thou-babbling-brook · 9 months
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays! This is my Christmas present to @ramshackledtrickster that I wanted to share since even though it’s not particularly festive, it still has that shared happiness between Connor and Io:nhiòte that I think Christmas is all about!
Hope you guys are warm and safe this holiday season, and I hope you enjoy this piece!
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skylinerd · 2 years
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ya boi back at it again with another batch of codextober ft best girls
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teecupangel · 2 years
I went to Barns and Noble this morning and found out theres a ‘Wheres The Assassin’ book. It’s a legit ‘Where’s Waldo’ book of just the assassin’s creed character. It sounds fun tbh, and they art was SO pretty. Now I kinda want one, but the only copy they had there was falling apart🤨.
Oooohh, yes. I've seen that one.
If you really want the book, nonny, it's still available on Amazon.
I remembered it because I checked the reviews for this book while I was trying to fill the whole 'get to $50 and it's free shipping!' promo they have at times and this one really stuck with me:
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Poor Jacob hahaha
Also, apparently, Ezio's in the cracks?
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I'm sure it'll be a fun book to read/play when you just wanna chill (and a much better AC merch than the other non-Culinary Codex AC cookbooks you can find on Amazon)
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
So if y'all ain't seen, I been on my ✨Ratonhnhaké:ton✨ shit lately and I was just sittin' here thinkin', and not Abstergo really wantin' me to believe that Connor really married a white lady that took his kids from him and left him to die alone.
Like come on now, Connor was naive, not stupid. 🙄
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mxgicthot · 1 year
Lean on me
In which you help your husband wash himself after a long day.
In this fic you are Ratonhnhaké:ton's wife and mother to his children. Also this is an can be set in canon or modern au.
Paring : Connor Kenway x fem s/o
cw : fluff, some hurt, HEAVY COMFORT, slightly suggestive, soaping up Connor's body, hinting at height/size difference.
Word count : 553
Ratonhnhaké:ton is frozen beneath the rushing shower water. Steam rolls off his muscular back, facing toward you. Splaying his large hand on the wall, his broad shoulders tense. Paying you no mind as you slip into the slower with him.
Slipping your hand through his. "The girls are finally asleep in bed." Trying to ground him, when his brain caught reliving the past. Letting your hand go, turning around, anger and hopelessness hollow his face.
Grabbing your hips, Ratonhnhaké:ton spreads his large thick fingers out. "Thank you, love. You good?" His cheeks are thinner, with deepening dark circles beneath his eyes. The coldness melts in his narrow chocolate-colored eyes. His frown softens to a flat line.
Holding his face, reaffirming, "We're good," as he leans down, passionately kissing you, gently groaning. Parting your lips for him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Hugging Ratonhnhaké:ton tightly.
Slowly he breaks away, trailing kisses from your jaw to your neck. Biting lighting and squeezing along your sides.
Biting your lip to keep from crying out when he sinks his teeth in deeper. "I got you. Lemme take care of you." He pulls away kissing your forehead. "I have some hot chocolate waiting for us. We'll sit on the porch. I'll brush your hair out." You grab his round sponge hanging next to a loofah.
He won't talk, but you could attempt to distract him momentarily. Give him the attention and care he shows the kids and yourself. Pouring his scented soap onto it. The shampoo's back states a wonderful mix of eucalyptus, white birch, and cypress.
Scrubbing Ratonhnhaké:ton's broad, muscular chest, rubbing your fingers over his firm tits. Sliding your fingers over his well-defined abs. Trailing his loofa down, scrubbing his v-line and dark short hair. Carefully smearing soap down his soft, fat cock. Careful to make sure soap doesn’t get into his cockhead.
Letting go of his cock to squeeze soap from the loofa into your palm, fondling his balls. Ratonhnhaké:ton brings up, “I was thinking of cooking breakfast with the kids." He parts his thighs enough for you to clean his ballsack.
Smiling up at him, puckering your lips he leans down giving you a chaste, sweet kiss. "We got the stuff for triple chocolate chunk. You can help Io:nhiòte with the muffins, and the other two can help me with the omelettes and blueberry pancakes." Crouching in front of him, scrubbing down his well-toned legs, lingering on his muscular thighs.
