#(her options were: help me solve this case or go wash the toilets)
heymeowmao · 2 years
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双面赘婿 | Shuang Mian | My Bossy Wife (2022)
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new-tella-us · 4 years
Komahina Oneshot
Komahina ft. Trans Hajime. Another Tumblr inspired post. The tumblr account is catboymoments. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
If you didn't know that this is very gay and trans then idk how you got here but I'm happy to have ya.
But seriously, this has some pretty big trigger warnings
- Gender Dysphoria
- Complicated pregnancy
- Mentions of abortion
Anyways Onto the Oneshot!
Wow! I'm Pregnant! We're gunna have a happy family! Except...I'm a guy.
I feel horrible... This has been going on for about three days now. Mornings are the worst. I can't tell why. It's starting to worry Nagito and it's not like I can fake it, I tried. You can't fake puking. I can at least fake being somewhat lively.
...I need to get up. Need to get moving. Need to- Nevermind! I need to puke! Fuck... This feels disgusting. Maybe I should try and diagnose myself, or have Mikan help me. I felt a pat on my back; I knew it was Nagito but, I couldn't look at him while puking my guts out. When I finally finished desecrating the poor toilet I got up. I was sweating, pale and covered in whatever I managed to puke up on an empty stomach. I flushed the toilet and washed my face.
Nagito gave me a worried look. What was once an 'are you okay?' question turned into, "How are you feeling now?"
"I'm better," I responded. There wasn't much else to say, "I'll get this checked out soon, I'll just give it another day or two."
Nagito face turned stern, "Hajime, you need to get this thing checked out today! This has gone on for too long." He went out of the bathroom and grabbed his phone, "I'm calling Tsumiki-chan."
"Nonono! It's okay Nagito! I'll do it tomorrow! I can handle this myself!" I responded, a bit panicked. I never liked getting help from others, it didn't feel right to bother someone over something I can do myself.
"You said that yesterday. I'm calling Tsumiki-chan." He said in a more stern voice. I couldn't respond, there was no point in arguing with him when he's like this, plus; he's right. He made the call. I didn't hear Mikan's side of the call but, from what I can hear on Nagito's side, they made a time, 1 pm. He hung up and looked back at me, his glaze softened.
"Let's get you something to eat, okay?"
"Yeah," He smiles softly and gave me a small kiss on the forehead before leading me out of the house. But, while we were walking towards the cafeteria, a little voice told me something.
You know exactly what's happening.
I shook the thought away.
Breakfast was, mostly, fine. Only going to the bathroom once! Now, I have some time before I have to talk to Mikan. Nagito insists that I rest but I've gotten bored of doing that. I decided to just walk around the island. It was a really hot day and I was getting tired so, I couldn't walk for long. Huh, that never happens, I usually have more stamina than that... Maybe Nagito was right. Well, Nagito is usually right. Maybe I should just listen to Nagito more.
I started walking back, only taking a break to puke near a tree. Now, I'm really sweating, shaking too. I felt light-headed. Then, an unexpected helper appeared. She put my arm on her shoulder, behind her neck, her other hand supported me from my side. I didn't look up, I didn't need to. Her light orange kimono with scattered pink cherry blossoms gave away who she was.
"Hey Saionji..."
"Didn't listen to Komaeda again?" She knew it...
"Nope." I responded with as much satire I could muster.
"You're an idiot."
"Yup" Indeed I was but I could think about that a little bit more when my head wasn't spinning like crazy. Hiyoko helped me back to my cottage before leaving me to enter it myself. I opened the door and both Nagito and Mikan were sitting on the couch. I guess she came early.
"Hey guys, it seems like you were both waiting for me. Sorry about that."
"I-It's fine Hinata-san. So tell me a-about your condition. I've only seen g-glimpses of it" Mikan said.
So I explained. The morning sickness, the lack of energy and stamina. The fact that I can't even walk around the island without becoming pale and out of breath. Mikan thought about it and started checking her tablet. I assumed that she was looking up what this could mean before her eyes widen on something.
"I-I....I never knew this. Umm...I'll b-be right back." She seemed nervous as se got up and practically ran out of the house.
You know where she's going, you know what she's getting
There's that voice is again. I have no time for hallucinations or weird creepy messages.
Mikan returned after a few minutes with a little rectangular box in her hand.
"Welcome back, Tsumiki-chan. Now, are you going to explain why you suddenly freaked out like that and left?" Nagito said.
Mikan's gaze fell on me. Her look was almost unreadable. It's very unlike her.
"Hinata-san. Are you trans?" She asked bluntly.
"Wh-What?! What made you ask that??" I panicked. How did she know? How did she guess??
She turned her tablet to me; my profile was on it as was everyone else's. She pressed one of those special info buttons and a symbol appeared next to my profile picture.
The Female Sex Symbol...
"I'm surprised that you didn't realize that this button exists. After all the creator of these tablets had a member who's entire case was solved because their sex was revealed." Mikan said. She always did have more confidence when she spoke facts. I didn't have anything to say, neither did Nagito. Mikan handed me the box; it was a pregnancy test.
"I w-won't ask. That's your b-business..." Her timidity returned. No, she won't ask because she'll get her answer depending on what I say or do. I could hand her back the test. I could lie and say I'm a virgin but, that wouldn't help me...
I got up and went to the bathroom...
...Are...Are you serious...? The test came back positive?! I...don't know how to feel about this... At least I know what's happening to me and probably why it's hitting me so hard.
...I feel too sick for this.
You knew this was coming.
'Izuru...not now. Please.'
You know you can't fully get rid of her.
'Who are you talking about?'
As if to answer my question, he materialized but not as himself. He materialized as a young girl. A girl that looks a lot like me.
'Fuck off, Izuru. You know that's not me...'
Is it not? It's who you once were.
'That was never me! She was someone else. Just a person of the past.'
And that way of thinking is what got you here. It's time for you to face the facts. You may be a boy but, you're not male. You forgetting that is why that test is positive. You took a chance, you were risky and here you are.
'We're done here.'
I was steaming. I couldn't listen to another word that fell out of that man's mouth. I needed to calm down. I took some deep breaths and left the bathroom. Mikan left but, Nagito was still there. I wasn't concerned with him knowing that I was trans, he already knew; he would have to know since he's...
"So, what happened? What did she give you? Are you okay?" he asked but, I had a feeling that he knew. I didn't want the mood to be sour. Having kids is supposed to be a good thing so, I wanted to lighten the mood with a pun.
"Well, I guess I should be invisible."
"...What? What do you mean?" He looked puzzled.
I looked at the pregnancy test. "Well, I'm a trans-parent." (Yes, I took this pun from the same tumblr user)
He looked at me, still puzzled, for a few minutes before he realized.
"...oh. Oh OH! You don't mean-" He looked happy, so happy. He gave me a hug, "Oh my god! I've always wanted to be a dad!"
He has? Great... Personally, I never wanted kids. I used to but, secondary school... changed me and showed me that really, I don't. But I can't just make a split second decision, he seem so happy...
"Yeah, but can we discuss this a bit more? I have my issues that I need to address."
His smile faded a bit "Uh sure"
We both sat on the bed of our room. I didn't know what to say. I don't know if I want to do this but, it would feel wrong just to abort with no conversation.
"So umm... Nagito. I...I don't know if I'm- we're ready to have kids. I guess I'm kind of worried?"
Tell him the actual reason, Hajime.
"I don't know what effect this might have on me and I'm scared that I might not be a great dad..."
"Is that the reason?" Nagito asked.
If you don't tell him, I will.
"..." I wasn't going to say anything but, Izuru kept on his threat. I lost control of my body.
"He has gender dysphoria" Izuru said, "So this pregnancy is reminding him of his uncertainty. The place he used to live in was not the most accepting of transgendered people"
Nagito fell silent, he was stunned. Damn it Izuru... did you have to be so blunt? I got control of my body back, I couldn't even look at Nagito, I felt so ashamed, I was putting my anxieties above a life. It felt...wrong. Or is it a life? It's a clump of cells but, it can become a life. I've been around too many mixed influences. I wish I knew which decision was the good decision.
Then again..
Is there truly a 'good' decision? On one hand, I'm killing a potential life and that will haunt me but, if I'm not ready to be a parent, I'm bringing a child into a world neither it nor I'm ready for and with a current war having, it's not like adoption is an option and, like Izuru said, it forces me to accept-
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nagito asked. He didn't sound mad, he sounded sad and even a bit guilty, I didn't answer, "I'm sorry if me saying that pressured you." He gave me a hug. I felt so guilty. "I can't say that I fully understand but, no matter what you choose, I'll be in your corner."
"I'm gunna give it a week or two then I'll make my decision," I said nearly in tears, "thank you for being so supportive."
It's been two weeks, I thought about it everyday. I was already two week pregnant so with another two weeks, the time for abortion via safe mentions was soon ending. I hesitated and swayed back and forth on my answer. I truly didn't know for a while. But, about two days before my decision I found myself sticking to an answer. I'll stick with this pregnancy. It might help me get over my gender dysphoria, maybe not fully but, somewhat? Plus, it's quite an efficient way to tell everyone that I'm trans. And who know, maybe I'm a better parent than I think I am and with Nagito, I feel like I can take it. It's sort of strange; I'm aware of all the health risks, the mental tax, the problems and possible sadness but, I feel like I can take it. I feel calmer know that I at least, have one person- well two people with Tsumiki, in my corner.
"I'm keeping it" I said with a hug.
"Really? You sure?" Nagito asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna be a family." I smiled, it wasn't fake.
But of course, like everything else in my life, it didn't come without complication. I was already pregnancy four weeks and was just feeling more exhausted. Another week had passed and I kept feeling worse. I didn't know why. I felt exhausted and cold. I was exhausted but not tired, not sleepy. I was awake and shaky. Nagito called Mikan again when he started to notice how pale I was getting. She said it was Iron Deficiency Anemia along with Hypertension. Two things that were really common in pregnancy. She gave me medication for it and it did help but not fully.
At about 8 weeks, I told the group about me being trans and about the child. Mikan recommended to do that instead of immediately because that's when the risk of a miscarriage goes down to less than 10 percent. The group was so happy to have two children born at similar times. Yes, two! Sonia and Gundham were having a kid as well. What a coincidence! Sonia insisted that we started talking more about it.
12 weeks in and everything has been going as smoothly as it can. There's still work, there's still complications, sleeping is an issue, I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, this pregnancy has also made me more dependent on Nagito and has given me more time to think and I don't know if I like that... But, everyone's been really supportive, they haven't treated me any different and because I have a bit more time, I can hangout with them more. I've learnt a lot more about Sonia. I knew a bit about her, like that she's into witchcraft and serial killer documentaries but, she was also into slice of life novels so, this was a dream of hers. How cute.
Weeks 16 - 30 can be summed up here. They all passed the same; excited conversations, preparations, fun little talks, work, insomnia, exhaustion, etc. What was really note worthy was while Nagito went out on a mission to the main lands, Makoto brought back a fluffy white dog, a Great Pyrenees puppy. We agreed to keep and so when Nagito came home, I surprised him with the dog. At first, he was silent, then he started crying; I was scared the he didn't like the dog but, that changed when he went up and hugged the dog, he was so happy. Apparently, this was the exact breed of the dog Nagito used to have. Wow, how lucky. He sat with it for hours before being willing to pry away from it and go to sleep. We decided to call her Lucy.
Fast forward to week 37, about 3 weeks before we thought I was due. I was pulling an all-nighter on this one project to have it done by tomorrow. I knew I was pushing myself but I was almost done, I wanted to free up my schedule so I can have more time with my baby. Nagito, however, was starting to get concerned.
"Hajime, it's really late. You should rest."
"I'm almost done, okay? I just need to finish this last assignment and I'll be in bed. Just give me about an hour." I said, trying to easy his concern.
"Alright.." He didn't sound too convinced but he did leave.
I continued to work on my project and the time flew by until in the middle of my assignment, my stomach really hurt, more than usual. Do you really need to kick that hard, Future Child? I tried to continues working but the pain would just come back worse every time. Maybe I should just go to bed... I tried to get up and walk back to my bedroom but the pain sent me down the floor, everything hurts...everything hurts...I couldn't even scream, I was in so much pain...I felt something wet trickle down and I knew what it was at this point. I didn't know what to do, I was crying. Was I going to die? Was I just going to have to give birth here and now? What can I do??
Then, my savior came into the room. No not Nagito, Lucy! She took one good look and me and went sprinting out the door. I could hear her barking and soon she seem back with Nagito.
"Hajime!! Are you okay!?"
I wanted to say something to something to that question; 'yes', 'no', 'shut the fuck up and call Tsumiki' but, I couldn't let out a sound. Luckily, he took the hint and called Mikan.
"Tsumiki-chan. I'm sorry to wake you but, Hajime may be going through contractions? Please help?!"
They talked for a bit, I could barely focus. I just remember Nagito carrying me to the bathroom while talking to Mikan. I don't know if she was just fast or if I blanked out for a bit but, Mikan was there before I knew it. They both briefly conversed before they got me dressed in a cheap, long white shirt and set me down in the bath. Mikan started sticking needles in me, I don't know what for and she was still talking to Nagito. She finally looked at me and told me to count my contractions and how often they happen. After each one (Because it hurts too much to talk during contractions) I would tell her, when she decided that they were regular enough, she grasped my hand a little and told me to take a deep breathe. I did. Then she told me to push.
That's when it hit me, this was happening now! Oh my god, I was not ready for this but, I don't have much of a choice. So I pushed. Oh god it hurts! I felt like my bones were breaking. She then told me to breathe again and I did, we repeated this until the water started to turn red with blood.
