#(but i can still only hug my family! and they're not always thrilled lol)
seagullcharmer · 2 years
sigh. feeling very shy and lonely in this chili's tonight
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HC for stranger things - what's one of your favorite character's core memories? (or more than one character if you're feeling generous ;) )
im not sure exactly what you mean (english isn't my first language lol) but the way i understand it, you wanna know what is my favourite character's favourite memory?? i hope that's what you mean babes 😭 if thats not what u mean, sorryyyyyyy lol
so i have a few favourite characters, no particular order;
Steve: his favourite memory is when he was 6 years old, his dad brought him to his cousin's highschool baseball game, they had corndogs and fries, and it's one of the only days when he felt important to his dad, and as much as he hates the fact that his dad doesn't seem to care about him anymore, he still cherishes this baseball game
Dustin: his favourite memory is when he first got to hang out with steve outside of when they're saving the world lol Dustin was feeling kind of left out of his friend group and was about to go see teen wolf by himself, when steve spotted him in the line to buy tickets and decided to skip work to go with him
Max: her favourite memory is when el finally accepted her and understood she didn't have to be jealous of her. she was so happy to meet el, but their first meeting was pretty awkward, so she was really happy and relieved when she finally came around and accepted she was a friend
Eddie: his favourite memory is when wayne first introduced him to black sabbath, which ignited his love for metal. eddie was around 13 at the time and had had a horrible week at school, so wayne gift wrapped, to the best of his abilities, all of his black sabbath cassettes and put them on Eddie's bed, for him to discover as he got back from school on a friday. it had been a particularly bad day, and when he got home, wayne was already gone to work, but eddie was up all night listening to the cassettes, and when wayne came back in the early morning hours, eddie hugged him really tight, and disappeared to his room. they never talk about it, but they both think about it often
Argyle: his favourite memory is meeting jonathan's family. he doesn't have a bad relationship with his family, but it isn't particularly great either, and meeting jonathan's family gave him hope that one day, maybe he can have a family that really cares about each other. he feels like part of the family at the byers'
Robin: it took her some time to accept it, but her favourite memory is the first time she worked with steve. he had always been kind of an inaccessible asshole in school and when she leanred she was gonna work with him, she wasn't too thrilled about it. the first time they worked together was kind of awkward, but they hit it off, and she cherishes this memory of awkward steve
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 2 years
Hi!! I've been reading GLBH since its early chapters and wanted to tell you how much I love it :') I honestly cling onto every single word in your chapters and it takes me a long time to read them in full, so I can only imagine the brainwork and care you've put into constructing the story and developing the characters. I love how your pic gives a really comprehensive and nuanced portrayal of the different relationships within/across/outside of the two families; as much as I adore Shaemond, I think what makes your story so compelling is how grey and human the characters are! Not just blacks vs greens, Shaera & Aemond vs their families etc, but a broader web of relationships put to the test of an impending war. Something small (?) I picked up in particular was how you wrote about Viserys' relationship with Helaena. I liked how you followed more of the characterisation in F&B here- I always liked reading about Viserys' interactions with his children by Alicent because I think it does give his character more depth than solely loving Rhaenyra and hating his other kids (although he definitely has a marked preference, yes). AND the way you write Shaemond's love scenes is impeccable!! I don't know how but they're the perfect balance of tender, loving and liberating <3 I just have one last thing to say- I am very intrigued by the parts where Viserys imagines Shaera's wedding and where he thinks about passing on his ring to her husband!! Are these actually important or are they just his random dying thoughts? lol.. Anyway to stop rambling, I love your fic very much and want to send you so many hugs!! Happy new year :))
Hi, Happy new year!!
First can I just say thank you so much?? It truly means the world to me that you have such love for my silly little story and it just…it makes my heart so warm! It may seem silly of me to say but when people take the time to acknowledge how long chapters take me, it means the world. Truly. Also thank you for mentioning the other characters and plots! I’m so glad you enjoy them because I love to write them just as much as I enjoy writing shaemond. I love a good fic where it’s the main couple and main couple only, but I’m a whore for multi-povs and making things not just about the main pairing. I think it gives me so much more room to explore what the show and book could not :) so thank you!! (Also yes! I’m not super thrilled still with how they portrayed viserys in the show cause I loved him in the book, but I decided to go a nice middle ground instead!) And all I’ll say to that last bit without spoiling is this: everything I have characters say like Helaena and Viserys are for a reason hehe.
Thank you again for the love and support. It means the world to me <3 happy new year again!!
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