#(ft jacob and evie AGAIN)
skylinerd · 2 years
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ya boi back at it again with another batch of codextober ft best girls
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handdrawnfantasma · 7 years
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♜IN ALL CHAOS THERE IS CALCULATION♜ | a mix for the frye twins
01. walk the moon - we are the kids | 02. zoey van goey - you told the drunks i knew karate | 03. x ambassadors - renegades (reed street remix) | 04. maribeth solomon & brent barkman - veilgarden last call | 05. louko duo - danse macabre (violin & cello duet) | 06. dorothy - raise hell | 07. imagine dragons - ready aim fire  | 08. maribeth solomon & brent barkman - why we wear faces | 09. lorde - glory and gore | 10. chvrches - the mother we share (live at studio brussel)  | 11. relient k - which to bury, us or the hatchet? (acoustic) | 12. bastille - flaws (live at abbey road) | 13. duo.hansen - prologue from disney’s beauty and the beast (violin & cello duet) | 14. maribeth solomon & brent barkman - new newgate reprise | 15. radical face - always gold (instrumental) | 16. kodaline - brother | 17. daniel blair ft. james ross jr. - hey brother (violin & cello duet cover)
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myrooks · 4 years
Freddy wasn't sure how yet here he was, with Jacob Frye, acting just outside the law again. Abberline was leading the assassin down a narrow ally behind a factory next to the Thames, he could hear the clink of Jacob's weapons from just behind him. He tried not to focus on the exciting slide of leather on leather. The ally took a sharp turn where it opened to the river bank but the slick stone took Freddy's foot from under him and sent him toppling towards the six ft fall to the dark water below.
He should have seen it coming, he should have warned him, 
but of course he didn’t.
The master Assassin wouldn’t lie, he had grown accustomed to working with Evie, to not have to worry about his partner- so much he became ignorant of how narrow the strip of walkway was, how slippery it could be to the average person, all accumulating to Jacob suddenly feeling his heart jam it’s way into his throat, his eyes growing wide the instant he watched his dear friend topple over-
“ -FREDDY-! ”
Thank God for his strength. 
The man’s reflexes and fluid step work were almost superhuman in the way his lone arm shot out, a burst of adrenaline shocking his system as within milliseconds his iron grip was grabbing a fistful of the man’s jacket. He barely registered his other hand digging its digits into Abberline’s leg, just barely catching him in time, tugging at the force of gravity, yanking him back over the edge, slamming his back into his chest-
The sheer force of Jacob tugging him back so hard sent him tumbling back with the velocity, a clumsy dance to the cobblestone, the Assassin barely feeling his back slam into the ground. The hazel hued man was stunned, really, not even acknowledging how tightly his arms had spontaneously wrapped around Abberline’s body, his form literally sandwiched against his chest on the ground.
The Assassin’s chest rose and fell with hard breaths. Silently, he dared to glance up.
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     -– “ ... Do me a favor, never do that again.”
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iri-lynx · 5 years
tell us!! more!!! about the kids!!!!!
Thank you for giving me an excuse to rant about my kids again 😭😂
So firstly, I wanted to talk a little more about Darren because I feel like I elaborated on him the least:
So, like I said before he’s really honest, but brutally honest, like he has no filter at all, which he got entirely from Cathal. He will tell you exactly what he thinks of you even if it’s hurtful, not because he’s trying to be cruel, he just doesn’t see the point in lying and he thinks the world would be a lot simpler if everyone was honest with each other. However, most people don’t appreciate his honesty and it often contributes to people’s negative perception of him
However, he is a little bit of a hypocrite though, because while he is dedicated to being honest and speaks honestly, he doesn’t live honestly as himself. When he’s interacting with people he’s constantly adjusting his own personality to cater to that person. This makes him appear extremely likeable and charming towards people, because he is literally acting in a specific way in order to guarantee that they will like him (because he realizes that everything is so much easier when people think you’re charming) It’s a pretty manipulative thing to do, but Darren doesn’t actually realize he’s doing it most of the time and he doesn’t really realize he’s not being entirely himself either. This is why so many girls have fallen in love with him, which makes him feel so conflicted, because while he knows he purposefully pursued and charmed them with this inaccurate version of himself, his honesty won’t actually let him lie to them about his own thoughts and feelings. 
