#(doing MUCH better now. school semester also stops me from doing digital consistently)
ask-the-moonbase · 4 months
oh stars, the last update was, uh…
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… almost a year and a half ago?
I’m terribly sorry for going dark out of nowhere. Life kind of stomped me into the ground for a while there - a lot of personal stuff I will not go into - and it has stopped me from regaining motivation on working on my little side project here. I’m not going to call it quits though, I’m determined to continue work very soon, especially with the remaster releasing in just a few days!
For now, I’m still taking a little bit of time for myself before trying to come back to this blog in full. Also, throwing away the idea of a posting schedule because to be frank… yeah that’s not happening it doesn’t work for me and stresses me out more than anything. This blog was always meant to be for practice doing regular digital art, and having fun drawing my favorite little guys than anything else... and I'm very happy people seem to like my work, haha
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cptsdstudyblr · 5 years
How I organize my studies with mental health issues
Hi :) I’m just here trying to survive a computer science degree with CPTSD, depression, anxiety, and some physical health issues. However, I’ve figured out a system that really (!!!) helps me keep organized and actually learn things despite all the challenges I face! So, I want to share it with you in case it helps just one person! This post is pretty long, but I promise it’s got tons and tons of amazingly helpful information in it!
I’m lucky enough to have a tablet to help me with my studies, but anything I show today can easily be done on a laptop or even on a phone, so don’t stress!
Initial Note Taking
I prefer to handwrite my initial notes if possible. Sometimes, my professors just go too fast and I have to type them, but if I have the option, I choose to handwrite them. I find that handwriting my notes helps keep my mind focused on the task at hand. 
First of all, I’m a very tactile learner, so the act of writing helps me learn the material. However, I’ve found that there are tons of other benefits to writing notes by hand. 
If you’re dissociating/anxious/etc., doodling is a good way to center yourself and help yourself calm down.
Handwritten notes are easier (at least in my non-professional opinion) to make neat and pretty, which can be a huge motivator.
Many classes have diagrams, and it’s super helpful to draw these out so that you’re more likely to remember them and so you have easy access to them.
For people who are nonlinear thinkers (NOT me at all, but I know some people are nonlinear thinkers), you can write your notes in any way you see fit - a circle, a mind map, a graph, even a dodecahedron if you so desire.
And there are tons of others I don’t have time to thoroughly explain!
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with typing notes if you feel that that works better for you. I have to do that for some classes (Geology, I’m looking at you), and I don’t prefer to type my notes, but some people find that they prefer it, and that’s totally okay! There are a few quick things to keep in mind if you choose to take typed notes, however:
I find it very helpful to keep a notepad near me so that I can doodle (again for dissociation/anxiety/etc.) and so that I can draw diagrams if necessary. I’m not talented enough to create computer diagrams quickly, so I usually draw them by hand even if I’m typing my actual notes.
Put in the effort to make sure you aren’t distracted by other things on your laptop! Typing notes can be a great thing, but technology is very quick to distract people. One method I find good for me is to make my notes full screen so that it’s harder to find things to get distracted by, but there are many methods for this.
Try to keep your typed notes tidy and organized. For me, this includes having consistent tab distances, changing font colors/styles (by styles I mean bold/italic/etc.) as necessary, and most of all splitting up my notes into documents by days or topics. I use Evernote, so it’s pretty straightforward to split them up, but even if you use another system, it’s wise to figure out a way to do so. Having one long document for the entire semester is not wise because it gets very overwhelming very quickly and is just plain hard to use.
The biggest help for me, however, is after I’ve taken my notes. I use Evernote to digitize my notes. It’s super easy to do (just take a picture in the app and it scans them like a PDF), and I find that having them digital is a huge help. It means a few things for me:
I don’t have to have every notebook with me to study - just the ones I need to take notes in. This is far more related to physical health for me because I just can’t carry that many notebooks without a lot of pain, but it’s also great for people who are forgetful due to mental health issues. All you have to remember is your laptop or tablet (or really, even your phone), so it’s much easier to make sure you have everything.
I can write all over them when I’m studying without ruining the original notes. I am a big fan of scribbling all over notes (writing mnemonics, drawing diagrams, marking what I know and don’t know, etc.), but I dislike damaging my original notes. This allows me to study as messily as I want without ruining anything.
I can make multiple copies of them if I need to - one for the class I took the notes in and one for my exam revision session. This is very helpful for people who aren’t feeling well enough to rewrite or retype everything into another place when revising for an exam.
Here’s what some of my digitized notes from my operating systems class look like (please forgive my very messy drawing - OS is hard to draw sometimes):
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General Studying
This section refers to studying, but not for exams. This includes things such as doing assignments, reading for classes, and other such things. The most important thing for my studying is Google Tasks! I keep all my important due dates in there, even down to the time. Here’s an example of what my Google Tasks looks like:
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Apologies for the blacked-out spot - that reveals where I go to school! I use this for every single thing that has a hard due date. This makes sure that I never miss a due date no matter how forgetful I am because my list of due dates is on my cell phone! I also find it extremely rewarding to tick the box when I finish an assignment, and even something as simple as that is such a huge motivator for me.
However, this isn’t where I plan how to study for the week. I do that - you guessed it - on paper. I have a journal (which you’ll get to see in another post) where I keep a lot of important stuff - including weekly study plan spreads! That sounds super overwhelming, but they’re incredibly easy to make and very simple to maintain. I’ll show you (artful pen to hide my school name)!
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Let me break this down for you really quickly:
I have my pages divided into four (one quadrant per day plus one for notes), which works pretty well for me - I never run out of space. This setup takes me less than five minutes to make each week, and I find it works very well for me.
I like to write what classes I have each day at the top of the day just so I don’t get too confused (and I highlight it if I have an exam), then underneath that, I list everything I have to do study-wise. 
I make sure to break each big task (e.g. “Study for Geology Exam) into smaller, more manageable chunks (e.g. “Make Geology flashcards,” “Revise Ch. 6 Notes,” etc.) all on different days of the week. This helps make each task seem way less overwhelming and makes me feel better about starting each task.
As you can see, my due dates are NOT on this sheet - this is more of a Study To-Do List than a list of my due dates. I do make sure to keep this updated so that I don’t miss any due dates, however.
You’ll also notice that I don’t have all that much listed for each day. It’s incredibly hard to stay ahead of things with mental health issues (I get that - I really do), but I find that staying ahead genuinely helps my mental health. If I have something to do every day, I feel productive and thus more motivated. It also gives me more leeway if I have a day where I can’t do any more than the bare minimum - I’m already ahead of schedule so I don’t need to panic. My best method for staying ahead is just to buckle down and do it. It’s not a great tip, but it’s all I’ve got (I’m allowed to struggle too - I don’t have everything together perfectly!).
Now, let’s talk about how to tackle each thing on this list.
Readings! When I have to do readings, my preferred method of note-taking is simply writing down definitions of keywords. Most of what I cover in the reading will be covered in the lecture, so I’m not too worried about jotting down every detail. However, making sure to note key words helps keep my brain engaged so I am less likely to zone out/dissociate/etc. Additionally, I can go back to those keywords to make flashcards later on.
Assignments! There’s not a whole lot to say about this one - every assignment is so different that I can’t say much beyond “do your assignments thoroughly.” However, a tip I find helps me a lot is to fully read the assignment and create a game plan before I dive in. This makes the assignment way less overwhelming and gives you concrete stopping points if you need a break.
Studying! will have its own section right below this, do not fear.
Watch this quick video (which is at the bottom of the text for some unknown reason?) of me scrolling through a study session, then I’ll explain how I study and why it works for me!
Let me just list my Studying Steps (TM) for you and break them down:
About a week before: Write all the information in a clear, consistent way.
By this I mean: Go through your notes/the slides/the textbook/anything with information and write it down freshly. I prefer (like usual) to handwrite this, but it can certainly be typed.
This is good because it requires you to reread and rewrite every piece of information, so you’re that much more likely to remember it. It also gives you all the information consolidated in one place. I like to split this up by topic (for me, each topic takes about 30 minutes to do) so that it’s more manageable. 
This seems like a lot, and it is. But, you have to study and there’s no way around that, unfortunately. Try motivating yourself with small rewards (like food, stickers, or something fun) when you finish a topic.
When you finish that: Make charts and graphs for anything that requires charts and graphs.
The diagrams part is pretty self-explanatory. If you have diagrams, redraw them on their own sheet. This makes them less cluttered and you can write things like mnemonics on them without messing up anything else. Redrawing them is also great for muscle memory!
I also like to make charts of things that I need to memorize (this is a good tool, but isn’t always right for every subject). For example, if I need to know a lot of types of rocks, I’ll make charts listing each rock and its characteristics. This way it’s easier to find the information and (once again) muscle memory will help you out.
This can be done pretty quickly, and it’s a pretty brainless activity. It’s not hard to do, so you can do it while watching Netflix if you want to. I honestly enjoy this part, though, because I find drawing charts and graphs very satisfying. 
About 3 days before: Make flashcards and study them consistently.
This is very important!
I like to use paper flashcards (just so I have to write the information once again), but digital ones work fairly well too.
Memorization is actually a fantastic tool to help with studying with mental health issues. Sometimes brain fogginess makes it hard to think of things that you know, but couldn’t recite. However, if you have it fully memorized, it’s generally much easier to pull out of the depths of your mind.
Once again, this is pretty easy to do (not quick though, sorry), and can be done while you’re doing something else more fun.
The day before: Go through your notes, annotate what you don’t know, and rewrite it until you know it.
This is the most important part of studying for me. 
The evening before the exam, I go through every bit of my notes, charts, graphs, etc. and highlight what I 100% know.
Then, I take more paper (or often a digital piece of paper) and write out what I know, trying to focus my energy on finding ways to remember the information such as mnemonics, word associations, or the like.
I do this as many times as I need to until I feel good about how much information I have highlighted - I try to get to 85-90%, but that can vary by subject.
This is kind of tedious, but I find it easier to motivate myself since it is the final stretch. I’m also usually kind of stressed out about the exam by this point, so that works as a good motivator too.
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kekekentyuh · 4 years
The Quirks and Qualms of Online Class
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The global pandemic terrorizing us as of the moment has taken so much of our lives when limited social contact was introduced. Preventing the virus from spreading further has reduced our lives to crumbs, robbing a lot of us of the chance to create a better life for ourselves in the outside world, forcing us to powerlessly retreat within the walls of our homes. And sadly, to say the very least, even the education system wasn’t safe from the Corona effect.
Remote learning seems to be the next logical step that most academic institutions can come up with because of the whole social distancing thing. For a while, it was a step so many dreaded to take because of how evident it was that it was just a disaster begging to take place — the countless government officials continuously campaigning to push through with the academic year weren’t of good help either — although it eventually arrived to a point where it was the only thing they could think of. Some have already opted to use this means of providing as early as April to finish off the previous school year, or summer semesters in some university constituents, all in little steps, but in general, we all know how it is: this type of learning is new to most of us, especially for those of us who are used to face to face learning, and we’re all learning to adjust to it while we’re still contained indoors.
The university I attend already had us undergo the whole process of online learning during our Midyear semester last June, where we took a couple of subjects that we were supposed to enroll in for the summer had the world not gone batshit crazy, opting only to open the possibility of attending that midyear semester for those who are required to do so in their respective course program curricula. We held synchronous online sessions via Zoom, where meetings were recorded for everyone's access, making for more accessible resources for note-taking, and used the online learning platform Canvas as pilot testers (both accounts provided by the university itself along with our emails) that we utilized for transfer of information, like learning materials and paperless, digital submissions, generally, and it all seemed to work, for a term that lasted a month maximum. But even before it began, I had a lot of qualms and reservations, particularly on how it’s all going to play out, and how it’s going to affect my performance and my academic standing, because up to that point, I’ve never taken any class or required academic sessions within virtual online learning platforms (not that I was happy while I was taking it, anyway; it’s a hellhole waiting to burst like a pimple). And that was just for a Midyear semester, which was four weeks at most; given how they’re planning to have this coming regularly-paced semester (shortened for the purpose of everyone’s convenience, although I’m pretty sure that’s going to do more harm than benefit, especially for students) purely on remote learning accords, we have no idea how we’re all going to take it on, not with major subjects and a lot of skill-based outputs being asked of us, which are probably much, much heavier than the countless submissions we had to do previously. 
