#(but they’re too scared to do anything about it until Ellie kisses Alan and gets the ball rolling lol)
Thinking about the Ian/Ellie/Ian reunion through a romantic lens. Spending decades trying to convince themselves that they didn’t miss each other and then they meet up and it’s like?? Alan and Ellie are already gazing at each other like long-lost lovers. When they walk into Ian’s lecture, he pauses and looks like his world has just shifted on its axis. Ellie and Ian always had something going on between them but now Alan’s realizing that his own feelings for Ian are maybe less platonic than he thought. And then later they’re all bickering lovingly like they’ve been married for years. I’m unwell
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shadowlandwalker · 7 years
Tagged by: @catgotyourtongu3 1. do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yep 2. who did you last say “i love you” to?
My mom I think? 3. do you regret anything?
Lol yeah lots of things 4. are you insecure?
Yeah I think so lol 5. what is your relationship status?
In a relationship 6 .how do you want to die?
Honestly I don't really know. I don't want to go quickly because then no one else has time to say goodbye and I know that can like really hurt people and shit? But then I don't particularly want to die of a long term illness either. I guess as long as it's not Alzheimer's or dementia or some shit like that I'd be ok with whatever lol. 7. what did you last eat?
Waffles 8. played any sports?
lol nope thanks asthma. Badminton recreationally though. 9. do you bite your nails?
If i break it and the edge is all rough sometimes I will just to make it smooth but I don’t obsessively or anything (copying catgotyourtongu3's response because this is exactly me) 10. when was your last physical fight? 
A couple months ago? 11. do you like someone?
Alan <3 12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Nope. The longest I've gone being awake has been 23 hours and 45 minutes. Cuz I took a 15 minute power nap before my 8am Chem exam :D 13. do you hate anyone at the moment?
Eh not really. Just not too happy with a couple people who are making Alan's life difficult, but I wouldn't say I hate them. 14. do you miss someone?
@catgotyourtongu3 even though we just saw each other (I'm so glad you feel the same way tbh :'( ) 15. have any pets?
My beeb <3 (my dog Ellie) and some sleeping butterflies but they're not really pets I guess lol 16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Very unmotivated but that's typical 17. ever made out in the bathroom?
Heck yeah 18. are you scared of spiders?
Big ones, but like those small bathroom spiders that mind their own business are fine and all 19. would you go back in time if given the chance?
Heck yeah. Honestly I probably wouldn't be able to accomplish anything too big, but I'd at least try to prevent my grandpa from dying. 20. last place you made out with someone?
In his (Alan's) bed 21. what are your plans for this weekend?
Working, working, and more working :( but maybe some runescape or something before work at least 22. do you want kids? how many?
Yes definitely one, possibly two. 23. do you have piercings? how many?
Just single earrings 24. what is/are your best subjects?
accounting, math, chemistry, catholic theology I guess? 25. do you miss anyone from your past?
Pretty much all of my grade school friends. I know we're still friends and we see each other every year but I really wish we were closer :( 26. what are you craving rn?
Beer (always), chocolate milk, and harvest moon but I can't motivate myself to play :( 27. have you ever broken someones heart?
lol whoops sorry Miguel 28. have you ever been cheated on?
Hopefully not (at least Alan hasn't lol) 29. have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Yep and I feel like shit for doing it but oh well 30. whats irritating rn?
My constant state of being unmotivated and my fear of asking for another day off to have a party with my grade school friends. And not being able to see Alan very often. 31. does someone love you?
Yeah lots of people apparently 32. what is your favorite color?
Orange! 33. do you have trust issues?
Yeah definitely. It's a problem, but I've started working on it. 34. who/what was your last dream about?
So I can't really remember my most recent ones but I had one last week where my parents and friends were trying to convince Todd Rundgren that I wasn't too young to date him. He turned me down though and I cried a lot lol 35. who was the last person you cried in front of?
My mom 36. do you give out second chances too easily?
Oh yeah definitely, but oh well. 37. is it easier to forgive or forget?
For me it's definitely easier to forgive. But I'll remember that shit until the day I die probably lol 38. is this year the best year of your life?
Nope definitely not. But so far it's not as bad as last year I'd say. 39. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
Ooo dang well idk how old this blog is because I made it the day I had my first kiss lol. So idk maybe like 16? 40. have you ever walked outside completely naked?
I used to like pee outside when I was little and went swimming, but idk if that counts? (i guess i don't get to know what 41-50 was lol) 51. favorite food? 
Honestly bread and butter because it's amazing and I wish I could solely live off of that. 52. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I wouldn't say things happen necessarily for a reason, but I can see how almost everything has a good side and a bad side to it. I don't really consider the good side to be the "reason" it happened though. 53. what was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Ate some cashews and watched some naruto episodes to try and catch up lol 54. is cheating ever okay?
Nope 55. are you mean?
Not to most people. But I'm probably mean to my mom and Alan too often. 56. have you ever been in a fist fight?
Kind of? It was more of a wrestle I guess. 57. do you believe in true love?
So I don't really know what the definition of true love is or anything, but I believe it's possible for two people to be completely in love with each other. Like I can see Alan's imperfections, and he can see mine, but somehow we're still like perfect for each other and we both love each other completely. 58. favorite weather?
Warm, but still cool enough that I can wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt or a T shirt and a sweatshirt. Really sunny, with lots of clouds but not a cloudy day. 59. do you like the snow? Yeah, I just don't like the ice on the roads that comes with it. 60. do you wanna get married?
Yes definitely. 61. is it cute when a girl/boy calls you baby?
Kind of? I don't really care for it a lot, but since he doesn't call me that all the time it's kind of cute. 62. what makes you happy? Animals (farm animals in particular), Alan, pigs, spending a lazy day at home with my family, being with my friends, sleepovers, fall festivals, Dan Fogelberg's music, Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel because that never fails to make me happy for some reason, games like stardew valley and harvest moon, beer, Christmas in general. 65. your bff of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I start dating him asap and find out he's even more amazing than I could have ever imagined <3 66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Alan and that's about it. I have lots of guy friends, but I don't really act completely myself around anyone but like 4 people. 67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
Alan 68. who is the last person you had a deep conversation with?
@catgotyourtongu3 cuz we're not surface thinkers :P 69. do you believe in soulmates?
I kind of do, but I also believe that people can become soul mates? Idk I feel like that defeats the whole purpose, but sometimes things just happen and people who were perfect for each other break up, but then they still find other people who are perfect for them? I just think it's extremely rare to find someone who is perfect for you. 70. is there anyone you’d die for?
Anyone in my immediate family, Alan, Mackenzie, and probably most of my close friends. Not to sound heroic or anything, but I'd like to think (because I know I could possibly be a chicken shit when the time comes) I would die for anyone as long as I knew my family would be ok without me. I like living, but I know dying is a huge fear for some people so I'd be ok taking their place. I would just be worried about my family being able to make it emotionally and financially. (Oh wow listen to miss selfless over here). Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! Because I don't really want to tag anyone in this lol
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