#lmk season 4 special theory
familyofpaladins · 1 year
I know everyone (including myself) is like really excited about the special and the idea of the Monkey Crew going back into the scroll to help Monkey King escape and getting to see more of the JttW story...
but I don't think that's going to happen (at least not right away)
Because before they can go about freeing Monkey King, they're gonna have to repair the slate first
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And do you y'all remember what Azure said about the scroll?
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"- a fragment of the Scroll of Memory-"
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"-stolen from the Underworld"
In the season 2 special we got a Demon (Red Son) getting the crew into the Celestial Realm
And so I think in the season 4 special, a Celestial Being...
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is going to get them into the Underworld
to repair the slate
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justeclotilde · 11 months
Thoughts on LEGO Monkie Kid, pacing, and season 5
I’m taking this from Twitter, but basically this thread about “Say something BAD about the show Monkie Kid” came up and my biggest gripe so far has been :  The show has way too short episodes. Like, 11min30. And tries to do SO MUCH in those 11min30 that either somethings get scrapped (DBFamily but not just that) or big important elements get solved way too fast (Samadhi fire and broken scroll among other things). And it steams I think from the fact that the show went from episodic to serialised while keeping the same amount of time. 
I ramble :  I see a lot of newcomers say that they jumped s1 and 2 and really started with s3/4, and while everyone has their reasons I think that’s silly Because that format is what made me love the characters and settings in the first place. The episodes are short, so the show can only focus on a tiny thing, but sprinkled LBD being a menace throughout the season, with the spider gang being a menace. And now ? lBD is still reveared as one of the best villains, and Spidergang is still very appreciated. Same thing for DBF : Red Son was slowly developed through s1, and returned on s3 Granted he wasn’t in s2, but since he was a major part of s1, and the spider queen special, we grew to care about him and the family to an extent. Because that’s what the show is good at ! Characters interactions, character personalities, CHARACTERS !! And now, the show is going for serialised, which is great and maintains attention, but it wants to do too much with the same amount of time: - In s2 : LBD took 10 ep to build her mech. MK started slowly to grow, and his relationships were explored one ep at a time. Slowly. - In s4 : we lose SWK, MK meets Azure, we learn about Tang, Pigsy and Sandy through their ancestors, we start to question MK’s existence, Monkey MK, the scroll is a menace, Azure betrays the group, MK loses his mentor and morale, DBF is important but scrolled, the JE is defeated and BAM world explodes we have to kill God in 4 episodes now. 
Granted for the characters as well it feels rushed. We don’t have to see everything either. Of course. They have a life outside the show. And overall they did a good job in those 11 bloody minutes 30.
Now that we have a bit of breathing room, maybe it’s time to have that character moment by episode we’ve been asking for instead of cramming feelings and heartfelt conversations in an episode while the world is teared apart outside. Especially since we’ve seen the characters go through hell for a whole season. MK needs to breath but he isn’t the only one. We could have an episode on Red Son and his time in the scroll, an episode on MK going monkey a whole episode, an episode on SWK and Macaque in coloc, an episode on Tang Pigsy and Sandy trying to get back to their lives since they’re the most normal of the bunch - technically (cuz apparently having episodes focused on them in s4 wasn’t enough to have conversations about it but that’s a gripe i have with the community for LATER). We could have SWK and DBF reminisce on their time together, since DBK is one of the last friend that doesn’t QUITE hate him anymore, or an episode on how Nezha starts rebuilding Heaven by himself while keeping the JE power safe, or an episode on Mei just being awesome honestly, like just Mei observing MK going insane and being the girlboss she is, especially since she went through the whole “excess power that could kill everyone you love” and is still living with that, in a way. That could answer where the Samadhi fire business went. Cuz like in real life some things are tamed but don’t disappear, she might still be struggling but has learned to live with it. And MK is going through a similar path. We could also have Red Son in this one since he’s honestly the most controlled in a way.