But you know what the boomers think: it’s all better than letting the school year just fly away, they didn’t have access to privileges like this so we’d better put up with it. Go now, plan later; and to that, I say one thing — you can’t stop a runaway train.
Even though one month of putting up with this mess is probably just a rough estimate of just how grueling an entire semester online is going to be, I would like to share a few of the things that I’ve noticed about remote learning that are not so great, and, to be completely unbiased, fine by my own judgment. I’m going to use the experiences me and my fellow Biology majors had whilst taking them to truly evaluate how effective it is for university students here in the Philippines, all with the company of you, my dear readers. This is, however, limited to the things we’ve experienced, and may vary for different situations, like from the point of view of a faculty member or a student of a different school, so please, take all of this with a grain of salt. We have no idea if things are going to play out exactly like they did previously, but it’s good to know a few things to prepare ourselves, right? Consider this as sort of a primer — from one lousy college student to another. If we’re going to deal with this bullshit, we’re going to look at it together. 
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For starters, remote learning is kind of energy efficient — and when I say that, I don’t mean chill. God, no; it’s anything but. The main thing I really like about learning from home is that it saves us a lot more time and physical energy than how much we usually need to attend face to face classes. It’s a very striking point, and I’m sure some may see it beneficial, especially those who still need to put up with the commute to go on campus. We don’t have to worry more about budgeting our time between classes and activities outside, like what time we’d have to wake up so we can have more time to get ready for our day ahead, or where to eat and what to wear to go out. We can wear home clothes while attending classes (not like your clothes even matter, anyway; at least not in UP) and don’t have to deal with the headaches and heartburns you get when you try commuting in the Metro, since we’re all just indoors. And let’s not forget, for someone who attends a university situated in the middle of a bustling city with people of all shapes and sizes that you can never trust, being confined to our homes means we are in a much safer environment, where we wouldn’t have to worry about being robbed every fifteen seconds or won’t have to look twice so every passing vehicle gets a lesser chance of ejecting us off the street. We’re all sitting within the walls of our homes, so we have lesser things to worry about logistically, so to speak. Besides, stepping outside is even more of a risk now than ever, and making available materials to access at home may reduce the probability of that risk getting the best of us, so at least that’s out of the way, like it’s supposed to be.
One thing that also struck me about remote learning is how it’s heavily dependent on how you pace your studies and work. Since your learning environment consists mostly of you and the digital materials, apart from the synchronous classes some professors require, a lot of the time, the way you’re going to deal with this is mainly on how you decide to work on it and how your pace with regards to taking everything on would be, and since there are scheduled deadlines and exams, and you can’t afford to lose any of your precious time monkeying around, albeit the hard way, you’ll definitely learn to manage your time on your own. It’s not completely individual, as there were still group tasks and outputs to be submitted as a unit, but since you’re all alone in your workspace, it’ll all depend on how well you manage to properly do these requirements. Time management is a key factor in college, or in any school level setting really, a skill better than any studying technique you will ever come across, since it helps a student tackle the countless loads of work being tossed their way without it stacking up to immediate doom, and remote learning prompts one to find the method that allows one to work with the flow the easiest — kind of like the perfect key to crank up an engine.
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But the thing about remote learning is, for a whole student system not entirely prepared and properly equipped for it, the cons outweigh the pros — by about a mile.
To put it simply, limited contact is much more stressful in the parts of those who are actually involved in the setup, which are, primarily, the student and the teacher. Home environments, right up the first bullet, are not all conducive learning environments. This is entirely dependent on various factors, which may range from more personal ones, like unfavorable familial setups or various distractions at home, or more logistical ones, like the location of the home itself, all contributing to numbers and numbers of disruptive tendencies, none of which are under the child’s control, which may result to their lack of focus or increased anxiety. Home environments are not made for learning, unlike schools and universities where students are free to study without any distractions, and this may hold back the smooth process of their learning if continuous and entirely destructive — and there’s nothing the students nor the instructors can do about it but stress out. The number one most notorious culprit of them all, undeniably, would be the alarmingly appalling mediocrity of the Internet connection the majority has access to, which, on particularly bad days, may result to unfavorable situations almost unexpectedly, like constantly being cut off from the session and unclear instructions from professors, mostly, who have unfavorable access to the Internet themselves. The constant unannounced power cutoffs in some parts of the country (which is, personally, my biggest qualm and pet peeve that I have developed during quarantine) would come in at a close second, especially since a lot of these blackouts have no given range, much to the dismay of the consumers. On top of these are some unexpected inconveniences, like glitchy learning environments and faulty instructor-to-student communication, brought by lack of time synchronization, mostly, that may not seem like much, but can make this whole experience a whole lot shittier than it actually is. 
And what’s even more stressful is the few solutions to these problems can all but do so much; mobile data as a substitute for WiFi connections can only give us so much with promos and the money it costs, but in the end, it’s still no match for the data requirements synchronous meeting platforms like Zoom or Google Meet require, so it’s best to just skip the class than waste your time and data trying to reconnect. Instructor-prepared course packs, which contain all materials needed for the subject, definitely designed to cater to students who lack the resources to make it to online classes, may work, but there’s still a lot of considerations that need to be made for their evaluations, which, preferably, need to match with the rest of the class they’re in. I know — no one wins here, except probably only the officials of our crappy Internet providers, happy that they still have a lot of people to leech out of.
The curriculum of the various degree programs students are enrolled in are at stake, because so much adjustments need to be done in order for them to be suitable for the online setting that they all, well, don’t feel like genuine learning methods anymore. Skill-based programs, like mine in Biology, for example, are particularly affected by these changes, since the materials and the opportunities for us to learn the skills we need for our degree are out there: at the labs, at the campus, out at the world. The pertinence of the development of methods to teach these practical courses with limited contact cannot be denied, but actually fulfilling those requirements physically and learning them with your own experience is something with much more impact, and that can’t be denied, too. The limits imposed on learning these necessarily skills will also limit the students to what they’re being given; if they’re given half the materials to make a bun of bread, they’ll only come up with half of that bun, because they’re given so limited resources. We don’t even know how lab classes will take place — how are we supposed to be sure we’re going to learn from them? Not only that, but the curriculum coming to play is at stake, too; take synchronous evaluation procedures, for instance. Does anyone want to take a quiz or an exam with relentlessly flopping Internet, with electrical power that plays Russian Roulette every single day of the year? Of course not, because you want to do as well as you possibly can in this exam. Do you want to wake up to a blaring, incomplete grade because the assignment file you’ve busted your ass for just didn’t make it through the portal, although you swore to your underwear drawer that you did? Of course not, and that’s why checking the submission box three times is almost nothing. So much of the learning process is being compromised and limited by a lot of factors outside of our control, it’s almost impossible to bounce back into the much-favored learning headspace we all desire to be in. We’re spending so much time worrying about not being able to learn because of so many things around us glitching that we lose, albeit gradually, our focus on actually learning.
These factors all narrow down to one big boulder about to trample one smacking detail within us: our mental health. It’s already bad enough that we’re dealing with the health crisis erupting everywhere around us, a health crisis that doesn’t seem to want to tone down anytime soon, and hearing and seeing so much of the tragedy it’s bringing to our country continuously, but we have to also constantly worry about whether or not we’re learning the right things or submitting the right things on time and still making sure we’re doing our best despite all of it. Imagine the constant anxiety and the rigid schedule of a regular semester multiplied thrice, all dumped online — with a few adjustments here and a few tweaks there, but almost inaccessible to some, and too much for many. You're not even sure, at any given point within the months-long span of supposed learning, if you're doing it to actually absorb the knowledge, or just fulfilling it because it's a requirement, and just hurriedly making sure everything is taken care of because you don't have any more energy to drag it on longer. That’s how mentally draining it is. And I get that I might be exaggerating (I have an underlying tendency to do so; forgive me, my bad) but who’s to say that it may not ring true for some? If you’re anything like me, who finds comfort in the company of peers, in the little things like building a routine and sticking to it, distracting yourself with new, uncharted things every day, and managing your stress outside the confinements of a house, then it’s probably taking a huge toll on you, too. 
But all that’s nothing compared to those directly affected by the pandemic, like the family members of healthcare workers, those whose main modes of making a living were laid off due to contact protocols, and, most importantly, those who lost so many people dear to them because of a virus no one can contain. I can’t explain how much my heart cracks in my chest when I see a student looking to social media to ask for a means to fund his schooling, or when a person I rarely know is knocking to ask for a few pesos to get their ailing family members through. Remote learning, online classes, really, would work just fine — if you belong above that margin. If you have access to resources without going scathed, have nothing else to do but focus on what’s important for you, and leave the rest of the world outside your door. The exclusivity of remote learning is striking, and it’s extremely absurd how much people want to push through with it despite so many consequences for so many unwilling benefactors  — six million children, to be exact — left behind. Children should never have to beg, lose themselves, or destroy themselves to be able to learn, because it’s their right to be given a chance to be the best they can by pursuing this education to the fullest extent. Apparently many people disagree.
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Let me call remote learning for what it really is — a temporary aid, unsustainable way of dragging the students to uncharted waters. It’s a band-aid solution, meant to temporarily do what needs to be done while the future is still unknown. So many calls to stop the year from coming up have been put out there, as well as so much postponing and halting of the flow of inconcrete plans, promising to improve, but time and time again, to nothing; and amid so many calls for help, just within the education sector, there has been no reliable answer. Academic Freeze, which aims to halt the school year altogether, is not a plausible way of resolving this, as it is only student centered; although it may be beneficial for us, a lot of employees in the education system may lose their modes of income as well, which may lead to a shortcoming in their part. But given that, we also cannot turn our backs from the fact that so much of the student population, almost six million, will not be able to enroll, because education is a right that every child must be given, and if one child deserves to go on studying, they all deserve to. And postponing the opening of the academic year and delaying what is to come can only do so much.
Contain the pandemic — that’s the answer. If this administration, particularly the department concerned with this issue, truly cares about the rights of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and complete basic education, then they’ll take the necessary steps to put an end to this and protect not only those rights, but, to the administration itself, the welfare of their people.
Delaying the problem isn’t putting an end to it, because what’s only slowing down is going to gain momentum later on.
So many thoughts and so many words! What did you think about these experiences? And if your’re from the Philippines, what do you think about the Department of Education’s response to this rising concern? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let me know by reaching me through the Inquiries page, or through my social media here I'd love to hear from anybody!
Like always, I wish everyone is doing well, being safe and secure, and in good health! I hope everyone is taking care of themselves by sanitizing and garnering a healthy lifestyle! It means a lot to me that you're here reading. Thanks for staying, and I’ll see you on the next one!
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h0nie · 6 years
Number 29 | Chapter One
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↳ m.list | prologue | 01 | 02
pairing: athlete!yoongi x photographer!reader
genre: drama, humor, au
word count: 8k
⌜ a/n ⌟ fun fact: the corgi part is based off an actual experience I had with my sister. Also, the mentioning of the football players is exactly what I saw one of them do, absolutely disgusting.
Through your eyes, you viewed the world uniquely from others; a captivating place that men and women were given the privilege to walk on. 
Who knew, that observing through the clear lenses of a camera, anyone, even a living creature was able to experience the euphoric feeling that displayed in front of them; coordinating yourself within various of angles that you wouldn’t believe to envision that existed before you — just through the thickness of a lens. 
From the scintillating sun that dazzled beautifully off the reflection of the ocean sea to capturing the quintessential moment of the ombré mixture viewed in the hazy sky, changing elegantly within a split second; pigments of autumn leaves shrivelling, ere dropping softly — transitioning to the winter breeze.
Snapping pictures of practically everything, you treasured every piece you took. You saw the perfection of it all, obtaining peace and comfort. Dwelling in your own little world, your own adventure; happiness through every landscape you came across.
After taking an interest in your high school’s photography class, you learned everything about the lingering emotions and distinction behind every concept; following the year by begging your parents in buying you, your very own black digital camera.
The camera that you loved and held onto so protectively throughout your entire high school days; keeping it alongside you wherever you went — you hadn’t stopped since — joining the yearbook committee right after, leading you here; Ridgeview’s newspaper editor.
Outside on the team’s football field, where you laid. Your entire body sprawled out on the grass while you held your camera above your face. The glasses that were previously on your nose, were now settled on your forehead as you looked through the pictures you had taken from the recent basketball game; deleting the ones you didn’t like.
