#(i only started watching in '21 ftr)
sortanonymous · 6 months
Life as a Truex fan these past 22 race weekends
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darkarfs · 4 years
My 10 Favorite WWE Matches of All Time (updated)
10: The 2001 Royal Rumble No matter how daft and stupid the product gets, I will never not stoke my head in around January. The Royal Rumble is my favorite match, but this one is my favorite favorite instance of that match. The pacing, the beautiful endurance of Kane, the hardcore interval (which Kane just decides to destroy), the Big Show returning after 4 months just to get shit-canned a minute into his run. There is so much to love about this mess. The preview of Rock and Austin that year for their Wrestlemania showdown. The fact that 4 or 5 of them (Rock, Austin, Kane, Undertaker, even Rikishi) could have been main event contenders. The best midcard in WWE history. Scotty 2 Hotty having the worst night of his life. Drew Carey just showing up. Bradshaw just cliffing everyone, because he's gotta get his shit in. Good Rumbles are like a 3 course meal, and this one is like all your courses at once, and then dessert is a treat you could die on. 9. Tyler Bate vs. WALTER - Takeover Cardiff Crowds make a lot of matches for me (thanks, 2020) but this crowd is especially electric, and for 24-year-old Tyler Bate, who is taking on a TANK, and that tank's name is WALTER, a TANK. But I will never not be a sucker for a David vs. Goliath story, and it was never better told than the boy made of thighs vs. the destroyer made of shattering palms. It is SO CARNY, so many feats of strength, so many OOOOOFS AND UUUUUURGHS that make this so great. Tyler was a hero on this night, but everyone knew he wasn't ready to win. Every feat is a magnificent reach. And it all means something to everyone. Make them what they know SHOULD happen and still surprise them with it. His "refusing to quit!" only to get shut down by a fucking chop. HE STANDS but is immediately ruined. It makes me. This shit fucking makes me. 8. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, 30-Minute Iron Woman Match - Takeover Respect Most of this is just a remix of their epic and warranted classic in Brooklyn. but then Sasha takes the headband off of Izzy. And then they both stepped it up and were *amazing*. We somehow lost Bayley's "RAAAAAH'S and that's sad for me. But then they RAMP IT UP. NOBODY LIKES YOU. FUCK YOU. WE'RE HAPPIER NOW. (WE'RE NOT.) But seriously, Sasha taking Izzy's headband and then THROWING IT AT HER started something special, something grand. THE OUTRAGE. The bastion of heel heat. And then the match got better. They hugged at the end of their encounter in Brooklyn, but then they started poisoning one another. And it all started with this amazing match. (Also, Bayley's amazing red and gold robot tights.) 7. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 21 Listen. HBK's 'Mania outings with the Undertaker are solid "match of the decade" contenders, piss-easy. They are peerless, they are in a league of their own. But saying they're your favorite? Unless you are an actual wrestler, that's like saying "UH, MY FAVE BAND IS THE BEATLES." Ya boring, ya basic, and we can all do better. And seeing how I'm in my late 30s, I understand wrestling a little different than I did when I made this list in...2016??? Christ. I bet AJ Styles vs. John Cena was on it that year. Two of the best performers, both in their prime, and looking back on it, I just prefer the mix of character dynamics at play. Angle is easily one of the best in the world, but he has such an inferiority complex, because he's an Olympic gold medalist who is told *nightly* that he sucks, and he CAN'T best Michaels. He keeps coming back, and he's so charming, so effortlessly good at this whole "wrestling" thing, and it's slowly making Angle, who SHOULD be all of those things, absolutely *spare.* And that informs so many spots and story moments in the match itself, specifically when Angle LOSES it and starts shouting at him, only to have a superkick partied under his face. Angle is one of the best ever because his wrestling acumen served his character, never once defined it. 6. Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon, Wrestlemania 17 I haven't gone back to watch the whole of Vince vs. Shane THAT many times. What I have done is watch the finish about 65 times. There is something so addictive and magical about that one pop, when Linda stands up from her chair, and the ENTIRE crowd stands with her. And I'll 100% agree that Vince's comeuppance - one slap, one hoof to the balls, a Mandible Claw and a Coast-To-Coast dropkick - is not NEAR the actual comeuppance he should have gotten for some of the deplorable shit his character got up to from around the Rumble to this match (two of which they've done their very best to scrub from history, they're THAT bad.) But it's the purest example I can think of, of that pantomime aspect of wrestling. Vince McMahon is a deranged bastard. He likes dumb, cruel, crude things, but his commitment to being the world's 2nd-worst lizard man makes some of the stuff that happens to him more richly rewarding than almost any retribution in any medium, ever. The final 4 minutes of that match, the crowd is a fireworks display. They rise, they explode, they rise and explode, over and over. And again, shoutout to my boy 2020 for making me miss a crowd THAT big having THAT good a time. 5. Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver New York Now look, I'm not saying that NXT is essentially perfect for me, in terms for what I look for in wrestling. What I will say is that when it cooks, it combines the very best of indie stamina, choreography and stunt work with something WWE sometimes gets VERY right, and that is unabashed, unironic emotion. And it's not even that the intimacy of NXT being a smaller promotion has a denser, more specifically passionate fanbase. It's just the fact that NXT understands that so often, nuance and drama in wrestling doesn't come from promos, or swerves, or endless escalations of said drama, but from getting the FUCK out of the way and letting two of the best in the world *wrestle.* NXT is so good for providing context for the acts of jealousy, pride and entitlement, and then laying out a match that touches on all of these emotions throughout. This main event, built in two weeks, after a terribly-timed Ciampa injury, is actually VERRRY clever booking...disguised to look really simple. Cole starts the match as the crowd favorite, because he's the cool tweener everyone likes (with a catchphrase) to Gargano's unironic Disney prince. Over the course of Cole going all out, making subtle references to Johnny's feud with Ciampa, Gargano fighting from underneath, total fuck-off bastardry from the Undisputed Era (making poor Mauro Ranallo yell "YOU SNAKES!!") Maybe Cole WAS the better choice, but by the end of it, you didn't care. On that night, Johnny refused to lose, and the constant, exciting, *involving* wrestling dragged you to that emotional place. Damn right, you deserve it. 4. CM Punk vs. John Cena, Money In the Bank 2011 It might be a simple choice, but also, sometimes, it's really really gratifying to see a crowd who wants something get what they fucking want for once. A hot crowd makes a good match great, and a great match THIS. A crowd united, either for one guy, and against another, and in this case, BOTH. It makes every. Move. Matter. Trying to find a new angle on this match is like trying to find a new way to say fire is warm. And this crowd created a CAUSE. The no-sold pinfall, the attempted rehash of the Screwjob. Point out the botches if you must. The angle, the promo...it got my friends back into wrestling, a reason to care until the Shield. It's not the best, but it deserves to be. There is no wrestling crowd I wish I was more a part of. And I was at King of the Ring 1998. 3. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar, 60-Minute Iron Man match, Smackdown of September 18, 2003 It MAYBE was a bit of a "hipster" choice to name this my number 1 in 2016. But you know what? Bloody holds up. Two performers who feel "destined to do this forever," like a Triple H/Shawn Michaels, or a Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn. Possessed of freakish physical charisma, could go for days if pressed. Brock Lesnar, literally at the time ONE OF THE BEST ATHLETES in the WORLD being a lazy fucker and taking DQ points, laying the foundation of what Brock Lesnar would come to be known as. And Angle, in that rare position of everyone knowing he's the best thing going. Brilliant Lazy Asshole Brock and Certified Wrestling Machine Angle are two of my unironic favorite characters in all of wrestling, and it's a buffet of THAT. Like a Royal Rumble, only it's just two dudes, being the best they've ever been. 2. DIY vs. the Revival - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver Toronto "Tag team wrestling?" says main roster WWE. "What is this...tag team wrestling?" Well, this is it, at its absolute best. It's up there with Rey Mysterio and Edge vs. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle from No Mercy 2002 for just brilliant, rock-solid tag team psychology. There are more story opportunities when there are more rules to break, how can WWE *not get behind that?* In terms of chemistry, both between opponents and between teams, in terms of callbacks like Johnny muscling through the exact same inverted figure four that lost them the belts in Brooklyn. It is a perfect match. Not an ounce of fat on it. And that closing sequence, of each member of DIY locking the Revival in their signature holds, and the men now known as FTR clinging to one another. It's probably the best tag match in the history of the WWE, and considering the caliber of tag matches on TakeOvers, is FUCKING saying something. 1. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar, Survivor Series 2018 This match is everything I always hoped for. For the longest time, after the 2015 Royal Rumble debacle, when Reigns won, when simply everything we knew about storytelling said "no, of course it should be Bryan," I wondered what that 'Mania match would look like. If it were anything like this, I would have died a happy man. But then again, what makes this match so GOOD is that Bryan had just come back from an early retirement caused by head and neck surgery, and here he is, being dropped on his head and neck by Brock Fucking Lesnar, aka what would happen if the concept of "not giving a shit" gained corporeal form and starting shilling for Jimmy John's. The match gets really ugly, really fast, and Bryan takes us to uncomfortable places with his selling. It wasn't just the retirement angle, it was also the fact that Brock had turned out some REALLY lazy shit by that point in his career, so we had all mentally prepared for another finish-spamming early night. And then. AND THEN... Bryan hoofs him in the walnuts, hits the running knee, gives us the absolute closest 2-count of the decade, and then the fight is fucking on. Bryan went, over the course of 2 minutes, from never having a chance against Brock Lesnar to it being an *absolute certainty* that he was going to BEAT BROCK LESNAR. Anytime you visibly leave your seat every few seconds during a match, you know it's a special one. Again, it took me away, had me absolutely *screaming* at my monitor, elated, invested, and I don't know what more your favorite match can ask of you. But what happens when your favorite match isn't a match at all? No. 0: The Firefly Funhouse - Wrestlemania 36 I'm not kidding, it actually might be my favorite thing. It could be just my brain latching onto the Cult of the New, but I don't think so. It's not a match, I get it. It exists in a weird null-void outside of time and space, but mostly I am floored that they would broadcast something so virulently anti-WWE. Like, we talk of CM Punk and how WWE let him get away with all his little jokes and cut his little Pipebomb promo. But then WWE signed off on Bray Wyatt tearing the soul out of their business. Burying the biggest star of this generation, skewering and laying bare all of terrible WWE's terrible priorities, and also celebrating insider knowledge, wrestling history, and I just...love it. Right now, it's my favorite thing WWE have ever put out, because it did something they've never done before, told a story I didn't think they were capable of telling. And sure, it was Bray who told it, but I still can't believe it aired. But I am endlessly thankful that it did.
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wrestlingisfake · 4 years
Full Gear preview
Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston - Moxley is defending the AEW men’s world championship.  (He’s also the IWGP United States champion, but that title is not at stake.)  This is an “I quit” match, so the only rule in effect is that the match cannot end until one participant verbally concedes the match; the other participant thereby wins and will be the champion.
Kingston is an unlikely headliner for such a stacked show.  Despite a long and storied career, he’s mainly known for his work on the indies, and his reputation among wrestlers who hold his work in high regard.  It took him until 2020 to get to this level (when he was on the verge of retiring), and even now that he’s in the majors he’s not a top contender.  Lance Archer “eliminated” him to win a September 5 battle royale for a title shot, but the elimination was a blown call.  Kingston bellyached about the finish until he was granted a title match of his own, which Moxley won by ref stoppage.  Kingston continued to make excuses, and had his “family” beat down Moxley.  At this point, Mox is so pissed at his former friend that he’d probably demand this second title match even if Kingston hadn’t issued the challenge.
A big part of this match is that wrestling fandom has woken up about how great Eddie always was, and there’s a lot of excitement about him possibly disrupting the AEW topcard to score a rich reward for 18 years of hard work.  But to me the real selling point here is that it’s an “I quit” match where I genuinely believe both guys would rather die than say the words.  When WWE does these matches, they usually have a heel give in to cowardice, or a babyface surrender to save a friend in distress, or some screwjob with a tape recorder.  I don’t think any of that stuff is going to happen here.  These guys are going to endure some sick shit just for the sake of pride.
I think Moxley has to win and retain the championship, which means he has to make Kingston verbally quit.  I don’t know what the fuck Mox can do to achieve that condition, but it should be fun/gross finding out.
Kenny Omega vs. Hangman Page - This is the final match in an eight-man elimination tournament to determine the next challenger for the AEW men’s world title.  Page defeated Colt Cabana and Wardlow to get here, while Omega defeated Sonny Kiss and Penta El 0M.
I was gonna run down the whole Hangman Page saga, from the day he lost to Chris Jericho to the day Omega walked out on him.  But then AEW did that “Don’t Know What You Got (Till It’s Gone)” video, so now any summary I can provide seems superfluous.  The point here is that Page fell into depression and let his friends down, so Omega broke up their tag team to return to singles competition, and now they’ve managed to cross paths once again.  Is Omega slowly turning heel?  Will he complete that apparent heel turn by mercilessly destroying Page?  Or can they work out their problems in the ring and shake hands when it’s over?  We’ll soon find out.
The smart money is on tonight’s show setting up Jon Moxley vs. Kenny Omega.  However, I don’t think AEW needs to get to that destination right away, so we could potentially see a Page win here to keep the story going.  Expectations are high for this match being very, very good.  Will the story be enough to put it over the top?  I’ve got a good feeling that it will, and that the icing on the cake will be an upset by Page.
Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood vs. Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson - Wheeler and Cash are FTR, the AEW tag team champions.  Matt and Nick are the Young Bucks, and they earned this title shot by winning a four-way match on October 21.  Matt Jackson has vowed that if the Bucks cannot win this match, they will never again challenge for this championship.
This match has been in the making for years, going back to when Wheeler and Harwood (as Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson, the Revival) emerged as rivals for the Bucks’ status as the top tag team in pro wrestling.  “Fuck The Revival” became a running joke on the Bucks’ Youtube show, right up until Wheeler and Harwood got their releases from WWE in order to come here.  FTR stands for the kind of old-school wrestling that the Bucks thumb their noses at, and FTR’s gimmick is that they bitch just like the kind of old-school wrestling fans who thumb their noses at the Bucks.
The Bucks have been trying to win the tag title since it was first introduced, but they’ve always managed to come up short.  After FTR manipulated Hangman Page into screwing them out of a potential title shot (clearing the way for FTR to win the gold), the Bucks snapped and started trying to regain their edge.  This hasn’t really made a lot of sense, though, because instead of getting more ruthless and intense against their opponents in the ring, they’ve just been behaving like dicks to non-wrestlers backstage.  If their bad attitude had directly led to them getting this match, I think the story might have landed better; as it is, they were selected literally at random to enter the 10/21 four-way, so it didn’t really make any difference.
The stipulation has people buzzing because a) Cody Rhodes had a similar stip a year ago, so we know it’s not a joke, and b) Matt Jackson is working through a knee injury, so it may not make sense for him to win a championship right this minute.  I suppose it’s possible that Matt knows his in-ring days are numbered and this stip is the beginning of the end of his career.  But I think it’s more likely that they just want to set up a scenario where we know the Bucks are behind the 8-ball, to build to more drama when they finally win the belts.  The knock against a Bucks title win is that it’s too soon for FTR to drop the title, but then again I think it would work for the two teams to trade the championship back and forth for a few months.  I’m going with new champs here.
Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose - Shida is defending the AEW women’s world championship, after somebody finally remembered Rose exists.  I’m fine with some major title matches in AEW being thrown together without an epic drama behind them.  But in this case it’s just annoying because everything in the women’s division feels thrown together without much consideration.  I’m guessing Shida retains to keep everything on the same treadmill it’s been on.
Chris Jericho vs. MJF - This is a rare heel vs. heel battle.  If MJF wins, he will be permitted to join Jericho’s stable, the Inner Circle. I was curious what MJF’s next move would be after losing to Jon Moxley on September 5, and this is it.  He’s been angling to get into the group through a series of goofy skits, and he’s assured Jericho that he will do anything to win this match.
The main intrigue here is that the Inner Circle seems divided on whether they even want MJF to join.  Sammy Guevara and Ortiz are so down on MJF that they tried to take him out so he couldn’t get to this match.  Jake Hager and Santana are apparently cool with him, or at least uncommitted.  Jericho acts like he sees MJF as a kindred spirit, but he’s too wily to trust the guy, so his real intentions here are unclear.
