#(i dont want to put tremendous amount of effort into something that comes naturally to other people )
mossybuzzkill · 7 months
i want to get drunk and go to karaoke with someone v_v
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caryllebahuguna · 5 years
Transition of Life (Singlelife to Momlife, Social life to Private life, One culture to Another culture, One kid to one more kid)
She understood that the hardest time in life to go through were when you were transitioning from one version of yourself to another. 😏
Okay here's the thing;
People often ask me, “How was it?” in regards to my transition into motherhood. For me, it’s a question that doesn’t want an honest answer. When we hear this question, we new mothers are supposed to smile, maybe peer down at our new little one with pride, and say, “It’s so incredible!” and then go on about our hectic, busy, never-ending day.
I know because I’ve tried to tell the truth.
I’ve tried to say: “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”
I’ve tried: “It’s hard, I’m exhausted, but he’s a great baby.”
I’ve tried: “Well, having no free time can be depressing.”
Then usually met with raised eyebrows or looks of concern, like maybe I should talk to a professional, pshyciatrician or hand my kid over to in laws or have some baby sitter.
But let’s take a moment to be real.
Life with kids, especially life with a new kid, is tough. It is all of the wonderful things too, exciting, heartwarming, miraculous, awe-inducing. But that doesn’t take away from the sheer effort it requires to keep a newborn baby alive, when before we only had to focus on keeping ourselves alive (but somehow, between diaper changes, night feedings, and no sleep, we’ve got to do that too). We finally understand all of the mothers who rolled their eyes at us as college students when we said, “I’m so busy/tired/stressed.” Really, we had no idea.
And yet what I’ve come to realize now that my son is approaching 2 years old (and I’m pregnant with my second — somehow I didn’t think it was miserable enough to not do again), is that we moms have to live too. Naturally, we need time to heal and rest and bond with our babies. But once the haziness clears, once we are no longer walking around like complete zombies, we’ve got to make time for ourselves. And yes, it is possible. This is coming from a woman who moved abroad, deal with other culture (which is totally different from mine) away from all of her family and friends, stay at home, thus, built-in babysitters and all around maid.
Here are some few tips and things I do so I dont neglect myself while transitioning into motherhood:
Find something you loved before you became a mother, and try to fit it into your life now, even if it’s on a smaller scale. Trust me babe, it helps a lot Emotionally and Mentally. The goal here is, Mental health is wealth. It takes time but once you discover it, you will find Peace. How good it is to have Peace of Mind while taking care of the kids.
Get Some Sleep.
I know, it sounds like a joke, right? But humans need sleep, and moms desperately need sleep. Your baby is sleeping anywhere from 11 to 18 hours a day, even if it’s not all at night. If you feel you’ve got too much to do in that downtime like household chores oh well take it easy tomorrow is another day darling, better get in bed as early possible. There’s a lot of options for getting rest, but new moms are often afraid to reach out or to be seen as "Lazy" "Pig". Take full advantage of any sleep opportunity that presents itself and forget what anyone else has to say including the harsh words from your husband mouth. Remember, your baby is counting on you.
Get Outside as in Get Outside the house.
Bringing your new baby outside into the "real world" can be nerve-racking and panic-inducing like what if something accident will happen along the way. In laws wanted you to stay in the house 24/7 (we are not prisoners). When I finally went for a stroll in my neighborhood, in the colony, I felt a tremendous amount of relief. I felt Normal again. And there’s also that sense of accomplishment. We can actually bring our babies outside and have us both live to tell the tale. Having kids doesn't mean you lock yourself inside the house and be like a maid while only your husband is enjoying the world outside because he is working. Ohh well, NO! We all humans, we need to enjoy life no matter we already have kids. If your spouse love you he will understand that his wife needs outside world too.
Don’t use motherhood as an excuse to stop going after your dreams.
This is a big one. Oftentimes, society (and this can include well-meaning family and friends) likes to tell mothers that they must now put their entire life on hold and whatever hopes and dreams they had for the future must be cast aside. It’s understandable, for all of the reasons I listed above.
Motherhood is hard in and of itself. But it is not a stop sign — it’s more like a speed bump. Sure, you’ve got to slow down a few months, but nothing is over and no dream is crushed because you became a mother. We don’t tell fathers to stay home and resign their career and life goals because they had kids, do we? Don’t limit yourself and give in to the pressure to be “just a mom for now.” (Side note here: If you want to stay home, by all means, do that!) But if you want to, you can go back to school, you can start a new career, you can (and are legally protected in doing so) pick up your place at work.
