#(do i apparently have residual Very Strong Feelings about these topics???)
author i'm beefing with: "i feel slight revulsion about the word 'spiritual', it's got negative overtones, aren't you deluding yourself and others with it, keep it to yourself"
same author, literally twelve (12) pages later: *spends a page describing spiritual experiences, sharing them with the world, but insists they don't count as "spiritual" because they're about the physical material world*
my dude it's not just believers who try to have it both ways, huh
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revlischarm · 1 year
I feel like an idiot ugh
Anyways. Uh.
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Take that, because I know if I don’t attach art to this post it will fade into obscurity.
Details about season 3 under the cut!! So, so much lore, it’s a very long post honestly.
• Okay so starting off Season 3 with Macaque attacking the ship
• Morro can tell from the moment Mac shows up initially that there’s something screwy going on, not on any spiritual level but more in a way of “What kind of motive would Macaque have for working for the Bone Demon?? Why would he????”
• So we have Morro making a lot of biting remarks every time someone tries insulting Macaque for being on LBD’s side
-Wukong, to Macaque: “You always had a sidekick kinda vibe.”
Morro: “And you always had a shut-the-fuck-up kinda vibe but hey, look at you!” (Credit to @breathlessmonkie for the joke)
• He just knows there’s gotta be something else going on. Or at least he’s hoping so.
• I mean Macaque definitely has some residual LBD vibes on him since she’s got her claws in him, and Morro can sense that, he just can’t pin it down specifically yet
• He wants to help his monke dad but he can’t and that frustrates him immensely
• And during Macaque’s actual attack on the ship/them trying to escape LBD initially, Morro’s broom ends up getting smashed. And I mean that quite literally it is reduced to splinters
-Rest in peace, Morro’s broom. It’s honestly surprising you made it this far with how much Morro refused to use you for your intended purpose
• Ohohoho Morro and LBD’s dynamic is so much fun btw
• LBD’s whole thing is about fulfilling the path of destiny, and meanwhile Morro’s schtick was all about defying his!
-They clash really well!! I adore the parallels
• Oh, and Morro can instantly recognize possession like that upon seeing her
-He was a ghost for fucking 40-ish years (I don’t know the exact timeline), it’s a sensation that sticks with you—being able to tell that sorta thing, I mean. He was literally a cursed spirit for longer than he was actually alive, for fuck’s sake.
-Morro is super twitchy when it comes to possession just in general. Like, he’s an expert on it and knows a ton of information about it (obviously)
-And he knows immediately that this isn’t a possession that can be broken via willpower, that’s a fucking child who is frightened and definitely not strong enough to resist this demon.
• Morro hates LBD a lot honestly, they don’t like anything about her
-She’s so dedicated to destiny and she’s possessing people
-They loathe how she seems so sure of herself, and how she uses “It is destiny and nothing you do will change this” as a justification for everything she’s doing. They think that destiny is a load of bullshit and people can do what they want, not just because someone said they should.
• While on the topic of LBD and ghosts in general I’m gonna take this time to go over my concept/thoughts on how Morro’s newly resurrected body works. I even made up a super weird and unhelpful diagram where I try miserably to explain my thought process.
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-Physically, it’s difficult for an ex-ghost to get possessed because their spirit used to be departed. Like…it’s super hard to explain, but the body and spirit work? A bit oddly?
-That new body in theory was created from nothing in a way? It’s from the spirit themselves, it’s got weird physical attributes going on. I mean, Morro’s actual body is rotting away in a cave
-So he had to conjure up a whole new body when he got brought back
-It’s just like. The connection between body and soul acts differently than it would for a regular person. His body is an extension of his spirit?? They’re not really separate.
-For a normal person you’ve got a clear divide between soul and body, it’s like a shell, you know? Whereas Morro’s body is more of uhhhhh. A second skin. It’s rooted into him and attached. The soul is the body, and vice versa.
-His soul has turned into a physical form, so there’s no separation there! That’s just. It’s all Morro! It is so hard to explain and so frustrating that I can’t word this right and I’m repeating myself
-I can say that Cole is a special and different case
-There’s two ways that Cole’s whole deal could operate; one of which involves a fun notion that when Cole failed to escape the temple he actually ended up leaving his body behind, thus that’s what it meant by “becoming a ghost”. His body sorta smacked into the doors and his soul kept on walking, so. That’s a fun idea. If that’s the route we go with, then his resurrection would work just the same as Morro’s, but if it isn’t then he gets some completely different funky dynamics
-It’s overall frustrating sometimes to have to think about because both cases are so unique and isolated that I can’t really draw from any other examples since there are none. I just end up having to make up my own lore along the way
-TLDR: Morro is a ghost with skin
• On that note if anyone wants to contribute any ideas I would love to hear them, there are so many things in this au that are rough concepts at best and could really use polishing up
• Anyways…back on my other bullshit, it’s hard to possess something that isn’t really. A body/empty husk.
-It’s just Morro, all one thing packaged together
-Yeah LBD can taunt him and get inside his head (mentally), but not actually possess him
-She tries and just bounces off of him like a rubber ball because it’s literally just colliding with another spirit except he’s solid
-Plus there’s mental complications too. Someone who used to be a ghost (for a long time at least! You’ve gotta have experience with possession, you know?) would know all the tricks that someone does when possessing, so they’re psychically fortified, they just. They know how to lock out a secondary conscience with relative ease.
-When possessing someone, you have to keep that person’s will/conscious under wraps and separate it from your own! It works the same way as that.
-Just imagine Morro as being a physical ghost in a way idk I’m trying my best to explain
• Morro can touch things both on the spiritual plane and the physical plane
-He doesn’t have ghost powers tho, this is all just side effects from the Rift
-But Morro can interact with stuff in the mortal plane as well as any spiritual stuff, which is something others can’t do.
-He can’t separate LBD from her host or anything like that, possession isn’t really like. That’s an entirely different thing from grabbing something that’s on the spiritual realm like an object, and it’s not something I’ll go into detail about since it’s not relevant
• LBD’s powers also slip off of Morro a lot
-They can’t really. Latch onto him? It’s very touch-and-go.
-She can’t do any kind of long-distance contact with Morro either
-You know how she can get in MK’s head sometimes from a distance? Whatever that pang of blue outline is. She can’t do that on Morro
• The Mayor also struggles against Morro somewhat. It depends on how exactly he’s attacking. Physical attacks work normally, like nothing is really changed about that, but any sort of magic/spiritual stuff could be a tad wonky? I’m not sure
• Morro can also see stuff on the spiritual/astral(?) plane in addition to his being able to make contact with stuff! Think MK’s gold vision, except only for spiritual stuff
-So when Wukong is communicating via astral projection to MK, Morro is able to see that. His immediate reaction is “Oh hey Monkey King finally killed the bucket lmao” (he says, jokingly)
• Also Morro grabbing LBD’s chain things without consequences is something they can absolutely do
-Of course all this is to say that this stuff doesn’t make Morro immune to all spiritual attacks; if anything, at times they impact him even more. But it depends on what it is.
• Ohohoho plot time now
• Morro is freaking the fuck out when the ship crashes into the ocean. His powers just start going haywire underwater because of how bad he’s panicking.
-They have an actual panic attack, and are having flashbacks to their death via the Preeminent and how much they feared water as a ghost
-It’s a very rough time for everybody
• He’s tryna make an air bubble for people but keeps failing because Panic Attacc
-He’s upset and generally out of it overall; not entirely lucid
• Morro 🤝 Wukong: Being useless underwater
• So they get to the dragon palace, right? First things first, the moment they’re out of the wreaked vehicle, Morro sorta just stumbles to the ground and is having trouble breathing right.
