currently is).
That she is unaware that they had conversations like this in the past (and again, possibly still do in the present):
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And if that is “The Point” of her reply - to show the audience that she’s still “buying” that Gabriel is “mad he took the blame” for Retribution - then I find it awkwardly written, and rather starkly impassive.  If Moira was actually “firing back” at Jack for “letting Gabriel take the blame for Retribution,” wouldn’t she...do it to the same intensity as these?
Winston: Overwatch had good reason to shut down your research! Moira: I shouldn’t be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped-up ape.
Mercy: Describing your work as “unethical” would be a kindness. Moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries...(pause) ...No, I didn’t think so.
Moira: Well, I must never worry about my safety when the brave agents of Helix are with us. Pharah: Don’t be so sure about that.
Moira can be absolutely vicious when she’s mad - you can actually hear the snear in her tone of voice in the Winston interaction, and also hear the snarky, icy coldness in the Mercy one.  The Pharah interaction oozes sarcasm - like, even more than her new McCree one.
And let’s not forget the “unimpeachable” line.
So make no mistake - when Moira intends to fire back, she burns things down.
So her reaction to Jack Morrison - a man she likely has a personal bone to pick with for shutting down her old lab - vehemently calling her “a disgrace” and saying that he would’ve stopped “Reyes” if he could have...feels so calm.  
Like.  Unaffectedly so.  Almost eerily so.
And I don’t know if that’s her ploy or she simply doesn’t care enough to be bothered to get intense about it.
But it sounds and feels off to me.
When Moira believes she is in the right, or when she thinks something is going well for her, she gets unbelievably smug and savage about it.
Moira: I wouldn’t describe this as ‘light resistance’…quality intelligence we received. Genji: It makes no difference to me. Moira: …How droll.
McCree: Better to kill them now than wait for another surprise attack! Moira, to herself: …ha, ironic.
McCree: You’re awfully calm about all this. Moira: I take it all in my stride.
Gabriel: Enough art! Let’s get out of here. McCree: Never had the eye for it anyways. Moira, muttering: …philistines.
Soldier: 76 has revealed that he knows what she did during “Retribution”.  And in her McCree interactions, she’s honestly smug about it.
McCree: Always thought hiring you was a mistake. Moira: The best mistake one could ever make. 
But with Soldier: 76, not even...a tease.  Or a taunt.  Or a snide remark.
Just a calm, controlled:
Moira: It seems to me that it was convenient for you not to look too closely into Gabriel’s business...
She sounds...almost thoughtful.  Contemplative.
In “A Clash of Kings” I speculated that Moira might be aware of Gabriel’s plan to bring down Talon.  At the time, I wrote that she might not even care, and - if pressured to pick a side - would pick Gabriel over Talon because her research is more important than her organization.  I still stand by the latter point -
But I will admit that I think the “might not care” part might have been...preemptive.
Because again, as I said in the audio post, I personally feel like Moira sounds almost suspicious of Soldier: 76 here.  Is she saying that it was convenient for Jack Morrison to “turn a blind eye” to Gabriel’s actions in Blackwatch?  Is she saying that he benefited from Gabriel doing “the real work” for Overwatch?
...It’s still off to me.
Because Overwatch fell anyways -
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And Jack Morrison was literally scarred by the event.
So in the long run, how exactly was it “convenient” for Jack to ignore Gabriel’s actions - a perspective that we know is inherently incorrect because Jack actually knew a good deal about Blackwatch’s missions, and inherently incorrect again because Overwatch was destroyed anyways?
If Moira wants to say that Jack “reaped the rewards” of Gabriel’s work, there’s...a lot of other ways - a lot of smugger ways - she could say that.  And if that was “The Point” of the interaction, I personally think it would be more directly stated, considering how blunt and vicious her other interactions are when she gets mad.
To me, her tone implies that she thinks it is “still convenient” for Jack to continue “ignoring Gabriel’s business” - that, not only did Jack benefit from “turning a blind eye” then, but that he continues to benefit by “turning a blind eye” now.
Much like how Antonio’s monologue in “Retribution” was a very classic, “I’ve been expecting you, Mister Reyes Bond”, Moira here feels like she is throwing out another spy-genre trope line:
“It seems like it was convenient for you that things went this way...a little too convenient.”
...People always say not to “read too much into these lines,” or “it’s not that deep,” but I disagree.  It was a close reading and analysis of the “Masquerade” comic that really gave significant evidence towards the “Reaper is infiltrating Talon to take it done from the inside,” and that was nearly a full year before “Retribution” the comic came out.  It is a close and thorough look-through of Necropolis and Castillo that shows us what Sombra knows, and how she might be linking several characters together.
And it was a close synthesis and discussion of the lines of evidence in Retribution that indicated that Moira was the “double-agent” in Blackwatch.
And it is what the lead writer of Overwatch himself wants “you the player” to do:
“One of the things we really like doing with Overwatch is playing with perspective.  We utilize perspective when we analyze or when we tell stories about characters, what they’re thinking, what their goals are.  And we have a lot of unreliable narrators.  We want people to pay careful attention to what characters think about in particular situations.  We want them to use their judgment and their knowledge of a character’s thoughts to come up with their own ideas about the universe.”
(Michael Chu’s 2017 GDC talk)
Maybe this is a “cheap” argument, but I also think that downplaying Moira’s reaction here or writing it off as “she’s just saying Jack got all the pros while Gabriel took all the cons” is a bit of a disservice to the intelligence of her character, and the intelligence of Overwatch’s writing team.  They get only a few seconds to convey some really intense information (not just in this, but for example, the new Lúcio interactions, some of the Doomfist interactions, the Symmetra interactions, etc), and while I don’t expect every word to be “hand-picked” and scrutinized before it goes into a voice line or interaction, I do expect some sort of discussion about protraying character and development, different personality, reactions to new situations or information, tone and expression for the voice actors, and on and on.  
This interaction, as small and as “short” as it is, has to pass through several people before it “ends up” with the player - one of them being the voice actor or actress themselves, who has to provide the nuance and tone for the line - and I would bet that at least once or twice, alternate lines or word choices were brought up.  It’s part of the writing and storytelling process, especially one that involves actual voiced parts.
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Moira “the character” was smart enough to play two sides against each other in Retribution, survive the mission, survive “the consequences,” and successfully bring down an organization she hated, as well as gain leverage over one of its major leaders and eventually “recruit” him into her new organization.
All while also being a genuis but unethical scientist on top of it.
I think it is very plausible for her to question Reaper’s “loyalty” to Talon (especially when we add in her new interaction with him), but she seems to think he’s either “committed” now, or still bound to it by her research.  So while she might be skeptical of it, she tolerates and accepts Reaper’s working relationship with Talon for now.  Even if she doesn’t fully believe his statements of “No, I’m totally on Talon’s side now, trust me,” Moira at least knows she has extra leverage over him as a failsafe.
However, I also think it’s plausible for Moira to be very skeptical of why Reaper and Soldier: 76 haven’t killed each other yet.  Why they both managed to walk away from the Swiss Base explosion alive.  Why there have been six to seven years since that with no “results” on Reaper’s part.
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Why Jack Morrison is using a “Soldier ID number” that Gabriel Reyes would recognize and understand.
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Why Jack Morrison is still alive after Reaper “trapped him” in Hakim’s compound.
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Why Reaper tells Ana Amari that Jack “made him this thing” when Moira knows a decent part of Reaper’s post-fall condition is due to her own influence.
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Why Jack Morrison seems to believe that his “approval” or “permission” for Gabriel Reyes to enact “what he had been planning” mattered to Gabriel at all.
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I think Moira can figure out that there are vital pieces of information that she’s missing.  She can see how - against all odds - the situation is still very convenient for Jack.  She just isn’t entirely sure how.
