#(honestly probably for the best- everytime those two had sex someone died not long after)
bistaxx · 1 year
No gay sex tonight sadly ( or thankfully depending on who you are)
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quietpoeticheart · 4 years
The Coffee Shop: Part One
Summary: Bucky is a retired military veteran suffering from PTSD. He meets Avelyn, a headstrong entrepreneur, one day at her cafe with Steve and then everything changes.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC! Black
Word Count: 1360
Warnings: Light smut, light language
A/N: This part is a little longer and we get some backstory on both Avelyn and Bucky. There's also some angsty Stucky friendship.
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After that first day when she met Bucky, he was all Avelyn could think about.
He hadn't been back since then and the memory of their first meeting consumed her. Everytime she closed her eyes, she'd see his face, those gorgeous eyes. She remembered the way how her name sounded falling from his lips.
"This is crazy." She thought to herself "You've literally met the guy once. This is probably just because you need to get laid."
Avelyn sighed, it had been months since she last had sex, almost a year. Surprisingly she'd never craved it, mostly because she'd thrown herself into her work, into her coffee shop, busying herself with new recipes and redecorating so she didn't think about the fact that deep down inside she was aching to be touched.
As she sat by the cash register, watching the busy streets of New York, her mind started drifting, wondering what it'd be like to have Bucky's head between her thighs. His tongue running up and down her folds, his scruffy beard adding to the sensation while her hands are knotted in his hair. What it'd be like to cum all over his tongue and see his face glistening with her juices.
Avelyn was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't hear the door open or the footsteps coming towards.
She heard her name being called and moaned softly. His voice was following her everywhere now.
"God that's it, call my name daddy." She thought.
The voice was now loud enough to snap her out of her reverie and she looked up to see Steve and Bucky standing in front the counter looking concerned. Avelyn blushed and ducking her head shyly mumbled "Hey Steve, hey Bucky."
"Hey Lynn, are you okay?" Steve asked. She nodded "M'fine, what can I get for you boys today?" Her eyes flickered towards Bucky, he hadn't even paid any attention to her yet.
She wondered if it was because she looked like a mess. She didn't even have to look in the mirror to know that her hair and face had flour on it. She called it baker chic, her friends called it messy, maybe he wasn't into that sort of thing.
"We'll take two coffees, black." Bucky responded.
Avelyn nodded, trying to pretend that the sound of his voice wasn't making her weak.
"That'll be $6.00."
Steve dug into his wallet, pulled out a few bills and paid.
"Go take a seat and I'll bring them over to you." As Bucky walked off, Avelyn took a moment to appreciate the view and goddamn he was thick. She busied herself making the coffee and when she was about to carry it over to them, her eyes fell on the tray of cinnamon rolls in her display case.
Avelyn took a plate and placed some on it before carrying both the coffee and the rolls over to the boys who were sitting on beanbag chairs in the back of the cafe. She nearly laughed upon seeing their large frames trying to fit into the pillowy chairs.
As she bent to place the items on the table, she made to stay long enough so that Bucky could get a good look at her ass in her leggings. She might have been looking like a mess but her ass was fat. Avelyn felt Bucky's eyes on her the whole time, raking up and down her frame and smirked to herself.
"Lynn we didn't order any cinnamon rolls." Steve said
"Well no one does either cause this place is always empty so it's on the house." Avelyn said with a soft, almost imperceptible sigh.
Steve's heart broke a little seeing the look on her face. He knew how much the place meant to her, how hard she'd fought to get it and seeing her so broken up about the imminent failure of her dreams, hurt him.
"Don't worry Lynn, business will pick up soon enough." He said comfortingly.
Avelyn offered him a small smile "I hope so Steve, now you boys enjoy your coffee, I have things to do."
As she walked away, Bucky's eyes were glued to her retreating frame.
"So Buck, do you like her?" Steve asked.
Bucky turned to glare at him "Don't be ridiculous Steve."
Steve smirked "That wasn't a no Bucky."
Bucky rolled his eyes "If that's all that you brought me here to discuss, then I might as well go home."
Steve suddenly sat up straighter. He dreaded having this conversation with Bucky but it needed to be done.
"No, we're here to discuss you. I'm worried about you Bucky. All of last week, I was calling and texting and you didn't answer. Everytime I see you, you look like you've lost more weight and I know you haven't been sleeping well because quite frankly, you look like shit."
Bucky stiffened, he hated having these conversations with Steve. He hated the fact that Steve worried so much about him when he had a wife and family to take care of.
"I'm fine Steve, honestly you worry too much."
Steve stared at him intently and it was making Bucky uncomfortable so he used what he knows always works.