Concentrating and humming along to the music that blasted loudly out your earbuds, you were oblivious to notice a slim figure approaching. It wasn’t until you had accidentally clicked out of the pictures and saw a face pop up, focusing into view — smiling as they leaned down at you.
You violently shook, “Jesus Christ!” You shrieked, nearly dropping your camera on your face.
You took out your earbuds just in time to hear a faint laugh escaped from their mouth; plopping themselves next to you.
“You should have seen the look on your face. Like, you’ve seen a ghost or something.” She giggled, recreating the frightened face jokingly.
You propped yourself up, bringing your glasses back on your face and crisscrossed your legs. “Ha-ha. Very funny.” You were unamused and your voice made it obvious.
“You weren’t at the coffeehouse today, so I figured you’d be here.” Taking her hands out from her pockets, she rubbed her hands together producing a bit of friction before blowing into them.
Yuri Yen, a second-year student like yourself and was also your best friend. Before moving here, she had originally came from Hong Kong with her family at the age of 4. You met Yuri back in high school during your junior year, having not one, but three classes throughout the entire semester.
Since the significant convenience of having classes together, it was a great conversation starter for you — asking whether if she understood the homework or if she did the homework at all. 
The two of you even helped each other cheat on tests. Gradually, you seemed to talk to Yuri almost every day in class, instantly exchanging numbers and before you knew it, you two became close friends.
After graduating, you were excited and relieved to hear that Yuri was enrolling in the same college as you. Knowing at least someone, especially when that someone has been with you for years, put your mind at ease. You were thankful that you weren’t going to lose your best friend and be alone.
Her bangs shifted as the wind blew. A small smile crept up on your lips as you stared at her hair. She consistently kept her hair the same, even now. She never dared to get rid of her thin bangs that hung, along with her signature high ponytail that she wore every day.
Quite honestly, you had always viewed girls with bangs to be for preschoolers. You pondered, by having them at this age was a bit childish looking. But of course, your opinion had changed since learning that haircuts like these were popular in the Asian culture and after being around Yuri for so long, you realized that her bangs did as well, suited her well-rounded face.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” She re-adjusted herself, having now both her elbows securely on the grass as her face planted into her hands; legs up, swinging back and forth as if she were a little girl you thought.
“Well, for starters...” You drifted off, grabbing your camera and turning it on. You then handed the semi-heavy object to her.
“I’m now in charge of taking pictures for the basketball team. I had to take a couple during their tournament we had and I’m still debating which pictures I should submit for the papers.”
A constant beep came from the camera as Yuri clicked through. After a few moments, she stopped. “Woah, who’s that?” She turned, tilting her head as she looked up at you. Scooting closer, you peered over her shoulder.
It was the picture you had taken of all the boys together after they won. Her finger pointed at the screen, landing it right on top of a boy with dark brown hair. His expression was stone cold, showing no emotion. His eyes were dark, staring straightforward as if he was peering right through you.
“Apparently, that’s the almighty Yoongi.” You playfully joked. Yuri’s eyes widened in surprise, turning back to the screen, she clicked the button and zoomed in.
“No way, that’s who everyone talks about?”
You shrugged.
Why was Yoongi praised so much?
What was so great about him that people constantly talked about him?
He may be an athlete star in basketball, but that was all he really had and was known for.
“For a basketball player, you’d think he’d be a sasquatch. Thought he’d be a lot taller, to be honest.” You chuckled, nodding your head in agreement.
You stood in silence, fiddling with your thumbs as you waited for your teacher’s approval. The room was quiet, with the exception of the ceiling fan quietly blowing; to your liking. Your eyes wandered around to occupy yourself.
Regardless, having been in this room for multiple occasions and knowing specifically what it held, you continued to stare as if you’ve never stepped a foot in the room.
Stacks of papers scattered around the desk as well as small photos of your teacher’s family members pinned to the small cork board he had. Your teacher, Kim Seokjin has been the head of the department since you’ve been here. You didn’t know too much about him, but overall, a nice man.
“Excellent job, _____.” Your teacher smiled, holding out your camera for your hands. You stretched out and grabbed it gently from him, letting the strap tug on the back of your neck as your camera dangled.
During your time out on the field, Yuri had helped pick out the pictures that were best for the newspapers.
“These will look fabulous once they’re printed. We also might frame some of your additional pictures around.” You couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. Adjusting your glasses, you looked up and returned a sheepishly grin after.
“You can start printing right away. The sooner, the better.” He clasped his hands together before placing them on his knees and got up from his seat. He grabbed a folder filled with papers from his desk and tucked it under his arm, “I’ll let you get to it,” as he made his way out.
You listened to the sounds of his footsteps distancing, although it wasn’t long until the sound echoed back. Presuming your teacher must have forgotten something considering he was a forgetful man at times, you saw his head peek back in the door.
“Say, _____. I recall you mentioning to me that you’d like to help out more, correct?”
You nodded.
A month ago, you had told Mr. Kim that you’d like to request something new to do, possibly join a new club perhaps? You’ve thought about seeking the art club, however, after one day in and compared your work to others, your untalented ass wasn’t going to cut it. So, scratch that off the list...
You had then asked for your teacher’s advice and he advised you that he’ll keep an eye out.
“Would you consider assisting the basketball team?”
“Me?” You gazed at him dumbfounded. “Helping the basketball team? By doing what?”
You didn’t know if your teacher had noticed at all, but your puny weak arms weren’t exactly capable of shooting a ball nor did you know anything about basketball.
He noticed the discomfort that was accumulating on your face and raised his hand towards you.
“Relax, they’re looking for someone who’s responsible and able to organized the binder’s spreadsheets, put away equipment, clean up — the basics.”
You nibbled the corner of your lip, hesitant about the offer.
“You don’t need an answer immediately, they aren’t in a rush. I think this would be beneficial and convenient for you, considering you're going to have to take numerous amounts of pictures of the team anyways."
He did have a point, though you still weren't convinced.
"If you do consider it and you have the chance, stop by the gym.”
Your snug jacket sheltered around your body whilst the noisily sound of your laptop and binders shuffled in your backpack — within each step your fuzzy boots made against the pavement.
The weather was bitterly cold; fluffy clouds began to arise, cowling the blue skyline — unfolding itself to a grey-like colour above your head. Trees rustled against the wind, detaching several individual leaves as you crossed.
You heavily sighed steadily, scrutinizing as the frosty breath slipped from your lips, dissolving itself into the air.
Leaves from the ground swarmed as it spun in a tornado-like manner; as the gelid of wind whispered throughout the streets, its icy breeze slashing utterly through your layers. You gripped your jacket tight — the dangling of your hair dancing rhythmically to the Zephyr.
A red blossom tinged with pink faded, appearing subtly on the apples of your cheeks and the tip of your nose. You instantly nestled your face into your scarf as you felt the sharp shiver snaking its way up your spine. 
Still, you did not mind the weather in the slightest. The serene sound of peacefulness filled your ears, relishing your solus stroll.
As the outline of the coffeehouse came into view, you sensed the excitement pulsating its way through your body. When entering, you were immediately greeted by the lukewarm heat and smell of coffee beans; brewing deliciously, trickling in the inners of your nose.
You settled yourself in, taking your jacket off and planting it on your chair; ordering yourself, your beloved cinnamon dolce latte with extra whipped cream.
The coffeehouse to you was a perfect go-to place when needed to take your mind off things or on treacherous amounts of work. For you, you referred to it your safe place.
From the therapeutic aesthetic to the lightly lit fireplace; the amazingly tasting coffee — you found yourself coming here nearly every day, drowning yourself in the indie music that played softly in the background. All your anxieties, all your stress; swept away.
Removing the lid from the cup, the steam elevated beautifully as you took a straw, shredding its wrapper off and dunk the thin tube in. You sipped, savouring the flavour that awaited.
The hotness of the latte made its way down your throat; lifting the straw out before licking the cream carefully off. You were promptly filled with energy — motivated to work grind and finish your assignments.
Approximately 8:30 p.m. The time radiated on the corner of your laptop. You had stayed in for a whole 4 hours, ultimately losing track of time.
You closed out of the tab and took your glasses off, placing them discreetly above your head. You rubbed your eyes and held them shut for a moment before opening them and drawing out your phone.
On your screen, text messages from Yuri. She had texted a few minutes ago.
⌜  Today 8:22 PM ⌟
Yuri: HeYyyyYyyYy, we’re friends right??  [8:22]
Yuri: and you know that I love you [8:23]
You: New phone, who dis? [8:34]
Instantly, Yuri replied back.
Yuri: omg- [8:34]
Yuri: oKAY, remember that time during English I let you borrow my pencil cuz I’M NICE [8:34]
Yuri: remember that time where I gave you my jacket when it was cold [8:34]
Yuri: remember that time when I bought you a juice box at the vending machine? [8:35]
You rolled your eyes and giggled.
Typical Yuri.
A pattern that you knew all too well. Whenever she was in need of something from you, she would unimpressively bombard you with things she’s done; like this.
You: Alright, shut up, I get it. [8:35]
You: What do you want? [8:35]
Yuri: can you get me food? [8:35]
You: Can you get off your lazy ass for once and go to the store yourself? [8:35]
Yuri: Blocked. Reported. Deported. Actually, block my number. You’re so rude ;( [8:36]
You: Yeah, yeah. Anyways, guess what Mr. Kim said to me today [8:36]
Yuri: which one? the one for the newspaper? [8:36]
You frowned at the text. You’ve only mentioned one Mr. Kim to her.
You: No, the janitor who cleans the girl’s washrooms. [8:37]
You snickered.
You: He asked me if I’d like to help with the basketball team [8:37]
You: Probably not gonna do it. [8:38]
Yuri: WHY?! [8:38]
Reading Yuri’s text, you could practically hear her screaming at you for not wanting to go. 
Yuri: um, hellooo? Getting to see hot boys every day in their sweaty uniforms? YES PLEASE! [8:38]
Yuri: if you’re not going to do it then I will! [8:38]
“Ugh-“ You groaned, disappointingly shaking your head at her response. Of course, that’s the first thing she thought of.
Once again, typical Yuri.
Yuri: Seriously _____, I’d say go for it. You might even make some new friends ;D [8:38]
Yuri: It’s a nice change from you always having your face glued to your camera. Just try it out and if you don’t like it, drop it. [8:39]
Maybe Yuri was right.
Maybe helping with the basketball team would be a good change to your routine.
Your routine consists; waking up early every morning at the same time, going to your communal kitchen and eating toast with jam, head to your classes whilst Yuri annoys you, get back to your dorm, and then go to bed.
Pretty plain and boring.
Every day was the same repeated cycle so having miniature perks of having your daily dose of your desired beverage and you exploring out — taking pictures, you were undoubtedly grateful.
Besides, it wouldn’t hurt to have a slight change in your life... You were a little wary of the situation; though, you’d start deliberately thinking about it more.
Closing your laptop and placing it back in your bag, you swung your jacket on and grabbed the half-empty coffee cup. Your eyes fixated back down at your device, thinking of a shrewd reply to Yuri as you managed your way to the doors.
Your thumb tapped on the screen, unaware of your surroundings as you lifted your elbow that gripped the coffee cup to push the door. The door flew open from the other side, causing you to fumble — the chest of a stranger had thumped into you, stepping back in alarm.
You dropped the open cup, gasping at the unexpected sultry liquid that splattered on your chest. A brown puddle had now pooled; both your mouths hung open, processing what had transpired.  
“Shit! I- I um — I’m sorry! L-Let me get you some napkins.”
Tightly shutting your eyes, you pressed your lips together, taking in a deep breath. You held it; letting it out slowly, restraining yourself to remain calm.
My favourite shirt...
You mentally sighed, examining your ruined shirt — not to mention that the colour was white.
“Here.” A fist full of napkins held out in front of your face that the stranger had gathered. You clutched the napkins from their hand and comprehended who the boy was.
Face-to-face was undoubtedly one of the school’s supreme point guard basketball player, Jungkook.
His jet-black hair poked out from his baseball cap; having three silver ring piercings, dangling from its side. He wore an expensive looking jacket accompanied by his denim jeans and timberlands — he was pleasantly well-kept you had to admit.