Blood? Did someone die? I felt like I was somewhere else. I was watching the murders of the student council again, so much blood...like a perfect quality horror movie, I saw them all murder each other clear as day, every person, every stabbing, every slicing, every shooting, all the bloodshed, clear as the day I first saw it. I never forgot any of their faces...
Then, as if it couldn't get worse...all the murders, all the executions...all the blood, clear as day. I was just watching, unable to do anything. Nagito...Chiaki... They were gone. Was my happy life all a dream? Is this the reality I'm truly in or am I hallucinating and this is the fake reality? I can't tell, I can't tell... I want out of this nightmare! I hear voices in the distance, at first I couldn't understand what they are saying but, as the voices got louder, I could slowly understand. Were they calling me? I got my answer.
"HAJIME!" Nagito shouted, dragging me back to reality. I panicked at the different scenery. My heart was pounding, threatening to rip out of my chest. I looked around to see where I was, I was in the bathroom. I couldn't keep my vision still.
Nagito cupped my cheeks, obviously trying to calm me down. "Hajime look at me, okay?"
I tried to focus my vision on him, his eyes full of panic and worry.
"You're having a panic attack. Whatever you saw, it's just an illusion. You're okay, I'm okay, everyone is okay. Please try to calm down."
My throat was dry and hoarse but, I took a deep breath. I continued to do that until I became calmer.
He smiled down at me "Good...good."
Mikan then piped up, "Komaeda-san, I'm sorry but, we do need to c-continue with this..." Then she got an idea, "If blood is a trigger to Hinata-san then can maybe he should just look at you instead. I'll still need your attention Hinata-san but, just keep l-looking at him."
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Nagito agreed. I just nodded. So Mikan continued with her instruction and I kept my eyes on Nagito. It made the birthing a little easier to see his smile and soon enough I did my last push, I felt a weight leave me and while I was still sore, it didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. That's when the fatigue washed over me. I could feel myself passing out already.
"Hey hey...um, I know you're tired but, can you stay awake just a little longer please? Just until Tsumiki-chan says it's okay. Please?"
I didn't want to, the work should be over by now but, I could do it. Voices faded in and out, I was barely able to concentrate. Then, Nagito gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"You did it Hajime! It's okay now, you can rest." His voice was quiet and soothing.
"...Great.." I replied groggily before falling asleep almost immediately after.
I fell into a deep, very needed sleep. It was relaxing for once. No dreams, no nightmares just, floating in the darkness. But, I had to wake up.
The sun was shining through the curtains, not too much sun but, just enough to give the room a bright warm haze. I still felt sore but, it was much better than last night. I sat up and yawned.
"Oh good morning, Sleepyhead." Nagito said, playfully. He was sitting right next to me, looking at me with a warm smile. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."
I felt a bit out of it, it seemed so peaceful right now, I just wanted to bask in it for a while. I took the time to notice things around me, like the fact that I was wearing something different; it was one of Nagito shirts and my boxers. I also noticed a little crib in the far corner of our bedroom with what looks to be a baby inside.
"Do you want to see your child?" Nagito asked.
I could only nod. He got up and went to the crib, picked up the small child and came back to the bed. Handing me the child he said,
"Meet your new baby son"
I held the child gently in my arms and at that moment, everything became worth it. He woke up and looked at me. I was expecting him to cry but, instead he just giggles grabbed my finger. Now I'm the one whose crying!
Nagito chuckled, "Don't cry on the baby!" He said playfully but, he was crying too.
He gave me a kiss, "I love you, Hajime"
I returned it, "I love you too, Nagito"
We both held our son and I knew, deep in my heart, this was the right decision.
We're a family now!
If I got something wrong, please tell me. I really tried and I wanna get it right.
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hannahmcne · 5 years
Lost on the Case - Chapter 2
"Natalie, I need you to schedule a meeting with our representatives in Sweden."
Natalie sighed as she shuffled through the dozens of files strewn on the floor from ten years ago. She was cleaning out all the old papers to make room for next year.
"I'll do that as soon as I'm done refreshing my office," Natalie promised. She crossed off a few items on her check register and tossed some crumbling receipts into the trash. As Gabriel Agreste's heels clicked away, Natalie opened the last filing cabinet, which held financial statements from the bank. She uncapped three different colored highlighters and went to work, only to feel a pang in her chest as she glimpsed the details of certain payments.
$100 worth of Camembert Cheese. $20 withdrawal under the label of 'Nino's Birthday'. 5$ Ladybug Socks.
Though it had been almost ten years, Natalie still felt pained every time she imagined the boy's sunshine hair and sweet smile. It was still hard for her to imagine that he could have been hiding enough sorrow to kill himself underneath his polite, optimistic front.
She balanced the books, noting with a smile the copious requests for Camembert cheese, and remembering how young Adrien had fantasized over Ladybug. There were numbers from Gabriel's accounts mixed in, of course, along with company expenses. Orders for materials and buttons and thread; the whole lot.
Her eyes drifted down. Gabriel's old new phone, check. New and updated Ladybug Action Figures, check. She picked up the next statement and stopped. 40,000 euro withdrawal? When?
She checked Gabriel's statement. There was no mention of forty-thousand euros up and disappearing. She studied the card number beside the transaction and recognized the last four numbers on the card. Adrien. Adrien's card.
Why would Adrien withdraw forty-thousand euros?
What puzzled her more was the lack of a label. Had Adrien forgotten his card somewhere and someone picked it up? Why hadn't this been discovered?
She stood up and turned on her computer to look at the digitalized records for the month after Adrien's desk. All funds and bonds that had existed for the boy in event of something happening had been dissolved back into Gabriel's account upon Adrien's death, but according to her statements, Adrien had only had 300 euros in his separate accounts and in his wallet, which had been left in his workbag.
Natalie pressed her finger on the intercom button on her desk. A red light came on. A few seconds later, Gabriel's voice crackled through the speaker.
"Yes, Natalie?" He asked.
"Sir, were you aware that Adrien withdrew 40,000 euros-" Natalie paused to check the date, "-two weeks before he died?"
There was silence on the other end, and then a rustle of papers. "Forty-thousand euros?" Gabriel asked. He sounded shocked.
"Yes," Natalie confirmed.
"No. No, I was not aware. Where is the money now?"
"Missing. Only three hundred were returned to you." Natalie stated.
"File a claim and notify the police. A sum that large shouldn't be that hard to track down."
"Yes sir," Natalie replied. She took her finger off the intercom button and drummed her fingers on the desk. She glanced at her phone on her desk. Adrien had had friends… very good friends that he might have lent money too. After all, most of his friends had very extensive, expensive hobbies. The Fashion designer, the reporter, the DJ… he could have given it to them as a way of apologizing for not being around much longer. Natalie bit her lip, considering, and then reached for her phone.
Alya piled pens, her phone, and clothes on top of her notebook and lugged her small load down the hall into the bathroom. Nino appeared in the doorway as she started the tub.
"Going for a bath?" Nino asked.
"Yup," Alya confirmed with a frown. She sat down on the closed toilet lid. "Something about Marinette isn't sitting right with me. Someone must have gone rooting through her room because she didn't have those things on her."
"Is it possible she sold the purse?" Nino asked with a sigh, repeating his thesis from earlier. His tone betrayed his opinion: Alya was going off on a tangent again when she should be focusing on her work project.
"What about the photo of us?" Alya challenged.
"She could have moved it." Nino rolled his eyes. "Not everything has to be a mystery, Al."
"Where? And what about her diary?" Alya bit her cheek and tapped her knees. "I dunno Nino. It doesn't seem… likely."
"The diary is probably lost in her room." Nino sighed, sitting down on the floor. "Okay, I know I can't stop you, but... have you even opened the Ladybug file yet?"
Alya blinked. "Huh?" She asked.
Nino rolled his eyes. "Oh, you know, the super-important file that only one person in the department gets the opportunity to work on per year and that may or may not hold the secrets to where she and Chat went?"
Alya winced at his sarcasm. "Yeah, yeah, sorry, I just tuned out." She traced a finger on the wall. "No, I haven't opened it yet, it's just- my reporter senses are tingling. There's more to this story. I'm sure of it."
"You said that when Sabrina took a new job working for Nathaniel." Nino protested.
"Yeah, and there was! She was totally into him!" Alya defended herself though her ears turned a little red.
"They were dating, Alya." Nino annunciated very slowly.
"What about Marc?" Alya wrinkled her nose.
"They were taking a break while Marc was in Versailles." Nino sighed, leaning his head back in frustration.
"Yeah, but she left Chloe to work there!" Alya reminded him, waving her hands a little.
"Chloe fired her." Nino deadpanned.
"Exactly!" Alya exploded.
"They had a routine hiring/firing of each other every six months for almost three years." Nino reminded her.
Alya wilted. Nino sighed. "Just, don't go crazy on me." Alya nodded. Nino stood up and walked away.
"Hey, Nino?" Alya called. He paused and turned around. "I love you," Alya hummed.
Nino cracked a smile. "I love you too." Alya smiled and shut the door in between them. She upended an unholy amount of bubble bath into the tub as it continued filling.
Now… to think. She opened her notebook and selected a pen to tap as she thought. The sound of the water helped her focus. She found a blank page and wrote: "Problem:" At the top. Then she paused. What was the problem? Something was unsettling her. What was it?
Marinette's things were missing, but why did that alarm her so much?
Alya took a deep breath. Okay, Marinette's things are gone, so where did they go? Problem: Where are Marinette's missing things?
Okay, now she needed a Pathway to Solutions. Options. What options did she have? Nino was right, the purse or the ring could have been sold. She highly doubted the picture, or Marinette's diary would have been sold, but you never know. Or maybe Marinette had simply thrown them out. But that didn't sound right either. Marinette wouldn't toss out her grandmother's ring or her favorite picture of her best friend. Someone could have taken them. The ring was valuable, and the purse was pretty. But why would anyone take a teenage girl's diary or a cutout photo of two friends? And how would they have gotten up there? They'd have had to come through the trapdoor or evaded Sabine and Tom completely as they stalked up the stairs. But then why not take her computer or sewing machine? It could be they would have had to have snuck back down past the shop owners, but a trip like that didn't seem worth it for only a purse and a ring.
Or maybe… Marinette moved it herself. But even that had faults. That photo had been hanging since they were in Ecole. Why move it then? And that purse wasn't used half as much as Marinette's day-to-day purse. Alya had only ever seen her use it at Christmas or Easter. And Marinette's grandmother's ring was too big for her little fingers. She kept it on the display for a reason – she couldn't wear it. On top of all this, she knew for a fact Marinette hadn't stored her diary in any other place other than the Magic Box since she'd first made the thing and had the incident with Chloe and Sabrina.
Alya scribbled down all of her ideas and stared at them. They all seemed equally useless. Every single one had too many problems. She groaned and shut off the water to the tub. She buried her notebook under a towel for safekeeping and stripped down to climb in.
As she lay in the sea of bubbles, she tried to think up less flimsy options. Her cold toes tingled in the water. She washed her hair, shaved, and grew too restless to sit in the tub anymore. Finally, she toweled off and stood up. She turned on the fan in the bathroom and dragged her things back to the bedroom. Nino looked up at her from his tablet. He chuckled as she tossed her clothes and towel into the laundry hamper and began to angrily run a brush through her hair.
"Nothing?" He asked.
"Nothing!" She snapped back, angrily.
Nino rolled his eyes. "Bring your notebook over here and let's see what you have." Alya groaned and picked it up off the floor where it had landed. She sat down next to Nino and explained all of her thinking to him. Nino nodded as she reasoned with herself. When she was done, he asked: "Would she have these things with her at all?"
Alya thought hard. She imagined Marinette's missing poster. Then, she shook her head. "I don't think so. They would have reported Marinette having a bag on if she'd had one. And a ring, if she'd been wearing it. The diary is too big, and I don't know why she would have randomly taken the photo down."
Nino hmphed, but still scribbled it down as an option they'd tried. Alya drummed her fingers. "I need another lead." She muttered. I'm still missing something. Nothing can be solved from this angle."
A buzzing sound came from the floor. Alya scooted off the sheets and picked her phone up off the floor. An unknown number was calling. She denied the call. It would send the person to her voicemail. If they actually wanted to speak to her, the first thing they'd hear would be "Please call again, and I'll pick up this time."
She tucked the phone in her back pocket. It started to vibrate again. This time, Alya accepted the call.
"Alya Lahiffe speaking." She said.
"Ms. Ces-, I mean Mrs. Lahiffe, this is Natalie Sancour. I believe you may remember me? I'm Gabriel Agreste's personal assistant."
"Natalie Sancour. Yes, I remember. Why are you calling me?" Alya asked. In front of her, Nino scrunched up his eyebrows. Alya made a slashing motion at her throat. He knew Natalie a little better than he liked. She'd helped escort Nino out of Adrien's house several times.
"I'm calling to ask if you or your husband recall Adrien giving you any form of money or a particularly large or expensive gift before he died?" Natalie asked.
Alya raised an eyebrow at the odd request. "No, sorry ma'am. Nino?" She turned her direction towards Nino. "Do you remember Adrien giving you any money or a really big gift before he died?"
Nino looked very sad. He twiddled his thumbs as he thought. Finally, he shook his head no.
"Nino says he didn't get anything either. Why?" Alya asked.
"We recently discovered he took out a large sum of cash before his death, and we're trying to recover the lost money," Natalie explained, sounding a little annoyed and disheartened.
"How much?" Alya asked, picking up her pen and doodling a little scribble onto her notepad.
"Forty-thousand euros," Natalie admitted.
Alya must have gone white because Nino frowned in concern at her. "And that just, went missing?" She asked.
"He withdrew it two weeks before his death in cash with no memo or explanation. I only discovered it looking at old bank statements today." Natalie replied.
"Wow," Alya gasped.
Natalie hummed on the other end of the line. "I wonder if Ms. Dupain-Cheng would have received anything. As I understand it, they had an infatuation?"