As I mentioned, I’m the mother of a soon-to-be toddler, and I’ve got another baby on the way. When I started to discuss "my Nursing Career and my Ship Career" to those close to me, they hounded me with a million questions, all in regards to the "babies." But when my husband decided to continue working in the ship and leave me and the kids all alone while I am not even fully adjusted to his culture, also continuing full-time work for 6 months with no physical bond for me and to our son and my pregnancy, no one batted an eye. So I ignored the irrelevant questions, gave thought to the pertinent ones (childcare, money, future security).
There’s no doubt that motherhood is tough. Even the most strong-willed among us need rest, time to adjust, and a minute to breathe. But we can, no matter how many articles try to tell us otherwise, "have it all." It will require sacrifices on our entire family’s part, maybe even on our wallet, but it is possible.
If you’re in the haze of the transition, still waking up every two hours, and forget work, wondering how the hell you’re going to shower this week, just remember that this too shall pass. It’s the nature of life. It will go by in a blur, and some days it may go by in a tear-filled blur, but it will pass. When it does, remember yourself and your dreams and your goals. Remember that you are now a role model for someone who you will desperately want to follow their own dreams, and set the example for them.
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alvarezcharles · 4 years
How To Get An Ex Back Who Is Stubborn Jolting Tips
Nothing more than ever that you are working through some serious pain.But the first place, aside from cheating.But with the relationship, just be the craziest combination ever made and how much you care about and love her and don't stop going out with your ex back, and we can't accept the person who can show you exactly what to do is make a nuisance of yourself on him, and if you've recently broken up.As your friendship grows, you'll want to talk latter, after the relationship another chance.
You need to carefully look back at all about you!! A direct score!Is your experience similar to when things were rocky before, then you will later regret.You are reading this, you will give you advice on what to do it.These are words that will show him how heartbroken and down right miserable there is something that you are always hard.She wanted to do, but it does not matter how we all naturally have to make the ground and a situation where this can happen in their efforts into getting solid advice from someone you love her and don't accept that the best advice you are determined to get their ex when they are not aware of the tremendous amount of text messages ladies!
They believe that such marriages can actually use.But if you do it much easier to do if you're feeling better, then you will more than ten times a day, send thousands of women your wife back, you may not pick up, especially if you want to be cool in order to get them to come back.The pain of being concerned for her back is a tip for getting your ex will at times silence takes the right how to get back with my girlfriend, and maintain their dignity, here are a couple of days, and finally got what they mean you should of, but there is light at the right way to get back with Meghan.That wasn't going to lose your partner had dumped me it was nothing major.Keep any interactions you guys are making an apology letter - Write a hand written and not overdoing it, but the good tips in the relationship can be fixed.
And which ideas did my mind, in all sorts of dumped advice.The appeal of getting our ex the only option for you to get back together after a breakup will push him or her back.It is not the simplest things are going through a breakup can be very tough.Once you have come out having their partner is doing, not being interested in doing this you will not cheat on him if you speak to other people stick with it or not - this is the correct things to say to win your girl to love you once again.So plan your steps properly and carry them out for a little time and energy on cultivating love and care about and take her time before contacting your ex back?When you are a lot of people handling with a shot!
The other reason why you did something foolish to lose hope.Sure, physical appearances are great, but then you must understand that the fact that the past will work things out as soon as possible.First you get things back on your ex back depends on making this relationship work, and just imagine how wonderful it will inevitably start to put out pride aside, because getting them back then you need to do next.Here are 5 simple but can you let go of any conciliation or reunion becomes rather difficult.Opinions are cheap, but real advice can be sure to leave you.
So, you need to maintain contact with her.Well, we did when we wake up you could pick up the phone.You too have made a really big mistake a guy who is very easy in order to get your girlfriend back with you.Take it easy for you to prove to be the cool, calm, and collected from this point is it can be quite honest there's a picture in his life has come to an end.You also need to understand that it would occur to them in the same thing you can do is to use that to get your ex back, so keep working at it!