The easy way to book this is for MJF to do “anything” by way of convincing some (or all) of Jericho’s lackeys to help him win the match and kick Jericho out of the group.  I think the only fans who aren’t expecting that are the ones who think it’s too obvious.  Of course, any such breakup doesn’t have to be on this show, so everything could be civil here and then the big angle happens in six weeks, or six months.  One way or another, though, we’re going to see how far MJF is willing to go to win, and we’ll be starting the next chapter of the story.  And I really think that chapter has to begin with an MJF victory.
Cody Rhodes vs. Darby Allin - Cody is defending the AEW TNT championship.  This will be their fourth match; Cody currently leads the series 2-0-1.  It feels like they’ve been building up to Darby getting a big win over Cody, and I don’t see the point of going back to this match now unless that win’s finally going to happen.  If Cody retains I think it’ll leave a sour taste in everyone’s mouth, regardless of whether it sets up a Darby win down the road.  So I sure hope Allin wins, because I can’t imagine what else will work in this context.
Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara - This is being billed as “The Elite Deletion,” and I’ve heard it was pre-taped, so I’m guessing it will be a mini-movie kind of match like Undertaker vs. AJ Styles.  Matt Hardy fans will of course recall that he was doing that kind of nonsense before it was cool, going all the way back to 2016′s Final Deletion in TNA and 2018′s Ultimate Deletion in WWE.  (How many deletions can one guy have?)
Everybody knows Hardy and Guevara have had a string of bad luck in their feud, with blowoff matches getting cut short or botched spots leaving Matt injured.  They were supposed to settle things once and for all on September 5, but that turned into a trainwreck so I guess they decided to call a mulligan on that.  The best thing you can say about this match is that, because it’s pre-taped, you can be assured that if anyone got severely hurt it would already be in the news, which makes it easier to watch.
I can’t remember Matt ever losing a mini-movie match, and I don’t think he’ll lose this one either.  Even if I’m not sure how one wins an elite deletion.
Orange Cassidy vs. John Silver - After going 2-1 with Chris Jericho, Cassidy made three unsuccessful attempts to win the TNT title, so he really needs to regain some momentum with a win.  Silver is a prelim guy, so he should be perfect to put Orange over...except there’s a lot of buzz around Silver lately, which is probably what got him booked for this show.  I don’t think Silver can win here, but watch for them to do some stuff to let him look good on his way to doing the job.
Serena Deeb vs. Allysin Kay -  This has been announced for the pre-show.  Deeb is defending the NWA women’s world title, as part of an ongoing collaboration between the NWA and AEW.  What makes this unusual is that Deeb recently signed with AEW, and Kay recently announced her NWA contract has expired, so no matter who wins the belt will be in the hands of an outsider.  I expect this is something of an AEW tryout match for Kay, and if so I doubt she would win here, but I’m rooting for her to do well because the women’s division can use all the help it can get.  I think Deeb retains, although I have no idea what that means for the future of the NWA women’s division.
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The 9-8 ~ S3 Ep15
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Just pretend that the entire thing with Stevie didn't happen.
y/n - your name
y/s/n - your surname
y/f/n - your full name
y/e/c - your eye colour
y/n/n - your nickname
*Jakes pov*
"Are you serious? We have to share the already cramped bullpen with another precinct?" I ask, not believing what I'm hearing.
"Yes. And you will all behave," Holt says, as monotonously as ever. This is gonna suck. And I'm gonna have to have a desk buddy. Ugh.
"As long as they don't touch our microwave, we're good," Hitchcock (unhelpfully) inputs. I can practically hear Rosa's eyes rolling.
*when the 98 arrive*
"Here they are. The 9-8. Anyone got any info?" I ask, the rest of the 99 behind me.
"I do." I don't think I need to mention who even answers my question.
"Why am I not surprised, Ames? What ya got?"
"Pretty much that they're all lazy and unorganised. I went through some of their reports and most are worse than yours."
"Except for one detective, Detective y/f/n. They singlehandedly took down a major drug case. But that's not all, I'm not sure which is better, but they also helped take down Colin the Cereal Killer AND have a binder filled with every case they've ever solved!"
"Did you say Colin the Cereal Killer?! The guy who left no fingerprints or weapons at his crime scenes, only empty cereal boxes?! That Colin the Cereal Killer?! I call dibs on having them as my desk buddy!"
"Too late, I already called dibs. Besides, you didn't talk about the binder!"
"Amy, you're the only one who cares about it," Rosa inputs.
"She's not wrong," is one of the many responses Rosa gets, all agreeing with her.
"You guys don't know real fun then," Amy 'sasses'.
"Why is there a party in the break room? Get back to work. Now," Holt says, interrupting our conversation/argument about y/n. "Except for you, Diaz. Come with me."
*Rosa's pov*
I follow Holt, not saying anything. We arrive in his office in which stands a man who I assume is the 98's captain and a detective.
"Detective Diaz, this is Detective y/s/n. You will be partners while the 98 is working here," Holt explains.
"Hi, I'm Rosa," is all I say.
"y/n, glad to be working with you, Detective Diaz," they politely respond.
"I've chosen you to work with Detective y/s/n as Amy would freak out about the binder, Jake would drive them away, and so would Charles."
"Understandable. What's our case?" I ask.
"You don't have one yet. You both have the rest of the day off to try and get to know each other."
"Ok. What do you wanna do?" I ask y/n.
"Go to Shaw's Bar?" they reply, asking if I'm alright with it.
"Sure. We taking your car?"
"I've only got a motorbike."
"Cool, so've I. What type?" I ask.
"An Indian FTR 1200."
"Holy crap."
"You wanna drive it?"
"Yes! I mean sure," I say, a smile falling onto my face for a millisecond.
"Get going then?"
My desk partner and I are gonna get on well, I can already tell.
*Jake's pov*
"What are they saying?" I ask Amy, hoping her lip reading skill will come in handy.
"Holt's assigned y/n to Rosa! Why wouldn't he assign me, I'm the best detective in the precinct!" Amy exclaims, shocked.
"Are you though?" Charles asks, wheeling his office chair over, giving Amy a look and putting his hand out for me to fistbump (which I obviously accept).
"His words, not mine."
"Hey, Santiago, Peralta, Boyle, this is Detective y/f/n. They're my partner while the 98 are here," Rosa introduces.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you all. You must be Amy, Jake and Charles. Captain Holt's told me all about you guys."
"What did he say?" Amy asks, an expression of fear arriving at her face.
"Well, he said that you, Amy, are a neat freak and will freak out about my binder, he said that Jake is a childish, big headed yet big hearted idiot and that Charles has a... way with words, and a peculiar diet. However, he did also say that you were amazing detectives and it'd be awful without any of you."
"Yeah, what was it like when I went undercover in the mafia for 63 days? Was it boring?" I indiscreetly brag.
"It was awful, JP, terrible," Charles announces.
"63 days in the mafia, you say? Impressive, but not quite a year with basically the equivalent of Hydra. I've seen some things."
"That's so cool," I gasp in awe, not even caring that I just got one upped.
"I'm just gonna ask what you guys are all thinking. How did you catch Colin the Cereal Killer?" Rosa bluntly asks.
"I got all of the cereal boxes he left at the crime scenes and noticed either a dot or a dash at the bottom of them, so I put all of the same cereal boxes together and it was, clearly, morse code. It took a while as there was no way to figure out the order of the Cereal boxes or exactly what letter it was, but I managed to decode it to an address, which happened to be his favourite bar. So, I went undercover to try and find out some information about him from locals and the owners. I eventually found him and went on a 'date' with him to make sure it really was him. Then I arrested him."
"And how old were you when you did that?" I ask.
"When I first became a detective so... when I was 21."
"21?!" we all scream at once, causing the other detectives to stare at us. One of them even stopped talking and getting china models out to glare at us.
"Yeah," they mumble, looking at their watch. "Hey, we should get going, Rosa. You ready?"
"Sure. We'll see you losers later," Rosa states, walking away with y/n.
"They're amazing."
*y/n's pov*
*at Shaw's bar*
"Hey, Rosa?" I ask to grab her attention.