I think this Soldier: 76-Moira interaction pairs well with her new Reaper interaction.
Moira: Your condition seems relatively stable. Reaper: No one’s accused me of that in a long time.
I think it is possible for Moira to skeptical of Reaper here, but I do also think it’s just as likely that she’s simply stating a fact, doctor-to-patient.  I’m not certain if the interpretation matters significantly.
Instead, I think this interaction is meant for “us the player” to realize that the thing Reaper “claims” he wants from Moira - the thing that is his “supposed” motivation for working with Talon:
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Is “fixing” itself.  Or that whatever treatments Moira is giving him now are working.
And that “Reaper” could potentially be released from his “curse” soon-ish.
And if that is true, then why is Reaper still working with Talon?
If you believe infiltration theory, then yeah, the answer feels pretty obvious: Gabriel will eventually enact retribution on Talon and bring them down the way they did to Overwatch.
But if/when Moira realizes she’s steadily losing her extra leverage over him, what will she do?
Will she realize that she and Akande have just invited their own “retribution” into their castle?
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Or will it be too late for them to stop him?
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nitewrighter · 7 years
Of Blades and Broomsticks Pt. VI
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Witch AU on AO3
Pharah tested the weight of the musket. In wartime, she would have been called a ‘dragoon,’ a skilled markswoman and rider, but in these times, she was only the brave young captain of Adlersbrunn city guard. 
“It feels like holding the future, doesn’t it?” said Pharah.
“You should hope you won’t have to use that bloody thing in the future,” said Torbjörn, “Still, you ask me, his Lordship should set that Junken-fellow to work on powder production... That’d be better than any of the clanking toys you see floating around the castle.”
“I shudder to think what might come of having that madman work with black powder,” said Pharah, looking down the sights of the musket. 
“You’ll still get better aiming with crossbows too,” Torbjörn added, “But I suppose everyone cares more about power than accuracy these days. I’m still trying to get it right so it doesn’t...buck so much but is still light enough to maneuver with.”
“It’s your best work yet, Torbjörn,” said Pharah, smiling.
“You say that every time,” said Torbjorn, “Here.” He hauled up a box of munitions, “You want to fire that thing you’re going to need thes--”
“Captain!” one of the city guards, damp from the rain burst into the room causing Pharah to lower the musket slightly. The guard buckled over, trying to catch his breath. “Message...” he gasped, holding a small slip of paper out to her, “From the dovecote.”
Pharah took the slip of paper and her eyes widened. “Witch Hunter Reyes,” she said, breaking the seal and opening the letter. Her eyes rapidly traced over the page, “Have copies already been sent to His Lordship and Bishop Petras?” she asked. The guard nodded nervously. Pharah picked up the box of munitions and put it into the guard’s hands, “I need you to take these to the cathedral and get them blessed.”
“Ma’am?” the guard looked down at the box of lead balls in question.
“When the Witch Hunter Gabriel tells you there is a great evil in your midst, you get your weapons consecrated, it’s as simple as that,” said Pharah, “Call up the rest of the guards and saddle my horse,” she said, picking her helm up off the table, “We make for the house of Junkenstein.”
“Yes ma’am,” said the guard, saluting.
Pharah put on her helm, shouldered her musket, and walked out the door onto the rainy ramparts of the castle. Thunder rumbled overhead. It was a miserable day for a witch hunt.
One blow from Hanzo sent Genji flying backwards through several cloudbanks before he stopped himself. The lower half of Genji’s mask had been broken off, exposing the lower half of his face with his lip split and bleeding. He wiped some of the blood away.
“As much as I love catching up with you, brother, I’m afraid I have somewhere else to---” Genji snatched an arrow hurtling toward his face out of the air, gripping it about an inch in front of his eye, “...be...” he brought the arrow down and held his blade at the ready.
“Somewhere else to be?” Hanzo walked atop the clouds, frowning.
“I need to get back to my witch,” said Genji.
“Your witch?” Hanzo arched an eyebrow.
“Yes--well, not my witch. She’s not anyone’s witch by virtue of being a witch but---” Genji quickly dodged out of the way of another arrow.
“You’ve bound yourself to a mortal?!” said Hanzo, nocking another arrow.
“No one’s bound to anyone. She just freed me from a prison and she’s giving me her first born in exchange for some protection and---” Genji ducked down, another arrow whizzing over his head. 
“You are no mortal’s servant! You disgrace us both by playing at such!” said Hanzo.
“It’s not servitude, it’s partnership,” Genji evaded another arrow, “Just because you have a hunter pursuing you, that doesn’t mean your experience with mortals is universal.” Genji suddenly grinned, his own smile somehow even more devilish than the one on his mask. “Is that why you want to bring me home brother? Do you not feel safe without me?”
Hanzo visibly tensed.
“Need someone to protect you from the big bad hunter?” Genji realized as soon as he said it that he had probably taken his mocking a bit too far.
Hanzo snarled.
“...sore spot?” said Genji. Hanzo didn’t bother with an arrow next. In a flash of lightning he disappeared and Genji was looking around for him. There was another flash and Hanzo was right in front of him. “Ah,” said Genji as Hanzo delivered an axe kick that sent Genji hurtling towards the earth at breakneck speed. He transformed himself into smoke and lightning in his rapid descent, knowing that if he stayed in his (fairly) human form, he would surely break every bone in his body. He struck the ground, leaving a scorch mark on the cobblestones of Adlersbrunn marketplace, emptied by the rain. He dissolved himself into a vaguely shadowy form. His side ached from the impact and he moved, a wisp of smoke and green lightning out of the open and into an alley where he retook a mostly human form.
 “Ugh...” his head was aching and he gave a glance up to the clouds, which seemed to be dissipating. Hanzo was moving away, Probably to sulk, thought Genji. To Genji’s equal fortune and misfortune, Hanzo was, like Genji, very proud. The suggestion that Hanzo might need Genji was enough to keep Hanzo away so he could prove a point, at least for a while. He gave a glance to the gold bracelet on his wrist, which had a slightly brighter gleam to it, but not exactly a glow. The Witch was wondering where he was, not calling him. Independent. He liked that. He smiled a little but then drew back into the shadows of the alley as the stop in rain started bringing people back into the streets of Eichenwalde and he winced and his hand went to his side again. His hand touched at the skin exposed by his broken mask. This form was damaged, it would take too much energy to try and make it appear normal. He could heal faster in a smaller one. Quickly he enveloped himself in black smoke and green lightning and took the form of a silver-gray tomcat, then took off out of the alley, moving quickly to compensate for his smaller size.
“You keep looking at the window,” said Junkenstein, handing Mercy another mug of posset, “What was that you said earlier? About a sparrowhawk?”
“Oh it was just---” Mercy started but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“I’ve got it,” said Junkenstein, getting to his feet. Mercy nodded and sipped at her posset as he opened the door. Junkenstein opened the door a crack, force of habit from his own paranoia that someone might steal his inventions, and he narrowed his eyes at the captain of the city guard. “What does his Lordship want this time?” said Junkenstein, frowning.
“It’s not his Lordship, it’s the bishop,” said Pharah. Mercy glanced up from her mug. She knew she was still out of sight from the door but something, some bright and furious flicker inside her told her, Get out now.
“The Bishop?” Junkenstein arched an eyebrow, “The bishop’s never had an interest in any of my work.”
“He’s not interested in your work,” said Pharah, “We believe you have someone in your company we need to take in for questioning.”
 Mercy had already silently set her mug down and got up from the couch, fastening her cloak. The doctor had to have another exit in his house.
“Questioning!” said Junkenstein, “Whatever for?”
Pharah gave the door a push to look into his home but Junkenstein stopped it against his peg leg. “Now look here, Bishop or no I’m not here to be pushed about by his lordship’s enforcers. Tell me what this is about.” 