You relentlessly stared, taking in his facial features. One thing that stood out; under his lip, a noticeable tiny black mole. How un-peculiar to have. You’ve never seen someone with such an uncommon dot before. Seeing up close confirmed what everyone said about him. He was unquestionably good looking.
Picking up the now empty coffee cup and disregarding it in the garbage, you began wiping the mess, in hopes to at least soak some of the stains from your shirt. Jungkook also helped clean the remaining mess on the floor and tossed the dirty napkins that you handed to him, including the cup.
“I really am sorry.“ His eyes avoided yours as he rubbed the back of his neck. You let out a sigh once more, “It’s fine, it was an accident. I should have watched where I was going anyways.”
The two of you stood stiffly next to each other. You weren’t sure whether to buy a new cup yourself or leave without saying a word. Fortunately, the silence was broken — clearing his throat, “I’m Jungkook by the way.” I know. Naturally, everyone on campus knew of him.
He smiled as he stuck his hand out towards you. Putting your hand in his, you returned the gesture, “_____,” giving him a professional firm shake back. 
“Let me buy you another one, wait here.” You promptly kept the grip on his hand, preventing the boy from walking away. “It’s really fine! Don’t worry about it.”
Now, we all know how these situations go; someone offers to buy something for you-you can’t accept it. It’s that gut feeling of guilt of not wanting to appear conceded rather than simply accepting — yet, many of us hope that the other pursues the offer.
“I insist. It’s the least I can do, please?” His voice; sincere and soft as his head titled adorably. Another cup would be nice, however, a new shirt would be greater.
He instructed you to sit at a table as he went to order. When returning back, Jungkook carried a cup holder, carrying four cups of goodness. An eyebrow raised in confusion; passing your newly balmy cup of coffee in your hands. You didn’t question who the rest were for nor did he need to explain — wasn’t your business. Most likely for his friends.
“Do you go to Ridgeview? You look extremely familiar.”
“I do. I’m a second-year student. I’m mainly hidden in the college’s paper room, I’m their editor.” He mouthed an O shape; progressively, the two of you continued your discussion about school — leading towards the exit, allowing the fall gentle dust to whirl its wind, hitting you both. You watched as Jungkook’s hair moved with it.
The sky had darkened. Street lights flickered as well as the illuminating light that reflected from the coffeehouse, glistening on your bodies.
His index finger tapped on his chin, stopping himself as he hummed in a thinking state.
“I swear, I’ve seen you be-“
“Yah! Jungkook!” A yell hollered. Your heads subconsciously followed the sound. “What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for you!” From a distance, Hoseok and Yoongi emerged towards the well-lit frame.
“Sorry ‘bout that!” He lingers his eyes on you and simpers, “Got caught up.”
The lengthy boy shifts his attention towards you, “Caught up, ay?” Hoseok snickers, nudging Jungkook with his elbow prompting Jungkook to lightly bump into you.
“Who’s your friend?” He nods, acknowledging your presence. Hoseok’s notices the large stain on your shirt. Curious, he points subtly, wanting to say something but quickly seals his mouth and retracts his hand.
“Uh, this is _____. We just met actually. I accidentally spilt her coffee...”
“That explains the huge stain.” Hoseok chuckles.
A wave of heat flushed your cheeks, instantly shielding your chest with your jacket. How embarrassing.
You cough, shoving the encounter aside. “Nice to meet you, Hoseok.”
You gazed over at Yoongi. His dark chocolate-toned hair was styled messily; drooping forward — completely distracted by his phone.
A slap came across Yoongi’s shoulder. “Oi! Don’t be rude, say hi!” His nose scrunched, lifting his head to face you.
Hoseok gave him a look, “go on.”
“Hi.” Yoongi’s character and mood revealed he was uninterested. You gave him a tight smile. The tension was now becoming awkward.
Thankfully, Jungkook intervened. “She goes to Ridgeview with us.”
“Really?” Hoseok smiles radiantly. “Well, if we happen to see each other, you better say hi!” He taunts.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” As Hoseok kept the ongoing conversation, you tried your best to respond/listen to whatever he was saying.
You glimpsed over at Yoongi. He studied you, trailing his eyes, up and down at your figure — eyes matching yours. You immediately snapped away, staring at the ground. You shifted uneasily. You felt as though you were growing small, feeling Yoongi’s intimidating stare tower over you.
Hoseok checked his watch, “Crap, we better get going. We're already late as is.” You felt relieved. You all exchanged your goodbyes, except for Yoongi; who had already made his way. Hoseok apologized for his behaviour, jogging after him.
Disappointment stirred in your gut. You questioned yourself, presuming that you did something to irritate him to act so grim.
Interrupting your thoughts, Jungkook patted your back, “Don’t worry about him too much. He’s not usually like this. I promise you, when we meet again, it’ll be better.” You gave him a lopsided smile and thanked him for the reassurance and coffee.
Following his friends, the raven boy turned to you one last time for the night, waving, “I’ll see you around, _____!” Before sending you a wink as he walked away.
You watched the boy disappear and giggled, cute. Zipping up your jacket, you slipped out your phone and texted Yuri. You hesitated for a moment before pressing send.
You: Let’s stop by the gym tomorrow. [10:17]
“Okay, hear me out,” a hand gently rocked your shoulder. 
You promptly finished writing your sentence and dropped your pencil down, directing your attention to Yuri — who was trying to contain her laughter as she held her phone incredibly close to her face, shielding her screen from your view.
“What if, the inspiration for the shape of bagged bread, was inspired… by a corgi’s butt,” she laughed, plummeting her phone on the table and sliding it over. 
The device’s screen unlocked, a full-blown image loaded. Sure enough, two pictures; a corgi’s bottom and bagged bread compared to side-by-side.
You glanced up from her phone, face kept neutral and lifted your glasses, massaging the bridge of your nose as well as letting out a low exhale of annoyance.
“Doesn’t that look like bread — ow!”
This was probably the sixth time the two of you-Yuri, had been constantly told, a numerous amount of times to keep quiet. You gave the old librarian another sympathetic look before turning back.
“Why’d you hit me?!” Yuri whisper-shouted, pouting while she rubbed her arm from your impact. 
“First of all, would you keep it down? How many times is that lady going to have to keep shushing you?” By now, both of you knew that this was going to be the last time coming here.
“We’re…” you gestured all around, “in a library.” You looked back at the screen, “And no, it doesn’t look like bread,” it did. 
You slide Yuri’s phone back, “Second, we’re supposed to be studying, why are you even searching that up? Put that away.”
She groaned, “Fine,” tucking in the small electronic in her pocket. “Good, now focus.” You opened your book and flipped to a page, Yuri does the same. 
Not even a second later, she stops and leans in close to you, “So, when do you plan on visiting the gym, hmm?” You ignored her and continued reading, moving slightly away from her in your seat. You were hoping she wouldn’t bring this topic up, you’ve been avoiding the gym.
“_____, it’s been two weeks.” No answer. “Come on, what’s the big deal?” You sigh, closing your book, “I don’t have time for it, that’s all.” 
The girl rolls her eyes and snorts, “Puh-lease, that’s bullshit and you know it.” She jabs her finger in your shoulder, pushing you back easily. You opened your mouth to protest, no, she’s right.
You did have the time, you simply didn’t want to see the boys, especially after your encounter — it was too… awkward.
Okay, maybe you were being dramatic over nothing, you still have exams to study and prepare for, not to mention, the newspaper committee as well. The other part of you was just, lazy.
“You do realize 2018 is coming to an end right?” You nodded, “What better way to start now, early — by helping the team!” She wacks your back, “Shhh!” Yuri’s eyes widen, forgetting that she was being loud, again and mouths a ‘sorry’, slumping in her seat right after.
You shook your head and pushed your glasses up, “You’ve been bugging me non-stop about this. Why do you want me to join so badly?”
Straightening herself, she took your hand into hers, “Listen, don’t take this personally, but you’ve changed a lot since high school… I just want you to try something new,” she pauses a moment to glance at your bag then back at you, “Something other than your camera?” You frowned, tilting your head.
Of course, there’d be a change. You didn’t think “changing” was a bad thing, it was you solely maturing as a person. The two of you weren’t high schoolers anymore, you were college students. One step closer to graduating and then, stepping out in the “real world.”
“What I’m trying to say is, you’ve limited yourself — more like isolated.” You kept your mouth shut, brushing off your best friend’s hold and picked up your pencil again. This time, it was Yuri’s turn to sigh, “Whatever,” and slipped out her phone.
You stopped writing and stared at the page. Were you isolating yourself?
The entire time at the library yesterday was bothersome, you didn’t get any studying done. Yuri constantly kept disturbing not only you but the people who were studying nearby as well. Eventually, the librarian had enough and asked us to leave. Needless to say, neither of us are allowed back.
“Can’t take that girl anywhere, I swear,” you disappointingly shook your head and snickered. Checking your watch, it was still early, you didn’t have class in the next couple of hours. Perfect.
“Might as well kill some time,” shrugging off your bag, you unzipped your front bag’s pouch and pulled out your wallet; heading straight to the cafeteria to purchase some lunch.
You ordered yourself a regular sandwich and took a seat at an empty table. You peacefully enjoyed your lunch — stuffing your face full.
After finishing your meal, you decided that now would be the best to squeeze in a studying session, one that you should have gotten with Yuri.
Unfortunately, that studying session didn’t last long, having not being able to restrain yourself, you packed your things away and out came your camera; looking through your film for another deleting spree — a regular routine you’ve been doing so your storage wouldn’t be full when your next photo-taking adventure comes.
“Is that _____, I see?” That startled you, causing you to jump. The male‘s voice was low, you knew that voice. Steadily turning around, low and behold, it was none other than, Jungkook. “Oh, hey,” you say, watching him approach and then relaxing next to you. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” he lets out a chuckle.
He plants his head on the table and stares, his breathing is irregular; heavy puffs force their way, his nose flaring too. Must have worked hard during practice.
A baby blue coloured towel hung around his neck, wetness dripping from his forehead — straps and the torso part of his jersey clinging to his skin somewhat. He was remarkably sweaty.
Normally, when men produced large amounts of sweat, the odour that drifts from them was utterly putrid to the human nose. Having experienced the stench passing the football hallway; dear god, as if infrequent weeks of trash had been piling up, waiting to be thrown away but was stored in their lockers — by far, gut-wrenching to you.
That wouldn’t be the critical part — no. Arriving back from practice, the athletes would shove their revolting equipment in and would overboard spray their ENTIRE gear with the popular cologne, Axe.
Assuming the cologne would help the situation; the mixture of sweat and the manly fragrance did not go well together at all. Players would carelessly spray it, believing the Axe would neutralize it. Instead, the complete opposite — the smell worsens as if you’re being suffocated when walking through.
You’d have to admit, Axe itself is a pleasant, wonderful smelling cologne on men, particularly, for those who’ve applied an appropriate amount. You found it attractive — a turn on even; when a man’s scent smells astonishingly satisfying. You didn’t know how that was possible, but it was.
However, despite Jungkook’s current position, you didn’t feel grossed out or nauseated. He may be perhaps one of the sweatiest members you’ve ever seen on the team — that never stopped the acknowledgement of how remarkably charming he looked without trying.
“Saw you sittin’ here like a loner, so I decided to do my good deed of the day and accompany you,” he flashes you a cheeky smile, enough for his tiny left dimple to appear. “I’ll have you know, I do have friends.”
Jungkook raises his head up from the table, tilts his head and cocks an eyebrow, “Really?” Straightening his posture, he pans around the room, palm hovering near his forehead, “Cause I don’t see them.” You suppress a giggle and shove the male playfully.
Now that you consider it, you genuinely didn’t have friends, friends — real ones at least. There’s nothing wrong with you, it wasn’t as if you didn’t get along with people, you talked to almost everyone in the class. Except, none of them spoke to you outside of the course nor did you put in the efforts in carrying out another friendship that Yuri and you strongly had.
It also may be the fact that your social awkwardness got the best of you. You see, when wandering through the halls and seeing a classmate, coming to your direction, normal people would converse with them and walk with them even. You on the other hand? Oh boy.
Imagine this, a confused or concentrated expression, doesn’t matter who the person’s face you choose, think of that. Now, add several complicated math equations and questions surrounding them, as if their brain is clustered. That’s how you felt. Overthinking everything.