"Mhm?" she says, acknowledging what I said.
"Do you think I'd be a good fit at the precinct?"
"Definitely. Everyone likes you. Why?"
"Because I want to transfer precincts. The 98 Captain's already given me permission, I just need to find a precinct and we all got on so well back at the precinct. I've never had a conversation like that at the 98, they're all jerks and it's nice to be with people who'll listen and give some useful input."
"Debatable, but then again, you haven't met Hitchcock and Scully yet, so. And I'm sure we'd all love to have you join."
"Thanks Rosa. I'll get some transfer papers and ask the rest of the 99."
"You don't need to."
"Why not?"
"Because we all like you. And you have both mine and Holt's seal of approval, you're definitely good. Just apply. In fact, don't tell the others and surprise them. They'll love it."
"Ok. I trust you. I'll get the papers ASAP. I can't wait.
"Just a heads up, you'd probably have to work in a desk opposite Boyle."
"Does he just talk about Jake loads?"
"Yeah. But if you start talking about him to Boyle, Boyle won't stop bugging you for a while."
"Tell me about the rest of the squad."
"Amy, as you know, neat freak and is obsessed with binders. She's also Jake's ex. They broke up mutually, agreeing that it was effecting the work environment for everyone, but they're friends and it's not awkward. Jake is a very childish detective. He's quite sarcastic too. And smart but dumb at the same time. He's very messy and gets a lot of ants in his desk since there's so much food that he never threw away. Speaking of food, let's move on to Boyle. He eats a lot of weird food and is a food fanatic. He even has a weekly email newsletter rating pizza places. And he has a category for mouth feel."
"Mouth feel?"
"Yup. He also says a lot of stuff that unintentionally makes people uncomfortable and will mention his 'buttholes'. Long story short, he saved my life by getting shot in the butt. Hitchcock and Scully. You've not met them yet and you'll soon wish you never did. Sergeant Terry Jeffords, he was out of field for a while but is back now. All you really need to know is that he loves yoghurt. A lot. He won't let you even touch it. Then we have Gina. Holt's assistant and a phone fanatic. She originally got a job here because her and Jake grew up together. She insults Amy a lot but she's cool. And finally, Captain Raymond Holt. We get on well, never discussing feelings. He just got back after being promoted to head of PR. But then he just came back one day and no one knows why."
"This is all a lot to process at once. I'm gonna guess that people don't know lots about you then?"
"Wait, you're not gonna try and pry information out of me?"
"No, why would I?"
"Everyone else normally tries to. I appreciate that you respect my life choices."
"No problem. Want another beer?"
"No thanks. We should get going, it's getting late. Wanna crash at mine? It's close."
*The next day*
Rosa and I walk into the bullpen together, me laughing at something she said. Everyone turns to me, wondering why I'm laughing.
"What?" I ask. "It was a funny joke."
"Rosa told a joke?" Amy asks, seeming surprised.
"Is that not normal?"
"No!" gets yelled simultaneously by the 99 workers.
"You want to see them get freaked out?" Rosa asks me, smirking. Oh no.
"Ok," my mouth disobeys.
"They crashed at my place last night." After Rosa says this, everyone stares at me with their jaws literally dropped.
"You guys should close your mouths. After all, we wouldn't want you to swallow flies, would we?" I sass, taking the opportunity that was handed to me on a silver platter.
"I know three things about Rosa, and one of those things is that she does NOT let people crash at he place. Are you a hypnotist?!" Jake gawps.
"I must be, because y'all seem to be in a trance right now," I playfully respond, sending a playful wink Jake's way.
"Make way for their highness, Detective y/f/n," Gina announces, bowing down to me. I let out a small laugh at the interaction we all just had and Rosa and I make our way to Captain Holt's office and try to open the door, only to find that it's locked.
"Diaz, y/s/n," Holt's voice announces his presence behind us. "I apologise that we're not in my office but I've been locked out."
"Sorry, Captain. The Deputy Inspector does that a lot. Could we maybe go somewhere more private to speak though?"
"Somewhere where Amy can't read everyone's lips preferably."
"Of course. We can go to the roof. I'll lead the way."
*After a brisk walk to the roof*
"What did you want to talk about?"
"Sir, I was wondering if it was possible for me to transfer to this precinct. Permanently."
"Of course. We'd be delighted to have you join the team," Holt accepts.
"Thank you. But may I ask you a favour, please?"
"Of course. However I can't promise that I'll be able to fulfill it."
"All I ask is that you keep my transfer a secret. I'd love to see everyone's faces when they find out."
"If you wish."
"Also, could we maybe get a case to do?"
"Oh, of course. The case that I prepared for you two is a murder. I can't remember the address unfortunately. I think Gina has it though. I'll let you two get it." And with that we all walk back inside. What I see shocks me slightly.
"Detectives, Gina, what are you doing?" Holt asks.
"Huddling," Jake responds, his answer, however, sounding more like a question.
"We wanted to have one of those team talks like they have in the movies," Terry answers.
"Ok. But I suppose we should join then." Holt, Rosa and I join the huddle, however everyone seems hesitant.
"Do you want me to leave?" I ask, worried that something happened.
"No, you don't have to. Now continue your team talk Terry," Jake answers. Terry glares at Jake discreetly, but not discreet enough that it misses my detective eyes.
"Well, get out there today, and do the best you can. If you don't bring anyone in, don't worry! You tried your best, and that's all that matters. 99!" Terry says, yelling the last part, making me flinch slightly, alerting Jake next to me.
"99!" everyone yelled in reply and unhuddled.
"Hey, y/n, could I quickly talk to you?" Jake asks.
"Yeah, sure."
"Are you alright? What happened there? Why did you flinch?"
"It just surprised me, that's all," I lie.
"y/n, I'm a detective. I know your lying. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I completely get it."
"Fine. But it's stupid. It's just that I've never really been a fan of shouting, and it was really sudden and sometimes my teacher in school would randomly go from a normal voice to yelling loads." Jake doesn't respond, he only pulls me into a hug.
"Oh y/n, it's not stupid. Of course it's not. I completely understand. Everyone here would."
"Thank you, JP. You don't mind me calling you that, right?"
"Go ahead."
"Thanks. Y'know, you're a really sweet guy."
"Hey, y/n. We should go. I got the address from Gina," Rosa informs me.
"Right. I'll see you later, JP," I say softly, giving him a kiss on the cheek and then walking away. Did we have a moment? I walk up to Rosa, ready to get going and I see a smirk on her face.
"So, you and Jake, huh?" she asks, bringing butterflies to my stomach. I roll my eyes, before a smile makes its way onto my face.
"Let's go, Rosa."
*At the crime scene*
"It looks like she was strangled. Look at the marks on her neck. And it looks like it was a piece of rope, if we're going based off of the marks. We need to try and find it. I'll check the bedroom and bathroom, you keep looking," I say to Rosa. She nods in reply.
I walk into the bedroom and start looking around. Rope, rope, rope. Aha! Under the bed. I start to inspect it, to make sure it was the right size when someone puts a bandanna in front of my neck and starts strangling me. Crap, this is terrifying. Wait, y/n, remember your training. I muster up all of my strength and push my foot back to kick them where the sun doesn't shine. My plan works and they let go, falling to the ground. I read them the Miranda Rights with a raspy voice, still short of breath and put them in handcuffs. I guide them back into the main room. Rosa hears the door opening and looks my way, immediately making her way over to me.
"Oh my god, are you ok? What happened?"
"Tried to strangle me... kicked her... arrested her."
"She tried to strangle you? I'm gonna kill you."
"We need to... interrogate... her first..."
"Go home, y/n. You need to rest. You're in shock and short of breath. I'll call the precinct."
"No, I'm fine... I'll... survive..."
"Fine. But only because I know that I won't be able to convince you otherwise. You're too stubborn for your own good, like me."
"Thanks. I... appreciate it... Let's go?"
"We're going to the station and I'm gonna make sure you get life in the most high security prison for life. You hear that, bitch?" she spits at the perp.
"Calm down, Rosa."
*At the precinct*
We arrive, ready to put the perp in the holding cell, only to find that everything's fallen to chaos.