Mercy opened the shutters of one of Junkenstein’s windows as silently as she could. 
“We believe you have a witch in your company,” said Pharah.
Mercy slipped out the window and started running.
“A witch!” Junkenstein repeated incredulously, “Is this the bloody dark ages!? There’s no such thing! Gramercy tell them there’s no such---” Junkenstein turned on his heel to the couch where Mercy had previously been, but found it empty. “Oh...” he said softly.
“So Miss Gramercy was here?” said Pharah, folding her arms. Junkenstein’s eyes widened at the empty couch and he cleared his throat and turned back to Pharah.
“Who?” said Junkenstein.
“Don’t play games,” said Pharah.
“Look you’ll need to be very patient with me--all of my silly experiments haven’t left me quite right in the head you know,” Junkenstein said pitifully.
Pharah gave an exasperated sigh, but if there was one thing that was easy to believe, it was the addling of Junkenstein’s brain. “Was there a woman here?” she asked.
Junkenstein’s hand went over his chest, appalled, “Madam Captain, I am a man of science. I do not permit myself to be distracted by pleasures of the flesh and feminine wiles.”
“She wouldn’t necessarily be here as a lover,” said Pharah with an exasperated sigh.
“Who wouldn’t?” said Junkenstein.
“Gramercy,” Pharah said, brow furrowing.
“Who’s that?” said Junkenstein.
“The witch,” Pharah said through gritted teeth.
“No such thing as witches,” said Junkenstein with a shrug.
“A warrant from the Witch Hunter Reyes says otherwise.”
“Who’s the warrant for?” said Junkenstein.
“Gramercy,” said Pharah, clearly getting more angry.
“What for?” said Junkenstein.
“Witchcraft,” said Pharah, fuming at this point.
“No such thing as---” Junkenstein was cut off as Pharah suddenly seized him by the throat.
“Now look here you addle-minded geck, don’t think I don’t know stalling when I see it,” said Pharah.
“Understood,” Junkenstein choked under her grip.
“You’re going to answer this question. You’re going to give me a straightforward answer. You’re not going to stall or lie unless you want to end up as an accomplice to a witch yourself and you know not even his Lordship can protect you from such an association, are we clear?”
Junkenstein managed an earnest nod in her grip before she released him. “Now, was the witch Gramercy here?”
Junkenstein gave a glance to the other guards, then back to Pharah, then sighed and felt at his own neck. “I find your claims of her being a witch dubious, but yes,” said Junkenstein.
“Where did she go?” said Pharah.
Junkenstein smiled at this. “I’m afraid I have no idea,” he said.
This earned Junkenstein a punch in the face. The doctor sprawled back and Pharah shook out her fist. She looked to her contingent of guards. “Spread out and search the city. She can’t have gotten far.”
A gray tomcat watched as Adlersbrunn’s eccentric inventor dropped to the ground, and kept watching as the guards dispersed, spreading through the city.
Junkenstein came to with a grunt to several impatient slaps on his cheek. “Nngh--That guard captain really packs a---” he found himself staring into the eyes of a man dressed all in black.
“What did you tell them?” said Genji, gripping the front of Junkenstein’s labcoat. The look on Genji’s face filled Junkenstein’s stomach with dread. If he wasn’t a man of science, he would think to himself that this figure leaning over him didn’t feel human, didn’t feel from this world at all. However, he was a man of science, and chalked all of these feelings of unease up to his recent brief unconsciousness.  Junkenstein summoned his best nerve and glared right back at Genji.
“Same thing I’m telling you: Nothing,” said Junkenstein.
“If you put her in danger---” Genji started sharply.
“I would never! She’s one of the only friends I’ve got in the whole of blasted Eichenwalde!” Junkenstein snapped. Genji scoffed and released him before standing up.
“I’m going to find her,” said Genji, turning to walk away from Junkenstein, who managed to scramble to an upright position in spite of his peg leg and seized Genji’s arm.
“Just hold on!” said Junkenstein.
“You won’t stall me like you did the guard captain,” said Genji, wrenching his arm away.
“I--You saw that?” said Junkenstein, “I didn’t see you...”
“I...ah... happened to be passing by,” said Genji.
 “Who are you supposed to be, anyway?” said Junkenstein.
“I am called Genji,” said Genji.
“And you’re asking about Gramercy because...?”
“I’m her d--” Genji caught himself and then said, “I’m her lover.”
“Pfft. The hell you are,” said Junkenstein.
“Excuse me?” said Genji.
“Look, Gramercy is quite dear to me, but her body clearly must have a severe hysteria and imbalance of the humors to be able to do the things it does,” said Junkenstein.
“Hysteria...?” Genji repeated a bit helplessly.
“I mean--lightning? Conducting lighting?” said Junkenstein, “She wouldn’t be having those issues if she had a lover. So either you’re a liar or a shit lover, and I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt with ‘liar.’”
“You believe her magical powers are due to... womanly issues?” Genji pressed his hands together in front of himself.
“You’ve got a better explanation?” said Junkenstein. 
“Magic,” said Genji.
Junkenstein rolled his eyes. “I’m surrounded by idiots,” he said with a sigh, “Gramercy’s got quite enough fools hounding her as is. I don’t need another bloody holy man---”
“I am not a holy man!” Genji snapped insulted. Junkenstein reared back with far more of a start than Genji expected, “...what?” said Genji.
“I--I--I--I---” Junkenstein was stuttering.
“What!?” said Genji.
“Eye--Eyes,” Junkenstein said.
Genji turned his head and caught his own reflection in the glass of the window. His eyes were bright red. He quickly turned away from Junkenstein and squeezed his eyes shut. He opened one eye and saw that he had managed to make it dark brown again before turning to Junkenstein. “You will forget you saw that,” said Genji.
Junkenstein brought up a finger to his cheek and Genji glanced at his reflection in the window once more and saw a massive ragged scar had manifested itself across his cheek. He turned away again and inhaled sharply, forcing the scar back down. He looked at Junkenstein. “Better?”
“Teeth,” said Junkenstein and Genji’s hand went to his mouth and he felt his own protruding fangs. 
“Kuso...” muttered Genji, before conjuring his mask out of the air.
“You’re going to have to explain to me how you can get your face to do that,” said Junkenstein.
“Magic,” Genji said, frowning.
“No such thing as---”
“I don’t have time for this,” said Genji, moving to put on the mask and walk out the door, “I need to find her--”
“Wait-wait--wait!” said Junkenstein.
“I’m not waiting!” said Genji.
“They’re after her for witchcraft--how do you think it’s going to look if she has a fellow dressed in all black wearing a devil mask hot on her heels!?”
“...You make a fair point,” said Genji. He swept an arm down in front of himself and his clothing shifted to shabby dark robes, an orange scarf, and a wide straw kasa.
“Face is still an issue,”said Junkenstein, “While I’m sure the redness of your eyes can probably be explained by an overly sanguine temperament, I doubt the rest of the town shares my scientific genius.”
“I’m still recovering my injuries, I can’t hide my eyes without revealing my fangs or...”
“Well the scar isn’t so bad is it?” said Junkenstein.
Genji frowned and looked off. 
“Awfully vain, aren’t you?” said Junkenstein who then quickly rummaged through a bin of automaton parts before pulling out a rejected jaw piece from one of his automatons. “Here. Cover up with this.”
The automaton’s jaw piece formed an oddly perfect mask over Genji’s nose and mouth, covering up enough so that he could focus on keeping his eyes the right color.
“Thank you,” said Genji.
“You’d better be a friend of Gramercy’s like you say you are,” said Junkenstein hurrying to the door, “Come on, let’s hope we find her before the guards do.”