Lifting his foot, his cheeks heating up. “You don’t need to do all this..I can wash myself.” Getting the other one, then standing up. “Aren’t you tired?"
Standing up, getting on the tip of your toes, he leans down for you to kiss his cheeks. Scrubbing his broad shoulders and neck. “I’m tired, but that doesn’t matter." Going down his muscular arm, grabbing his large hand, admiring the size difference between his and yours.
Switching to his other arm, "I want to.” Ratonhnhaké:ton's eyes widen momentarily, the corner of his lips pulling up into a soft smile. "We're a family aren't we, gotta make sure you’re taken care of." A couple of tears trickle down his cheek.
Holding your hand, rising the soap off, Kissing your knuckles. "I'm so grateful I have you and the children."
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peridot-tears · 1 year
Ratohnhaké:ton putting Io:nhiòte on his shoulders and running around their village while she squeals with joy.
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acgames · 7 months
8 Days of Assassin's Creed women
Day 5 - Daughter
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Io:nhiòte (born in 1786) was the daughter of the Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton. The youngest of Ratonhnhaké:ton's three children, she possessed the rare ability of Eagle Vision.
P. S. Ió:nhiote's exact birthdate is not known, but I think she is around 10 years old in her comic, so I set her birthdate to 1786. Mind it it's my own headcanon. Also Ió:nhiote pictured above is in her teens (15-16), so treat her as minor.
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forlibcrty · 6 months
oh i should uh. i should write out my planned concept for the unity crossover, for my own reference and for plotting. let's go.
1783. the canon end of ac3, when connor returns to kanatahséton to find it abandoned due to his people being forced west. he takes time to grieve and reflect on everything that's happened. 1784. after months of grieving alone, he decides to seek out his community once more. he still feels deeply conflicted about how they'll receive him, given the trauma of the war and all that transpired in it, but he takes the chance to go. he's welcomed back warily at first, but he settles in the new home. 1785. he meets his wife, tekonwenaharake. the same year, their first daughter, kiawentí:io, is born. 1786. the couple welcomes fraternal twins, wahiake:ron and io:nhiòte. for several years, the family lives in relative quiet and happiness. connor continues to visit the davenport homestead every few months, to check in on the community thriving there. 1789. on one of his routine visits to the homestead, connor finds two urgent letters waiting for him. one is from the french brotherhood of assassins, begging for his help in an exploding crisis. the other is from his old friend, the marquis de lafayette, begging the same. both tell of the assault on the bastille and the escalating revolution. he is extremely reluctant to go, but his sense of obligation urges him at last to accept the pleas. he promises his family that he'll be back as soon as he can. 1789, some months later. after a long journey, he arrives in paris. he meets bellec and the rest of the assassin council. he finds himself a little disturbed by how much hero worship they seem to place on him, but he vows to do his best to help the situation. he meets the young disciple, arno, and takes a slight fondness to him, due to seeing the parallels between arno's start with the assassins and his own. 1790–1794. still to be developed. i think connor doesn't stay long past the lead-up to the fall of robespierre and the jacobins. he tries for some time to lessen the bloodshed and to prevent war breaking out between britain and france. as things grow more dire and chaotic, however, he chooses to withdraw, and he returns home shortly before robespierre's execution.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
Headcanon: Ziio taught Connor how to make little woven grass plaits because he tended to get restless and bored when Kanen’tó:kon and his friends weren’t around
Oiá:ner taught her this (“to keep herself out of trouble” she joked) because she also has restless hands
And eventually, that’s how Io:nhiòte learned how to do the little grass plaits, because Connor passed that knowledge onto her if she needed to keep her hands busy
(Inspired by this cute bit in reflections!)
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CANON CANON CANON i need to know more about connor and his daughter
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docdalas · 2 years
i'll take ratonhnhaké:ton passing away peacefully surrounded by his loved ones for $400, alex
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larosaescarlata · 3 years
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Connor is a gentle and caring father, whereas Edward is more... chaotic.