Should I say hi? Hey! What’s up, how are you? Is that too much? Am I coming off strong? What if my voice cracks? Oh god, I forgot their name.
By then, you wouldn’t even say anything. Abort mission. You’d take out your phone, doing the bare minimum to dodge any confrontation.
Example: sliding up your control panel to lower the brightness, going to notes and typing in some random shit or, your favourite, opening up Instagram to scroll through your already seen feed — something, anything to make it seem as if you were busy texting the friends you didn’t have.
“You’re right, you caught me. I don’t have any friends.”
Jungkook gasps and dramatically slaps his chest in a defensive-like matter. “Jheez, I’m only teasing you. I can’t believe you don’t consider me as a friend,” he begins to sniffle, wiping away his non-existent fake tears on his cheeks.
In all honesty, you didn’t see Jungkook as a friend to you, yet. Nor did you think that he thought about becoming friends with you too. Recurring back to the situation at the coffeehouse, you genuinely assumed that, that was going to be the last of it, but here you were, pretending to console Jungkook.
“Anyways, where’ve you been?” He said, “Haven’t seen you in a while.” You glanced away for a moment, then bit your lower lip and looked at Jungkook, “You know,” you scratched the back of your head and combed your fingers through your hair, “I’ve been, around.”
“We should hang out soon.”
“Us and the rest of the guys, sometime this week, yeah?”
Without thinking, “For sure, yeah!” Your voice didn’t sound like your own, a bit higher pitched than usual, indicating your uncertainty whether or not to actually go or to bail at the last minute when the time comes.
“Hoseok has been complaining to me about not seeing you, he still wants that hi by the way,” he said, wiping his face with his towel and then giving you a wry smile. You nodded and smiled back.
Silence hung between you two, both mentally scrapping words to say to each other to keep the conversation flowing. You fiddled with the band of your black camera, Jungkook noticed, seizing the opportunity, “You’re always carrying that camera, huh?”
Tucking a large strand of hair behind your ear, you fixed your glasses and replied, “It’s kinda necessary when you’re doing the newspapers.” Jungkook opened his mouth and muttered an ‘Ahh,’ recalling the time you had told him when you two met.
“That’s it?” You stared down at your camera and switched it on, “No, I use it for my own personal use too.” The raven-headed boy scooted close to you, “Can I see?” Motioning to the camera. “What about your team? They’re probably waiting for you,” you said, showing him your watch.
“Nah, it’s fine,” and held the base of your camera, “Can I?” He repeated and you hummed in approval, reluctantly settling the thing on the table in front of him.
“You took all of these?” He voiced his amazement. Never in his life had he seen something so mesmerizing, so eye-catching. No words could describe what he saw. To Jungkook, it didn’t look real, as if all of them had been taken off the internet.
You leaned in next to him, shoulders now touching to see which one he’d stumbled across, “Mhm,” a sheepish smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
A picture that you caught last year of a frozen lake; beneath the mist that swirled, thicker than the pure white snowfall on the ground lies a naked tree, dwindled with budded twigs standing in the center of the overflowing cotton candy — sea-dwelling sky.
You could feel it, only remembering the coldness that you witness, kneeling down on your knee and snapping the picture, a picture you were proud of. The wind carried as you stood still, soaking it all in; just nature.
“You’re good,” Jungkook examined the photo repeatedly, never taking his eyes off it. “Like, really good,” he said, and you blushed. Finally lifting his gaze off the screen, returning you the camera, “You should teach me sometime, teach me a thing or two.”
You shook your head, “It’s not something you learn from, it’s something you experience,” you gestured with your hands, “Experiencing it will make you want to achieve more. See more. Feel more.” He pushed his lips together and formed a line as he nodded, not fully understanding but was willing to give it a shot.
Suddenly, you heard the noise of loud chatter emerging its way from the doors. The sound of, not one, not two, but Jungkook’s entire basketball team carrying their duffle bags and water bottles in hand. Jungkook had spent the majority of his time with you that practice had ended.
“Ay, that’s where Jungkook went!” One of them shouted, tapping Hoseok. The red-head nudged Yoongi and pointed towards you guys. He immediately marched over and waved, “_____!” Nearing closer, Yoongi just a few steps behind.
“Hey, Hoseok!” You beamed, imitating the wave. “Finally got my hi!” The three of you mustered a laugh, but Yoongi. He wore his signature stone-cold expression, hands were shoved in the pockets of his shorts as he shifted his weight on his left leg, peering down at you.
Hoseok and Yoongi were sweating, of course, however Yoongi; taken back, as if you’ve lost your ability to breathe — he was glowing. The tips of his brown hair, clumped together, full of wetness, sticking to his forehead, covering his eyes almost.
He ran his tongue along his bottom lip and you felt your heart squeeze. You were lost for words, oh my god. You couldn’t help it, he looked so, breathtaking — literally. 
If sweating and shining at the same time was going to look this good on someone, so be it; Min Yoongi was soon to be trademarking it as his brand.
You found yourself staring and tore your eyes away, nervously coughing. You collected your being before smiling shyly up at Yoongi. He beckoned his head, ‘Hey there’ and smirked. He knew you were staring at him just seconds ago.
Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “Our friend _____ here agreed to hang out with us,” You weren’t so sure about going alone with the boys, though, they seemed harmless. Maybe you should invite Yuri, that way, you’d feel more comfortable.
Jungkook shoots you a bunny-like smile, “There’s a carnival happenin’ on Saturday, you guys wanna go?” Hoseok clapped his hands excitedly, “Yeah! We’d love to go, right Yoongi?” He shrugged and licked his lips, “I don’t care.”
Hoseok was trying his best, attempting to involve Yoongi in on the conversation as much as possible  — a way to lighten up the mood between you two from last time, but even you could see the frown starting to form on Hoseok’s face.
“Right… We should probably add each other.”
Yoongi and you were the last to exchange numbers. He quickly finishes setting up the contact and waits for you. “Done,” handing back his phone, he does the same and gently brushes his fingertips against yours as he retracts the device.
Your heart skips a beat. You glance at Yoongi to see, he was on his phone, clueless. It was an accident, relax.
A groan escapes Jungkook as he stands up and stretches, hearing the sound of bone cracking. Snapping back from your daze, you lifted your glasses and rubbed your eyes before checking the time.
“Shit!” The three boys stared at you. You’ve been spending so much time with Jungkook earlier and sitting here now, that you completely forgot about your class.
“I gotta go,” instantly packing away your things. “I’ll set up a group chat sometime this week,” Hoseok said. You gave him a thumbs up and made your way, “You should come to see us during practice!” Jungkook called, “We’ll see!” You turned and grinned.
The clicking of the bottoms of the shoes echoed on the hard surface. Yuri’s eyes observed as she leaned on the wall, following your figure pacing back and forth, left and right, over and over again. “So, do you ever plan on going in?”
You paused for a brief moment at Yuri’s words before continuing whilst chewing on your thumb’s nail; a habit that you’ve never seem to get rid of, a nervous habit that stuck with you ever since you were a kid.
“Never mind,” you finally said, shaking your head.
“What do you mean, never mind?” She cocked her head and pushed herself off the wall, both her hands now on her hips.
“Never mind, meaning I can’t do this,” you were still pacing, not as fast as you were before. You’ve been blowing this off for days until Yuri had eventually got fed up and basically drag you to stop by the gym and talk to the head coach.
You have been stalling outside the gym doors for the past 10 minutes, debating. Yuri’s expression changed, jaw dropped, dumbfounded, “You can’t do this?” She repeated, sweeping her hand over her bangs, now irritated.
“_____, we’re literally right outside the doors,” she grabbed at your shoulders, fully stopping you and spun you around, “Look, they’ve even made it easy for you,” her finger pointing at the gym’s direction, “The doors are wide open, just step in.”
“I know…” Trailing off, tip-toeing your way over. You peeked inside and scanned the room.
Not much to see, the team was warming up; two boys slacking off, your eyes averted onto the next one. Some guy picking his nose, next. One fixing his wedgie, umm? Your eyes then landed on Hoseok, he was practicing his shooting and then you saw Jungkook and Yoongi.
Jungkook’s knees were slightly bent, arms stretched wide, one arm somewhat higher than the other. His entire posture gave it away, he was playing defence against Yoongi. Jungkook attempted to steal the ball multiple times but Yoongi wouldn’t allow it.
A wide grin plastered on his face. He was having fun, enjoying himself, skillfully teasing Jungkook as if he had a chance. At that moment, it was the first time you’ve seen Yoongi genuinely smile, something other than a grave manner.  
Yoongi saw you at the entrance and brushed passed Jungkook naturally, the same technique he used back at the tournament. He dribbling forward, making direct eye contact and gave you a cocky lopsided smile as he shot the ball in the air.
Your breath hitched at the sight. It went by so quick, you almost didn’t even see it. You could feel your heart thumping, the common heart squeezes in your chest recurring.
Yuri cleared her throat, “Quit your drooling. You can gawk about which one’s the hottest later,” you snapped your head up at her, her arms folded.
“I’m just — I don’t know,” this whole thing was more complicated than it should have been. You weren’t nervous, were you? Even so, what was there to be nervous about?
What if I screw up the organization? What if none of the other guys like me? I have to make a good impression or else-
“You’re overthinking things again.”
You sighed in defeat, you were.
You wanted to scream in a pillow. Why must you make things hard for yourself? You poked back in the gym, eyes wondering to search for Yoongi.
Yuri caressed your back, “There, there. All you need is a small little push-” and with that, Yuri had shoved you in. “Oh my lord!” A scream escaped you as you fumbled to steady yourself, almost face-planting the ground.
A couple of members had noticed you, directly howling and whistling at your grand entrance. Others didn’t bother, resuming their practice as if nothing happened. 
You sensed the embarrassment beginning to rise, burning away at your pink cheeks. You dusted and straighten your skirt, “Yuri, I swear I’m going to murder you-” you viewed back at the doors, she was gone.
The sound of your phone dinged. On your home screen, an unread text message appeared.
⌜ 1 New Message: Yuri ⌟
Yuri: good luck! [9:05]
You locked your phone, wait until I get my hands on you.
You shuffled your way in, the coach was nowhere in sight. Taking yourself a seat on the bench, you quietly waited and observed the boys. Yoongi kept his eyes on you from the moment the two of you made eye contact, watching from a safe distance — the opposite side of the court as you sat, hands neatly together on your lap. He couldn’t help contain the smirk forming on his lips, you looked confused.
“May I ask who you’re lookin’ for?”
His hair was blonde mixed with a shade of brown; a stunning colour, if you would-say-so yourself — harmonizing with the shone colour of his clear blue eyes and piercings on his ears. On top of that, he had flawless opaque skin, pinchable cheeks, and plump lips. He looked soft and elegant — an idol even.
He stood in front of you, wearing all black attire; black hoodie and black shorts. Nearly as tall as Yoongi you deemed. You’ve never noticed him before, a new recruit perhaps? Even so, he didn’t come off as the type to play basketball, but you knew better not to judge.
“I’m waiting for the coach. Do you know where he is?”
The male clasped his hands together and formed an ‘O’ shape with his mouth, “You just missed him! He left to take a call. I’m sure he’s in his office, want me to get him?”
“Oh no, no, no, no, I’m not in a rush! I can wait until he’s finished,” you assured him with a sincere smile.
“Suit yourself. May I?” He motioned beside you and you willingly scooted over to make room for the young boy. He took his invitation and sat pleasantly close to you, “I’m Jimin, and you?” He tilted forward, both elbows on his thighs as his head dipped a bit to gaze at you.
“I’m _____.”
“What a cute name for a cute girl,” he broke into an essence smile and you blushed, “You even have glasses, that’s a bonus,” shifting his posture, his head now resting on his hand. He’s definitely a flirt.
“What position do you play?”
“Hm?” He cocked a brow.
“I’ve never seen you before, are you new to the team?” You questioned.
“Actually,” he leaned back, “I’m their water boy,” he shyly spoke, stretching the hem of his black sleeves over and rubbed them together, formulating adorable sweater paws before hiding his shyness in his hands.
Explains why he wasn’t involving himself with the other members.
“I’d like to be on the team though,” he muffled — paws still covering his lower part of his face.
“Why aren’t you then?”
“Well, to be honest,” he combed his fingers through his hair and sheepishly smiled, “I didn’t make the cut…” You pouted, “It’s okay though! I like being their waterboy… It’s not that bad.”