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Even though he’s not fully aware that he’s manipulating people, he is aware that his actions do end up hurting people and he feels pretty guilty about it
He curses like a damn sailor, but only because, while Cathal and Jacob tried not to at first, they always ended up cursing in front of him and they never really taught him not to. Because he wasn’t taught, he doesn’t have an awareness of when and where the appropriate time to curse is
He struggles academically because he’s dyslexic but he’s very socially intelligent and he’s very street smart
He’s the king of useless, unusual facts. He quite literally has a never-ending supply of them and just randomly interjects them into conversations
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Evie is an avid quidditch fan and she plays as a chaser on the slytherin team. It is pretty much the only thing she does just for fun and the only thing she doesn’t feel a pressure to prove herself in. It’s her only real outlet for her rage and the moments after her quidditch games are probably the only times when she feels calm and completely at ease
One of her biggest goals is to become a prefect and eventually head girl, but not for any actual good reasons but because neither Dana or Barnaby became prefects, and it’s just another way to prove she’s better than her parents
She fails to achieve either of these goals, primarily because the professors strongly disapprove of her bullying, but Cillian manages to become prefect. This completely and utterly enrages her beyond all belief and her hatred for Cillian skyrockets because not only does she believe he doesn’t deserve it but she also believes he stole her dreams from her
When Cillian becomes a prefect she significantly increases and intensifies her bullying of him, even going so far as to try and sabotage his O.W.L.’s. 
Even though Cillian is technically the one in the position of power as a prefect, he still doesn’t even try to use his powers as a prefect to punish Evie for her bullying of him. This is because the years of intense bullying have placed him in a submissive mindset, where Evie is the authority.
While he never stands up for himself, when he sees other people in danger or other people being bullied he immediately steps in to protect them, albeit rather quietly
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ft. @sbunny-sbook ‘s fankid Sunday
He’s not actually scared of that many things (although he doesn’t realize it) , he’s just gets very anxious and sometimes distressed in social situations because he doesn’t want to upset anyone or say the wrong thing. One of the only things he really is afraid of is Evie.
He’s tired a lot and is often late for class in the morning because he has problems sleeping at night because he gets anxious thinking about running into Evie.(that’s why he pretty much is always just wearing a shirt and tie, cuz he doesn’t have time to find his jumper or robes) He specifically plans out certain routes around school to avoid her, but sometimes, to his dismay, he still runs into her
He doesn’t really try to make friends but somehow he keeps unexpectedly befriending people
He doesn’t really have a goal for his future. Nearly every moment of his life in school is focused on surviving Evie. As soon as Evie leaves Hogwarts, Cillian immediately blossoms. He becomes infinitely more comfortable and confident with himself, he becomes so much less anxious and he actually starts to enjoy his time at Hogwarts and allows himself to indulge in his interests and desires
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awakeningofthedeath · 7 years
Awakening of the Death: Chapter #7
First Chapter
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Next Chapter
Masterlist (under construction)
“Keep up the pace boys! We’re not going to conquer the Queens district by acting more like ponies then horses!” Hellen shouted as the members of the gang she had established, the Dark Horses. A wide gang of immigrant roughifas and renegades. Men and Women. All colors. All nationalities (with sixty percent of it Irish) are excepted. 
Not long when Jack first started to stay with Hellen weeks before, she decided to introduce him over to the members of the Dark Horses. She explained to him that when she managed to escape from the train stations when the Templars captured her, she found a small group of want be assassin novices who wanted to make a difference; but couldn’t due to the New York brotherhood’s standards. For the pst ten years, Fredrick McGriffon, the current Templar Grand Master, had been establishing more police in attacking suspected assassin hideouts and warehouses. Hellen with the aid of a young novice by the name of Johnathan Madison, they gathered the outcasts of New York and spontaneous sons of refugees to form a gang that surprisingly reminded Jack of the Rooks gang that Jacob leads back in London. At first, most of the gang members weren't too sure about Jack; but as he helped them claimed certain turfs of New York, they became more open to him. Even all the female members would take a good look upon him overtime he passed by, or more in truth, they based him.