To be honest, Mercy knew this day would come at some point. She wasn’t careful like Gramercy before her was. She had been too soft, too kind. She couldn’t turn away people who she knew couldn’t keep a secret like the Gramercy before her did. A part of her only wished that she had been at home when it happened--she would have had a chance to grab her books, maybe even her cat, the rotten old devil he was, and she knew she could lose pursuers quickly in the woods. They feared the woods, she didn’t. But this was a town walled by stone. She had to get out of the city, she knew that much. Junkenstein’s house itself was fairly close to the city walls, but nowhere near any of the gatehouses that would grant her exit out of the city. She would have to cut through diagonally to the northern exit of the city. 
Mercy sprinted hard and far away from Junkenstein’s house, pausing only to whisper to doors at random. It was the same spell she worked on her own door back at her cottage, but in reverse. The witch is hiding here, she would whisper at varying doors, search this house, she must be somewhere here. She whispered into winding alleys, This way, she went this way, and she even gave a few good whispers to the grates that led down into Adlersbrunn’s sewers and catacombs, Down here, she must be down here.
 She looked to the skies for a sparrowhawk but then glanced back down to the cobblestones ahead of her and scoffed. “’My sword is swift and mighty,’” she muttered bitterly under her breath, imitating Genji’s whispery yet resonant timbre, “So you have my protection---” she scoffed, “Fat lot of good that’s done me...” she skidded to a halt and pulled into an alley, her own loss of breath finally catching up with her. She closed her eyes and puffed some loose strands of hair from her face. Her brow furrowed, but then her eyes widened with realization. She quickly took a lock of hair and twisted it around her finger three times.
“Why would you say you’re her lover, anyway?” Junkenstein was panting hard just trying to keep up with Genji.
“I’m handsome, it seemed believable,” said Genji.
“Right,” said Junkenstein, unconvinced, glancing off, “How’d you meet her, anyway?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” said Genji, looking at the gold bangle on his wrist, which was glowing brightly. She was calling him. He just had to find her.
“Let me guess--you’re going to say magic again,” said Junkenstein.
“Of a sort, yes,” said Genji, “We have a deal. I’m supposed to protect her.”
“Well you’re doing a bang-up job of it so far, mate---” Junkenstein said when Genji suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke and a few sparks of green. “Wh--” Junkenstein looked around, now alone in the street, “What the hell was that?”
“What the hell is this?!” Pharah stood at the main ramparts of Adlersbrunn’s outer wall. She gritted her teeth and pressed her knuckles to her forehead. The witch. She had to go after the witch, her guard was scattered across the city. It made no sense. Her men were disciplined. Her men knew this town. Her men had grown up in this town. And yet they still had not caught the witch. Worse still, they were splitting up all over the city. Even the most disciplined guard contingents found themselves scattering, walking in circles even. Something was wrong. Something felt off.
“Ma’am!” one of the guards shouted, “A horseman approaches!”
Pharah rushed across the rampart and looked down below to see a dark figure on a pale stallion.
“Open the gate!” shouted Pharah. The drawbridge was lowered and the horseman rode in as Pharah hurried down the stairs to the gatehouse.
“Keep that gate closed,” said the Witch Hunter, swinging off of his horse.
“Portcullis down!” Pharah barked at her troops, and they quickly moved to close the portcullis behind the Witch Hunter. Gabriel handed his horse’s reins off to another guard.
“What did you get out of Junkenstein?” said the Witch Hunter.
“Nothing,” said Pharah, “We know she was at his house, but apart from that, lost time. On top of that we--we aren’t covering the city as... as efficiently as I’d like.”
“Which I take is unusual,” said the Witch hunter, completely unsurprised by her statement and perfectly calm.
“We know this city, knowing my men we should have caught her by now,” said Pharah.
“Protective charms. Effortless spell, but enough to turn you around and buy her time,” said Gabriel, “Call your men back to the bailey, get your swiftest horses and the men with the steadiest hands and strongest wills. Get to the other exits of the city and tell them to keep to the walls while they do so. No shortcuts. We don’t know which buildings she’s charmed, so the walls are our best bet. You have chalk?”
“Yes...” Pharah said hesitantly.
“Get it. Get all of it,” said Gabriel, “I’ll show you and your men what to do.” 
Genji appeared in a puff of smoke in front of Mercy, who still had the lock of hair wrapped around her finger. Mercy gasped and flinched back and it took Genji a second to remember he wasn’t wearing his usual clothing.
“It’s me!” He said, tilting the brim of his kasa back slightly and letting his eyes turn red, “Don’t worry,” he let his eyes turn back to dark brown, “It’s me.” 
“...it worked,” she said incredulously.
“Of course it worked, why wouldn’t it work?” said Genji. Mercy rolled her eyes.
“Where have you been?” said Mercy, folding her arms.
Genji gestured up at the sky. “Family issues,” he said.
Mercy huffed. “We need to get out of here,” she paused and looked at him, “You...said you could turn into a dragon, right?”
Genji’s side ached painfully from the very thought of such a transformation in his current state. If he tried that now, he had no idea how long he could sustain it. They could find themselves tumbling out of the sky from hundreds of feet up. He opened his mouth.
“No...” Mercy vetoed her own idea, and Genji sighed with some relief, “They’re likely to have crossbows and arquebuses on the city ramparts.” She huffed, “I shouldn’t have sent that whisper into the sewers---that could have been our exit...” she shook her head and started walking briskly, “Come on. We move and maybe we can reach a culvert before---”
“Stop right there!” Mercy stopped walking and turned on her heel to see a guard down the way, pointing a crossbow at her. Young. Scared. Separated from his compatriots. Had to have found her by sheer dumb luck.
“I don’t want any trouble,” she said calmly.
“You’re... you’re going to stand right there and---” there was a flash and Genji was suddenly between them. The guard’s hand squeezed on the crossbow’s trigger out of surprise and the bolt flew towards Genji. There was a flash of green and silver as Ryū Ichimonji was drawn, and Genji stepped forward, the crossbow bolt splitting across his blade, and he sprinted forward and with that same swipe of the blade, cut through the crossbow like the wood was butter. Genji seized the guard by the throat and was about to complete the swipe of his sword when Mercy blurted out, “Don’t.”
Genji’s blade stopped short on the guard’s neck, and he looked over his shoulder at Mercy incredulously.
“Don’t kill him,” said Mercy.
Genji’s brow furrowed, but then he sighed and rolled his eyes before looking back at the guard, shaking in his grip. “Consider your good fortune today,” said Genji, and he knocked the guard out with the butt of the blade. He glanced over at Mercy, “You know he’s just going to get up and come after you with all the rest of them in a little bit,” he said.
“We don’t need to add bodies to this,” said Mercy, moving to drag the unconscious guard into an alley but finding him terribly heavy. Genji huffed. “Here,” he said picking up the guard easily.
“Thank you---” Mercy started to say but Genji chucked the unconscious guard into the alley like a hay bale. 
“’Gentle’ isn’t in your vocabulary, is it?” said Mercy as Genji started moving down the street.
“You have done no harm yet he raises a weapon against you. Those who would harm you do not deserve ‘gentle,’” said Genji, “We should leave before more come.”
Mercy nodded and they ran.
Pharah’s horse galloped behind the Witch Hunter’s stallion when the Witch hunter slowed his horse and dismounted, taking a piece of chalk from a bag on his belt. Pharah realized they had stopped near one of the grated drainage culverts in the wall. Standing ankle-deep in the filthy water draining out of Adlersbrunn, the Witch Hunter drew out his circular symbol, the same he had instructed the rest of her guards to draw over every possible exit of the city, over the arch of the culvert. 
“...You really believe that can stop a witch?”
“It’s not the witch I’m stopping, it’s the demon she’s drawing her power from.”
“Demon? You didn’t mention a demon in your letter...” said Pharah.