"Oh for crying out loud. HEY! ALL OF YOU!" I yell, making everyone stop what they were doing. I get up on a desk so people an see and hear me better. "WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?! WE'RE MEANT TO BE CIVIL COPS, AND I RETURN FROM A MURDER SCENE, AT WHICH I WAS STRANGLED, TO SEE THIS! I'M DISAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU! APOLOGISE TO EACH OTHER! NOW!" I hear a murmur of apologies in reply, some people still wide-eyed at the concept that someone tried to strangle me. "Good. Now back to work, all of you," no one moves. "NOW!" Everyone sits back at their desks. "Sorry for standing on your desk, JP," I apologise, getting off.
"Someone tried to strangle you? Who? I'll rip their face off?!"
"Don't worry, Rosa's got it sorted and I got her before I got any major injuries. I was just short of breath for a bit.
"Oh, thank goodness. I am not strong enough to rip someone's face off," he jokes. I smile in return.
"Why did that fight start though?"
"Oh, someone that works for the 98 tried to take Gina's phone off her and it all escalated from there."
"Oh, that makes sense. But to be honest, just between you and me," I start, before motioning him closer and whispering in his ear, "everyone at the 98 is a bit of a dick." He laughs in response.
"y/s/n, may I talk to you for a minute? In private, I mean," Holt asks, taking me outside. "I have the papers you wanted and have signed all I need to, and got the 98 Captain to sign the parts he needed to. Now all we need is your signature," he informs me, after taking me back to the roof. I eagerly sign the papers and hand them to him. "Welcome to the 99." Call me Pinocchio, but I swear I saw a flicker of a smile on his face.
"It's an honour to join."
"By the way, after the incident today, the radiator broke, so the 98 is moving again. Today is supposed to be the last day that the 98 is here. You can figure out how you wish to play out the surprise, but Rosa and I will say nothing unless you ask us to."
"I only had a simple plan. I was only going to suggest that you introduce me as you would with any other detective. In briefing, announce that there will be a new detective and then I'll walk in."
"Brilliant idea, Detective. I'll see you in the morning. As your new captain, I order you to take the rest of the day off and rest. I imagine that it was quite traumatic, getting strangled by the victim's sister."
"She was her sister? That bitch! Did she murder her own sister?" I ask, my eyes wider than an oreo.
"Yes, she did. Rosa says that she confessed almost immediately. Rosa intimidated her that much."
"I'm not shocked."
"Oh, and take another detective with you. After all, you should get to know your new co-workers better."
"Thank you, sir." We both walk back inside and I go to say 'goodbye' to the detectives that work in the 99. "Bye, Sergeant. I hope we meet again one day."
"We'll miss you, y/n."
"Goodbye, Boyle. It's a shame I didn't get to know you more."
"It's been nice to meet you, y/n."
"Amy. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure." She seems quite shocked that I'm asking to talk to her.
"Your Captain has given me permission to spend the rest of the day with a detective. Would you want the rest of the day off work and hang out at my place? I'll show you my binder."
"I'd love to!"
"Great! Let's get back to the others now, I have a few more people to say bye to." We walk back, Amy with a smile plastered on her face.
"Why're you so happy? Did a guy finally sleep with you?" Jake jokes.
"Bye, Jake. I'll hopefully stay in contact with you in some way."
"Where're you going?" he asks, confused.
"I've been ordered to go home and rest for the rest of the day and today's my last day at the precinct."
"Oh. Well, I wish the best for you. And, before you go, I was wondering..."
"Never mind. It's nothing."
"Ok? I'll miss you JP." I once again kiss him on the cheek. "Bye Gina. We're still going to a Beyonce concert together one day, right?"
"You know it."
"y/n! y/n, I've just been told that I have to arrest this guy with Jake. Can I meet you at your place?"
"Sure! What's your number? I'll text you my address." She tells me her number. "Oh, I forgot to say bye to Rosa! I'll just say bye quickly. See you later, Ames."
"Bye, Rosa. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See ya, y/n."
"What do you mean 'see you tomorrow'?" Charles asks, obviously eavesdropping on the conversation.
"We're meeting up tomorrow, that's all," Rosa says in her normal voice. He looks at me for confirmation and I just nod.
"Alright, I'm actually going now. Bye everyone!"
"Bye!" everyone says in response. I step into the elevator. They have no idea, do they.
*Time skip*
I hear a buzz, indicating that someone wants to come in.
"Hello?" I ask.
"y/n? It's Amy."
"Hey Amy, come on up," I say, buzzing her in. I then hear a knock on the door. "Come in, Amy."
"Hey! Thanks for inviting me around."
"It's no problem! How was the arrest? Did you get them?"
"Yeah, but Jake seemed really bummed the entire time and whenever I asked why, he brushed it off."
"Oh. That's weird. He was going to say something to me when I was saying goodbye but then dismissed it. That must have been what was bugging him. Unless something's happened in an hour and a bit."
"That must've been it because I was with him straight after he talked to you and he looked like he was gonna cry and/or punch himself in the face. Do you have any idea what he was gonna say?"
"No. He just said 'I was wondering' and then 'never mind'. It could've been anything really." I say this, however I hope that he was gonna ask me out.
"You like Jake?!"
"No! Where did you get that idea from?!"
"You just said it."
"Did I?"
"Yes. You said 'I hope that he was gonna ask me out'."
"Crap. Fine, I like him, but I'm not expecting anything to happen, don't worry."
"Why would I worry?"
"Because Rosa said you two went out and it's weird to go out with your friend's ex."
"y/n, it's fine. If anything ever happens with you two, I won't mind. We've both moved on and it was mutual."
"Thanks Ames, but I still doubt anything would ever happen. That's just my luck with love: I'm about as lucky as someone who walked underneath a ladder on Friday the 13th who opened their umbrella inside and put new shoes on a table. Anyway, wanna see my binder?"
"I'd be honoured."
"Also, no one's ever seen inside it other than me so don't tell anyone what you see in here. Some of the cases in here and beyond imagination. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Ok then. Here we go..." but just as I'm about to open the binder, Amy's phone goes off. She looks at her phone and then me.
"It's Charles."
"Answer it." She sighs and accepts the FaceTime.
"What do you want, Boyle? I'm a bit busy so this better be important." While she says this, I mouth 'don't tell him I'm here' and I know she'll understand because of her lip-reading skill.
"Yes, it's very important, Amy. Jake's having a crisis!"
"About what?"
"y/n." My eyes widen at the mention of my name.
"What about y/n?"
"He was gonna ask them out when they said goodbye but backed out last minute. He's so mad at himself and scared and upset that he'll never see them again to tell them how he feels. It's awful! We have to find them!"
"I've found them," I say, alerting Charles of my presence.
"Oh... hi y/n. How much of that did you hear?"
"All of it. Is that why he was so bummed when he was with Amy?"
"Charles, get Jake on the call but whatever you do, you can't let him know that I'm with Amy. I need to hear this from Jake himself."
"Fine. But you owe me; I hate lying to Jake."
"I'll get you a free meal at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant."
"Deal. I'll call you back in a few minutes, and I'll have Jake." And with that, he hangs up. Amy stares at me and gives me a look.
"It looks like your luck with love has turned upside down." And cue blush.
"Amy, I need a favour. Do not get me in frame at all in this call. I'm going to listen and that's all. Jake cannot know that I've heard his confession.
"Ok? I won't question it. I trust you." Amy's phone starts ringing again. "It's Charles."
"Damn, I'm terrified, Ames." Amy answers the call, making sure that only she is in view of the camera.
"Hey, Jake. So Charles tells me you have y/n related problems," Amy says casually.
"Yup. I hate myself for not asking them out when I had the opportunity. Especially since I'm never going to see them again."
"Have you tried watching Die Hard while eating take out?"
"Yup. It's not helped. I just keep thinking that I'm an idiot and can't focus. They'd never like me anyway. I mean, I'm a messy mess. Literally and figuratively." I so badly want to scream 'I like you, you dork,' but I manage to control myself.
"Dang, what's happened to you, Peralta? You never get this hung up over someone. You must really like them, despite only knowing them for 2 days."
"Yup. There's something about them that draws me to them. Maybe it's their amazing y/e/c eyes, and the way they glimmer in the light. Or the fact that they can gather everyone's attention by using their charm, immediately making others fascinated and draw them in. Everything about them is perfect. And the two times when they kissed my cheek, I went insane inside, but I now that it was a friendly gesture."