Jack had been helping in fighting training on most of the members, and aided in the plans of attacks on the rival members with Hellen. The most challenging part was finding the mentor. Though he and Hellen find that finding the mentor was no easy task, and many times leading Hellen frustrated, mentioning the name of a member she needed to speak to. A man named Collin Anderson. Overtime Jack tried to ask, something always came up and Hellen would excuse herself to her room.
Hellen was passing by the younger members ranging from eleven to eighteen on how to fist fight. This training style she learned when dealing with the rough young men in the streets of Kansas City and in Fort Worth with the James gang over ten years ago. Not a day goes by when Hellen would think about when she first learned to fight after her father’s death. She learned from the assassins yes, but in the wilderness, there is no room for grace and stature in a fight for survival.
One young lad gave a shout as he aimed for a taller man of 6 ft. in height. The man dodged the attack and square elbowed him. Jack looked down on the boy with a cold stare. “Don’t yell at your target before you attack! You’ll love the element of surprise.” The boy got up, stating out blood and dirt. Jack walked towards Hellen, stretching an arm. “Most of these boys don’t know a thing about standing firm in a fight.” Hellen rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “That’s why they are called novices you thunderhead.” “We have those two in the British brotherhood, and the rooks. But even the younger scouts could pick these boys off like flies.”
“You are being too hard on them. It’s not their fault most of these boys are from a middle class family wanting a taste of excitement and danger in the streets of New York.”
“Seems like a game to you, Hellen.”
Hellen frowned at Jack’s comment. “We are. A game that the templars see us as. For sport by far. Least to McGriffon.” A sour taste filtered in Hellen’s mouth at the mention of the American Templar Grand Master. She took a breath and shook her mind free of the sickening feeling. “Come on. Johnathan is suppose to have information for us.” Then she turned away from Jack and walked towards the destination.
After the training among the novice members ended, Hellen and Jack went into an abandoned brewery where they normally meet with other members and Johnathan. Hellen often would comment about wanting to see the brewery in its glory days with fine beer to serve. Jack would often scoff her comments off. He hated the taste of beer, or anything alcoholic in general. Jacob managed to have him try a sip once when Jack was eighteen, but the drink taste and smelled like rotten horses hooves to the lad. 
As Hellen and Jack went inside the brewery, there sitting on an old barrel sat a man who was called Johnathan Newcastle, along with other members of the Dark Horses, including his brother, David. Johnathan was a man that was a formally an apprentice to the assassins until he began to go rogue on killings and bringing prostitutes into the assassins den. He and Hellen meet at the station when she managed to escape from McGriffin’s guards. He was the one who recognized that Hellen was an assassin by her hidden blade and style of free running. Both he and David aided Hellen by transferring her to an assassin safe house until Hellen found the home where now she and Jack take residence.
Johnathan was a lean yet broad shouldered man that looked to be around Jack’s age or younger with salt and pepper hair hidden under an old patched up cap. His hazel eyes looked up to see Jack and Hellen coming in. He gave a cocky smile, making Jack uneasy about the man’s presence. 
“About time your majesties showed up. We’ve been spending the past few days collecting information from the tweets that don’t make sense less you know about them little birdies.”
Jack grinned on the inside when the cocky lad spoke to them. His accent was that what one member explained was a Brooklyn accent. He found to be a rather disturbing sense in his ears, and this thinking that Hellen’s mild southern accent was already hard to understand at times, especially with the phrases that Jack never knew would even come out of the human mouth with such cadence.
“Well some of us can’t heal quicker then a jackrabbit when you’d been shot from the back and going all high above without knowing.” Hellen responded to Johnathan as she took a member’s bottle and took a swig of the whiskey. “Besides, we’ve been dodging templars like the pledge. Turned out that the assassins scattered and hide in burrows from them.”