“I can handle both. Demons, I’ve found, tend to incite panics. I’m only telling you because I can trust you not to let fear destroy your wits...” he paused, “Am I right in having that trust?”
“Yes, sir,” said Pharah.
The witch Hunter gave her a nod and mounted his horse once more. “Take care of the rest of the culverts. I’ll head to the northern gate.”
“But I can---”
“You’ve a promising career and a good sense of honor,” said the Witch Hunter, “I will shoulder the risks alone.”
“But---” Pharah started again.
“Ma’am!” The sound of hoofbeats on cobblestones sounded and one of Pharah’s guards rode up to the two of them, carrying Pharah’s musket on her shoulders and a box under her arm. “I got here from the cathedral as quickly as I could,” she said, handing Pharah her musket and munitions, “They’ve been blessed, as per your instructions.” The guard looked at the Witch Hunter, “oh--sir--I--I um...”
“A consecrated musket?” said the Witch hunter, arching an eyebrow.
Pharah looked down the sights of the musket before shouldering it. “Yes,” she said.
Gabriel seemed thoughtful for a moment, “You,” he said to the guard, tossing her a piece of chalk, “Memorize this mark and draw it over every culvert on the wall. You,” he turned to Pharah, “Ride with me. I have a job for you.”
He kicked his horse into a gallop and Pharah rode after him, once they were a sufficient ways away from the other guard, Gabriel slowed and let Pharah pull up alongside him. He pulled something from the interior of his coat and held it out to her. “I need you to take this and travel the ramparts,” he said.
Pharah squinted at the object in his palm. “A rock... with a hole in it,” she said flatly, looking up at him.
“Adder stone. It lets you see magic for what it is. I’ve trained myself to not be dependent on it, but you don’t have the same experience.”
“Is it... magic?” said Pharah, wondering if the Witch Hunter was a warlock himself.
“It is to be used in service to one’s faith to defend oneself against magic...As Solomon did,” said Gabriel.
Pharah pursed her lips, then took the stone. She looked through the hole and saw something bright glowing through the witch hunter’s jacket, something like fire just over his heart. She brought the stone down.
“Evidence,” said Gabriel, patting his hand over the point where Pharah was looking, “You wish to help me you will be walking a gray and dangerous path. Dogs guard flocks of sheep from wolves, but all dogs were wolves once. If you are unwilling---”
“You can count on me,” said Pharah.
Gabriel nodded, “Stick to the ramparts, head north,” he said, before riding off.
“We’re moving too slowly,” Genji said, sprinting forward.
“Well excuse me for not being a bloody demon!” said Mercy struggling to keep up behind him, “If you’ve got a bright idea for moving us faster, I’d be happy to--oof!” Genji had doubled back with a quick step and suddenly Mercy found herself slung over his shoulder. “What are you---?” she started.
“You asked if I had an idea,” he said as he broke into a sprint so fast the city turned to a blur around her. His arm was tight around her waist and she reddened. If she was being completely honest with herself, she didn’t really mind the abrupt physical contact. There was that faint, smoky, stormy scent on him, and the air around him felt charged and warm, like storm air itself. All his bragging of swiftness and mightiness had ended up having the opposite effect on her, his need to re-affirm it whenever the opportunity presented itself had resulted in her taking him less seriously when he brought it up each time, and yet now, with the feeling of his arm around her waist and the fact that she could feel the way his back muscles tensed and un-tensed as he ran through his thin shabby robes--Oh get a grip, you silly, lonely fool, she thought to herself, her face burning red. She shook her head and attempted to get a bearing on her surroundings but was having difficulty with how fast Genji was running.
“You know where you’re going?” she said.
“You said ‘Culvert.’ That’s... a drainage gap in the wall, correct?” said Genji.
“Yes,” said Mercy, “You’re looking for a low arch with an iron grate in the wall--”
Genji skidded to a halt, “There!” he said, turning and running for the wall. “Not bad for a city I’ve never...” he slowed to a halt and trailed off. 
“Genji?” Mercy glanced over her shoulder. He was just standing, facing blankly forward though she couldn’t get a good view of what he was looking at. “Genji--let me--put me---” she scrambled out of the grip of his arm and stumbled off of his shoulder to the ground. “Now what are you looking at...?” she turned and saw the low arch of the culvert, but saw that drawn over it was a circular symbol with a complex sigil of lines and circles within it. She looked at Genji, who was staring at the symbol, frozen. “Genji---” she waved a hand in front of his face.  No response. She glanced back at the sigil and her brow furrowed. She marched over, ripped off the bottom hem of her skirt, already soggy from the puddles of the rain, and scrubbed at the stone above the culvert, managing to smear the sigil into an unrecognizable white mass.
“There!” she said, turning back to Genji. But Genji remained blank and unresponsive. “Oh for--” she stomped back to him, took him by the shoulders and started shaking him. “Snap-out-of-it-you-said-you’d-protect-me-you-great-shameless-terrible-most-damnably-handsome-fool-of-a-braggart!” she said, shaking him as hard as she could.
It is worth noting at this point, that demons do not exactly see the same things humans see. While Mercy saw only a sigil in chalk, to Genji it appeared as a hole punched in reality itself---a gaping maw filled with stars that caught and mesmerized him, somehow giving the equivalent of tunnel-vision to all senses. He heard whispers from this starry void, drowning out the world around him. But then there was a small voice, distant.
Then it turned to a roaring. “Genji du dummkopf, wir haben keine Zeit dafür!” 
Genji suddenly came around with a sharp gasp as light flooded his world and instinctively gripped Mercy by the shoulders in front of him, his breath short, his red eyes staring into her blue ones. He looked past her and saw a white smudge above the culvert and exhaled hard.
“What was that?” she looked at the sigil, “Usually wards just turn you around...”
“A trap,” he said quietly, “Incomplete.. just... just enough to slow us down...” He huffed, “Still, if not for you...” his hand went up to touch the side of her face but there was a loud crack suddenly a lead ball ricocheted off of the cobblestones next to them. Genji looked in the direction of the sound to see a woman atop the ramparts in dragoon armor, feverishly reloading a matchlock musket.
“...they really hate witches here, don’t they?” said Genji.
“Move!” said Mercy. 
Pharah was already repositioning herself to get a better view on them. She only had to look through the adder stone once to see the man next to the witch for what he really was, and when she saw it, all plans by the witch hunter be damned, she had to destroy it. 
It took Genji half a second to realize it wasn’t Mercy the dragoon was aiming at when she looked down the sights of the musket again. “Run!” he shouted to Mercy and they both started sprinting. They didn’t know where to. Another musket ball hurtled toward them and instinctively Genji drew his sword to deflect it.
It met the blade and let off a long shriek and a flurry of white sparks with its contact. Genji was used to most things bouncing off the blade, but this, this seemed to be attempting to bore or burn its way through. With a cry he thrust his blade off to the side, and sent the musket ball hurtling into the wall of a nearby building, where it fizzled, letting off a bright white steam. Genji gave a glance down to his sword and saw it had left an ugly scorch mark along it. His eyes widened.
“That... that thing’s consecrated...” he said.
“What?” said Mercy.
“They consecrated musket balls...” he said, utterly floored by the concept. He looked at Mercy. “Can they do that!?”
“Look out!” Mercy grabbed him by his robes and yanked him out of the way as the dragoon fired again, another musket ball denting the wall where Genji’s head had been. They raced away as Pharah was reloading, and took cover in an alleyway.
“Any ideas?” said Genji.
Mercy exhaled. “The north gate. At this point it’ll be heavily fortified but...it’s oak. It’s...flammable...” she looked at her hand and a small sphere of flame formed. It fizzled out and she sighed, “No---I’m not strong enough. Not yet.”
Genji’s eyes widened at the flame, then he perked up. “I can help. You might not like it, but I can help.”