-Morro is able to calm down from his panic with some help, but there’s not exactly time to recuperate properly when the plot starts moving along again
• So they meet with Ao Guang, and because of the green streak in his hair and the power of plot convenience and his having powers, Ao Guang is like “oh another dragon kid? I don’t remember you but okay. Bring him in too.” Plus the dragon pendant Morro is wearing adds to that as well.
-Not to mention Morro is still so frazzled that Ao Guang would feel bad throwing him in the dungeon anyways. He looks like a really sad wet cat and I love him for it
• Morro’s clothes got all torn up and wet during the chaos, so Mei insists that he get a change of clothes too. Cue the fashion montage!!
-And Morro dyes his hair purple as a kinda nod to Macaque. He’s also got his own color scheme now!! Trying to find his own identity and life and such. He’s got the ribbons to represent his friendship with MK and Mei! And bc they’re very pretty and I wanted something to flap around in the wind for dramatic effect.
-Morro actually lends MK his dragon pendant thing to be a part of MK’s new outfit! It doesn’t do anything, it’s purely sentimental/ornamental.
-MK literally asks, “What’s it do? Is it magic? Does it turn into some cool secret weapon??”
And Morro just goes “No? It’s just a pendant?”
-MK has the idea in his head by this point that Morro must have been some sort of ghost hunter since he’s able to punch ghosts in the face and knows a lot about them
• AIWUWHWJWJ picturing MK dying a streak of green in his hair to match Mei and Morro one day since literally two of his friends have that
-That’s unrelated, it’s just funny to think about
• Oh, and since Morro’s broom got broken, he steals a guandao from one of the guards as they’re breaking out
-The guandao stays with Morro for the rest of the season! And even after that, though a brand new broom is his typical weapon of choice, he’ll bring out the guandao (he keeps it in MK’s room lol) when he knows he’s going into a fight
-Morro, dual-wielding a broom and a guandao: “Don’t fuck with me! I have the power of the FSM and found family on my side!”
• Also also also!!! When they crash into the ocean and everything, Morro’s makeup that he’s been using to cover up his cursed markings gets washed off. Yes, he uses a lot of concealer, but so much happened that it couldn’t really withstand all of that
-He can’t reapply it because he doesn’t have any spare concealer on him, and the purpose is defeated seeing as everyone’s noticed the markings now
• When Morro had first arrived, they immediately went and stole concealer once they passed by a store. They spotted their reflection in a shop window and went “Shit I gotta hide these” since they’re a red flag in Ninjago
-And then he ended up getting stabbed by me after that lol
• Now they don’t know what the marks mean (Tang has a few suspicions tho), all they can see is that they’re etched into his skin. MK compares them to Macaque’s or Wukong’s face markings
-But Morro steadfastly refuses to elaborate on what his markings mean specifically, or how they originated
-He’s extremely vague and dodgy about the subject and will even go so far as to brush them off as a “birth defect”
-Then Amnesia Wukong comes along :)
-Yeah that’s actually part of a lovely big reveal for Morro’s new uncle figures Tang and Pigsy hehe
• Oh and when Wukong is meditating btw Morro absolutely draws on his face and messes with him. Takes pictures with his phone to send to Macaque later.
• I’m just gonna jump right into the amnesiac Wukong stuff because it’s a lot of fun
• I wanna start off with saying that Macaque’s plan when he separated the group was to specifically have Morro around with Wukong, that was intentional on his part. He didn’t want to have to deal (presently) with facing Morro.
-Like he’ll fight MK, sure, but he knows if Morro was with MK then they’d end up protecting the kid at all costs, whereas Macaque is aware that Morro doesn’t care very much for Wukong.
-Thus the way Macaque was thinking, he’d be able to subdue MK (without Morro knowing), and then go over to pick up Wukong without too big a fight
• Anyways back to Wukong revealing some sensitive information that Morro really wishes he hadn’t
-Like…Wukong says it so casually, too, as if it’s a glaringly obvious fact and not something Morro’s kept buried from everyone
-At least normal Wukong has the decency not to, you know. Mention the fact that his gold vision and centuries worth of experience let him know that Morro’s been cursed/dead at some point.
-But amnesiac Wukong? No tact whatsoever. “You! Spirit! Why are you hovering over there next to my master?!”
-This SWK only calls Morro variations of spirit, phantom, ghost, wraith, etc.
-Morro is wondering if Wukong has a fucking thesaurus or something on him with how many synonyms he’s spouting
-On that note allow me to list some because data collection is fun
-Apparition, shade, specter, banshee, poltergeist, phantasm, shadow, spook…those are the most relevant ones I could find. Although Wukong’s favorite/most used is gonna be spirit or phantom.
• That aside, Morro is mortified when he gets addressed in that manner
• This reveal happens before Tang gets snatched by the Scorpion Queen, so he hears SWK call Morro that along with Pigsy
-So that was fun for Tang to ruminate on while he was kidnapped lol
• Like, Wukong glances around and sees Morro and after some back and forth, proclaims “Well they’re clearly an evil spirit! Though they may hide in that mortal form, they can’t conceal the distinctive markings on their face! Those show who they really are: a being that was cursed upon death!”
-Cut to Morro’s expression getting increasingly alarmed while Wukong’s saying all of this, eventually tackling the monkey to the ground in an impulsive effort to silence him
-“Shut up shut up shut up! You don’t get to say those things, you don’t get to talk about any of that as if you—as if you understand! You have no right—!”
-Morro is frenzied and panicked, horrified that SWK may have just scared away the few people who he’d actually grown quite fond of! The last thing he wants to see (though he wouldn’t admit it aloud) is them looking at him in fear and revulsion.
• Pigsy definitely questions Morro on what Wukong meant while they’re looking for Tang, although that’s after needing to convince Morro not to immediately bolt when Wukong had finished talking. Morro was ready to fucking sprint off and start life anew as the local woodland cryptid; that’s how freaked out they had gotten. So Pigsy has to calm them down enough to at least get them to like, stay stationary.
• Once Morro’s settled enough (and even then, he’s got a very flighty look to him) Pigsy starts questioning him
-Morro is. Extraordinarily hesitant to disclose anything—he always is—but he seems especially cagey about this topic in particular, which is saying something.
-Morro, thinking to himself: “Oh my FSM I’m turning into Wu with the amount of information I’m keeping to myself.”
-He absolutely, positively, refuses to reveal anything about himself dying. He cannot and will not voluntarily mention that. Reluctantly and after a lot of prodding, he explains to Pigsy that yes, he was cursed at one point, but that’s as much as he’ll let on.
-It’s so frustrating for anyone to try and get backstory details from Morro lmao
-“I did something awful/something I wasn’t supposed to do, and it pissed someone off, I guess. It got me cursed, and it’s nothing that I want to talk about. Please.” Or he even mentions that he “defied destiny” and was cursed for it.
• The big reveal that Morro had died previously comes during the confrontation with LBD and Wukong
-She is definitely the one who reveals it seeing as there’s no feasible way that Morro is willingly divulging that information
-She straight up mocks him about it I’d wager
-“You, who have so foolishly defied destiny time and time again, and even defied the very cycle of natural life. O’ Morro, former champion of the Cursed Realm, general to the Preeminent—how low you have fallen in your futile reach towards a life of repentance.” LBD probably knows shit, dialogue ain’t set in stone, I’m really just trying to set the mood for these events
• If anything, I’d only imagine she knows about the ghost stuff for whatever reason. I don’t know. I’m making my own canon. She can tell he’s died before? She can tell he was cursed, specifically that he was, you know. Powerful/chosen/appointed some high rank. She doesn’t really know his life story.