And through all that… discretly… the world starts to break apart again ? Tears appear and with it new monsters and ghosts of the past maybe start seeping from the Underworld ? Maybe an unmasked man tries to prevent Mk’s attemps at coming back to some normal because as long as he’s confused and scared he stays the Harbinger of Chaos ? Idk ! TL:DR A lot of critics I see sum up as « They should show this more, why did THIS disappear out of nowhere, this is wasted potential », which seeps from the show not having time to show all that happens at once. Maybe it’s time to take a breather and tackle the problems one at a time again, ep by ep, like in season 2. And then go back to « We’re all gonna die in 4 episodes » to get the panic back on track.
Anyway Please come talk to me about the show and your theories, or headcanons about what the characters are doing now that the wreck of S4 has rolled past them. I wanna talk about my babies some more...
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everyfandomsprincess · 11 months
So I was thinking about MK being the Harbinger of Chaos and something hit me.
When ink MK was attacking everyone separately , he became a past version of Wukong. And took off the circlet easily to mess with Wukong.
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Wukong doesn’t wear it in the present day and considering how this is a very important it is, I’m sure it still exists somewhere.
(I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in his treasure room and now somewhere in the mountain ruins)
And the parallels between Wukong and MK are strong
So what if we get this scene but with Tang and MK instead
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Like maybe if MK does lose some control over himself
Which would have been foreshadowed in the pilot, where MK has an identical circlet on
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timeturner-jay · 10 months
So for a few days now, I've been trying to puzzle out what memories Monkey King was seeing in those brief blink-and-you'll-miss-it glimpses we got in the broken memory scroll. Maybe you guys have some input?
Let's start out easy - these two flashes are very straightforward. He sees the Jade Emperor bearing down on him, either in battle or in punishment. Simple enough! (Though the way he's holding his head in pain is breaking my heart a bit.)
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The next one is a bit trickier (and my shoddy picture quality isn't helping, so if anyone has any higher-resolution screenshots, I'd appreciate it!) - we can make out Wukong fighting someone, staff in hand. His opponent seems quite large and bulky, and their head-shape might suggest the Demon Bull King - but I don't think we ever see DBK in such long, flowing sleeves in this show. Though maybe this is their encounter during the Journey, and those sleeves belong to the green silk dinner jacket the Bull King was then wearing in the original tale?
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Then there's the next one, which just has me utterly nonplussed; it's nearly impossible to make out much of anything in it, since the memory flash is so faint. Those two darker shapes might be a pair of eyes? But if so, they'd be set in a truly massive head, so I'm not sure. Whatever it is, the shape seems to be bound with glowing ropes - so maybe we're looking at our dear Great Sage Equal to Heaven, bound with the diamond snare at his own execution? It's the only thing I can think of, but if you guys have any better ideas, I'm all ears!
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And then there's the last memory flash, which is a lot more straightforward again, but very interesting in its own right. 😌 We see someone's bare, muscled torso, and judging by the overall build and those hair tassels, I'm going to assume it's probably Azure Lion, so-
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...soooooo, hey Wukong! Any reason in particular why you remember seeing Azure Lion's naked tiddies? 👀 Anything you want to share with the class, o Great Sage?
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soapcan18 · 1 year
Can more people PLEASE use the idea that Macaque knew everything between him and Wukong and the Brotherhood was going to happen before it did? Like it just gives me the most diabolical ideas I NEED more people to utilize this theory.
So we all know he’s the Six-Eared Macaque, right? I’m not the most knowledgeable on Chinese mythology, but from what I’ve heard, the whole “six-eared part” refers to his six ears that allow him to hear the past, present, and future, making him omniscient. What this means is that he has the ability to see the future.
Now, LMK doesn’t refer to his six ears much. Heck, they aren’t even part of his design— he has two ears like Wukong (although I do know about the whole “glamor” theory). The only times I can recall LMK explicitly mentioning them is when Macaque is first introduced, when the loud singing sets him off in Benched, and that one lego figurine of him (plus his mech’s design). However, they never say anything to contradict the original ability of his ears in the show, so this won’t stop me from theorizing.
