#(i mean it also just depends on what the speical is going to be about...
familyofpaladins · 1 year
I know everyone (including myself) is like really excited about the special and the idea of the Monkey Crew going back into the scroll to help Monkey King escape and getting to see more of the JttW story...
but I don't think that's going to happen (at least not right away)
Because before they can go about freeing Monkey King, they're gonna have to repair the slate first
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And do you y'all remember what Azure said about the scroll?
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"- a fragment of the Scroll of Memory-"
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"-stolen from the Underworld"
In the season 2 special we got a Demon (Red Son) getting the crew into the Celestial Realm
And so I think in the season 4 special, a Celestial Being...
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is going to get them into the Underworld
to repair the slate
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can i ask whats the difference between inner child healing and uh age regression? your pinned post stated it's not the same thing.
It's hard to example. I guess for me it's mostly that 'age regression' is more of a lifestyle, and even more so an aesthetic that done online. I struggle with terms like "life styles" being used when folks use terms interchangeable with other terms like "therapy" or "inner child healing" because it's really not if you understand inner child healing or therapy. I've poked a bit at inner child healing, I have books on this topic. The online community I find isn't really inner child healing. It's aesthetic. I mean I do think some things folks like are healing, coloring has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety, & it can bring on feelings of mindfulness. Watching comforting programs is emotion regulation skills. (as long as it's not used to avoid responsibilities) etc. These are fine coping methods. But, I feel like a lot of age regression is misguided because therapy isn't pretty, it's not pastel and cute. (neither is it ugly. It's treatment thus it changes person to person. Its just an experience. ) Especially when you start seeing terms like "CG" "flip" (sfw term for 'switch' which is a *ish term. ) "little gear" "sfw punishments" (*ish term again adopted) etc. These aren't therapy. I'd argue too they can create more problems. Especially 'punishments' - this applies more shame and embarrassment. Or they are more towards a power dynamic thus they lean more towards *ish. I've done therapy before. And while therapy (intense therapy) does mean you make changes to your life style. (behaviour wise) and you have to work that therapy into a schedule and you do learn new skills and repeat them,(to become masterful) trouble shoot and remove ones you don't find helpful... etc. and grated these things are hard, and people do need reminders. It's certainty not an "aesthetic". It's also not something someone else should have control over. (yes, this is "shade" to 'cgs' and people who claim they need them in order to 'heal'. This isn't healthy and can feel like co-dependency. Which isn't good and can lead to further issues...) Like there is a dynamic that happens with therapy. But I'd argue it's three way. Your outer self, inner self, and then the therapist who speicalizes in fields to help you & who your choosing to work with. But you have the most control, as you are the ones looking to discuss issues with a therapist and your seeking out change. Inner child therapy/healing is a legitimated therapy. It's more around targeting attachment wounds and styles we've picked up thru childhood. (think of things like abandonment etc) It's also about going inner, and exploring pains and feelings you have, that could've been labeled as 'wrong' 'bad' or 'too much'. (i.e. things that bring up shame&embrassement.) Inner child therapies are more so: trauma therapy, Parts Work, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, sensorimotor psychotherapy, somatic work, Gestalt work, art therapy, and story or narrative therapy
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