-She just knows about his ghost status and that he’s died at least twice—she knows some vague details, and that’s only because of plot reasons and also because like. It’s like.
-Yeah she knows he tried to curse a whole realm/all the realms, she’s an ancient demon and has access to certain knowledge
-She wanted to find out who exactly Morro was that she couldn’t take hold of him. So she did some research spirit-wise and found out the basic information of Morro’s rank and role, and that he’s died at least twice, and that he just. Cursed spirit, you know?
-Reading Journey to the West I discovered that apparently you can just up and go to some records or whatever and find some convenient info out
-Literally Wukong did a whole quest to go find out more about LBD in the show
• So Morro is just. The most mortified and distraught and furious at her for the sheer audacity she’s shown to have outed him like that
-MK might even say, “You lied to us?” To which Morro immediately snaps that that’s bs, he did not lie about anything. He just wasn’t telling them every little detail about him.
-He left information out but he didn’t lie because they never specifically asked so yeah lmao
-Morro: “I told you I wasn’t the best person.”
MK: “Dude I thought you were just being like, angsty and edgy.” (Credit: @breathlessboy)
• Oh LBD totally calls him a hypocrite, too
-LBD: “You tried to curse all the realms across time and space, and yet you really think yourself better than I?”
• Morro lets his emotions get the better of him during this whole encounter, I mean he’s been bottling them up for awhile as is
-This is when Wukong went off to go battle LBD on his own
-Morro and MK and Nezha are closer to the whole fight this time, and Morro’s actually trying to lend a hand since he does have powers and all
-Since they’re up in the air a lot, Morro has an extreme advantage, and aids the wind to Wukong’s side while making it way less favorable for LBD
• Either way LBD does this reveal when they’re closer to the ground/on the ground (so MK hears it), and it winds Morro up a lot.
-He’s very emotional at the moment and thus, his powers aren’t the easiest to control? Yes, he’s controlling the wind, but the wind is reacting in tune to his rampaging emotions right now.
-So he can’t focus them completely on, you know. The whole fight. This ends up making things harder for LBD and for Wukong, as well as MK and Nezha who can’t get near him amid the whirlwind he’s practically shielded himself with.
-He’s genuinely upset, he doesn’t want to hear about this after he’s already tried so hard to put it behind him. He had a chance he didn’t even ask for to start fresh with this clean slate, and it’s been ruined.
-Both Wukong and LBD are getting tossed around like rag dolls by the wind which is fun to watch tho lol
-Still, it means they just have to fight harder against the relentless gale
• Morro snapping that he’ll tear LBD apart and inadvertently frightening MK
-Because Morro is so goddamn scary and pissed off right now, his hair’s all a mess and has long since escaped from its bun, his eyes almost seem to glow in the darkness…it’s eerie, to say the least.
• Morro ends up going to attack LBD and unfortunately gets shot down because he’s so emotionally vulnerable she’s able to sneak attack him
-He’s off his game, he’s distracted
-She sorta knocks him out of the air and down into the mech/ground
-He gets up from the crater he’s created and he’s injured, but not badly enough to the point where he can’t stand.
-He is seething and then he spits out another, “I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!” which is met with a “Morro, stop!” from a terrified MK nearby
-Nezha is standing in front of MK almost protectively and MK looks extremely shaken up
-MK then having to remind Morro that LBD is possessing a child. They’re fighting a little kid right now.
-It settles Morro down a little bit, lessens some of that frenzied rage, but not by much
• “I’ll rip her out of that kid if I have to—possession can be undone, MK! Even if it takes me having to beat that wench out of her! She won’t possess a vessel that isn’t usable!”
-Which Morro regrets saying immediately upon hearing himself aloud
-He is just. Horror-struck, realizing he sounds just like he used to and hating it immensely.
-“I’m—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…I didn’t…oh First Master, what am I doing? I was trying to be better than this, better than her, and I…”
-He gets so genuinely upset here because he’s trying so hard all this time to do better and be a good person, to make the most of his new life, yet the moment his past is brought up/he has to face that, he immediately snaps. He’s disappointed in himself and it has him fearing that maybe he can’t be redeemed. Maybe, no matter how hard he tries, he won’t be able to change and he’ll always be this—this bitter, awful person doomed to failure.
• Morro‘s very caught up in his breakdown right now and he’s experiencing a lot of not-fun feelings and doubts
-Morro’s gonna choke out something along the lines of “I’ll never be able to change, will I? This is just what I’m always going to be no matter how hard I try. I can’t fix this—I can’t fix what I am, and I don’t deserve to either.” And that in particular is gonna distract Wukong for a brief moment since he’s pinning LBD down on the mech rn, and thus, you know. Possession stuff.
-Morro feels guilty about that afterwards
• Morro also absolutely gets struck by a possessed Wukong at one point
-He’s so freaked out and in his own head that he just doesn’t see the attack coming
-He gets knocked back, MK runs after him, and Nezha holds Monkey King off
• Macaque saves them and Morro knows it’s him, he’s familiar with his magic, and he feels so much relief when those shadows teleport them to safety
• They get dropped in a jungle and into the mud, and MK is you know. Dialoguing to himself before saying to Morro, “Well…we should probably get going,” but Morro is just on his hands and knees in the mud, muttering quietly, “No, don’t go just yet, please stay” to seemingly nothing. MK assumes he’s speaking to him, goes over, and it snaps Morro out of his dazed trance.
-“I wasn’t—I wasn’t talking to you, MK. I…nevermind, just forget I said anything.”
-He was talking to Macaque (who wasn’t there and was already gone maybe? Idk)
-He felt Macaque’s magic and the teleportation and mourned when that went away. Morro just wants to talk with Macaque and vibe. He misses his monke dad.
• Morro’s also in a bit of a daze as he follows MK, he’s definitely aware but at the same time? Sorta disassociating.
• Although when he gets himself together after a few minutes, he’s reverted back to bitter remarks and insults. Unfortunate temporary character regression and hiding behind a wall as a defense mechanism, essentially. He’s withdrawn, he’s upset, and this is just how he copes.
• Oh I also wanna mention that when Macaque delivers the Mayor to the gang and makes his appearance, Morro can’t help himself from rushing forward and tackling him in a hug
-He’s just so relieved and it’s very surprising to the others in the room because 1. Morro doesn’t usually initiate that kind of physical contact and 2. DON’T HUG THE ENEMY
-“I missed you and also I screwed up bad and can I crash at your place when this is all done for a bit? I may need a spot to stay.”
• Dude thinks he’s gonna get kicked out of MK’s apartment for his behavior and also for the secrets that got revealed
• Macaque is taken aback by the sudden onslaught of info but then he sees how absolutely defeated Morro looks and deadass says aloud “Who hurt you??”
• They don't even need to tie Mac up, they just let Morro cling to him and it keeps the monkey in place (credit: @breathlessmonkie)
• Morro: “I never liked the Monkey King but I didn’t want him to get fucking possessed.”
• Oh yeah literally seeing them interact together? Everyone starts asking like “you two are really close? When did this happen??? How did we miss this?”