“What?” said Mercy.
“Let me possess you,” said Genji.
Mercy’s brow furrowed at him.
“They want me dead, but you captured. If I’m in your body, we might have a better chance,” said Genji.
Mercy’s expression remained unchanged.
“I’ll give your body back, I promise!” said Genji, “I’ll take good care of it. I’ll just...give you a little....” he gestured, “Stimulus?”
Mercy’s mouth dropped open and her brow remained furrowed.
“All right, poor choice of words,” said Genji, “Look, I’ll share my power and boost yours. You’ll still be the one in control. You have my word.”
She glanced off, biting the inside of her lip. He gently brought a hand under her chin and her eyes flicked back to him. “I said I would protect you,” said Genji.
Mercy huffed, “It doesn’t seem like we have that many options right now.”
“You can trust me,” said Genji, tilting back the brim of his kasa so she could see his eyes.
Mercy sighed, then gave a reluctant nod. Genji bowed his head, touching his forehead to Mercy’s then dissolved into smoke. She closed her eyes and breathed him in. She opened her eyes and they were bright red.
The witch and demon took off in a sprint. 
The witch hunter was a patient man, a perfectionist, in some senses. He reached the north gate, swung off his horse, tied his horse off, took out his chalk and set to work. He glanced up from his work only at the sound of musket shots in the distance. He carefully eyed the various boulevards the witch and her demon could emerge from, constructed the dimensions of his creation accordingly. He worked quickly though, such were the demands of his vocation, then stood back, looking with some satisfaction on the massive chalk symbol he had marked into the ground just before the northern gatehouse of Adlersbrunn. He heard another musket shot, very close this time, and glanced up.
A woman with pale hair was running and running hard. Her eyes met with Gabriel’s. Gabriel drew the consecrated iron rod out of his boot out of instinct, not out of fear. Her brow furrowed and flames formed in her left hand.
Now again, it is worth noting that demons, do not see the same things humans do. Genji was looking through Mercy’s eyes, and, like Mercy, saw, maybe a short glimpse of some markings on the ground, but was operating under the assumption that, if there were such a seal, it would only affect him as much as it affected Mercy, which is to say not at all.
Genji was wrong.
They both realized this as soon as they crossed over the border of the seal, that Genji was right in his previous observation that the other symbol marked above the culvert was incomplete. Neither of them realized they were stepping into a complete one.
There was a flash of light and the one figure split into two. Mercy was sent hurtling forward, still having the full momentum of Genji’s speed but none of the control. She fell and tumbled and bounced painfully across the cobblestones of the bailey, coming to a rolling stop with a groan. She managed to look back and made eye contact with Genji, still in the circle, his feet apparently somehow stuck to the ground. White lights, something between dust motes and fireflies, hovered in the air around him.
He never looked more scared than in that moment.
He reached out a hand to her and opened his mouth to say something, then disappeared in a column of blinding light. Mercy was forced to shield her eyes, but the Witch Hunter watched, standing very calmly as the light roared within the confines of the circle he had made. 
When the light died down, Genji was gone. Mercy’s hand went over her mouth and her breath fell away from her. She wasn’t sure if she was hyperventilating or sobbing. She heard the clink of iron chains yet it seemed muted by the shortness of her own breath.
The witch hunter dropped to one knee next to her.
“You’ve given us quite a chase, haven’t you, Gramercy?” he said, clapping iron manacles on her wrists.
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psyadrin · 7 years
Ok for that overwatch thing,,,,, a l l
1. Who is your defense main? Mei and/or Widowmaker, maybe Hanzo.
2. Who is your support main? Idk, I like playing Ana the most.
3. Who is your offense main? Reaper!!
4. Who is your tank main? Dorito rabbit aka D.Va
5. Who is you MAIN main? D.Va
6. Which character have you played the least? 
Torb, Winston, Roadhog (all of them are at 0 minutes)
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play? 
Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Pharah, Bastion, Orisa, Zarya 
8. Which character do you dislike the most? I actually like all of them.
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most? 
Bastion, Orisa, Widowmaker, Genji/Hanzo, Mei
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least? Sombra.
11. Which map is your favorite? Black Forest.
12. Which map is your least favorite? NUMBANI.
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite? Lockout 3v3
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite? Mystery Heroes
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?
Quick Play and comp, but comp > QP. QP is pretty much the way I like to relax and spend time with my boyfriend by messing around with the people and get achievements. It’s pretty much a huge meme parade when we play quick play and I like that. That way we can talk, make jokes and that stuff whilst still accomplishing things.
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
Control, probably.
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
Assault & escort
18. Which event map was your favorite? Hm, I’m guessing this means like the Uprising!KR and Halloween!Eichenwalde? If so, I like both very much!
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite? 
Winter!Hanamura AND Winter!KR, top notch, really!
20. Which event was your favorite? 
Halloween Terror, Uprising (for Reyes’s pre-Reaper voice if nothing else) and Anniversary.
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite? Cruiser, Jazzy and Pumpkin
22. Which event was your least favorite? 
Summer Games 2016, because fuck that loot system back then. Hopefully they bring it back and let me buy the old skins.
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite? 
Cyborg: 76 and Cyberian. OH, and Ironclad. Y’know, fuckboi torb?
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite? Nevermore.
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite? Stunt Rider: 76
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting? 
Order by event: Reaper’s BMX icon/ Nihon (SG16), Coldhardt (HT), Mei’s Snowman emote (Winter), Rein’s skin,, Wujing I think? (CNY), Cadet Oxton (Uprising), Oasis (Anniversary)
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?
Hell, no! Wish I had, I tried so hard for Expert!!
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement? Yep, after 2 hours or so.
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement? Yes, idefk how.
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement? Working on it.
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement? 
Eh, I have like 3 minutes on Zen, no.
32. What was the first achievement you got? 
Aside from that basic “Play a game with a friend” or “Reach level 10″ bullshit, it was Reaper’s cute spray.
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge? 
Yes, and I’m proud of it. I also have the Hard mode achievement. In fact, I have all Halloween achievements.
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you? 
Mh, Junkenstein’s Revenge “Held The Door” (Hard mode). I think it took me 4 hours of playing nothing but hard mode??
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode? 1521, don’t ask.
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive? 1956.
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won? Nine.
38. How many gold guns do you have? Zero.
39. Which was the first gold gun you got? Are you mocking me?
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want? D.Va’s. After that I might go for Ana’s Biotic Rifle or a golden Widow rifle.
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive? Tank or support.
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not? N/A
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future? DOOMFIST.
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future? DOOMFIST. 
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future? 
Hanzo, Widowmaker. Give my sniper babes a bit of love. And Reaper.
46. What country would you like a new character to come from? Austria or Italy.
47. Favorite voice line? 
Sorted by character (mains only)
[Reaper]“I’ll see you in hell.”
[D.Va] “I get the feeling you’re not taking me seriously.”
[Ana] “More lost than the moon in winter.”
[Lucio] “Have some Lucio-oh’s!” and “Boop!”
[Mercy] “Questionable judgement.”
[Mei] “I’m going to have to science the heck out of this.”
[WM] “Your emotions make you vulnerable.”
[Hanzo] “I choose you, spirit dragon.”
48. Favorite player icon? uuuuuh, The Reaper.
49. Favorite emote? Most dance emotes, SHRUG, and FINGER GUNS
50. Favorite spray? any cute spray I have
51.Favorite victory pose? *shrug* ahahahah… ha
52. Favorite highlight intro? Selfie, Death Blossom, Ssh
53. Characters you ship the most? Bunnyribbit (Lúcio x D.Va)
54. Characters you ship the least? Shimadacest
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions? 