Jack stept in as Helen took another drink. “What Helen was trying to say is that for over a century the assassins have always been endangered in New York. They would meet in all sorts of different dens and secret meeting homes. Yet no one has explained why.”
Johnathan hoisted himself up and strolled to Jack and Helen. “Thats because of the high band of assassin hunters formed by the Cormac clan had dedicated their entire lives to make sure we “vermin” never influence the city.” He gave a chuckle that was close enough to Jack where he could smell the cursed drink. “All except in ‘63 when Cudgel Cormac, grandson of the founder of the hunters failed his mission. Surprising too since he’s known to be as dangerous as his grandpap of all people. He killed all assassins in sight, but one day, during the riots of June of that year, an assassin named Various managed to get the upper hand. and despite that, somehow right toward the end, he couldn’t kill the man. My formal master told me that he seemed like he remembered something, you know like a man remembered something from church, and suddenly steps down. That lost his guard long enough until my master almost pulled his own rifle on him. She vowed to kill him later. Wasn’t until ‘65 they’d meet again, but couldn’t since she was talked out of it by a well known master assassin. Can’t remember his name; but my master changed her ways and spared Cormac. I say she should of killed him, ending the pedigree of hunters for us assassins.”
“So, why have you called us here Jonathan, obviously not to talk history to us.” Hellen asked, leaning on a post.
Johnathan slipped a hand into his jacket pocket to pull out a packet of cigarettes. He’d pulled one out and started to light when he explained the reasoning for the gathering. “So the mentor has been in hiding ever since the recent one finally kicked the bucket due to old age.” He puffed a few times, before he would successfully had the cigarette to his liking. “So they’d never told us who the new mentor is, nor tell of the locations. Other then they gave clues for when the next secret meeting would take place, theres no telling how long they’ve been dancing with templar bullies and dodging them.“
Hellen nodded as she listened. Johnathan noticed her eyes on his cigarettes, and before he’d placed the packet back into his pocket, he’d extended his arm to her by offering a cigarette. Hellen took one and lite a match to puff a smoke. jack knew that she’d smoked occasionally, but only when she would be out on the rooftop to keep the apartment from stinking. Jack hated this habit almost as equally as when Hellen drinks. His mind wondered about the subject matter he needed to address to Hellen soon.
“So what your saying is that as for now finding the mentor is close to impossible to finding the mentor.” Jack’s tone was that of exasperation and impatience.
Hellen took a breath and blew out the cheap tobacco out of her mouth. “Basically thats what he said jackass.” Jack hated when Hellen would refer him by that nickname. And overtime, he found that it was part of Hellen’s personality. A personality that Jack often thought that she was a combination of  the Frye Twins into one. The beauty and determination of Evie, and the cockiness and this for action from Jacob. The only difference is, not even Jacob gave a small roll of tobacco a thought or a puff. Hellen thanked Jesse James and his gang members for introducing it as a source of comfort and support if a shot of whiskey wasn't available. 
Johnathan picked a callus from his left hand as he continued. “However, I did hear that the mentors try to keep all information into one. I don’t blame them. With the new telephone going up and at it, no scouts are needed. I disagree. Pretty soon, templars and the government could wiretap all conversations. The best we could do right now is find the clues and locate a certain mocho or so in the brotherhood who could lead us to the alpha mentor of this region.”
Hellen finished her roll, threw it to the ground and smashed it with the tip of her boot. “See if you can locate someone in the brotherhood who can take us to the council or something. We don’t have time to beat around the bush until the cows come home. Come back when you have the real deal, not a false possibility.” She grabbed Jack’s hand and lead him out of the brewery.