-Morro revealing “uhhh so I’ve actually been training with Macaque for a while now in secret haha”
• But legit like this is the moment that Macaque decides “This is my kid now.”
-He succumbs to the fate of being dad-caque
• Morro is also the one who voices concern about sending Macaque in to fight against Wukong
• Alsooooo Morro definitely fights by Macaque’s side the best he can for that encounter
-“Dude I know you’re insanely strong and all that but I can help. You shouldn’t have to face him alone.”
• Oh and Morro accusing Red Son of stealing his look lmao
-“Hey fuck you, the sleeveless black top is MY thing”
• Yes I know there’s a lot of things I didn’t go over like the Samadhi Fire, Red Son’s and Morro’s dynamic (spoiler alert: they can and will refer to each other as cousins. Do with that information as you will), a deeper look on Morro’s actual relationships with each character, etc, etc.
• This post is just way too long as is so I’m gonna end it here and continue in a different one
• Oh and one final teaser for y’all: there is absolutely eventually gonna be a confrontation/crossover that happens where the ninja show up and hehe
• I’m plotting and scheming and cackling with delight
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flying-elliska · 5 years
This is really random and I'm kind of a new follower, but from what I could gather you have such a strong opinion on different topics, which I kind of admire bc I find that so important but can't really apply that to myself oftentimes idk. Is it part of your personality or are you trying to be consciously aware to not just 'consume numbly'? Hope that makes sense. And you're giving such good advice?? But an anon has already stated that correctly. Have a lovely day 🎃✨
hey new follower, welcome to you then, glad to have you around <3 that’s a very beautiful compliment, thank you. idk if you were looking for advice too but here it is because it’s late and i can’t help myself apparently lmao. (with the caveat that I too am a moron frequently like anyone)
i am sort of a chronic overthinker, so maybe it’s natural. that said, i used to think i didn’t really have an opinion for a long time. i found it difficult to express myself. and i looked up to people who i thought did it well for guidance. so i feel you 
i went to a school where we prided ourselves on being able to talk convincingly about things we had zero knowledge about so eh (not that this is a good thing lmao) but i grew past that 
i think i realized at some point i just tend to have opinions that are very long winded because i like looking at different sides of an issue. i think part of that is me being a contrary bitch, i don’t like going for the obvious meaning (maybe it’s residual trauma from being raised by someone who had a quasi cult leader type of approach to parenting lol). we are so easily tempted to disappear into the group, or a relationship.  i feel like knowing your own mind, defining your own self image, seeing past the easy judgments and surface meanings, being able to understand reality on your own terms, is one of the deepest, most urgent forms of freedom. also empathy - which does not automatically mean endorsement - and trying to understand things and people from their own logic. 
we tend to assign error or folly or bad intentions very easily. but it’s often because of the limits of our own understanding. and well, i have a weird brain. i grew up feeling like some sort of alien, often misunderstanding people, social habits, my own mind. so constant overanalysis is to me, the survival strategy that came the most naturally. and so as not to let my brain eat itself, i have gotten pretty good at figuring out what’s relevant and what’s nonsense ( i still could get better at it tbh). but part of me is constantly checking myself so i don’t do something terrible or terribly embarassing. wouldn’t wish that on anyone tbh. i am increasingly learning not to oversimplify myself for public consumption. my mindscape is a jungle, so be it. what’s the shape of yours ?
i also grew up in a lot of different social spheres. i met people from all sorts of social backgrounds, from billionaires who owned private beaches and designed jewllery for fun to people living in trailers without electricity or in the street, from prissy heiresses who believed using the wrong fork was a sin to best friends who had to work since middle school to help their parents. from all sorts of creeds, from wayward soldier priests baptising people in streams to new age ‘shamans’ whose houses smelled of pee, from staunch atheists to adorable nuns living in stone villages in the mountains and wild mama bear witches. from all sorts of politics, from faithful anarchists to political exiles fleeing dictatorships to crypto-royalists and decrepit neo-colonialist conservatives. from all sorts of cultures too.  i think that’s the fave part of my childhood. people are just so interesting. but everyone operates within their own specific world, and you can’t judge people from your own perspective. of course there are things that are universally right or wrong but beyond that, you have to get into the world in which they move, understand its rules. see how it intersects with others. a lot of social interactions are role play. once you get that, you get the codes, you can move in any circle. (also : very rich people can be so unbelievably boring. they buy into their own hype so much, like spoiled babies. nothing to be very impressed about.) People wear façades and play different roles to different people; that’s not always a bad thing, after all parents have to be strong for their kids even when they’re scared. But now you’re an adult (or getting there) don’t let yourself be too mystified
 also : power. dynamics of power are everywhere all the time. if you’re not aware of them, that’s a mark of privilege. ( in the end, who profits ? is this building empowerment for people and communities or is it stripping it away ?) but they’re not totally all consuming either. there’s also always agency, and chaos, and possibility. and compassion.
i think it’s important to accept that it’s okay not to have an opinion on everything. and also that it’s always growing, evolving, deepening. it’s possible you taught yourself, out of survival instinct or habit or something else, not to trust your own heart/brain/intuition/experience. I don't think it's anyone's natural state to just consume numbly. i’m sure you can step beyond that, everybody can. also ; learn how to embrace being destabilized. there is always this one moment between knowing something, learning you don’t really, and then getting a deeper perspective, that is scary, but it’s okay. you can come back to your center. like any sort of growth, really engaging with difference implies discomfort ; bear it, it’s worth it. 
 i think any opinion that is too static is likely to turn into bullshit in the long run. like a good wine, it should gain in complexity with age. also : read up on sociology/anthropology if you haven’t already there’s just so much good stuff in there (and a lot of bullshit too lol) about what it means to be human and cultures and how minds work and symbols and etc etc. and find good news sources because it can be very easy to feel disgusted by the world otherwise. and read as much and as diversely as you can
find things to love about thinking ? for me it’s ; i don’t believe in this binary between mind/body, feelings/reason etc, i think it’s bullshit and they all influence each other. and so does our environment. we learned to think by looking at and interacting with nature. some of our neurons are in our stomach. we’re made of star stuff. we grow by engaging with others. and not to sound like a hippie but that shit is breathtaking bro. we encoded the world with stories and symbols and use them to tell ourselves and each other stories and built community and we’re all the time engaged in this web weaving. so i see and i want to see more and more thinking like this organic, tangible process. 
in the end, what is it important for you to have an opinion about ? i think it’s about passion, and love, and justice, and truth. what do you want to be moved by ? what do you want to honor with your possibilities for learning and knowledge ? where you invest your energy and time, you invest your life.when you have something you are passionate about, it will be much easier to express the subtlety and depth of a meaningful opinion about it. and then you can apply that to other areas of your life. 
personally i want to (i have to) live like a diplomat, as a balancing act, with elegance and the ability to make tough decisions with grace, moving between all the layers of life and bearing gifts from one to the next. and i want to be able to move people, and give them the kind of stories and knowledge that are tools for them to heal and be happy and make the world better. 
 i have my work to do, like everyone else, of sorting through my shadows and making the dream stuff intelligible. in the end it’s all about finding an authentic life. your own inner logic. the bonds that nourish it, and what you want to give. 
and i think once you find that is for you, i think finding your voice, an opinion that is truly yours and not copy pasted from some one else, will be much easier to start weaving. but don’t worry ; it happens in small steps. i bet you’re already on your way. 