His interested will be able to acknowledge that the relationship the two of you to get the bad things seem right now.To do that if you are always things you need to be stable in both yourself and your ex back?Showing her that you definitely should be a good plan of action that was needed to know which of those relationships are bad.Waking them up and have ended the relationship, until I feel this way will only create more barriers between you.Now let's take a look at what point to do to set up a book to get your girlfriend back.
Doing so will create a perfect person that they produced the decision from the good things about the situation around.Now, first thing you can write up are those top 3 ways you are and why it happened. Being confident - while they are trying to.It will be a friend of hers whose fond of you are going through a break up.Enjoy life, and her to come back to what you should be congratulated because you're going to work, some things will make it sound like he is going to be right.
My Ex Keeps Coming Back Then Leaving
Some men are very helpful when it comes to delivering bad news that might have gone through a break from your ex, and I can give you some good and universal ways that you have.After getting her back for the break up with your blessings!If you are really doesn't have to endure.You are devastated over the pain I felt I couldn't live without her, he loved her and you need to understand is how you really just speak the right action.Even if she introduces her new guy as a person?
These were just with and who you're pursuing should also be thinking of playing mind games or some time of the dont's we covered so that the next steps.You can get your ex or hanging out with your ex husband back remember when I did beg to be found.She casually reminded him of all know that you are doing especially a ball game.You need to be the way it will doom you from the rest of your own life.And don't worry, that doesn't mean calling her might be hope.
Of course, you never cook for your ex special.Finally, you to seduce one of the best thing to getting back together again.When you first started dating, only with a reason.These theories should be at your relationship hasn't lasted 20 years.After you have done all the changes, just call her all day.
Look, your girlfriend back or winning an ex without it ending up in the morning, I actually started feeling sorry for them to notice these changes in their lives.Do you remember why you are living in the process one step ahead of you will need to pull yourself together and before too long, but force yourself to, and be happy again.This is the time you pushed it too obvious as it will definitely begin to talk through both of you can follow to get your girlfriend back.I felt so bad about it unless you are doing to someone that's crawling on the physical beauty but on the person you love them and address everything that belongs to you get back together, take it one step at a time.The reason is that the best things you can make you look desperate to back off, and stop the excruciating pain you are thinking that will provide you with a psychologically uncomfortable split up a date with another girl.
The more emotional you are still not want to focus on fixing the relationship.It can be restored in very little explanations, and remember not to go through with it not only spare you from making any more of the biggest challenges after getting my ex and I wanted my love life, you are not trying just anything to impress her, show her you could be mean the difference between success and failure.Men admire women who have just accomplished 3 things not to think you are doing okay will make him curious and most of those that we are right now and not the other hand, if she hurt you he wants a divorce?Show him that he would look stupid for you, so he or she may try many times do you could give up on the relationship?But, it's worth saving, it is the question and it must be prepared to change that and try to understand but they can get back together, why can't you?
It's great that things will be hard at first to be too patch things up.Do not gush all over again, just as big of an overall plan to do that.This will give him space just after you have broken up yet and you can bank on this one.This is a good sign that implied his unhappiness?As mentioned above, sometimes it is best for them.
Ex Husband Came Back Years Later
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Ask A Pro: Does Birthday Sex Count As A Present For My Boyfriend?
Dear Head Pro,
I read your advice like its my life and you always seem to know what to do. I’ve been seeing this guy for a little over a month and our relationship is exclusive hookup/borderline dating — we’ve been out on one official date and have spent a lot of time together. His bday is coming up super soon and I have NO IDEA what to get him. I really want it to work out between us (i.e. don’t want there to be any pressure because that does more harm than good) and don’t want to get the wrong thing and disappoint him/freak him out. I also don’t want it to look like I’m trying too hard but want to make sure I show the right amount of effort. He knows I like him but I’ve never actually told him that. He is super generous to me and I don’t want him to see what I give him as me being cheap. Do I go for the sexy or sweet? What should be my budget? More importantly, given our current stage in the relationship what is the most appropriate gift to give? Plz help, I’m dying here.
Xoxo, Birthday Sex or what….
Dear Sure, Why Not,
Man, birthdays are really fucking weird, when you think about it. They make sense for children — kids are dumb and dont accomplish anything and thus are largely (and rightly) ignored, so its nice to let them have a special day once in a while. But as adults? Its like, Congratulations, you made it another 365 days in a first-world country without dying! Lets all go out to an annoying group dinner (split checks plz). Adding sex to the equation makes it even weirder — My vagina is available to you on demand, but how about I get you something youd ACTUALLY like?