"Jake, listen. I don't want to make you more upset, but you never know unless you try. I mean, think about it: every relationship started by one person asking out another. And it's not like it would be awkward if they said no: they're not our co-worker, you probably won't see them again."
I quickly send a text to Amy because I can tell what she's about to do. The text reads 'You can't tell him that you have my number. I'll tell you why soon.' Amy quickly reads the text and sighs.
"So, at least, now you know for next time. Now, try going to sleep. That might help."
"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Ames. I guess this kinda helped."
"Bye." Amy hangs up.
"y/n, I need an explanation. Now."
"Fine. The truth is, I'm transferring to the 99. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow. This was all supposed to be a surprise but now there's tea."
"That makes more sense. But anyway, let's look in that binder."
"Let's do it."
And we don't talk about the precinct for the rest of the night and Amy crashes in my spare room.
*The next morning*
Amy's already at the precinct and I'm about to leave. I'm terrified. How's everyone gonna react? How's Jake gonna react? Ugh. The relationship drama has really given this a new, bad twist. It's time to leave now. I'm not ready. Then again, when will I ever be ready for something like this?
*At the precinct*
I'm outside the briefing room, out of everyone's eyesight, waiting for my cue.
"And to conclude our briefing, we have a new detective. Please, come on in. Everyone, be nice to them and make them feel welcome," Holt introduces.
I step into the briefing room, all eyes on me and am presented by everyone wearing a shocked face (except for Rosa, Holt and Amy).
"Hi," I say to break the silence. Suddenly there's an eruption of cheers, making me flinch again. Then a crowd of people sprint at me and pull me into a group hug.
"Hey guys, yeah, I work here now. And, uh, could you maybe not scream like that, please. It just reminds me of something from when I was younger. And Charles, you're hugging too tight." Everyone backs away and apologises profusely. "Don't worry, guys. You didn't know. Don't feel bad."
"Detective y/s/n talked to Detective Diaz on the first day the 98 were here about transferring and we did the papers yesterday. Detective y/s/n is now a detective for the 99," Holt explains. "They wanted it to be a surprise. However, I see that Detective Santiago knew as well. Did you tell her, y/n?"
"Yes, sir. There were unforeseen occurrences last night that lead up to me telling her."
"Ah, I see. Now, briefing over. You are all dismissed." Everyone gets up and to their desks while I walk over to the captain.
"Sir, which desk is mine?" I ask.
"The desk opposite Detective Boyle."
"Thank you."
As I walk over to my desk, I see Jake pull Amy aside and make a mental note to ask Amy about it later. I take a look at Jake. He doesn't look alright.
"Hey, Charles, is JP alright?" I ask, concerned.
"Honestly, I don't think so. He got no sleep last night, and he got here early. Early. That never happens. He's always fashionably late."
"Detective y/s/n, I need you and Detective Santiago to go on a stake out. It won't be very long, don't worry. We've had a tip off that a huge drug deal is going on this morning. Not sure why they're doing it in the day, must be imbeciles."
"Of course, sir. We'll get going ASAP." I start heading over to Amy and Jake so we can get going for the stake out.
"Hey, Ames. Holt needs us to go on a stake out this morning, a huge drug deal's going down. We need to get going. Hey, JP. How are ya? Did you get any sleep last night? You look like you could fall asleep at any moment." I ask, pretending that I have no idea what they were talking about.
"I'm good thanks. I just stayed up all night trying to figure out a case."
"Cool! Did you solve it?"
"Oh. Well, you better get some sleep in. You may be able to sneak a few naps in here and there today," I say, only half joking, putting a wink in at the end.
"I'm glad you're working here, y/n. You're really gonna add something to the team," he says, not so subtly adding the second part in in a panic.
"It's gonna be so fun, I already know. I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go. See ya later, JP."
"Bye y/n/n." y/n/n. I like that.
*On the stake out*
"I've not done a stake out in so long, I'm quite happy to be doing one again. Especially since you're not a dick like the detectives in the 98," I say. Amy laughs in response.  "Hey, Ames. What specifically were you and JP talking about before I came over?"
"He wants to ask you out but is afraid that the relationship will end like mine and his did."
"Oh, ok. Understandable. If he asks again, tell him to just go for it. If he doesn't ask me, I'll ask him. At the end of the day, we won't know unless we try."
"That's good advice to live by."
"It's also risky. I'm honestly surprised I'm still alive." Amy laughs again in response. "There's movement. Eyes on the drugs, let's go, Ames." Amy and I get in and arrest the parties involved. No one really puts up a fight, surprisingly. We take them to the station, along with the drugs.
"Can I write the report? I love writing reports," Amy asks.
"Sure. Go crazy. I'm gonna talk to Jake."
"Good luck. If he blushes, take a picture for me for blackmail."
"Will do." I walk over to Jake, who's playing snake (really badly) on his computer. "That's a very interesting report, JP." As soon as Jake hears my voice, he closes snake and turns his office chair to face me.
"Hey, y/n, what's up? Yeah, my reports are going amazing."
"Can I talk to you? In private? Please?"
"Sure." He takes me to the evidence room, so we can speak with no one hearing us. "What's up?"
"Is it true that you like me? As in, like-like?"
"Pfft, what gives you that idea?"
"Charles said it last night and you said it to Amy when I was right next to her last night."
"That was your apartment? Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Not a problem. Hey, was that Captain Holt? We should go."
"Jake. I'm serious."
"Ok, fine. I like you, but I get that you just want to be friends."
"And where did you hear that?"
"My brain."
"Well, my brain says that your brain is wrong and that I like-like you too."
"Oh. Listen, y/n, as much as I want this to happen, it didn't work out with me and Amy, so it probably won't work out with us."
"I'm not Amy though. And we won't know unless we try. It's a risk I'm willing to take." Instead of saying anything, Jake just kisses me in response.
"Let's take the risk then."
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The Intervention Team - CS AU Week 2K17 - Day 2: Crossover AU - OUAT/Glee
Ok. I’m posting this a day late mainly because I don’t like it. I decided to hell with it though! I think I want to do a serious rewrite of this at some point though.
This isn’t even really a “crossover au” per-se. But I’ve know decided that I really want to write OUAT and Glee crossover fics. FTR: It has been a while since I watched the season of Glee with them in NY with Adam Lambert and all that so my continuity with canon is not good. But there’s other things I’m just ignoring anyway. So that’s that.
 “What did you forget now Elliott?” Kurt slid the door to his apartment open, expecting his friend and bandmate to be the one knocking.
Well, the blond girl standing in front of him most definitely was not Elliott Gilbert.
She stood on the other side of his door, a huge smile across her face. She didn’t look like Kurt remembered, but it was definitely her. “Emma!” he shouted happily as he pulled her into a hug. “What are you doing here?”
She smiled at him even brighter. “I got into NYU! I’m transferring in for the second semester. I just arrived in New York today and there wasn’t a single thing better I could think to do then go visit Kurt Hummel.”
Kurt shook his head slowly. He was still amazed that she was even here! “Emma Swan, I am so happy you are getting out of Lima,”
She laughed as she made her way inside. “Trust me, no one could possibly be happier than I am.” She did a small little twirl. “This is a pretty nice place.”
“The place is nice, but I could definitely use some better roommates,” Kurt said with an eyeroll.
“Oh,” Emma made a wincing face. “That’s right, isn't it? You have the pleasure of living with the amazing Miss Rachel Berry and the most satanic of all devils, Santana Lopez.”
“God, I’ve missed you Emma Swan.”
“Oh me too!” She hugged him again. “Now tell me what’s new in the world of Kurt Hummel!”
They plopped down on the couch, Emma stripping off her red leather jacket as they did. “Well,” he began, “you know that NYADA was a bust.”
“Don’t be silly Kurt. NYADA’s the one missing out. There’s no way you’re not getting in if you apply again. No. Way.”
Kurt hummed noncommittally. “You’re one to talk. You were absolutely convinced that I was guaranteed to get into NYADA the first time around and just as convinced that no college would ever accept you.  Now look where we are.” He raised an eyebrow.
“Alright. I’ll admit that I was wrong. I know you though. I know that you wouldn’t have let a rejection from NYADA keep you from taking NYC by storm. Tell me what you’ve been doing!”