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ancientbrit · 4 years
Natters # 15 &16   06/09/2015
Subject: MI MG Natters #15 &16, June 9th 2015 Date: June 9, 2015 11:40:00 PM PDT  Friday's clinic, two weeks ago, put us back in the numbers again. A lovely day with just Sam and me in attendance. We had a sudden rush arriving after 5:00 pm - our closing time, but we were able to get them all answered to the clients satisfaction - thank goodness.  One lady from Israel (our second ) had been given some spurious information about growing conditions in Washington State, on which we were glad to set her straight. Her only growing experience to date had all taken place in Israel, which is obviously a wee bit different to Mercer Island. But I was able to reassure her, that yes indeed, Cyclamen do very well here, at which she was delighted. We talked about becoming a MG and she was much taken with the thought and she will be checking back with us at the Farmers Market, due to start on the 7th of June. One gentleman coming out of Rite Aid with an armful of plants stopped to ask if there was anything that would get rid of powdery mildew on zucchini. He had it last year and wasn't able to do anything for it. In fact there were a lot of clients who had experienced the same problem which also effected most of the cucurbits outside. At the time I could only offer the word that a solution of sodium bicarbonate is sometimes effective, although it wasn't very strong.  Then when I was visiting Bellevue Nursery this week, I saw an item labelled 'Green Cure', which uses  Potassium bicarbonate combined with a spreader sticker to enhance the fungicidal properties. It apparently kills powdery mildew & other plant diseases on contact with up to two weeks of residual protection. The literature lists 25 different diseases that are controlled and describes how it does it. On the literature, among those giving enthusiastic support to 'Green Cure' is an Advanced Master Gardener in Brookfield, CT. I am growing pumpkins and zucchini this year, so I am going to try it for myself. What a nice thought to find something like this that actually works. It is odorless, mixes & fully dissolves in water to spray, does not accumulate in the soil, is compatible with many beneficial insects and fruits & vegetables can be harvested an hour after spraying. Jean's favorite tree, Styrax japonica, now in its sixth year, is about twelve feet high and I find to my surprise that it is hugely fragrant. I didn't know that! The scent is fantastic and the whole tree is alive with bees all day - what a bonus. Give it another year or two and I will be able to remove some of the lower branches and it will be giving the shade it was planted to produce. A beautiful tree! This is Clem-a-tis "Romantika - a new one from Estonia I bought earlier this year and in bloom last Saturday for the first time. Although the color here looks great, it doesn't really do justice to the way it really looks. The main color is almost black and that lighter color bar along the center of the tepal is a deep ruby-red with a shimmer that makes it looks like velvet which has been caught here - quite incredible. A beautiful flower. ( I am sorry that processing this way does not allow the production of pictures) My Cardiocrinums are having a strange year. One I planted two years back shot up to about 7 feet high and is now in bloom.  One of three 'pups' from my original, started to move a little after the big brother next door, but it has barely reached three feet high and is also in flower - not exactly a giganteum by any stretch of the imagination. I not sure exactly what I have here, but I will be keeping an eye on it. Looking at them today I had a sniff of their lovely perfume, but there was something else on the air which didn't appeal at all. It didn't smell at all like my compost pile, which only has a vegetable smell. This was quite rank - and then I almost trod on a dead Mole! It was just laid out on my footpath and I have no idea who I have to thank for this nice gesture, whether it was a gift from Pickle or the new cat next door or dropped by a crow - which doesn't seem too likely. Whatever, one must be grateful for small mercies - and I am. This has all taken longer to assemble than I had thought, so I will combine the last Rite Aid clinic with the first Farmers Market clinic on Sunday. Our last Friday at Rite Aid clinic this year was sort of crowded with four of us - Karin, Carin, Janet and myself, but it was a good day. When we weren't satisfying clients we were able to talk about various gardening topics and other fascinating subjects. We find frequently that some RA costumers assume that we are 'with' RA and we get drawn into helping them make choices of plants and I don't feel badly about this - it is about the only way we can really say how we appreciate RA's allowing us to store our stuff there all year - apart from our donating cookies, etc to their lunchroom, which is really appreciated. We always try to place one or three plants from RA's display on our desk to attract our clients. But all of a sudden there appeared a pot of 'Snow on the Mountain' aka 'Bishops Weed'. Karin had placed it there as she knows I cannot stand the stuff. She is the only person I know who has used it and never regretted the choice. She had it planted between two concrete strips along her driveway and it filled the space in nothing flat. I wouldn't trust it not to insinuate itself under the concrete into the rest of the garden, but as Karin was moving she wasn't too worried. I am still amazed that this thug is allowed on the market as it is almost impossible to remove once it gets a grip. The plain green version is Ground Elder and in England, it is a legal requirement that it be removed. Its reputation precedes it and house sales have been known to fall through when this plant is seen growing in the garden. At the Plant Sale, there had been numerous flats of a particular plant that looked okay when first divided and potted up. However, just before the actual sale, when plants were being checked, 28 of these plants had to be dumped because they were infested with Bishops Weed! There is a plant that secretes an oil in its roots which kills this darned weed. It is called Tagetes minuta and is so named for the tiny flowers it produces. The plant itself grows to about 3 feet high and is planted in and around the infestation. If left, it becomes apparent that it is working, as a roughly circular patch of dying plant appears around the Tagetes and when you check, although the weed stems are still there, they are hollow and very dead. This last Sunday was our first Farmer's Market of the season and I was joined by Joan & Janet. The weather was lovely and we were under a canopy with a constant breeze blowing through. It also seems that we have been rewarded with a permanent canopy location - right at the end of the street on the north side, with our backs to the parking lot. 'Couldn't be better, so I hope that Patty maintains our permanency there.   It is always a pleasant clinic here as we get clients returning from previous years - it is quite like old home week. One couple returned to tell me that the ivy clearance that we had recommended last year was almost completed and they were interested in growing all sorts of things from cuttings etc. I mentioned air layering in which they became very interested, so I will be bringing them some information next week. They also had grown a type of African gourd last year which they brought to show us. It had been emptied and dried and is used as a musical instrument - rather impressive as they know how to play it. I told them about the small, different shaped gourds I used to grow in England. When they were ripe they were dried, varnished and polished and Jean used to display them in a fruit bowl. They looked quite attractive. A couple of friends came to visit one weekend and they were keen gardeners but not too knowledgeable. When my friend's wife went into work the following Monday, she told her friends about their visit and about her friend 'who grows turds, which he dries and polishes and his wife displays in a fruit bowl!'  She has never been allowed to live this down! Then on Monday Becca had arranged for a load of MGs to visit Pat Roome and take a tour of her garden, which I found to be fantastic. Her veggie garden had two stands of peas, one of them about seven feet high and covered in plump pods.  Her tomatoes were up to about five feet high with fruit about 2" in diameter. Apparently, Pat had sown the seed in February and planted them out in April when she judged it unlikely that there would be any more frost - 'really got that right! The thing that really impressed me however was the number of plants she had which are the same sort of thing that I grow - just way bigger. For instance, I have a Pineapple broom which I grew from seed I took from a mature bush in Yorkshire, at the RHS gardens there.  Mine is about seven feet high - it has spent a few years in a pot which slowed it's growth somewhat! Pat's is taller than her house by several feet and is covered in blooms. I have a Chilean fire tree I bought at the F & G show, which is now five feet high. Pat's again is probably about 35 feet high with the topmost branches covered in scarlet blossoms, being visited by loads of hummers. And so it went, but how nice to see what I might expect to get in a few years' time.  One plant that she has which appealed to everybody was a perennial Nasturtium. It has a neat arrangement of five leaflets arranged somewhat like an Akebia and it was growing up the side of a large evergreen hedge. At the top it turned over into the sun and was covered in scarlet blossoms. Pat had several rooted cuttings in her greenhouse and they all were picked up by some of the MGs. Unfortunately, we had to scoot a little before the tour came to an end as we had carpooled and Bev, who was driving, had another appointment, but the whole trip was well worth it and quite honestly I don't know how Pat manages it all. I am writing to thank her for her generosity in giving her time to us all. This first Farmers Market clinic was not as frenetic as last year when Bev and I literally didn't stop the whole day, clocking about 75 clients. This year we took 40 which I thought was a nice score. People were out in force and the Market looks all set to be a constant success. Hopefully, we can increase the numbers when we get the new sandwich boards in place. We had quite a lot of people who stopped by but didn't know we would be there apparently. I am not sure why they wouldn't know as we have been there constantly since it started, but there you go. Your fearless leader, Gordon
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meetmeatthecoda · 8 years
All right well...