Jimin averted his gaze to the court, “Sure, I’d rather be on the floor playing, but I also like my job. Even though, I only focus on keeping them hydrated and handing out towels,” he smiled.
“I really look up to these guys. Seeing them work as a team, picking each other up after a mistake and then, coming to me, telling me, that they appreciate what I do for them — they’ve made me feel as if I’m apart of them, part of the team. Especially Yoongi.”
You felt touched by Jimin’s words. You could see it, that he admired the boys. “Yoongi’s a great captain by the way. He may look tough, but he’s nothing but a teddy bear. You didn’t hear it from me though,” the both of you giggled.
You couldn’t imagine the way Jimin described him — maybe, just maybe, Min Yoongi wasn’t so bad after all.
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gryndboxstudios · 6 years
Artist Profile: Boton de Rosa
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I have been following Boton de Rosa, (or Mirsa, as I know her) since we were both in high school and I can say with confidence, she is one of the most talented artists I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Seeing the evolution of her art has been awe-inspiring, and I have no doubts that we’ll be seeing her art everywhere in a matter of time. I had the pleasure of asking her a couple of questions as part of our first ever artist profile!
First off, do you prefer Boton de Rosa or Mirsa? Where’d you come up with that name?
I like Boton de Rosa! It’s a nickname my mom gave to me when I was little, it’s Spanish for “rose button”.
I know you’ve been drawing since before I met you in high school, did you ever see yourself making prints, stickers, commissions, etc. Did you see yourself becoming a professional illustrator?
To be honest, I saw myself being a zoologist or something in the veterinary field when I was in high school. I completely put the idea of ever being a professional illustrator aside. I knew I was a decent artist, and most of my friends encouraged me to do something in the animation field or have a career with art. I just didn’t think of that as a possibility. When I took my gap semester in between high school and college, I started to reevaluate what I wanted, and since I wanted to go through a technical college instead of an actual university, I looked at their course curriculums to see what they had to offer. Digital media was the closest thing to anything I like, so I took that route. Best decision I ever made. It was until I moved to Brownsville that I actually started to get a small following, and my partner at the time was very pushy about “getting me out there”.
Would you say you have any overall themes in your art, any parts of yourself you like to put in your pieces?
I think a lot of my pieces just reflect emotion. For the most part, I tend to create bigger, significant pieces when an emotionally important part of my life has occurred. Theres a few undertones of heartbreak, betrayal, things like that.
What artists inspire you or taught you how to be better?
I started following Audra Auclair a couple of years ago, she’s one of my biggest influences. She is actually one of the main artists that got me into doing this again. Corpsetits is also amazing, Matt Bailey, Alex Pardee. I’ve been following him ever since he did an album cover for The Used, the bright colors and the grotesque. I live for it haha. Gabriel Picolo is also someone I started following more recently.
How has the criticism you gave yourself when you started different from the criticism you give yourself now?
I’m always criticizing myself, but I will say it’s gone down quite a bit. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I’m a lot happier with where I am now compared to where I was three years ago. I can see that reflected a lot in my art, I do always push myself to do better.
Are you happy with your art? Are there older pieces you wish you did better?
So far, yes! To be honest, I am very much a people-pleaser. As much as I do this for myself, just the feedback I get is more than enough. And yes, there’s a Bee and Puppycat fanart sitting on my old laptop I want to redo completely. Plus a million other sketches I have in my old sketchbook, all in due time haha.
What do you think about people buying your art? Would you buy your art?
It blows my mind! It makes me so, so happy, I put a lot of love in my work, so it means the world to me. I think I would, I always try to draw things that I would like to have. Not gonna lie, I have three of my stickers on my car and a few others in miscellaneous places.
What frustrates you while drawing?
As I mentioned before, I tend to draw some pieces when I’m in a certain emotional point in my life. Sometimes I run out of that “juice” and I have things sitting on my mac for weeks. I have a piece I haven’t been able to finish for the past month, I just haven’t found myself in that mindset anymore. I’m also somewhat of a procrastinator, so that always sabotages me in the worst of ways.
How often do you draw, be it doodles or projects?
Multiple times a day, I have a scratchpad full of doodles in the office where I work. Plus sketchpads scattered across my apartment and in my car for whenever I get some inspiration.
Would you ever consider any other mediums?
I really would like to! I’ve always wanted to have an anime series or something of the sort. When I lived in the valley I started writing rough drafts of a zombie apocalypse short called “Maya-Pocalypse”. Basically, it would be a small dog (inspired by my own Maya) surviving the zombie apocalypse and trying to find her way back to her owner. It was great, but I never set time aside to do research on how to animate or maybe have it set into a comic.
What are some of your other hobbies?
I love to take my dogs out on hikes, write poetry, play ukulele (albeit badly), and occasionally play video games.
When do you know when a piece is finished? 
I don’t think I’m ever finished, haha. Even when I send something out to print, I sometimes add little details here and there. There’s always something changing.
I know you do both traditional and digital, what’s your setup for digital look like?
Digital art consists of my iPad Pro, Apple pencil, my Mac and the magic mouse. I use Procreate and Illustrator Draw on my iPad, which is really useful. I really recommend the iPad Pro, it lets me start off a drawing in the app, then I can transfer it over via the creative cloud and I can finish it up on my mac.
Where do you start when starting a piece?
The eyes, eyebrows and eyes help me set the tone to what I’m drawing.
Where can you see your art going?
I’m hoping to get it on an album cover someday, or even on a movie poster.
What are you working on now? Any big plans for your art, have you considered entering shows?
Yes, I’ve been invited to do two shows, one in February and another in March, so I’m hoping to have something really neat ready for those two. I want to sell my work at a vendor spot sometime this year. Just to be able to get over my shyness and talk to people and sell them my art would be cool.
That’s about all the questions I have for you, anything else you’d like to add?
I would like to say that no matter how many times you get stuck, don’t ever stop! We all have our own creative processes and just take a little while to get where we need to be. Trust yourself and just keep going!
You can follow Mirsa on Instagram to keep up with her art here! Follow Gryndbox Studios as well for cool shit here and there! IG TWITTER
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cheelchan · 7 years
band!jk 03 (T)
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→ summary: “drunk jungkook is best jungkook.”
→ premise: “BTS is a well-known band that regularly releases songs, but the identities of their members are kept as a secret. You’re very much into them, much to the struggle of your best friend, Jungkook, who regularly stresses with the fact that he’s actually part of BTS, but he can’t muster the courage to tell you and confess his feelings to you.” drabble au
→ genre/au: secret band!BTS au, college au fluff, drinking
→ pairing: jeon jungkook | reader
→ word count: 2.7k
→ drabble series: 01 | 02 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
That was the one thing that you've always looked forward to after a grueling month that consisted of papers, reports, presentations, and examinations. You had to hold off drinking for a month, since it always made the beer taste better after a month of abstinence (and also, because you were cooped up in the library the whole time.) At the same time, beer always tasted better when you were already done with the semester, being so free from all the responsibilities of student life.
And that was why you were calling up your best friend to meet you outside of your go-to bar nearby school.
Jeon Jungkook was the best person to go drinking with. First, he always paid half of whatever you ordered, even if you consumed more than half. Second, because you consumed more than he did, you were always more drunk than him, and thus, you can always drink all your fatigue and worries away without a care. And last, you know you would always end up safe in your apartment, scratch-free the following morning.
You, of course, tried to let Jungkook have his fair share of drinking, since you also couldn't bear the guilt that you're always the drunk one, while he's the designated adult (even when the two of you were of the same age.) But, he always insisted that you enjoy the night, anyway, because he's really just fine with drinking only two or three bottles of beer. Four, if you push it, but that's his alleged 'still-sober' limit and that's when he usually stops. On the other hand, you continue on your own and drink six bottles, at the least, and sometimes, you go on as many as you want (and you'd never worry about alcohol poisoning because you would usually pass out by the ninth bottle.)
However, for some reason, the tables have turned because you are currently nursing a drunk Jungkook, who seemed like he already did some pre-game drinks before he met up with you. Something about his housemates celebrating something in his apartment, though he didn't elaborate further.
"You should've told me that you were already in a get-together with them already! I could've called someone else," you chided him, but all you ever heard was a snort from an only-slightly-buzzed Jungkook from an hour ago.
"You'd think you'd celebrate as much if it weren't me? I don't think so, babe."
You felt your heart skip a beat for a moment over what he had just called you. Jungkook never called you that or any term of endearment, but you knew that you should just blame it on the alcohol. Especially now that Jungkook was already talking a lot, a very carefree expression on his face, unlike the usual soft, adorable, but mischievous look he sported when he was with friends. In this case, Jungkook seemed like he didn't care about anything at all.
"So, why do you like BTS so much?" He asked, his voice slightly slurred from the alcohol he drank. For some reason, he was already on his seventh bottle (and to think he had some pre-game drinks!)
You scratched your head, wondering if you should tell him the truth. "Well, BTS is a pretty talented group and-"
"Well, I know that BTS is talented and really great!" For some reason, his smirk is a bit too smug than usual. "But, there should be some sort of reason, right? It just seems like you love us- I mean, them so much."
You didn't seem to catch the mistake that he made, however, as you mused inwardly why you did like the band so much, even when you didn't know them personally. You only knew their songs, and a bit of the background information they gave on some interviews and on-stage, but never more. You don't even know how they actually looked like.
"Some sort of familiarity, I guess? Their songs hit close to me and I feel so at home with their songs," you admitted, realizing that the lyrics to their words were too relatable. And their voices, they always resonated inside you, the pitches hitting close to your heart. And for some reason, their voices actually sounded so familiar....
"Why is everyone so loud here? Wait, let me sing so that I can also be as loud as them," Jungkook pronounced as he was about to stand on the table the two of you were seated on. Your eyes widened as you immediately tried to grab his arm, lunging towards his body so that you could stop him from standing on the table.
"Jungkook, no!"
"Jungkook, yes!" He grinned cheekily, but you had wrapped your arms around him, taking note that he smelled really fresh, especially with the cologne that he regularly uses. You've always forgotten to ask him what scent it was, but it actually suits him a lot.
"This is not fair! You know that I'm not going to push you away if you're going to hug me so tight!" Jungkook pouted.
You nodded, agreeing to what he said. "I'm going to do everything to my best ability to take care of drunk Jungkook. So, you might, as well, stay there so that it won't cause us trouble. I don't wanna get kicked out and banned from this bar, you know. It took us forever to find THE bar," you reminded him as he simply blinked his eyes. 
You sighed, wondering if this was your karma coming back to you after you did this to him so many times. After making him promise that he wasn't going to sing or stand on top of the table, you released him from your hold. 
One time when the two of you went out for karaoke, he told you that he didn’t sing because his voice was really bad and that it would trigger some pain on his throat, which was why the two of you never went to karaoke after that one time.
"Do you like me?" Jungkook asked, an innocent question it would seem, but for you, it meant something else.
"Of course, I do like you, Jungkook. Why else would I hang out with you always?" You tried to play it cool, but you could feel your heart beating fast. In fact, you were thankful that you weren't hugging him anymore, because he would've definitely noticed that your heart was beating so fast. You knew there was a reason to it, but you didn't want to confirm anything, especially since you didn't want to end your friendship with Jungkook.
"Well, I don't know," he raised his shoulders. "I just wanted to know if you liked me, because well, you see." His words were still slurred, but for some reason, you could feel his sincerity. "Well, I, um, you see, I-"
"You?" Your breath hitched for some reason but you didn't want to overthink. After all, a drunk man was still drunk and he could say the most meaningless things, but at the same time, they did say that drunk words are sober thoughts.
Jungkook opened his mouth, but whatever he was supposed to say was interrupted by the sudden arrival of one of his housemates, Kim Namjoon.
"I didn't know the two of you were here!" Namjoon casually beamed, interrupting whatever Jungkook was about to say. You sighed in relief, though you weren't exactly sure why you felt relieved. 
Maybe because you didn't need to confront anything.
"This girl, over here, called me up saying that since her semester is finally over, she gets to celebrate," Jungkook's tone makes it clear to Namjoon that he's clearly smashed, but the other guy simply smiled in response. You swore to God that they spoiled Jungkook so much.