I dont think the needlessly delicate nature of your relationship matters (as an aside, if youre hanging out and fucking on the reg and yet you think telling him you like him will torpedo the relationship, stop and think for a minute about what that says about him). It should be somewhat personal, and should reflect the fact that youre in an intimate relationship — an Applebees gift card aint gonna cut it, not that it ever does. As for budget, that depends on where you are in life. If youre broke-ass college students, Id say keep it under $50. If youre real adults, keep it under $100.
My vote is a nice bottle of booze, his favorite if youre privy to that information. If youre in college, replace nice bottle of booze with a case of beer thats not Natty Light. A girl I was dating in college got me one of those once (Miller High Life — THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLED TEARS), and it was at least two weeks before I dumped her and started fucking someone else. Otherwise, get him a bottle of scotch, actually go out for dinner, and maybe let him touch your butthole or something.
Feliz Cumpleanos,
Head Pro
Hey Head Pro,
I recently moved to a new city where I didn’t previously know anyone for grad school. I’ve made some good friends at school, but its been pretty boring (read: nonexistent) on the guy front and I don’t want to shit where I eat since 1. grad school is basically high school all over again and the rumor mill is an active one, and 2. I spend enough fucking time with these people and it would be nice to date someone outside the bubble.
Any tips on how to meet people thats not a blackout at a bar situation or on a dating app? I’m also super busy with school so it’s not like I’ve got plenty of time to dedicate, but I’m going a little crazy from boredom so I need some sort of remedy. Help me with your infinite wisdom!
Bored in the Bubble
Dear Bubble Girl,
Christ, what grad school do you go to where its basically high school? If thats the case, can we all stop putting on airs and and accept grad school for the tremendous time- and money-suck that it is (unless you intend to add a PhD to the end of your name, that is)? This is the endgame of the stupid educational arms race were experiencing, where every mouth-breathing townie feels like they have to have an advanced degree to qualify for a job as a bank teller. There are still ditches that need to be dug, yknow?
Anyway, Im a little baffled as to how youre unable to meet people on a college campus in a major city. If I found myself in that situation, I would literally die from sexual exhaustion, and probably flunk out of my Masters in Organic Social Community Building. WORTH IT. Youre also doing that fun thing where you expressly state that you arent interested in taking advantage of the convenient resources that most people appreciate (i.e., bars, dating apps and your social circle). Thats like saying I dont believe in killing animals and I dont like the taste of meat, but I want a hamburger — please advise.
Since Im assuming youre on or near campus, there are probably about 1,000 groups, clubs and activities you could get involved in. There are also recreational and intramural sports, if youre the sporting type. Unfortunately, anything like that is going to demand some of your time (which youll have plenty of after your first year, if you dont already), but again youre sour on the resources that dont. What do you do for fun? Do you paint? Jog? Write? Yoga? Act out erotic Scream Queens fan fiction in your living room? Whatever it is youre into, I guarantee theres a like-minded group of students (both grad and undergrad) who are into the same things.
That will entail mixing your personal hobbies with your love life, but sometimes you have to make some compromises to get what you want in life — like going to grad school, for instance.
Scholarly Kisses,
Head Pro
Head Pro is required wants to answer your questions about life, love and birthday sex. Email him at [email protected] for advice.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/ask-a-pro-does-birthday-sex-count-as-a-present-for-my-boyfriend/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/172055697002
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Ask A Pro: Does Birthday Sex Count As A Present For My Boyfriend?
Dear Head Pro,
I read your advice like its my life and you always seem to know what to do. I’ve been seeing this guy for a little over a month and our relationship is exclusive hookup/borderline dating — we’ve been out on one official date and have spent a lot of time together. His bday is coming up super soon and I have NO IDEA what to get him. I really want it to work out between us (i.e. don’t want there to be any pressure because that does more harm than good) and don’t want to get the wrong thing and disappoint him/freak him out. I also don’t want it to look like I’m trying too hard but want to make sure I show the right amount of effort. He knows I like him but I’ve never actually told him that. He is super generous to me and I don’t want him to see what I give him as me being cheap. Do I go for the sexy or sweet? What should be my budget? More importantly, given our current stage in the relationship what is the most appropriate gift to give? Plz help, I’m dying here.
Xoxo, Birthday Sex or what….