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wolfhertz · 3 years
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Day 5: Building
Eeesh, I really have to catch up. The last few have been kinda dark, so I figured it was time for a happy one! I didn’t wanna draw an actual building, so I figured building a snowman would still count lol.
And yes, I totally did sneak my own OC in there. Ottie is Connor’s oldest daughter, Io:nhiòte’s older sister. I also gave them slightly more winter-ized outfits. Gotta keep warm, ya know? Though Connor might not be after he finds his coat covered in snow....
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teecupangel · 1 year
What if after Desmond runs away from the farm instead of ending up in the city he finds himself where his ancestors are at the same age
Also side idea that I had while typing runaway Desmond ends up after the ancestors have the children who lead to Desmond so that we can have them being paternal about the kid who keeps slipping away somehow and Desmond being like "wow the people dad sent after me are rant persistent" before finding out they don't know Will at all
So I had a post about Desmond being pushed into either the Third Crusades or to Renaissance Italy when he ran away but I can’t find it TTATT It’s somewhere here in Tumblr, don’t know where though. Hopefully, I can get to it during my Tumblr posts to AO3 ‘copying’ (still in Dec 2022 XD).
Anyway, in a nutshell, that idea had Altaïr and Desmond being very close to one another because they’re both isolated and had nobody else and it would be so easy for them to tip the scale to fall onto “us versus everybody” mentality for the two of them (especially since that idea had Desmond not become an Assassin so Al Mualim is using him to keep Altaïr in check).
The Renaissance Italy idea is more light-hearted, if I remember correctly? More on the side of Desmond having a happy family life thanks to the Auditore family.
I didn’t include it but Ratonhnhaké:ton’s version of this idea was pretty much reused for the Yew Branch A New Way To Do Things.
The main idea is that, since this is a Desmond that has not been in the Animus, he has no idea who these people are and the events that will happen (hell, he won’t even be able to know their language immediately) so he’s just trying to survive and live the best he could. This means he cannot stop the tragedy that will happen (or, in Altaïr’s and Ratonhnhaké:ton’s case, he would be too late to stop it). The Renaissance Italy version could have a happier ending since Desmond would be there for the arrest though. Probably. At the very least, Giovanni would order him to take Petruccio and run, so… at least Petruccio would survive. Probably.
Now, as for the second idea.
Since this is a Desmond that never went to the Animus, he wouldn’t know how important these children are so we will have…
Sef and Darim
It would be Sef who finds him and he’s just a traveling merchant who went to Masyaf to sell his stuff. Sef would always visit him and ask him about this and that.
Darim finds him while looking for Sef and Desmond just gives him another one of the sweet breads he buys for him (and Sef).
This goes on for days until Malik finally visits his stall and talks (interrogates) him. That’s when he finally learns that the two kids he’d been talking to are the kids of the head honcho of this place. And he’s currently out and the kids are a handful (Malik may or may not imply that their parents’ frequent journeys are to blame) so he offers Desmond a job as their ‘caretaker’. Meals and lodging are included, the pay is great and Desmond is getting tired with all the traveling. Plus, Malik promises he doesn’t have anything to do with the Brotherhood.
At that point, Desmond is already fond of the kids so he agrees.
When Altaïr and Maria returned to Masyaf, they’re greeted with Malik going “I found your sons a caretaker and they might like him more than they like you. You have no one to blame but yourselves.”
Flavia and Marcello
But for this one, Desmond could be working in Firenze for a merchant that Sofia likes to go to. Flavia and Marcello would go with their mother and they’d get close to Desmond.
One time, Marcello gets lost and Desmond finds him. He brings him home and that’s how Ezio meets him…
And now for the kicker. This would be the angstiest of the three ideas to be completely honest considering how old Ezio died and the fact that Desmond doesn’t even know about his connection with Ezio during this time, which will only serve to hurt Ezio.
Io:nhiòte and her older siblings
For this one, we’ll have Desmond become part of the homestead. He got there by ‘accident’, he was just walking around and found their homestead. Luckily, Oliver and Corrine needed help in the inn so he helps out, in exchange for lodging and food.