We see Macaque in the Season 4 flashbacks repeatedly warning Wukong and the Brotherhood that “crossing the Jade Emperor is gonna have consequences” and they should “reconsider our options” before they act. However, no one listens to him, and he’s the only one that escapes ruin when the attack on heaven fails. Wukong surrenders, the Camel Ridge Trio is imprisoned, and DBK splits off with Princess Iron Fan.
So, why was Macaque so hesitant towards their plans? Why was he constantly referred to as the most cowardly of the group? Because he KNEW what was going to happen. He was trying everything he could to prevent it, but he couldn’t stop the inevitable. And THIS is where all the beautiful angst ideas comes from.
Everything Wukong said to reassure him in New Adventures? Macaque knew none of it was true, but he so badly WANTED it to be. Tried so hard to believe that things would be different. All those years being friends with Wukong and the Brotherhood? Would end in disaster, yet he still stuck with them until the end. Imagine knowing that everyone you loved would suffer, die, abandon you, KILL you, and no matter what you did that future would never change.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, my friends. Feel free to utilize this concept in whatever way you want, I just needed to organize these thoughts and get them OUT because I’m losing my mind.
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arandombee · 1 year
Guys I have a theory. Throughout season 2 Lady bone demon talks about how she wants to "Erase this world's memory." Now what do we know about memories? The memory scroll. We know based on the end of season 4 that we will be getting a season 5. It talks about how we don't know who gave Azure the scroll. But look at the person we see.
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^They have white hands just like LBD.
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^They also have her signature colors of white and blue
LBD had been the main bad guy throughout the whole series. She was the reason DBK went crazy, she was the reason Spider Queen had power so she has always been there Of course she was "defeted" in season 3. But what if she wasn't? Maybe she was the one who gave Azure the scroll and let him loose. I still don't know how she would be alive and who her new host would be but this seems to make some sense to me. If it is her then we're going to have a whole new problem in season 5.
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looney-mooney · 11 months
Lego Monkie Kid MK theory
Spoilers for season 4 and the season 4 special under the cut!
So we can all agree that MK is a Celestial Primate, right? We're all on the same page about that? Okay, good. Now that we've established that, let's get into the interesting question there.
Which one is he?
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From what I've seen, most people in the fandom seem to agree that he's a new celestial primate, someone who's sort of a class of his own. But this is Lego Monkie Kid, and we all know how much this show absolutely ADORES reusing characters and concepts from the original Journey to the West at pretty much every opportunity.
I'm going to be using this article I found for most of this, but it's pretty much all from the book: https://journeytothewestresearch.com/2022/02/20/a-quick-study-of-the-four-celestial-monkeys-from-journey-to-the-west/
In Journey to the West, there are four celestial primates, two of whom are prominent characters in the narrative and two of whom are presumed dead before we get the chance to meet them.
Sun Wukong is the "Stone Monkey of Numinous Wisdom" (or Numinous Luminosity, depending on which translator you ask), who "knows transformations, Recognizes the seasons, Discerns the advantages of earth, And is able to alter the course of planets and stars." Macaque is... well... "The Six-Eared Macaque," who "has a sensitive ear, Discernment of fundamental principles, Knowledge of past and future, And comprehension of all things." We already know who these two are, so I'm not gonna get more into them.
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The other two Celestial Primates are characters we've never met before, in the book OR the show. The Connected Arms Gibbon, who can "Seize the sun and the moon, Shorten a thousand mountains, Distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, And manipulate planets and stars," and the Red-Buttocked Horse Monkey, who has "knowledge of yin and yang, Understands human affairs, Is adept in its daily life And able to avoid death and lengthen its life." MK is probably a reincarnation of one of these two (if not some sort of bizarre combination of both?)
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There's a case to be made for either of these roles. I don't think he's the Gibbon though, since MK's monkey form clearly has a tail (three of them, even, in his war form!) and Gibbons, as great apes, don't tend to have those. It'd be cool to meet the Connected Arms Gibbon, though!