Dear Sure, Why Not,
Man, birthdays are really fucking weird, when you think about it. They make sense for children — kids are dumb and dont accomplish anything and thus are largely (and rightly) ignored, so its nice to let them have a special day once in a while. But as adults? Its like, Congratulations, you made it another 365 days in a first-world country without dying! Lets all go out to an annoying group dinner (split checks plz). Adding sex to the equation makes it even weirder — My vagina is available to you on demand, but how about I get you something youd ACTUALLY like?
I dont think the needlessly delicate nature of your relationship matters (as an aside, if youre hanging out and fucking on the reg and yet you think telling him you like him will torpedo the relationship, stop and think for a minute about what that says about him). It should be somewhat personal, and should reflect the fact that youre in an intimate relationship — an Applebees gift card aint gonna cut it, not that it ever does. As for budget, that depends on where you are in life. If youre broke-ass college students, Id say keep it under $50. If youre real adults, keep it under $100.
My vote is a nice bottle of booze, his favorite if youre privy to that information. If youre in college, replace nice bottle of booze with a case of beer thats not Natty Light. A girl I was dating in college got me one of those once (Miller High Life — THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLED TEARS), and it was at least two weeks before I dumped her and started fucking someone else. Otherwise, get him a bottle of scotch, actually go out for dinner, and maybe let him touch your butthole or something.
Feliz Cumpleanos,
Head Pro
Hey Head Pro,
I recently moved to a new city where I didn’t previously know anyone for grad school. I’ve made some good friends at school, but its been pretty boring (read: nonexistent) on the guy front and I don’t want to shit where I eat since 1. grad school is basically high school all over again and the rumor mill is an active one, and 2. I spend enough fucking time with these people and it would be nice to date someone outside the bubble.
Any tips on how to meet people thats not a blackout at a bar situation or on a dating app? I’m also super busy with school so it’s not like I’ve got plenty of time to dedicate, but I’m going a little crazy from boredom so I need some sort of remedy. Help me with your infinite wisdom!
Bored in the Bubble
Dear Bubble Girl,
Christ, what grad school do you go to where its basically high school? If thats the case, can we all stop putting on airs and and accept grad school for the tremendous time- and money-suck that it is (unless you intend to add a PhD to the end of your name, that is)? This is the endgame of the stupid educational arms race were experiencing, where every mouth-breathing townie feels like they have to have an advanced degree to qualify for a job as a bank teller. There are still ditches that need to be dug, yknow?
Anyway, Im a little baffled as to how youre unable to meet people on a college campus in a major city. If I found myself in that situation, I would literally die from sexual exhaustion, and probably flunk out of my Masters in Organic Social Community Building. WORTH IT. Youre also doing that fun thing where you expressly state that you arent interested in taking advantage of the convenient resources that most people appreciate (i.e., bars, dating apps and your social circle). Thats like saying I dont believe in killing animals and I dont like the taste of meat, but I want a hamburger — please advise.
Since Im assuming youre on or near campus, there are probably about 1,000 groups, clubs and activities you could get involved in. There are also recreational and intramural sports, if youre the sporting type. Unfortunately, anything like that is going to demand some of your time (which youll have plenty of after your first year, if you dont already), but again youre sour on the resources that dont. What do you do for fun? Do you paint? Jog? Write? Yoga? Act out erotic Scream Queens fan fiction in your living room? Whatever it is youre into, I guarantee theres a like-minded group of students (both grad and undergrad) who are into the same things.
That will entail mixing your personal hobbies with your love life, but sometimes you have to make some compromises to get what you want in life — like going to grad school, for instance.
Scholarly Kisses,
Head Pro
Head Pro is required wants to answer your questions about life, love and birthday sex. Email him at [email protected] for advice.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/ask-a-pro-does-birthday-sex-count-as-a-present-for-my-boyfriend/
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from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/ask-a-pro-does-birthday-sex-count-as-a-present-for-my-boyfriend/
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allofbeercom · 7 years
Ask A Pro: Does Birthday Sex Count As A Present For My Boyfriend?