"Your semester's going to end next week, Jungkook. But, they're all papers anyway. So, please let me enjoy this," you muttered as Jungkook simply huffed and pouted, much to the amusement of the older guy.
“But, I’m also celebrating, of course, because BTS just sold a million copies for their latest album,” Jungkook grinned as your eyes widened in surprise.
“Really?” You screeched. “How did you know about that?” You asked him as Jungkook gave a smirk and was about to answer, but Namjoon had beaten him to it.
“Work. There’s going to be an article about it soon.” He forced a smile on his own, but you decided not to push anymore. Maybe because it would’ve costed his company views on their website. Namjoon was working in a digital news company that uploaded their articles online, rather than printing them. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that Namjoon was aware of this kind of information once in a while. After a while, Namjoon excused himself for a moment, heading to the restroom, while you were left with an intoxicated Jungkook who was still far from sobering up.
However, you didn’t expect Jungkook to stand up all of a sudden, much to your surprise. He directed a grin towards you. “I’m craving for lamb skewers. Let’s go no-woah.” Jungkook stumbled on his feet as you immediately tried to help him up. He had an apologetic look on his face. “That must be because I was going to get lamb skewers without my future business partner.”
You scrunched at his obvious reference to Min Yoongi. “I’m pretty sure it’s because you’re drunk right now,” you murmured, but Jungkook’s sharp ears obviously picked up what you just said, even if he was already drunk.
“I’m not drunk!”
“Said every drunk person,” you muttered.
However, he wanted to prove otherwise to you, as he tried to steady himself, holding your cheeks with both of his hands. He leaned closer to you, your faces a few inches away from each other. Your breath hitched on your throat as you realized the proximity of your faces against each other.
“See! I can even stand properly!” He exclaimed in delight at said feat.
You swallowed the growing lump on his throat as you tried to turn away from him, but he had a tight grip on your cheeks. “I-I know. I can see that,” you stuttered, feeling a bit awkward.
“You know, I just realized the you look a lot prettier up close,” he mused out loud as he directed a smile on you, while moving his face closer to yours. You stared back at him as you realized that his eyes were focused straight on yours, as if you felt some sort of affection or attraction (or both) from the way he looked at you. You closed your eyes all of a sudden, a bit unsure on what else you should do. However, what you didn't expect was the sudden heavy weight on your shoulder.
It was Jungkook, all passed out.
You heaved out the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in the entire time as Namjoon arrived from the restroom and asked what had happened. You immediately passed Jungkook off to the older guy, telling him that you had to go pay the bill. After you paid the bill, Namjoon offered to walk you home, but you shook your head, pointing to Jungkook who was heavy to carry. You could see the hesitation on Namjoon’s face, but you reassured him that you were going to text him when you got home since your house was fortunately just a few blocks away from the bar. You left the two of them as they waited for a cab going home, while you immediately ran on your way home after bidding them (or maybe, just Namjoon) good night.
The reason why you didn’t want Namjoon to send you home was that you didn’t want him to realize that you were trying to calm down your heart that was beating too fast and the butterflies that were fluttering inside your stomach. Plus, you didn’t want to talk to anyone as you tried to process what happened the entire night. Jungkook was probably just drunk, but you had to reflect on what you were actually feeling.
Maybe, it was just the alcohol (you insisted that two bottles was already many). Or the lack of a boyfriend (you’ve never had one since high school). Or the atmosphere since people were making out with each other in the bar you were in (there was that one couple at the side).
Well, it was probably one of those things, since there couldn’t be possibly any other reason for you to feel so flustered by what just transpired.
It didn’t take long for you to reach home since you were running really fast to help yourself sober up. Right after you texted Namjoon that you had arrived home, you immediately passed out on your bed, not even bothering to wash up because you were just too tired to care.
You woke up to the sound of your door opening, since you were always a light sleeper. It was a sheepish-looking Jungkook, who looked all too well and fine, despite the fact that he was practically hammered the previous night. It was just so unfair, especially since you would have been complaining about a hangover right now if you drank as much as he did last night.
“Good morning?” He greeted with an awkward chuckle as he entered your room, freshly cleaned up with a cup of your favorite coffee that he always complained about being overpriced.
You looked down, feeling a bit awkward after the events last night. You honestly did not expect that you would see him in your room as soon as you woke up. Still, you accepted the cup of coffee from him. “It’s surprising that you’re awake when you were really drunk last night.” You gave an awkward laugh, hoping that he wouldn’t sense it, but the cringe on his face told you that he might have.
“I know what I did. And I’m really sorry if I did that,” he apologized in an instant, bowing in a ninety-degree angle, his eyes closed, sincerely hoping that you would forgive him for what he did last night.
Which one, though?
You swallowed the growing lump on your throat, trying to keep down the urge to puke you felt all of a sudden. It was as if the butterflies that you felt fluttering inside your stomach last night died and you had to let them out now as puke. 
"It wasn't really anything, you know. I mean, it didn't mean anything to me." You tried to to conceal the complex emotions you were feeling at the moment, knowing that you didn’t want to destroy the friendship you had with Jungkook.
"I know it wasn't. I mean, it was your favorite bar and if I continued with whatever drunk Jungkook wanted to do, you might have been banned forever from the bar. So, thank you for stopping me from doing anything reckless."
What did he just say? You blinked your eyes for a moment as you turned back to your college best friend, realizing that what he might be referring to wasn't what you thought.
"I was going to stand on the table, right? And shout at other people? That's obviously really embarrassing. I can't remember anything from last night, but thank you for stopping drunk Jungkook from whatever. You're definitely the best!" He grinned, raising his thumbs up towards your direction.
Suddenly, the urge to puke went away. And at the same time, you couldn't help yourself from teasing him. "Well, drunk Jungkook was certainly really funny last night. He might have told me a few things that I don't want to forget."
Suddenly, the last words he told you before he passed out went through your head again, making you blush in an instant.
“You know, I just realized the you look a lot prettier up close.”
"Wait. What? What did I say?" Jungkook started to panic as you gave a nervous chuckle. You could see a dreadful expression appearing on his face, probably from whatever thing he imagined telling you. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this was your way for getting back at him for making you feel so flustered the night before.
"Who knows, Kookie. Who knows."
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Here, let me take a break from ranting about cults to talk about something nice and uncontroversial (ha): homeschooling.
And by “talk about homeschooling,” I mean “copy/paste a comment from Ozy’s blog, because it got sufficiently long to be maybe worth sharing on my own.”
I was homeschooled much like this! And so have Many Thoughts. Apologies for the absurdly long comment.
(Well, my parents would never describe themselves as “unschoolers” in a million years — they’d say “classical/eclectic” if asked — but “classic homeschoolers who pay serious attention to the child’s interests” and “unschoolers who pay serious attention to the three R’s” probably converge at some point.)
I had a very very positive experience with homeschooling overall (and am happy to expound on it at length; my parents are very Into educational theory, and included me in the discussions as I got older).
(Braggy data on success thereof, which I blush to include, but: I ended up graduating at 16, attending a college in the top 20 in my field, and recently getting accepted to a good grad school with tuition waiver, TA position, and fellowship. On the non-math side, I double-majored in honors liberal arts, and was nationally competitive in fencing in high school. My 13-year-old sister is auditing her first college class (discrete math), regularly runs local 5- and 10Ks and places top in her age group, and wants to be a surgeon. The 10-year-old is on Suzuki book 3 for cello, and one of the top students in the local string project. All of us were reading at two, reading chapter books at three, and won various impressive things in lots of math competitions as well as the private-school-equivalent-of-UIL.)
So from that experience, some thoughts:
(1) The sleep thing is so so so true. Easily the #1 thing my non-homeschooled friends were jealous of. (#2 was not having to take the state’s standardized tests.) Possibly this is outdated science, but my understanding is that teenagers are actually just biologically wired to go to bed later and sleep in later than adults.
(2) Exercise, yes! Homeschooling and exercise and free-range kids all fit very nicely together. I did lots of biking and swimming and hiking and roller-blading and just running about wildly; it definitely contributed that by the time I was in double digits I was allowed to ride my bike anywhere within about a ten-block radius (the boundaries were defined by the nearest streets busy enough to be dangerous), so I got lots of exercise just getting around.
(3) Something of a follow-up on that last: if your kids are going to be running around unsupervised outdoors during school hours, you should probably make sure you’re clear on the local homeschooling laws, and then coach them on how to talk to a policeman. My parents did that for me, which was good, because it did in fact happen a few times that a policeman stopped me and asked some very pointed questions about whether I was playing hooky.
My instructions were: be polite; say “yes, officer, no, officer”; explain that I was homeschooled, and it was my recess [we didn’t have anything that formal, but easier to say that than explain your entire homeschooling philosophy]; if they insisted on taking me to the station, comply and then ask for my parents until they were provided.
The last stage of that never in fact came into play; the policemen always went “oh, okay. My sister homeschools! Do you like it?” and let me go (once with instructions to go get a better lock for my bike).
(4) I absolutely approve of homeschooling as “hey, let’s test out our kooky educational theories!” That’s exactly what my parents did. (My dad’s pet theory is that algebra should be introduced alongside arithmetic, and slopes alongside fractions. All three of us turned out super-math-y. Just saying…)
(5) One of the best things about homeschooling is a 1:1 (or close to it, if you have multiple kids) student:teacher ratio. Take full advantage of this.
(6) Yes, the math thing! A depressing number of homeschooled kids end up with poor math skills. It doesn’t help that it’s usually the mom homeschooling, and women seem to have even more of a tendency to go “oh, I can’t do math, it’s scary” than men. (Not claiming that women are inherently worse at math or anything; this seems to be pretty clearly a response to cultural pressure.)
Hiring grad students is a good idea; they’re interested in the subject, have some teaching experience, are usually lonely for their own families/younger siblings, and will work for dirt cheap. My family did a lot of that for me.
Beware of Khan Academy and various other “teach your kid math for you” services; these tend to prey on this phenomenon. Parents will pay ridiculous amounts of money for canned math curricula, because they’re so nervous about their own abilities; and while I know a lot of public-schooled people who used Khan Academy on their own after school and liked it, it really doesn’t substitute for an actual math teacher, especially for kids who aren’t inherently super-math-gifted. If you want a math curriculum, consider looking into Art of Problem Solving.
(7) A common unschooling failure method is: the kid spends twelve hours a day playing minecraft, the parent decides this is Probably Educational He’s Learning About Architecture Or Something, at eighteen he still can’t read or multiply. (My parents tend to refer to this as “nonschooling.”)
Making the three R’s less optional will probably help with that. Also, it seems like there’s something to be said for helping kids do things that they first-level don’t want to do but second-level do want to do. Plenty of adults use things like leechblock, or accountability to a friend, to serve the same function; a kid can’t reasonably be expected to have mastered using those tools, so a parent reminding them to turn off the computer and go work on their exhaustively detailed pyramid replica they love seems like a good thing.
C. S. Lewis actually brings something like this up in the Screwtape Letters (as part of an analogy for spiritual growth, but whatever). He points out that reading children’s versions of Greek myths is fun, and learning the first handful of Greek words is fun; and that being able to read Hesiod in the original is also fun; but in between, there’s a lot of drudgery with memorizing paradigms and struggling through translations. Even a kid who’s really passionate about Greek may need to be nagged a bit on a day-to-day basis to go review their verb tenses; it seems hard on a twelve-year-old to require them to have the intrinsic motivation to do that without any authority figure nudging them.
In my family, what this looked like on the day-to-day level was: my parents would tell me things like “no, go do your translations before you play” or “don’t forget you need to spend 30 minutes working on chemistry at some point this evening.” (Not very unschool-y, I admit.) But they’d be flexible about it, if I’d gotten really into researching the mathematics of swarming behavior or something.
And if some subject was consistently a cause of misery for me — not just “ugh, organic compounds, whyyy” but genuine “I hate this, it’s boring, I don’t want to do it,” every time over a period of days or weeks — they’d discuss with me whether I genuinely wanted to quit the subject. (It was really really clear that this was actually an option, and I wouldn’t be in trouble for choosing it or anything, which was crucial.)
I nearly always, given some space to think about it, decided that I wanted to keep working on the subject. Sometimes we’d decide to put it on the back burner for a while and come back to it next semester, or to skip to a different part of the subject and come back to that one another time, or try a different textbook, or find a tutor. Occasionally I did decide I was done with the subject, and they respected that.