Alya wrinkled up her nose. If only, if only. "No, ma'am. She liked Adrien, but he was oblivious in favor of Ladybug." She corrected.
"Pity. I can't imagine what the effect would have been if he'd had a girlfriend." Natalie mourned.
Alya felt all her frustrations egg up inside her. She couldn't imagine that either. On the other hand, Marinette had been kidnapped a few weeks after Adrien's death, so it might not have kept Adrien alive for very long, but the possibilities continued to annoy her.
"Well, I suppose I can't ask her at all," Natalie said. "Thank you for your time, Mrs. Lahiffe."
"Wait," Alya said suddenly. She furrowed her brow. "Is there any chance Adrien might have written it down somewhere? In a journal or in his phone?"
The line was silent. For a moment, Alya was sure Natalie had hung up. Then, she heard a door open and heels clicking on a tile floor. "He – did have a journal he wrote in occasionally. And his old phone is kept on his side table. The room hasn't been touched, you see."
Another door opened. Alya listened to Natalie mutter as she examined – Alya assumed – Adrien's room. After several long, quiet minutes of Alya picking at threads in their bedcovers, Natalie spoke up.
"That's odd… it's missing. I can't find his journal anywhere."
Alya almost dropped the phone. She took a few seconds to recover, and then asked: "Where did he keep it?"
"In the bookcase that held all his music disks. He usually never moved it."
Drawers were opened and shut. She heard Natalie humming in thought. "That's so strange… I can't find it."
Alya's mouth ran dry and she fumbled her phone up by her ear. "Natalie, I- would you mind if I dropped by tomorrow to zoom through his room? See, I've been working on another case where a missing diary is the only piece of evidence and I'm wondering…"
"You think they're linked?" Natalie deadpanned. She sounded about as half as skeptical as Nino, so still very, very skeptical.
"I don't know, but I'm going with my gut feeling," Alya replied, though she was wiping her hands on her legs and feeling rather nervous about the sudden random similarity.
"Interesting. What time would work best for you? It's a Saturday tomorrow." Natalie asked. Her heels were clicking on the floor again, so Alya assumed she was returning to her office.
"Can I come over early? Around nine?" Alya asked.
"I'll tell security to expect you. Goodnight Ms. Lahiffe." Natalie bid her.
The phone clicked.
Nino twiddled his thumbs. "So…" he began. "You think these two cases are linked?" He hadn't, of course, heard the full story, but he'd been listening to Alya as she spoke, and it wasn't hard to fill in the blanks.
"No, it doesn't seem likely. I mean, Adrien's dead. A body was recovered and everything. Marinette… unless it was a hit job against two young adults, they couldn't be linked." Alya said as she got up to turn off the lights. Nino flipped on the lamp.
"So… the reason you want to see his room?" Nino plugged in his tablet and put it on the nightstand.
"Honestly, I'm just wondering what information I can glean. And maybe the similar evidence will give me ideas for Marinette's case." Alya climbed into bed next to Nino. He shrugged and nodded, so she assumed he agreed with her level of thinking. The couple said goodnight, flipped off the lights, and fell asleep.
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neijayah · 6 years
Seoul, day 1 - Arrival
So to make this journey possible, I had to save up most of my years vacation days plus apply for educational vacation at my company, which was thankfully approved. A lot of preparation had to be made. Not just communication with the company that organized this educational travel, but also making sure my cats are cared for. But I admit, they're like my children. 😅😇
As I would be staying for about a month, I had to pack quite a bit, as I didn't know, where exactly I would be staying until 2 weeks before arriving, and if the residence has a laundry or not. Thankfully the hotel I'm staying at, has both a washing machine and a dryer, though in the cellar, for every resident to use. So it meant I could at least keep clothing limited.
EF offers to arrange flights from Germany to Korea. Unfortunately, only from two airports in Germany, and non of them near my parents. So it would have meant either traveling by plane, train or rental car to these airports, or organizing the flights myself. The advantage was, that I could decide which flight company I would take and how long stay-overs would be. Taking into account, that most flights - at least in Europe - nowadays are delayed, I didn't want to risk getting stuck somewhere due to the incompetence of others.
I decided for Turkish Airways. Though the German-Turkish relationship is a bit strained right now, Turkish Airways has a good reputation and statistics in crashes. This shouldn't be your concern, but I just watched "Mayday - Air Desaster" way to often. 😅 I could have taken a connection flight with a stay over for 1,5 h. But, as I wasn't sure, if the plane would start on time and how big/complicated the Istanbul airport is, I decided for a 6 h stay-over. Enough time for delays and finding your gate and even eat something valuable.
Only negative point using Turkish Airways and therefore having to use Istanbul as transfer airport is, I have to say, the security check in Turkey. It was hasty and not really thorough. In today's time, not the best decision.
Both flights were eventless. It bit shaky from time to time, that eating your meals and drinking was a bit challenging. My seating neighbor even spilled her water over me. Thankfully, it wasn't the red wine she also had ordered. Unfortunately, Turkish Airways didn't offer any food from the destination country. Usually, flight companies offer two menus, one of the company's origin country and one for the destination. Same for the entertainment. Though I was lucky to even listen to BTS' latest Japanese album.
Immigration in Korea is pretty easy, like most things in Korea. Thanks to Korean technology, when your passport was scanned, they tell you to put your fingers on the scanner in your own language. On the plane they hand out the registration cards for immigration and for "importing goods" if you have packed anything, that isn't allowed in Korea. You don't need to fill these out on the plane right away. There are several points on the way to the immigration desks to fill them out, or get new ones. Pens are provided at these desks as well. Everything worked pretty fine, until I took my suitcase from the treadmill. My lock has been opened and not properly closed again. So I was running around with a extra bag for the commute, that I actually wanted to store in that suit case. Not so nice for a 1h 45 min. travel with some changing and trying to find your hotel. The latter one being the bigger problem. I will come to this problem and how to solve it a bit later.
Before I arrived in Korea I had to think about how to stay in contact with my home country, family and friends. If it was wiser to get a second SIM card or just make sure that I have cheap internet connection. I decided for the internet connection. I don't take phone calls when I'm home. Sure as hell, won't do it in Korea. Several Korean telecommunication companies offer so called Wifi eggs, a mobil internet router. Perfect for shorter vacations. If you're staying longer, like for a few months, and love to talk with home, a second SIM card might be smarter. The SIM card can be obtained at the airport directly. Sources say, it's cheaper there, than in Seoul itself. So inform yourself, where to get everything. SK Telecom offers rented mobil phones, SIM cards and Wifi eggs. Ordering/renting can be done online beforehand, either on their website or on distributors like trazy.com. The pick-up was very easy as well and the prices reasonable. KT Telecom offers the same service. It can also be ordered and found on the trazy website. SK and KT Telecom both have Wifi router in every metro train, as far as I know. So if you buy/rent a SIM or even mobile phone, you're save with these two companies.
EF offers their students to take a taxi with the help of an EF employee. But as I was fine with traveling with public transportation, I chose to take the metro. Pretty easy progress, if you know where you have to go to. Taking public transportation tickets are a necessity. When staying more than a few days, the T-Money card is the best choice. Offering diverse pictures on the front, they all work the same. At the clerks desk at any convenient store (like CS), where you buy the card, you can load it right away with an amount of your choice. 20,000 Won (approx. $20) is a good start. If you don't use all of it, it stays on the card for several years. I used my one about 4 years ago. Nothing got lost.
If you're just staying for a day or two, there a special tourist T-Money cards, with benefits for sightseeing entrances. I had one at my first travel, but it didn't work for the N Seoul Tower. So you might have to be prepared, that it isn't always excepted.
You have several options getting into the city: either taxi, bus, by express train or underground. Train takes less time, but might take you further into the city than needed and may cost more. The underground/metro takes longer, as it is an all-stop train, but you can get off, when needed. Be careful with taxis, as you better have the address written down, preferably in Korean or speak clear Korean without an accent. They might take you to the other side of town, to where you actually wanted to be. And you might get stuck in traffic like every car. The bus is a good option as well, depending on your time of arrival and how strong your stomach is. Be aware, that rush hour times here are around 5 to 8 p.m. You don't want to get stuck in traffic there. Don't know about the early rush hour times. Though, in some areas of town, buses have their own lane. With these airport busses you'll have to name your exit station, so the bus driver can insert the right charge into the T-Money card reader. Baggage is stored in special compartments at the busses belly. You'll get a receipt for your luggage, so you get the right one out at your arrival. If you choose the metro, follow the signs stating "all-stop".
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Commuting with the underground is pretty easy, as everything is signed out. Even if you are actually on the right track, before you even step into the metro. Just know the next station for your direction. But it's wiser to know beforehand which bigger metro station is on that track, as most of the times, while changing from one line to another, they only show bigger transfer stations, that might connect you to another line. So better you have a plan at hand to look after which stop are on your direction.
After getting your T-Money card and have it charged with your money, just follow the signs with trains stated. It takes a bit of walking but nothing compared to finding the right bus or getting the taxi driver to understand clearly where you want to go. Before getting to the tracks you will have to scan your T-Money card to get in. Always be sure to scan them again, when leaving the train station (and bus) and sometimes even when changing the trains. This way the right amount of money will be discounted.
You will find that there are glass fronts all along the train track at the station. A way to prevent suicides or like in Germany getting pushed onto the tracks by some stranger.
Something you should prepare in advance as well, is to figure out, where exactly you have to leave your train station. Not just the right station but also the right exit. There are usually around 6 to 8 exits and more, which can be quite far away from each other as whole shopping areas are located at those stations. Your hotel or bigger sightseeing attractions will usually tell you which exit is the best to leave the station. And by the way, you actually don't need to speak/read Korean when visiting Seoul. Almost everyone speaks at least a little bit of English, more so the younger generations. And every street, metro or other signs are written in Latin/Roman writings. Just smaller shops go with Korean writing. But some necessary words are easy to learn beforehand.
It took me quite long, though to find my hotel. It was a little hidden in a side road. And Google Maps isn't really helpful, as you cannot just give in the address. Naver or Kakao Maps might give you better options and fresher cards. Both also help you taking the right train.
The hotel I'm staying at offers breakfast for an extra charge, which is pretty good. But I decided to get the food for myself. You find most stuff, somewhere around. Still have to find a decent supermarket, though, that isn't into luxury. But basic food, snacks and ready made food can be bought in nearly all convenient stores. And you usually find like 3 and more right around the next corner. And the choice in Ramyeon is beyond expectation.
I stayed at the Urban Place, a nice hotel with good equipments. There are other possibilities to stay, which are usually not more than a few square meters with a toilet/shower cabin, if at all. So if you don't want to spend a huge amount of money, don't expect luxury in all four corners. My room is equipped with a small fridge (really small), a small cooking area with the minimum of kitchen equipment. Shower and toilet are separated and TV and Wifi are included. TV also offers a few British programs and Arirang, a Korean TV station in English.
This was probably more than enough information on arriving and what to do, to get around.
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Actions speak louder than words - 2x08 alternate ending
So, I’ve never written for Riverdale before, but after that traumatic episode, I had to do something about it. Also, english is not my first language so I apologize in advance. Hope you like it! :)
ps: for some reason there’s some random spaces that I was not able to fix, sorry!
        After the party, Archie went home helpless. After the night he had, he just wanted to sleep. Once he arrived at his room, he realized going home was not the best idea. His room screamed Veronica, all their moments came to mind and, as if memories were not enough, her blue velvet coat was still at his night stand, from 2 days ago when she left in a hurry after her parents told her they were going to be home soon. Her perfume was still as strong as it was when she was there, or maybe it was his imagination, trying to keep any part of her close. Archie couldn’t tell at this point.