Io:nhiòte is the one who finds him first and Desmond just plays with her and shares his food. Her two older siblings find them together and Desmond becomes close to them.
Ratonhnhaké:ton would visit the tavern one time and thank Desmond for playing with his children. Perhaps he’d try to recruit Desmond into becoming an Assassin but Desmond would say no to it which Ratonhnhaké:ton would understand.
In this one, Ratonhnhaké:ton sees Desmond primarily as his children’s favorite friend.
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Connor Kenway/Ratonhnhaké:ton Headcanons: As a Father
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A/N: Hey hey y’all! So, as most of you may know by now, for the past week or so Ratonhnhaké:ton a.k.a Connor Kenway, the protagonist from Assassin’s Creed 3, has completely occupied my mind. Like I’m serious, it’s been exactly one (1) thought, head full of him. So, to help flush some of this fixation out of my system, I’ve taken to writing a shit ton of headcanons for him, all different au’s and themes. Today, we’ll be looking at what I envision Connor to be like as a father. Canonically, he has three (3) children, two daughters and a son. We never, however, get to see more of what he’s like as a dad, so that’s where I step in! 😁 FAIR WARNING: These are more so a combination of Modern and Canonical headcanons since I took inspiration from how I imagine Connor would behave in both timelines. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy! And please feel free to send me any Connor related asks or requests you may have. I’d love to write more for him and interact more with my fellow Con-Con man lovers. 
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway as a Father Headcanons
Before I say anything else, and go into any detail, let me make something abundantly clear 
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway is an amazing father
He’s doting yet firm, protective but not overbearing
He’s attentive and accommodating, but not to the point of pandering and being spineless
He knows how to be gentle with his children, even from the time they’re infants and he gets to hold them for the first time
Speaking of…
The first time Connor gets to hold his child, his eyes water up like super hard
He only notices, as entranced as he is by his baby, because his picture of them becomes blurry
He’s afraid his tears will drop on his baby and startle them, so he quickly yet carefully hands her back to his wife and wipes the tears, which have now begun trickling down his face, before immediately, quietly asking for permission to hold his child again
(His wife, in her exhaustion and recovering from the sudden rush of adrenaline, thinks it’s funny and sweet that he thought to ask for permission) 
Ratonhnhaké:ton never ceases to be amazed, even as the number of times his wife gives birth increases and, subsequently, the number of his children grows
He’s just as astonished the third time as he was the first 
As I mentioned in some of my previous Connor-canons, he’s always desired to be a father and have a family
(I mean personally, before the comic came out, I wouldn’t have thought he necessarily wanted such a big family, but the fact that he apparently did positively warms my heart 😭)
Even years later, he still feels regret about the way things played out between him and his own father, and the more he contemplated why Haytham behaved in the way that he did, Connor has deduced that perhaps Haytham’s relationship with his dad wasn’t the greatest either, and that affected him to a degree
(That’s by no means meant to excuse or justify what Haytham did, but I thought it was worth mentioning)
He knows he can’t ever know the answer for certain, but with this speculation, Connor decided that he would do his utmost to be a good father to his children, regardless of what path they chose and what differences may have existed between them
We all know that Ratonhnhaké:ton can very easily become a papa bear when the situation calls for it, and he’s very unafraid of puttin’ the smackdown on people who would overstep their boundaries 
This behavior is increased tenfold once he becomes a father
Now he really is a papa bear, and anyone who would try to harm his children in any way will be dealt with. Swiftly. 