“Well, I have a job at a diner. It’s real cute. You’ll have to come by sometime. I’ve also got an internship at Vogue.”
“You do not!” Emma whacked his arm.
“I do.” He shrugged and held back a smile. “I also started a band.”
“You have been one busy bee Kurt Hummel. I wish I could say the same about me.”
“Oh come on Emma. I know Lima’s not the most exciting place in the world, but you're special. Something must have happened, especially if you decided to head on here to New York.”
Emma hesitated. She’d always been a very private person.  But this was Kurt. He’d always been there for her. He was the one who’d convinced her to join Glee. He was the one who found out she was pregnant. He was the one who had stood by her through everything. He would be happy for her. “I-” she took a breath. “I broke up with Neal. For real this time. And forever.”
Kurt reached out and took her hand. “Are you okay?”
She nodded quickly. “Yeah, of course.”
“I thought Neal had left Lima.”
“He did. He came back though.” She shrugged. “He’s working for his dad now. It seems like he’s going to be staying in Lima for a while. I’m not though.”
“I’m glad.” Kurt gave her a small smile. “I’m so happy you're here.”
“Me too,” she sighed happily.
There was a knock at the door. Kurt rolled his eyes but got up to open it. “I swear, Santana if you forget your keys one more time-” It wasn’t Santana behind the door. “Oh! Elliott,”
“Hey Kurt,” the other man greeted cheerfully. “I’m not Santana,” he laughed, a small smirk pulling at his lips. Kurt just raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry but I think I left my phone here. At least I’m hoping I did. I got back to my place and couldn’t find it anywhere.”
“Come on in. Look around.”
“Thanks, Kurt. Oh!” Elliott had spotted Emma. He looked between Emma and Kurt. “Sorry. Am I interrupting something?” he joked.
“This is Emma Swan. She’s a friend from high school. She’s moving to New York. And Emma, this is Elliott Gilbert. He’s one of my bandmates.”
“Kurt has mentioned you so many times. It’s nice to have a face to go with the name.” Elliott walked over to Emma and offered his hand. “And welcome to New York!”
“Thanks.” She hesitated for a moment but did shake Elliott’s hand. She and Kurt hadn’t talked much since he left for New York, but she was certain that there had never been any mention of an Elliott Gilbert. He certainly wasn’t the type that she would have expected Kurt to hang out with. Although he was cute and Emma would bet anything that he was gay. “So, how did you and Kurt meet? Do you go to NYADA or work at the diner?”
Elliott laughed. “A huge no to both of those. Kurt and I meeting was purely because of the band. It was all chance really. I’m a student at NYU and I honestly never even thought about going to that diner until I knew Kurt worked there.”
“You go to NYU?”
“Yeah,” Kurt interjected. “Emma’s starting at NYU. There you go Em, you’re already making friends.”
Emma eyed Elliott a bit warily, but he just smiled at her. “I would love to talk to you both, but I seriously do need to find my phone and run. I need to see a guy about a gig.” He turned to Kurt. “I’ve got this friend, he’s my tattoo artist actually, and he works at this bar that hires local bands to play live music. I think this might be a chance for us.”
“I’m going to trust your judgement on this one.”
Elliott wore an exaggerated look of surprise on his face.”Kurt Hummel is letting someone else make a decision? Did I step into an alternate dimension somewhere?”
Kurt whacked him playfully. “Get your phone and go. I want some time with my friend.”
After Elliott had raised his phone in the air accompanied by a triumphant shout, he had quickly hugged Kurt, waved goodbye to Emma, and left with a promise to call Kurt as soon as he had news on the gig.
“So,” Emma started after Elliott left, “what’s going on there?”
“Where?” Kurt looked at her, bewildered. Emma nodded toward the door where Elliott had left. “Elliott? You think there’s something going on between Elliott and I?”
Emma’s eyes answered well, duh!
“Elliott and I are just friends. We’re good friends.”
“Hmm. Is he gay?”
“Yes.” Kurt answered begrudgingly.
“And single?”
Kurt sighed but nodded his head, resigned.
“You know me Kurt. I believe that all romance ends in heartbreak. Guys simply aren’t worth it. I also know you, though. I know you believe in all that romantic drivel. I also know that the confident Kurt Hummel I knew back in senior year wouldn’t be letting that slip through his fingers.”
“There’s a lot of gay guys in New York, Emma. Elliott is a friend.”
“Alright, alright. But, you do remember my superpower don’t you?”
Pamela Lansbury officially had a gig two weeks later. Kurt insisted that Emma come along. She wanted to. First of all, seeing Kurt perform again would be worth a trip to New York even if she weren’t transferring. And maybe there was a small part of her that wanted to support Rachel and Santana. Also, Elliot had made a decent first impression, but if he was a potential boyfriend for her best friend, then she was going to need to find out a bit more about “Starchild”.
That’s how Emma Swan had found herself sitting in a bar (despite being under 21 and having no desire to drink) on a Tuesday night.
Somehow, she’d also ended up sitting right next to a friend of Elliott Gilbert. She just hadn’t known it at first.
“They’re actually pretty good,” he remarked beside her after they had played their first couple songs.
“Of course they’re good,” she’d said.
He looked over at her. “Is that so, love?”
His endearment definitely rubbed her the wrong way. “Why shouldn’t they be good?” She turned to face him. “Just because they’re students doesn’t mean they can’t be good. More than half of the music you hear on the radio nowadays is by artists who made it big before they were even 21.”
“Woah, woah, lassie. I never said I expected them to be bad. Quite on the contrary, I was hoping they’d be this good. It’s just my first time seeing them is all.” He gave her a weird look. “What are you? Some groupie?”
“No!” she said, insulted. “I just have friends in the band.”
“Really?” he quirked an eyebrow. “So do I.”
She looked him over. He was obviously handsome. He definitely had a certain style though. He wore dark eyeliner and a good amount of leather. His ears were pierced and most of the skin Emma could see was covered in tattoos. So, was he Dani’s friend? Or Elliott’s? “Who?” she asked simply.
“The tall dark haired one,” he pointed to Elliott. “Elliott Gilbert. I’ve known him for years now. Half of his tattoos are my art. You know him?”
Emma wasn’t sure what to say. “We’ve only met briefly. I really haven’t talked to him. I was hoping to get to know him better tonight.”
“So who are you here for?”
“Kurt Hummel. I guess I’m also here for Rachel and Santana, but it’s really just for Kurt.”
Killian nodded his head. “So that’s why you want to know more about Elliott.”
Emma was surprised but tried to school her features back to neutral. “What do you mean?”
Killian laughed. “You want to know if Elliott is good enough for you friend. Don’t worry. I won’t tell either of them. After all, part of the reason I wanted them to have a gig here is so I could observe your friend Kurt. Elliott’s been bringing him up quite a bit lately.”
Emma eyed him again. “So are you getting the same vibes from the two of them that I am?”
“Are you getting the “just friends” line?”
Emma and Killian shared a look.
“Maybe they really are just friends. The, shall we call it chemistry, on stage is a bit difficult to ignore though.”
Emma snorted. “They can deny it all they want, but eventually they’re going to have to face the truth. Even if it means we have to stage some type of intervention.”
“Killian Jones,” he stuck out his hand. “Your devilishly handsome Kelliott teammate.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“Of course not love. I am most definitely devilishly handsome.”
So yeah. That was barely any CS. Emma is also super OOC. This needs a rewrite so badly!!!! (maybe next week?)
I also have a graphic for this universe that I will hopefully get up tomorrow.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
AEW All Out 2020: Date, Time, Card, Matches, Roster, Price, and How to Watch
There were some growing pains, but All Elite Wrestling has been able to hold its own during the days of COVID. In their last PPV, Double or Nothing 2020, they played up the situation with what’s probably the best ever use of the cinematic wrestling match gimmck with the Stadium Stampede. Now they’re getting ready for their next big PPV, AEW All Out 2020.
There’s some history behind the name of this PPV. AEW’s prototype show back in September 2018 was called All In, which centered around various wrestling promotions and indie talent working together. AEW officially launched a few months later and around its anniversary they had the first All Out. It gave us the crowning of the first AEW Champion in Chris Jericho, an all-women Casino Battle Royal, the surprise debut of Orange Cassidy, and the first (and hopefully not last) Cracker Barrel Clash.