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Instead, I would like to make the case for MK being the Red-Buttocked Horse Monkey. There's a lot of debate over what species of monkey that's even meant to represent, so MK would be free to be a sort of... amalgamation monkey. The IDEA of a monkey, instead of any specific species, like Sun Wukong himself seems to be. (Plus, he usually wears red pants, so that covers the "red-buttocked" part of the character description lol)
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Not to mention, that "understands human affairs" bit REALLY fits, since he's spent his whole entire LIFE living as a human! Not to mention, one of the very FIRST powers MK struggled with was invulnerability, something that was so powerful it had to be taken away from him (and something even Sun Wukong himself doesn't appear to fully have - he's immortal times a kajillion, but that doesn't mean he can't get beat up!) In a genre that has a lot of "invulnerable protagonist" as a basic element of the storytelling, that's a pretty clever way to hammer home that "avoids death" is an actual POWER of his pretty immediately
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Plus, who's MK's BFF FOREVER? That's right, Mei the Dragon Horse girl. Who better to be the Horse Monkey's bestie?
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But I wanna know what you guys think! Do you think MK is the Red-Buttocked Horse Monkey? The Connected Arms Gibbon? Or some completely new Celestial Monkey the showrunners made up specifically for the protagonist of their show? LMK!
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glazierpops · 5 months
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credit: weak guy or uwuaefelus on Pinterest (i think)
Here's the opening pg to an LMK fic I have started.
It had been a long month but Mk felt like he was finally dragging himself out of his despair and coming to accept what had happened. It had been a whirlwind of devastating events. Happening so fast, that MK didn’t have time to process one after the other. After defeating the Lady Bone Demon and Azer the group had taken a well-deserved brake to relax. Though they all knew something big was coming. After the fight and everyone being able to compare notes. It became painfully obvious that something had pulled strings to get Azer to kill the Jade Emperor. That “something” was coming for all of them faster than they could ever prepare for and would hit MK harder, than anyone else.
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teddy-bear-queen · 1 year
Bro I have to say this I swear-
I see people trying everything to make it seem like Wukong is a lot worse then he is. I understand you like Macaque, I do too! But the entire point of their relationship is that they’re both in the wrong. The difference is, Wukong got, well, character development. It just feels super annoying to discredit Wukongs hard work in JTTW because of things he did prior.
I’m not saying Wukong is some saint, or an amazing person even while the story is taking place, but he is NOT as bad as some of the people in the LMK fandom make him out to be. I assume it’s because Macaque is the goth shy boy (/hj? /lh), but Macaque literally comes out just to manipulate MK and steal his powers. He’s making the exact same mistakes Wukong did, fighting for power so that he can protect himself. Get stronger. Etc.
Season 4 Special Spoilers:
I don’t think Wukong was ignorant in saying that Macaque doesn’t come to help him. I mean, he got beaten by the Jade Emperor and presumably everyone just left him there and ran off. I’d be pretty mad too. Of course, Macaque was hesitant to begin with, and that’s fair. But he was already there, he could’ve tried. But Macaque has a habit of shying away from fights, only really fighting others to settle a score (S1 E9) or if he has to (LBD arc - both working for and against her, but the S1 E9 relates here, too.) I’m not saying this as an insult, more of an observation. He’s not a coward by any means, a coward would be Peng, who leaves mid-battle in fear of being hurt or losing. Macaque finishes his fights (still knowing when it’s reasonable to retreat), but more often then not prefers to prevent them in the first place. (WHICH IS WHY THE DIVORCE SCENE HITS SO HARD, you know he’s been bottling that up ;v;)
ANYWAY back on topic. I definitely think everything Wukong said there was true. I don’t think he was trying to lie or manipulate Macaque by saying “everything I did was for us”. This is further confirmed when we see him later, tired and completely defeated.