D.Va/Lúcio, Orisa/Bastion, Widow/Hanzo
56. Character you wish had a comic about? uhh, every character deserves a comic.
57. Favorite comic released? Uprising, Reflections.
58. Favorite short released? The Last Bastion.
59. Favorite new character released? Ana.
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon? Blackwatch or Talon, tbh. 
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic? Pro!
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)
Emily! Lenily is just so pure and I need more!
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most? 
Lúcio and Bastion 2.0
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least? Ana’s nerfs tbh
65. Best ultimate? 
Every ultimates has its uses! My favorites are Resurrection, Death Blossom and Self Destruct though.
66. Worst ultimate? Infra-Sight. It’s not bad, just not my favorite.
67. Most kills in game? 53.
68. Most heals in game? um,, i dont remember. 
69. What character do you think needs a nerf? Sym’s beam range.
70. What character do you think needs a buff? Currently I’m satisfied with most heroes.
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game? 
Unfortunately, yes. Not in comp though.
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game? 2:03
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game? around the same as won
74. Your best Overwatch-related story? 
Hmm, I’ll never forget how my boyfriend went Symmetra on Hollywood Defense and put down his last teleporter right in front of the very first enemy spawn and we basically just sat there waiting for some poor souls to walk through it. A Zarya and Genji happened to do so and were greeted by a Sym sitting on a stool and me as a dancing Sombra. It was great.
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch? 
A friend and I encountered a guy who called me a cunt for killing him in a match and who insisted that my friend would add him as a battlenet friend. That guy proceeded to call me “Black Jerome” (before he learned that I’m female) and “White Jessica” (after he had learned I’m a female).
76. Platform you play on? PC.
77. Do you stream? Wish I could, but my PC is shit.
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends? 
Normally, I play with my boyfriend, otherwise I play solo.
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch? 
In fact, I met all of my current friends thanks to OW and a little AU called Retailwatch.
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch? Sadly, no.
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch? Yes.
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive? 1100.
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role? Lúcio.
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker? Idc.
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo? Team Hanzo.
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload? I think I do???
88. Does your team? Nope.
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played? Friday 11pm - Saturday 6pm
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem? Total Mayhem.
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character? 73 for both Reaper and D.Va
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character? 20+ (Orisa)
93. Have you ever made your own custom game? No.
94. Best D.Va skin? Cruiser (event), Scavenger (normal)
95. Best Mercy skin? Witch (event), Imp (normal)
96. Best Tracer skin? Graffiti (event), Ultraviolet (normal)
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO? 
honestly, yes, they’re my favorite Zarya skins.
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters? 
I’d love to see more robot characters!! But to be frank, I just want more characters LMAO
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely? 
Not really, they’re all precious in their own ways.
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is? obvs something Spanish, idk
are you happy now, ken? this took me an hour to answer
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ps1snake · 8 years
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starpiper3 · 8 years
Keeping Secrets
Chapter 1: Lost and Found
Chapter 2: Last Few Words
Chapter 3: Keeping the Secret
Catching Mercy’s limp body was the last thing Soldier expected to happen, yet, he was so prepared to embrace her in his arms that he had practically been ready the entire time. He could feel the warmth from her body slowly fade away as the seconds ticked by. Her body was surely dropping in temperature. Without hesitation, he shifted her into a bridal style hold ready to take off. With her suit on, her body was a little bit heavier than he remembered last. Then again the last time he carried her like this was a long god forsaken time ago. Once he had her in a comfortable position, he knelt down and picked up her staff. His legs shook from the amount of weight he was barring, yet he managed to make it through. He would end his journey the same way he started it, only this time, he trudges through the freshly fallen snow with his one and only love.
Looking at the large building in front of him only brought back the looming memories of his time as Strike Commander. He spent most of his time in this building, it was where all of the super soldiers stayed and trained. It was also the place he met Gabriel Reyes, his closest friend. He remembered the day he met Gabe. They were practically brothers before they even met. God, they spent so much time together. Countless hours of practical jokes, training and mindless chatter went into their relationship. They were the best of the best. Everyone wanted to be just like them. There were no flaws to pick out between them, they were practically identical. Everything was just fine and dandy.
That is, till the day they were introduced to the newest member of Overwatch. Angela Ziegler, the new head medic. She was young and killer gorgeous. Shy, no doubt, but that didn't stop Jack from getting closer to her. She whispered a thank you after the meeting was dismissed and was escorted to her new room in the facility.
For days after he met her, he trained longer, harder, stronger. He did everything in his power to become the man he hoped she wanted, not to mention that Gabe also had his eye out for her. About a week had passed and it was clear that he had surpassed Gabe in all of his training and work they were to do. They were no longer at equal standards. 
Soldier let out a huff before willing his shaking legs to advance towards the building. His mind was racing with all the memories his mind had brought him. He no longer wanted to think of the golden days he had in Overwatch. They only seemed to bring him more pain than happiness. Granted, he did win over Angela’s heart, but it only helped tear him and Gabe further apart. It was also the day he was promoted Strike Commander. This of course was what cut whatever ties he had with Gabe. He had been there longer and had much more experience than he did, yet it just didn't seem right to promote him. His ways of thinking were just not up to par with what the leaders were looking for.
And boy did he beat himself up for it everyday.
“Intruder!” A female’s voice rang off of the snow. Solider could see her small figure in front of the building. From the looks of her skin tight orange leggings and bright orange goggles there was no doubt in his mind that it was Tracer. Within mer seconds, she was standing next to him with her pistol up to his head, “move an inch and I’ll blow your head off!” He knew she wasn't kidding. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her looking down at Mercy’s cold body in his arms. She gasped and let out a cry, “Mercy my love! What have you done to her?!”
By now, a crowd had appeared by the front door of the facility. He could make out a couple figures such as Winston, D.va and Zarya. In a matter of seconds, half of the group was on him. Mercy was suddenly torn from his arms by Zarya making him lunge forwards for her. Winston huffed and held him back along with Pharah. They were both very strong people but Soldier was stronger. He tore himself away from the two and darted over to Mercy as fast as he could. A couple rounds were fired off at him but he managed to dodge every single one of them. That is until Tracer blinked behind him and shot him in the neck with a tranquilizer. His vision soon became blurred and the last thing he saw before passing out was Mercy being in the arms of someone else.
Today was the day. 
He had to do it today or he knew that he would never have the balls to do it in the future. Because not only was he going to ask today, but he also had big news. He quickly rounded the corner of the hall expecting to see his one and only love, Angela Ziegler, standing in front of his room. Yet the instant his eyes scanned the hallway, he knew she wasn't alone. Gabriel Reyes, his closest friend, was standing next to her, presumably making small talk. The one thing Angela hated most.
Just by looking at her body language, crossed arms and a downward stare, Jack could tell that she was in more than just an uncomfortable situation. No, he didn't know what they were talking about, but he did know that she was never too a fond of Gabriel in the first place. He had to get her out of the position she was in, even if it took spilling the news in front of his best friend. He took a couple long strides before he came face to face with his angel, or angel soon to be.
“Hey Ang,” he said in a soft voice, cutting Gabe off without warning, “you're here early I see.”
She let out a giggle and covered her mouth as she did. It was priceless when she did something like this. So pure and innocent.
“Yeah, you know me, never like to be late to anything,” she said smiling up at him. He smiled back and notices Gabe shift a little bit where he stood. He could tell that he was starting to get uncomfortable and hopefully, he would leave.
“Well I’m glad you're here now,” the three of them shared an uncomfortable silence. Wandering eyes were Jack’s worst nightmare. He could feel Gabriel’s eyes glued to his in a threatening manner. It was when Angela spoke did the eye contact finally break.
“So, Jack, what did you call me here for?” She questioned. He smiled and turned to hold her hands in his.