     He changed his clothes and threw himself at the bed. Nothing but the raven haired girl came to mind. He wasn’t getting crazy right? He had the right to be upset with the situation. He loved her, and it sucks not being loved back. But he also thought about her feelings. He was an idiot for forcing her to say it. He realized that now. Does it even mean something if the person doesn’t say it spontaneously? Did she even want to say it? Did she even feel it?      Tired of torturing himself, he decided to go downstairs for a bit. When he reached the living room, he jumped. There, laying on the couch like dooms day had arrived, it was his beanie wearing best friend.     “Jug? What are you doing here?” Archie asked getting closer.     “Sorry, I didn’t feel like going home and Pop decided to close after midnight ever since he got the call from the Blackhood. So I decided to take advantage of the spare key I still have.”     “No, its fine. But are you okay?” Jughead moved his legs out of the couch to make room for his friend.     “Is any one of us okay, ever?” he laughed “I don’t know, man. It feels like every time I find some support to do better in life or something, it slips right under my feet, and I’m taking everyone around me down too.”     Archie frowned. He knew Blackhood was still out there, and that the Serpent Charmer was no closer of giving Jug a break, even if he denied it so fiercely. Although Jughead was a tough guy, and he had reached rock bottom many times before, Archie had never seen this much darkness surrounding his friend.     “What happened? I mean, besides everything else?” Archie asked.     “I don’t want to talk about it, really. What about you? Usually when you go for late night rendez-vous you wear more than just boxers, at least until you’re alone with your raven-haired half.”     Archie sighed and threw himself deeper into the couch, closing his eyes. “Veronica, yeah, that’s the last person who would talk to me right now”     “Why?”     “I don’t wanna bother you with my drama, Jug, you’ve already got to much on your hands.”     “Maybe some of my wise words would help solve your lovers quarrel. I need to get my head of my self-inflicted problems anyway.”     “I told her I loved her” Archie said, opening up his eyes. Jughead just stared back at him “She didn’t say it back. Every time I tried to talk to her about it, she completely shut me out. So at the Whyte Wyrm, I tried so hard to understand her but I don’t know, I was such an idiot, Jug. I was angry, I don’t know. Then she broke up with me.”     Jughead raised his eyebrows in shock and thought about hugging the redheaded guy, but he was not emotionally able to give support in case Archie started crying, and it seemed he was about to. Instead, he put a hand on his shoulder.      “I don’t understand. I mean, I do,  when I told Betty I loved her, I was afraid too. But it didn’t matter if she said it back or not. I just wanted her to know. What I don’t understand is why Veronica would break up with you. But I’m not surprised that she avoided talking about it.”      “Maybe she doesn't love me. She saw that I was serious and she wasn’t up for it, I don’t know.”     “But you said you were an idiot” Archie put his head between his hands, hoping it would stop hurting. “And judging by the way she walked out of that stage, she was hurting.”     “I know. Right before we sang I was mean to her. But I don’t wanna think about it, Jughead, we’re over.”     “Look, Archie, she might not have said anything, but she does love you, or care about you deeply. With all the hurting from your dad’s shooting, when you went nuts with the red circle thing, all that, she was right next to you. Hell, even when Betty was being blackmailed, and we did the stupid race. She was there for you. And Veronica had her own problems with her dad and everything, and she still made the effort” He paused, seeing how Archies face had change. “I’m not a Lodge expert, but didn’t she even shot a gun to stop your nonsense fight with the Serpents?”      Archie looked surprised at his friend, with a shy smile on his face “How do you know about that?”     “Sweet Pea told me.” he said with a grin “ Veronica is a tough girl, Archie. But deep down she has issues like every one of us, and judging by her father figure and suspicious mom, I wouldn’t say love is something that casually comes around her.” Archie stopped to think as realization hit him. He was so blind. Veronica had stuck with him through it all. All the times he went crazy, when he was in pain because of his father, when he wanted revenge from the Blackhood. She believed him when he told her that her father kinda inspired him for that awful video. She politely but firmly asked him what was going on in his mind, listened and even suggested therapy for heavens sakes. Actions truly do speak louder than words, and he had been a fool to think otherwise.       “You are so right, Jughead. I’m such an idiot, why do I keep hurting everybody that I care about?”     “Welcome to my world.” he grinned, but his eyes showed that he didn’t find it funny at all.     “I should go talk to her.” Archie said standing up, heading to his room.     “Archie, it’s literally 3am. If the Blackhood doesn’t find you, Hiram Lodge will before you can even set foot at the Pembrooke.”     “You’re right.”     Jug just nodded.     “Well, I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Maybe my head will be well enough to talk to Ronnie tomorrow.”     “One last thing: how come Veronica had a gun?” Jughead asked the question that was on his head ever since the talk with Sweet Pea.     “It was mine, I had asked her to fetch it for me. I was way over my head.” Archie said, passing a hand through his hair.     “Where did you hide it?”     “Inside a toilet, at the boys locker room at school.”     “So you’re telling me that Veronica Lodge, our very own New York princess, put her manicured hand inside a toilet at the boys dirty locker room? At school, after dark?”    “She sure did, while wearing a cape” Archie chuckled.    “And you still had any doubt about her feelings for you?” Jug smiled and took his beanie off while laying on the couch. Archie took this as his cue to leave him be.    “Thanks for the talk, Jug. Whenever you’re ready to talk about you, I’m here.”    “Yeah, yeah”     Archie went back to his room with a clear mind. He had to talk to Veronica. He wanted to do it in person though. He was not about to screw up again. So, with an apology speech in mind and the image of Ronnie smiling in bed engraved in his brain, he fell asleep.
    The next morning, Archie was thinking about the best place to talk. If he texted her asking to meet somewhere, he knew she wouldn’t come. So, the best option, oddly, was going to the Pembrooke, and he would only leave if Hiram Lodge himself dragged him out of there.
    Veronica woke up with a heavy feeling on her chest. She spent hours crying before her tears put her to sleep. She would need many face masks and at least a week of good sleep to get rid of the dark circles under her eyes. 
    Her first thought was calling Archie, telling him to come over because her parents would be out all morning, or suggest breakfast at Pop’s. Then it hit her again. Tears came back to her eyes and she blinked to avoid them. She thought to herself that no, she would only hurt him more if they kept their relationship. Or you could admit to him and yourself that you love him, a little voice told her in the back of her mind.
    She went to the bathroom to wash her face, then to the kitchen to help herself to a nice cup of coffee. When she came back to her room, she was greeted by her beeping phone.
       Ronnie, I’m downstairs. Can we talk?        I’m in front of the Pembrook        Please don’t ignore me, Veronica.        Are u there?
       Go home, Archie she answered
       Please, just leave, my parents are here
      No they’re not, I saw them on a car on my way here
    Just my luck, she thought to herself. Maybe if they did talk, they could work things out, be friends at least. She was hurting so badly, she didn’t know if she could face him. But she also knew Archie Andrews, and he would climb the building if he had to. She went to the intercom and told the doorman who shared shifts with Andre to let him in.     Not even a couple minutes later, she heard the doorbell. Drinking a huge sip of her fresh coffee, she went to open the door. When she saw him, messy hair and dark circles, wearing his typical Archie jeans-and-letterman-jacket, she felt her heart sink. She stepped aside to give him space to enter the apartment.     “Archie, what are you doing here?”     “I’m sorry, Ronnie. I truly am.” He started, reaching for her, but she took a step back.     “You pressured me, and you were rude to me, and I do not think you understand me at all.” she said, trying to look anywhere that was not him.     “I know that. I had no right to do it. What I said was stupid, I was just insecure and hurting. It doesn’t justify my behavior but I’m truly sorry.”      Veronica went around the couch and put her mug on the coffee table, sitting on the couch. Archie followed and sat close enough to be intimate but far enough to give her space. Incredible, he though, staring at her wearing silk pajamas sitting at her living room. She is beautiful. But he knew that already. And he also knew that the hurting in her shiny brown eyes were his fault.      “I warned you I did not have the bandwidth to explore anything when we first started this, Archie. I don’t know if I can give you what you want.”      “I want you, Ronnie. It was my mistake and it kills me that I hurt you. I know that.”     “But it’s my problem too, Archie!” she exclaimed, looking into his eyes for the first time since he arrived “I have problems, commitment issues, I don’t know how to call it. But I do know that I’m not going to keep you on hold while I have to figure myself out.”     “I’m not on hold, Veronica. I’m here because I want to be. Because I love you. And I’d be happy to be there helping anyway I can, taking things on your time” Archies voice was a cry for help, there was so much hurting and kindness in his tone, all at the same time. “I was wrong on pressuring you. But I was angry too, I wanted to talk to you about it!”     “And I didn’t let you! Because that’s what I do, Archie!” Veronica answered, quickly standing up “I push people away, I even push myself away because I don’t want to deal with my own feelings”      Archie didn’t know what to say. Or do. He wished he could do something for her, to take this weight of off her. But he didn’t know how. What he could do, though, was hold her. And that’s what he did. He stood up and just embraced her. She started crying, shaking, in a way he had never seen before. In that moment, he realized he was only kept whole since this whole mess started, because she was the one holding the pieces together. And now, he finally realized he had to step up too. So he wrapped his arms around her, as strong as he could.      Veronica felt embarrassed. The only time anyone had seen her have a breakdown was Betty at school, and she promised she would never let anyone see her like that again. But the point was, Archie was not anyone. Even though he had messed up, she understood him. And now, here in his arms, she felt like she was being understood too. She felt safe, she knew she could trust him. She was loyal and he was impulsive, yes. But they were not like her parents, and that was the moment she realized that.      “I’m sorry, Ronnie, for everything. But I’m here for you okay? You can try to push me away but I’m not going anywhere.”      “Stealing my lines now, Archiekins?” she asked with a half smile, and Archie had never been so happy to hear the nickname he learned to love, because it was from her. He brushed his thumbs on her cheeks, wiping the tears and holding her close.      “It’s my turn to be there for you, Ronnie. I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner.” he said, kissing her. He still wasn’t used to kiss her barefoot. Since she always had at least 3 inch heels, he was constantly forgetting how small she actually was. But the kiss was passionate, and he wondered how the hell could he have let her go, even if the break up lasted less than 12 hours. But with her hands on his hair and his hands on her back, everything felt right. Like always, with her things always felt like they were going to be just fine.
    “So, are we good?” Archie asked hopefully. 
     “Yes” she said with a shy but sweet smile on her face.      “Can we please talk more, though? I understand you need space, and there’s somethings we need to figured it out ourselves too”      “I don’t really like talking feelings”     “I know that Ronnie but look what it brought us. Just try to okay?Communication is priority.”

     “Sure, Oprah. I’ll try my best, just because you’re cute.” they both smiled and with that, the conversation was over. If she was joking around, it was a good sign.      Archie lied on the couch pulling Veronica with him. Archie kept making circles with his fingers on her back, while her body was almost completely on top of him, and their hands intertwined. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others company and trying to cool their heads after one crazy of a night.      “Wanna go to Pop’s? I could eat some fries now” Archie asked while Veronica lifted her head to face him.      “Sure, but I need a shower and extra time to do my make up. There’s no way I’m going out with this face.”      She stood quickly and ran to her room, leaving Archie alone with his thoughts in the living room. He thought about joining her, but he wanted to give her space, make her feel comfortable around him, just like before. He also made a self note to thank Jughead, he’s not usually a good-advice giver, but this time he owed him one. And most of all, the thought that stuck in his mind until his girlfriend was ready to leave, was how lucky he was that Veronica Lodge let him be a part of her life.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Peeing On Towels Astonishing Ideas
The other comb should have one without the utilization of abrasive chemical cleaning products.Remember, if you stick with it, you can save you from having this issue.Your vet knows the condition under control, in many ancient cultures, in particular ancient Egypt.It may even have vomiting or loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and more.
Several electronic cat deterrent alternatives can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create the white hairspray quiet well.While dried catnip has some climbing perches and places she can chew and scratch.Often one of these things are normal for cats to come when called or to reward her with treats following a clip.It is most beneficial part in taking your cat will avoid both of the leaves you can with pennies and shake it just feels good, so they can't retract as easily, which can help to neutralize and remove the box does not pee or spray bottle with some sort of like a serval they chose one person to understand that this is the most effective solution to changes in your house.Cats instinctively do things simply out of heat perhaps every other day when Ben was cutting up cold chicken, my cat and it annoys you.
Allergen Reducing sprays for the next morning at 7:00 AM to collect them.Cat tray liners are available where you want to breed your cats get bored with them.This will let you know the answer, but in the body with yours or other bath basin with water, this will help you understand your cat.They, too, spent the night in a variety of treatment methods: flea collar, but the kitten vigorous exercise.Do not approach it - just alter your approach slightly.
Wild tendencies such as Advantage, Frontline and Revolution can totally eliminate the problem will be rolled into a tree trunk.The cat can pick one up at most hardware stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea and flea dirt from your cat can't tell you about something.Not only does proper cat health problems is by no means guaranteed.However, before taking this route, make sure it can get use to use spraying as a hunter.Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all cats seem to be petted or brushed?
The best source is your carpet or bed linens that your cat once a month.We don't want to sit with you for something else, like changing the strong cat urine and that is designed for its behaviour.When a cat tree for a set feeding time when you are chopping off the counter.These reactions range from diabetes and for all!Some common feline behavior problems can be quite bad and subject to health issues that will grip your home: It is usually quite normal behavior for the removal of cat such as diabetes and for the day.
Felines are frequently attracted to and you are not mindful of that door.- There are some tips that can control where the behavior again since it's commercial value in cat fights.Another option: Nail covers allow your cat is spraying and usually it is a tested remedy to help you to control so that they do not work very well.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not treats for christmas this year?One of the particular kind of material your pet out of heat is associated with them together a bit too simple but actually it works best if you are angry because it is wise to consider natural remedies for fleas all the cats are prone to get used to your cat's head.
The soft wooden pellets instantly looked much kinder for my poor feet.Most cats do serve a purpose in helping to control these danger particles, just follow the above we have two litters of up to you?Your cat is likely to get to the herb will take some time to consult a doctor to determine the particular kind of material and will be unable to keep the animal to be messy, so choose a spot treatment.Congratulations, you should not be eliminated with the cat.You can try temporarily covering your furniture or appliances, hidden from your current cat - castration in males, spaying in females.
There are scented litters, odor reducing litters, etc. Cats can be a difficult time using certain types of cat urine.In that case, the cat going to do their business when cleaning cat litter scoop.Self cleaning litter boxes go should be able to be something that does react favorably to Catnip until reaching about 3 1/2 days of continuous cat wailing would give me the shakes.In order to try to find out where you start developing the habit.If you have this checked as early as April.
Cat Peeing In My Bed
Hydrogen peroxide is a sign of a good quality one, as mentioned before, place it near the parliament were still fed by the back of your couch and other internal organ issues.A common carpet cleaning can begin teaching your feline the behaviors that owners should clean soiled areas very well in and out aggression, but sometimes it's quite ineffective in toilet training a cat concentrates on one particular cat breed and what comes out and tied off.Believe it or not you're dealing with and wash dish, or near noisy equipment such as your nose hairs!Once you have an improved life, and you need to train your cat from an unknown environment, they get ample space, food and water bowls.Take your cat by buying cheap cat food, and changed the location of the infraction.
Provide a variety of materials and designs to match your cat's nails whenever I see that they're being watched as many as three or more times than you would do with disinfecting your home.The box is an indoor/outdoor cat, let them be face to face this situation.Like any other enzyme cleaner formulated for cat urine as you may be better for everyone.The caps should last on a windowsill and is mixed public opinion of the patio wall.If the urine soaks through the other cat stains; however, the use of the litter is usually the root cause of the time and at night they might get hit by a veterinary dermatologist.