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He has nothing to hide here. He’s at his lowest point, stuck in a mountain, tensions high from being abandoned by his sworn brothers, being abandoned by people he held dear. Macaque was trying to be nice, but if I were stuck in a mountain and offered food from someone who left me in such a vulnerable state? I probably wouldn’t take the it either. ALSO. We still have NOT seen these things from Wukongs perspective! Every single time something is revealed from his past, it’s narrated by Tang, Azure, Macaque, etc. Wukong has never (from my memory) spoken about his trials first-hand. This is why I love the guy so much!! What’s going on in his head? How does he feel about these things?
These are such complex characters who have been through so much, so it really bothers me when people look at Sun Wukong and decide to demonise him because of the past which, not only has he moved on from, but we have never even seen his side of the story on. Why did he kill Macaque? Did he kill Macaque? (I’ve seen theories he didn’t, we don’t know rn tho)
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Wukong went through a lot of pain to change. Wukong is haunted by his past and in genuine distress over it. You can’t tell me this isn’t a man filled with deep remorse for his actions.
He’s not perfect, but he’s a hell of a lot better. It just really frustrates me that people disregard and discredit the work he put in to get to this point.
This is really disorganised I’m sorry, I just keep seeing people act like Wukong is the scum of the earth and I honestly just do not get it.
Please don’t send asks about this post, just reblog or comment.
I don’t want to deal with passive aggressive (or just straight up aggressive) people.
As a final note: No, Wukong is not perfect. He’s still a deeply flawed character even with his development. No, Macaque isn’t the scum of the earth. They both have their own problems and they both fucked up. They both did something wrong. That’s the point.
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kuro8566 · 1 year
Spoilers for season 4 and special!!!!!
Okay so I'm rewatching season 4 and I noticed something, through out the season mk has had these contacts with the ink from the scroll and unlike everyone else when they touch the ink they get absorb by the scroll but mk does not. Mk is that only one that when touching the ink us not absorb by it, and when intering the scroll when it goes from black to color
With Mei
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And with Macaque
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It starts with mk!
Also with the scrolls spirit, ink mk, as its talking to all the lmk crew it keeps mk voice through out the whole thing. Also it know mk, like personally knows mk, I know the scroll it a record of history but the scroll is of the time of monkey kings past and as we see we only see Mei, Pigsy, Sandy and Tang's ancestors, JTTW crew, but with mk we don't see that, we see monkey king but it's so far back mk should not exist at that time.
My theory is that mk is a reincarnation of something maybe before monkey kings time and is strong then the curse of the scroll can handle so it doesn't absorb mk but allows him to inter free of will also allows him to leave (somewhat)
That all I have for now, but i feel there is so much we miss in the season that can point to thing in the future
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a3liu2 · 6 months
You guys have probably already heard this but I cannot stress enough how much this is definitely a foreshadow to season five, possibly.
In the season 4 special after they defeat Azure, Yellow tusk says that they look like real heroes. BUT MKS NOT THERE WHEN HE SAYS THAT???
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So either, 1: I'm overthinking this, or 2: MK turns into the mirror image of JTTW SWK. Because in majority of the instances where MK does a big hero scene on his own, there always HAS to be a like SWK reference. ARE WE GONNA IGNORE THAT HE'S WEARING THE FRICKIN CIRCLET IN THIS SCENE??
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Also, to all the people saying that Meis gonna be the Macaque in MKs story; no hate but I just don't see that. Meis a descendant of Ao Lie. From what we've been shown in LMK so far, Ao Lie and SWK are chill guys. So unless MK hits her with the staff 3000, I just don't see it happening without any beef prior.
Maybe MK just won't take anyone's eye out guys, maybe he'll just cook them all and hit Pigsy with the "you're not my dad!" Then run away or smth silly.
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
This is in reference to your most recent post, but I honestly get so confused when people who watch LMK haven't read or at least done research on the source material(JTTW) because I feel like it dampens their experience of appreciating the characters. 
JTTW, which is what LMK is referenced from, is rich with tradition, meaning, and culture. Not understanding JTTW gives you a very one dimensional approach to all the characters but especially Wukong since he is currently one of the only original JTTW figures from the main cast. And in misunderstanding Wukong’s source material means that people really don’t understand shadowpeach like they should. 