... I didn’t think I’d be making any more posts about The Blacklist any time soon but hey, life has a way of surprising you that way (see: the current American political climate). So I have some feelings about tonight’s ep (WHAT ARE FEELINGS I BARELY REMEMBER) and, believe it or not, they’re mostly good! So, in case there’s anybody still out there who gives a shit about this show and/or my opinions about it, here’s a summation of my current state of mind.
Fair warning: This is a long-ass post.
Okay so last week’s ep was complete shit. The whole “WE HAVE A BIG SURPRISE CAUSE OH NO A MOLE WHO COULD IT POSSIBLY BE OH WHOOPS WE SPOILED IT IN THE PROMO BUT OH WELL WE’LL JUST PRETEND WE DIDN’T” fiasco with nary a scene with both Red and Liz in a room together because, what, like that works? Whatever, you get it, it was crap. But I’m gonna talk about THIS week because my sanity is important to me.
So. I actually thought it was really pretty good (I know, how are pigs not flying and meatballs not falling from the sky). As long as you ignore the vomit-inducing Keen2 playing house and “repairing their relationship” bullshit. (That was physically hard to type btw.) There was actually an interesting, if initially slightly creepy, blacklister story, no completely boring post office team shit, Red displaying some very interesting goals and behavior (ohhh, don’t worry, we’ll get back to that), and some actual Red/Liz interaction. Shocker. So, obviously, I’m gonna focus on Red & Liz because.... well, what the fuck else is there? Okay, so.
First of all, let this lizzington rant be prefaced by the fact that, yes, I know Tom still exists, unfortunately, but he is leaving for the blessed spin-off in February hopefully after a Jupiter-sized blow-up fight with Liz that will make him never come back. Ever. This hope is inspired by the stupid, god-forsaken promo that I accidently saw on NBC the other night where Tom says into a phone, “A second chance. That’s all I want.” Didn’t he already get this? You know, when Liz took back her abuser and started a family with him? Why would he need another (fifteenth) second chance? Did the whole “perfect family” thing with Liz fall through? Why, oh why, would that be? A discrepancy about parentage of one little girl perhaps? (second filming in the shipping container anyone?????? Pleaseijustreallywantthattocometosomethingcanyoublameme) Well whatever. I don’t care what drives Tom away so long as something does. So with the spin-off, I’d like to think we’re pretty much guaranteed that, at least for a little while (dare I type it?) So with that in mind, I’m just gritting my teeth through the Tom scenes for now. Okay, moving on. Also because I apparently have nothing better to do than watch this stupid show out of the corner of my eye while pretending to be on my computer and not let this shenanigans affect me at all
So. Back to where we all want to be: Red&Liz. Based on this ep, they seem to be on pretty interesting footing. Liz thanked Red. Maybe it was a bit of a backhanded compliment. Oh well. I think we’ve come to expect that from Liz. At least she mentioned it. I’ll take it. I was, however, surprised by Red’s rather frosty reception. He’s not groveling at her feet for scraps of attention as he once did. As @ihaveyoulizzington graciously reminded me, Red & Liz still haven’t really talked since Liz faked her death and Red was wrecked. So yeah. Some residual hard feelings are to be expected. Since being reminded of that, Liz’s cheerful, friendly attitude is a little ridiculous, per usual. But I think she is trying to be nice, with the whole Red asking to see her new place (CUTE BABY) and her kindly saying, “not yet, maybe someday” (some DAY?! Not some TIME?! Are you SHITTING me?!) and Red’s cute pouty lip and “welp, okay then, whatever” expression. In summary, I think they’re trying. (The puzzle piece was also very symbolic, I thought. As soon as Liz said “someday” and Red accepted that, the last puzzle piece fit right into place. Maybe with that promise from Liz, Red can start putting himself back together again, just like that puzzle. At least that’s what I got from it.)
And now back to Red’s behavior. From the beginning of this ep, I thought that it was a little strange. The first scene or so of the ep was depicting Tom and Liz’s “blissful home life” (a la the pilot) and then they went to Red in that weird all white apartment, freaking out the real estate lady, when he usually goes to such lengths to put innocent non-criminals, especially women, at ease around him. And for the whole ep, he was obsessed with the white carpet and how there was no stain. Red is usually not stuck on one topic for that long. But he just kept raving on about it with a weird look in his eye. I think he was trying to block out the guilt he still feels (and Dembe is still inflicting) over Kate’s “murder” (in quotes bc she’s still alive bc no one dies on this show). This manic, obsessive behavior coupled with trying to complete an all-white puzzle in an all-white apartment throughout the whole ep was, I though, really meant to represent his current mental state. Kind of shell-shocked, not processing everything that’s happened and affected him more than he’s willing to let on, in denial about a lot of his feelings, feeling distanced/never really reunited with Lizzie, and just his ever present mountain of guilt. Just call him Atlas, amiright? Sorry, I’ll stop. So yeah, I think Red is really lost and hurting and it looks like that’s gonna come to a head real soon and I couldn’t be more glad that they’re actually showing that. ALSO, DEMBE. THAT PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL. I HAVE MANY FEELINGS. Firstly, when that underling Red manipulated into betraying his boss asked Dembe, “Could you shoot your boss?” and Dembe said, “I don’t know.” WHAT. NO. DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE TPTB. DON’T YOU DARE RUIN THE MOST PRECIOUS, INNOCENT, HEALTHY, AND SOLID RELATIONSHIP ON THIS SHOW WITH YOUR BAD CHOICES. NO. DEMBE LOVES RED LIKE A FATHER AND RED LOVES DEMBE LIKE A SON. DON’T YOU DARE RUIN THAT. I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE YOU. IS2G. *ahem* Sorry. I mean I get that Dembe has some hard feelings about Red “killing” Kate, that’s only to be expected, cause I imagine Kate was the only mother Dembe ever really knew. So I get it. But Red is also the only father Dembe knows and Dembe would never hurt him. Never. It was much more in character and exponentially pleasing to me to see Dembe go to Liz about Red instead. Like yes. That is straight out of fanfic and I’m fucking here for it. And before Dembe mentioned the whole “Red ‘killed’ Mr. Kaplan btw I don’t think you knew g2g bye” I was ALL FOR Liz going to Red because SHE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP HIM and saying, “Red… I’m here. Come back to me. I need you to be here.” Etc. Don’t fucking get me started, I can reference a list of approximately 894 fanfics where this happens and I want to see every single one play out on screen. Anyway. In reality, it’s probably going to be an angry confrontation but I’m actually looking forward to it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there will be tension and anger between the two of them because of a NEW ISSUE. NO FATHER DRAMA OR “I WANT ANSWERS” BLAH BLAH this is a new thing that hasn’t been addressed before that has strong emotional connections for both of them and I’m here for that ensuing argument like
Liz: “Red, how could you?! She was only trying to help me! And she loved you! How could you not at least try to forgive her?!”