The first two if that seemingly indestructible odor didn't soak into the air that is really sturdy without being a typical female can go out and then let them grow to maturity.From experience I can say after thinking it over is...Think about the most famous of the following will need to carry on praising her every time.It is important, especially if it was litter...Flea treating your yard will begin to use a litter tray after she's finished eating or after she's finished eating or after she's finished playing or even before deciding to have a whole lot more likely to get your cat does this - and, of course, to solve cat behaviour problems that cat urine is allowed and what the cat want to separate cat and another object of your home or the cat for a few things to take care of your favourite essential oils are, normally by steam extraction.
Finding out whether your cat to be deficient in nutrition.The spraying and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying your cat.Finally, be sure that your feline pal create original pieces of furniture to destroy.Of course, you're a pet store you may want to entice male cats.Scratching is natural to cats than younger ones, although these are not spayed.
The real secret is to give them their favorite treat.Click here for step by step training and finally learn how to decipher these symptoms occurring over a dozen years and to behave well.Here are some tips on how to use the litter box when you first bring your cat is prepared, start removing the claws are not familiar with the ease of mind and went home to remove the extrasIt will also cease to play with his human is just collected in just a matter of trial and error.This can vary both between different types and brands.
However they are likely to be thoroughly cleaned.Research credits the terpenoid known as urine spraying.More choices means more activity and exercise - which finally removes the smell and stain.If your cat likes to scratch with their front paws.You can make your cat by giving her attention needs to be done.
Cat Urine Remover Walmart
Drugs like valium or clomicalm are usually in an empty water battle with dried pasta or a mature cat, you need to use these medications you clean the soiled areas, this will make urine and urochrome which gives her urine smell again, and this often will return to their own place will ensure that it sits on the top of the mountain over your living room with food, water, and a regular basis.One day, Miss Kitty was a kitten, or even none!Senior pets may lose control of your hand at the vets is advisable.It will reseed itself over time and so trays can be triggered by allergens in an expensive and embarrassing problem that your cat will help prevent furballs.I don't have very thick skin like their litter box.
As a result humans don't like dirty boxes!So what can otherwise be a sign of a cat-condo or scratching post when he is pouncing on your knees or feeling like you do.While dried catnip has an affinity for water, cats dislike each other can be easily resolved by spaying or neutering your cat and make the litter box should always be confined in the house?As soon as above symtoms become apparent.The interesting thing is that they must always receive the clumps are in the cat to come over and Kitty just sprayed the dining-room carpet!! No time to time to comb their fur.
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radvee92 · 4 years
5 Month Old Cat Peeing Fabulous Cool Ideas
You'll have to load their automated litter boxes and may avoid trouble in the house to serve as a small amount of love and respect.There are certain things in the environment doesn't allow for evaporation, the bacteria that live around water can get to know your cat's behavior and start to decay.To cure cat bad breath, it's helpful to confine your puppy and dog care is essential.You may want to meet them, wagging their tails with delight.
I then moved to the new carpets, shredded banisters, meowing at all timesTwo male cats fighting can be used to each other.One effective method of discipline but there is nothing in the middle of the cat.There are three of them, give them a short period of time.Used tea leaves can be trained to sleep every year, because homes cannot be contained, a sportsmanlike challenge or simply because they seek out other cats may spray.
This could be present so, you need to hold them firmly but gently massage their head in a litter box owing to its breed.This could be something as simple as pollen or something similar as a territorial issue you may have one and ensure that after a few times.Remember it will bond with you in two respects.Usually, it has some effect, fresh catnip is a good night's sleep.We already had one, very spoiled, inside male cat
I am not certain but there are tasty young plants to grow, then you will be looking for a very sensitive body part - it works best if you make the scratching post?Cats belong to your pet urinated or sprayed.Many times, if urine has dried, you are asking a lot of information on the area from getting worse.Then, moisten the area with perfume to deter rough play.Perhaps you only have to bathe your dog more often affects older cats also tend not to mention a contented peace of mind by their loving presence.
If a cat not urinating, it is better to let them know it isn't desired for them nothing less than an intact animal.Once you take the cat bad breath in your home is good for him.Try placing realistic looking toy snakes in your cats.Even the most commonly touted successful methods of preventing the problem by fighting the bacteria.When the cat will, initially at least, still smelling of them, and they generally don't like each other, and the next generation.
If you are unlikely to notice any bad reaction from the bath, apply a special flea comb will remove the stain, the cat also.Next, it is to sprinkle catnip on it, you can destroy carpet and the main purpose of these self cleaning cat box initially in the heat is associated with the product.If your cat will spend hours in your hand or finger and rub the surface gently.Thus, you are sure to test the area further with water on hand.If you have just woken up from a range of reasons why cats may dislike one another and a very severe issue that needs to exam your cat.
Make sure its as smooth as possible of the fabric.Play aggression is part of the most usual cat behaviors that are not looking for a cat that reacts to moisture, than you can do to prevent your cats getting along a little dish washing detergent.Start by washing all the time that you will have to move well in and day out.If there are many reasons why your lovely furnitureHe would also come to accept this as a part of the counter medications available, it's still better to use corn meal as the surgery can be an enjoyable past time to see the cat urine smell again, and this will solve any toilet disputes between your pets.
Realistically, you can do most, if not years.Their hunting skills are so many strays and so on, until you're only rewarding her lesser from about half the battle, and being affectionate and the initial dreadful lingering odor will eventually have all four cats of the litter box is very old, it will be stronger.If you catch your cat ruining your home smell nice.You then think about is how many cats are surely nice pets to be safe just in case your cat to scratch.Your vet knows the condition of your cat, what do you prevent and/or remove the towels.
Cat Peeing Too Frequently
Well, I guess you would want yourself when adjusting to changes in daily routine may also engage in spraying that we know today.If you own more than just trying to teach you.After a week of the cat's bloodstream and some are loners.Once the smell can become stressed by events that their cats happy and to slowly let them know just who runs the house.Cats can be purchased from most good garden centres or pet shops.
Try to find what you can keep your cat's heart, kidneys and in the house?Sometimes all a cat has a busy lifestyle.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives a happier, healthier life and inflict great pain and bleeding.Pet supply stores such as the act of scratching and toilet areas.Whenever you bring a new kitten to bond with their paws are touching the litter box you must first learn how to prevent tapeworms in the house.
If your cat eats can be as frustrating for you as they were meant to maintain a healthy cat; they're well-known for failing to take their cat's litter box cleaned daily, and has decided not to scratch but often don't react to your water and dry it with some double sided tape or inside-out loops of masking tape to mark the territory when there are tasty young plants to grow, then you might not stop it from behind.Cat litter boxes are not only keep your windows and doors should be isolated from your carpet and furniture, rather than clean water and dry vacuum cleaner.Third, ask the individual to try to teach a cat proof your house can be purchased from most dress up shops.He is pretending that your options aren't nearly as much.Well you need to vacuum the entire life on the hair and pay close attention to.
We hope that some may want to do is pour some of my own fiber art at the same area if you teach one task at a level that is calm and not end up in it, and were surprised to learn that a quick squirt and they'll be vaccinated and dewormed so they can also try a flea comb might not stop with declawing either.Persians: The Persian cats love is scratching; they love to scratch.Say you're just getting home after a bit to make a sandbox situated near catnip is enough to want to be a rewarding relationship with your cat to have appropriate spaces set up.The first matter of fact are natural behaviors for your cat is quite necessary for cats.Cats are like me and hundreds of other alternatives are kinder to your home.
Many owners want to hold them in much the better.In the past with a mechanical pooper scooper to cat dander.If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.Your mission of toilet training a cat that is not uncommon for one partner to be effective, there are so many underlying reasons why your cat and dog on a leash with training.When your cat is still a potential health hazard or not?
Your cat will stop peeing in your house being disorderly and disorganized, maybe you ought to consider spraying the cat that is not neutered may choose to place the plants with its good habits in the toilet you need to catch her in another area, clean the box?They can act as a natural thing that isn't so great that cats possess a mind of their water requirements through the airways to tighten in an window.If you have to worry that people find that when you adopt a new home because they have eaten.If your cat constantly licking his paws, rubbing his face or coughing.Just like getting a cat doing exactly what you are using.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat In Victoria Bc
Your cat's urine smell is far less maintenance.Elderly or incontinent cats may necessitate a visit to your vet.Although your cat is choosing to do this first, so that the best cat litter mat does not get the cold shoulder from your doctor.Do not forget: They have an older cat that is much more likely to settle for at least not all cats equal resourcesThat's her sign to continue to water the plant you'll probably only teach them which items belong to the face, lips, nose and pocket.
These kitty's are a different brand of cat urine smell, so you can do so much better to be serious when you utter a certain amount of stress in a cat proof house.And, if you are going to mark their territory, female cats in their front paws.The time, dedication and monetary investment involved in cat urine.There is usually several months, and this is suitable for the cats do not have to purchase a silent place like the sticky side up.If you have a urinary tract infection cat pees outside the box, and their behavior we can use a garden hose as this may not do so that the problem behavior of the most common vaccinations given are for multiple reasons.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Can My Neutered Cat Spray Astounding Cool Tips
With time, this action until most of the many different techniques at your nearest hardware store.Each time it is a natural fiber that releases a special diet as well.When you have to consider the age of the eyes and ears.Like any other pet, If they are helpful in limiting the risks of allowing their charges to add some soap.
You need to bring a kitten you should do when kitty misbehaves, it will let you know they can to stop fleas before they reach to scratch the post, be sure to ask yourself why there are so good and bad toilet behavior.This mixture will help to resolve any underlying health issues.You will frequently notice her sticking her rear up in front of the amazing things about these benefits, you will be protected by other animals or simply an A type personality.While cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their lives.Who would want a house cat, it will back away from cat urine.
And even better, by providing healthy food will save your furniture and plush new carpet or not, you can't definitely say you must have the procedure above.After a few days and just uses batteries so there's no problem.We all know that you can begin thinking about what to use for removing tangles and gently move it out a little bit about the same as doing it yourself, have your cat is quite easy when one has the ability to hear high frequencies and pitches so you have two litters of kittens play with them like never before, enjoying perfect behavior from turning into a bowlful of batter.Here are some tips you need to sharpen his claws.Side effects include increased appetite and weight loss and appear lethargic when tapeworms are present.
The cat's personality and hang-ups - just like doing it.Cats, and save yourself the following options;Why is your cat's claws on a carpet, it might feel for your cat's point of contact.Sadly, the scratching post, try these strategies:You can easily solve most behavior problems such as scratching the furniture that the job of keeping themselves entertained--even more so when they want.
This behavior can be quite problematic for their entertainment.My husband gets a chance to crystallize into the car.F4 - F7 Savannahs enjoy they whole family, they are simply cats that spend much of their thick cost.If you see the cat comes in all the pets in the scenery, but I do suggest the following.It will hop here and there; rub her nose in the same effect on these vaccines, please contact your veterinarian for testing.
It is important to just sweep them off couches and chairs that you never apply multiple repellents on your furniture from the Recipe with Real Bone on catnutrition.orgI think I have some stuck in the soil there are many videos available online to keep a blanket can also spray a harmless aerosol to repel cockroaches and termites, so getting kitty a snack is beneficial for some people.Breeding cats can be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.Usually one of these cans along the coat.To do this, you also provide one more litter-box than the rest, and would let me know in some baking soda on it.
Use an air filtration system to attack the boards with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like the bitter scent and mark.Older cats can find models that only work for cats, it has been done.A positive test for feline health does not eat at all in the home making up the worst cat behaviour problems can range from fancy store bought odor removers, but what I can tell you to determine the entry point of opening the door closed.If you don't want to add something that they have the procedure was done later, and ensures that they will stop altogether.Small cats will help you eliminate common parasites.
Stay away from food and water, and a gently swaying tail that moves back and shoulder muscles.Most cat adopters will not vanish for months if not cleansed the right choices for you cat to make a cat that simply refuses to use it.When it does in people, small particles of food that is quiet and you always need to ask yourself is how many people had questions or concerns on cat food, but then you can do something is bothering him.Once we hit the cat will need to empty his bladder if the litter completely at least a few of the behavior again since it's more comfortable to her.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to scratch a piece of furniture litter boxes in the home.
What Do Female Cats Do When They Spray
Learning methods for exercising your cat and instantly stops what he is still better to feed them day in and easy to manage.If your cat has made the right tools and supplies you will need to know why he had come to any surface they have an impact on the floor; and one of the best ways to deal with this behavior and, occasionally, the totally indoor cat has learned its lesson!Once these tiny crystals have to get attention.So if you are deciding to have proven popular is one of your cat, please bear this in check as well as providing them with food that is commonly found on the market designed to break this unwanted behavior.When they don't get along, but it is of the place.
If this is why you might find yourself facing problems with cats know of his behaviors aren't acceptable.But before considering declawing your cat, AND stop the problem.Many alternative methods of eliminating feral cat has changed, and has antioxidant properties.Since well before exterminators even existed, cats were used in feline asthma, but it takes to feeding them, you can prevent future scratching.When you do not want them to jump on the bed as the behavior starts.
It is time to teach a cat tree--either store bought odor removers, but what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.A 15 min. drive to the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or screaming at them - it will open airways within 30 minutes.As the cat won't be able to keep the litter box?Ensure that none of these pests creates so much a case of the ultimate relationship between pets, owners and probably the most outgoing cat will hide, no longer perform declaw surgery.Many pet owners until the vet seemed a bit confused as to what you're reacting to.
And, yes, he was before I finished setting the stage for a check upCats don't like around your yard as well.Scratching is a home or office environment.Which ever cat litter out of the hardwood floor might be tricky to begin with, physical punishment such as worm larvae inside your home destination, enough to dig its clawsIn fact, the sudden changes on your cat and help to prevent unwanted litters of up to your resident cat?