Even if we were to only go from the context of the show, shadowpeach started out super toxic. LMAO! These guys were at each other’s throat constantly and were not amicable at all. The appeal is the fact that it is alluded to/shown that these two used to have a very close relationship but something happened to separate them. That’s where the intrigue begins, that’s what gets the gears turning in the viewer’s head. Something happened to make them this way and we want to know! In JTTW canon, Wukong did kill Macaque and it was actively against Buddha’s requests not to. Bro did not care, lol.  I think it is also important to realize that LMK and JTTW are still different BUT it’s honestly quite foolish, in my opinion, to completely disregard the book it is based on. And there’s nothing wrong with fans taking canon things from JTTW and applying it to LMK. Especially if it’s their own fanfiction or interpretation(like your fic). It has been a common theory that Wukong killed Macaque(pretty much since the show started), especially given a lot of the evidence we have been presented with. Disregarding one of the writer’s statements, it’s completely reasonable to make the connection between JTTW and LMK that Wukong did kill Macaque. Especially considering we are shown in the third season a flashback that they did have a violent brawl before his supposed death and subsequent resurrection. 
Shadowpeach IS inherently toxic, especially before there’s any character growth between them, and I personally feel like it’s okay to acknowledge that and embrace it. I understand people tend to gravitate away from any forms of toxicity because, yeah, it feels weird saying you like a ship of two people who hate each other. But that’s the fun thing about enemies to lovers! And shadowpeach has so much more depth to it because it can be interpreted in so many different ways. I wholeheartedly believe that their versatility and depth as a ship is largely the reason why they are one of the biggest ships in the fandom. And their depth comes from the fact that they are inherently flawed characters.  
This need to uphold Sun Wukong on a pedestal he does not deserve ultimately ruins the thing that makes them special. And that's how undeniably human he is. Someone wouldn’t know that just from watching LMK, especially since the show either glosses over the darker parts of JTTW or alters them entirely. Stripping Wukong specifically of the overflowing amount of wonderful source material he has completely dumbs down the beauty of his character. I think playing around with the idea that he did kill Macaque(in regards to LMK canon) doesn’t really change where they come from very much. Idk if anyone else has noticed, but the season 4 special is obviously still not the full picture. That little fight in the mountain is 100% not what makes them hate each other so much. That much animosity for an altercation like that?? It doesn’t make any sense. We still don’t have the full picture, and people are basing their attitude towards each in seasons 1-3 on insufficient evidence. 
Anyway, sorry lol. Seeing people not appreciate shadowpeach for the mess it is makes me so unbelievably disappointed and frustrated(especially if they know nothing about JTTW) and the internet is a great place to bounce off opinions. I promise this isn’t directed towards anyone in particular and it doesn’t come out of anger, I just think there is a common misunderstanding of shadowpeach’s complex foundation and I refuse to stand for it. /lh /nm
Okay, my weird rant is over, haha. I completely understand your irritation with comments like that, though, and I am so sorry you have to deal with them. 
Damn, I don't really have anything to add to this. I think you said it all. I can pack it up and go home LMFAO Can this be my new pinned post
Oh, I will say one thing. The fandom is def afraid or in denial that shadowpeach, in any iteration, is toxic. In order for it not to be, they'd have to be grossly out of character, and then guess what friends? That's not shadowpeach!
But a lot of people do that and are content with that. Which, okay, but stay off my porch LMFAO
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cacophony-eg · 11 months
Hehe what do you think of Season 4 Lmk?
Though I haven't watch it yet but I will watch it when there's English subtitle but If you haved already watch it what do you think? :D
I feel safe answering this now without spoiling anyone.
I really enjoyed Season 4 of LMK, like if you asked me who stole the show, I would not be able to point out just one person or pair.