As we prepare for the new edition of AEW All Out, here’s what you need to know about this year’s PPV:
The show will take place on Sept. 5 at 8pm ET at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Presumably, there will be a Buy-In pre-show at 7 pm.
In North America, the show is available on B/R Live. Internationally, you can check it out on Fite.TV.
AEW All Out Price
If you’re watching through FiteTV AEW All Out will cost $49.99. If it’s through another PPV provider, the price is $59.99.
AEW World Championship
Since joining AEW, Jon Moxley has been undefeated in singles competition and it helped him springboard to the top and dethrone original champion Chris Jericho. Moxley has defended the title against Jake Hager, Brodie Lee, Brian Cage, and Darby Allin. So far, nobody’s had his number.
But then there’s Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Like Moxley, his win/loss record is virtually untouchable. His only losses have come in battle royals, a four-way, and a tag match. At no point has he been pinned in AEW. With major wins over guys like Cody and Jungle Boy, MJF truly deserves a high-profile shot at the title.
MJF also feels that not only is he needed as champion but as the true leader of the locker room. MJF’s ascent has taken the form of a political campaign. He and his pet muscle Wardlow also tried to get Moxley to lose his title to Darby Allin (presumably an easier opponent to win the belt), but Moxley retained regardless.
Moxley retaliated by dropping MJF with the Death Rider. MJF and his lawyer have been insisting that the Death Rider be banned from their All Out match. Moxley agreed to sign the contract, but also put in an extra page claiming that he would get a singles match against MJF’s lawyer first.
The match was, as expected, very one-sided and Moxley destroyed the lawyer. Afterwards, Wardlow ambushed Moxley and MJF followed soon after. MJF bloodied up Moxley and posed with his title belt.
Mimosa Mayhem Match
Ever since Orange Cassidy casually walked through an Inner Circle promo, Chris Jericho has had his problems with the mellow slacker. This led to a match between the two that Jericho won, thanks in part to his teammates interfering. Orange goaded Jericho into a rematch, mostly because he spilled gallons of orange juice onto him from the rafters. Angry at how his $7,000 jacket was ruined, Jericho agreed with the rule that if Jericho won, Orange had to pay him back for the jacket.
Orange defeated Jericho in the rematch. A week later, when Orange was being interviewed, Jericho came out to congratulate him. Since they were 1-1, Jericho offered a special kind of rubber match. Mixing Orange Cassidy’s love for orange juice and Chris Jericho’s love for “the bubbly,” they would surround the ring with a moat of mimosas. Their match can only be decided by pinfall, submission, or throwing the opponent into the mimosa pool.
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Is MJF Ready for the AEW World Title?
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Orange accepted and immediately after, he was beaten down by the Inner Circle. Jericho poured out several bottles of his champagne over Orange’s head. A week later, as Jericho did commentary for Dynamite, the show ended with Orange racing out and brawling with him.
AEW Women’s World Championship
Shida won the AEW Women’s World Championship at Double or Nothing against Nyla Rose. Unfortunately, due to the state of AEW’s women’s division, Shida’s potential challengers either already had their chance, are injured, or aren’t up to the standards of getting a title match. Shida asked for someone to step up.
Thunder Rosa answered. The current NWA Women’s Champion has intent to make her AEW debut by becoming a double champion.
AEW World Tag Team Championship
This one has been brewing for a while. After losing his chance to be the first AEW World Champion at last year’s All Out, Hangman has wanted out of the Elite. Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks still considered him a friend and that feeling of comradery meant never really respecting his decision. As they were concerned, he was always going to be part of their group…whether he liked it or not. This helped Hangman fall into a downward spiral of drinking, but he also started to gain some success.
Hangman and Kenny won the tag titles and defeated all comers. This included a match against the Young Bucks, which seemed to surprise even Hangman. Between that victory and having to band together against the Inner Circle at Double or Nothing, Hangman seemed to have some sense of peace with his Elite teammates. As he put it, he loved them, but just didn’t really like them.
Enter FTR, formally known as the Revival. For years, people have wanted to see them take on the Young Bucks. They played friendly enough with the Bucks and had a couple moments of conflict with Kenny, but they really got their hooks into Hangman. Hangman became an apologist for every shitty thing FTR did.
This all culminated in a tag team gauntlet between the top ranked four teams. Afraid of having to face and potentially lose to the Young Bucks, Hangman cost them the match. FTR ended up winning in the end. Never getting a chance to explain himself, Hangman proceeded to get chewed out and yelled at by the Bucks, who said that he was no longer part of the Elite and no longer their friend.
A week later, FTR mocked Hangman and said that they barely needed to nudge him. While Hangman is pissed at FTR, he also realizes that Kenny is just as disappointed in him as the Bucks.
Winner Gets an AEW World Championship Match
Introduced at Double or Nothing 2019, the Casino Battle Royale is a 21-man Royal Rumble with a twist. Each wrestler selects a playing card from a deck of 21 cards. Every five minutes, five wrestlers will enter the fray, bundled together by the suit they all drew (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs). After the first 20 have entered, there’s another five minutes of waiting before whoever drew the joker makes his entrance. Elimination only comes from going over the top rope and having both feet hitting the floor.
As it is right now, the entrants include Darby Allin, Ricky Starks, Brian Cage, Lance Archer, Eddie Kingston, Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix, the Butcher, the Blade, Shawn Spears, Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn, Jake Hager, Santana, Ortiz, Chuck Taylor, Trent, and four others.
Broken Rules Match. If Matt Hardy loses, he must leave AEW
Due to being key parts of the Elite vs. Inner Circle feud, Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara have been at it for a while. Once that faction war blew off, Matt was very open about how he thought Sammy would be better off by himself than with Chris Jericho. Sammy didn’t take this well and the two started messing with each other’s matches. This culminated in Sammy beating Matt into a bloody pulp, including a projectile chair to the skull that busted Matt open.
Matt became obsessed with getting his revenge. The two had a Tables Match on Dynamite and although Sammy won, he also suffered a huge gash on his head. Now the two will face off in what is basically a Last Man Standing bout. If Matt loses, then he’s out of the company.
Nearly week after week, Cody defended the TNT Championship against all comers, whether they were from AEW or the indies. This was starting to take its toll, as shown when he teamed up with Matt Cardona against a couple Dark Order flunkies and when he barely won against Scorpio Sky. This was when Mr. Brodie Lee of the Dark Order chose to make his own challenge.
A week later, Brodie absolutely destroyed Cody. Cody didn’t even get a lick of offense in. The new TNT Champion celebrated by further injuring Cody. He and his cronies spent the week drinking and eating a lot of Chili’s (it’s…a long story).
When celebrating further on the next Dynamite, the Dark Order was interrupted by Dustin, QT Marshall, Scorpio Sky, and Matt Cardona. A brawl ensued and Cody’s friends and family won out. Now the top members of the Dark Order (Brodie, Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, and Colt Cabana) will face them at the PPV.
In the final show before All Out, an eight-man tag was put together of Young Bucks/Jurassic Express vs. Private Party/SCU with the winning team facing each other at the PPV. Thanks to some impressive teamwork, the Bucks and Jurassic Express came out the winners. The Bucks came off seeming more annoyed than anything else, still angry about losing their title shot.
Tooth and Nail Match
Due to a bad leg injury, Britt Baker abruptly had to be removed from Double or Nothing. Rather than hide out and return months down the line, the wheelchair-bound Baker had become an annoying fixture on AEW Dynamite. Eventually, her attitude got the attention of Big Swole, who proceeded to kidnap Baker and throw her into a dumpster. For a while, Swole was banned from the building, but has been welcomed back, ready to get her hands on Baker once she’s able to compete. Swole won a 3-on-1 handicap match to earn a shot at Britt and even pick the stipulation.
Big Swole announced it would be a “Tooth and Nail Match,” but before she could explain what that was, Baker and Reba attacked her. Baker revealed that she no longer needed a wheelchair to move.
Check back for more information on AEW All Out 2020 as we learn more!
The post AEW All Out 2020: Date, Time, Card, Matches, Roster, Price, and How to Watch appeared first on Den of Geek.
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