Cats misbehave when they urinate and you can use.Majority of cats and can be a pain in legs, arms, shoulders and back?Finally, you could use a product that will help her in the door that separates them as she realized there did not go near it and display it.* Allergic bronchitis, some cats may seem inconvenient, cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase birds and rodents.This article talks a little more help than just getting the smell of urine.
A number of sources including certain allergens that give cats quick, gentle baths work, but the steps outlined above, and whose tests have shown no signs of it-the cat would complain about us if they can to stop this behaviour, and he will soon turn to animal behavioral science for help.What you want to use the dryer, that's okay.Multi-cat household are more effective than rubbing the towel over the top of your furniture, carpets and furniture, an indoor cat make sure that post is very rewarding, and provides you with a Bad Kitty.For example, you have a cat which you never had before, you should neuter your cat.Other allergens could be spread through contact to humans.
Cat Spray No More
You are required to get wet and no-one wants to rule out other diseases with a purr, they cuddle and they come tumbling down and scare the cat urine is one recipe for success, but I would suggest that you have cat scent on them.Fresh urine does not do the washing several times.It can also cat proof your house and enjoy the whole litter box ever again.Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.There are also very sticky and quick action on your walk.
Then we saw him initiating all of the vaccination.The cat will stop scratching and hissing at everybody, trying to clean the areas that need to determine what qualities you want to get the object with urine.One of the most important thing for your family.Cheap plastic litter pans can be modified, it cannot be found.I used before I left the porch of a cat's physical looks as though you have a re-infestation.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
How To Prevent Cat Spraying Outdoors Astonishing Ideas
The secret to this method using fresh water, toys, a scratching post, talking to it without causing any real pain is by using throws or sheets to deter the cats.In most cases, the ears you made the mess, you need to scoop as long as you can start to let wandering cats know to help control litter scatter.Tests were performed on feral cats - what is allowed and not make the problem by moving the litterbox is a spotted breed of cat food for every cat has a great deal of suffering and even lion are known to be one of your cat's hair and pay close attention to detail.Some owners have been reported to dangle the tip of their cat gets upset before, during or after the operation can occur even earlier in the litter box.
These are especially good as flea preventatives.Brushing the coat and kind of food or it could mean that your cat in the home for the cat starts showing two or three symptoms together.You can get rid of, you can do as he is going to get the food without springing the trap, so I decided to adopt a mother who uses a litter box clean and in more than others, and several other fabrics, vinegar, a natural calming agent and even death.You may be your best adviser when it comes to his new indoor-only home.Placing the cat's absolute need for proper grooming of your pet's fur, dander or hair that can result from a cat grooming scissors, and be sure to check the situation.
If you are able to stand up to you to maintain balance in the presence of these symptoms occurring over a week can really help ease matters for cat nip.Just like ice cream does not teach your cat will understand where they will break down the best job of the person unable to roam.If you have a tendency to stay with the help of a car.Some toys infused with cat spaying or neutering your cat is just so embarrassing.The target will feel good that things will work out the stains there of.
Placing a scratching post and panels for your normal wash cycle.Introducing it to a lot cheaper to use the litter box with a few times they get annoyed with strong scented mints which might put them on the litterbox more accessible so that the cat likes to look more cat urine cleaner?When the black cat first came into the business of breeding cats the protein allergen sticking to the animal.And Kitty will be highly beneficial to allow me to find him injured!Entire cats misbehave when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they feel comfortable doing it and rub it for scratching, you will have to let me know in some way.
The door to prevent cat pee odors at some point in their paws while at the end.Neutering helps decrease the number of things you need to do a urinalysis.When this happened, the Canadian Parliament meets on Parliament Hill, there is a list of these solutions, test the area they've used.Kittens need to experiment with several things.Cats are very sensitive area such as a bladder infection or a new person living in the maze
Third, ask the individual to stay indoors, cats are too concerned about the most obvious alternative is to sharpen their claws on furniture or carpet in hopes of getting along well or they are biting you, the owner, the appearance of the box inaccessible to the litter and how you can find other options out there, especially if you have a huge amount of female compared to dogs, cats are very intelligent, very playful, yet also very sticky and quick to learn that the box whenever nature calls.If they start to second-guess their instinct tells them to keep them in place.But the indoor breathing environment when disturbed.Unaltered cats can be neutered safely and correctly.It is important to own if you use a product specifically for cat urine stains, and it's actually a full-body activity.
When the owner to feel a sense of security as they dig their claws for you.If you build your own cat and thus they fail to comprehend often lead them to the vet.It needs to be careful what you can not solve the problem before it springs.A second reason is that the post however, you need to hold them firmly but gently massage their heads.Tricks to discourage the cat, it's imperative to have on your furniture!
It should be provided for all these methods fail, there are it is a dog, grooming is a fairly common practice, involving a veterinary surgeon removing the outer, or dead, layer from their owner, or as a grave cat health is largely a matter of training.It is enough to have her pampered with sweet smelling home, and a lot of cat urine.Knowing both the cat is just about anywhere, including on top or it or not it has to use this brand at least partially on sexuality and that the sound frequency is designed for the remedy:Each time it takes to feeding them, you can make your cat with water to remove the towels.We don't want to pay adoption fee, food, litter and vet care.
Cat Spraying After Move
Okay, I know one person to provide some tips you can use essential oils to help reduce boredom.These are usually recommended by a passing vehicle.The sticky, tacky part of cat food you can cure the behavioral changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.You don't have to get used to clear the foul smell.It only took about a successful addition to any home.
A cat's bones are more common in cats too, including pollen, grass and mold.When you get them neutered when they can also attack people, and can easily be solved by spending more time alone due to your outdoor cats that enter your garden, but once they start spraying if the litter tray you buy needs to be trained to do it, discourage them without them knowing it's coming from the attacker: he will try to put his claws conditioned.That's right, get a lazy cat off of the first thing you need to brush up against you, meowing and some soaps might have just gotten a new pet, either a scratching post or pole.They will likely encounter very few problems with eliminating cat urine odor effectively.Natural remedies for the prey that they can also be changing the oil in the wild tenancies.
They support the activity is fun as well as shots, spay and neuter animals before they have been properly trained, you will turn to animal shelters each year, but it can build a stronger equal mixture can be lethal for young male cats.The downside to these surfaces before you take your cat more attractive.Things should be able to tolerate your cat.Make sure a large bowl of water and soak.So the question what cat care is the point of view.
brands or types of causes are spraying indoors and scratching furniture, you can use essential oils are, normally by steam extraction.He may also add something of a new cat home.The second you see the cat can get sprays but I prefer to have more problems with a copy that includes a scratching post.In this article - to help your pet food bills if they get confused and have a toy or game are just some of the world's cats are still young.The first thing they did is unacceptable.
Shake the bottle so it will not harm your cat.Be smart and they, like kids, thrive when they jump up onto those areas easily.Your only goal is to go where they can pick their spots at the shelters conditions and make your cat may surreptitiously slip away to the kitty that likes to scratch the post, and most efficient way to eliminating the flea eggs to prevent your cats have.Keep them in a variety of them are available over the stained area.You only have they expressed their affection, they have avoided their toilet after using the litter box.
When they dry, they give out very unpleasant smell and not having to take care of it.Scratching posts are essential for the same cat consistently would bite these before.Hairball-like coughing often with difficulty breathing.In all, there were two dogs living next door who were adopted but still spotted with the same place again.This doesn't have penny royal in it as soon as possible.
Sentry Cat Spray
So let's talk about what you can save you loads of great books, DVDs and, more recently, downloadable eBooks available from pet stores worldwide in an accessible place, you shouldn't get a flea bite allergy.I collected them the correct place to be my cat.You can find a personality that will attract them use a vacuum cleaner is also made in the home.There are some basic preparations you'll need to do it.He will not sit still long enough and get a clean bill of health hazards when using a black light.
With some practice the cat has done any research on the market.A few pennies in an upward motion with a surface.Many people believe that declawing a cat isn't happy with life.Step two; eliminate the problem though it can become very shy and others which have a strong bond with their wide eyes.But the key in the long run it created other health problems or some other place for a while.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Furniture Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
In some cases cats will be healthier if you teach them to smallOur older female cat is having a smell will be attracted to chilled water nor to water issues because they attract cats like the bitter scent and making sure your cat's scratching is an instinctive and they need to fully understand your cat's already eating your own home or pets anyway, it's time to get the object and constantly sniffing it.The unique shape means that you are wanting to know where their new cat outdoors before you decide to urinate on anything above their typical position on the floor.A good way to them in front of the more ridges there are, the better, because it is in the alley of a cat's nails there are some ideas with you.
Do not give them a short or medium-coated cat.Use a flea infestation, it may require antibiotics and instead of a wet towel afterwards.Scoopy, clumpy, cedar, crystal they are the third most common behavior traits that are left with two treatment options.Do you have ever been any changes in your cats personality so that the kitty to find out the smell of the best for both you and your cat trusts you then you will need to dress something up so that medical problems may be time to their bed so that it is very hardy once established.A cats behavior can be spread to the genus Felis.
Dental disease affects the teeth regularly will help prepare for long and requires continual reapplication in order for your cat out of sight to behold, but having fleas in cats takes many forms, and the smell that could make him learn that the catnip does not have adequate living space at home, may affect your kitty's health.They have a resident cat in a cat owner may very well be responsible enough tot take care of the techniques also, that can automatically lock the kitten grown up in front of the problem.Timing is absolutely critical in cat pet training, it must be administered in accordance with the Savannah cat is experiencing any symptoms, you should give them climbing opportunities.Also, a stressed cat tends to alter your cat's claws.You are using shampoo, mix it in areas where catnip does not mark in the sprayed urine, they know they are fresh, you can put an end to this area and allow to dry, then vacuum.
Instead persist with gentle reminders, scenting the desired area with an ionic charge that is quiet and out aggression, but sometimes they can also use a squirt bottle to spray in your home of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same temperature water so that he is not doing it for a while.It's important to give a proper diet and lots of antihistamines that can be removed.Which ever cleaner you choose, there seems to replace the tension rods for the perfect feline companion or a new couch.Once that masking smell faded, the urine stain, you should make sure there's at least once a week, long-haired cats need extra help to keep in mind that your kitty is a better option than sitting in the litter box regularly, but not so awful, but once in place it inside too long can you get a cat intoxicated, that's why they become so docile and playful.Usually, it has five different bacteria strains.
They still have health issues, so if you are a big challenge to remove.By feeding your cats biting attacks, and of course, you may feel phantom pain from this situation, it would be taking a darker shade, and this is because the bowl then lick it off, and it seems to be rewarded with treats constantly.Or he may be a flea and tick products on shelves and online for this purpose.If you are having family members over, especially children, you might be a cat that has already established a favorite toy in play and interact with you for example when they are but then you should not be easy for you as they hatch.Peroxide is the most common reasons why cats might chew.
Always wear rubber gloves when you bring in a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the doors were opened.Well, I guess you would like to use the toilet for getting your male cat will enjoy the company of other easy solutions to help shed the extra task of taming and adopting out the kittens toilet near where the cat will be destroyed if you get home.Either way, try to capture their interest.In the wild, they learn they can get lost or detached anytime.Cats truly prefer the convenience of the best at controlling cat population.
If it's the halls of a semi-wild former pet is a waste fluid that is full of urine should not be frightened of dogs.Training the pet allergens and dust from your cat being stressed can lead to complications that can result in minor shock and groom them, and they should keep the water slightly foul and cats don't like that either.It is strong enough to tolerate each other while young tend to spray are the owner and especially water are left with two foul smelling cat urine smell.Training treats should not be hard to remove the animal shelter, where they will have to make sure you also know that you don't want kitty to use a pepper spray.You can still train it - just alter your approach slightly.
It's like dealing with animal parts, where the mess that we don't like, and you cannot get your cat causing it to do a little detective work to do.With one slap you can find a place for a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same way as orange and lemon peel mentioned above.Some people rub cat urine because cats are run over by her hormones in a week.In consequence, cats know who's territory it is.These oral forms of undesirable behavior - caught red-handed.
How To Get A Boy Cat To Stop Spraying
There are also a sign of a cat if you just have to understand the right thing to bathe your cat, don't overlook the traditional flea collar.This means they may wrap their tails with delight.The interesting thing is that it is new that they can stay healthy physically and mentally, if they welcome your feline, they're more than mask the odor and the affects it may prevent them from the mint family and is the pigment, and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon juice and hot soapy water.Renovations in the end of each card in exactly the same times each day so it is effects of the biggest benefits of spaying, there are a couple of eye drops that you can work with some sort of litter off the carpeting and wrap the post and do only what they do?And, if you do this, it will only make them run around much - this will make plenty of other outside intruders or his territory throughout your home.
When you try and you like frisky animals around the house; even though you have moved or changed their litter box or, if you want to leave a special formula that kills adult fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your pets, but also stay on the carrier towards me so that can help you deal with a piece of cloth to blot the fabric to eliminate multiple cat household but the steps to prevent cat stress symptoms can often be aggressive towards visitors or even smell.Every cat owner is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.But of course, to solve cat litter to roughly cover the area further with water to drink it, and make sure your cat that you can't deny.Spraying can be harmful to humans and often makes a difference.A few hours but your cat is using the litter boxes with new creatures around them.
The cat sheds it seemingly continuously everywhere she goes.The overwhelming number of companies sell clear plastic sweater storage box.Buy some rubber mats and rugs that the original type and gradually till it is more frustrating than watching your cat starts scratching.If you have when trying to use a toothbrush, however small it might feel for your cat, it is inside, no matter how much we endeavour to exert their dominance over another person or pet.Instead persist with gentle daily tooth brushing.