On the flipside of that however, Connor also knows that he shouldn’t coddle his kids, and that eventually they’ll have to learn to defend themselves
So, he does the obvious thing and covertly teaches them some of the fighting and self-defense techniques he learned as an Assassin 😁
It’s not full out Assassin training (outside of Io:nhiòte, who of course possesses the OG eagle vision) and he tries to keep it on the dl from his wife (who eventually finds out anyway and scolds him but nevertheless allows him to continue 🙃)
Connor and all three of his children really enjoy flapjacks (yes, flapjacks not pancakes)
I imagine that Connor and his family live in the manor and so the children each have their own rooms
They’re each responsible for the upkeep of said room once they are of age, and Connor teaches them the importance of cleanliness, in all aspects
He also teaches them respect, even to the animals who provide their food and fur/skins
When his children inevitably inquire about what it is Connor does since he wears those special robes, he decides to be completely upfront and honest with them, when they are old enough 
Prior to that, he tells them a watered-down version of the story, saying things like “I help others and make bad people go away” or even jokingly implying or outright stating that he belongs to a secret brotherhood who helps people and punishes those who misbehave 
(When the kids are younger, they eat his stories up, so fascinated and intrigued they are with whatever it is their dad does) 
I feel that Io:nhiòte is the most excitable of Connor’s kids; she’s still a polite, well-spoken girl but just a little more headstrong than her siblings 
I also feel that Connor’s son, which I believe is his second eldest child, is like him and has a very calm (almost more so than his father), even temperament 
He, again like his father, is soft-spoken and kind, and also very intelligent: he adapts and learns very quickly
Connor’s oldest, who I believe is his other daughter, is very confident and much like her mother
She is also well-mannered and independent, not liking to rely on others for much, if anything, one trait she did inherit from her dad
She takes pride in being the eldest, and always tries to lead and set a good example for her siblings 
Even with their similarities though, Connor still has had to learn to adapt his attitude and responses when engaging each of his children
He laughs at the thought, as coming to understand and subsequently better communicate with his kids reminds him of his early days of assassin training, the more mentally taxing work he had to put in
It also sometimes saddens him when he thinks about how his own father could never quite figure out how to do the same
But, all in all, Connor is just grateful that he can make a positive difference as it relates to his own relationship with his kids
Rapid Fire Round!
Connor and Io:nhiòte have their own secret language that they use when out training
(It’s mostly vocalizations and hand signals, not so much actual words)
Connor likes to have special little inside jokes with his kids, and they each have either a hand signal or handshake that is unique to them
Ratonhnhaké:ton isn’t usually one to cry at all, but he definitely sheds tears whenever any one of his kids reaches a milestone
(Like he might not outright sob but a few little diamonds surely make their way down his cheeks 😂)
When they’re little, Connor’s kids love to play in his hair (which I imagine he lets grow out a considerable amount once he’s settled down) and he’s more than happy to let them
Loves to make their birthdays celebrations for the whole of the Homestead and his wife’s village as well 
When he’s at home and the babies are…well babies, Connor oft volunteers to supervise his, Myriam/Norris and Warren/Prudence’s kid’s playdates 
I didn’t mention this in my general headcanons for Con-Con man but I actually believe he knows how to cook, and for this particular set of headcanons he does so pretty frequently for his kids, as they’re big fans of his cooking 
Connor loves to give his kids piggyback rides; his son and Io:nhiòte are particularly big fans 
When the children are little, Connor hums to them to help them sleep at night 
(His wife likes to tease him about how nice his voice is and Connor is always flustered at the compliment)
All-in-all, Connor is an excellent father, and is more than willing to give his kids the world 😁
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izzayylmao · 3 years
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the birds and the bees
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peridot-tears · 2 years
He and Edward are my favorite Assassins depending on the time of day, because their stories are so enrapturing and -- for me at least -- incredibly relatable. Ezio was a nobleman and Shao Jun was a concubine, which has its place, but that the Kenways started as run-of-the-mill commoners with Edward and became a threatened people with Ratohnhaké:ton resonates a LOT more with me (I'm from a working-class immigrant community). And to me, they're two sides of the same coin. One's a chaotic twat who learned that there are consequences for his actions, and the other's someone who's committed to doing the right thing, but learns that the world won't cooperate. They're both raw, honest men who don't feel the need to beat around the bush or smile for the camera, so to speak, only Ratohnhaké:ton does it with stoicism and Edward does it with (a lot of) yelling.
I just really want a sitcom with the Kenway grandfather-grandson duo running around the world with Haytham reluctantly in tow. My favorite character duo is Edward-Connor, and if you see that dynamic pop up in my OCs, well. You know where it came from.
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