I think this worked out really well. The only two subjects I can think of that I decided to totally quit were piano and Latin, and in retrospect both were absolutely the right call. Piano I quit after a year, and I recall absolutely none of it; I’m profoundly unmusical and was a disaster at it and hated it, and don’t wish in the least that I’d kept trying. Latin I quit after eight years and an audited university class; my parents and I had a serious discussion, and agreed that while I was glad to have studied Latin I wasn’t interested in pursuing it at a higher level, and that “took a class on the Aeneid in Latin” would be a good milestone for having mastered it to a casual-reading-of-Latin-texts level, and so I did that and then quit. I’m a little rusty, now, but given a dictionary and grammar can still read Latin texts fairly comfortably.
(8) I think you’re overestimating the difficulty of learning a foreign language. I had a friend growing up who was German/English bilingual, as was his mother; my mom tutored him in literature in exchange for his mother spending an hour or so a week talking with me in German. Afterwards my friend and I would hang out, and were encouraged to talk in German.
In addition, I did Rosetta Stone (pricey but effective, immersion-based) and later the Foreign Service Insitute’s course (free online if you can find it, or cheap to buy; immersion-based; meant for diplomats who are told ‘okay, you’re going to Germany in a month, be ready.’) (I also did another online course at one point, but it wasn’t very good.)
By the time I graduated high school, I was able to (with reference to a dictionary) read genuine literature in German; Goethe and Rilke were my favorites. My accent was apparently very good; I was asked more than once if my parents were native speakers (e.g. by the instructor in the not-so-good online course). I got a 4 on the German language AP test, which exempted me from all foreign language requirements in college (which I’m very grateful for; college language classes are super-intensive).
And — in some sense, the most important — when I spent a semester abroad, I was comfortably able to get around Vienna for a week or so speaking to people in German. (It helped in Hungary, too; Hungarian is hard and I learned very little, but nearly everyone spoke either English or German.)
I think key elements in that were: I started early (I was seven when I met my friend); I spent a good amount of time with a native speaker; and everything I did was immersion-based. The not-so-good course I took wasn’t mostly immersion-based, and I actually found that very frustrating, because I had to keep switching languages in my head; eventually I convinced the teacher to just talk to me in German all the time, which everyone else found very impressive but made it much easier for me.
(9) What you’ve said about the social issues all sounds right. I think the value of just escaping the social pressures of middle school isn’t to be underestimated; I know a surprising number of people whose parents homeschooled them /just for middle school/.
I got to spend my early teens dressing however I felt like (frequently ridiculously), wearing no makeup, hanging out with boys as friends, and not being at all self-conscious about any of it. My friends in public school were constantly worried about their appearance and their weight — and I don’t mean this as “I was a better person than them” or anything like that, I mean that other girls made nasty remarks to them constantly, and I escaped that. I’m very glad to see my sisters getting the same benefit.
(10) Also: bullying. Or, rather, not. The vast majority of my friends who were in public school were bullied, at least at some point; many of them still deal with ongoing trauma from that.
I encountered bullies — twice, total. The first time was in elementary school, in a homeschool group, and my mom promptly picked up on it and got the bully kicked out — she was able to both notice and do something about it, neither of which parents of kids in school can usually do. The second time was in middle school, in my fencing club; I took it to the instructor promptly, because I had spent my whole life with authority figures who listened to me and trusted me and acted productively on that. She had a very stern talk with the much older teenager in question, and he left me alone from then on.
Honestly, I’m pretty sure the bullying issue alone justifies homeschooling.
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junker-town · 7 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, where Oklahoma’s loss to Iowa State exposes Lincoln Riley and two Stoops brothers in a far-reaching conspiracy
Why did Bob Stoops really retire? These fans have an idea. This is your weekly tour of the angriest in college football internet, also stopping briefly at Michigan.
Oklahoma is at it again.
By “it,” I mean losing games to double-digit underdogs, which the Sooners have now done in seven consecutive seasons. The latest installment: a 38-31 home loss to 31-point dog Iowa State on Saturday, the Cyclones’ first win against OU since 1990.
The Sooners tumbled from No. 3 in the AP Poll to 12th. They’ve gone from the inner circle of the Playoff picture to periphery. How’d Sooners fans take that?
Our first stop: the Sooners message board at LandThieves.
You’re aware that Oklahoma’s head coach is now Lincoln Riley. It is not Bob Stoops, who stepped away last summer after two decades on the job. Every indication is that Stoops left because he’d had enough of being OU’s head coach and thought the time was right to hand the reins to Riley. But one poster has another idea.
Oklahoma’s defensive coordinator is Mike Stoops, Bob’s brother. The Sooners’ defense has been mediocre for a while now, carried along by a consistently great offense. Calls for Bob to fire Mike were frequent during Bob’s years as head coach.
I Have A (Conspiracy) Theory...
Bob knew we weren't winning a title with Mike's defense.
He couldn't bring himself to fire Mike, however.
Instead of enduring another season of blame, he handed the keys to Riley--knowing the chances of going undefeated were very low.
That way, if Mike ****ed up he wouldn't have to flip the switch on his own brother.
Would I quit a job just to force someone else to fire my brother?
(Rhetorical question. I’m not answering it.)
The theory that Bob Stoops retired to get away from a hard decision about his brother is not all that much of a minority view.
This postgame thread from Rivals’ Sooner Scoop board posits a similar idea:
Conspiracy theory?
I spent the night reviewing recent happenings at OU, and OVERthinking them...
I continue to wonder how much being saddled with his Bro' had to do with Bob's sudden departure ...and NOW, if Boren's resignation plays a larger part than we realize...
I'm also questioning if yesterday's fiasco was actually a Trick Play...If so, it worked! Coach Campbell knew, on Monday, that his starting QB was out, but didn’t announce it until Friday. Very little available info’ on back-up QB…None on third stringer…No game film…No scouting report…No in-game adjustments, which seems to be a Stoops Brother’s trait, and there you have a sure fire recipe for a major failure…
Could it be a very real possibility that somehow, The Russians are behind the entire Scenario?
And at SB Nation’s Crimson And Cream Machine:
Has anyone reached out to the other Stoops brother? WHAT DOES MARK STOOPS KNOW, AND WHEN DID HE KNOW IT?
There’s also some worry about the ramifications of “striping the stadium,” when some Memorial Stadium sections wear crimson and others wear cream.
The Sooners went with that on Saturday and it didn’t achieve the desired effect of producing a win.
Stop "striping" the f'n stadium!!!
OU is guaranteed to lay a giant stinking turd when they do this crap. And burn those ****ing red on red unis.
Or maybe Oklahoma could take a more mild step toward reform.
Stripe the stadium
Can we only do this when Kansas is in Norman?
That seems like a sensible compromise.
There’s also a deeply NSFW “roll call” thread where everyone just says how they’re dealing with this devastating loss.
Some of the notable coping mechanisms:
“I’m thinking of starting drugs ... Not sure alcohol is gonna work for this”
“I picked a bad day to stop smoking crack.”
“if our DC can do it on gameday, why can't we?”
“Hey, to top the day off, my wife is in the other room watching romcoms and griping at me about my diet, and I lost 12 pounds in the past 3 weeks. She is also a NYer and doesn't get up for this. My stepson is, but he is working as a DJ at a radio station in NJ right now, and has no idea what happened. He said ‘I think I will get some more hours in since we are playing ISU at home this week.’”
“Anyone know a good place to bury a body? Asking for a friend.”
Glad to see everything’s fine.
R/Sooners was basically just a Fire Mike Stoops battleground.
Just before 7 p.m. ET on Sunday.
Another says the Sooners have now achieved MEME STATUS:
It's sad. Team had a bye week to prep for a game they were predicted to win by 5 touchdowns, even in light of the fact they barely squeaked by Baylor 2 weeks prior. And what happens? They lose it.
Playoff hopes are gone and the team has meme status for the rest of the season.
That and Riley's honeymoon period is definitely over. Out of his last two games, both of which should have been easy wins, Riley barely won one and lost the other at home to a team Stoops never lost to.
I'm sure Texas is smelling blood after today. They're going to come after us like animals next week, and in it's current state, this team won't be able to handle it.
I’m now going to look at Mike Stoops’ Twitter mentions.
People have been unsparing.
Funniest thing I’ve read all day is that coach @OU_CoachMike makes $920,000 a year. What an embarrassment
— Alex Bailey (@Ginobailey94) October 8, 2017
Starting a petition for @OU_CoachMike to be fired ☺️
— kaylie rae (@kaylieraeliegh) October 7, 2017
starting a petition to get @OU_CoachMike fired
— jake hattey (@hatteyjake1) October 8, 2017
(That’s gonna be a lot of petitions.)
@OU_CoachMike dude.
— Cody Houdmann (@cjhoud) October 8, 2017
Have you blocked me back yet? @OU_CoachMike
— Christian Black (@_OnceYouGoBlack) October 8, 2017
@OU_CoachMike why can’t you be more like your brother?
— Nemo Hoes (@YungTrap6God) October 8, 2017
I'm not paying my bursar balance knowing a portion of it goes to @OU_CoachMike
— Joe Shelley (@JoeShelley_7) October 8, 2017
@OU_CoachMike you couldn't defend your mom.
— John McMahan (@johnnydmcmahan) October 7, 2017
Too far.
The Fire Mike Stoops train is also rolling furiously down the tracks on Facebook. I’ve never seen an outburst quite this strong for a coordinator firing.
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I will no longer emotionally invest in OU football until someone grows the balls to fire Mike Stoops Sadly, I'm not surprised yet again #firemikestoops
Publié par Brandy Kirkpatrick sur samedi 7 octobre 2017
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Possibly unpopular opinion. 1.) Fire Mike Stoops 2.) Fire Strength & Conditioning Coach. 3.) Fire tackling...
Posted by Jason Myrick on Saturday, October 7, 2017
Once you’ve gone after the strength coach, you’ve passed the point of no return.
Oklahoma wore all red, which it never does.
Mark D. Smith-USA TODAY Sports
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Fire Mike Stoops and lose the crimson pants. No pants are better than crimson pants.
Posted by Christopher Moon on Saturday, October 7, 2017
This guy has been through an almost unimaginable hell:
My condolences.
@OU_CoachMike you are the worst thing to happen to OU football. Brent Venables takes shits that could coach better than you
— Jake Kouri (@jakekouri10) October 7, 2017
Finally, let’s take a quick look at Michigan internet, after the Wolverines lost yet again as a favorite to Michigan State.
A Redditor at r/MichiganWolverines saw John O’Korn throw a trio of interceptions and started feeling things for former QB Jake Rudock:
I’m not sure what’s more brutal toward Michigan’s offensive line: the joke here, or the first response to it at the bottom:
And someone thought in serious detail about Michigan’s similarities to Jay Gatsby.
So We Beat On
As I write this, fighting back the urge to puke from last night's drinking binder, from the corner of my eye, I see a book at the edge of my desk. That damn book. I've written a ton about it the last semester for college. I'm sick of it, but The Great Gatsby is consuming my life so I must share the burden with you.
"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year receeds before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, strech our arms further... And one fine morning-"
A lot has changed over the course of just a few years. Juggling school, work, and two children, things don't get much more hectic. Life has a way of shuffling your priorities for you, against your will. However, amidst the pressure of everyday life, in the forefront of a country in social turmoil, one thing remains a constant: Michigan. I make time for it. I forcably shove it into the spinning cogs that move my life forward every Saturday. Everything stops for three hours. The chaos around me is nullified to a dull hum in the background. I could search the very depths of my conciousness to find something that compares to this unique passion of mine, but it would be to no avail. No matter the consequences. I'm still here.
The Great Gatsby, if you're familiar with it, is a tragedy. F. Scott Fitzgerald writes of our passion to recapture the past. To re-create the moments lost in memory. As it goes, this passion is ultimately damaging. No matter how hard you try to grab the ever-fleeting past, you'll walk away defeated and demoralized.
Michigan football seems to be doing the same, stuck in the realm of past glory. We as fans push this notion all the time. Perhaps if we merely accept that things are different now, we can truely move forward to capture a new essance of glory.
Forget about yesterday, forget about capturing the past. Focus upon today, where challenges await in the future. And put some damn steel in your spine.
"So we beat on".
And so Michigan beats on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into a tie with Maryland for fourth place in the Big Ten East.
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