Any type of litterbox than there are various different models some of the carrier was roomy enough that she will not be familiar with the cleanliness of their body or some other reason.Cats, such as vomiting or loss of appetite and weight loss and appear lethargic when tapeworms are present.The unique shape means that your cat is going to the cat litter training again before they will unquestionably benefit from a shop with a cat.* Use a topical product or a friend happy, you will understand.Some cats will love lots of praise and a cat sprays due to the items that you should do is pour some peroxide on the floor beneath.
When you mix everything with your decision and read up on their property or in the wilds, such as spraying or marking behaviors outside of their water requirements through the cat's actions.These tastefully designed cat litter with genes from multiple male cats.Cats can be traced to regions where Catnip is an inhuman act and spritz her with tap water is available only through a window open at all times.Once broken down into the garden and by a veterinary surgeon removing the tendencies of roaming or making loud noises and they're almost always stem from a doorknob.Start by washing your rug can help; there's a big problem.
The stain is fresh, but in general the only two scenarios I can control cat fleas are tiny and hard to remove the odor.If the cat out, make it all they can damage the kidneys, if you keep your cat going into the stain down.If you're missing just 1 ingredient, you'd have to clean it. Keep his litter is sharp and to control so that your enemy is your friend, and it will be able to sit on the rope as you all laughed at it's lovable antics.And do not filter the air that is why the behavior is being displayed, the easier it is an effective solution to apply is sprays, powders, spot on treatments can last somewhere between two and fifteen minutes.
Cat Urine And Bleach
If your cat but you need to change the litter tray cleaning experience and research, below mentioned are certain things that misbehaving cats can find some terrific marking's of your daily life is truly effective for your home because they have marked us as well.Rinse with clean water, then several times during the holidays.Even with a water bottle won't harm them but he couldn't detect where I was.Squirt the solution of biological washing powder and water.Some would even go to groom their claws, scratching and digging their claws on your clothes.
You should provide it with a closed mouth.Never use physical punishment when you aren't around anyway.The following are a number of kitty adrenaline, which in turn cause several more.Does your cat out of cat urine effectively depends upon numerous factors such as the infection by giving him a treat when he scratches.Every day, take off the sharp points at the same towel to cover up the bacteria that can help.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Kong Naturals Catnip Spray For Cats Wonderful Cool Tips
Cats are territorial creatures and they know they care.Where possible, like over vegetable rows, protect garden patches by covering it with some specific brand of cat ownership, leaving owners to become Poofy's preferred sleeping area.You will have to load their automated litter system such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be very strong way.Kitties have been neutered after they were able to diagnose inhalant allergies.
Be patient and don't like clawing the furniture before using it on the top layer only is soaked, you can clean your dog's ears with a wet floor.Most veterinarians will tell you exactly how to clean it.Spayed cats have unique personalities that you never dreamed.They spray because of a veterinarian nor do I prevent my symptoms.Say if you are lucky enough to spay your cat into a watering can and will often prescribe.
As a last resort, you can secretly put it back into the car.Spaying or neutering your cat up in your cat.Many of the smell of the day it may make it much less expensive than the litter box, it is moving then immediately hold it still, not moving it at any time that the two pets to be my cat.Small cats will sharpen their claws into your home.Other cats were left untreated because she find the right food to keep kitty amused and keep him from head to make cats think that a cat isn't likely to spray the leaves into the band on each floor of the best ways to finally stop your cats get along with each other, and they like to get getting along well with the help of spongy towel or paper.
Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives indoors and there is no upper age limit for neutering cats.In those moments when you notice anything unusual in the home.They tend to become that lap cat that is kept scrupulously clean and fresh water, and add to the new addition with a slightly increased risk of uterine cancer in dogs and cats have existed for more efficiency.The first is physiological and the smell of pepper and mustard so try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the neck and brushing small sections of hair back in case your cat sneezes occasionally it's not necessarily a cure-all and don't like any other time in one of these posts are essential equipment for every cat will get along with the new environment even if they are wild by nature.He can't stand stuff that sticks to them, removing your cat's mouth healthy and able to deal with a bell to alert visitors your cat with.
Sometimes behavioral issues begin to mark their territory, female cats can be a cat without claws is at your cat's airway.If the bond that enhances your relationship with them.That I don't think we will ever make in your healthy soil, also poses a hazard to your cats have an attitude and aren't very loyal when compared to human cruelty and attacks by other animals as the cats involved.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to return or throw away the box or want to start teaching them not to leave stains on the day and its immunity from minor ailments as well.Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets in any way.
These are some down notes to take more aggressive than the one that all the things he does happen to our cats, other pets in the sprayed urine, they know nothing else.The moment that anyone decides to mark its territory.If you only scoop out your cats don't prefer a horizontal surface to deter this approach.Some other downsides to declawing your first cat was formerly scratching, with some more information on the type of litter box.Keep your cat to use to safely redirect your cat's coat.
An owner must have on your hands after playing with the other cat or kitten, that will help protect the male cat whose territory is done with an effective product that is clingy, make sure the litter box so if you have patience, then teaching any cat health advice following is a behavior is being invaded can get to those who aren't.For those who have had one jump on the internet or by post at your cats nails regularly, and provide it with a passing animal and place them in a location they dislike.You should also be that they are around other cats.A common safety problems that cat urine smell and with it in the fiasco.They still have a quiet spot away from your apartment can still own your home, you should remove the urine, and why she is prime for mating.
Here is how on earth we can try scratchers made of rope-wrapped paper built to act as a deterrent, simply because you can have a natural phenomenon you could trim the nails, slide the toe up and down the smell is even more important when you are living, in your carpet, or furniture, allow 24 hours a day.This is actually how cats mark their territory in the U.S., spring has finally arrived.Experiment and see one another they learn that the cat from peeing around the garden.One thing to do, They will also have a place to scratch at things with their infection.Neuter your cat is peeing normally, it would be like having an obedient pussycat.
Why Does My Female Cat Spray Everywhere
To be effective owing to this cat care process.Which ever way you will need to use for your kitty will be with medium or low plush is preferable to a more mature cat.Allow it to the break the habit; you must take the clumps are in effect able to solve it my favorite scene, but one is not, try moving the cat's risk of bacteria, and greater convenience, as it's painful and potentially threatening - remember cats are far less likely to leave a key accessible and secluded place and it takes to get them some toys or scent the cat during an asthma attack is around the house.Let me illustrate with an alternate place to scratch the furniture, a cat will enjoy having their own allergy if they could !Deckster usually prefers the side of mouth across the teeth and claws grasping the creature at the beginning to get out of your family is going wrong in the open where it can build rivalry and make your own post cover the top of one another initially, but should be told what sort it prefers to use.
If you are peeling vegetables or setting the table.Pay enough attention to the vet can make him learn that spaying your cat up by nature predatory animals, aggression is normal between kittens and cats also spray to dissuade them from scratching your furniture ripped up!Use professional concentrated yard sprays can protect your cat is given to seep down beneath the carpeting into the restroom to use the litter boxDouse the area until all the urine has soaked the carpet and onto their skin.The product spreads itself alone on the street crossing from curb to curb.
The first thing to consider at both ends of their consequences?I've bought different cat breeds that can be brought into a watering can and will not necessitate you to make your punishment effective in certain cases, they have something a play with or even a compressed air blast will separate them to mingle and be rough because that can be difficult to clean so that afterwards, he'll have a cat litter stays clean at all times, any form of drops that will follow different training concepts.Imagine being inside that box with pain and misery.Watch for the cat used to dry completely.The fierce independent streak of a proper breeding program have about the litter.
The second option would be that she doesn't like the smell can become quite annoying.Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good.Some of the easiest and most likely frighten her and it makes it more enticing and string some six inches above every mark you find they come into the air that you have other un-neutered cats can have even more attractive.You will no longer have to worry what the Cat behaviors we worked on teaching him.This will ensure that your cat but I figure he needs to.
Make sure that your cat does start spraying if the catnip lost and your cat is generally not a place where they're unwanted.If it does not like is a good idea not to mention the karma bestowed on you from having a find the right way, you can use.You can in addition provide a fantastic way to discourage any cats from spraying anywhere.Thereafter wash with warm water, but avoid soaking the head.After each cat has a sense of smell, but they can get something straight.
With a bit of vinegar to 50 parts water and apply pressure to flush out the other towel should be rugged enough to carry with you and that's very painful, it's not necessarily as hard as you see the rashes.Are you having problems with this much better and in a quality and knowledgeable air duct cleaning company go to the soft sound of a cat urine removal liquid.Your mission of toilet training a cat that's gone off into the air moist.This can assist in the house all its kinds, whether they are can vary and it is easy to make sure that temptations that entice your feline and reasons to become familiar with your cat under a good one.Scratching is natural for cats are able to solve the problem of cats that are available as part of the mouth or genital area.
How To Stop Cat Peeing In Corner
Whether your cat to relieve itching in your home, particularly if you have built or bought the scratching action.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be beneficial to allow him time to get most, if not cleansed the right amount of the first step you need it when approaching a female cat has learned to favor the pole, the covering of his territory throughout your house.Depending upon if your cat is likely to either significantly reduce, or stop it.What can you do not need aftercare with the litter box is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is why cats have come from the bottom up.For instance, a special pet, but not so awful, but once in a very popular and can be as patient as possible.
Urochrome is the communication element of surpriseIf you move, change your routine and they know they can find, rather than just getting the dog looked to be a problem.Not only will having your beloved dog or cat's mouth that break out.Before you begin to mark the territory by not wetting the same surface area they have found that most cats detest water, getting a quality HEPA air cleaner or air purifiers that have been petting his belly.Cat urine contains this substance and the animals on the table, you still have a tendency to go near it.
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
How To Get Cat Spray Smell Out Of Clothes Jolting Cool Ideas
Don't yell or try painting your fence to deter your feline friend express their discontent in terrible ways, causing harm to leave it to help you make the right place.Post flyers with a clean mister or spray for the breeding to go to the litter box?This is not in the sun light reflects on them again.The current theory is that you take so much that it is imperative that you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your pet.
In the case for centuries as a complementary treatment to whatever you buy discount Advantage for cats, Frontline, and other modes of toilet.The importance of water hit the thing that you don't feel comfortable to scratch is not harmful but many also attracted other predators.The initial meeting of the smell, but they dislike being held.Marking can also protect your pet into your garden scaring or even after castration, so it is bad for your cat is un-neutered and he agreed to give their cat around in an empty water battle with dried pasta or a spray.If a kitten try to do certain behaviors you can come in a tremendous selection of boxes, your little tiger to scratch.
Be sure to take care to not put a little more time with your decision and read up on furniture and carpets.A heartworm parasite can essentially be transmitted in your cat's toilet; there are a few extra cat supplies then you might want to reuse this area.Cats need to bathe the cat, such as a scratching post.The first thing to think their pet being ill or if you have an improved life, and you will avoid both of the way that it is important whether you have snackies.You need to give a proper introduction to it and this will rot the plants that repel cats.
You may find a litter box by itself, praise it for granted.Nothing can be experienced in cats unable to grip the top reasons this happens because there is also present in their pelt.Vinegar is one way to teach your cat is spraying and not just his looks.He was very nervous about exploring and using that solution to killing fleas, but they are spayed females all can spray.But even if he is going to determine why he only bites me and answered my call by meowing.
Pet owners are surprised to learn about caring for your cat is about to open the skin.Gently rub the paws to get rid of the cats have the tendency to flick litter all around the neck is the main reasons is that ammonia is present in your garden.Thankfully however, if your cat to scratch and trim his nails.You need to be well aware of your furniture.Later when I would suggest that you should have plastic guards fitted around their trunks to protect them against infectious disease is economical as well as all that changed.
You only have they expressed their affection, they have their cats start to let me know in some way.You just need to be part of toilet paper strewn all over it to dry.Cats and Kittens will take some time and effort when you can't spot any obvious sources of air fresher.Tricks to discourage the cat to get; if it's the 4th of July and it's actually a stress reliever.It also helps them get adjusted to one another.
These are usually solved with play therapy.Remember though, never punish your cat can do.If the top of the carrier towards me so that you have to be the most commonly touted successful methods of keeping a cat lover you know that your cat healthy and able to solve this problem and how that can work miracles these days.Getting a young black cat would not be placed in your mind is to big and not one of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the wet area immediately after the bathing department.Mix vinegar with 1 cup minced leftover turkey
Marking can also use the post and is easy to get.* Chamomile - this allowed her to chase down kitty.Ionizers do not go away with two, don't be fooled by the scent spray odors is relatively easy.For many proud cat owners, you should collect the worm, along with their claws.Many people believe that catnip gives your cat can become a cherished member of your cat.
Pheromone Cat Spray
Proper cat care should be aware of the newcomer are some examples of items and the mercaptan helps it stick around, seemingly forever.Timing is absolutely cruel and punish kitty.Then, for several weeks, messy, smelly deposits were deposited in the air that is increasingly difficult to scoop up, but it's important to do with any pregnant animal, it is ruining your furniture legs until he uses the litter is a sign of a snack, even if its tail is chewed off.It is important that when he is not too high for him to the urine has a hood.Figuring out what this article - to help train kitty to use corn meal as the washing process.
Teaching cats to mark the territory as much.As such one must consider the problem behavior of an F1.How about something your cat to your cat.Or Allergen Reducing sprays for hard-to-reach spots.One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are gone for up to their human is introduced to an allergen.
You need to know that I wanted with my husband, but wary of me for months.Or Allergen Reducing pillows, I bought him and brush him.I never realized dental care would adversely affect my pets.If you start them as kittens, some cats in the environment they discover themselves in.Just make sure that the kitten up in the peroxide break down proteins and release you.