"I know I'm hot but for Christ's sake you're married Rogers."
Steve leaned forward, well as much as he could in the beanbag and placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder
"Stop deflecting Bucky. Tell me what's really going on."
Bucky sighed "Fine. I haven't been eating much because I can't afford groceries. Therapy and my medication have been using up most of my money and I haven't been sleeping because the pills aren't working, I'm still having the nightmares. I didn't pick up your calls because I didn't want to be a bother."
"Bucky..." Steve said, disappointment dripping from his voice, "You're never a bother. You know you're always welcome at my house for dinner, Peggy and the kids love having you over and if you need money I can help you. I don't know why you don't come to me. I'm your best friend, I'm here for you."
Bucky slammed his hands down on the table in agitation "That's the problem Steve, I don't want to be like this all the time, depending on you to take care of me. I want a job, I want a family. I want to be independent. I don't want to be a burden forever but who wants to hire a cripple. Sometimes I wish...I wish I'd just died in the war."
Steve was taken aback. He'd never known Bucky felt like this. He couldn't even find the right words to say.
Bucky ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He hadn't meant to explode on Steve like that but he was tired of feeling like that, tired of everyone's pity and sympathetic glances, tired of feeling useless and judged. His anger was spiraling out of control lately and needed to get it back under control before it out on the wrong person like what had just happened with Steve.
"I'm sorry Steve. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that."
"No Bucky, I'm sorry. I should've noticed what was going on." Steve said and he meant it. How could he have not noticed what was going on with his best friend?
Bucky shook his head, his too long locks flying around his face "Steve for crying out loud, you're married with two kids. You have more important things. I really appreciate what you're doing for me right now. I needed someone else to talk to besides Dr. Banner."
"I'm always here for you James, just remember that. Till the end of the line." Steve said. He was still conflicted about what to do about Bucky. It was obvious that therapy wasn't working and that Bucky was extremely unwilling to go out of his way to get any extra help. He made a promise to himself be there more for James even when he was pushing him away. The only thing left was to figure out what to do to help him and he knew the perfect person to assist him.
The next update will be hopefully up soon. The taglist is open for this story.
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joysmercer · 7 years
Grey’s Anatomy 14x14 Final Thoughts
My brain is split into two right now: “I hate Grey’s and how DARE they do this I’m never watching again” and “that episode!”
Let’s ignore the first half for now, and we’ll get back to it later. I have a LOT to say, don’t worry. 
The episode opens with Amelia feeling really horny. Kind of random and out-of-the-blue, but unlike other unexpected decisions from this show recently, I didn’t mind this one. I loved seeing this cute, spunky side of Amelia, one we really haven’t seen since…Derek died, really. Aside from this new side of her, Amelia was also really dishing out the sass today, from telling Bello to get her head out of her ass (and hopefully leaving Deluca/Sam out of the picture for a while) to putting Koracick in her place, and I liked it :) Overall, it was a much-needed upward trend for this girl, and I really hope it continues.
Over to Owen, this dude was also dishing out sass. Thank goodness he put those boys in their places before they took out someone’s nose or something. It’s been a while since we saw “Major Hunt” being all commandeering and such, and it’s nice to see that side of him again. 
Apparently, being sassy together translates to being sexy together as well (sorry, that was bad phrasing, but idc).I just knew something would happen from the opening elevator scene, and was almost certain it would be in this episode from the ER conversation (“I like a man with authority”/“me too”). And her blurting out her feelings as soon as she saw Owen is classic Amelia. Her “sex speech” followed by Owen’s ““I want you to use me in any way you can think of” will forever have a place in my heart <3 <3 <3 Omelia Will Rise Again! Maybe a double wedding with Jolex at the end of the season?
Aside from the Bello situation, Deluca was not really as intolerable as he was the last episode. This was the first time since Carina’s introduction that we really saw the two of them act like siblings, and I really want more of them interacting!!
But Koracick. Oh my god. This guy got even more sleazy, if that’s even possible. I’m not going to say much more on that subject, except that he’s apparently going to help April next episode and I really hope he doesn’t screw up. April’s leaving, but it better be on terms true to her character, not because some ass screwed her up for good.
Speaking of April. Grey’s anatomy told the entire Domestic Abuse storyline in 2 episodes, but they’re taking their own sweet time solving this Crisis of hers. I was initially glad Hunt sent her home early, because even though the Ear thing was not her fault, this girl really needs to get her act together. But, I said initially happy because apparently, she decided to go home and get drunk instead. Which, y’know, wouldn’t have happened if Arizona (or literally anyone) was paying the slightest attention to her.