Red: “She took you from me! I almost died when I lost you and she was behind it all! I cannot forgive that, not even for her!”
Like yes. That’s some good-ass drama and some feelings may come to light and I’m here for that shit. Yes.
Anyhoo, before I get too carried away with that (even though restraint is kind of a lost cause at this point in this endless post), let’s just touch on that promo, shall we? Undercover-thief!Liz. Sign me up. That shit has potential. And with that above argument leading into Liz just snapping, “I’m going undercover. Don’t try to contact me. I think it’s best that we spent some time apart anyway. Goodbye Red.” And then Liz goes undercover to be a younger, hotter, more criminal Liz all while Red looks on with that anger and tension bubbling underneath and he can’t help but find himself even more hella attracted than usual to this especially sexy version of Liz that is all of a sudden a lot more like him. Yus. Gimme some of that, please and thank you. This is practically fanfiction writing itself. I have about 57 scenarios running around in my brain, half that I’ve read in fanfic already and half that I definitely want to read asap. Example: Red not listening to Liz and bursting in on the undercover scene and taking out his frustration with her by introducing himself as her bf or husband or some kind of sexual relation and they get rid of some of that tension by acting sexy for the others cause they gotta sell that fake relationship so Liz doesn’t get made, right? No I don’t have a favorite trope of course not why do you ask Anyway, what I’m saying is this could actually go somewhere, ya know? I’m kinda excited.
Sooooo believe it or not, I will watch next week and hopefully enjoy it. Here’s hoping for a good time. Also PLEASEEEEE for the love of god please let this spawn some undercover-thief!Liz and interfering-criminal!Red sexy fanfic. Please. Okay, thanks bye.
(Also, if you made it to the end of this shit-ass post, you deserve an award. K.)
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Not known Facts About diy face mask
Produce a paste out of equal quantities of coffee powder and cocoa powder by mixing it with a little bit of honey. Utilize around the face and neck and clean off when you are feeling its proper. Gently wash your face to eliminate any residue; utilize a soft towel to frivolously dry your face after which moisturize. Firstly, blend fuller’s earth and also the orange peel in a very bowl inside their present indigenous point out. Now, increase the freshly squeezed juice to produce a paste in the three. Once you have a thick paste, add a few drops of the critical orange oil to it. This is a good mask for men, as it can soothe both of those razor burn, and over-weathered winter skin. The yogurt acts for a moisturizer, though the cucumber lessens redness and supplies humidity to dry, sensitive skin. These masks are perfect for an at-household facial. Begin with thoroughly clean skin and before applying the mask, lay a heat, soaked wash fabric in your face to open up your pores. After rinsing off the mask, clean your face with chilly h2o or utilize a toner to close the pores. Then utilize a very good face oil. Mash or puree the avocado right up until it’s sleek and creamy, then Mix in the remainder of the substances. Use in your face, keeping away from your eyes, and go away it on for ten-15 minutes. Wipe the skin clean having a moist, heat cloth, or rinse your face with warm water from the shower. I am all for splendor ideas and really like ingredients that I have already got . https://hasbihallarcomebackhome.tumblr.com/post/182277720016/a-review-of-strawberry-face-mask use coconut oil daily to keep my pores and skin hydrated but will Blend it with honey and avocado . Thanks for a few great recommendations ! Uncooked honey was prized for its healing Qualities in historical civilizations. In Egyptian And Ayurvedic traditions, honey was utilized to treat skin wounds and Issues (read through more about The traditional employs of honey listed here). Nice piece. Great to have back again to basics and out in the chemical laden cosmetics. I will be hoping honey tonight. Lemon juice is a pure astringent as well as aids fade acne scars and dim spots. The alpha hydroxyl acids in strawberries assists Management oil creation around the pores and skin surface, retaining pimples and blackheads absent. I attempted applying this mask treatment for my face because it has wide range of bumps on my forehead,blackheads and whiteheads on my nose, appears dull and really oily. Place this unto my face for about 10-15 mins. These DIY masks can perform miracles for many different skin problems—from dry, cracked cheeks and uninteresting foreheads to acne breakouts. Endeavor to use natural and organic ingredients When achievable, as the pores and skin in your face is thinner than other portions of The body and can soak up toxins way more very easily. What you will need: two polished clamshells. (Those uncovered of their normal condition in the Seashore are much too rough in opposition to the pores and skin. Find clean clamshells at seashellco.com.) After I rinsed, my face felt smoother than the usual silk pillow and was, in actual fact, so luminous that my partner questioned if I used to be tests a fresh face product. A new face product—correct, that’s it.”
About honey face mask
Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Houses, and this complete blend is as good for your personal outsides as it truly is in a very drink. Use any leftovers in the slurp-able smoothie Along with the milk of your option. Your a short while ago considered objects and showcased tips › Perspective or edit your searching heritage Oatmeal is perfect for relaxing rough, offended skin and for helping to mend eczema and acne breakouts. Paired with honey and yogurt, it’s a calming and revitalizing mask for all skin varieties. According to the BBC, a man by the identify of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with conserving his leg! Right after becoming Lower by a koi carp, he became infected with Mycobacterium marinum and produced a scarce skin situation. This do-it-yourself face mask is ideal to exfoliate and detoxify the skin. You will need coffee beans, a similar volume of cocoa powder, and 7 tablespoons plain yogurt. one. Gather the many ingredients you need for this strawberry facial. Wash the strawberries and Lower off their leaves. Within the basket of character, we have been below with an exceedingly helpful and all-natural pores and skin therapy referred to as; strawberry face mask. Strawberry could be the smaller berry fruit, exotic and tasty! It can be rich in natural vitamins and minerals. Who requirements Botox If you have bananas? That’s proper: You can utilize a banana as an all-natural, handmade face mask that moisturizes the skin and leaves it searching and experience softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana right into a easy paste, then Carefully implement it for your face and neck. and allows Many people spring-into-action in the morning. The caffeine in coffee kicks the lazy molecule known as adenosine out of one's Mind, so you feel contemporary and alert. Apparently, coffee not simply wakes up your Mind but will also has the aptitude to get up the skin. Ideas: Use this mixture a few to four periods every week (even a day-to-day application is fine), but be sure you put together it fresh every time, as it's very effortless to prepare and only at that time. Ensure that the combination had no lumps, clean the skin and apply the mask, wash off soon after 15 minutes. Do not neglect to mask not only the center individual, butfor the neck, it Is that this Section of the human body in the initial difficulty age. For skin that will fit neck mask of lemon juice mixed with yeast. The combination needs to be a bit warm, stir and implement using a cotton pad within the skin. This is easily the most total mask in our information, mainly because it's the two a scrub along with a nourishing treatment. You'll need ground coffee beans, just as much cocoa powder, 2 times as much dairy or almond milk, a tablespoon olive oil - you can also use almond oil or, In case you have oily skin, lemon juice - along with a tablespoon honey, that may be skipped For anyone who is at risk of acne. In accordance While using the legislation of 8th December 1992, it is possible to access the database made up of your own info and modify this details Anytime by getting in contact with Hyperlink to Media ([email protected])
The Fact About orange face mask That No One Is Suggesting