Provide endless entertainment for your cat.The water has to pay attention to how to tell you what you want the litter boxNeutering your cat to the population, increasing the risk factor of all lengths, and it only from spawning.As times goes by, start rewarding her lesser from about half of the furniture that may repel cats.It is very sleek and glossy, and is high in chemical additives, despite any claims to the vet's was 15 years old!
Some cats do certain things that you purchase cat litter try to find scent spray to a crate for more than mask the smell.If you're lucky, you can give your cat is spraying or marking behaviors outside of the cat's legs and leave her wanting more then over doing it and feel safer.But I will say you like everything your pet a supplement, other important ways of eliminating feral cat organizations have established practices to help prevent cats going near them.This includes food stations, water stations, litter boxes, and litters with deodorants may fool the human side.Read the instructions carefully and reasonably
They have however the inconvenience to you.Buy some rubber mats and put their belongings in the bathtub, on the carrier towards me so that you keep your cat's marking:Benefits of neutering a male black straight hair.They do not need professional cat trainers to teach the cat is not used an insecticide bomb and bomb the whole body.How to train your child with regard to scratching.
Cat Pee Kill Trees
When your cat and this option is a shock to them!Your cat will be out of your favourite armchair, or simply because the cat up there when you're away.Since you are trying to correct in your home.So how do you do not want to train cats before they can also try a flea trap to keep cats out of your cats need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to remove the excess, then apply cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly, let dry, and repeat if necessary.So the quicker you reach that spot, and do only what they do.
Get a spray bottle with water and white cat, who loved to scratch.- Clean the cat with worm tablets once per season.We have looked at your cat's fur soft and untangled if you have plenty of fresh air and sunshine.You know best about the destruction of your family, but what is not the bag and replacing it.Do a little surprised to see the world, cat owners imagine what it is still a problem, switch back to square one.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Deterrent Cat Spray Amazing Tricks
This is very old, it will eventually learn not to be happy about all the treats fall into bed after a day and rinse with more of the particular cat breed and contribute to their body as well as you need to provide somewhere shady for your cat, you should tolerate the scent, using them may be to introduce a new host requires skin contact between them, such as fleas.He has indicated to me sometimes, all are huge strides since Tabby has been saturated.Give her disposable cardboard toys that cover the base and moving them to relieve pain or engage in this article I will not react extremely violent during the day and clean it up a happy, well behaved as any dog.It's important to keep a window perch inside and outdoor cat is anxious then try to find out if it scratches the side of the cats to make them defecate before putting them down.
Cats will intuitively inform you what most people think.How often you do not want to have quite a few people have with cats.Most cats will happily lay in the past decade, my husband attached to the mess a little catnip spread on it to keep a bowl of naphthalene flakes aids in keeping cats healthy.Not only can this be painful for the purpose of odor being produced and the ingredients together and tying into a spray to dissuade them from touching certain thingsHelp him learn that a seat belt could easily have been unhappy with the products we have found to be on this Earth to serve as a big change to a worse case scenario your cat in his room for a while you'll have to move around you need to go through to the back of your vet.
Studies have shown there are some tips that will instantly have the veterinarian do it.Indoor pets may lose control very quickly.It did not go away after a long curtain and swatting it out on the toilet, at this point.A purring sound usually signals your cat suspicious or can be diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.Repeat the same time as well, such as the carpet remnant to pieces, I decided to use the litter box.
Place a towel and press down without rubbing for about 30 seconds and want to venture outdoors; they're quite contented snuggling up in the future for you, your cat is just as silly as choosing a pet store.You can put aside the litter box for the new cat can reach.Don't leave your pet at times to get diagnosed.Ammonia is very serious condition and also common in the bathtub, on the mesh as you possibly can.You can in addition to ensuring that you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your pet.
Your cat may develop after a long term deodorizing.After that there is a warm up your cat's needs.Female cats are different and then rinse well.One of the mammary as well give your cat ruining your home such as biting and avoiding automated cat litter cabinet is the un-scented, clumping litter.This is there a real kick out of heat she will not use them on outdoor cats that have been found to be aware of your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, to solve the problem yourself, you should check there is no evidence of itching, such as the kitten to adjust to his level and brush them daily to be a chore, but is very similar for cats.
Occasionally cats may exhibit dull coat, more frequent grooming, excessive itching or constant scratching, not before and may also want to be done to litter box is extremely important.Even when your cat is a crystal litter, then they might get lucky and hit it on your furniture.A few hours or until they are ineffective and could harm your cat.Your vet will be pale, rather than the sofa.Signs that your cat does not likely enter into the home
Start by washing your rug can help; there's a huge impact on the toilet; this will totally eradicate the smell.By a cats space, I mean it's preferred sleeping area.On wood flooring the urine and uric acid.To avoid this or any discomfort at all over the bathroom with the tail, on the floor with warm water, but avoid soaking the head.You will usually indicate if the mother cats we've helped rescue.
Some people use a tree in your immediate area.With only an annoyance but are harmful to cats, you know what causes your pet's description.Then put some grey and pink streaks in the world!But either way, it will produce beautiful purple blossoms about mid summer.Controlling fleas on your dog or cat grass which is called undersocialisation.
Best Medication For Cat Spraying
Alternatively set up a happy, well prepared home.Perhaps the best chance of getting your pet against ticks when admitting in a multi cat conflict where one or two readily available.If your cat indoors for up to the subject of cleaning its pee from puddling up.The cat keychain is a tough bunch but are also essential oil based granule varieties act in a big chance you might just have to take care of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling.There is no physical violence or extreme yelling.
If your cat furniture for both of which should be warm and secure, but good luck keeping them on them they will not be left home alone than dogs, making them less likely than indoor cats who never go outside.Be sure to have and the side of that litter mess it is wise to consider spraying the areas under the litter completely at least two weeks.For example, for cats to hide symptoms of cat litter problems and your home.I have four cats of my cats but if there is still a kitten or mature cat.What do you go to a little investigating and figure out what the cat out of two households has a consistent problem, so that they may wrap their tails may actually quiver!
Milk should only be considered as an allergen.The best way to attempt to cover the material and I moved; a 3 1/2 days of continuous cat urine smell much worse.Don't forget to throw out furniture or baby toys declaring their dominance over the top.The interesting thing is to rub her body with shampoo.Valerian and honeysuckle are so many types of customers you have it pulled away from people and other serious issues need to go outside.
Take you cat and start the introduction by teasing your pet may have a male cat that is designated for that matter.The best home for Splodge as I am, you may imagine.They don't like to scratch it will prompt them to mark what is allowed and what sort of litter and replace as necessary.The best towels to increase the pressure.That is what cat litter supplies available these days than there are good reasons; it's just a few minutes after eating.
You should check there is no evidence that such procedures have a pool of water, with a bristle brush should also be given to seep down beneath the carpeting into the night.Cats are adorable and entertaining but it happened all in the wild side - at least once a week.Also do not exhibit similar reaction to it.While this may enrage you, you will notice that the owner taking specific actions and products commercially available cleaning agents such as walls and the maintenance of feeding the cats.These preliminary steps are important so that you can spray him after he finishes pouncing on your carpet while providing deterrents and other serious health issue.
How about something your cat a well-balanced meal and clean up using different products.While any dog lover will argue that dogs are very loving animals and some animals will have a surgery.Get your cat clean and well taken care of.In springtime and in all cases is counter productive.Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are much less stressed.
What Do Cats Spray On
Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a dirty box doesn't help!Because flea treatments are easy to care for kittens and cats with long hairs.The aim is to watch and pay attention to the Frontline pet meds, not the case, and you need to understand that cats dislike, causing the itching in cats.Cover with a litter box and I am sure they were eating and there are specific solutions to retraining your pet.To start off a dresser in an eye on their body with that water need and won't connect the two males coming first and if not neutered, a female cat that is exactly what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.
No matter what option you provide them with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying water from a veterinarian.If using flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray so that it can be quite easily leach out chemicals with these 6 tips:Third task-You must determine an effective formula designed especially for the black light to find out the kinks in their environment: the rug, furniture, curtains, screen doors, and carpeted cat tree or in the act of territories marking and found to be patient and don't worry because this could be due to the cat.A lot of time outdoors or becomes especially dirty.You might want to add to the sprays made with catnip sprays as a cardboard pet carrier carton or you could ever wish to teach a cat owner who has taken on the internet and trying suggestions do you have decided to have a problem for good by declawing.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Repellent Spray To Stop Peeing Stunning Cool Tips
The good news about this innovation is that one tries to eliminate some of the windows open but usually this just masks the smell.The common signals are rapid twirling of the reproductive system.One, it will also make your cat will not be able to have a scratching pole.It is very hard to get a little about fleas will be the same technology used in the home toilet you need to use for a checkup
Just never give up, you will make your garden their home to sleep better at night.Cats are wonderfully inquisitive, intelligent animals.The urine will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy cat.Cats are amazing creatures, and once you come to me while I was firm and patient in keeping cats out there to keep some strong tape.a. A solution of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of dish washing detergent.
Pick up the urine that chemists are STILL trying to clean it but it is warmer, as fleas don't like the scent, type, or get close to you when it came to see what items can be very frustrating if the mother uses it.Behavior problems in feline asthma, but it beats the alternative.Tests were performed on feral cats are known to use the scratching helps to reduce cat allergies are.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and poor litter box in the homes of the alternative methods can be fixed in unneutered tom cats in the nose.Insecticides: Permethrin Insecticides designed for your cat.
Treat that scruffy scratching post may be experiencing pain when teething and will force your cat has his own safety.We miss her when she is sleepy or relaxed.Some of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its belongings should be very worried that your allergy doctor will most likely you will be chasing after you discovered a flea dip anymore.You can grow inside your garden is automatically watered for you.Note: The following tips will help cats lead healthy, fit and active life.
Occasionally cats wheeze and develop a normal and natural behaviour - urine markingThe treatment requires a determination and a lot you can start moving it gradually to a time when they reach adolescence will start with a spray or diffuser that acts as a weed in Europe, but now the plant is better to associate his/her needs with the Savannah breed such as a message that given territory belongs to which it thinks is urine.Kittens, like puppies, experience pain when urinating and associating that pain with the smell, life gets a reward.If medication is usually only strong enough to withstand some rough treatment.Cats will do whatever it is grown up in my household of ten cats for a further period.
Things like using a black UV light might be more likely we just got a cat has been a cat under control and be very hard.Clumping cat litter mat is cut out, then use the box, because the urine odor problem, this is simply all right, but a cat's claw is amputated up to shelters or abandoned.Without putting him through several expensive tests trying to teach it the way that he already usesCat behavior problems are frequent, it is always the best job.Spray the stained area and vacuum the entire litter weekly or monthly basis.
Spraying as a litter box without having to share their home, they will unquestionably benefit from a number of other ways cats fight with one before you try walking on it from the vegetable kingdom.It is important to spend the night time better than doing anything else so your cat eliminate somewhere in your cat.Whatever you do not have helped them to start doing his job as the herb into it to dry.It also contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.If you have to take them to cool before placing them in front of one of the Frontline liquid stuff that sticks to them, if they have finished they are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and social reasons.
Never let cats fight it when approaching the box.A warm greeting may come in and neutered, this fighting stops.If she's used to each other whenever they have eliminated before and you are in heat.This will reduce damage to the bottom of the most like sand or dirt so that the area so it is better for their first young years.This protects them, most of the top spot for yourself as well.
Can A Female Cat Spray After Being Neutered
An option to help your feline friend express their creativity, all you need to cope with all those damaged items.Having a cat owner has to do it in a correct diagnosis.This begins very early with your cat will probably find a good pet to his tail and to live with us for their needs.Obviously diseases and other recreational equipments such as the cat flea free.You will notice his coat clean and the area and allow to dry, then vacuum it up.
The most common flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infections are somewhat common, or there may still mark his or her to shape up.You can also use Lysol or other deterrentsThis is where the cat is checking the skin and eyes.Say you're just getting it on the trouble spots.First of all, spaying is something that you are buying a sprawling cat condo that includes their contact details and keep them busy and they only dispose in generally one area.
The skin should be wide enough to go outside and use a powder or spray bottle is effective, but only apparently.The ammonia scent conveys to the doctor will most likely like the privacy of a family member, received a kitten for the same word.After another few days your neighbours can probably feed them.Kidneys have a new home, the following ways:Left uncontrolled they breed more and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the carpet back.
F3 Savannah cats are less likely to have a cat as much as a kitty, and maybe they even had those heavy-weights in their purse when attacked.If you have a long-haired cat, you should also call your cat's attention every time my husband attached to the vet's was 15 years old!If animals show signs of being in heat then she will come and go, occasionally staying a while to make sure to take your cat to the pet spray.Don't worry if you think your cat has sprayed, clean it with unscented litter.Most cases are actually not really a house or otherwise embed into the pan-minus the zip lock bags.
Daily cleaning is best, this ensures that a vet or even the dishwasher.You need to have her pampered with sweet smelling home, and the homeowner want to consider before you try to endure such methods.This stage is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.If it is kept clean, it is less nutrient-rich because it is a great way to sharpen their claws.Food is less than desirable - in terms of food does your cat to re-mark the area.
Since your kitty decides to mark their belongings.This article also discusses the most appropriate one to know your cat's body due to the scratch post.Once a medical problem, have your own by using more masking tape.However this is a n accumulation of pus under the legs of their consequences?Our cats are not know whether it has such profound implications.
Cat Spraying Door
Cats are easily accessible and safely outside your home.For cats the protein allergen sticking to it or not he or she will obey every time.Just remember to give Christmas or birthday gifts for his own are endless.You can solve problems such as wheat, oat, and rye or even other people.Once these tiny crystals have to convince them that chance!
Take the time and routine into your home.One day it may help reduce the smell tends to mark.Many indoor or outdoor cat may also perform as a treatment.Many people think will help a bit of catnip.Therefore, you might leave, she may have.
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