I even wanna give a shout out the accounting demon, who showed off her badass side protecting Yin and Gin (I swear she’s gotta be their sister, or cousin or some kind of family member cause I can’t imagine her protecting them like that other wise. I also can’t see her being hired help either since Yin and Gin always give this kind of broke as a side walk vibe.)
MK and Monkey, these two balls of sunshine just swell my heart with so much emotions during all their shared screen time.
MK and Mei are the best lovable, supportive, goofballs around.
MK and Macaque with baby monkey had me happy flapping so much. I love how even though Macaque is on the ‘good side’ he hasn’t become goodie goodie, but still tries to help in his own ways, and even became; dare I say, comforting when he saw MK flickering between forms.
Pigsy and Tang not only get great arch’s as individuals this season, but as a pair as well. Season 3 we got to see them really supporting one another but this season showed us how deep these two are dedicated to each other. Label their relationship however you want to, but no one can deny that Pigsy and Tang care a lot about each other (and their shared love of food).
All the interactions between Past Macaque and Wukong have me crying in the corner, both in joy and in sadness.
I would say the only person out of the main cast that got the short end of the stick would be Sandy. I love Sandy but this season didn’t really let him have a chance to shine. Even the ep with past Sandy, was more about Pigsy’s development and character growth then it had to do with Sandy’s. Outside of creating a blimp for the team to travel on, Mo did more than Sandy.
Mo not only hid Tang from the remaining Brotherhood group/ thus showing Tang Azure’s true intentions but was also the one that triggered Sandy’s memories to come back. Now let that sink in… MO the CAT who I swear has Sans from Undertales transportation abilities, had more of an impact on the plot than SANDY.
Even the small cameo that the Demon Bull Family had was a lot more impactful not only to the plot but emotionally impactful as well. Like DBK is such a disastrous Bi, that loves those who can step on him. Getting to see the beginning of PIF and DBK’s romance was a treat that I’m so glad was given to us. I think PIF only had one line this whole season, but that soft loving and fearful worry as she says ‘my love’ hit me in the feels so hard. SHE ONLY HAD ONE LINE BUT THIS QUEEN MADE IT COUNT FOR SO MUCH! Then poor Red Son not only had to watch both his parents get ripped away (AGAIN!!!!) I would say he got the most horrifying sucked into the scroll scene out of anyone this season. Azure really did not hold back on his hate for BDK’s and PIF’s Son. I say this, as I’m 90% sure Azure’s hate towards Red Son is more about Red Son being a product of BDK’s and PIF’s union than about Red Son personally. (So glad the bull family was part of the beach scene at the end of the S4 special, they needed this Vacation Day just as much as he main cast. Like can we go at least one season without tearing down/apart this family that’s trying to recover from not only their individual trauma but their group trauma as well? Please!)
Also it was just so cool seeing Red and Nezha standing side by side, readying themselves for the battle to come. (Not quite as cool as the shot of Red standing side by side with Macaque, but a close second.) I have feelings and theories revolving around Nezha and this season that I will save for a later post.
Inky, or Ink MK was such a delightful addition to the antagonist group, with so much potential and versatility, that I’m hoping we see a return of them in some form or another in the coming season.
Peng was is such a fun, bitchy love to hate you character that really made the most out of every single frame they were in.
Tusk is a little harder, he really didn’t get much time to show his personality till the special. (Outside of the fact that he likes to give big hugs <3). Thankfully the special did give use a better look at Tusk, and show off not only his more reasonable side, but how deeply he cares about his friends, even after he was captured he doesn’t regret him and his friends intentions. But I feel sorry for the big guy as I feel he must be feeling retry lost now that’s Azures gone and Peng seemingly abandoned them. I bet poor Tusk didn’t put up much of a fight when he was captured, cause he probably doesn’t even know what to do with himself now that all he values so dearly is gone.
Now for Azure, sweet heaven and hell, Azure Lion. I…. I am not normal about him. I haven’t been this not normal for an LMK character since Possessed Wukong, and anyone who fallows me knows how that turned out. I’ll probably do a post just in dedication of Azure, because that lion boy has got me feeling so many feelings, but right now I am still not okay from his ending so please send Azure fanfic suggestions, to help aid in my recovery.