Instead, her best friend was off trying to solve the issue of maternal mortality rates (granted, a super important study) but not really making any headway except to accuse her friend of being a bad doctor. great move. On a side note, did anyone else catch that chemistry between Arizona and the OB? Or am I just making it up? 
And onto the second (and “ugh”-est) huge development of this episode. Jaggie. WHY SHONDA WHY? Both of them were sooo awkward at Game Night that I wanted to throw my phone at the TV. Okay, I admit Jackson being protective of Maggie was cute, but in a more brotherly way (like Meredith and Alex, except obviously not as deep). But even when they kissed, I just couldn’t see it. No chemistry whatsoever. They’re better as friends. BUT I was super surprised that “perfect” Clive turned out to be married (”you must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband” flashbacks, anyone?). Maggie doesn’t need Jackson, but she certainly deserves much better than a pathological liar. But anyway, apparently these two are canon now, so I’ll be fast-forwarding a lot of scenes in the future :/
And finally, Meredith and Jo’s story. I’m going to ignore the fact that these two have been getting wayy more screen time for their project than any other doctor so far, and just talk about their current positions. It turned out that the old guy died, and the polymer now belongs to - surprise! - Meredith’s family friend! Who, unfortunately, refuses to sell Mer the patent until she saw proof that it worked, which was a risky move on the doctor’s parts, especially with later developments: Marie was not Ellis’s best friend, and they apparently had a huge feud over something. So Meredith just admitted to stealing, to the person she stole from, and gave away her ground-breaking surgical plans, and I just feel really bad for her and Jo. The one good thing about this, though, is that she interrupted Jaggie in her quest for her mother’s journals. I really, really hope that whatever caused Ellis’s and Marie’s fight won’t impact the project, although knowing Grey’s, it probably will. 
Okay, onto some smaller plot points. 
First of all, how stupid can interns be? They were never formally invited to anything and they still showed up? I’m glad Casey had nothing to do with it, and it was just the two most idiotic, Glasses and Hellmouth. But still. Instead of firing April and Arizona, get rid of these two instead. Also, uh, what the heck is going on with Jolex? I mean, Paul died and all of a sudden there’s a standstill. They didn’t even talk this episode, all we got was Jo smiling in a doorframe. Alex and Kimmy, on the other hand, were adorable and I’m so glad Alex advocated for her while addressing her Grandmother’s fears. Medical Marijuana can do so much good, and it’s a pity most states don’t allow it.  Also, addressing what was, I’m assuming, supposed to be the “central theme” of this episode, what is going on with the lawsuit and everything? It just seemed really random and interjected in there just to get Kepner drunk. Which honestly, served no purpose except to make me fast-forward everytime April spoke. And speaking of “central themes,” that might have been the lamest Game Night ever. And Maggie’s sisters didn’t even show! wth grey’s, wth.
In all, this episode was so good at some points (Omelia! Ellis Grey Plot-Twist!) and so bad at others (Jaggie & the entire Game Night tbh). The promo for next week does confirm two things, one of which makes me (kinda) happy, and the other which makes me want to throw up: 1, Koracick and April (probably) didn’t sleep together; 2, we’re in for a lot more Jaggie, and Maggie is apparently spending more time with her boyfriend’s kid instead of her 2 nieces and nephew (seriously, did Zola, Bailey, and Ellis just…dissappear? Brief glimpses of them are not enough, people). 
Alright. To today’s news. 
I was talking it over with some friends before tonight’s episode, and we realized that both April and AZ have no real storylines, but both are in a position where there is real potential for some amazing plots. However, the writers needed to fire someone apparently, and since these two haven’t really had any development in forever, they were the first to go. Now, I love Maggie (like, a lot more than most people), but if they needed to shorten the main cast, she would be my first pick. Or, just promote Casey to attending (I mean, Jo’s residency is apparently 7 years long, so this won’t be that bad) and fire the rest of the interns. But don’t get rid of two phenomenal actresses who have been on the show, dedicated their lives to it, for more than a decade. And if they did it to get back at Pompeo for her pay rise, that’s just cruel. What’s even more cruel, though, is going after Ellen for somehow playing a part in this. Leave her alone! If ABC had said “Sorry, we can’t afford this, otherwise we’ll have to cut the main cast,” she probably would have reduced her price. I mean, she and JCap are super close. Just saying. 
As I was watching the episode, I just kept thinking how absolutely central these two are to the rest of Grey’s. regardless of their lack of stories, nothing would function on the show without them -- we wouldn’t have a Fetal Surgeon, nor a main-character OB anymore, and God knows what will happen to the ER without April around. 
I’m really going to miss these two. This was not fair to us, but it definitely wasn’t fair to Drew or JCap.
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