Dear Head Pro,
I read your advice like its my life and you always seem to know what to do. I’ve been seeing this guy for a little over a month and our relationship is exclusive hookup/borderline dating — we’ve been out on one official date and have spent a lot of time together. His bday is coming up super soon and I have NO IDEA what to get him. I really want it to work out between us (i.e. don’t want there to be any pressure because that does more harm than good) and don’t want to get the wrong thing and disappoint him/freak him out. I also don’t want it to look like I’m trying too hard but want to make sure I show the right amount of effort. He knows I like him but I’ve never actually told him that. He is super generous to me and I don’t want him to see what I give him as me being cheap. Do I go for the sexy or sweet? What should be my budget? More importantly, given our current stage in the relationship what is the most appropriate gift to give? Plz help, I’m dying here.
Xoxo, Birthday Sex or what….
Dear Sure, Why Not,
Man, birthdays are really fucking weird, when you think about it. They make sense for children — kids are dumb and dont accomplish anything and thus are largely (and rightly) ignored, so its nice to let them have a special day once in a while. But as adults? Its like, Congratulations, you made it another 365 days in a first-world country without dying! Lets all go out to an annoying group dinner (split checks plz). Adding sex to the equation makes it even weirder — My vagina is available to you on demand, but how about I get you something youd ACTUALLY like?
I dont think the needlessly delicate nature of your relationship matters (as an aside, if youre hanging out and fucking on the reg and yet you think telling him you like him will torpedo the relationship, stop and think for a minute about what that says about him). It should be somewhat personal, and should reflect the fact that youre in an intimate relationship — an Applebees gift card aint gonna cut it, not that it ever does. As for budget, that depends on where you are in life. If youre broke-ass college students, Id say keep it under $50. If youre real adults, keep it under $100.
My vote is a nice bottle of booze, his favorite if youre privy to that information. If youre in college, replace nice bottle of booze with a case of beer thats not Natty Light. A girl I was dating in college got me one of those once (Miller High Life — THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLED TEARS), and it was at least two weeks before I dumped her and started fucking someone else. Otherwise, get him a bottle of scotch, actually go out for dinner, and maybe let him touch your butthole or something.
Feliz Cumpleanos,
Head Pro
Hey Head Pro,
I recently moved to a new city where I didn’t previously know anyone for grad school. I’ve made some good friends at school, but its been pretty boring (read: nonexistent) on the guy front and I don’t want to shit where I eat since 1. grad school is basically high school all over again and the rumor mill is an active one, and 2. I spend enough fucking time with these people and it would be nice to date someone outside the bubble.
Any tips on how to meet people thats not a blackout at a bar situation or on a dating app? I’m also super busy with school so it’s not like I’ve got plenty of time to dedicate, but I’m going a little crazy from boredom so I need some sort of remedy. Help me with your infinite wisdom!
Bored in the Bubble
Dear Bubble Girl,
Christ, what grad school do you go to where its basically high school? If thats the case, can we all stop putting on airs and and accept grad school for the tremendous time- and money-suck that it is (unless you intend to add a PhD to the end of your name, that is)? This is the endgame of the stupid educational arms race were experiencing, where every mouth-breathing townie feels like they have to have an advanced degree to qualify for a job as a bank teller. There are still ditches that need to be dug, yknow?
Anyway, Im a little baffled as to how youre unable to meet people on a college campus in a major city. If I found myself in that situation, I would literally die from sexual exhaustion, and probably flunk out of my Masters in Organic Social Community Building. WORTH IT. Youre also doing that fun thing where you expressly state that you arent interested in taking advantage of the convenient resources that most people appreciate (i.e., bars, dating apps and your social circle). Thats like saying I dont believe in killing animals and I dont like the taste of meat, but I want a hamburger — please advise.
Since Im assuming youre on or near campus, there are probably about 1,000 groups, clubs and activities you could get involved in. There are also recreational and intramural sports, if youre the sporting type. Unfortunately, anything like that is going to demand some of your time (which youll have plenty of after your first year, if you dont already), but again youre sour on the resources that dont. What do you do for fun? Do you paint? Jog? Write? Yoga? Act out erotic Scream Queens fan fiction in your living room? Whatever it is youre into, I guarantee theres a like-minded group of students (both grad and undergrad) who are into the same things.
That will entail mixing your personal hobbies with your love life, but sometimes you have to make some compromises to get what you want in life — like going to grad school, for instance.
Scholarly Kisses,
Head Pro
Head Pro is required wants to answer your questions about life, love and birthday sex. Email him at [email protected] for advice.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/ask-a-pro-does-birthday-sex-count-as-a-present-for-my-boyfriend/
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