“Well,” he started as he looked her deep in the eyes unaware of Gabriel’s annoyed form, “I called you here for initially one reason, but now it seems that there are two,” she raised a brow at him and waited for his response, “I just found out that I am being promoted as the new Strike Commander of Overwatch.”
Emotions raged throughout the three of them. 
“No way! That’s awesome Jack! I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks Ang, I’m quite proud myse-”
A large object whacked Jack in the shoulder making his feet stumble and lose his balance. He whipped his head around to see what had hit him only to reveal Gabriel storming away.
“What’s his problem?” She asked as they watched him round the corner.
“I don’t know anymore,” Jack responded, “we don't talk as much as we used to anymore, so I wouldn't have the slightest idea,” he said as he looked into her captivating eyes. She flashed him her best smile and moves noticeably closer to him.
“So, Commander Morrison, was that all you called me for?”
“No actually, that was just something I found out after I called you over to my place. The real reason I called you over her was to ask you... um.... ask.... you.... if.... uh..... you’d go out with me.”
Angela’s face flushed a deep red as a wide smile crossed her face. She looked down unable to face the handsome man in front of her. But she knew she was going to have to face him sooner or later.
“I don’t think I could say no to such a gentle man,” she said as she looped her arms around his neck. He smiled down at her and put his hands on her hips.
“You don't know how happy that makes me, how happy you make me.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” she responded.
“Well,” he gestured down the hall, “shall we?”
“We shall,” she chuckled as they headed down the hallway.
A heavy sigh came from Mercy’s still form. Tracer and Mei watched her intensely as their angel slowly woke up.
“Wh-what happened? Where am I? How did I get here?” She asked as she sat up holding her head.
“Whoa whoa whoa love, take it easy there.” Tracer said in a gentle voice as she pushed her back onto the bed. Mercy looked up at her with startled eyes trying to make sense of where she was and how she got here. The last thing she could remember was Jack’s face.
“Where is he?” She bellowed out in pain as she snapped up into a sitting form.
“Whoa love,” Tracer began but was interrupted with Mercy darting out of the white bed in the hospital gown she wore, “Love! Mercy please!”
“For the love of god Mercy slow down!” Mei cried out as she tried to block her off.
“Where is he?! What did you guys do to him?!” She yelled out stumbling around the room.
“Do to who Love?” Tracer said calmly. By now a crowd of agents appeared in the door way to the room, all of which wore looks of concern for their friend.
Mercy froze and bit her tongue. They wouldn’t believe her. If she told them that Jack was alive, they would call her a fool. A maniac. They wouldn't know what to do with her. Wait, would they believe her? If so, what would they do to him? Would they reject him? Not accept him because of what he did? The possibilities were endless.
“Well? Who?” Tracer pressed. Mercy paced the small area trying to think of a good way to respond.
“A man brought me here, isn't that true?” She asked as if she had amnesia.
“Yeah, the man that keeps stealing from the Swiss base. Is that who you are talking about?” Winston said gruffly. She nodded her head slowly and gave them a frantic look fearing the worst, “we put him into a holding room until we decide what to do with him.” She nodded in understanding once again and took a deep breath thinking about how to go on with the situation.
“May I please talk to him in private?” The large group gave one another a confused look.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”
“I am positive.” She said with a confident tone. She needed to sort some things out with him anyways. The group then came to a quiet decision before giving Mercy her answer.
“If that is what you wish,” Pharah said with a bold tone. Mercy let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, “follow me,” Pharah said as she walked away from the group, “he’s been quiet ever since he woke up. Won’t take anything from us. No food, no water, nothing” 
Mercy sighed. Would that mean he would be the same way for her?
All he could do was sit there and twiddle his thumbs. He knew Overwatch meant well when it came to their head medic. They couldn't afford to lose such an amazing person. They truly didn't know the price of the Jewel they held in their possession. 
He wondered in the time he was in the small room if she had awakened yet. Oh how he missed her still figure when she slept. So peaceful, so sweet. Saying she was a sleeping angel was probably the most common thing anyone would say about her. Yet, it was what she was when she was sleeping. Her blond hair tossed across her pillow, lean form tucked neatly under the sheets. On a couple occasions, she would actually cling to him as she rested. With her head laying on his chest, over his heart. Hand clinging to his as she slept. 
He sighed and let his head slip into his hands. Those memories were years old, then again, they weren't even his to keep. No, Jack Morrison was dead.
He was Solider now.
And no one could tell him otherwise.
Yet, there was still a part of him that wanted to stay. A part that wanted to stay as Jack Morrison. He couldn’t tell what the feeling was or where it came from, but it was there. It was even stronger when he was around her.
God how he missed her. 
He ran his fingers through his silver hair and grumbled. How did it end up like this? How did he let a problem so small explode in his face? They could’ve handled the situation like men. Talked it out, given some reason to the problems. Instead they just had to battle it out like the idiots they were. Then what happen, Overwatch comes crumbling down. How foolish of him.
If he had just...
Just then the the click of a lock echoed in the white room. Soldier jumped up off the bench he was seated on with his body ready for anything that was about to come his way. 
“Winston shut down the cameras, it’s all you now.”
“Thank you,” a familiar voice rang in the room. It was silk like honey, yet hurt like a wounded animal. Not too long after the door opened, Mercy walked in. She was stunning like always, even with just a hospital gown on, her skin had it’s never ending radiant glow to it. She took small steps towards him with her bare feet silently connecting with the ground, her arms folded across her chest with her hair in a small make shift pony tail, strands from her fringe getting in her eyes. She looked like a mess, and they both knew that she was a mess.
He tensed when she was in an arms reach, unsure of what she was about to do, what she was to say, how she felt. To say the least, it made him more than uncomfortable not knowing what was going on in her pretty little head. Much to his surprise, her fragile arms wrapped around his worn body and her head rested on his chest. Arms raised in the air, uncertain of what to do with them, he let her hold him as she pleased. The feeling was so foreign to him that he had forgotten what one does when someone hugs you.
You hug them back, you idiot. His brain reminded him.
He gently put his shaking arms around her and held her close. His muscles relaxed. Wanting to ensure that she was as close to him as possible, he let his gloved hand caress her face as he held her.
Oh what a feeling.
He sighed. Her body quivered against him as she buried her face in to his chest. Quiet sobs raked through her body. A couple minuets later, his eyes were greeted with a tear stained face and eyes full of hurt.
"I’m sorry,” she said in a muffled voice.
“Don’t be sorry angel, you didn't do anything wrong.”
“No Jack, I did, I did do something wrong. I yelled at you Jack, and you left and then.... then...”
“Angel, please, that’s in the past-”
“But if I hadn't yelled at you maybe... maybe....” She started to stutter and sob once more into Soldiers chest. He tried hushing her gently trying to comfort her.
“I forgive you my love, I really do. I’m just glad that after all these years, you're ok.”
“No Jack, I haven’t been ok, at least not without you.” 
He held her tight and rubbed her back the best he could. After all those years of thinking she was with someone else, all those lies that were in his head. 
Her small figure in his arms slowly stopped shaking and relaxed against him after some time. It soon dawned on him that his cover as 76 was now blown. What was he to do now? The rest of the crew couldn’t know. It would only come crashing down once they knew. He took a deep breath and stroked Mercy’s blond hair.
“Angel? You won’t tell anyone will you?”
“Tell anyone?” she asked confused.
“About who I really am. I just, I can’t have what happened last time-”
“Jack,” her voice was like honey, “don’t worry, you know you can always trust me to keep your secrets.”
He smiled under his mask and held her close.
God he loved her so much.
With that being said, they slowly made their way to the door, exiting the small room.
Sorry the ending is really crappy but I just wanted to get this out there. I know there aren't many fics out there for the M76 fandom, so I’m really trying my best. 
Love y’all
Chapter 4: A Fresh Start?
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