Strawberry fruit is very good for your skin, it rejuvenates your skin as well as reduces the indications of getting old. Now we will likely be telling you about strawberry face mask, which happens to be extremely beneficial to provide you with a organic glow and youthful pores and skin. Spread it evenly in your face and neck and relax for 20 minutes. Carefully rub the combination when washing it off with water. This can help in removing the useless skin and brightens the complexion. Depart the combination on your face for approximately 20 minutes and afterwards clean off with drinking water. With common use, it lowers blemishes and increases your skin tone. The framework of numerous masks for dry skin includeegg yolk. It is actually no coincidence, since this solution are normal antioxidants that aid to withdraw within the pores and skin of dangerous substances. To make a valuable mask for dry skin, you need to: Conquer 1 egg, increase 1 tbsp. l. yeast; B natural vitamins refresh and tone the skin, raise blood circulation in cells, normalize metabolic processes; I in no way rubbed the yeast on my skin like a gommage or exfoliating motion right before washing my face so possibly I could Do that next time. I attempted just a mask for each se. Just in case you have oily pores and skin you could possibly swap milk with h2o or even a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. To produce orange peel ability, hold orange peels out from the Sunshine for per week or so for drying after which grind them. Wonderful piece. https://rockgal-doujin.tumblr.com/post/182277920250/everything-about-coffee-face-mask to get back to Principles and out on the chemical laden cosmetics. I will be hoping honey tonight. Come up with a banana face mask. Bananas have purely natural fruit acids that erase dry pores and skin. Mash a ripe banana with two tablespoons of yogurt. Merge Individuals Homes with the lactic acid in milk—which exfoliates dead skin cells to reveal the smoother, clearer pores and skin beneath—and you simply’ve acquired an awesome recipe for bright, youthful, glowing pores and skin. Combine all the above substances in a small bowl. Utilize a thick coat of the mixture on to your cleanse face. Let it sit for quarter-hour or until eventually it dries out. How it really works: Strawberries not simply are rich in vitamin C but in addition have alpha hydroxy acids, which exfoliate the pores and skin. The grainy texture in the bee-pollen granules helps to exfoliate, too, letting the honey, a strong humectant, to higher penetrate the pores and skin’s surface. In advance of implementing, clean your face with heat h2o and pat dry that has a clean up towel or steam your face. This is just to open up your pores Hence the nutrients can sink deep into your skin. This is A fast clarification regarding how to make Sunlight-dried orange peel powder in the home. For a more in-depth clarification, I explain the process intimately On this quick guideline.
5 Simple Techniques For yeast face mask
Become a member of Reward Me and get exclusive offers! Become a member Mixing honey, orange peel powder and yogurt results in a mask which will help you lower acne scars and blemishes. The topics in these webpages which includes text, graphics, films and also other content contained on this Site are for informational reasons only and not for being substituted for Specialist healthcare information. This is a superb mask for dry, peeling and scaling skin. The avocado and coconut oil offer replenishing moisture, even though the honey helps you to recover any chafed or raw places. for trouble pores and skin: this sort of house facial mask is excellent: brewer’s yeast perfectly cope with inflammations, acne and black factors; In the bowl, mash the strawberries having a fork till sleek. Insert within the honey and blend the substances alongside one another. Applying clear hands or even a sanitized brush, gently implement the mixture all over your face, preventing the attention place. Mash or puree the avocado right until it’s easy and creamy, after which you can blend in the rest of the ingredients. Implement in your face, averting your eyes, and leave it on for ten-quarter-hour. Wipe your skin cleanse with a moist, warm fabric, or rinse your face with warm drinking water while in the shower. Papaya is rich in antioxidants, and its enzymes assist to slough absent previous, dry pores and skin cells for the glowing, healthful complexion. Jasmin Fiore in the Deva Lifestyle swears by papaya masks as Element of her therapeutic regimen, and sings the praises of this rejuvenating ponder-fruit. Yogurt On this mask aids in brightening up your skin when banana nourishes it and makes it easy and soft. There’s a thing about coffee! Its a stuff that Many individuals cannot live without the need of, I can, but I am aware quite a few who unquestionably require their critical dose of cuppa in their life. Similarly, in beauty marketplace, coffee is raved about its elegance Rewards. Scrubs, system butters, physique lotions, face creams proclaiming the goodness of coffee have caught our awareness And that i get coffee-prosperous beauty things for its amazing and wealthy aroma Although I am not a compulsive coffee drinker, I seldom have coffee! This coconut oil and oatmeal face mask is perfect for acne-prone pores and skin as a consequence of its antibacterial and antifungal Houses. In addition it serves to soothe inflammation and restore the purely natural pH harmony of your skin. In a very bowl, set the strawberries, squash them and afterwards incorporate some yeast. It is possible to insert just a little oat bran to thicken this combination And eventually place a single spoon of honey. @sandy: Use each and every other working day and depart it on for at least 15 minutes. Even when you do not have time, utilize it not less than as soon as per week - you are going to nonetheless see the main difference. Orange peel powder is perfect for it refreshes and brightens the skin! Mash these strawberries to 1 pulp (tend not to overdo it moreover ensure it is far too watery) and afterwards insert the honey and now Mix it to one clean paste. Hi cutie How are you currently all? these days I'm about to share 1 of a really efficient face mask for uninteresting skin you would like just handful of primary elements for this mask
Not known Details About coffee face mask
You can find rid of acne without having enduring the soreness of digesting bitter products or implementing People creams and lotions which, usually, are nothing at all but lumps of petroleum jelly mixed with a man-made scent, color, mild bleach, and random antibiotics. Orange peel powder is used in several skin treatment recipes to regulate acne, cleanse and open up clogged pores, treat blackheads, reduce oiliness, and increase a glow for the skin. You’ll get included Gains from your yogurt and honey accustomed to make this homemade face mask. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? The citric acid from the orange peel also exfoliates and brightens up the skin. Here are some orange peel face mask s that you could make in your own home for any radiant seem. Utilize to the face and neck, and wash off after five to ten minutes with any Mild face cleanser or rose drinking water. Check out not to use this on acne inclined pores and skin but if you choose to do so then observe it up with the acne skin face pack. Minerals contained With this yeast nourish the pores and skin and they are proof against exterior microbes which deposit on our skin. Gently apply this mixture all around the face utilizing a sanitized brush or thoroughly clean hands, averting the attention space. Here are five easy recipes to acquire you started out. Find the 1 that actually works for the skin kind or the problem you ought to deal with. For the most recent food items news, well being tips and recipes, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and YouTube. thanks very much, i`d tried out it as soon as for my wife and he or she love it, I'm generating some extra for her yet again. I do think I’ll actually Merge three and four because I have dry and inflamed pores and skin. One of several benefits of applying these kinds of components is they gained’t respond terribly collectively like atore purchased types may! If you want to make certain that yeast will likely not make dangerous effects on your skin, just get some yeast mix it with heat h2o and implement it on your skin, rinse after ten minutes. If it doesn’t damage Then you can certainly try out these face masks with none worry. This solution is my holy grail. I have been using this item for every week now, and my skin has now grow to be so soft, supple and radiant. I've an Definitely dry pores and skin, and just after employing this product or service I haven’t seemed back again. It is totally worth the cash, you invest in this item! In that situation, end applying this technique and try among the other masks. You should talk to a practicing aromatherapist in advance of applying any necessary oils.
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