Jack felt a heavy silence between Hellen and him as they walked back to their apartment. Mainly knowing Hellen by now that when she gets frustrated, she would retreat and snatch a bottle from a hidden spot in the kitchen that Jack recently discovered while she was sick after the mysterious dart struck her a week prior. With the stress that Hellen went through as of late, and the amount of bottles he’s found, Jack knew that Hellen was on a destructive path. When he first meet her and saw a whiskey bottle, he assumed it was for a substitution for medicine or healing wounds. Turned out Hellen had been in close relations with the bottle. He’d seen her drink a few times, but as of late, he load seemed to increase with the number of shots she takes.
Jack knew too well that alcohol can destroy a person. That he’s seen in Jacob too many times over the years. The difference was, Jacob had some moderation, Hellen had none. Still, he had the long walk home to give him time to embrace himself for what Hellen would possibly discover in her stash.
Jack was cutting a strip of beef for supper when he heard Hellen’s loud voice and the sound of a door opening with such force. Her face reddened with rage.
“We’ve been robbed Jack!” Hellen announced with a loud thundering voice. “Some low life broke in and stole a stash I’d kept for emergencies! I’ll find them and kill them all!” Hellen began to head to the door when Jack’s voice stopped her in her tracks. 
“Is that stash collection of different liquors that was kept in a cubed in your bedroom?”
Hellen turned stuned and angry.
“How? Why? How the hell did you find...WHERE IS IT JACK!” Hellen shouted.
Jack sighed. “Does it matter Hellen. That stuff is killing you inside out.”
Hellen gave a cold stare. “I’d been a steady drinker since I was sixteen, I never had a problem with any of them. Infant it sure as hell helped me get through all the shit I’d went through, making me numb...”
“To be like a vegetable being canned and wasting away?” Jack interrupted her.
“That’s the fuckest thing I’d ever heard. Infant if I weren't so pissed off beyond all measures, I’d be laughing at the stupidity more then the stupid way the assassins are avoiding me. Oh sure I’m not living up to my “legendary” family lineage, but I am NOT MY FATHER!” Hellen pounded the table as she screamed the last few words. “Perhaps thats why the council won’t want to take time out of their comfy hole to help Jeremiah Patterson’s daughter avenge him and protecting his legacy.”
Jack was stunned to see Hellen this angry. “Hellen...”
“Don’t!’ She said coldly. “I need a moment. Don't expect me to join your English dinner time or supper or whatever the hell is...just...” Hellen could never finish the words as she stormed out and slammed the door behind her. Leaving Jack stunned.
“She’s is more pain then I thought.”
Hellen walked the streets for a good hour and a half, stopping at one point in a park to watch a father and daughter looking at the Statue of Liberty from the shore they are on. The copper lady gleamed with the sunset light reflecting upon the new metal, making the harbor shine with brilliant light. The reflections shown like shiny new pennies. Helen leaned against a tree and placed her hands on her face, groaning.
That jackass. Of all the things I did for him, this the thanks I get?
Helen jumped withdrawing her hidden blade to the source of the voice. 
“Easy there grand duchess!” Johnathan held his empty hands up in surrender. “I heard you’d been tromping all over the streets looking down in the muck.”
Hellen breathed in relief and frustration as she withdrew her blade. “If Jack sent you,..”
“Nope. Actually, I...I just wanted to see if you’re okay.” 
Hellen’s senses suddenly kicked in when he seemed hesitant to what he was to say. She felt a strong presence of energy around her, like a prey animal smelling a predator. “Why are you really here Johnathan?” 
“Well...I wanted to find you, letting you know I found a member of the council not to far from your place down the road before. So, if before you go back home and face whatever that bastard did to you, I’d say we see this member.”
Hellen arched an eyebrow in question. Often in many occasions Johnathan would insist on accompanying her to any location alone; yet something told Hellen to politely refuse. But her frustration clouded her senses and she nodded. “If I meet this member, how do I know that this isn’t an ambush that the templars paid you to lead us in.”
Johnathan crossed his heart. “No templar bastards got to me. Come. We need to move.” He turned and Hellen still feeling uncertain followed Johnathan to a warehouse district, as she got around the corner and ahead of Johnathan, she felt someone grabbing her and placing a handkerchief with an oder in it. Hellen struggled before she was light headed, then her world went black.
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