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avatarpabu97 · 1 year
LMK Theory and speculation
Ok! I think I know how some parts of the season 4 special or season 5 or whatever we’re getting is going to go.
Since the scroll plates clearly came from the realm of darkness or the realm of the dead. The noodle gang will probably make a journey down their to get Wukong’s plate fixed.
Which’s means they’ll probably end up back in the scroll. Maybe it ends up being special trials for the Noodle gang and that’s how they get the special matching outfits.
This means we’re going to see one particular memory At least since they based a set off of it.
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The Dragon of East Palace
If the noodle gang end up being separated and they all get the golden weapons and save Wukong via trials of the scroll. MK’s trial maybe set in where Wukong got the staff. Which was originally a pillar that held up a river in the OG novel.
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The box set even depicts Wukong mischief and his tea time with Ao Guang.
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My guess this is where MK either restores the Monkey King or has to prove his worth for the trials. Or he ends up just observing the events that transpired.
As for the golden weapons and the matching outfits the Noodle gang get I believe their enchanted items to help them fight Azure Lion and whoever else is the big bad for the next season or special.
Does this look like an egg to anyone else.
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tanya-shiza · 2 months
TanyaG's outfits & Bone-Spider-Bots theory // LMK
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As promised, here is the first huge post! I made 4 outfits for myself. 😃
Outfit №3 differs from outfit №1 only in mask from the bone-spider-bot and possessed bones tied to the body. I come up with this idea completely by accident, when I had been thinking about what if I stayed in Megapolis while MK and the heroes were traveling around China for the entire 3rd season? It is absolutely obvious that it cannot be that absolutely every resident of the Megapolis was frozen/trapped in ice. The Lady Bone Demon set also includes a bone-spider-bots, which are apparently updated spider-bots from the Spider Queen. And the idea came to me that they could patrol the city and make sure that every living soul was frozen... or neutralized 😃
I also like the idea of how Lady's bots, as opposed to Spider Queen's spider-bots, use possessed bones for fuel, not the Queen's venom. Why do I think possessed bones is fuel? It's about the pot... 🥲
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It's literally a pot . . .
The bone-spider-bots weren't featured in the series and probably are not canon, but the series did show a moment where Bone-Mech looked like a spider filled with bones.
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all photos were taken from wikipedia: [LINK]
The remaining question is how does the disguise work? This is a bit of a headcanon. In Season 3's Special Episode - Embrace Your Destiny we get a brief glimpse of Sun Wukong's POV. Being possessed, he now sees the whole world in blue. (I'm headcanoning that the Mystic Mayor also sees everything blue- Someday I'll make a post with the Mystic Mayor headcanons-). In Season 2 Episode 5 - Minor Scale when Lady threatens MK, he begins to see everything in blue either.
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I dare say that bone-spider-bots also see everything in blue. A mask is only needed so that the bot accepts you as one of them. A possessed bones were needed in order for the color of dead souls to hide your living soul behind their bright blue radiance(?).
Is it safe? Well, how safe is it to carry bones that is possessed by evil angry souls? 😃
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acoraxia · 11 months
Hello (first question(s) ever asked)
How do you find ideas to post? And when you do, how do you keep inspiration to finish it and post it?
Also, what are your thoughts on the LMK season 4 special? (Or just season 4 in general)
Thanks. Have a good day :]
OH wow hello!
Okay when it comes to finding out what to post... I just usually have a quick thought and post that in as a little "update" or whatever (considering tumblr is a blog based website) but when it comes to heavier/lengthier posts like writings or headcanons or theories I actually just write them out in one go and post it. I have a ton of ideas sitting in the back of my head and I sometimes figure I should just... get them out or else I'll never do it.
It's different for everyone but I say if you have a thought and it's fun then just.. share it. It's your blog and you should be able to do anything with it.
As for LMK S4... it was fine.
I still prefer S3 but it was enjoyable.
Thank you have a good weekend
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